W9-VffFV "jfunmuwwmwn'' HiHIMBfr THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. it a (4 - 'V - l - PHANTOM SHIP - OR The Flying 44 - 4 - hM - - :H - CHAPTEU I. About tho middle of Ilia seventeenth century, In tho outnklrts or tho Binall but forttned town of TcrnciiBo, Bltti tod on tho right bnuk of tho Scheldt, and nearly opposite to tha Island of Walchcron, thcro woa to ho neon In tdvnnco of a few other even mores humblo tenements, n small but nent cottngo, built according to the prevail ing tasto of tho time. Tho outside front bad, Bomo years back, been painted of deep ornhgc, tho windows nnd Bhut tern of a vivid green. To about three foot nbovo tho surfneo of tho earth, It was fuccd alternately with bluo and whlto tiles. A Bmnll garden, of about two rodn of our measure of laud, anr roundod tho edifice; and thla llttlo plot was flanlccd by u low hedgo of privet, nnd encircled by a moat full of water, too wldo to bn leaped with ensc. Over that part of tho moat which wna In front of tho cottngo door whs n small and narrow bridge with ornamented Iron hnnd-ralls, for tho security of the panEcnger. Hut tho colors, originally co bright, with which tho cottngo had been decorated, hud now faded; symp toms of rapid demy were evident In tho ivlndow-slllB, tho door-Jambs nnd other woodon parts of tho tenement, nnd many of tho whlto uud blue tiles had fallen down, nnd had not been re placed. That much caro had once been bestowed upon tills llttlo tenement was os evident as that latterly It had been equally neglected. Tho Innldo of tho cottage, both on tho basement and tho lloor nbovo, was divided Into two Inrgcr rooms in front, and two Riniillcr behind; thoiooms In 'front could only bo called lingo In com parison with tho other two, as they wore llttlo mora than twelve feet quare, with hut ono window to each. Tho upper floor was as UBiinl, appro priated to tho bedrooms; on the lower, tho two Gmnllcr rooms wuro now imed only as a wnnh-houun nnd n lumber ,room; whllo ono of the Inrgcr was llt ted up as n kitchen, nnd furnished with drcuflcrs, on which tho metal utensils (or cookery shonn clean nnd pollnhcd bb Oliver. Tho loom Itself wna scrupu lously neat; but tho furniture, as well as tho utensils', wero scanty. Tho boards of tho floor were of n pure whlto, and so clean that you might havo laid anything down without fear of soiling It. A strong deal table, two wooden-seated chairs, and n,snmll easy couch, which had boon removed from ono of tho bedrooms upstnlrs, were all tho movables which this room con tained. Tho other front room hnd been fitted up as n parlor; but what might bo tho Btylo of Its furnlturo wan now unknown, for no eyo hnd beheld tho contents of thnt room for nearly sev enteen years, during which It hnd boon hermetically ecalcd, even to tho ln "niatcs of tho cottage. Tho kitchen, which wo havo de scribed, wn3 occupied by two persons. Ono was n woman, apparently about forty yenra of ago, but worn down by pain nud Buffering. She hnd cvldonlly onco possessed much beauty; there were Btlll the regular outlines, the noblo forehead, nnd tho large, dark eyes; but there was a tenuity In her features, n wasted appearance, such as to rondcr tho flesh transparent; her brow, when alio nuiEOd, would sink into deep wrinkles, premature though they ;wcre; nnd tho occasional flashing of Her eyes strongly Impressed yiu with tho idea of Insanity. Thcro appeared to be some deep-seated, Irrcmovnble, hopeless causo of anguish, never for ono moment permitted to bo nbsont from her memory; a chronic oppres Blon, fixed nud graven there, only to ho removed by death. Sho was dressed In tho widow's coif of tho time; but although clean nnd neat, her garments vero faded from long wear. Sho waB lented upon tho small couch which we hnvo mentioned, evidently brought down ns n relief to her, In her declin ing state. On tho deal table In tho center of tho room sat tho other person, n stout talr-halrcd. florid youth of nineteen or twenty years old. Ills features wero handsome nnd hold, and his framo powerful to excess; his eye denoted courngo and determination, nnd ns he catclcBBly Bwung his legs, and whistled an nlr In an emphatic manner, It wan Impossible not to form iho Idea that ho wu3 a daring, adventurous nnd reck less character. "Do not go to sen. Philip; oh, prom ise mo that, my dear child." said tho iomalc, clnsplng her hands. "And why not go to sea, mother7" rcplb.d P'tllip, "whnt'i the use of my laying hero to starve; for, by Heavers! It's little better. I must do something tor myself nnd for you. And what elso can I do? My uncle Vnnbronrjen has offered to tnko mo with him, and svlll glvo mo good wnge3. Then I sh.tl! live happily on board, and my earn ings will be sulllclont for your support at home." "I'hlllp-Phlllp, hear no. I shnll dlo If ou lcavo me. Whom have 1 In tho vorld hut you? Oh. my child, as vou lovo mo, nud I know you do love "mo, Philip, don't leave my; but If you will, at all events do not go to een!" Philip gave no Immediate ronlv; im whistled for a few Bicouda, whtl h'a tiothcr wept, j "Is It," Mild he nt ht, "became mv father t rirawmd at sea that , beg BO I I'll, ' i'" "Oh. no- ro'" c s' nr.i t10 rni, -,. ivoif.au. "Wui.d to LuJ-" ' - 4 - :'H - Dutchman. f m. -BY GMTAN MARRYAT. - M - - l - - - :'h - : - 4. - t. - :..j.? "Would to Ood what, mother?" "Nothing nothing, lie mercifulbe merciful, oh, Ood!" replied the rather, wilding fiom her scat on tho couch, nnd kneeling by tho sldo of it, In which attitude sho remained for so 110 time In fervent prayer. At la&t bIio resumed hor Bent, and her face woro an nnpoct of more compoFUie. Philip, who, during thin, hnd re mained silent nnd thoughtful, ngaln nddrcBsed his mother. "Ixjok ye, mother. You nnk mo to stay on shore with you nnii MiuVc inthor hard conditions; now hear whnt 1 havo to say. Thnt room opposite has been tduit up ever ulncc I can remem berwhy, you will never tell mo; but once I heurd you say, when we were without bread, and with no prospect of my uncle's return you wero then half frantic, mother, as you know you sometimes are" "Well, Philip, what did you henr mo eny?" Inquired his mother, with trem ulous anxiety, "Vou said, mother, thnt thcro was money In thnt room which would pave uh; and then you screamed and raved, and Kflld that you preferred death. Now, mother, what Is there In thnt chamber, and why has It been bo long shut up? Either I know thnt, or I uo to sea." At the comnipncement of this ad dress of Philip, his mother appeared to bo transfixed nnd motionless ns a hlntno; gradually her lips separated nnd her eyes glared; 6ho seemed to have lost the power of reply; sho put her hand to her right side, ns If to compress It, then both her hands, ;i3 If to relieve herself from excruciating torture; nt last she snnk, with her head forward, nnd the blood poured out of her mouth. Philip sprang Horn tho table to her neslHlance, and prevented her from fnlllng on the floor. Ho laid her on tho couch, watching with nlorm the continued effusion. "Oh, mother, mother! whnt Is this?" cried be, at last, In grcnt distress. For Eomo tlmo his mother could mnke no reply; she turned further on her side, thnt sho might not be suf focated by the dlsehnrge from the rup tured vowel, nnd tho snow-white planks of tho floor were soon crimson ed with her blood. "Speak, dearest mother, If you enn," repented Philip, In agony. "What shall I do? what elmll I glvo you? God Al mighty! whnt to this?" 'Tenth, my child, death!" at length replied tho poor woman, sinking Into a sinto of unconsciousness. Philip, now much alarmed, flew out of tho cottage and called tho neighbors to I1I3 mother's assistance. Two or threo hastened to the call; and as toon n3 Philip saw them occupied In restor ing his mother, he ran as fast as he cLiild to the hotue of a medical man who lived about n mllo off-ono Myn heer Poots, n llttlo, miserable, avar icious wretch, but known to bo very skillful In his profession, riilllp found Poots at home and insisted upon kla Immediate attendance. "I will come-yes, moct certainly." replied Pools, who spoke tho language but Imperfectly; "but, Mynheer Van- dcrdecken, who will pay mo?" "Pay you? my uncle will, directly that he comes home." "Your uncle, do Skipper Vnnbron lien? no. ho owe me four guilders, nnd ho has owed me for n long time. De fcldcs, his ship may sink." "Ho shall puy you tho four guilders, and for this attendance also," replied riilllp In a rage; "come directly whllo you nro disputing my mother may bo dead." "Put Mr. Philip, 1 ennnot come, now I recollect; 1 havo to seo tho child of tho burgomaster at Tcmcuse," replied Mynhser Poots. "Look you, Mynheer Poots," ex claimed Philip, red with passion, "you havo but to chooso will jou go quiet ly, or must I tnko you there? You'll not trlflo with mo." Here Mynheer Poots was under con Fldcrablo alarm, for tho character i.f Philip Vanderdecken was well known. "I will come by nnd by, Mynheer Philip, If I can." "You'll eomo now, you wretched old miser!" exclaimed Philip, seizing hold of tho llttlo man by the collar, nnd pulling him out of his door. "Murder! murder!" cried Poots, ns ho loEt I1I3 logs, nnd was dragged along by the Impetuous young man. Philip stopped, for ho perceived that Poots was black In tho faro. "Mutt I then choko you to mako vou go quietly? for, hear me. go you shall, olive or dead." "Well, then," replied Poots, recov ering himself, "I win go, but I'll have you In prison tonight; nnd, ns for your mother. I'll not no, that I will not Mynheer Philip, depend upon It." "Marl; me, Mynheer Posts." replied Pblilp, "as sure ns there la n Gnd In hmvcu, If you do not comu with mo HI choko you now; uud when you a. rive, If you do not do your best fur my pucr mother, I'll murder you theiv 1 ou Uow that I always do what I say, ro now take my advice, eomo aloa; ijuieipy, ami you snail certainly la pcld, and well pr.M. If I rell my r-at." 'Ibis l.it observation of Philip, prr. l-r! tad moro effect than eon lib t 1 i'j IV!s vn.i n ml cranio II tlu 1 ! 1 nun 1,1.0 a child In tho powerful , li. lip of tho youug man. The doctor's tenement m Isolated, and he could ouiniil no ncniBiuiuu mini niuim a hundred yards of Vanderdocken's cot tngo; so Mynheer Poots decided that be would go first, because Philip had promised to pay him, and secondly bo tausc he could not help It. This point being Fettled, Philip and Mynheer Poots mndo all hasto to tho cottage; and on their njlval thoy found his mother stilt In tho nrma of two of her femnlo neighbors, who wero bathing her temples with vinegar. She was In a slate of consciousness, but sho could not speak; Poots ordered her I I'Hicy, Oago county, rending-. Somo to bo carried upstairs nnd put to bed, ' 0no fired a shot at htm from the out nnd pouring Bomo acids down her 1 hirfe. The contents of tho gun, two throat, hastened away with Philip to procure tho necessary remedies, "You will glvo your mother thnt dl jeetly, Mynheer Philip," said Poots, putting a vial Into his hand; "I will now go to the child of tho burgomas ter, and will afterward eomo back to your cottage." "Don't deceive me," snld Philip, with a threatening look. "No. no. Mynheer Phllln. I would not trust to your uncle Vnnbronnen for tlvc of Tnylor. Dodson threatened to payment, but you havo promised, nnd kill tho llrst ma to approach. Citl I know thnt you alwoys keep your zcus surrounded tho huuso nnd tho word. In one hour I will bo with your sheriff sent for. Deputy Sheriff Ash mother; but you yourself must now be cnfolter came nnd arrested Dodson quick." nnd took him to UcnU-lce. It Is learned Philip hastened home. After tho po- that Dodson had threatened '.Taylor, tlon bad been administered tho bleed- About threo years ago Taylor was ar Ing was wholly stopped; nnd In half rested for incest on complaint of Dod an hour his mother could express her son, but the charge was not proven. wishes In a whisper. When tho llttlo " doctor nnlved ho carefully examlnod Mm. niiioi ct uivorco. his patient, nnd then went downstairs Delia llishop, wife of the Omnhn with her boh Into tho kitchen. festaurantour who same months slnco "Mynheer Philip," sold Poots, "by shot tho cashier of her husband's hash Allah! I havo dono my best, but I must foundry in a lit of jealousy, uud who tell you thnt I havo llttlo hopes of your was exonerated on tho ohargo of shoot mother rising from her bed again. Sho Ing with intent to kill, although at may live one day or two days, but not the time of the shooting- oho declared more. It Is not my fault, Mynheer that If she had killed tho hated rival Philip," continued Poots, In a doprecnt- In her husband's affections she was ing tone. I satisfied, and that If she hnd not sho "No, no; It is tho will of Heaven," , replied Philip, mournfully. "And you will pay me, Mynheer Win derdecken?" continued tho doctor, nf tcr a short pause. "Yes!" replied Philip, In a voice of thunder, nnd starting from a reverie. After a moment's silence tho doctor recommended: "Shall I eomo tomorrow, Mynheor Philip? You know thnt will bo a charge of another guilder; it is of no U60 to throw away money or time cither." "Come tomorrow, eomo every hour, rhargo what you please; you shall cer tainly be paid," replied Philip, curling his lip with contempt. "Well, It is as you please. As soon ns sho Is dead tho cottago and tho fur nlturo will bo yours, nnd you will sell them, of course. Yea, I will come. You will have plenty of money. Mynheer Philip, I would like tho first offer of the cottnge. If It is to let." Philip raised his arm In the nlr na If to crtiEh Mynheer roots, wno r treated to the corner. "I did not mean until your mother wan burled," said Poots, In a coaxing tone. "Go, wretch, go!" said Philip, cov ering his faco with his hands, us ha rank down upon tho blood-stnlncJ couch. After n short Interval Philip Vander decken returned to tho bcdsldo of his mother, whom ho found much better; nnd the neighbors, having their own affairs to nttend to. left them alone. Kxhnustcd with the loss of blood, tho poor woman slumbered for many hours, during which Bho never let go tho hand of Philip, who watched her breathing In mournful meditation. It was about one o'clock In tha morn ing when the widow awoke. Sho hnd In n gieat degreo recovered her volte, and thua eho addressed her sou: "My dear, my Impetuous boy, nnd havo I detained you here a prWoncr so lone?" "My own Inclination detained me, mother, I lcavo you not to others until ycu are up and well again." (To bo continued.) Tim t.tncirort'iv. The suleldo of Edward Martin Lang worthy, following 011 tho death of an unfortunate lady who claimed to be his wife, recalls to mind ono of tho most curious cases In tho history of the English courts. Mr. Langworthy had Inherited something Uko 130.- j 000 from his father and uncle, and aft er a career at Eton and Oxford was cal'.ed to the bar. Ho met Mildred Sa- ' bine Palllser Long on tho continent, and went through a form of marrlngo witli her at a Uoman Catholic church In Normandy, and to confirm tho eem-1 bianco of legality poi formed a Blmllar coicmony In a Presbyterian church at Antwerp. He then took tho lady on his pnlntlnl yacht Meteor to South 1 America, and at Puenos Ayrca Inform- cd her that their marriage was not valid. Mrs. Langworthy became a mother and for tho child's sake took proceedings n&alnst bcr deceiver. For four years the wealth of Mr. lang worthy taught tho quibbling of un Bcrupu'ou'j lawyers to uphold hU case, and tho dlvorco court eventually de creed tho marriage Invalid, hut grant ed tho lady nllmony nt tho rat 3 of 1,200 n year. Tho ungeutlotnanly Mr. Langworthy, however, evaded payment by Racing tho country; Mrs. Lang worthy might havo boan driven through despair to suleldo had not the l all Mall Gazette, edited at that tlmo by Mr. Stead, taken up her case. omo cxte.it hn to,o t' 0 P-, 1, ni Mr l.:vng,ort!.y'a Bll tl( e la -"H J to ;rlc? n I'm UCslth of the hiJy bt. h 3 u.;,jtff,J, tu brc tight a uow caso ngalnst Mr. Ling- 1 n m 7 . worthy for 2S,0"0 dr.mgM for breach ' 1 ' ' . "", f reasuror. of promise, nnd everyone reSod ,n" tnrnMlOTJ'r to M' tatu ays sr jyssns E IHHi"v ' ATTEMPTED MURDER. AN UNKNOWN MAN SHOOTS THROUGH A WINDOW. Affnrt Made to Kill IJotIiI Tnylor, a Well Known duga County i'nrmci A llel tire tJnder Arrnot 1V Traced by Illood Hound. David Taylor, a well-known farmer, h-as slttlnir In a chair nt his homo near . buckshot, crashed through tho win dow nnd wero Imbedded In tho back of tho clmlr In which Mr. Taylor wns sit tine;, and only Its thloknoss p evented tho shot from being- fatal. KlTorts wore nt otico mado to get track of tho murderously Inclined Individual but without success. Tho Ueatrleo blood hounds wore sent for. They took tho trail nnd went direct to the home of a man In l-'lllev named Dodson, n rola- would not bo satisfied, has been grant- rd a divorce on tho ground of extreme cruelty, having shown that ho had as saulted her on several occasions. Tho pretty cashier still holds forth nt tho hash foundry. lie l'nllrd to Get Thorn, The scrgcant-at-arms of tho house of representatives, acting on orders from the house, to bring tho sheriff of Fillmore county before thnt body, al- f.n nn11 1ifl,ilr nml liftllrttu lt t1i,., nn. , '- .. t'.- eincts, took Sheriff Ogg to Lincoln, 1 but did not get tho ballots, books, etc.,bf tho throe missing precincts, wliliMi nro held by the county court us evidence in the supervisor contest. The hheriff turned tho ballots over to ' county court more thau a Wi ek ngo, since which time ho has had no juris diction over tliem. For llurenu Stutlxtlcn. Hx-fiovcrnor Furnas was in Omaha I tcveral davs last wek to meet nartlcs interested In tho proposed cstablish- menL of a bureau of agricultural btntistics in condition with tho stato board of ngrleulture. Among theo who have been in conference with him is John Hydfro of Washington, 1). C, I n nv in the statistical department of the agricultural department, who went 011 to Llneo'tl. iiovernor Furnas has drafted n bill which will be Introduced as soon aa it has been perfected. Wu 1 ii-u Hoot: Ilrail. Wallace Scott, tho yoiiur man who sometime ngo wus Mtibhud by IJriico Miull'on dnrintr n qunrrfl o.-er a game of poker, died last Thursday night of j the wound received over two weeks' np'o. Au inquest nud poit-iuurtc-n ex-1 ttminutiun was hold Friday. It reveal c 1 the fact that the heart had been pi jrced by the knife and the perii-nr-' ilium was filled with bo id. The jury ' jcnu iiu.i .1 vuruiui iii.u no came to uis death by ast'ib ora knlfo in tho haudt of llrueu Madiooii. I A M.isUtIihh l)lc-io. Pome of tho farmers In the vicinity I of Civighton, complain of their cattle dying from some unknown disease. I The afilictcd animals seem to bee nil , control of th ni'.elves, and run against I anything which may h:tppn to bo in their way. When once they get tho di-e:isj they never recover, but Invari ably d'o In a si o.-t time. NUGGETS OF NEBRASKA NEWS. Mc!isle.s, mumps and grip prevail at Wilcox. The family of Carl Omnz, u-osldin',' near Doniphan, which was mulcted with Hcvore illness eiused by trichinae infected pork, tire recovering. Waller Fenton, living near Wyinore while on his way to town, by an avl dent to the wagon, was thrown out and against a stono, Lelnj; so badly hurt he may die. It wis Governor P.jynter who p-i-ro'c.1 It. D. Mills, tho 'ex-ban'c pro,! dent. Tho governo-says ho did it for humanitarian reasons. He saws tho banker will hnvo to go back at tho ex piration of the parole. Miss Alice Holmes, daughter of L. K. Holmes of Lincoln, and Charles Clark of Onii'ii. olopo 1 and hivo go-i j to Kins-us City tot'ct marriud. Thoy will bo forgiven if thoy co-no back. Miss Holmes was 10. Her mother op pose 1 their unrrla re, hut tho father .oeretly urjfed elopomcnt. Deputy Sheriff Nlek Tromrcn has re turned from Kearney, after hnvlnir do- , roslted 'In Incorrigible Jay Fe.lawii of onio.vni'ni uivo t-o-its S(17 tin Mir r "-.I tl . i lo.wunt f-ut I I'isv.'in ms ' ') ''.m. Jtn-iii'iit vl.o.jl fuu.l Li ustanuioP'M-IQ tM fij. tl.ll) l.imviln In t ' 1 . ( l jr.!..l ....1... .1 SOLDIERS AND CLOTHING, bb4hnrged Nehrtiftktns Statt Happlj Thrmiolroi. Adjutant-Oencral Harry has received a telegram from Congressman Stark giving- notice that tho war department ennnot legally furnish clothing to tho discharged soldiers from Manila on their arrival tit San Francisco. It has previously been reported that the de partment would supply t'00 Nebraska soldiers with heavy underclothing' and overcoats, as they would arrive lu this country In mid-winter. Colonel Stot senburg" made a request for tho cloth ing. Congressman Stark's message Is as follows: WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. II, 1300. General P. II. Harry, Lincoln, Neb.: Touching clothing for the returning Nebraska contingent tho war depart ment this day advises: "From ndvlces ju.st received it is understood thut "00 men of the First Nebraska wero dis enarged nt Manila nnd no doubt re ceived their final settlement beforo sailing; tin icr the law and regulations the govcrnmentennnot issue thorn any clotliiug on nrrlval at San Francisco." Sijrnod, Luddlugton, quartermaster general. I suppose the boys have been paid their clothing allowance and thoy may purehaso in San Francisco. W. L. ST A UK. EMBARGO REMOVAL. S'ehraaku Cltfan Once Moro In full Ku joyiuuiit of Their Frordotn. Tho situation in refcronco to tho smallpox epidemic that has b n in Nebraska City for the past two months, has Improved to such nn extent that upon recommendation of tho local board of health, and sanctioned by Dr. Towne, representative of tho state board, Mayor Nelson issuod his pro clamation lust Saturday raising the quarantine thnt has existed so fnr us the schools, churches, places of amuse ment nnd public gatherings nrc con cerned. The few cases scattered about tho city will be guarded as strictly as before, but ns patients are being re leased each day the epidemic will soon be wiped out, nnd the city will resume its usual activity. It has been n long and hard fight mid all will rejoice that it Is at an end Tho citizens enjoyed their freedom by turnlug out to tho church services Sunday in unusuiU numbers. tlmrcei Don't Stick. Colonel .1. O. Maher now In Lincoln, hns teceived from tho war department ti copy of the findings concerning the charges brought by Colonel Muhcr ngainst Captain Duprcy while a private at Chatauoogn. Tho findings tiro that the charges wero not brought for the good of thu service, but on account of personal matters, and Colonel Maker is informed that, at Captain Duprey'a request, tho charges were returned lu him, together with the findings. Jail UcUittry, There was a wholesale jail delivery at Columbus Saturday. Four men, all awaiting trial on felony churges, mimed Martin, Weat, Hayes and Waters, considered nmong tiic most desperate criminals in thu west, filed through tho bws of their eolls a.i I then dug a Hole through tho brick v.till o' the jail. The sheriff, with a posso, is no.v pursuing thorn, bt.t there ia .1.1.10 tiu,:c of overtaking cliem. I.oeUJiuv I'iiIIouh. Tho thirteen-year-old sin of Davl.l Sato.r. whosj iia.t I w.i blo.vn off b, the bur.it. n-y of a guu barrel two weeks ago at his home, ten in'.lu.s south of yiiu.ro, has eo.itrauto 1 a severe ease of lockjaw, aud although the le t physicians to bo hud are cluing ull la their (lower to save him, therj soeiu to bo littlo ehaueo of his iv.ouvory. 1o l'roloet I o;. A bill has bjyu proparod In Omaha for introduction in tlu lo0'U!uturo i.i tho Interest of owners of valuable do'a, tho pui'ji)jo lulaj to liaro dogs declared pjr.oaal piM.urty, sj that they ennnot bo k. lied with Impunity. When biich ti l.tw is enuctul the uo' catcho.' will go out of bjjlnosi or g. Into baiikruptey. Tour; ni Down u l.uiiilniurk. Work 0:1 tearing do. vn un oid laud irnrk wtus bogun at Uk'uiul Island ro ceut'y. Tho old Uuloii I'acl.lu eating lioiiao, hu'.lt in t-0), h.is b.-on boiij-tit ly luuiait & Uoa.vay, stojlc mjii, and tuo liKtibor will bj moi fo.- ui.iltin;; cattle sho.ls. C.itilo i;ut I.'itn or Corn. Cattle foo.ler.i in tho vicinity of Oco nea arc makln,; a good lnailtot for corn, 'i ho Great Easiuru Cau.il com pany will Irrigate 11 oarty all tho laud In that vicinity, tributary to thu cau.tl. I'liniierJiiiro uo,v thoro.ighly eonvineo I that Hooding lb an utsjutial thing in til w valley. LITTLE ITEMS, The firemen of Wymoro hold a nuc icasful fair last week. Lincoln Is till broke up ovor tho epi demic of mea.los. grip and diphtheria. Judge Grim 1. son, appo'n.cd us sue-e-.'hsor c Judge Miir.ihull, dceeused, has taken charge of tho bjiich at Fre mont. lion. Win. J. Itryan loft for Denver. Colo., Sunday, accompanied by hh wife, lie will deliver boiurtil lectures in t.10 stato. A str.mgor nttempte 1 to mulct Wy. moru ullmiu ly elaluiiu; to bo tho now i-cveuiij Insp.-ctor. uH actions aioiise.l suspicion and ho (led, Tho store of A. L. Conhlser, the Ciimnioiur o'llej an I tin, bhuntian mm liimntS.igeut, CiutJi- loiiiitv. wtie ilLstn.,cd by bio Sntiinlay la.'t. Dr. T. J. A runt rung of Huiflee, ox Milt riitu.i.i nt f tl.o h.-.Itute lor K-i-'le iiilrtu I Mil tit,, 1M1M nt bl.slion.e in tualeiti i. la t rpa.tof last v cul:. HAD THREE OF THEM. MR. GEISLER VERY MUCH MARRIED. Matrimonial Vcntnrr t n Ileattlg .! Somewhat EinhnrrnK.ini;, to I tltnllirrf Wife Are Aflor 11 U Scalp A. rirgitUr Itobertf, Chief of Police Scrogs of Ueatrleo Is in receipt of a letter from a Mrs. Oelsler of Cincinnati, throwing somo light on tho peculiar notion:! of hev husband, who was a former resident or J fen trice and who, it Is now claimed: has threo wives living, from neither of whom has ho been divorced. In tho letter to the chief sho evolved another letter to Mrs. Golsler No. 1, who stir, resides in 15eatr4co, to whom alio dis, closes tho state of tiff airs ami wants to know if wife No. I will eomo to Cin cinnati and assist in prosecuting Goisler, offering to defray all expenses To this wife No. 1 has assented und is now preparing for the journey. Tin. Uentrlec Mrs. Gelsler says that she waA a widow about three nml n lmW years ago when she mut her husband one nnd several hundred dollars widen she says ho soon trot hold of. One. dav ho gave her one dollar und sent her away on a visit. When Mie returned he had irono and tho letter from Mn,. Gelsler at Cincinnati was tho llr.st she had heard of him. Wife No. 1 hu. slnco her husband deserted her, citeil outabaro existence for herself and three children by hnrd work. They are now five, seven nud fourteen venm of age, the latter a girl, havltig recent ly been sent to friend in Lincoln. Wife No. a writes that when she mar ried Gelsler sho was pwisossml of prop erty worth about 83,000. This be pnrsuaded her to trado for a farm, which she afterwards discovered, Is worthless. Ho left her twice, hut each time Induced her to forgive hlni, but she recently learned that ho had mar ried another Cincinnati woman, v.lun eho quit hiin entirely. Now .she wants him prosecuted und as she has been telegraphed to the effect that tho llet trlcu Mirf. Gelsler will cmio iuimed, ntcly on receipt of transportation, hu will probably bo an oiled at once. Goisler lived at Hcatrlco fur a number of years. He had no trado or apparent regular occupation. SMALLPOX SITUATION. No Xcw Drvrlopcnipnti In tlin Comlltlou Uxlttlug In Osii ilm. - Thcro are no new developoniunts In die smallpox situation at Omaha. The victims of the disease nro progressing , satisfactorily toward nvo.-ery an.l nn I now cases have been reported, l'hysi , elans nro vaccinating tho children in 1110 iomenin.1, iiruiu Hill ami Daven port public schools and In tho St. Wcnceslnus school, the latter a Ho homlnn parochial school. When tho vaccination l.s completed in theso schools, nil school children In school .ltt.t..(.. I ...I.I..I. .!. -If . ,.., lunuitmiij ihi;ii mo uivcnso cxviis, exeept aiiemianis ot tnu lilgli school, will have been iunociilat-d. Th.j phy sicians will then commenco visitation at tho rest of tho schools. Residents in the fnr northern part of the city tiro con ddurahly wroujht up ovoc tho es inblishmontof thopothouvi near Fort Ontoha. They held an Indignation in letlng nt tl.o Saratoga school uud illsciitsod the niittcr. FINANCES GREATLY IMPROVED Welrynn Unlvcrnlly Incouio Jinuulu V.x- puntm. The Nobtaska Wcsloyan university now enrolls IU7 stu lents, the largest number enrolled at auy time. Tho management expect quite an Increase nt tho beginning of noxtsom sator. Tho members of the faculty uro enthusias tic In their work and each ouo is suc ceeding in building up his d jpartmjnt on every line. The stu lents tako up tho wo 'U slnoo the hol.d tys with now yctil. The finances of tho university have gr.-ntly Improved in the last year. Ove.-SIO. OJ worth of warraa'H have been e uicolled during that tlmo for which fin trmtaos havo givon tholr obligation for aVout3H,000,or In other words, tho debt has boon raiiiro.1 by S il OIK). Durln? tho past yair tlu In comu has about equalled tho expense, so that a bilght future for tho Ne braska Wesleyan university Is ap parent Hit 11'm Wth h PIlchBr. D. E. Henderson, n colored waiter at tho PuKtmi hotel nt Omaha, hit George Sawyer, ticket taker for tho hotel over I the head with a water pltehar.'becniiHO ! ho thought Sawyer sliihtod him Ii not giving him a piece of pie. Sawyer was convoyed to the St. Jo3oph hos pital, lie Is badly used up. Hender son was urrcsted and will bo charged with assault with intent to kill, Will Soon lto Hum. E. F. Fnssett of Lincoln received th following telegram from his on, who has been with the First Nebra-.ka at Manila: "Dear Father; Am in Son Francisco; leave in a few days. Fred L. Fusiutt." This would ludicata that ti largo number of tho inembjr.s of tho First regiment will bo at homo in Ne braska In a few davs. round Oullly of Amtull. A. C. H-i.lth. a firm j? llvitif .he twjen Surpr'.to nnd Ulyssut, and a brjther of Representative Georgo Smith, was found guilty Saturday of nssault with Intent to commit prcnt bodily injury. On the 1 Ith or las't Oc tober Lawyur Jonkltu of Lhuoln oill til upoi BmUli with u no'o for col 1 'ctlon. when tho latter usnultj 1 hint und It is allogod beat him moat vicious ly. Tho url:iw of whl -h Smith 1 1 foun t Hiilty by tlu jury hvo'voi a tor.u of froinouoto live jcaruin tha jiguitou-Uury.