The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 20, 1899, Image 10

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Mow a Monkey Mails Clood Ct of Hilly n roll-mnn'f Club.
"Tho most novel fight I over wit
nowed," rcmnrhed a traveler to a
writer for tho Cincinnati Enquirer,
"wns between a bulldog nnd n monkey,
down In Cuba. A frlcml of mino had a
bulldog Hint had licked every canlno
on tho Island, and ho was very proud
of him A gentleman from South
America wild that he had a monkey
that could whip the bulldog and tho
owner of the latter lnughcd at tho Idea.
After homo talk a wager of flvo hundred
dollars was mado and the only advan
tage that tho monkey was to have waH
that ho wai to be allowed tho prlvllego
of using a baton, nbont tho length of u
policeman's club, but not ho heavy.
The light whs In a public place, and in
a pit that was surrounded by an Irou
grating There was u big crowd out
to ueo tho fight- Of courso everybody
thought tho dog would chow up tho
monkey After a fow minutes, how
ever, tho audlcnco was surprised at
tho sagacity displayed by tho monkey.
Tho bulldog would mako a rush
at tho monkey, and tho latter would
Smp aside and allow tho bulldog
lilt his hood against tho Iron
gratings. This was kept up for twenty
minutes or more, and then tho dog bo
fan to got tired. Tho monkey began
to fight Ho would let tho dog mako a
rush and then Jump on tho dog's back
and striko him several times with tho
baton. This was kept up for an hour
or more, and finally tho dog fell on tho
floor completely exhausted, and tho
monkey actually pounded him to death.
Tho monkey would striko tho dog sev
eral blows and then place his car to
tho canlno to nco If ho still breathed.
Finally tho owner of the dog agreed to
g ivc up tho fight, but tho owner of tho
monkey told him that he was too late,
as tho monkey would not quit nntil ho
had killed tho dog. This was ono
of tho peculiarities of tho monkey.
Thoy always kill tholr victims. Tho
owner of the dog said ho did not want
his dog killed, and insisted on taking
tho monkey off. While they wcro talk
ing tho monkey bolted tho dog several
times with his baton, placed his ear on
Jtho dog, and with a sudden jump
leaped on tho shoulder of his owner
and commenced to use monkey lan
guage. Tho dog was examined and
found to bo dead. Tho peoplo ap
plauded tho victory of tho monkey,
arid It looked as if tho monkey under
stood it."
the Bapntais Coart Judge Pats
from Ouu ttoom to Another.
Another innovation has mado its ap
pearance at tho capitoL It Is worth
whilo, according to tho Washington
Post, to mako a trip to tho building
Just before twelve o'clock every day to
witnru It The room in whloh the
supreme court justices adorn thorn
elves with tholr flowing silk robes la
Just across tho hall from tho ohamber
ill which tho court meets, Ultherto a
lew moments boforo noon tho door of
the attlrlng-room would open and
forthwith would emerge the solemn
Justices. On one side of the corridor
which by the way, Is tho main passage
way through tho eapltol would stand
a court official and another man would
bo Btatlonod on the opposite sido. lie
tween this guard the justices would
walk and a moment later would disap
pear behind tho heavy door of tho en
trance to tho private corridor to the
bench. Hut this simple and modest
method has been relegated to tho past.
It is different now. When tho jus
tices aro now ready to lcavo their at
tiring apartment four court messen
gers appear. They bear two pieces of
plush-covered ropo. man stands on
each side of the tvv .ors, and acrosu
the corridor thoy stretch their plush-
Covered barrier. Through tho avenue
thus formed tho tho blaok-gownod Jus
tices walk, tho brilliant plush cover
ing gleaming like a streak of flro
against tholr somber robes. If tho
justices aro a little slow the crowd
must possess its soul in paMonoo. Not
until the last black gown has disap
peared are tho plush-covered ropes
taken down and the ordinary course
of travel allowed to resume.
ter7 ora(JDer Thin That Happened
In the East.
A story comes by mall from the far
east and tells ono more of tho wonder
ful things which happen to those who
have their homes on tho great waters.
The Btory concerns tho big four
masted iron ship Lucipara. She halls
from Glasgow, nnd recently mado a
Voyage from Sharpness to Sydney, N.
8. W. While Balling along botweon
the Capo of Good Hope and Australia,
tho ship ran into a hurricane, or was
ovrtaken by ono, about midnight
-Suddenly tho sea, which hod been dan
gerously high, became calm, and to
Athoso on tho ship It! m If the
surface of tho ocean had been sub
Jected to an enormous pressure, by
which the waves were stilled. Without
warning the men were almost blinded
by a sheet of flame, which enveloped
the ship from stem to stern, and
reached half way up the masts.
, This wave of flamo surged back and
forth, fore and aft, for a few seconds,
and wbb then snuffed out as suddenly
as it had appeared, leaving captain
and crow groping about in Intense
darkness! Tho blinding glare was ex
tremely painful to tho eyes, but caused
no damage cither to tho men or to tho
hip. Capt Witt said it was his first
experience of tho kind, and he hoped
It would be the last.
Cati Arouml the Farm.
Rata Infctitlng tho granarleB anil
cribs on tho farm have always been a
Mouice of a great deal of annoyance nnd
only occasionally do we see the recepta
cles for corn nnd grain r.o constructed
ns to bo rat proof. To make them so
requires a good deal of extra effort Wo
believo plenty of good eats ore prefer
able to rats. A supply of female cats
will lceep the farm rid of rats, and they
need not be koptnltout the house either.
They can bo taught to stay where they
.are needed. Coleman's Rural World.
Government Machinery Almost at a Stand
still - Enormous Percentage of Em
ployes Stricken with La Grippe.
Capitol at the mercy of
the Plague.
Tho grip rpidfinilu Is raging In tho
eapltol city, nnd fully "no third of tho
government employes nro sick or Buf
fering from tho dread disease. VIoknt
lioiuluelies, fever and chills, sneezing
and running at tho noso and eyes to
gether with tho boiie-rneklng riches
and pains and a general exhaustion
nro tho rule rather than tho exception.
Tho best way to light tho grip is to
strengthen tho nerves and build up tho
resistive powers so as to throw off tho
deadly dlseaso germs, and nothing will
do this so quickly and surely as Dr.
Miles Nervine. It has restored health
to thousands of grip sufferers after
every other remedy had failed.
"When tho grip loft mo I was a brok
en down wreck, both niontnl and phys
ical. My noves wero completely un
strung, my uppotlto failed, could not
sleep nnd beenruo so dcspondoin tbnt X
dnsnslrcd of ever Kottl-jr well. I be
gan to improvo with tho first bottlo of
Dr. Miles Nervlno and when I had tak
en SMven bottles I was completely
cured. Hnvo been strong nnd well
ever slneo and weigh uioro than I oyer
did before."
Samuel F. Pilson, Staunton, Vn.
All druggists nro authorized to sell
Dr. Miles' Uustorntlvo Nervine on guar
anteo that first bottlo bonellUsor money
refunded, lio stiro nnd get Dr. Miles'
Noiylno. Uooklot on heart nnd nerve
dlsenses sent freo. Address,
Dr. Miles Medienl Co., Klkhart, Ind.
Chris Hanson has bought a now two
seated surryo.
Mr. Uumbaugli has purcliasod a now
spring wngon.
Tho chicken pox nnd la grippe nro
prevalent in this vicinity.
Miss Astern Erickson who hns boon
quite sick is getting well again.
Mr. linker and family wcro pleasant
visitors ut Cluudo Duval's Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Lnmbrocht and son llonry
wero visiting ut Mr. Ileihor's Sunday.
John ileyuolds from near Dladen was
in this vicinity last week shelling corn.
Remember tho lycoum every Wed.
nosday evening at tho Anderson school
Mr. Bradshaw and son Art of Red
Cloud wero in this vicinity on business
Mr. Hretthauor sold Boveral hundred
bushels of corn to A. Erickson tho last
of the week.
A jolly good time is reported by all
who were at tho wristlet party n Mr.
Froi Luinhrui'ht's on Friday night of
last week.
Ono day last week J. B. Wisecarver
had the misfortune to get two lingers
of his right hand caught in his wind
mill, with a tesult of having nearly nil
the tlesh torn from them.
Lkakn to say "No" whon a dealor
offers you something "just as good" in
place of Hood's Snrsaparilln. There
enn bo no substituto for America's
greatest medicine.
Hood's Pills euro nausea, sick head
ache, billlousness and nil liver ills.
Prico 35 cents.
Mrs. Oollius has been very sick but
Is improving.
Tho old settlers all liko tho prospect
ot n good crop this year.
Hog cholera is again on our creek,
down near Andorsouvillo. Mr. Car
penter has lost n few.
All qutot in this pnrt. Everyono is
glad to see tho nico weather, nnd nro
finishing up their winter's work.
Wo hear of several prayer mootlngs
at privnto residences this winter in tho
vicinity of Mt. Hopo nnd Penny creek.
Good health generally prsvails al
though Mrs. Dug Davis has been very
sck, Uncle Jus, Stono is not yet con
valescent. Severn! farms lmvo recently changed
bauds, Dennis McCartney bought
forty acies of C. Arbucklo for $400 00
and Charley has bought tho old Fogel
farm. Many others which I don't re
member just now,
Tho meeting conducted by Uovs.
UoUlsworth aud Hewitt nt Mt. Hope
was n grand success. Whilo there was
no additions it has united that littlo
uuion organization nnd thoy now hnvo
organized a league aud hereafter will
moot overy Sunday evening nt tho
usual mooting timo.
To insure a hnppy now year keep tho
llvur clenr nnd the hotly vigorous by
usiiiR buWitt'8 Littlo Eurly Risers, tlio
the (traons littln pill for conttipntion
s l
L. Cottlng.
-- -
Pnul Periy.tol.Colimihus, On., suf
(orud agony for thirty ycurs, mill then
cured his piles by using DoWitt's
Witch lliizttl Snlvo. It henls injuries
nnd skin discuses like niiigio. O. L.
Wc have peace, and thoso
who are sorely afflicted with
will have peace from pain and
a perfect cure by using
Sorvlces each Lord's Day ns
Morning service nt 10:30.
"Tho Altar of Worship."
lllblo school, 12m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m.
Senior Christian Endeavor 0:45 p.m.
Evening servlco at 7:00 o'clock. Sub
ject. "Getting n Now Heart."
Prayer meeting nnd biblo study on
Wednesday evenings.
Ladies' Aid Society Friday after
noons. Our pleasant church home and nil
services aro over open to tho public.
L. A., Pastor.
Services noxt Sunday as follows:
Morning servlco nt 10:30.
Sunday School at 11:30 a.m.
Preaching at Am boy nt 8 p.m.
junior L.caguo at 1 p.m.
Senior Lenguo nt 7 p.m.
Evening service nt 7:30.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing nt 7:80.
Ladles Aid Society Fridny afternoon.
All nro most cordially invited to at
tend. Jamks Mauk Dauby, Pastor.
Sorviccs next Sunday as follows.
Morning services nt 10:30. Subject
"Tho True Israel."
Sunday School nt 11:45.
Juniors meeting at 3 p.m.
Toung People's Union meets nt 7
Evening servico nt 7:30. Subject,
"Tho Rock of Ages."
General prayer nnd conferenco meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7:30.
All cordially invited. Seats freo.
Isaac W. Edson, Pastor.
Regular services next Sunday as fol
lows: Morning servico at 10:30.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Sermon at Indian creek at 8:30 p.m.
Young People's Socioty of Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 p m.
Evening sorvico at7:30 o'clock.
Mid-week prayer meeting and con
ference Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Ail cordially invited to attend theso
Fhank W. Dean, Pastor.
A Good Club Offer.
All our farmer lenders t-hould tnk
udvnntngo of tho unprecedented club
bing offer wo this year make,
which includes, with this papor, Tho
Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers
Institute editions, Tho Poultry Parmer,
Tho Furmer's Mutual Insurance Jour
nnl and tho Humane Allinnco. Tho
subscription prico of theso five publl
cations amounts to 12.80, whilo our
paper is 91, a totnl of $3 80. Wo nro
prepared to sond them nil, includhg
our own paper, to any farmer in
this county for 11.45, which is only 45o
more than our own subscription prico.
Never boforo was so much superior
reading matter, of the most practical
anil useful character offered for only
81.45. Tho first four of tho papers
named nro so well known throughout
tho west that but littlo need bo said of
them. Thoy commend thomselves to
tho readers favornblo attention upon
moro montion. Tho Humano Allinnco
is devoted to humano education nnd
should bo in every fnrmer's family, so
that tho boys and girls on tho farm may
early imbibo tho principles of a broad
humanity that shall iucludo nil God's
creatures, and loam tho wickedness
nnd brutalizing tendency of cruelty of
all kinds. Tako advnntago of this
great offer.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps awaro that pneu
monia alwaws results from a cold or
from an attack of la grippe,. During
the epidemic of la grippo n fow years
ago when so many cases resulted in
pneumonia, it was observed that the
attuck was nover followed by that dis
ease whon Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy was used. It counteracts any ten
dency of n cold or In grippo to result in
that dangerous diseaso. It is tho best
remedy in tho world for bad colds and
la grippo. Every bottlo wnrrantod.
For salo by H. E. Grico.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day,
'My .le Cure." for rhuutnntiHm nnd
neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
in nuuttu upon mo system is remark
able and mysterious. It removes at
once, tho cause nnd tho disease imme
diately disappears. Tho ilrst doso
pmntly bonellts; 75 cents. Sold by II,
E, Grico, druggist, lied Cloud, Nob.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Tako Laxative Hroino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund money If It
fulls to cure. 25c. Tim guutiino has
L. U. II. oil each tablot.
Farmer's Club Offer.
Money spent for books and papers is
over tin own away. What do you
want to read this Jfiir? Following I
a good club list which will gixe yon all
tho county, state mid national ni'wn
nnd tifco iiuue good farm in-wt than
was ever littered f"i tin print mm
limited linn- we will -end TltB iiikk,
-I.. I II 111. . .... null II..U ! I III- Olllllllll
I, Wveklv Hie. irM ii all thcs"i"'
III,.. Hill, until U'l'l'kll Illlel' Oi'l'Mll. ixlv
I ' " V r. 1
jiugull tho national itinl forelun ih'vv;
Ihe lloniisleail, lie in i"f "" mm
papers publish! d;. he Phuiiij ruimi'i.
devoted to the luii'ii-Ms of pmniry x
clueivel; Special Fiirmi'is lii-tiluic
Editions of the ll'iinisiciul. b voted to
di.'eii'.sliiiis of Various faun topic;
Fanni'i s Mutuiil Inui mice Journal, a
paper published In the Intel cut of co
operative insurance uniting tho fann
ers, and Tlie lliiinaiic Alliance, a mag
azlno devolid to thccaiiM' of humane
education, tho eight papers one year
foi the sum of $3.35 Wll8 '" advance.
Till b Is us good and as cheap un offer
ever made and will last i nly it limited
time. Tliosubscrmtlon price of theso
eight papers is $0 80 per j ear, but we
will, for a limited time, send them one
year for $2.25 cash In advance.
Music on the Grapbophon.
Fow peoplo appreciate tin marvelous
power of tho Graphophone ns an en
tertainer. It is mi instrument which,
though it costs much le than tho
least expensive musical Instalment,
will onablo its owner to have at pleas
tiro music of any kind from that of
tho bagpipe to that of tho great mili
tary bund. It reproduces vocal selec
tions nnd gives one command of every
pleasure that appeals to tin sense of
hearing. No investment pays such
largo returns in pleasure. Ilesides re
producing the musical and other rec
ords made for ( nlertainment purposes,
tho Graphophone will record imme
diately and reproduce at ouco and ns
often as is desired, your own words or
song, or any sound. By writing to the
Columbia Phonograph Company, 720
722 Olivo St., St. Louis, Mo. joii can
obtain a catatoguo that will give full
information as to prices of Grupho
phuno outfits.
TryGrahrOl TryGraln-O.
Ask your Grocer today to bow you a package
of OltAIN O, the now food drink that takes the
placp of coffee. Tho children may drink It
without Injury as well aa tho adult. All who try
It, like It. GRAIN O has that rich teal bruwn of
Moka and Java, but It la made from pure grain,
and tho moit delicate itomach receives it with
out distress. M the price of coffee. 16c. and
25c. per package. Sold by all grocer.
What Do the Children Drink.
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you
tried tho new food drink called GRAIN Or It
1 delicious and nourishing and take the place
of coffee. The moro Graln-0 you give tho child
ren the more health you dlstrlbuto through their
systems. Graln-0 la mado of pure grains, and
wbeu properly prepared tastes llko the choice
grades of coffee but costs about U as much. All
grocers cell It. 15c. and SSc.
Deauty la Dlootl Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarcts, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
Iiurities from the body. Begin to-day to
anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking
CaBcarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c. 50c.
Don't Tolaeto Spit aud Smoke Tour Life Antr,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mac
nctlc. full of llfo, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Iiae,
tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Wc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Dooklet and samplo free. Address
Sterling Itemedy Co., Chicago or Mew York.
$100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dieuretic
May be worth to you moro than lift) If you
have a child who soils bedding from lnconten
ence of water during sleep. Cures old and
young alike. It arrettH the trouble at once. 11.
Sold by O. h. Cottlng, druggist, Ked Cloud, Neb.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re
lieved In six hour by "Now Great South Ameri
can Kldnev Cure." It Is a ureal surprise on ac
count of Its exceeding promptness In relieving
pain In bladder, kidney and back, In malo or
female. Kolieves retention of water almost
Immediately. If you .rant quick relief and
euro this Is the remedy. Sold by C. L. Cottlug,
druggist, Ked Cloud, Neb.
To Care Constipation Forever.
Tako Cascarets Candv Cathartic. lOo or 25c.
II C. C. O. fall to euro, druggists refund money.
No-To-Uac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, mulica weak
mcnstroni;, blood pure. All druggists.
Nd-To'iUo for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, makes weak
men strong, blood pure, too, II. All druggists.
Edaceto Tonr Iloweli With Cuicareti.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
lOo, Wo. It O. G. O, fall, druggiata refund money.
tells a story that
thousands of
women will re-cogniio-a
of monthly su
fcrine lust be
fore and during menstruation a
story of aches, darting pains, torture
in back, head, limbs and abdomen.
will euro these sufferers regulate
their menseB and drive out all "fe
male troubles." Druggists sell It
for $1 a bottle.
tub hhidtixld nzauuTon ca, auuu, at.
EM JfcflKWl tl Hm ! ;1
Uut Oounta tijrup. Tastoa Good.
In tliuo. Bold by druKitlnts.
IjljmfWl,!. Jw!W mm
ivw. JrrMl .
I fiLslsS. l I 1
Catarrh is an
American disease.
Tex., says: "Pe-ru-nn
hnsdono so much good
for mo that I am able
to do my own work."
Mr. JncobUrlflln, Elmer,
Mich., writes: "I wns very
nervous nnd unublo to
world hnvo taken sevcrnl
i bottles of Pe-ru-na and
am entirely well."
Esther Luther, Frank
llnsvllle, N. C.says: "1
took your Po-ru-nu for
deufness can henr now us
well us I over could."
Aug. Tryloff, Mt. Clem
ens, Mich. ,wrltes : " Iliad
la grippo and it left mo
with a torrlblo cough. 1
took Pe-ru-na and was
Mrs. E. Guest, Kearney,
Buffalo Co., Neb., writes:
" I innr vmir for
i catarrh, nnd can say that
Of it."
II. Walter llrndv. Cos-
v cade. Ark., savs : " I had
A running ears. It was bo
oucnsivo i cxciuuvu my
self from nil society. After
I had homo It fourteen
years I read Dr. Hnrtman's book called
The Ills of Life.' I took seventeen
dollars' worth of his remedies and am
entirely cured."
Fraier Axle Grease
Not affected by Heat or Cold.
Highest Awards at Centennial,
rr. nun nwrm m w w.w
kv rnjucn LuonibAiun uui,
FftrttHtt X CtioitfOt 8U LMiie Nfw Yoriu
"1 have gone 14 at a, time wltfceal
saveasea t the bewelt, not being ebla to
more tbam aieapt by ntlng bot waUr Inltotloni.
Cbronlo constipation for aTn jtars placid me Id
tbli urrlble condlUonj during inat time I did ev
ery tblug I beard of bnt neter found any relit f i tueb
wai my case until 1 began using CABCARKT& I
Dow tiT from one to ttree passages a day, end If I
was rlcb I would give 1100.00 for eacb movement; it
U sucb a relief." Aruixu I Hunt,
1899 Itusseu Bt., Detroit, If Ion.
i rnvgjr wMinnniib
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good, no
Oood, Merer Sicken, Weaken, orUrlpe. 10c, c, Wo.
glerlUg Biisiy C lie, PJesge. Keelwel, Vets. M
Office over Post Office.
Does a general law business.
Practices in all courts
Olta&Kf and Uatin the hsir.
rromous a lDiariint (rovtii.
WoTer raile to neetore Oraj
wr v it luuuiiUI vuior.
Cunf tcilp diwMtt ft heir lilUuf.
toc.tpdliousl QnngUu
City nnd country calls promptly nn
swored day or night.
Office oveu Lindsey's Meat Mahket
Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Wilbiat Plilct
And all the latest Improvement la dental mcob
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation.
It roil, with yoa whether yon continue the
unlillllutflobji;obl)lt. N0.1O.liAJJ
retuuTV. meaveir.lDriouacco. Wm'
line, punnet in uiooa, re.
,,Dr.B ,U.. U.UHUVU!
maxet tou eiroDir
i boiea
cold. 400.000
lanpeini.nerT.BB kiavis-reirirurr
andpaektt-7BlHBrorl llAtltroiu
9.a. -lmmrAW9 LWioat own druiirlit. wlie
i. uur
Xwlll Touch (or ui. Take It with
A Will. net lnttv.njipal.tttntlw fin
eboi,l, ueuMlTcuresi luoiee.tlU,
tUrtUf ) Ce. , calMte, aMUMi, Isrk.
t VV'a. I
m-9 'SrlV
m w. him
f -fHinJWFa ywmwW" A
TriADE Marks
Anyone sending n sketch and description ,
nnlcklT nscortnln our opinion , freo nhctlur d
invention la probably Pitentatilo. Cmnnu icv
lions strictly conUilontfnl. Handbook on I v.icmi
sent freo. Ohlcst ngency for securing uatci ..
l'nlnnta lakon through Munn A Co.
iprefal notlcr, without chnruo, lntlio
Scientific Himriciui.
A lmndsomcly lllnstrntod wcektjr. Ijirec t ri,
ctitntlim of any sclentlllq lournal. Turma , ,
yenrt four nionl lis, ?u Bold byoll nowsilfilvrn.
MUNN & : Co 4bj;-'1Nbw York
Urancb Offlco, 025 Y BU Wnsblnxton, U t,
If you will kIiow our publlcnllon to v
Wrtlcli Is inndo by n well known Ann
we (ion i ni )uu iu ten inein nn'n
lu two olzes, rlilltlrcn's ami mlnli, i...kt(
gold plated, hunting case, nnd fully Kunrai.iM
"end two rcnta for particulars. OvciihuJ i
l'ark How, New York City.
A Marvelous Offer. 25c
200 Photograph VIewa of tho United m!, Hart. U. 8. Naval photo
grabber, and thrco montha' eubHcrlptlon t
Conker's Home Journtt both for only &
postpaid. Theso aro tho finest pictures obtaia
able of Dowey, Sampson. Schley, IlolifoiiClui,
and other heroes, the battleships, crulcoK raoo
Itors, torpedo bonts aud auxiliary craftn nn.,
prluctpalHpnnlsh warships, and aro vcrrvili
nblo. Conkcy's Home Jourotl Is tbc Lrighin
aud I est monthly In tho country. liuoh I).-,'
contains new copyrlxhted sheet music worth
to 11.00, 30 to 48 pages each month bend lo!it
Wo want tolncreaso our circulation to ioo6
and therefore, mako this remarkable oiler
Conkcy's Home Journal, Dcpt. A, llilcirs
Pennyroyal pills
iC Original ajid Only Qenulne. t,
Wj7ffLV?K enrc, alw.j. rUaiii, ladh ui x
.mendBnnd la Ited and O'oZU mtul'taxvlr
Mia, kui with tic: ribbon, TLe y
anther. RttMdoamn, lubidfu. v
limtandimitationt. AinracKlna,or.-tl4
la tumr for pilal.M, tritlawal i.
" lleUef for nadlra.-' In Idler, t, rrl.n
r MalL 10,OeO TrmlraooUli.,,
CklkMtrCliuBjeal(ia..Mdl.)in I'l.i-.
I .ftillxamtmiia, l'HII.AIIA,. 1'J,
Most fascinating Inte
tlonof thooKe. Mw
ready to entertain :
nte It nnd rcprodmc t)
music of bands, on hp
trns, vocallf ts or Inslr
mental BoIolstH. Thirt
nothing llko It for an evening's cntertalurm
Other so-called talking machines rci
only records of cut-and-drled subject, smb.!
lircparod in a laboratory, buttheanipho!.o;
Is not limited to such performances. On U
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ruproduco records of tho voice, or any sow
Thus it constantly awakens new Interest it
lu charm Is ever freih. The rcproductiou .
clear and brilliant.
GniliflHCS ire sm Itr $10 v
Manufactured under the patente of Itell.Talot.
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Taming Jlachlne auppUee. Write for caulogm
720-723 Olive St., ST. LOUIS MO.
wAimsoTOM, norriLo.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pit
ent business conducted for moderate Fees.
and we can secure patent in less time tliiu liuk'
remote from Washington,
i Scad model, drawing or photo., with descri
tlotu We advise. If patentable or not, dec c
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured, , (
A PAMPHLET. 110w IO UDiain laitnii,
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign cousuic
sent free. Address,
Skin Diseases
For the speedy and permanent cure
tetter. HAlt rhnnm And twramn Plml
berlain'a Eyo and Skin Ointment
without an equal. It relieves tho itc
tag and smarting almost Instantly a
its continued use effects a pennant
cure. It also cures itch, barber's itr
scald head, soro nipples, itching pil
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes a
granulated lids.
Dr. Cady's Condition Povfdora i
horses ore the best tonic, blood puril
andvermlfuge. Price, 25cents. Sold
California randie
Chimney brie
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bt
Kl nVj
9XepnvBgesenv iec Icggfltgf MmA LnfgT
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