??aagcy'!aKaJpggXSE?raii - ,---!r-'tt.AVXZ2 l - ' - ,m - -'jf 1 " " ! , rOLUME XXVII. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JAN. 20. 1898. NUMBER 3 i?is8??issi&iSiie&!?s ti3L--'iifw ir-it --i v-i; -wav-.- ---wr JANUARY SALE PRICES. CLOAKS. Wo linvo a fow garments which we do not wish to curry over. In order not to do so wo must make tlin pi ice. Ladies plush capo, (ur trimmed col lar, garment 20 iueh long, price $2 25; salo price, $1.50. Ladles silk plush cape, (ur trimmed bonded, price $7 CO inventory dealing snlo price 81 CO. Ladies bl lick bouolu cloth capo, storm col lnr, fur trimmed collar and fiont with bhick thib et. "28-inchcs ii length, full lined price CUGU, in- i"i'J 1'iivu i. -- 13 00. ISZlh Ludies Bouclo cloth cupe, thibbct fur, trim- ft med collar and front, price $3, sale price 31.80. y ' Ladies bluo black broadcloth jacket, trim- iV nud with broadbloth'straps, prico $3.00, snlo J-a prico $5. 71 I Ladies' bouclo cloth jackets, trimmed with Its braid, nrico $11.50. salo nrico $7. Is? Ladies tan covert cloth jacket, velvet collar, A) prico $G, sale prico $11.75. Zi Ladies brown bnuclo cloth jacket, trimmed S 1 with stripes broadcloth, handsome Raiment, JA prico $0.60, salo price $5.75. lis Child's mixed red and blnn bouclo cloth fR jacket trimmed with braid, prico $ 0.50, salo price, $3.70. Child's bluo and black bouclo jackets, brass buttons, prico $4.50, sale prico 2.75. These goods aro this season's garments. We niako out blow a clean cut knockout blow. HOSIER VtriweKheb Tho boys and girls leather "IftfTrlER STOCKING, Triple Kueo, that is ono point icUnu . Get a pair and you'll readilj lunOSilAtyl recognize several oiucrs. rnco fJAhC IUU fJUl (lltll. hi Jo i JHflWH luJJ m tjt wt e AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. mm Prido of tho west, heavy cotton ftfofkfAr1 oso, regular price 25c, to mak YtZ A 1. vw i .ITAv, WMn? ClikFv 5 iMvjFi..m KVlAjPVK. fmr-irll iJmTiMm'il.vJ m9 w hose. room for now lines, our Janu ary price, 10c. Kenosha ladies' llceco lined cotton, extra valuo, at 20c. Misses and childten's heavj cotton hose, January prico 10c pei pair. Ladies 25o cashmeio hoso, Jauuury prico 18c. O'her values at 25c, 35o and 50o. , , Special lot of 50 pairs of children's cushmero hose regular 80o and 40o goods, broken lines and sizes. January prico is 20c per pair. Men's extra heavy cotton hoso 3 pair for 25c. Try a pair of our men's hoso at 5c per pair. These goods aro all this season's stock. Wo muss havo room for now goods. That is tho reason of prices such as wo make. ILt' i . .r ii -r sj r r tJ at Wo have added several now well known makes of shoes to our Una to replaco sev eral lines which w havo boon handling in tha past. In order to make room for new goods w. nut closo outnri- ces on tho following lines. Bradley Motcalf well known goods.Sirictly lirst class goods. Ladies $3 50 shoes $2.00. Men's 3.50 shoes 2.00. " 8 00 " 2.25. " 8.00 " 2.25. " 2.50 " 1.87. " 2 50 " l.b7. ' 2.00 " 1.50. ' 2.00 ' 1.60. 1.75 " l.BO. " 1.75 1.30. W linvo nlmiit lOunnirs men's, womeu's and children's shoos, bro ken lines and sizes. These goods are from lines which wo havo quit handling. Wo must havo room for new goods benco tho prico f $1.00 per pair. ..... . . Now lino of Mastiff shoes. Ladies, Misses and children's shoes from $1.60 for children to $2.25 per pa'r for ladies' goods Wo guarantee you cannot match thosa goods in quality and stylo for less than $1.75 to $2.50 per pair. ,, f , Handsome now lino of Wolfa Bros, modium prico shoes. COofor children's to f 1.70 for ladies. TVTon 'e CAPS. To Close, January salo prico on lyxpjJ. & men's 80o caps, 15c. January salo prico on FurniSnillgS. men's 50o cap?, 80c. BUOT8. 50 pairs men's full stock calf boots, price $3.00 to $3,50, to close, January prico $2.00 per pair. FELT HATS. January salo price on 75o hats, 60o. $1.0$ hats 75o. 1.25 hata 00c. 2.50 hats $1.80. Wo must havo room for spring stock. LAUNURIED SHIR18. January price on $1.00 shirts, C8o. Janu ary price on 1.25 shirts, 00c. NEOKWARE. A fow 40n ties, January prico, 20c. MITTS. 50 pairs Men's Mitts, prico 25c, January salo prico 18c. TYnoee Wo still havo a fow small pieces of dress flannels At 5 54-onoh wido, at 47o. This valuo you cannot duplicate CxO (IS. anywhoro. oo Novelty dress goods patterns 50o per yd, January salo prico 88c. 00c per yd, Jnnvary salo prico 47o. 05o per jd, January salo prico 62c. 1.10 por yd, January salo prico 87c. January prico values in black dress goods aro oxceptionalvalues. Remnants in dress goods on remnant counter at January salo prices. RlanTral-e Wo call special attontion to our values in cotton JjlcHlHW Lb. oianitets at OOo, 80o $1.25,nnd $1.50. Wool blankets at monoy savintr priceH. $3 00 wool blankets nt $3.40. $3 50 wool blankets at $2 80. $4 00 wool blankets at $8.20. $5.00 wool blankets at $4.00. $0.00 wool blankets at $4.80. $8.00 wool blankets at$0 40. MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. s:ax SSKBR Gen Eagan Goes Wiong Open Executive Sessions Two Funerals at the Capi tol Canal Bill Meets New Ob joctions (Jen. Miles Iiuh madu many -now friends by tho diguilled manner in which ho has carried himself while smarting under tho dirty purmmnl at tack mado upon him by Commissary General Engan, in his testimony befoto tho war investigating commission. To a man of Geueral Miles temperament it has been no easy matter to sit still and say nothing while walling for tho war department to call down and pun ish his subordinate for having called him about every known sort of a liar. Congress is also waiting to sco boiuo thing done, somo punishment meted out to lit tho crime, and if something isn't dono very soon, congress may take tho bit in its teeth and do some thing itself. DTho action ofl'tesidcnt McKinloyincompclliugaGoucrnl,Eagan, through Secretary Alger, to roviso bis testimony and leavo out tho objection able language, isn't satisfactory to anybody, becauso it doesn't pun.ab. and humlliato Eagan sufllciently. fctn ators and representatives have t3 freely expressed tho opinion that ( en Eagan has demonstrated his uulii etl to hold such an important and resp xuh iblo position, regardless of Oen. Alius, and not a few of thorn havo laid that ho should bo cashiered. Tho routino business in bouso and sonate is being pushed along as rapidly as possible, but the chances for an ex tra session continuo to grow, owing to tho uncoitninty about many things in tho sonate, and especially about tho timo that will bo consumed by tho treaty. In all tho numerous lights to havo executive sessions of tho sonnto held open doors, Senator illoar had, Jamil tho present contest, over Senator Ber ry's motion to consider tho treaty of peaco with open doors, always been ono of tho most valued lighters for socret oxecutivo sessions. Consequent ly, his speech in support of Mr. Berry's motion was surprising to many of bis colleagues as well as to tho public. Open executive sessions of tho senate may como sumo day, but tboy aro not yet in sight. Two funerals woro novor held in tho capitol so oloso togothor as that of Sen ator Morrill, held in tho senate cham ber a fortnight ago, and that of Repre sentative Dingloy, hold in tho bouso of representatives Monday. Thoso who aro superstitious onougb to boliovo thatcalamiticrjusually travoljin bunches of three, aro wondering who will be tho next man of prominonco to dio. Tho Nicaraugua caual bill will bo voted upon by tho sonnto this week. It will pass by a largo majority pos sibly without a division. The house inter-state and foreign commerco com- mittco will (lovoto about all of this wtek to hearings of tho Uvo or six canal bills, all differing in somo way from tho Morgan bill that will bo passed by tho sonnto. Many of tho friends of tho canal say that its worst onemies aro posing as its friends, in ordor to stavo off actlou by congress. A representative who is always wldo awake whon on duty said: "Tho rail- roaus ana oiner uostiio lniiuonccs are putting feather beds on the track of the canal bill, and trying to ditch tho train so gontly that nobody will realizo what has happened until it is over. They aro piopoBing endless schomes for dig ging tho ditch all purporting to bo better than tho ono embraced in tho Morgan bill. It looks as though thoy might win out along that line, but con grees may got impatient and tnko mat ters out of tho bauds of tho lilibustors and pass a mecsuro out of hand." Sonatorsaro enjoying thomsolvosat tho oxpenso of their now colloaguo, Mr. Simon, of Oregon, who is roportod to havo asked for what In regarded as tho most important committee assign ment in tho senate. A senator speak ing of him said: "Simon; is a peach. Hit beats anything wo havo had hero for somo time. Just think of it, before ho had been in tho sonnto 24 hours, ho llled an application for a po. sition on tho committee on rules. Now if ho bad asked for tho chairmanship of appropriations, tinnnce or judiciary, it wouldn't have been so remarkable. But to think of his wanting to go on tho rules committee befoto he had been hero long enough lo know how to make a motion to adjourn. Aldrich, I understand, neatly had a fit when Simon mado his wishes known lo hint. Poor Aldrich, ho always was tender hearted. It cost him a novum pang to turn Simon down. It's a fact, I've got his word for it. Simon hnsn't been placed yet. When hu is I'm afraid that ho will bo disappointed. I think that ho has a fair prospect of gelling on tho committee lo look after venti lation in tlieintetlor department." A war depaitiueut ulUuial, in his anxiety ..to stiougly deny a repot t about our soldiers at Manila being dis contented, mado a statement that does not exactly go with thu otllcial an nouncement that the news from Dowoy and Otis is all good. He said that far from being discontented, nil thu volun teers nt Manila, who had applied tor dischargo had withdtawti their appli cations as soon as they saw that there was a prospect of somo fighting. If there is n prospect of some lighting be fore Dowoy and Otis, somebody must have stretched their consaionces to sny that all tho nows from thorn was good A prospect for lighting is certainly not to bo considered good nows, ... An Open Letter to The Chief. What is conversion in a scriptural son8o? Justiticatioti.be faith in Christ. Peaco with God through our Lord Jusus.Chrlst, Romans 0:1. What lait to stand in saving grace? By whom also wo havo access by faith iuto this grace whorein we stand and rejolco in tho hope of the glory of God. By vhat mode are we brought into con vorsou or justification? For by ono spirit aro wo all baptized iuto ono body and havo all been made to drink into one spirit. 2d Cor 12:13 Is conver sion instantaneous or mine iu a grad ual growth of ginco It may come either way. It may approach you in a still small voico. In this ease it is nec essary to turn tli liuht on your own conscience. 2d Cor. 2:5. Jesus tells us in John's gospel the kingdom of heaven suffered violeneo and the violent take it by forco a difference in temperament in individuals. John 20:12. Then shall yo call on Mo and ye shall go and pray unto Mo and I will barken unto yo. V. 18. And ye shall seek Mo and find Mo when yo shall search for Mo with all your heart. What is it to bo a be liovej: in a scriptural sense? Standing lu saving graco through faith in Christ. General of John 0:10. Whosoever bo lievoth on tho Son of God hnth tho wit ness iu biuisoli. rart of loth v, wo know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not. Lastly John's gospel, 7:3 and 80, ho that believeth on Mo as tho scripture hath said. Read tho two verses. Jos. Bennett. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "1 have just recovered from tho sec ond attack of lagrippe this year," says Mr, Jas. A. Jones, publisher of tho Leader, Moxia, Texas. "In tho latter caao I used Chamberlains Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for tho former attack. Tho second attack I am satis lied would havo been equally as bad as tho first but for tho uso of this remedy as I bad to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the lirst caso I was able to attend to busi ness about two days before getting 'down.' " For sale by II. E. Gi ico. Marred by inkstain, cut, and splinter, Burned in summer, chapped in winter, Schoolboy's hands have much to suffer; Common soaps but make them rougher. Ivory Soap is pure, and hence Leaves such pleasant after-sense That tho careless schoolboy, e'en,' Takes delight in being clean. IT FLOATS. OCrTIHJMI MM If 1HI FROCIM OAHIll CO. OINCIHIUTI ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Little To the Public. Wo aro authorized to gunranteo ev ery bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to re fund tho money to tho purchaser. There is no hotter medicine mndo for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Prico 25c and 50a per bottle, try it. H. E. Grico. Tiit'bO tuu ituuuiuua liinuH for the health. Colds, croup and throat troub les lead rapidly to consumption. A bottle of One Minutu Cough Cure used at thu light timo will pieservo life, health and a laigo amoiiht of money, Pleasant to take; chililK.ii like it. C. L. Cotting. Stuff Which Almost Escaped Pub licity Through Carelessness, With thu lengthening of tho days in creased activity iu noticeable in all lines of trade. Especially so iH this noticeable among tho farmers. Tho greater portion of this class have found out that It pays lo bo ready to seed when tho oppoitunity presents itself. There aro somo howovor who ulways watt until tho last minuto and then kick bocauso tho season don't wait for them. But speaking about kickers, tboy don't all Uvo in tho rural districts. Every town or city is blest, or rather cursed, with a number of thorn. This city ts not far behind tho average. It contains people who can kick about as loud about something that doesn't concern them as anybody. Ono man this weok was heard kicking bocauso tho city was going to havo a telephono exchange. Ilia main argument was that tho town was too small to sup port an exchange. Also that tho taxes and other expeuscs would soon break up tho company nt tho low prices at which thoy aro rented, How very thoughtful of him to look after the in terests of the poor telephone company in preference to tho community in which ho lives. Anothor was heard to kicu about tho proposed electrio ligot plant. His argument was against the increased taxes ho would havo to pay. Tho individual referred, to owns no real estate, acd very littlo personal property, Wo coucludo theroforo that ho is another of thoso boings sent into this woild to show bis fellowmen the pitfalls of life. His advlco is always ready, profuse and discouraging and administered in largo doses. Ho is tho kind of a citizen that should bo shun ned on every corner and encouraged to leavo a community that believes in enterprise and advancement. Among uu advancing community liko our's such people aro very littlo things. But 8peaKing of littlo things, about the smallest thing that has como across our gnzo lately is tho "obituary" of tho former editor of tho Nation. Wo rofcr to it as an obituary becauso tho writor and signer is politically, morally and socially dead. Tho obituary Bays "tho utiatucfiS will bo carried on in nearly tho same manner in tho futuro as in the past." We think it would bo a good plan for thu present editor to offer a slight apology for the error iu this clause which ho undoubtedly over looktd. Thu word "not" inserted after "business" and by leaving out tho word "nearly" would havo chaugod tho clause to rend more correctly. Ho also says ho leaves many enemies and friends. A careful couut of noses, wo beliove, would rovcal tho former to bo largely in tho majority. Tho onemies ho bays ho will continuo to hato evou to tho timo whon tho spiko-tniled gen tleman presonts him with appear and sets him nt bis old Inbor (presumably raising h 1 for which ho was noted during bis tcsidonco iu this city) ill place with a warmer climuto than Rod Cloud. Ho evidently has a very deep Insight iuto tho futuro and knows Just whore bo is going, although bo said be fore leaving town that bo was going to Kansas. The prospect of avoiding a meeting with this "fallen spirit" In his chosen home in thu hereafter will no doubt bo tho means of causing great numbors to attend divino scryicos regularly. Speaking of divino services thoso rovival meotings at tho Method ist church aro very largely attended. No doubt n number of souls will bo saved. Tho now walk iu front of tho parjonogo will also bo a grout savor of soles. There are other places whero a liko saving could bo mado. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as thoy Cannot r ach tho seat of tho disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to euro it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucoun surfaces, Hall's Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known combined with tho best blood purifiers', acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two in gredients is what produces such won derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, froo. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, prico 75c, Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. For Sale. Ono huudrod and sixty acres of unim proved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half of tho northeast quarter, and tho east half of tho northwest quarter of seotion. Ufteeu in township two north, range ' eleven west, Tho land is leased at present, but subject to salo, Prico $2,600. For further information apply to- MltS. J AMES KlKKWOOD, Fairfax, Mo.. 1 't J