The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1899, Image 5

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IN 1598
wo lilted over thrco times ns many j
glasses ns J
IN 1S9T 3
nnd aevon nud one-half times as
many as I
IN 1596. !
During the months of November and J
IWtmher. 15?8. vre fitted'more
glasses than during the
whole of 1897.
Thm figures are only furthes prooffthat
our glasses are correct.
CtL4irilnn nr vniif monrv flirt . Exam-
inatlon free. i
Newhouse Bros.,
GraJuaURef rating Ojrtlciansejewelers. j
Wo do th'o best Wateh, Clock and I
Jowolry repairing, bring us !your J
Boy Tait has gono to Omaha.
Road Minor Bros, prices for January
a pago four.
Dr. Moranvilio wo understand is able
bo out again.
The Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean
ae year for $1.25.
M. S. Marsh has purchased the Bruns
ick saloon at Hastings.
Mrs. DoLong who has boon visiting
ere has returnod to McCook.
The 5-A horse blanket, the best on
tie market is sold by J. O. Butler.
Tho postoflice fixtures received a new
oat of varnish the first of tho week.
Havoyou seen J. O. Butler's now lino
f 5-A horso blankets, fur and plush
M.E. Schults, grand master work
lan of tho A. O. U. W. was hero Wed
esday. C. L. Ootting and Roy. Dean of this
ity and Kev. Doakin of Cowles were in
ranklin this week.
Mrs. J. N. Rickards of Boatrico ar
ivcd in tho city tho last of tho week
a a visit to relatives horo.
A new awning has been placed in
root of tho largo plato glass window
f Minor Bros, grocery department.
Commence tho new year right by in
uring your property against liro nnd
arnadoos. W. L. McMillan, Agent.
A team belonging to Jim Buckles
in away on last Wednosday and tho
osult was that tho ownor was thrown
ut and badly bruised.
R. T. Potter left Tuesday for Omaha
d look aftor legal businoss. Ho will
o from there to Seattlo, Washington,
nd other places in tho far west.
Get your salo bills printed at this of
ice aud tho announcomont of salo will
ie printed in tho papor during tho
imo preooding tho salo day freo of
Thfare have been numerous bad no
idents in tho past month. Thoro may
io many in tho future Insuro against
iccldcnt in tho best company in the
vorld, tho Travelers of Hartford. W.
i. McMillan, Agent.
Mr.S.A.Fncklor, editor of tho Mi
anopy, (Fin.) Hustler, with his wifo
md children, suffered torribly from la
trippo. Ono Minuto Cough Curo was
ho only roinedy that holpod them, ft
icted quickly. Thousands of others
iso this romedy as a speciflo for la
rrippe and its exhausting aftor effects.
;. L. Cottlng.
Is the fairest flower in the garden
of humanity. Every woman may
be lovely after her own style, with
sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks,
and with every line of beauty fully
Pabst Malt Extract, The " Best"
Tonic, will bring out her beauty,
All In the hollows, cover up the
bones and angles, round out the
curves, and develop all her lines
of beauty. It is a flesh and tissue
builder that will make any woman
plump and round and rosy, as she
was meant to be. Try It yourself
and your mirror will show you a
pleasant surprise.
Al U druf MMWt.
Mrs. Goo. Boss is visiting in Superior.
Sam Garbor returned to McCook Inst
Kov. F. W. Dean was in Franklin
this week.
R. S. IVotidllt of Guide K.,ck was
horo yesterday.
Isnno Shophcrdson of Rivorlon wns
horo this week.
Rend Minor Bros. January prices on
tho fourth pngo.
Robes nnd blankets in o nil loss vnri
oty at J. O. Butler's.
Mrs. O. C. Caso was visiting schools
in Guido Rook Tuesday.
Jno. Roso of Rosemont was doing
business in tho city Friday.
Jiindsoy & Smith want your poultry.
Highest markot prices paid.
Romembor tho Easter linear to bo
given bylho Mothodist ladies.
Randolph McNitt is visiting at his
former old homo at Clydo, Ohio.
Mrs. A. Hosmer left tho first of tho
week for a visit at Craig, Missouri.
Miss Bertha Brown, who has boon
visiting horo has roturncd to Lincoln.
Insuro with tho Pennsylvania Firo of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Mrs. Calvin Konndy returned to her
homo at Holyoke, Colorado, this week.
Mrs W. S. Garbor arrived in tho city
Monday night for a visit with friends
C. W. Kaloy was looking after busi
ness matters in Omaha and Lincoln
this WCOR.
E. U. Overman, who has boon visit
ing at his old homo at Oquawka, Illi
nois, is homo again.
Omor Doling of Holdrogo, who has
been visiting hero has been sick for
sovoral days of his s'.ny.
C. F. Cathor camo down from Lin
coln tho first of tho wcok and spent
Sunday with his fnmily here.
Sco tliut now cast stovo with steel
ovon plates at W. W. Wright's. Guar
anteed better than steel aangcB.
The man who procrastinates may bo
sorry ho met tho undertaker beforo tho
insurance agent. Insuro in tho Trav
elers. Walter Collins and Miss Mary Hunt
wero tho principals in a marriage per
formed by Judgo Duffy on Saturday
The Union Firo Insuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 por cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
L. H. Rust says if you want somo
good nursery stock cheap this spring
let him know what you want. Also
has tree paint to sell.
Tho county treasurer's somi-annual
statement of tho financial condition f
Webster county will bo found on the
fifth page of this issuo.
Minor Bros, nro making a number of
great stock reducing prices during tho
month of January. For particulars
and proof seo fourth page.
Tho windy weather of February and
March is a dangerous time for a firo,
Mako yourself socure by insuring your
property. W. L. McMillan, Agent.
"I guarantee thtra as good as any
stool rango on tho market," is what W.
W. Wright says about his new cast
stovo with steel ovon plates. Seo them
beforo you buy a stovo.
V. H. Scrivner, real estato man,
ill sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivner, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Married, by tho Rov. Goo, O. Yoisor,
at his rosidonco in this eity, on tho
ovoning of Monday, January Oth, 1890,
Mr. Arthur O. Dedrick and Miss Mar
tha M. Wilson, both of this county.
J. H. Smith writes combined iusur
nnco for a term of fivo years at 8 per
cent. On schools housos, churchos and
farm proporty on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob.
Horriblo agony is caused by piles
burns and skin iisoasoi. Theso aro
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DuWitt's Witch Hazol salvo. Bo
waro of worthless imitations. C. L. Cot
tlng. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf.
fered agony for thirty years, and then
cured his piles by using DeWitt's
Witch Hazol Salve, It bonis injuries
and skin diseases liko magic. 0. L.
Tho sports aion of this city aro having
good times lately trying their skill ns
mnrksmon. Wo lmvo not lenrnod who
is chnmpiou shot for tho reason that
thoro is generally u difference of opin
ion on tho subjoct.
La grippo is iigaln epidemic, Every
precaution should bo taken to avoid it
Its specific euro is Ono Minuto Cough
Curo. . J. Shoponl, Publisher Agri
culture Journal and Advortisor.Eldon,
Mo., says: "No one will bo disappoint
ert in using Ono Minuto Cough Curo
for la grippe." Pleasant to take and
qsiek to act. C. L. Cottlng.
Mrs. Anna Bulkhead Is very sick.
Kd Burr of Guide Rock wns hero
tills week.
Tho new board of county commis
sioners wero in session this week.
Mrs. Silns Gnrbor is visiting friends
nnd relatives in Lincoln this wcok.
J. O. Burgess of Blue Hill was took
ing nftor businoss matters hero Tues
day. Mrs. J. E. KcBlcr roturncd Tuesday
from n two wook's visit nt St., Michael's
Get your salo bills printed at this of
fico and you will recoivo a notico in tho
paper freo.
Harry Bcalo and wifo of McCook
wero hero this week visiting friends
nnd relatives.
Tho Indies nid society of tho Moth
odist church have docided to givo an
Enstor bazar in this city.
Rov. I. W.Edson was in Rngnn, this
stnto, this week, assisting tho pastor
of tho Baptist church at that placo.
Prudent purchasers please poruso
poculiar prices printed on pngo phour.
Purposely prepared for present porlod
by Minor Bros.
Beforo you buy n heating stovo soo
thnt "Retort" hcator at Wright's hard
waro store. It is n wonderful heat
producer nnd saver of fuel.
Mrs. Samuel Dyor nnd (laughter nnd
son Everott returned Snturdny night
from a several week's visit in Missouri.
Everett went on through to McCook to
roport for duty.
Will your widow dress ns well as
your wife does? Answer this question
by insuring your lifo in tho Travelers
Insuranco Company of Hartford. W.
L. McMillan, Agent.
L. F. Cbaffes and family of Salida,
Colorado, wero in the city last week,
having accompanied tho remains of
thoir son Fred, who died at his Colo
rado home and was brought horo for
Coughing injures and inflames soro
lungs. Ono Minuto Cough Curo loosens
tho cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. Tho best cough curo for chil
dren. O. L. Cotting.
Alvin Popo who has been hero for
somo time on account of tho illness of
his father loft Tuesday morning for
Washington, D. C. to again take up
his duties as teashor in an institution
of learning in that city.
Lost. A black double mackintosh
capo on Saturday evening, Docombor
31st, 1808, somewhere between tho Hol
land house and tho edge of town on
the road to Cowles. Tho findor will
pleaso return it to tho Chief ofllco.
These aro dangerous times for tho
health. Colds, croup and throat troub
les lead rapidly to consumption. A
bottle ot Ono Minuto Cough Curo used
at tho right timo will presorvo lifo,
health and u largo amouht of monoy.
Pleasant to take; children like it. C.
L. Cotting.
Sovcrni persons in this viciuity aro
sadder but wiser pooplo from tho fact
that they bit and bought n load of dry
goods from somo fakirs who mado this
city their headquarters. When will
tho pooplo loarn to bowaro of anyono
who wishes to sell them anything un
less a merchant of their own city?
Mr. A. G. Storrs of Omaha a repre
sentative of tho Nebraska Telephone
company arrived in the city the last of
tho week and has boon busily engaged
sinco in getting tho requisite number
of citizens to sign for instruments. The
public spirited portion of our town
havo oomo to the front and enough
havo signed up to the timo of our go
ing to press to assure us an exchange
Tour doctor knows oil about
foods and modloinos.
Tho noxt timo you boo him.
i just oak him what ho thinks i
Scon's Emulsion
of OodLlvor Oil with Hypo-
phosphites. We aro wulinjr
i to trust In his answer.
For twenty-flvo years doo-
tors havo prosoribod our
Emulsion for palonoss, woak
i noss, norvouB oxhauetion, and
for all dlsoasos that oauso
, loss In flosh.
Its oroamy oolor and its '
ploasant tasto mako it oa
peolally useful for thin and
i dolloato ohildron.
No othor preparation of cod
, livor oil Is llko it. Don't loso
timo and risk your hoalth by '
tauaner somotmng unknown
and untriod. Koop in mind
has stood tho tost for a
quarter of a oontury.
foe nd li.ooj all drouMi.
SCOTT BOWME, Cktmkis Nw York.
E. B. Wnrnrr, who Is eluhtv-sovon
years old, Is still nblo to gut down town
rcenslonnlly. Although quite fueblo
ho climbed tho stairs to Dentist Heed's
ofllco this wook, and entertained thnt
gentleman with stories of early dentist
ry, when tilings were not so np-to-doto
as they aro now, ho having followed
that profession in his younger days.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
nt tho postoflicout Red Cloud, Nob
ruskn, for the week ending Jan., lath,
O'Connor, Jerry Shnofor, E. E.
Wolf, A. II.
Theso letters will bo sontto tho dead
letter ofllco Jnn. 20th, If not cnllod for
before. When cnlllug for nbovo plonso
ay advertised. T. C. Hackbii. P. M
An open mooting of Gnrflold Post No
80, nnd tho W. R. O. will bo hold on
Snturdny, January 21st, nt7.H0 p.m. nt
tho G. A. R. hall. Following is tho
program for tho occasion:
Soldiers of '01-05. G. R. Chanoy.
Soldiers of '08. J. M. Chnflln.
Santiago. Claronco Rood.
Expansion. D.iniol Garbor.
Anti-expaiision. T. J. Ward.
Thorn aro sovcral kinds of editorial
writings which go to "fill up" tho od
itorlal pngo of n county nowspapcr
which aro of no benefit to tho editor ot
itis subscribers, but tho kind of nditori
al mutter which covors tho largor por
tion of tho fourth pngo of this pnpor
this week is tho kind thnt is bonoficinl
to botli tho editor nnd subscribers from
a financial point of view. A enrcful
porusnl of tho "frnaicd" cdltorinl will
convince you thnt this statement is tho
plain truth.
Mnrrlod, at tho residonco of Rov. A.
G. Blnckwoll in Rod Cloud, Tuesday
ovoning, Jnnuary 10th, 1800, Mr. Clydo
Q. Pitnoy to Miss Cnrrio M. Relglo,
both of Webster county, Rov. A. G.
Blackwell ofllciatlng. Quito n numbor
of relatives and friends woro prosont to
witness tho hnppy ovont nnd to oxtend
to them congrntulntions. Tho groom
is an enterprising young man of ex
cellent character, and his brido is tho
daughter of Mr. J. S. Roiglo. Sho is nn
C8timal)Io young Indy and highly res
pected by nil who know hor. Tho
young cotiplo havo a host of frionds
who wish them n bright nnd prosper
ous future.
The pnronts and frionds wero much
pleased nnd entertained with tho oxer
cises given by tho littlo scholars of Miss
Lora McNitt's Kindorgarton last Friday
afternoon. Tho room was tastily dec
orated with overgreens, mistletoe and
festoons of littlo one's work. Tho ex
orcises opened by a march to tho piano
and song by tho class, "Jolly Old St.
Nicholas." Ttion n duet was sung by
Lincoln Putman and Forrest Nnirn,
song, "Littlo Jack Frost" by tho class,
littlo recitations by Forrest Nairn,
Mary Louiso Edwards and Fraser Ed
wards. A pretty littlo clock song was
given by tho class circling around tho
little clock, Nora McCoy, followed by
verses from "Mother Gooso"by each
membor of tbo class. All tho scholars
acquittod themselves quito creditably
considering tho length of timo sinco
tho Kindergarten was organized and
prniso is duo Miss McNitt for tho care
and timo sho took to drill them. La-
Porte (Texas) Chronicle
Married, nt the First M. E. church in
Blue Hill, Nebraska, on Wednesday.
January 11th, Mr. James McMahan
and Miss Carrio Neoloy. Promptly at
2 o'clock tho wodding march was
sounded by Miss Lilllo Cox of Bladon,
and Mr. James R. McMahan and Miss
Carrio Neoloy took their places in
front of tho altar where tho solemn
and impressive words wero spoken
by Rov. G. W. Hummel which bound
thom for lifo. Thoy woro escorted bv
Chas. E. McMahan and Ponrl Noolov.
Only tho relntives of tho contracting
pnriies wero prosont. Tho groom is a
promising young farmor of thiscountv.
tho second son of James McMahan.
Tho brido is a very cstimablo young
laoy oi uindon. Tho hannv cnunlo
doparted for Hastings for a short wod
ding trip after which thoy will resido
on n farm near Cnmpboll. May pros
perity and joy nttend thom.
Fletcher W. Alios an old resident of
this county passed away at his home in
Garlield precinct Thursday evening nt
0:30 o'clock. Mr. Ailes had been in
failing health for over n year and his
death was tho result of a complication
of diseases. Ho was born in Indiana
and at the timo of his domiso was about
60 years of ago. Ho was n veteran of
tho civil war and sorved thrco years in
tho 88th Indinna volunteers. Ho camo
with his family to Webster county in
tho spring of 1880, nnd subsequently
moved to Washington county where he
resided for thrco years, when ho again
moved to this county and has been a
resident horo over sinco. He leaves a
wifo and fivo children, thrco sons,
Frank, Charles and Howard, and two
daughters, Catherine and Clara, to
mourn tho loss of n kind husband nnd
father. Funeral services will ho hold
today at tho Christian church in this
.';) i
To insure n happy now year keep tho
liver clear mid tho body vigorous by
using DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers, tho
tba famous little pills for constipation
Md liw trouble. C. L. CotMig.
Prepared especially to close out all
Winter Clothing.
Men's, Boy's,
and Children's
Pants and
A discount of 20 per cent will be giv
en from our regular plain figure
prices commencing
December 31, '98
I and will continue until CZJ
Febtwy 1, '99.
Just think what this means.
Our regular prices on all our
goods have been lower) than
any competitor dare name.
This is a chance you should
not miss.
Come early as the assort
ment will not last long.
Remenber the date of the
commencing of this great bar
gain sale is Saturday, Decem
ber 31st, 1898.
Leaders in Fashions and Low Prices
I '