THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. 8 JM-W W-V&5 : S4-MM MY POOR WIPE. BY J. P. kas-?M :- x-;-: i CHAPTER XVIII. (Continued.) "I mado cautious Inquiries, anil mid to my surprise that my miser ies identity wits qulto lost, I had von no hint, uttered no namo during stay thcro, that would lead to dls- Ivory. I Icnrned that the clothes I oro when taken up hy tho pollco cro mere rngB of tho coarsest, most kathsomo kind, and a bit ot soiled pa- cr bearing tho namo 'Elizabeth lliompson' found In tho pocket ot tho ress served as my ccrtlflcato of bap- Ism, and bo Elizabeth Thompson I re gained to all who met mo during lioso Boven years. When and how my lothos wcro changed and stolon, as icy undoubtedly were, I don't remem- or. After threo years I was dls Itargcd as cured, and, as I had shown bme capability for nursing during an bldcmlc that visited tho asylum, a nd nun who had chargo ot the Cath ie wnrd offered to get mo a place as lendnnt In a hospital, whero I ro- alned somo tlmo." "And you novcr thought ot me !cr longed to ceo me, to know how She laughed bitterly, as she waved o eager Interruption aside, with a sturo of pain. "Never thought of you! Ah, you 111 novcr know how you filled my life, n never understand what I felt and ffcrcd! I knew you must bcllovo me ;nd, nnd I knew tho best thing for mr happiness, your peace of mind, las to let you remain In that belief. struggled to keep away from ail, to learn nothing about you; hit, when nursing a patient whom I usually heard had lately been In do mestic sorvlce in tho neighborhood ot folworth, I could not resist tho temp- itlon of questioning her. From her learned, Paul, that Mr. Dennys of colworth was married to a Miss Stop- lord, with whom ho had inherited n largo fortune, that ho was very happy knd prosperous nnd the father of three beautiful children. "This news nllayed all my doubts, Irovo every lingering spark of hopo ind happiness from my future. I legged tho reverend mother who had rocurcd mo the place In tho hospital o accept mo as a novlco; but sho hcsl- ated for somo tlmo, knowing of the alnt In my blood. However, after a :ouplo of years, seeing no sign ot a elapse, and getting a very favorablo ipinlon of my case from tho asylum loctprs, I waB received Into tho con- ent, and on application allowed to loin tho mission going to New Zea- ind. ' "Wo wero to hnvo sailed next week, Ind as tho tlmo drew near a torrlblo lestlessness camo over mo, a longing to lntonso to breatho tho air you breathed onco more, thnt I folt I ould novcr bo a useful and contented ervant' of Heaven unless my longing vera gratified. I appealed to tho rov- rond mother, and sho with her usual toodncss gavo her consont. I arrived it dusk that that blessed night, ln- ondlng only to say a prayer for you ind yours at tho cross preserving my neraory, and then steal away a3 I had :ome. "At tho station I saw your brother Accidentally, bollevlng him to bo you -his foaturcs aro wonderfully like hat yours onco were. I found to my kttor bowlldermcnt, and I think relief, hat my lovo was doad completely lead, that Edith's husband was uoth iic to me. "I wandered out, pondering tho leaning of this discovery, and saw lou stretched across my grave. At pio first sound of your voice, at tho Irst glanco. into your worn altered lice ah, beloved, I know that I wa3 at freo, and could never be. no mat- or what gulf divided us. I tried to ivo you as I thought to leave you: lut but " CHAPTER XIX Sho Stopped a Httlo hvstnrlnnllv! nnil lo laid his hand on her lips. Presently pie nucu it away, nnd said with eager ri3tiuiness "But you loved hor. Paul, w or not; you never can oxnlnln thnt way. No no; do not try! You wnnt- d to marry her before you mot mo. am suro of It. You lovnd lmr vnn anted to marry her once," bIio re- eaicn monotonously. Yes, yes. I wnnted tr mnv hu nco. Dlstcn, listen to mo Holon! I as a mere boy, homo Irom an out klrt station In India, whom t nnvnn iw a woman's face. I wns tnnniv nn,i id; sho was kind and beautiful, nnd id overythlnK In her nnwnr in fnoM. ato and enslavo mn. limv ni,i elp falling In tho trap? I left her in suuo or melodramatic despair, which nOW knOW Wa8 nnlv HlMn itnnn lOllgh I bolIOVOd nt thn Minn nhn It ml loalt mo a life-wound. "I mot you: wo were mnrrlml nnB I'ent six months togother abroad. Ah, iuien, i am not understand until long Fierwnrus how happy thoso six onths were, how thnmnchiv timv lad mado you part of my life, tho vv ossonco of ray content and hnp- foOBS. For I wnn hnnnv- lnif Mlml pnceltcd' dolt that I was. I nirrn.nfn.i y contontcd state of being to my own uwuiiess and generosity In marrying f". m accepted aa my duo your do Dtlon to mo. Well, well, I was pun- f'eu, cnjoiiy punished for it all. I red t6 llngnr over overy day, overy 5 K-HM :-::$ w SMITH. - t - : m- : : :-5-2 hour of thoso six months with a yearn ing passion, a sickening remorse that left thoso lines you sco on my faco, and streaking my hair with gtay bo foro I had reached tho prime of llfo. "When wo returned bIio camo ncroris my path ngaln, and necessity compell ed her to confldo a secret to me. When I Icnrned by It how shamefully she had been treated, I bellovcd I had mis judged her cruelly, and was only eager to offer reparation In my power. I felt that no sacrlfico or exertion I could mako would atone for tho Irro parable wrong dono her by ono of my name, and" "Your brother Arthur, you mean; ho had" "He had forced her an Ignorant thoughtless girl of sixteen to marry him secretly when she was qtaylng with an lnvnlld aunt in London." "Of sixteen!" sho exclaimed eager ly. "You mean thnt she sho was your brother's wlfo before I left you all all that time sho was with us, your brother's wife?" "Yes, yes. At first tho excitement nnd adventure had pleased her, but later on. when she came to know Ar thur's truo character and mode of his life how ho had squandered hla for tuno, was shunned by honest men nnd respectable women when her uncle, who had heard some rumor of a child ish attachment between the pair, In formed her that, If sho exchanged an other word with Arthur, ho would not only niter his will and loavo her pen niless, but would expel her from his homo, her complacency changed to a stato ot misery and almost unbearable suspense, which by degrees taught hor to hate tho cause of her selfish ter ror, and mado his cxlstenco a posl tlvo nlghtmnro to her. "At last, nfter a Btormy Interview Arthur consented to emigrate to Aus tralia, pledging his word to remain there until tho General should die, and Edith's inheritance be quite safe "He sailed, but after n tlmo tiring of Colonial llfo, broko his solomn promise, nnd a month after our arriv al at Colworth ho turned up at South ampton, nnd Edith In her terror of dlscovory confided her secret to me, implored mo to help her nnd Induce my brother to return to Australia at once. "I promised lo help her by every means In my power, wrote nt onco to my brother, begging him to leave; but ho refused point blank until ho had had at least ono interview with his wife, whom, with all his faults, I be Hevo ho truly loved, as his conduct within tho Inst soven years has amply proved. Seeing ho was not to bo shak en, wo nrrnnged that tho meeting Bhould take placo nt Colworth, whero thero would bo less chanco of detec tion. It was in vnln. I bogged Edith to lot you sharo tho secret; sho was lnflexlblo on that point. Hor motive for that rcsorvo at tho time I thought trivial and unreasonable; but I have slnco fathomed tho torrlblo overween ing vanity and heartlessness of tho woman, nnd can now undorstand It porfcctly. Sho was Jealous of you, my dnrllng; that I should havo so quick ly recovered from her wanton attack was n stab her vanity rcsonted bit terly; sho saw moro clearly than I could see myself dull fool! how thoroughly happy I was, how dear you wero to mo; nnd so sho set about, with a thousand nameless, almost In tangible wiles nnd nrtlflccs, to wreck the hnpplncss of n man who was shel tering and protecting her, fighting to preservo her fortuno nnd honor. With broken, half-stifled hints nnd lnun does, she gavo mo to understand thnt I would havo been her choice hnd I spoken long ngo, before my brother tried by every means in power to wean mo from your influence, to forco on mo tho fact that I had mado n tremen dous sacrifice In mnrrylng you, that my chivalrous and tender bearing to wards you awoko In her feelings that mado her own wretched fato almo3t unbearable, and nt tho same time, I presume, from what I'vo heard, that you, my poor, darling, did not escape hor " "Paul, that tlmo when you left mo nlono with hor, when you went to Lon don " "To meet hor husband yes?" "Sho told mo not nt once, you know, but by degrees It It took threo days, Paul that you you had loved her passlonntoly for years, that you had proposed to hor a few days beforo you met me, that, evon after her first refusal, you hnd followed hor about London, trying to mako her chango her mind, nnd that, falling thnt, you you had rushed back to Ire land In wrath and despair, and and married mo -" "Sho told you thnt tho Jado?" "Not boldly, ns I toll you now, but with llttlo hints and Jokes, half laugh ing sighs that wero almost worso." "My poor brother! Well, my darl ing, tho end camo. You followed us that night, nnd saw tho mooting bo tween husband and wlfo." "Paul, Paul! You mean It was not you I saw holding her In your nrms, Imploring hor to fly?" "No It was Arthur. We were moro nllko then than now, lovo, and I had lent him my big gray ulster, for ho complained of the cold. Tho tho mis toko wno natural; but, oh, how awful In ltu consequences to you and mol" "Co on oh, go on!" she crJcd breathlessly. "When convinced of your '.errltilc death, brain fever set In, nnd for some months I was unconscious of my loss I recovered, roso from my sick bed wretched In heart and body, tho lovo, hope, happiness of my llfo burlod in your grave. I loft Europo traveled, nlmlesaly In Asia nnd America for nix years. In tho meantlmo tho old dm eral had died suddenly n few wholes after your disappearance leaving his nlcco sixty thousand pounds In hard cash, hut the Hall and surrounding property to n male relative "Edith married Arthur publicly al most nt once, nnd they settled down at Colworth, renting tho placo from mo A few months ngo my brother, who la now n most exemplary member of r.o clety, wrote nsklng mo If I would toll my Interest In It, and let them ontall It on their eldest son, ns It was my avowed Intention not to mnrry again. I could not mnko up my mind, nnd enme homo to Eottlc tho business. "A few days ngo nt the Langham 1 met my brother nnd his wife for the first time slnco their socond marriage, nnd ho persuaded mo to try to visit tho old placo again. I camo down with them, and walked across the fields to tho ctoss which bore youi nnme. When I saw tho famlllai spot, tho house among tho troes, the cruel mill, heard tho mournful rtt3tle of tho leaves and the ripple of the water, nil the old pain broko out na fiercely ns on tho day I lost you. 1 throw myself upon your cravo, call ing out your namo. Your volco an swered me. I looked up, nnd Daw you, Helen, standing In tho moonlight beforo me" Two months nfter her Installation nt Colworth, Mrs. Arthur Dennys, her lord nnd master, nursery, horses, car riages, Ltckcys, nnd maids were storming tho sleepy country station ngaln, enrouto for n Sydenham villa residence, whero sho still bemoans the 111 luck of her oldest born, who will never now Inherit Colworth. (THE END.) A GREAT FRENCH ETCHER. Would Hum Hern a Mno 1'itlnUr liu fur Color Illlutlnris. Charles Meryon born In 1S21 wai brought up to tho navy, going first in 1S37 to tho naval school at Brest, says Pall Mall Gazette As a youth, he sailed round tho world. Ho touched at Athens; touched at the then Bavago coasts of New Zealand; mado sketches, n few ot which, in dnya when most ol his greater work was done, ho used as material for somo ot his etchings. Art oven then occupied him, nnd deep ly Interested as ho soon cot to bo In It, ho seems to havo had a notion that It was less dignified than tho profes sion of tho navy, and after nwhllo he chose deliberately tho lc3s dignified becnuso It was tho less dignified. He would have us believe so, at any rnto; ho wished his father to bellove so. And in 1815, having served credltnbly and become a lieutenant, he resigned hla commission. A painter ho could not bo. The gods, who hnd glvon him, even In his youth, a poetic vision nnd n firmness of hnnd, had denied him the true sight of color; and I remember seeing hanging up in tho salon ot M. Uurty, who knew him, a lnrgo, Impres sive pastel of a ship cleaving her way through wido, deep waters, and the sea was red and tho sunset sky was green, for Meryon was color blind. Ha would havo to bo an engraver. Ho entered the workroom of ono M. Dlory, to whom In after times, as his wont was, ho cngrnved some verses of hla writing appreciative verses, slncoro and unfinished "n tol, Dlory, mon mnltre." Tho etchings of Zeematt.tho Dutchman, gavo him tho desire to etch. He copied with freedom and Interest sovernl of Zcoman's neat llttlo pVttes, and addressed him with praises, on another llttlo copper, llko tho ono to Ulcry "a Zecman, polntro de3 mate lots." AFRAID OF THEQLA39 EYE. Tupaneio Cooties Would Not Serve th Owner of It. A yenr or two ago an artist from Snn Francisco who wore n glnsg eyo camo to Yokohama and established himself In a llttlo bungalow on tho out skirts of the city, says tho Yorkvllle Yeoman. Tho wenther was extremely wnrm, and beforo tho strnnger had bo como settled ho was besieged by a number of coolies who wanted to got tho Job ot fanning him at night. The artists looked over tho applicants and dually selected nn old mnn who brought excellont recommendations from 1i1b Inst employer. When It was tlmo to rctlro tho artist took out his glass o'e, laid It on tho stand at his bcdsldo and went to bed. Tho old man picked up his fan nnd tho San Fran cisco mnn was soon nalcop. Ho slopt peacefully for nn hour or two, when ho was awakened by n chorus of buzz ing Insects about his head. He looked about him nnd found that tho man whom ho hnd hired to fan him was gone. The next morning when ho went in search of another coollo he was amazed to discover that no ono would work for him. Ho was looked upon as n wizard and worker of miracles with whom It was unsnfo to bo nlono. The old man hnd gono nmong his friends and told how tho Cnllfornlnn had takon out his eyo at night and laid it on a stand In order thnt ho might watch his servant at night and sco that ho kept his fnn In motion. Tho old coolie's story created such excitement that tho Snn Francisco man was novcr ablo to get another Jnpancso to fan him after that. Pessimist I tell you the world la going to tho dovll. Optimist Well, I see you aro going tho way ot tho world. MAKE-BELIEVE MAN. THIEB TO LIVE THE LIFE HE $EAD ABOUT IN NOVELS. Boat tnroniUtent I'olntu Ilia "Vnrlit" VatTltt Other t'eoplo, ami Kcn la Hit "Mttiity" Thero Hotini to llo Nu I'liviicjr. The alarm clock br-r-r-r-ed In harsh, strident accents through the darkened room, replacing tho snore ot him who slept tho sleep of tho just and tho open-mouthed combined snys tho Now York Evening Journal. He tum bled out of bed and groped mechanic ally ffr his slippers through tho early morning gloom, without losing n mo ment In the mntutlnnl procrastination of weaker mortals 'twlxt lingering snug In bed for nnother live minutes or shivering out ot It Immediately. Ho sot about taking his cold "tub" with tho cheerful alacrity ot u man with a keen day's sport before him. Later on ho picked up n brnco of brushes nnd dashed off a duct on bis head "with considerable spirit and verve" (See familiar quotation front nny musical criticism.) Then "his mnn" came In with his well-brushed clothes and laid thom on a chair, but did not "silently withdraw," as gentlemen's gentlemen always do In high-life novels, becausu his "mnn" was named llrldgct and In addition to being tho Makc-Uellovc-Mnn's mnn sho was cook, mald-of-all-work, Janltor-bnitor and n fow other trifles. Instead of silently withdraw ing sho stood there with arms akimbo nnd snld: "Will yo bo altln' wnn egg or two eggs this marnlng?" A shndo of pain pnsscd across tho face of tho Mako-Dclicvc-Man, It was so hard to preservo his cherished Illusion In tho fnco of such crudeness. Ho decided In favor of two eggs and, It now b3lng C n. m., he selected a tlo that would look well on tho links at 4 In the afternoon. A trivial detail of flvo hours' work hung between tho selection ot tho sporting tlo nnd tho sport, but tho Mnkc-Bollevo-Mnn made It a rule never to dwell on unpleasant things. He nl ways dressed for his country club nt G &. m. nnd arrived between 1 nnd 5 p. m. He sipped his coffco while "his man" called In from tho kitchen: "Thlm bluo pnnts need pressing and the milkman says ho won't wait an other day," but the M. D. man did not hear; he was rereading tho Vnn Bibber stories for the tenth time. "His yacht" was waiting for him nt the foot ot Ful ton street, Brooklyn. It nmuscd him to hnnd a fow coins to n man sitting In a llttlo cage-like box nnd follow two or threo Impossible-looking peoplo through a ferryhouse It was all n mero whim of a man of lolbure The i Pt- - L- ' """il r r - HEGJD 7t? I mLWimmim mmKmmm. Vt..4QrWHVT JOvVX-v. "i (T Abk.4Co9bb& WSSSVVWtfJBSSS iMi'mWeLJC jtepKen-Lcilie mAMM&wmm&& rnliln of "hla ynrht" wn3 n bit stuffy and ho wont foro nnd stood In tho rain. His cnrrlngo was waiting for him nt tho New York side lie entered It nnd In nu tdlo moment gave tho mnn a nickel. Tho man pulled a strap; something rung how funny It all wa3l Ho finally nrrlvcd nt "his study." It was noisy and seemed to bo tho study of quite a number of otlicrj, but tho Mnkc-llollevo-Mnn did not scent to mind. He removed his ruffs nnd put them on tho top of his desk ho pre ferred them to nny other desk orna ment, oven to a bust of Shnkcspcnro. Later In the day ho Invited a lady of quality to dluo with him nt 7 ho would bo back from tho links by that tlmo she could mrct hint nt the restaurant It wns so Jolly, this playing tho bohc mlnn. After dinner ho escorted tho Lndy of Quality homo. Sho lived oft Illoolter street but so many of tho old families did. When tho Mnke-Bellcvo-Man had turned the koy of his apart ment ho took ui) a hand glass nnd mi nutely exnmlned his face. There wcn Hno3 about the eyes, but the Hj. tfero us smiling ns u womnn'B. ''""'.licit shall It bo tomorrow?" ir.nld file Mnkc-Dc-llevo-Mnn, "hunting or golf?" Then ho sighed aj1 began to hunt for hla slippers. I.Tiirhliist Mnito lUnrimlvp, Ohio la the first stnto to try n pro veutlvo of lynching, which lias often been suggested, nnmely, tho plan of making tho county tit which a lynch ing occurs linblo for damages to tho heirs of tho victim. About two yenra ago such n law was enacted In Ohio, Just nfter sovernl lynchlngs had oc curred In thnt state It was argued that this law would tend to dlscourago tho resort to lynch law by Its notion upon tho pocket nerve of n commun ity, but It had not been passed long when a mob In Northern Ohio swung up a man. His next ot kin entered suit ngnlnst tho county whero tho crlmo occurred, nnd wns nwnrded Jfi.OCO damages. Tho county's counsel appealed tho caEo to tho supremo court on tho ground that tho net un der which the verdict was returned was unconstitutional. This question wns nrgucd elaborately on both aides, and tho court has decided that tho nn-tl-lynchlng law Is constitutional. It Is probable thnt other stntes will adopt tho Ohio method ot ranking lynchlngs expensive Atlanta Journal. Urobilins; All thn Honor. "I llko an energetic follow," said tho society young mnn, "but when I think of Brown, who went to war and got discharged In tlmo to come home whllo wnr heroes wero still in demand, nnd then got bnck on tho football tenm, I can't help snylng ho Is a bit of n hog." Indlnnapolls Journnl. r s Ja5$. mt. sJvk f f "iVt iWwiJE(r3 i VJfc4.iiv7 r A LavtoMyt lmix:fTWT SeFruL-REAow p knoiK.fKe pretty place Where sou &Jtd 1 didiCrAyj A ljjfm$ brooklel rvsCc?j doT fla.C vcrdcvnL wa ArvJ a.11 a.bout hilly wi(T wooAeLndi,greet o.nd olJ here grow fKeSnoiey My Ahd fke popfy dreitcd in go The birds Are blrflidy Striding Among fh l&urels Jtilfi And ecKoffi $wes A-r nn$"g from rnod Co mrghty SiU X KrV ib rueful reason JSo tror& uq vmder fhere In Sunny Summer season "Qr when ftf mOisd5 Aro barfi. But yet your briKl' yt?s nui- cl i jove you JliAlorGurtO mvy pursue Mnd blazing haTe A r. J f..hi.rA.J o r '"uniiuf Dui- owet hejxru r&u, be true, d coming ye?Ajy ihftll bring ma Tfifice IcfcCed baxkto you. K w .w, i. a. . MAN'9 DISLIKE OF COSMETIC liu Konp nui VVnUr Ttimrjr Itulna Hot Complritoiii Tlmn tho I'owiler ruff. Ella Wheeler Wilcox In tho Worn nn'ii Homo Companion dlscussci "Man's Limitations" when ho nttomptl to discourse on tho secrets of beauty. Sho says: "To tho avcrngo man the word 'cosmetics has the effect of n red rng shaken In tho faro of a bull. Yet tho word does not menu paint or pig ment. Trnco It back and you will find It signifies a preparation to r.Uora har mony. This Is the ngo of specialists. In dnya gone by whntover ovll bofoll the human body tho family physician wns expected to relieve. Now wo havo tho dentist, tho surgeon, the oculist, tho nurlst, the pedicure, and still others skilled In the trentmont of sca'p and skin. A good complexion Is tho back ground of n wnrftn's beauty. Naturo's most licnvtHrA grouping of foaturo In ruined f Jno background loses Its tono w incomes scnmod or spotted. To Wvold such disaster with tho flight of years requires knowledge nnd patience. Thero nro specialists In this lino who nro Just ns expert ns the dentist or tho oculist. No mint Is Indignant or dis gusted If his wife ronsults tho dentist. Ho docs not tell hor that a cheerful disposition will preservo hor tooth. Yet tho complexion feels thnt ravages of Indigestion, tlmo and Inherltnncc quite ns much ns tho teeth or eyes, nnd needs quite as skllirul trenment. Yot tho majority of ladles must keep tholr methods n secret becnuso ot tho Intol ornnco nnd unreason of man upon this subject. If n woman goco nbrond with vlslblo rougo on hor checks, powder on her iioro, or pencll-mnrkB under hor eyes, a man has n right to utter a pro test nnd volco his disgust. But ho never stops nt thnt. llo Immediately proceeds to tilr lil: aticloitt theories about n cheerful disposition nnd soap and water as tho only cosmetic proper for a respectable woman to use Mean tlmo the deadly scented sonp-cako hua ravaged moro complexions than any pigment on tho market." lie Unliril llm First ring In Cuho. At tho beginning of tho war, William R. Gratz sent to a Now York newspa per $100, with Instructions that ttia money should bo given to tho Amer ican sailor or soldier who should bo the first to ralso tho stars and stripes on, Cuban soil, it has boon decided at Washington that tho honor bolongs to Ensign Arthur L. Wlllnrd of tho Ma cblas. On Mny 11, whllo tho Wilming ton nnd tho Wlnslow woro engaged with the Spanish battorlcs at Carde nas tho Machlas shelled tho barracks at Diana Cny. and Wlllard went aslioro with a boat's crow and raised tho flag over these barracks, nfter tho Span lards had been driven nway. 4 r-v., "' J, roo-- rtt?, ci,ar m. may sap, rnn.-jr5l.incj mo. HiyiCnT ''-v . j 9tCi ' WW. ppM mtsm ;, m "1 l