The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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itv -
Si I
Administration of the State Passed
into Republican Hands.
The ItrlRlit I'renent nn I
l'nture tlio Tlmmo of
rnnr' AiIdrcM Chief
Administers tlio Oatti,
ttm rromUlnff
tlio Now Our
Jmtlco Hotter
Topeica, Kan., Jnn. 0. At noon to
tiny Willlnm lhigeno Stunloy, tho six
teenth governor of tho Htato of Kan
ban, wun Inducted into ofllco by taking
tho oath beforo Frank Dostor, chief
justlco of tho Supremo court, whoso
grim face Is tho only survivor loft In
tho htuto housu of tho Populists' btaio
administration which wns Inaugurated
with so much ceremony and rejoicing
by tho Populists two years ngo.
Tho House clock pointed persistently
nt half past 8 o'clock till n few min
utes before tho hour of Inauguration.
Then ft doorkeeper fl.xed It at 12 o'clock
nud nt that hour It Btnyed throughout
tho ceremonies.
Thero were present tit Governor
Stanley's Inauguration nil tho surviv
ing c.x-governorsof Kansas, except ox
Governor Crawford uud ex-Governor
Gllck. Ilesldcs Governor Leody thoro
were Lowolllng, St. John. Humphrey
nud Morrill. Mr. Crawford Is In Wash
ington and Mr. Gllck missed tho train
from Atchison and telegraphed his ro
ll rots.
In tho gallery abovo tho speaker's
desk were tho wives, daughtors and
women friends of tho new ofllccrs. Tho
canto gallery was just as happy two
years ngo, when tho Populists entered
the state houso.
Mrs. Stanley sat In nn unconsplcti
ous place In tho reserved Bcctton nn
tho right of tho platform. About her
svero grouped her friends who quite hid
lior from tho sight of tho crowd in the
liouso. Tho Stanley boys bat lu last
row in this section.
At 10:55 o'clock tho victor and the
vanquished appeared In tho hall by
tho speaker's door, Chief Justlco Frank
Poster nud ex-Governor Morrill load
ing tho way. Itchlnd them camo Gov
ernor Stanley with Governor Lcedy,
Associate Justlco Smith with Assoclato
Justlco Allen, Lieutenant Governor
Illchter, nud so on, tho several new
Btnto ofllcors loaning on tho arms of
their rospccolvo predecessors. Tho
last to como woro Captain Morris, au
ditor for tho state, and his successor,
Gcorgo 10. Colo. Two years ngo their
respectlvo positions in tho procession
were reversed. Then Captain Morris
was tho victor and Mr. Colo tho van
quished. In 1893 Mr. Colo was tho
only state officer of tho Morrill admin
istration renominated, nud to-day ho
returns to claim his old place. Added
to tho coincidences are that both Mr.
Colo nud Captain Morris arc lamo and
both live lu Glrard.
Tho now ofllccrs and their escorts
took seats rcsorvod for them on the
right of tho speaker's stand. On the
rostrum in front of tho stand were
seated Governor Leody, Governor
Stanley, ox-Govornor Morrill, cx-Gov-crnor
Lowolllng and Chief Justlco
Frank Dostor.
Govornor Leody was in good form
and speech nud upproachod his final
duty with dignity. In substunce, he
"Citizens of Kansas, wo nro assem
bled hero to-dny to witness tho induc
tion into ofllco of thoso whom the
people of Kansas havo chosen to suc
ceed tho administration of tho Popu
list party. I bespeak for them the
same consideration accorded tho Popu
list party in Kansas.
"1 take pleasure to Introduce to you
the governor of Kansas." Cheers fol
lowed tho brief speech of -Governor
Lccdy. Governor Stanley left his
chair and, raising his hand, said:
"The wholo world is getting ready
for tho advent of tho new century.
Tho years nro tilled with a spirit of
"Ono of tho greatest nations of the
old world Is advocating a general dis
armament in anticipation of tho time
when armies shall beat thotr swords
into plow shares and their spears Into
pruning forks.
"Tho groatest nation of tho now
world, in tho midst of unequalod com
mercial victories, has turned aside
from business pursuits long enough
to do for humanity tho most unsolthh
net thnt has been dono since tho man
of Galllleo gave hlmsolf for others.
"A now so-ig Is bursting forth on
iho nlr. Every note is a sound of joy
nnd its chorus is a paean of good w 111.
Each lino is freighted with sentiments
of good fellovshlp nnd tho accompani
ment is touched with tho fingers of
lovo on tho gi eat keyboard of human
nympathy. It had its beginning mora
tthan 1800 years aero on old Judoa'a
Jns, when woudsrin? shepherds Ha.
toned to tho heavenly chorus of peace
and good will to men. It will havo Its
ond when tho sunlight of penco shall
flood tho earth with its glory and
when tho sons of men shall meet upon
n plane of universal brotherhood.
"Kansas Is In touch with nil tho
hope tho present brings nnd will
strike no discordant noto in tho song
of triumph nnd Is getting ready to
greet tho now century with n shout of
welcome. Its tollers on tho farms, In
tho workshop, nt tho bench, on the
railroad, behind tho counter nnd in
tho mines nro prosperous, contented
and happy.
"Discord is giving way to harmony.
Wo nro leaving our frowns with the
nineteenth century, so we can greet
tho twentieth century with smiles.
Some of us havo burdened tho old
yenrs with censuro, but wo nro getting
ready to greet tho now years with
"It Is n great thing to bo n Knnsan.
Greater yet to bo n representative of
Kaunas thought and purpose nnd
sentiment, nnd greatest of nil to rep
resent that thought and purpose nud
ncutlmunt successfully. Tho peoplo do
not require brilliant leadership, ihey
do not require leadership nt all, but
they hno n right to uud do Insist on
faithful service.
"Kansas demands n good adminis
tration of her representatives that Is
unquestioned; tho dilllculty is to know
what their idea of n good government
is. Some would build on tho founda
tion of conservatism, nud would build
sontiongly In this direction thnt in
their judgment tho structure they
would build would bo ns strong as the
everlasting hills. Somo would build
on tho foundation of radicalism, nnd
mike nn cdlllco so secure that tho
gates of hell could not prevail against
"Tho growing spirit of fraternity
must bring these different clomonts to
gether nnd public servants must servo
all alike. Friendship will brldgo
chasms, remove obstncles and heal dif
ferences, nnd wo must nil ba friends.
Differences will exist, but they must
not lead to estrangements.
"Out of all colors and tongues and
trndes and creeds Knnban Is forming n
strong citizenship nnd if tho union is
characterized by kindness and for
bearance, It will bo as ptospcrous as it
Is strong.
"Wo aro fast learning that in poll
tics ns in geometry, tho straight lino
is tho shortest distunco botween two
points, nud that tho best way Is tho
right way; nnd with words of praise
for nil thnt in good In tho past, con
gratulating tho outgoing ndmlnlstra
tioh for much of good that it has done,
tho incoming administration ask for
tho support and encouragement that
has been given thosa that havo gono
before, nud with this support It turns
to tho work before It with conildcnco
and hope."
As ho closed his speech Governor
Stanley said:
"Mr. Chief Justlco, I nm now ready
to tako tho oath of ofllce," and the
brlof words by tho maglstrato respond
ed to by Mr, Stanley made a now gov
ernor and closed tho second Populist
administration of Kansas.
As tlio new governor was taking tho
oath, a governor's salute began firing
from tho battery of artillery statlonod
In tho adjacent yard.
Aftor tho exercises tho crowd
pressed to tho speaker's stand, whoro
Governor Stanley hold a brief recep
Protest About Hollo to tho President
Thar "Ultllko Ilocolt."
London, Jan.
0. Tho Filipino com
mittccs in Paris, Madrid nnd London
telegraphed Saturday to President Mc
Klnloy. The Paris dispatch read: "We
protest ngalnst tho disembarkation o
American troops at Hollo."
Tho London Telegram said: "The
treaty of paco still unratified. Amer
ican claim of sovereignty promatnro.
Pray reconsider icsolutlon regarding
Hollo. Fillplnoi wish for the frlond
ship of Amorica and abhor militarism
Tho Filipino junta of Paris has ro
colvod a telegram from tho Filipino
agent at Hong Kong, dated Saturday,
saying: "Fight with tho Amorlcans
unavoidable Wo aro not tho ag
gressors." A telegram from an English house
nt Maulla to-day says tho situation i
very strained and that thero Is tnucl
anxiety thero. Tho dispatch also con
tains news from Iollo, tho substan-o
of which was that tho Amorlcn
troops hnd not yet landod.
Tho members of tho Filipino junta
discredit a statement published In tho
London Globo this afternoon that tho
United States government has ordered
Agonclllo, tho representative of Aguln
aldo, to leave Washington. Thoy say
they Burely would havo heard tho
nows if It had been true.
Mull advices from tho so-called Fil
ipino government, recolvcd hero to
day, say that Agulnaldo has decided
that all foreign trado entering ports
under Filipino control will bo admit
ted upon tho payment of n duty of 3
per cont ad valorem and that all ox
port trado Is liable to a duty of 1 por
cent ad valorem.
"KatyV Her Shop to Open.
Skoaua, Mo., Jnn. 0. It has been
definitely arranged for tho Missouri,
Kansas nnd Texas to tako possession
of its new car shops in southwest So
dalla on February 1. The now shops
will glvo Immediato employment to
'.'00 men, in addition to tho present
largo forco.
For llobhlii? it l'tmtomce.
Mauv8vii.u:, Kan., Jnn. 0. rost
olllco Inspector Albert O. Swift arrest
ed John 11. Gray, flvo miles north ot
Homo City, in this county, yestorday
morning, on tho chnrgo of robbing the
Cedar lJluffu, Nob., postoflicc.
llalty Itoullun of Legislative Doing
Chronicled for tlio I'primnl of Our llusy
Reader A Succinct Hiitnmary of All
Important Action.
Tin: hi'.nati:,
Wednesday, January 4.
The senate was called to order this
morning nt ten o'clock by Lieutenant
Governor Harris. Chuplnln Cressmnn
delivered tlio invocation. Currio of
Custer was ubsent on uccouut of sick
uess. Noyes of Douglas reported for the
committee on scnutc employes ns fol
lows: Pngcs: Munley Houghton,
Chadron; Chnrlcs Hurchum. Willis
Stout ami Wnlter Rogers, Lincoln.
Messengers, Arnold Kticiinlugs, Osnge.
Night wutehmun, Chester Franklin,
The report was adopted.
Arendb of Otoe Introduced n resolu
tion providing that no newspapers
would be allowed for constituents nt
the cost of the stntc; thnt ten 2-cent
stamps he allowed per diem for olllclul
business, nnd thnt the secretary of the
senate be time keeper also, uud that
each employe is to be paid only for
time actually employed.
The resolution was adopted.
Tnlbot of Lancaster, Steele of Jef
ferson, nnd Cunudy of Kearney acted
ns a committee to confer with u houso
committee on joint session to canvass
the returns of election.
After tho joint session, tlio senate
adjourned till 10 o'clock J'hursduy
a. m.
Thursday, .lantiary li.
Senator Talbot, president pro tern,
called the sen ito to order this morn
ing. Aftr routine business wns trans
acted, introduction of bills followed.
The senators were not prepared, uud
only throe were Introduced:
S. Y. No. I, by l'rout of Ouzo -To amend t'le
Australian ballot lnwro uh to prcu'til the
placing of n candidate's name ou the ballot
nicie tlinn once
S. Vi No. a, by Currlc of Cutter -To pro Ido for
frro uttcmliinre at public liluli s'uoo'.h
; V. No. . bv Ilulo of Mudlson To establish a
nute normal ictioolutviiyne.
Aftor the joint session, n committee
was appointed to escort Lieutenant
Governor Gilbert to the chair. In it
few well chosen words he assumed the
presiding olliecr's chair.
Tho following committee on rules
wns appointed ou motion of ll.trton of
Johnson: Senators Talbot of Lancas
ter, Noyes of Douglas, Crow of Doug
las, Steele of JcffcrMHi uud Holbrook
of Dodge.
The senate ndjourned tit 5:10 until
Monday at y p. m.
.Monday, .Iiinuary l.
Lieutenant Governor Gilbert called
tho senate to order ut o'clock this
Senator O'Neill of Holt county moved
that tho senate, as a representative
body of the state of Nebraska nsk our
representatives In congress to oppose
the Anglo-American ullluncc now be
ing ngltnted, and ulso, territorial ex
pansion by invasion nnd conquest.
Roche of Lancaster moved that the
motion bo tabled. Talbot of Lancaster
supported tho motion, O'Neill moved
tho previous question in order to shut
off debate, not knowing thnt a motion
to tnblc would do the bame thing. The
motion to table carried.
Senator Holbrook of Dodge, Steele
of Jefferson und Furrcll of Merrick
were appointed ns n committee to con
fer w ith u like committee of tho house
nnd prepare rules to govern joint ses
sions. Lieutenant Governor Gilbert nn
nounccd the appointment of Ills son,
Edward Gilbert, ns his page.
Senator Canaday of Keurncy intro
duced a joint resolution asking Ne
braska's representatives in congress to
uso all honorable means to secure the
passage of United States Senator Cul
loin's hill giving interstate commerce
full authority to grant relief us con
templated In the orlclnnl bill.
Tho following bills wetc Introduced:
8 1 r, bv J. S. Cnuaday An act to establish a
KtBte normitl iti'hool ut Mliulon and to pro
vldo for rcrrhlnir it donation of forty uires cf
land ounce! bv J. S. Cunnduv.
b. I'. fl. by Tulbot To rsduro lnterrst on Btuto
warrants from B per cent to per cent, nlso
proWilln? that bonds lssuod by counties,
cities, etc., druw not to exceed 5 per cont In
stead of T per cent us ut prencnt. :
Lieutenant Governor Gilbert brought
tip the matter of reading bills in full
on three different dnvs, as provided by
the constitution. While he did not be
llevo the time of tho senate snould bo
occupied solely in listening to bills,
he suggested thnt tho secretary should
opee up each bill nud give ouch u nom
inal reading, ntlenst.
Senntor Tnlliot told what the prac
tice had been nud suggested thnt if
tho record showed each bill had been
read as required It would be difficult
to go bohlud the record.
Other senators expressed
bcuatc selves on the question, but tho
adjourned without settling It.
Tuedny, January 10.
After preliminaries in tho senate
this morning, Senator Noyes of Doug
las nskel for a committee to iuvestl
jrnte tho bond of tho state treasurer.
It went over under tho rules.
Crow of Douglas introduced a joint
resolution for an amendment to sec
tion one, nrtlele XV, of the state con
stitution to provide that either branch
of the legislature may propose amend
ments to the constitution, nnd if agreed
to by threc-lifths of the members thoy
are to be published nnd voted on at
next general election. If thero be
more than one amendment they shall
bo voted on separately.
On motion of Holbrook of Dodge 500
copies of sonnte committees woro or
dered printed for use of members,
A llbt of property of the senate was
ordered made on motion of Halderman
of Phelps.
A joint resolution was Introdueod
endorsing tho Cullom amendment to
enlarge tho powers of the interstate
commerce commission.
Tlio bill for tho eHtnhlishment of a
state normnl school at Ml mien was
read tho second time.
Among bills Introduced were:
S. K. ltt bv Talbot To authorlc tho or'nnl&
Hon of minimi Ktuirnnteo bond rompunlcs to
Insure tldllty member holding place of
trust In Mate, county or city ofllccs, or In nny
company or corporation.
S. F, IB, by Prout by request-To permit it di
vorce on account of Insanity after lite ear
confinement in uu liihuno u-jlum, provided
that aurh Intiinttv has not been brouitbt on
by the fault or inUcoaduct of the party sec't
lo; a divorce.
S T.2A. Iy Tnlbot Rclatlnc to iHiool text
boon for uko In the public s-hools of the
Mate of NebfaBkft. proWilln,? for tito uni
formity nml tnixllnuin ehnries for Mild boohs
creatine a commission to nelcit tho satno.
Hnd maUlna nn appropriation lor carrjlnt'
out tho provisions thereof.
tiii: uut'Hi:.
WcdncMlny, January 4.
The house wns called to order nt
10:'-'O this morning, Chaplain Scubrooko
opening the session with prayer.
A committee from tho senate com
municated a request for a joint fes
slon to canvass the returns of the
election, and Lane of Lancaster. Tan
ner of Platte and Evans of Adams
were upnolnted a committee to ar
range w Ith the benate committee for
the same.
A motion to nllow the speaker a
private secretary and pige allowed.
Messrs. Thompson, Htillcrnnd Grosve
nor were appointed n commUteo to
notify the governor that liouso was
The house nnd senate committees re
ported 11 u. in., Jiinuury J, as lime for
joint session to canvas vote.
Through the committee to notify
tho governor of the organization of
the house, thnt body was Informed
that tho governor would be pleased to
deliver his message, but would prefer
to do so just before tho new olllcers
are Inaugurated.
On motion of Pollnrd of Cass a com
mittee of seven was appointed on
Pilncc of Ifall Introduced n resolu
tion providing for the appointment of
it committee on dellclency impropria
tions. Prince said that there would
be more deficiencies come before this
session than before any previous ses
sion, nnd he wun ted tho responsibility
placed where it belonged, on the pres
ent administration.
Grosvenur of Hamilton called for the
yeas and nays, claiming theie wns no
need for tho committee; that there
would be but very few deficiencies
presented, and that tho responsibility
would bo borne by those responsible.
The icsolutlon was declared out of
1 1 in radii y, January ft.
In the house thin morning the read
ing of the journal wns dispensed with.
A motion to appoint a committee of
three to investigate dellclency claims
wns tabled.
W. F. Porter, secretary of state.
asked that G. P. Porter be appointed
ns custodian of supplies for the house.
The appointment was continued by
unanimous vote.
Adlutnnt-Gencral Hurry sent nn in
vitation to the Inaugural reception
which was accepted.
William V. Allen sent a telegram of
congratulation to the houso on its or
ganization. Wheeler of Furnns moved that u
committee of nine members on rail
roads be appointed. Declared out of
On motion of llevcrly of Douglas the
speaker WiiMtllowed to appoint sulll
cient employes to transact business
pending tho report of tho committee
on employes.
When the lioiiss convened in tho nf
teruoon immediately after loll cull,
Jiuisen of Jefferson moved that when
the house ndjourned It be till Monday
afternoon at '2 o'clock. This motion
The speaker announced tho follow
ing standing committee on rules: Mr.
Speaker, Pollard of Cuss, Prince of
Hall, Thompson of Merrick, Dctweiler
of Douglas, Wheeler of Furnas and
Weaver of Uieimnison.
A motion was then passed, made by
Pollnrd, thnt eaeh member of the house
bo furnished live two-cent und live
one-cent stump? each day.
Adjourned for joint session.
Monday, Jaiinttry U.
The hctise convened at 2:15 this af
ternoon. The commlttco on rules reported
through Pollard of Cass. The rules of
the last session were presented with
several changes providing thnt the
committee on rules may report nt nny
time w Inch report it snull tune n tw o
thirds otc to rescind. Another change
permitted n majority of members on
the floor to raise a call of tho house.
A third change added a committee on
deficiencies to the list of stnnding com
mittees. Two members were made
hiitllclent to demand toll call and live
members sulUeleut to demand u cull of
tho house. A majority of members
elect was mnde necessary to ehuugc
standing rules.
Mr. Pollaul moved the adoption of
therepoit. Wheeler of Furnns pre
sented a minority report. The differ
ences were thnt the minority claimed
two members should be able to de
mand it cull of the liouso; that a ma
jorlty elected Instead of thoso present
.should raise a call of tho house; that
tho deficiency committee should be
eliminated and that the special privi
leges to the committee on rules should
not be grunted, AinHher point that
cicalcdu difference of opinion wns
that of a sifting committee, nud after
debate consideration of that part -of
tho rules was postponed until Tuesday
afternoon. Tlio other portion of the
report was adopted.
Hotick of Douglas offered a resolu
tion commending President MclClnley
on the conduct of the war. Grosvenor
moved to refer to the committee on
deficiencies, snylng it was not yet
known how much the deficiency on
account of the war would be. Prince
of Hall suid a word about deficien
cies to which Grosvenor replied.
Grosvenor's motion wns lost und the
resolution was adopted.
Introduction of bills followed nnd
Armstrong of Nemaha was recognized
and presented tho first bill, When the
rush was over 03 hud been introduced
und rend first time. The most Im
portant ones are:
11 It. I. by Armstrontt To d!spcno with of
llco of oil Inspector.
II It. 7. by I'.vaiiH -Joint resolution providing
for fciilimiNMini to tlu people of u pnpositioi
to hold a convention to rotlso the i onstltu-
II. It. . bv lltaiiii To npproprlalo (0,ow for
new Uulldlnir for Il-stlius asjluin.
II it. U, by r.tuns To npproiirlnto fnno for
bollt r houso und boilorut Ilastlnzs uylum.
II, It l'i livI.viiiH -To piovtdu for u tax upon Inheiltaucos.
II. It 10 by Urohwito- To provide n penalty
for the UkuIuk of (no irunNport.itlcn to pub-
ll o'llicrs.
II. It. It, bv l'rets -To reuuro rntn of panscnser
transportation to not moru than 2 cuuu per
II, It. 'ii. bv Hums of t.nne.mtcr To ledum
rate of Infiot nn state uarrinis to 1 pi r cent
II. It. W, bj 1 isher -Tottti hlti'p'iu: cur com-
p.uilcH S'i per cent of Bros eiirutiwK.
11. It. 3), by Hums of I.uucusti'r -To nbolMi
bourd of trnnporiuirou,
11. It. is. by rixo'.tiuet present
ballot law.
It, R. 47, bv.SmlthborfjcrTo establish n nor
mal school nt Wayne. .
11. 11. M, by ilrosuiKir To provldo for freo nt
temlanco at hlnh schools
It. It. '!. bv Zellern-To present name of can
didate nppi'nrlntf on billot more than onco.
It. R. 5), bv Kellers To pioldo for uso of ot
Ine machlncK. , . .. .., ,
II It. C3, bv Cunnlngba-n-rrovldlnif for an
anti-pan law.
No. 03 Is more stringent than tho
ono Introduced by Mr. Grosvenor, nnd
makes it n mlsdenicunor to 'issue frco
Tucvlu), January 10.
The house was called to order this
morning shortly nftor 10 o'clock.
lleujamin of Hitchcock uroso nftot
journal reading, and stilted ho had
been Incorrectly reported us having
voted nay on tho Olmstead resolution
when ho voted aye. The journal was
found to be correct.
Taylor of Custer wanted a committco
of five to investigate and report on
tho advisability of dispensing with
the ofllco of olllnspector and railroad
commissioners. Tabled on motion of
Pollard of Cass, who suid bills cover
ing these measures would 11ml con
sideration with proper committees.
Thompson of Merrick introduced a
resolution that 500 copies of rules be
printed for usu of members. Referred
to commltte ou printing.
Eastman of Custer wanted to have
defined the duties of the committee
on other institutions. He served us
chairman twe years ngo, but declared
all matters pertaining to management
rif nlnoiiiiisvimrv Institutions lire re
ferred to committee ou Insane hospitals
and the committee on other nsylums
finds itself .vith no duties to perform.
Among b'Us Introduced and read
first time are:
II. II. CO. by Mi'tnlnzer To call a cotent!on to
letlso constitution . ,
II R. fill, by Fast -nan Toprolde for submis
sion of I'oistliutijiialum'iiduionts tooto of
the people.
II. It. 70, bv Ktans To create nnd malntnln n
rescrte nrd KU-irantec fund for protection of
depositors In banks.
II H. n to Si. by I.ane-Correctlnz and
iimcndltiK Compiled St.ituti .
II. It. W, bv Vuer-Providing punishment
for prsons mukliiK loud and undue noises at
II. R. Ill bv Chittenden of Oaeo. by renncst
Providing for u docrtoof dlvoiie on grounds
of insanity.
II. It. HW. by riynn-I'or the brandlnj of peni
tentiary uuilc iroods und providing penalties
for lol.ttlou thereof.
II It. Itw. by I'lynn 1'or boards of arbitration
and dellnlne duties und powers of same.
In the afternoon after second rend
ing of bills, the speaker called for the
special order of the day. Lane of Lan
caster, moved that in the report of the
committee on rules the added portion
of rule 54. over which a disagreement
occurred Monday, be stricken out of
the report. This was done.
Representatives Rouse, Fisher nnd
Morau were appointed to consult with
a like committee from the bcnatc on
rules of joint sessions.
Tburndi), January B.
Tlio inauguration of Governor-elect
Poy nter ami the incoming stntc ofllcotn
occupied tho attention of the legisla
ture today. Little time was de
voted to nny other business. The sen
ute wns in session a short time, but
the introduction of bills was an
order of business that wus reached.
The joint session, as soon ns it got
down to business, sent a committee to
notify the governor that the legisla
ture was read to listen to anything
he had to say.
At 2:110 o'clock the governor and
state ofllcers-clect were announced.
They odvnneed and weic given scats
immediately before the speaker's stand.
Lieutenant Governor Harris an
nounced Governor Holeomb und he Im
mediately commenced leading his
message. Governor Holeomb spoke
two hours.
Governor-elect Poyntcr took the oath
of office administered by Chief Justice
Harrison nnd delivered' his inaugural
address. The state ofllccrs took their
oaths, after which the jointconvcntion
immediately adjourned.
Gardner l'olHhei OR tlio Irlibtnin Wltli
Left Hand Hiving.
Nkw York, .Tun. 11. Tho fight be
tween Oscar Gardner, tho Omaha Kid,
nnd Dave Sullivan of Ireland, ended
disastrously for the latter In tho sev
enteenth round before the Lenox Ath
letic Club last night. Sullivan seemed
full of fight wheu tho seventeenth
round opened nud went right to his
man. In a clinch tho le6's of both box
ers becamo entangled and Sullivan
fell to the floor. Tho moment ho got
up Gardner planted two fearful right
hand swings on Davo'a head, nnd put
tho Irishman down nud out with a
wild left hand 6wlng which landed
flush on Sullivan's mouth. All thrco
of tho blows wera delivered within ton
seconds, and the last one sent Sullivan
into tho land of nod for tho first Hum
in his ring career.
ttawi of tlio Election of Mallotoa' Sao
ci or riaaio tho I'otrari.
New Yokk, Jan. 11. A dispatch to
tho Now York Herald from Washing
ton says:
Mataafa has been elected king ol
Samoa to succeed Malletoa. Official
information to this effect has boon ro
ceived hero, Tho election was hold
without trouble, though Taraasese,
who was vloo king in 1841, backad by
a small following, cudoavored to ob
tain the ofllco. The situation, accord
ing to the latest advlcos, is quiet.
Mntaafa'a election Is highly satisfac
tory, not only to tho Washington gov
ernment, but to tho German and Brit
ish governments, because of tho cor
tainty that ho will bo guided in his
action by the wishos of the consuls in
Apln of tho signatory poweri to tha
Hcrlin treaty.
Mio Clave Him 11 Dellrato Hint.
"Did you soo my beautiful presont
from papa?" oho tiskoil of Uhurloy
Nalrgo, who hud como to call.
No. Wlmt la it?"
"A new clo k. It's so ingonlous,
It hna a music box uttuchmuut."
"Very clover."
Yos. It plays 'Homo, Sweot
Homo' ovory night at 10 o'clo.-k."
And Churloy wont that evening at uj ntlnu'.c past 9,
t:nrly Official War Newi at tnt Olf
Oat In Wellington.
Washikotox, Jnn. 0. Tho corr
ftpondcuco published ofllclally in co
ncctton with tho pence treaty eontalr
much of interest from Consul William
who wns stationed at Manila prior t
tho war. Ho was in constant comm
nlcatlon with Agulnaldo for somo Hi
after the battlo of Manila bay, ar
his letters throw much light upon t!
relations with tho Philippine chlcftnlr
As early as February 23d, last, Jj,
Williams wrote:
"Tho governor general, who is at
iablo nnd popular, having reslgnt
wished credit for pacification, nnd ct
tnln rebel leaders were given a en
brlbo of Si, 050,000 to consent to pub
deportation to Chlnn. This bribe ni
deportation," ho adds, "only mul
piled claimants nnd fanned the Arcs
On March 10 ho claimed that lettc
and telegrams were tampered with.
He speaks of tho inllucnco of tl
church ns the greatest bar to progrc
in tho Islands. Mr. Williams al
stated that every lelsuro hour was tl
voted to tho inspection of the fort
nrscnals and bnttlcMhips in and ato
Manila, oven at that early day, at
that he was sending Information tli
derived to Commodore Dewey, l,
with his fleet, wns then at HoiigKon
Spies were so thick that ho did n
duro copy his dispatches In off
Mr. Williams left Manila on Ap
iX Ho was a witness of Dewey's v
tory, and on May 12 resumed hls
ports from Caxlle. Ills flist
of that date begins with tho assurnr
of "the friendliness of tho Phillppl
natives to our country and to mo ub
"Scores of times," he continues,
havo hcnid hopes oxprcsscd that eitb
tho United States or Great Urlli
would acquire these islands."
"Agulnaldo told mo to-day,"
writes on Juno 10, "that his frier
all hoped that tho Philippines woi
bo held as a colony by tho Unit
States." This was only four th
after the first formation of a prot
ional government by the natives. I
Williams says ho was invited to
present when this government wasi
ganlzed by tho Filipinos, but that
declined. For this he afterwards
eclved a note of approval from I
state department.
On August 4 he wrote:
"It has been my study to keep
pleasant terms with Agulnaldo f
ultimata objects. Admiral Dcwcysa
1 have planted the scedr of cordial
operation My agreement with Agn
aldo has becu that the conditions
government by tho United Stntes
tho Philippine Islands would bo vast
better for him and his peoplo in lion
advancement and profit than cot
exist under any plan fixed by liimt
and Filipinos. I havo traversed t
entire ground of government with li
in council, nnd ho has called hia c
cials from fifteen provinces to meet'
their discussion, all stated as frlcm
but unolllcinl on my part."
On September 5 Mr. Williams cabli
"To-day delegations from 4,000 Vis.
an boldlcrs, and also represent)
Southern business interests, camo
mo pledging loyalty to anncxati
Several insurgent leaders lilccwl
Spain cannot control. If wo ovacua
anarchv rules."
a Proclamation I'eoplo of liar
Are Urged to OIto Up Weapon.
Havana, Jan. 0. General Lndh
tho military commander of tho
trict of Havana city, has issued
following proclamation to citize
"It is known that largo quantities
arms and ammunition aro in store
numerous places in this city, grcath
excess of any posslblo reqttiremei
Thc&o accumulations aro tho re.
of tho war conditions which have
Isted for three years and, now t
tho city is lu a condition of profoi
peace and no member of tho comm
ity has any requirement for dea
weapons of tho character indlcntcd
is evidenco at once of good faith
patriotism to dispense with their rd
tlon. Actuated by these feelings m
citizens havo for sovoral days i
baen voluntarily turnlug in tl
arms and havo requested tho Un
States authorities to rccclvo th
Castle La Punta has been dcsignu
as an armory for their deposit and
eclpts aro given for the weap
turned in."
lly tho samo proclamation ph
slnns aro required to report info ct
diseases and saloons and restaur;
are allowed to bo open until mldnlj
instead of till 11 o'clock. To rch
suffering and stop professional 1
gary tho guards patrolling tho str
aro to tako notice ot cases of illness
destitution, with tho locality of
strcot and the number, and emerge
rations-will bo issued. In cnscB ol
ncss special food will bs supplied
tho doctors.
Wants a Coil In Station.
Mapiud, Jan. . Official circles
aro warmly discussing the nttltut
Great llrltaln, owing to her pres
demand that Spain sell her a co.i
station lu tho Halearlc Iblaudt
other stragetlo points, so na to rci
uiuraitar unassailable.
Tlielr ntjmen'i Aim li Hid
London, Jan. 0. Tho splendid j
tlco of tho American gunners
given tho Ilrltlsh a critical Inters
tho gun firing of their own navy
tho results ot the Inquiries inadt
not reassuring. Tho performanc
tho Mediterranean fleet, suppose
be of tho crack HrltUh tleot, are
from satisfactory. Tho papers
ask if it is not time that mcasun
taken to make gun pruotlco soruot
more than a perfunctory excrlsc,
tho case lu manv BrltUu shins.
. Jts