The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1899, Image 1

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The Farnitafe (Dan
is still doing busineis at the old stand.
Lower Prices,
Better Goods,
than any one. Call and be convinced j
before buying.
While they last
f I will sell my Ice Wool Fascinators, Wool
Squares, Hoods at greatly reduced prices.
' Remember that I sell
White Flannels,
Black ana Colored Dress Goods,
White Goods,
Ladies, Shopping Bags,
Hosiery, Mittens,
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Laces and Embroideries
For less money than thoy enn bo bought elsewhere In tho city. Tho best place
for yarns in tho city.
Mies. :en newhousb.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
JtxlLltif material, Etc.
Red Cloud,
Chicago Lumber Yard,
(Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement.
Agondllo Wants to be Recognized. Va
cated Their Seats. Directed to Vote
for Peace Treaty.
If tho ability of Agoucillo, who bus
asked for recognition as Philippine
minister to tho United States wtia
equal to his iinptiilotiuo, ho would bu n
"warm nienibor" of tho diplomatic
corps. Ho won't got any official recog
nition, but ho has already made much
trouble for us in thu Philippines. Ho
learned some time ago, by some leak
age in official circles, that Gen. Otis
hud been instructed not to use force in
dealing with the insurgents, without
further orders, and at onco cabled tho
information to Aguinaldo, through tho
Philippine junta at Hong Kong; that's
why Aguinaldo has beon putting up
such n stiff front towards our troops.
Agoucillo is also getting encourage
ment from tho anti-oxpanslonlBts in
congress. Senator Mason has offered
a resolution declaring that tho United
Stales will not attempt to govern tho
people of any other country without
the consent of tho pooplo themselves,
or subject them by forco to our domin
ion against their will.
Tho house judiciary committee has
taken no official action, but its mom
bors aro unanimously of tho opinion
that the acceptance of commissions in
the volunteer army by representatives
vacated thoir seats in congress.
Another vote was mado for tho ratifi
cation of the treaty of peaco whon tho
California legislature adopted a resolu
tion directing tho sonators from that
stato to vote for ratification, without
amendment, of tho treaty. Seuator
Perkins had announced his intention
to voto against ratification unless tho
legislature of his stato instructed him
to voto for it. If tho legislature in
othei states followed tho sentiment of
tho majority of their constituents
there would doubtless bo similar in
structions scut to other "bucking" sen
ators. For the twelth annual time thu house
mado the civil servico clauso of the
legislative, executive and judicial ap
propriation bill the basis for a "circus."
This time, however, the performance
was carried a little farther than ever
before, and a motion to strike out the
appropriation for tho civil service com
mission was adopted by a voto of 07 to
01, while tho houso was sitting as a
commilteo of tho whole. The total
voto being only a littlo moro than one
thirdfof the entire membership, it was
not surprising whon tho yea and nay
vote was taken in tho house, that tho
motion was defeated by a small mar
gin, but there may como a day when it
will not bo defeated.
Some good propositions aro ruled
out on points of order in the house,
One of them is that ottered byRopic-
sentative Iiartumu, of Montana, that
any member of the house who retained
any portion of too $100 u month al
lowcd.him for clerk hiio, should for
feit lus scat. Later modified so that
any member who attempted to retain
any portion of this allowance should
forfolt that amouut. Mr. Hartman
was very considerato toward tho feel
ings of tho members of tho present
house; hesaid bohad information that
mombors of previous congresses had
mado a practice of pocketing all, or a
largo portion of this allowance. Ho
struck some of his colleagues hard,
however, when ho added: "No man who
would be guilty of such an act is fit to
bold a seat in the house." Itsooms
like a littlo thing, in itself, but littlo
abuses invariably lead to larger ones,
and often to great national scandals.
It is notorious in Washington that out
side of a.fow men, who pay out much
more than tho allowance for clerical
assistance, most of tho congressmen
work some sort of a dodgo to keop all
or n part of this allowanco in their own
pockets. Some do it by employing
omo member of thblr own family,
often a boy or a girl at school and reg
ularly preanrulng a voucher signed by
them for the entire amount, but the
favorite method seems to bo to biro
some poor devil as clerk, making him
sign vouchers for 1100 a month and
paying him only a small portion of it.
Mr. Hartuun thould try to find lomi
way to make the members of tho house
put themselves on recoid foroi against
his propositi ii,
Senator Cnffruy agrees with Bonntor
Vest, that a colonial policy is against
the constitution of tho United Statos
niul said in a speech, that to establish
oue wi.uld lie despotism. Tho follow
ing extinct fiom Ills speech sounds
goud, and, if there were no contented
English colonies, might be convincing:
"The history of the world shows that
God lias set the bounds where thu dif
ferent people of the earth shall abide.
When 1 look at the condition of tho
world, 1 am unalterably convinced that
no permanent swiy can be held by the
white man over the black man in the
sub-tropics, except by n strong mili
tary and cruel despotism."
In ottering his resolution, calling on
the president for nil the instructions
given to peace commissioners, which
was adopted by tho senate, although
opposed by Mr. Davis, chairman of tho
sonate committee on foreign relations
and one of tho peace commissioners,
Senator Hoar was actuated, ho says,
by n desire to bring out tho fact that
our commissioners went to Paris in
structed to demand ono island, and
that taking the whole Philippine group
was an afterthought. This has beon
an open secret from the first, and tho
commissioners have told senators that
they had to demand all or nono of the
Philippines, owing to circumstances
whicli became apparent as soon as thoy'
met the Spanish commissioners.
Disease Proved Beyond Question to Be In
fectious, Is Rapidly Conquering
the Country.
La grippe is a contagious disease. Its
specific germ has been positively iden
tified, nnd it is transmitted from person
to person either by direct contact or by
inhaling the germs while thy float in
tho air. It is a dangerous diseaso,
lowering tho vitality nnd wasting tho
resistivo power so that pneumonia,
heart disease, nervous prostration and
insanity find easy victims. No specific
is known that will kill tho grip gorm,
but it may bo driven out and its effects
overcome by tho prompt use of Dr.
Miles Restorative Nervine.
"La Grippo left my nervous system
so racked aud shattered that I could
not sloop and for two months was un
der tho influonco of narcotics. Physic
ians and friends gave mo up to die; but
in two days after I comiiieiieod Inking
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine I began
to improve, and in n month's time I
was entirely cured. It is tho greatest
health restorer on earth."
D. W. Hilton, Louisvillo, Ky.
All druggists aro authorized to soli
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervlno on guar
antee that first bottle beueiits or money
refunded. Ho sure and get Dr. Miles'
Net vino. Uooklul on heart and nerve
diseases sent free. Addtess,
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
La Grippe Successfully Treated.
"1 liavo just recovered from tho sec
ond attnek of lagrippo this year," says
Mr, Jas. A, Jones, publisher of tho
Louder, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
caso I used Chamborlains Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a littlo over two
days against ton daya for tho former
attack. Tho second attack I am satis
tied would havo been equally as bad as
tho first but for tho uso of this romedy
as I had to go to bed in about six hours
after being 'struck' with it, whiloin tho
first caso I was ublo to attend to busi
ness about two days beforo gotting
down." For salo by H. E. Grico.
i ii i 'i 1
lilt fc-"j)
ft rTrfc 1
1 SB vl
It means it is the purest made.
Soaps, strong with alkali, will eat
And burn the clothes, and leave them fraytd.
But Ivory Soap is clean and sweet
It washes out the stain and dirt,
And leaves the fabric all unhurt.
coermwrr mm iy thi mootih a oamiu co, ckkmhuti
To the Public
Wo are authorized to guarantoo ev
ery bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough
Remrdy and if not satisfactory to re
fund tun money to tho purchaser,
There is no bettor medicine mado for
lagrippo, colds aud whooping cough.
Price 25o and 60o per bottle, try it. II,
E. Grico.
Educate Tour IloweU Willi Ownteti.
Candy Ctoarite. cur coniilpatton forovtr.
im,wm. uuu.u,ii,irafltiMrMmi
Little Stuff Which Almost Escaped Pub
licity Through Carelessness.
Our. waste basktt is full of such ad
vertising as that sent out by tho Omaha
Greater American Exposition. Now
that tho tmall pox scare is on in some
portions of the btate, the doctor, who
is generally a silent cuss nnd don't bo
lievo in advertising, is inviting tho
public to como in and tako a shot of
his vaccinating virus. Hobsonl.o is
tho latest word brought out by thu
Beaver Valley Tribune. This word
must bo synonomous with hypnotize.
Tho woman who gets hypnotized is
just as big a chump anyway as the ouo
who geta Hobsonized. Red Cloud
seems to bo hold in a stato of siege by
organizers of fraternal lodges. And
by tho way thoy aro reaping n good rti-
ward of shekels nnd will leave town
with thoir pocket books bulging with
crisp bank notes. Have you put dowu
your name lor a t'Hollo?" If you
haven't you probably moan to sponge
on your next door neighbor ami talk
through the telephone for untiling.
The world is full of this kind of fellows
who help tho town along through thu
pockets of others. Insuie in Tho Trav
elers and be on thu right side who n
you break your leg in a hole in the side
walk. Tho change in the weather has
put a damper on tho ico liar vest.
From presont indications 1800 will
witness more substantial improvement
in this city thau for ton years p-ist.
Ihe Chief will keop up with the times
and now is tho timo to subscribe
This city would improvo moro rapidly
if somo property owners in the east
would shuffle off tho mortal coil, They
will not build nor will not soil unless
they can get an outrageous price, and
hold favorablo locations whore brick
buildings would be put up if the loca
tions could bo secured at reasouablo
figures We livo in hopes of reading
of their early domiso, providing thoy
don't deeido to tako theso valuable lo
cations with them to tho great beyond.
Tho nico weather has caused the
scool boy to drop tho shlnnoy club and
grasp tho baso ball bat. Speaking of
baso ball, wo wonder if this city will
sport a good olub this year. Wo don't
nee why uot as there is plenty of good
material to draw from. Bo sure nud
read tho fourth page this week. Somo
poople fill tho gutters full of ashes in
tho wintertime and then kink becauso
the city don't clean them out when tho
first thaw comes so that the water van
run. A few boanls about six iuehes
wido and four feet long would bo a val,
uablo ndtlitiou to somo of our side
walks. Tho telephone is nov an an
sured fact, although somo business
houses didn't Bubseribo for one. This
class, as in the past, will do their talk
ing through their hats. There is some
talk of Red Cloud having a now band
organization. Tho proceedings of the
county board will bo published in full
next week.
For Sale.
' One hundred nnd sixty acres of unim
proved laud four miles northwest of
Rod Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of tho northeast quarter, and tho east
half of tho northwest quarter of seption
fifteen in township two north, range
eleven west. Tho land is leased at
present, but subjnet to salo. Price
12,500. For further information apply to
Mk3. James Kikkwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
Meekison of Ohio
Has Been Greatly Benefited by
ConcrenMiian D. MuhUon of Ohio, writes
tho following totter to Dr. Hartman.
Dr. S. Ii. Hartman, Columbus, O.
Dkaii Sin: I havo used several bot
tles of Po-ru-na und feel greatly bono
fltcd thoroby, I havo been afflicted
Hon. D. Mekkibow.
with catarrh of the head and feel en
couraged to believo that continued
use of Pe-ru-na will fully eradicate '
disease of thirty years' standing.
Your sincerely,
The continued recelnt of endorse
ments like this for Dr. Hartman'a
great catarrh remedy, prove its value
beyond Question. Men of nromlnenca
everywhere ar recognising the merit of
x'o-ru-na and are willing to give expres
sion to their judgment because a certain,
absolute euro for catarrh is a Dubllo
ffeod. AU druggists sell Pe-ra-aa.
', &4iMifrHi&ffi
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