XMK RED CLOUD CHlEtf, FRIDAY, JAN. tt. IK v H: It" - lr.'J. V. -v l Ihf mm? $ " wm4 1iU H tti imA . pit '.v W 5 1 '&-. . WT. nB jVV.. ; AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. falUffrft Situation Critical. First Certifi cate f or PrUe Money .New Silver Cer tllkale Another Board of Invet titration Tho cxttomnly critical cotuttion of affnira In the Philippines will doubtless aasten tho ratification of tho treat of joaoo by tho senate. Tills Rovutnniont antiot tnko tho stops ncrcssary to Wring Agultmldo and his Ignorant fol lowers to thoir sonaun until Ihu treaty lias boon ratified. Tho pioaldont is sing nil his Influence with thostnmtors to hasten action on tho tioaty, which will go to tho senate the Unit thing after the reassembling of congress. Under oidinary clt uiimstniicos tho com Biittoo on Foreign llelatlons would keep tho treaty two or throo weeks be fore reporting it back to thosonhtc, but tho president hopes to have it reported hack to tho senate inside of two days and to liavo it voted upon inside of two wcoks. More than sovonty senators havo prornisod to voto to ratify tho treaty, bo that it is only a question of getting it to a voto. If tho opponents f tho treaty will bo content to stato their objocliona in short speeches and ot do any talking against tlino, tho president's wishes can bo mot, but tho rules of tho senate providing for un limited dobato will mako It. easy for thoni to delay tho treaty, if they aro so disposed and aro not afraid of arousing public enmity thereby. It is seldom that upon three consocu tlvo days events llko tho funeral of Senator Motrill, which was held in tho onate chamber Saturday; tho funoral f Ambassador Romero, from Mexico, which was held in a Washington church uniliiy afternoon, and tho New Year reception, held by tho President and Mrs. McKlnloy in tho Wlilto IIouso on Monday, follow each other. All of tho prominent officials of tho government, including tho president and his cabinet attended all throo. Tho prominence of tho dooeasod statesmen and diplomat and tho groat porsonal popularity of both, prevented tho White Houso re option being as gay as usual and Served as a reminder that last year's recoptlon bad to bo abandoned bocauso f tho death of tho President's .mother. Had the President followed his porsonal inclination ho would havo abandoned this one, oh account of those two deaths, but this reception is an official affair and it was thought best to bold it. Tho ilratcortlUcftto for prizo money, n account of vessels captured during tho war with Spain, has been issued. It was issued to Thomas Cheek, whoso homo is iu Washington, and who served as a landsman on tho convoited crutsor lit. Paul. Tho priso in this case was tho Spanish steamer llostormul, which was afterwards released by tho prizo oourt. Her cargo was condemned and old, and it is for his share of tho pro ceeds that this oortllicalo was issued to Mr. Check. It is only for 84.70, but be ing tho first issued somo relic hunter will probably pay moro than that for it and koop It, instead of presenting it for payment. Captalu Blgsbee's cortifioato in tho samo prlao caso will call for morn than M06. Tho now $1 silvor oertillcates aro now being paid out by tho truasury nnd will soon bo in gonoral circulation. Tho do sign is entirely new, mada with a view to moot tho complaints against tho old design. Tho distinguishing features of the face of tho note are a spread eaglo with the D. 8. flag in its talons nnd tho oapltol in tho background; ono very large numeral and tho Mai, bothjjrj bluo, and miniature poruaTjSJLln-l coin and Grant, surcprtbtiiiVfcy laurel wreaths. Tluvak priiDjUyLpreaM - jgfi&Sstkffi is nlorctV jT-" leea than o'a anyone wreaths. ThOj$(kol,;tue note is jva on acjc ana White pper to be eraota ever issued y the government - Another board has entered tho war Investigation Hold. Tho poiitlvo state jnontA, djreotly opposed to each other, tnttdo by General Miles and by General Egan, concerning tho quality of the. wit- furnished tho army, has raised W&r sucH.n hubbu.b that tfie war dopart jv mentbaa 'detailed a number of armv j . ilK-. t Jj ' , V " otleor-a to Mt as a,board'of survey and -j.Jl - .jjivflBiigaijou anu ropori on "YTKiirnisHwi'ine army, ajquiu " '.$!fr5!oriifiijMavo already in favrjpWrtaadfrfa "other r8 wi.-'-- " ' 'w,r1,K',"X,;v?V,t' -vv.p. J .r'Tuuttnr.rjrtalBawajalt'for; ' i .ii' "li :;.,aWtio.. . ' i pp . T"UWT.. VArMJ&ri't'- Wawicii!.- ?rfi W y altors,Thoy;twI3rSssl frlJWte small, lust avlittla akWa'laailfla . X . ' -iV, irtv'-Y.' v t iml J r a .t.:i.i' aut " AU.y x eaoiBw asoiae'trltWaa in SJ&u, adViaaWe to allow the eoasaasiaa'taaW 9'mmMiR klaoua,.whUWipr7obUlqod fWW-ptBe government of roof' Hawaii, upon tho con It 'would not bo bindinsr if Mroved bv the seeretarr "of atto ,'of the United States vitbln six mouths, and the. concession has been officially disapprcTved;by Sbcretary Hay, which chrushed some "great expectations." The prelldiluary report of tho Nlcar- . mus canal commission ought to help along canal legislation, as it removes ono-Df the strongest arguments for postppning action lor a tlmo, but whether it wil do so remains to bo jseen. If thore woro onjy somo way tho Maritime Canal oonipauv could bo .rightfully and justly eliminated and the construction 'of the' canal directly by the United Slates governmorit bo provided for, there, would bo easier ...n. ,.. vnt 'j m, A GRIM GRIP'S DEADLY MARCH. DEALS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION TO MANY. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washlng- ton,lLouuviIle terrorized by the Awful Scourge. All the Great Centers of Population Affected. Tlio depressing ettVct of tho present epidemic of grip aro apparent every where. Teuelnufl, clerks, business men mechanics, laborers, stteet car diivets, school children, police oillcois and oven the doctors all furnish victims by tlio hundreds, No remedy yet discovered can show results equal to Dr. Miles' Ilestoiativc Nervine. It quickly ovei comes the ex cessive exhaustion, invigorates the ap petite and assists nature to thtow off the deadly miciobes fr m the system. In times of epidemic liko tho present it should bo taken as a pteveiitativu of dUoaso. "Grip had loft mo n physical wreck; weak, helpless and miserable I could not eat; could not sloop, could not gain any strength nnd had nervous prostra tion of tlio worst kind. Our homo phy sician could not help mo nnd I com menced using Dr. Miles' Restorativo Norvino. Tho first night's sleep thnt I n ad had in four months came as tho re sult of tho t wo first doses. When I had taken two bottles 1 felt better than I had before iu years, and continued to improve until I was entirely cured." Em Woodwahd, Plymouth, III. All druggists aro authorized to sell Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncrvlno on guar- nntoo thnt first bottlo bonctits or money refunded. Bo suro nnd got Dr. Miles' Not vino. Booklet on heart and nerve diseases sent free. Addtess. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. CHURCH SERVICES. CIIIUSTIAN CHUItOlI. Services each Lord's Day as follows: Morning sorvico at 10:80. Subjoct "Concerning tho Mystory of Godli ness." Excellent music anticipated. Blblo school, 19m. Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. Bonlor Christian Endeavor 6:45 p.m. Evening service at 7:80 o'clock. Sub ject, "Tho Conquost of Nineveh." Prayer mooting and blblo study on Wednesday evenings. Ladles' Aid Socioty Friday after oons. Our ploasant church home and all services aro ever open to the public. L. A. Hdssono, Pastor. t MRTIIODI8T Services noxt Sunday as follows: Morning service"" at 10.80. Sunday School at 11:80 a.m. Preaching at Amboy at 8 p.m. junior Lioaguo at 4 p.m. Senior Loaguo at 7 p.m. Evening sorvico at 7:80. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:80. Ladies Aid Socioty Friday afternoon, All aro most cordially invitod to at tend. James Mahk Dardt, Pastor. BA1TIST OUDRCH. Services noxt Sunday as follows. Morning sorvicos at 10:80. Subject "Tho Diaoonato." .-aus1 Sunday fiohool at VterZJ" .tw5 Juniors meetinjCo p.mj XounjBecple'i-Union meets at 7 ""Evening service at 7:80. Subjoct, "Tenants for Life." General prayer and oonf uonce meet tag Wednesday evening at 7:80. Ali cordially invited. Soixta ire, Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONGRKOATIONAL. Regular eorvlces next Sunday as fol lows: Morning sorvico at 10:30. Subject, Sunday Sohool atll:45. Sermon at Indian crook at 8:80 p.m. Young Peonlo's Socioty of Ckriatf.w Evening sorvico aVV&O o'clock. Sub-Mid-week Dwjjyer mooting and con- fereneo Vmiesday evening at 7:80. All eiv.'dlally invited to nttend these acrn'icos. UtANK W. DKAN, Ptt8tor. ' - Catarrst Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as tboy oannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is at blood or coustltutibnal disease, aVd in order to euro it you must take Intfai remedies. Hall's GaUrghOuro isJakaa ioternally, anrl-wrts dircotly wb:.M " f .Lf. J .1J i- -t .' mucous sunaces. HH'sJ3i Care is not & quack aaTciB Be.MIt was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best taatas known combined with the best hlood. jpiiriHers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the two In grqdicnts is wbat produces such won, derful results in curing catarrh, "'Bend for testimonials, freo. F. J, (Joknet & Co., Props., Tolodo, Ohio. ' Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho bust: v " Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs. One Mfnuto Cough Curo loosens tho cold, allays coughing and heals qujckly, Tho best couh euro for chil dren. O.U, Cottlng. Musk on the Graphophone. Fow people approclato tho marvelous power of tho Grnphophono as an en tettainer. It is an instrument which, though it costs much lew than tho hast expensive musical iustiument, will enable its owner to havo ot pleas ui e music of any kind from that of the bagplpu to that of tho great mill t my band. It teprodiices vocal selec tions and gives oifli command of every pleasure that appeals to tho sense of healing. No investment pays such lingo returns in pleasute. Besides ie piodueing the musical and other icc oi ds made for inteitaiiiment purposes, the Giiiphophotio will record Imme diately and tcpioducu at on cu and as often as Is desired, your own woids or Ming, or any sound. By writing to the Columbia Phonogiupli Company, 720 7S2 Olive St., ,Mt: Louis, Mo. you can obtain a catalogue that will givo full infoi matiou as to prices of Grapho phone outfits. For Sale. Ono hundred and sixty acres of unim proved land four miles northwest of Bed Cloud, consisting of the west half of tho northeast quarter, and tho cast half of tho northwest quarter of section fifteen in township two north, range eleven west. Tho land is leased at present, but subjnet to sale. Price $2,500. For further information apply to Mas. James Kiitiavoon, Fairfax, Mo. Dcnatr I mood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarcts. Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, b) btirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- C urines irom mc uour. iicgin 10 (lay to mush pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. Don't ToUcco Spit and Smoke Tour life Ana j. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mas nctlo, full of lifo, nervo and visor, tako No-To Uao, the vrnndor-workcr, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, COo or II. Cure guaran teed. Dooklet and saraplo free Address bterllog itomedy Co., Chicago or New York, TryGralnOl TryGraln-O. Ask your Grocer today to show you a package of OHAiN O, tho new food drink that takes ibe place of coffee Tho children may drink It without Injury aa well as the adult. All who try It, llko It. GRAIN O has that rich seal br wn of Hoka and Jara, but It Is made from pure grains, and tho most delicate stomach receives It with out distress. M the price of coffee. 16c. and 2fic. per package. Sold by al I grocers. What Do the Children Drink. Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called ORA1N OT It Is delicious and nourishing and takes the plsce of coffee. Tho moro Grain O you glTe the child ren the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain O Is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the cbolco grades of coffeo but costs about H as much. All grocers sell It. 15c. and ssc. Notice to Hunters. No hunting allowed on the Fogcl, Fishur, Serivner nnd Clark Stevens farms in Logan township, Kansas. C. Stevens, A. G. Sckivner. m To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Iiiomo Quiniuo Tab lets. All druggists rotund money if it fails to euro. 25c. Tho genuine has L. I). Q. on eaok tablet. m $J00. Dr. E. Detcnon'a Anti Dkuretlc May bo worth to you more than HO) J 'you have a child who soils bedding frcsr'lticoaten ence of water during steer.' Cures old and young alike. It arrest Jij trouble at once. II. Sold by O. IhCoitfuy, dniffglst, Rod Cloud, Neb. ifrrReIkf te Six Hour. f Distressing kidney and bladder disease re lieved In six hour by "New Oreat South Ameri can Kldnev Cure." It la a great surprise on ac count of iu exceeding promptness In tollevlug pain In bladder, kldneyr and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you ani quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by C. L. Cottlng, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. - Kdaeat Tear Bowel With CMMret. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. tOo, ado. If o, a O. fall, druggist refund saoasy. To Care Constipates Tomer. Take Cascareta Candy Cathartic, too or Ha. u u. u. u. lau to cure, aruggists reroaa i L-TTTWns' but a mother knows the. X 1 pain, anguish and dread that a woman endures before and during cbJUblrtfk And ttUl nearly all thk suf fering b unnecessary. Thefailbfuluaeof MOTHER'S FRIEND : : will in great measure overcome every dktresalflymptom.and labor itself will notbeaveryseriouaordeaL Rerrurribae '--' that MOTHER'S FRIEND WrZ. texaal liniment that aofttus ani relaxes I ' the musclef, jxceTls sot a dangerous compouxid of opiates to swallow. Ask i ,U Trottfdwggbtforitoreadptk($J)to JU MABTstlB RtGUUTM CO, Atlaata.6a. I Snd for onr free Illustrated 1 book, "Before Baby U Born." f II III llf lllJ fi. U. OVERMAN, KTTOHNBY - KT - LKW. Oflce orer PoU Office. Does a gonoral law business. Practices in alU&urta PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OImmu u4 UtoUnw tt kUc rroaMXM luoiUnl itea-h. Tfr .w vj&tsanjtem Sum Main dfMAM "- L.. - . i .y-. -i. iK,uaiiuiii imi 2 11 'MS. T" ssnsy. Mother and Bak I mm M In tlma. Bow by anigglaU. W NCURABLE DISEASES Many diseases considered in curable are caiarrn under other names. Simple catarrh In tho head is called .pA incurable. Con- tarrli of the IT lV 1.... n,1 tU iif victim is, no ?tvilniilit. nnstlielr) 4 in tho moro ad vanced Htnyos; but great num ber of people die of consumption needlessly. It is certain that every phase of cutnrrh, including- many cases of consumption, uro cured by tlio right treatment. Pe-ru-na, Dr. Hnrtman's great prescription, attacks catarrhal dlscnsca scieutlilcnlly und cures them. Dr. Hartman explains it fully In his books which aro mailed on application. Hero is a letter from Mrs. Harmening, Mazo Manle, Wis., who is one-of many cured of consumption by Po-ru-na. Shu aays: Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O, Dear Sins: " I cannot pralso your remedy too highly. Last winter I had la grippe nnd hemorrhage of tho lungs followed. All tho doctors around here told mo I had-to dlo of consumption. Then 1 thought I would nsk Dr. Hnrt rnan for advice, which 1 did. IIo pro scribed Po-ru-na for mc, nnd I took it according to his directions nnd was cured, i udviso everybody that is troubled with lung dibcahc to take Dr. Hnrtman's treatment. I um suro they will not regret it if they do. I am now enjoying good. health, and can thank I'c-ru-nu for it." Lazy Liver ..V""T" .?H rouDie si great deal With torpid liver, which produce constipa tion. I found CASOARUTS to be all you claim for them, and seourod such relief the first trial. tnat I purchased another supply and waa com- yiuMiijcurcu iiaiii oniy do ioo giaa to rec ommend Casearet whenever the opportunity -liiz "' .lAoaiiu. wuququnanaa av., Philadelphia, Pa, CANDY TSUBtktMH I naaBS. Faiaubi. Fount. Taste Qoed. D Sooe. Mvr Blckaa. vVsakso. or arlpTloSi, M, US. ... OURK CONSTIPATION. ... Mwttf aWr C-mt, C1II.H. Mlwtl. w IwS. St M.T0.I10 "P1" andjraaranusd by alldnif IWSlto iIsm to (iVHB TobaeeoBablt? TIMETABLE. H & M. R.Y ItED CLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAUA CIIICAOO -SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points cast ami south. DENVER HELENA RUT1E SALT. LAKE C'l PORTLAND SAJV FHAJVCISC0 and all pointi west. "-' -MAINS LAVB A FOLLOW No. No. 60. FrclKht.dailv cxcennfuridaw1' )wa rim for Wymoreau'lail point east 7:00 a.m. 18. PasseiiKer-dally tor St. Joe. -r Uiulaand muui .j- 4i:uibuu, B. all 1 points east and f ,-snuin iu;ajajn. np.:im. Accommodation, dally except Bunaay, uaaunRS, uranu land. Black Ulli and all points In the northwest l:00p.m Vo. MS. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and intermeaiaie atauoni, via e S ubllcaru. ltisop.m. No. M. Frelaht. dallr. Wvmor and sl Joe and intermediate JnncUonpoli Freight, dall: 18:45 p.ta, No. 63. Frelaht. dallr for Remibllcan uneans, uxxora ana an points west. ,. 10:80 a.m. No. 16. Passentter. dally. uii vciiYvf, .i n.nMA. lt Doiniainc poioraao, utn ana California 8:40 p. No. 873. FreUht dallr to Oxford and Intermediate pointa... l:S0p.m Sleeping, dining, and recllnins chair ear. (seat free) on through train. Ticket sold and baggage, checked to any point In the United State or Canada. For Information. Ume tables, map or ticket call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Aent Omaha. Nehraska. PENNYROYAL PILLS .f&TtV rlslnalaaSOnlyCknalM. A. 4jtfkV&L nrt, eJw.t. rtiuiilc. udiu xk Aa TOUfcart-'a Kngll.lt Bl Ifratclit tot auxuuri Ftujiu Dari N w)U out taliaitou. A(Urauli,ns, iat lUftUt rfAHMTvlMl tUbMtUlU nbi ht puiHiim, uunvwuu ana tlALWf Ibv Ld !. (A MtflM. k tarfaM St.lL lO.OOOTrMlnoal.ll. I'. Iu OMlrUMtKrOkemlcmllM.dI.an t'lmi-at. tocilllrasuu. I'lllLAUA.. PA. Ilreatswlth yon whether yon continue the, H.H.lrllllnInl..n.u. k.,il. . ...TV... I. . ., JU nmorci the dotln for tobacco, llhf OUlDllfVU.UKU.N. B.uoiHnicO" Una. tinrlfl.M thM IjIaaH. pa. -m lore lots manhood. tmwfAmmrt5i.'m makes yog strong alBniXBeolil. 400.000 andpockst- SltBlk.1 MMSO T II A C from Jiiail lK,'!7iir. on dniKftftt.wlir ahd MrWlll vmtrri fn.n. Tab. If with wlll,p.tlrntlj,pcrlauntlT One lurlUf awijc, W,tt. ..iroej, New I.rf. miM nla.J . .. . .'. WE WILL GIVE YOU A $4 WATCH If you will show our publication to your friends We don't want tou to IHIiera aiiytlilnR. Tho watch Is made by n well known American firm In two sizes, children's and ndulte, nickel or gold plated, liuntlnRcase, and fully guaranteed. oi)d two cents for particulars. Overland. 31 Park How, New York City. A Marvelous Offer, 25c, 4O0 Photograph Views of the United States NavytaxeubyK.il. Hart. U. 8. Naval photo grapher, and threo monihi' subscription to Conker's tiomt Journal both for only SSo. postald. These are the finest pictures obtain able ut 'Dewey, Sampson. Scnley, llobson Clarke and other heroes, the battlerhlpa, cruiser, mou 1 tors torpedo boaU and auxiliary craft and the principal Spanish warships, and aro rery ralu. able. Cookey't Home Journal Is the brightest and lest monthly Iu the country. Bach Issue contains new copyrighted sheet muno worth 80c to 11 co, Sfl to 48 psges each month Send today. We want to Increase our circulation to too 000 and therefore make this remarkable offer. Conker' t Home Joornaf, Dt-pt. A, Chicago. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City and country calls promptly an swered day or niKht. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office otku Lindskt's Meat Mahkkt 6 V al 7, ' rs yi:7i4UTv-,jr7stvpv ftBf IW f ii .rut PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago Itambef Yard, KKU CLOUD, Lumber, liime. Coal and Cement. 1 OMiVIKRS IvXJJVtBIOI CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAL KtAilcliiTLg: material, Bto RED CLOUD, YOU - ARE - CORDIALLY - INVITE TO BECOME E MEMBER OF THE HOME HEALTH CLUB. (Cut this out nnd send it with ono dollar to tho Inter-Oceau Publishing Com pany, Chicago, Illinois.) r TI1E INTER OCEAN PUR. CO. T hfivrhil flMrit ihe .'ntinti Health Club and I enclose herewith scription to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, life membership, a record number, and Health Club books price fl.00) free of Name Town or City Street No. State L One of tho most practical and bonoficial courses of study over offered. t its readers by any newspaper. Not only aro there a series of practical lessni in tho paper each week, but tho subscriber is presonted, freo of expense, with a beautiful cloth bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in tbs great club. Subscribe ut ouce and get tho great lessons now being published. TOE FORTUNE TOLD. THE WILT JKUE BWtHVt BT HHWH TOUR FUTURE .. ..... . .. , KU ......... -... . laaSH. U world niowud lUn.t bonxooM d r: rr -7.T---.r- wr- rxxitlom, tharuMTi aamiuoM mjfz. A 8IMM.E ANSWia Mt Sta4 10 Mats aa ehttj Sntkrsl aorMp nadtagM Rr7" uuwiutiMnu. ZARAHih0A9mOlOBER,, , MaixaM-HSiatalnwuasaUMitalahi mrm immwmvmmm mmm mumwmm tmm ' J. S. EMiq-H, --DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY ir TOU WANT IT. Cron Bridi v Work' or Teeth Wittnt Pk(n . PORCKIAIN INLAY And all Ui latest Improvement la dental atei aalMBt lOPHflHtj TlieOl Most fafclnatlngrifTVoiv tlon otthcriee. Always .rcaidto cntcrlnln. It 'rcqulrrs nofklll toopcr atolt ami reproduce- tho music o( Imnds, on lit trru, vwtilMe orlii'lru- TnnntnltUlloIstia. Tin roll nothing llko it for an cmuIiih's cntLrtatnrnviit. Other su-cilled tnlLlns murhlncs reinHiic only rocorilsof cut-und-ilrltil hulijt'ct8,sitl.ll i'ti.p:irisl in a laboratory, Imt tlio Grnplioi hnno Is not limited to such pcrforinnnres. uu tho linipliophono joncan easily iiiakouiidlnntnutly rcprotluco rcconls of the olco, or uny 3011111I. 1 litis It constantly nwakcus new Interest und its cliiirm U over frcsli. Tho reproductions aro tltar and brilliant. . GraphopheHcs arc sold ler $ig ManitfactunHl under the ratmU nf lldl.Tnlnlrr, I'.illjon anil .Mactloiuld Our miiiliUfiiiiu nt la lixnil i.imrlem ortho world forlalkliiii Mnotilniaaml 'lulklng llaculuo Supplies. Wrlto for catalufuo. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 720-723 Olive 8t., ST. LOUIS MO. HSW T0BE. CUICIOO. ST. LOUIS. rniLADiLrnu. DALTtMOn WASHIHQTOM BurriLo. i"alannnnacyjaaaannvnaaanaiVaptBnnnaaaanaifanv.ann i taB ,a - Vafm it AVW l H av .HH aH aHHH vaa aWal aV aWAaal 'I aral Vlawl Brawl aWawl kwal awl awaVawal 'I Pflwal wwM """Tawl l-Tal awl nwawnTM l A SwH ttwal wwawl aVv awl awawawl 'I awaw aw wwl arawl wwawl am araw awawaV l kwwr wwl www wwwl wa' wwl wwwwMl il BVHa H H law, H waaw J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and alt Fat-1 cntbusinei conducted for MoornATC Fsi. OunOrricciaOpoiTKU,B. ParcNTOrrie and wetansccure patent la less tlmo tnaa those remote, from Washington. , 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. Wo adrUe. if patentable or not. frea of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. ' A FAMCHUT, " How to Obtain Patents," with coat 01 aamo In the U, S, and foreign countries sent free. Addreu, C.A.SNOW&CO. II or p. patsht orricc. waaHiNOTON, D. C. ailihm.iilllv.n..hiil r.ulik. .. ... .".i. ZVTiZT ".""JTr" "" "- NEUttAvSKA. Nebraska, 1 tn inti el lliir nf ihfi fnnii, I one dollar to pay for one year's sub- t which, I understand, entitles me to a a copy qj Volumn 1 of the Home charge. 1 z I aW A REMARKABLE 8CIENT1FIO AND ! WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "MOLAR mtOLOOY." . - I CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. Errotlu AtfnliMr. mh hu K.. .....i.- .. .. for lb. put tn TMU. will tin k truthful, un,..,. ' jot lift. IU IU It. your rertoiul arMtranM. diZ i , ProMuii length or lift, potilbl. Mcldeau, ai,M and - -...., .u.uu..ywuuiuuB, BuuneiMa&iurs.tto. i IT! IE Yo" " Inform jonrwlf thonaiklr on IB !.. Iu and on anr other question of roar I .-, f .Vlk. Ml. .I,,U(V UIO. .. ..... ... a... i. - D YOU TO MAKE TH0USAN0S OF DOLLARS. u ot Dirto ana I will lomodltUIr return yon a ... mm uro. ,. .a u. m,i Ira, Dr Tonneii. x maaa nnlcatloni itrleUj eonfidenUal. Addnw 403, PhUmMmlpklm, Pa. tw wwbwttii prwieuotti u4 utti tn mm4 Diseases. For tetteh kspeedy and perrnanenr curo of berlatfl withoal "icum ana eczema, Cham Bye and Skin Olntmonf .. kequal. It relieves tho itch- tag ani irting almost instantly and its coal o cutum a permanent i cares itch, barber's itch, pre nipples, itching piles. core, scald chapped vuruuio aoro eyes and graaaial Dr. SlldlUon P.Wl,nro fnr horses are i ft tonio, blood purifier aadve o, ao cents. Holdb ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. IV C ALWAYS ONtTAP. Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, , Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. MOON BLOOK, RED CLOUD, 'NE1IRA8KA. miLWAUMiiiDeer ', ' J t . &we&s' JJjJ a . . as J. .41 di '.vtwasy.. tv. A ,r sai . r fcjrfa-&