The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 06, 1899, Image 4

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i JAC0B8
Own fthwmitlm
I Mt
rnauiniD bt
On year 1100
Ms months
Holered at the poit office at Red Cloud, Neb.aa
Moond clan mall matter.
Anotbor show.
Will Aubushon Is tho onnor of a fino
iron gray team.
Goo. Rosoncrans bought a lino team
f L. A. Haakins.
Tho rovlrnl mootlngs at Mt. IIopo
will contlnuo for somo timo.
Tho rovival mootlngs at Fonny orook
havo oloaod with marked success,
Mrs. L. A. Hasklns was tho guest of
Wm. VanDyko ono day this wook.
Miss llolva Carpoutcr of Klvorton
was In Iilnu visiting frlonds Inst wook.
Will Kdgorton has rontod a ranch on
Walnut crook for SCO por annum cash.
Bonj. VanDyko of Park, Missouri, a
brptbor of Wm. VanDyko U boro on a
short visit.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ill shard Koa
glo of Cambria, Wyoming, a ton pound
Mr. llooher bus lost eighty hoad of
hogs with cholera. Mr. Collins has
also lost 25 hoad.
F. D. Hutchinson of Walnut crook
has bought tho Fred Wohbormin ranch
of Mr. Smith of Kud Cloud for f 1200.
John Davis had tho mislortuno to
havo bis stublo burned ono dny Inst
wook. Loss about llfly dollars. No
Tho Christmas cntortninniont nt
Pleasant Dale was largely attended and
all report a good time. llio young
pooplu did well considering tho chnnco
they had. Tho treo was well loaded
with costly c!Hh to thu amount of
something like fifty dollars.
La Grippe Successfully Treated.
"1 havo just recovered from tho soc
otul attack of lngrippo tills rear," says
Mr. tins. A. Jones, publisher of tho
Loader. Moxia, Texas. "In tho latter
case I used Chamborlaius Cough Rem
ody, and I think with considerable sue
ooss, only being in bed aliltloover two
days against ton days for tho former
attack. The socond attack I am satis
ilod would havo boon equally as bad as
tho first but for tho use of this remedy
as I had to go to bed in about six hours
after being 'struck' with it, while in tho
llrst case I was able to attend to busi
ness about two days before getting
'dowu.' " For sale by ii. E. Orieo.
Sovoral boys luive new watches.
Miss Flora Godwin has been home on
a visit.
Wallace Vance was husking corn
last week.
Hoy Wolfe is helping Charley Adam
sun husk corn.
Nollio Hon aud brother bred spent
Christinas at homo.
Mr. Brubakor and sons aro working
at tlioir now bouse.
Harvey llrubaker was busking corn'
for Warren Kdson last week.
Santa China allowed some nice pres
ents to land on Willow creek.
Bessiu Wilder spent Christmas with
tho Adaiusou family ntCowles.
Mr. Sanderson aud two children aru
visiting Iter parents Mr. aud Mrs, Hon
Clara Poyor of Cowles was visitiug
with Nellie Norris thu liist of last
week. '
Sunday school litis been closod for
three months. Preaching wilt contlnuo
overy two weeks.
Mr. Millar of St. Louis, father of
Mrs. T. T. Lacy is spending the holi
days on the creek.
Miss Lucy Uarbor, Willow creek's
popular school teacher is spending
Christmas at homo.
What Is tho matter with Willow
crook having at least ono good timo
boforo tho winter of 1809 is past.
Josio Godwin was homo last wook on
a vacation. Sho wiH return Sunday to
Bluo Hill where sho Is attending school,
Louise Vance is homo on n throo
week's vacation. The board has given
her several mouths more school. They
know a good toachor whon thoy got
Charloy Adainson, whilo digging out
his ice house came in contact with sev
eral skunks. He was immediately Ink
en with tho skunk fever and it was
thought for some time that lie would
have to go to the Adirondack moun
tains for acute, but at tills wilting ho
is slowly but surely recovering.
Tho sick of this part aro all Bomo bet
ter. Jas. Graves enjoys riding in his flue
now buggy.
John Davis has his barn robuilt since
bin unlucky fire.
V. II. Scrivner bought a pair of colls
of Mr. Loadorbrand.
Mr. Haskins traded for a lino mule
of Poto Loadorbrand, which eoBt him
Hova. Goldsworth and flowitt of tho
United Brethren church aro holding a
series of meetings at M. IIopo.
Tho Mt. IIopo school has a two
wcok't vacation and tho toachor, Mrs.
Cameron has gono to hor homo near
Cora on a visit.
Mud, mud, plonty of wot, muddy,
bad roads. Though wo aro not chronic
grumblers and believo in wet winters
for a good crop noxt year.
Our man Scrivner regrets tho doath
of his old friend Unclo Dick Payne
near Inaval vo-y much. Thoy aro
distant relatives and vory groat frlonds.
Sovoral Christmas treos woro in
dulged in nt private houses, namely at
Mr. McCartney's, Wm. Francis and
sovoral others, all of which woro well
Tho socond dnnco at Mr. Horndon's
resulted in a little racket. Ho had
hotter not indulgo in thorn too frooly.
Now thoy aro ovor and who thanks
him or thinks any moro of him than
With tho youngsters of this creek it's
parly, party, partv, and while nt ono
it's where will wo havo anotbor, nnd if
not granted tho prlvllcgo thoy lind out
some ono's birthday and thon tako
them by Burpriso with what is known
as a storm party.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You aro perhaps awaro that pneu
monia alwaws results from a cold or
from an attack of la grippe. During
the epidemic of la grippe a few years
ago whon so many ensas roHtilted in
pneumonia, it was observed that tho
attack was never followed by thnt dis
ease when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy was used. It counteracts any ten
dency of a cold or la grippe to result in
that dangerous disease. It is thu best
remedy in thu world for bad colds anil
la grippo. Every boltlo warranted.
For sale by H. E. Grlce.
Fino weather.
Harvoy Cox returned to Geneva Sun
day. Chnrloy Cockrcll lias returned to his
rogimont. -
Chris llasscr was here from McCook
last wook.
Alva Sinks is horo visiting his uncle,
Sam Miller.
Cloico Jackson tinished busking corn
Tho skating party was woll attended
Motiday eve.
C. L. Lewis antl wifo woro at Red
Cloud Tuesday.
Laura Friable has been laid up with
nouraliga the past week.
Hubert aud Jamos Mitchell woro vis
iting C. 11. Ft iiibio's Sunday.
Miss Anna Baker of Lincoln was
visiting relatives hero this week.
Mrs. Lillle Frisbie and children were
visiting at Guide Hock last week.
Geo and Pearl Fraso of lied Cloud
were visiting their grandparonts Sun
day. Mr. Storey of Iowa was visiting Iijr
cousins Mr. G. W. linker and Mrs. O.
L. Lewis.
Will Baker and wifo of Superior woro
visiting tlioir uncle G. W. linker tho
llrst of tho week.
The Misses Julia Saladen aud Jon.
nio Carpenter were visiting their unclo
J.. y. Saladen last week. '
Extraordinary and Important Price Reductions in all our departments. With the aid of these strong price attrac
tions, we expect to make January a big selling month. The items quoted below give an idea
of the extraordinary bargain values offered.
dun nary Clearing salo
in our Dress Goods De
partment. New stylish
labile at cut price sale.
We wish to reduce our big
stock of Dress Goods, and
rcflixo that ill order to do so quickly
fi at this season of tho year we will have
U) ituui oxiiuuiuiuurjr uuikiiiuo. "
invito ion to come and see them. It
will puv you.
Dress goods at 12o, 15c, 18c, 22c,
25c, Hue ami up to 8Uo per yard that
hi h i no gieatest values over shown.
Fleeced Wrappor Goods at 0c to 81c
per yaid.
Calicoes. Now calicoes at bargain
prices. Indigo blue calico
at4o tier yard.
Turkey red calicoes, best grado at
4o per yard.
White and black nnd Silver Gray
calicoes at 4o per yard.
10 yards of Fancy Dicss Stylo
Print for 25o. Only ouu pattern sold
to eneu lady cu stonier.
.1 ! !.... ! fit.,..
j, ainghamsuamt5C(0o uud 8o por
Portler Special Clearing Salo Pric
- . , es ou Porlier Curtains
curtains jjow 18 tno tmo t0 KCt luom
at money saving prices.
0-4 Chouilu Table Covers COc.
i i,inr January cloarlug salo In
Underwear. 0Ul. Uufit;rmmr T)epart-
ment. Men's Ladies' and Children's
underwear placed ou salo ut less than
usual wholesale cost.
Men's gray undershirts at 15c.
Men's COu ribbed shirts placed on
sale uilMc.
Children's No. 75 Natural Wool
Vests anil Pants placed on- salo at 4c
for size 2U. Jo rise each size.
Youth's Camel Hair Baudom shirts
or drawers placed on salo at 1S)j.
Men's Flannelette Nightshirts 38c.
Ladies' Flannelette Night robes
placed on Halo at OUo, 75o and $1, form
er prices 7,o to 41 75. Thoy aro very
Lace Sample lino of Lace Cur-
n . , tains placed on salual2ou
curtains ,..l(.,,. mm i-ctail pi ice
?5u to 8- each.
Clonic i' yu waDt to uuy
v ua Jacket or capo now is
Dept luo tini tu (l ll- s
season's latest and new
est garments placed ou sale at near
ly half tho usual price. Coiuu nnd
see them.
Ladies' Jackets and Capes placed on
salo at sacrifice prices.
Ladles' 10 Black Heaver Jackets, salo
prico 0.75.
Navy Hluo Wool Chevoit Jackets, for
mer price 90, salo prico 8.50.
10 00 Mack Kersey half silk lined
Jackets, salo price 5.60.
Extra quality 10.00 Cheviot Jackot,
all silk lined, at 5.60.
Navj Hluo 0.00 Heaver Jackot, sale
price 8.76.
Navy Hluo Heaver Jacket, half linod
with red satin, regular prico 7.00,
salo price 4.76.
Fine Tan Koraey Jacket, former
price 1000. sale pi ice 0.00.
Brown Meltou Jacket, former prico
U.bU, sale price a vo.
Navy Hluo Heaver Jackets, I'oitnor
price 7.00. salo price 4 00.
10 Green Kersey Jackets, salu prico
Black Cloth Jackets, former prico
4.6U, salo price S.7G.
lOGOJaekotsforDoO; 1U 00 Jacket
for 7 00; 18 60 Jackets tor a '.!.'.
U 00 Plush Capes i educed Ut 2 0U; 6 IK)
PiUsb C.ipos l educed to 3 00; 0 v0
Piusli O.ipes reduced to 4 00; 8 M
Piush Capes reduced to 5 00; I 00
Cloth Capes reduced to .6Uc; 'J 00
Cloth Capes go at 1.25; 2.70 Cloth
Capes go at 1 76.
IMntlnn Jauu ary clear ug salo
IVUlMUil vric!BUU ii0Siury, niit-
D ft fit lcUs slow 8i yarns, cor-
w sots, iMuurouioiios at
laces, etc.. etc.
German Knitting Yarn, Ho per skein
Extia (jualiiy baxouy Yam, Super
Ladies Seamless Fust Hlack Fleeced
Hose, Ue per pair.
Sample lino l Ladies' and Children's
Wool ami Cotton lluaict,) placed ou
sale at wholesale oust.
Ladies' ool Milieus at 10 ahd 15c;
also Special values at 'Joe per pair.
Speoial Discount 1'iices ou laces aud
Yaid wide unuio.iched muslin, 3c
por i a id.
Turkey lied Table Damask, 15o por
Cinthinir Como aud seo our
K,iUliiiMi Jftmmry clearing
Fint &&lo Bargains iu Clo-
AVIJSl. thliiir. A1nnn nnd
Hoy's suits nnd Ovorcoats placed on
salo at; ono-thirdi off from regular
Men's nnd Boys' Suits and Ovor
coats placed on sale at one-third off
from regular prico.
95.00 Mon'fl Suits, sale prico IS 50.
90.00 suits at 94 50.
90.60 suits at 94.00.
97.00 suite at 95.25.
98.00 suits at 95.75.
910 00 suits at 97.00.
911.50 suits at 98.50.
918.50 suits at 910.00
Mon's Ovorcoats and Ulstors at re
duced prices.
15.00 Overcoat at 0.50.
90.00 ovorcoat at 94.50.
97.00 ovorcoats at 95.00.
98 00 overcoats at 80.50.
910.00 ovorcoats at 97.00.
HoyG' 2.70 Roofer Coats at 1.75.
Hoys' 4.00 Heefor Coats at 2.50.
Hoys' 2.25 Ovorcoats reduced to 1.65,
Hoys' u.uu overcoats reduced to 2.00.
Hoys' 5.00 Ovorcoats reduced to 8.00.
Men's 50o Work-shirts, salo price 35ci
Also spociai uargains in Men's sus
penders at 10, 15 and 25o.
Men's Wool Socks at lOu por pair.
Meu's Hluo Overalls at 20, 85 and
50o per pair.
Special bargains in Mon's Ties nt 15
and 25c; usually sold for doublo tho
Special Clearing Salo Prices on
Meu's Fino Shirts.
Blankets. . 411 Brny cotton blan-
Special bargains in wool and
part wool blankets at 91 nor yard
and upwards.
Carpets. January Clearing Salo
prnes on Carpets.
80o Ingrain carpet, pale price 22c.
U5c luginin carpeting at 25c.
45e Ingrain carpets at 83c.
50o Ingrain carpets at 80c.
Goo beat all wool ingraiu carpets 54c.
Wilton Velvet Carpets, salo price
95c per yard.
Floor Oil Cloth at 32c per square
Amoskeag A. C. A. Feather Ticking
at iiu perynru.
10-inch Linen Crash 5c nor vm-d.
10c Bleached Muslin, salo price 5c
per yarn.
Grocery Seo wnnt " wii win
purohaso in out- Gt-iinm-i-
DCDt, department. Our gro-
" cory combination is a
money savor. Road tho following care
fully and you will soo that It will t., i
your interest U) tako advantago of thin
80 lbs. Granulated Sugar 91 00
1 gallon pall syrup 35
8 cans Old Glory Tomatoes 25
9 bars White Russian soap 26
4 uszod Doxcs mauues 25
1 gallon vlnoear s
ScansLyo 25
1 bottle bluing 10
1 lb can Baking Towdor 25
3 pound packages soda 25
1 10 puro popper 85
4 lb puro Cinnamon 25
i lb puro Cloves 20
lb puro Mustard 20
Blbsgood Raisins 25
8 lbs good Rico 25
1 lb good Japan Tea 60
1 lb Mocha and Java Coffoo 25
1 bottlo Lemon extract in
1 bottlo Vanilla cxtraat in
lib pacxago Starch 10 1
1 box t diet soap 10 4
2 sacks Tablo Salt m i
j caus awoot uoru 25
Total 96 00
AXL for $5.00.
Shoe Crao nnd seo us for Shoes"
We enn satto you money
DePt, Ladies' 91.60 Button Don
r gola shoos, salo prico 91.00
Also spociai bargains at 81.25, 91.50,
81.75 and 82.00.
Child's Shoes at 25c, 35c and 5Co.
Tho 11. O. Goodman Co's. School
shoos will give j-ou satisfaction and
you can buy them at a saving in price.
lVtmi'd almna nt flt tin miL. nMMnk
price 81.50. Also special values at 81.25 V
91 50, 81.75 and $2.00. ;S
Cliildren's Rubbers 10c per pair.
Ladies Rubbers 20o por pair.
Men's 81.00 Alaska Ornrqlmim onh,
price 50e. t'J
Remnants. Cnllco remnants at 2c ;
per yard. Also special !
bargains 111 rnmuants of Dress Goods, 2
Outings, Muslins, Shirtings, Etc. $
Farmer's Club Offer.
Money spent for books aud paper,s is
never thrown away. What do joii
wauttorcad this iear? Following is
a good club list which will give you all
the county, state aud national news
aud also moro good farm news than
was ever offered for the prico. For a
limited time wo will send Till! Chief,
giving all the county news; tho Omaha
Weekly Bee, giving ail the statu news;
thu Chicago Weekly lutur-Occnti, giv
ing all the national and foreign news;
'lliu Homestead, one of the best farm
papers published; thu Poultry tanner,
devoted to tho interests of poultry ex
oliiMvol; Special Farmers Institute
Editions of tho Homestead, devoted to
dircussiniiH of various faun topics;
Farmeis Mutual Insurance Journal, a
paper published in tho intercbts of co
opei all vo insurance among thu. farm
ers, ami Tho Humane Alliance, a mag
azine devoud to the cause of humane
education, the eight papers ono year
for Hie sum of $2.33 cash in advance.
Tills Is as good aud as cheap an offer
ever made and will last only a limited
timo, Tho subscription prico of these
eight, papers is $0.80 per year, but wo
will, for a limited time, send them ono
'ur for $2 25 cnsli in advance.
You Now Have
The Opportunity.
Of consulting ono of the leading phy
sicians and Hurgcotih (in tho treat
ment of chronic ami tioivous
diseases iu this country-
is well known iu Nchtiwkn, and is
ut iu his
re a do as we I as eminent iu his pro
fe.ssion. anil ha nut few MUiciiors iu
Ills lino of diseases, and, from reports
of tho press, lilj rooms aro crowded
whtuoNorhu stops. By tho leanest of
Ills many friends and patients who
have usually gono a long distance to
see him, ho has decided and arranged -to
VISIT RED CLOUD nnd will bo at l
Thursday, February 2d
Returning every four weeks for six
month-. Consultation and ex
amination free to all.
The FurnitoFe (Dan
To the Public.
Wo nro authorl'.ud to guarantee ov
ery bottlo ol Chamborlaln's Cough
Remedy and If not satisfactory to re
fund the money to tho purohnsor.
Thoru is no bettor medicine mado for
la grippo, colds and whooping cough.
Price 25o and 50o por bottlo, try it. H.
K. Grlco.
Mrs. Eli Morris is ou the sick list.
Schools art- having vacation now.
Wo are enjoying beautiful winter
Mr. Albert Vonlos is hauling lumber
to build a now houso.
Lucy 'Poland wont to her school again
Sunday after a weoks vacation.
Emma Tolaud is'working for her Bis
ter Mrs. J. 11. Aria 11 ts who is mother
of a baby girl.
Protracted meetings are boing hold
by tho Friends at North Branch, con
ducted by Mr. Lemons, mid a negro Mr.
E. U. OVERMAN, Plaintiff's Attorney.
STMTK ir Nkriusk. I
Veiitkii Cuuntv, f In tho District Court
within mid fur Ihij t'ouuty ot Webster tuiJ Muto
of Nvhrnakn.
Union Central I.lfo Iiutir-
ntico Comimur.
Henry ii. Scott, SIc1Im A.
Scott, Charles It. lleske,
Peklu 1'luw Comi'Hity,
Hmltli Wilson compmiy.l
8. ,t I,. Colin, lleur.cttn)
Uollirock. 1 lie llrst Nn
llotinl IlKtik of Hed
Cloud, J, S. KmlKh, Jn
rob Denver. Clinrlea II
Totter. I'hllllP Kanlcr,
John Doo A Mitry Doo.
rent names unknown,
The ilefeiulnn 0, I'oklny.'ow Company, Smith
WRROti Conilirtli H. & Ij.roun. niuIJncob Ilea
ver, will take noilotliatf n tho 1.OH1 dny of Dec
ember. A. I). 1KU81 tho flalntltr the Union con
trril Life Iiiktiramli'onifuny tiled Its petition In
the Circuit Court im Weter County, NebraskR,
iiKalnit Henry C. r)tt, Mellsna a. Ucolt, Charles
it, lljme. I'ckln 1'lw (ompauy, Hmltli Wrkoii
Company, H &l. (hnfllenrlettn Hotlirook.Tliu
First .National unn
Jaeob Heaver, chai
John Doe and Marymfe, rent namea unknown
defendants, the othlf ami traer of which is o
foreclose n certain iiiikko cxcruieu ny uemy
; is still doing busineis at the old stand.
Lower Prices,
Better Goods,
than any one. Call and be convinced
before buying.
La grippo is ngaiu epidemic, Kvory
precaution should bo tnken to avoid it.
Its specific cm 0 is One Minuto Cough
Cure. V. J. Shepord, Publisher Agrl
eultural Jottrn-il md Advurtlsor,Klden,
Mo says: "No ouu will bti disappoint
ed iH using Ono Minute Cough Cure
for la grippo." Pleasant, to tako and
quick to act. C. L, Colting.
C. Scott and Melissa . Scott dofendants, to the
1 laituur upon tno est unit (w y, 1 01 tne ortn
Knst quarter (S K li) of section Twenty-eight,
nnd tho Kaot lulf (U ii) of the North Wust iuar
ler tN W ) of fcCPilnti Twetity-clBht (2H) In
rownablp Two t'J) ltoiiKO Eleven (tl)iu well
ater County, Neb., loseeuro the pajment of ono
promissory notodnted Aur.iut lltli, isKs, and tho
coupon liHcrest note theretuit beloiit!lnc for
tho principal sum of One Thousand Dollars
(JIOiiO) on which default hi paimeut has' been
miulo wjiereby, tuulertlio terms ofsalil nolo
1011I mnrtKiine.llicMunc hits U'ruim due mulpny
iitile. Tint plaliillir p, fir i Uc e1 f f"i
closure and sulo of said premlsi's iq pay Cue
nmoiuits due on said nolo thu Interest coupons
ituddellniiieut taxes. Vowitro rcimlrod to nu
hvcr said ptiililou ou or before tlio 3)ih day of
January A. D. 1HW.
Dated Diiember SIM, 1MM
Uiiioj CiKTHit. iNtunistciCoMPinr,
By . U, Otaraaan. Il't attorney,
B. REA, M. D.
His treatment, ami 1 xumiuutions wo
understand aio based upon new
method?, and mo similar as arj
given in tho eastern aud
southern liospitals in
which ho has learn
ed his business.
He treats chronic and nervous diseases, chronic
catarrh, discuses of the o)e, enr, nose, throat,
anil lungs djspepsla. tlrlk'lil's disease, dUtieles,
liver, stomach, consilpatUin, rheumatism chron
ic feuiidu and sexual dlscHu. uetirnliln, scl
alien, dlrrlness. nervousness, slow growth In
children and nil wasting diseases In adults, do
tormallet, club feet. curt-Hltito of tho spine, dis
eases of tho brain, parulj sis, henrt diseases, eo
zemn, varicocele, and hdrocele. Cancers, tu
mors, wens and blrthmarksremovcd
Touiib. middle imed ami old. married or sin
Kle men and till who stiller with lost manhood,
ncrv ins debility, spermatorrhoea, seminal loss,
es, decay, fulling memory, weak eyes, stunted
development, lack of energy. Impoverished
blood, pimples, also blood and skin diseases.
Urupilous, hair fulling, ihono pain, swellings,
sore throat, ulcers. . fleet of mercury, kidney
iii' bladder tro'i'dcs weak Iniclr. burning nrlno.
ricnutlnii 1 h t ' t iiire, teceivo searching
tre ment, prompt relief
Hoth sexes treated conlidentinlly and
Pile, fistula, fissure and rupturo cured
by our uew method,
While they last
will sell my Ice Wool Fascinators, Wool
Squares, Hoods at greatly reduced prices.
Remember that I sell
White Flannels,
Black and Colored Dress Goods,
White Goods,
Ladies, Shopping Bags,
Hosiery, Mittens,
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
, Laces and Embroideries
tor less money thau they can bo bought elsowhoro iu the city. Tho best plac
for yarns in tho city.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Chirges as low as the Lowest
r fcJl W"W mwbvitmlttkAitiitWm,M wmk
1 'wyi''IJra?'4jlMaaafc