W& sj zm.mzu .. A,fi at- ivsfirr-r ' :-? r ' mi . .. .-'-" I nf VOLDMB'XXVII. s il GOOD RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JAN. 0. 18$M NUMBER 1 fr ALWAYS STANDS! REPIMTING. I. Our Regular Price L Otners Si rer Than 11KC VWK AT 111 c jfieny irfuslh fchei 'tally sold for 8c 4ic Regular Muslin Val Lonsdale bleached and ioc at 5! A good bleached Pepperill R unblea L L Unbleached nvusllL 4c Regular Print Values 10 yards Standard Prints. Ked, blue, black or gray dKss prints, new style 4c per yard. ft-; Fleece lined wrapper gooJLregular ioc goods for 6c per yard. m $ Good values in fancy dresipnnts at 6c. t Regular Table Cloth Vflues. One pattern 54-inch lineflnnish bleached table damask at 18c. Three patterns 58-inch Uf en finish table dam ask, bleuched, 23c fftfyard. 1 1 T" we, m mp .f ft. iceguiar values iromi Furniture Room. - as..' 1 ' a - Wood Seat Kitchen Cmjirs 45c each. Wood seat dining roowenairs, high back, 70c. Solid oak cane seat dAng chairs, $1 each. Other values at $2.00 Kch. Wood seat rockers, $1 Cane Seat rockers, Si Other values from i.m to1 12.50 each. Iron Beds, 3.00. rm I Full size wood bedsit .7 Woodjrame, wovenlriirS bed springs, either wood ociron beffani.40 each. We can suit you in, 45 00. A hardwood frame large size for 61 At.l u c r44 ivuiii arnica, tpw.u iu corduroy coverea coucn, .r tutpibmi w ?Ty" VA$ Wool Blankets. $3.00 wool blanketslit?32.io $4.00 wool blanjrets, at $3.20. $5.00 woolMlankas at $4.00. So.oowool blankets at $4.80. 1 VJ t - m - ' AVdJ J.00 wool blankets at $5.60. sg2 S Ladies' Jackets. . lnt, ,n . . $7,00 Jackets at $4.00. $8.00 Jackets at $5.60. $9 00 Jackets at $6.10. $10.00 Jackets at $7.00. Men's Caps. 100 Men's 30c caps at 15c. Men's 5 dc Caps at 40c each. Men's Pants. 100 pairs Men's pants at special clearing values. $1.25 pants at 85c. Si. so DantR at i.m. ISi -2.00 pants at $1.40. M t iew men s ana Doys uvercoats ana amis .: at half price. Underwear. Our 39c and 50c values in Men's Underwear are exceptionav values. Children's underwear, siza "16 at 6c, 3c rise per size. MINER BROTHERS, Red Cloadf Nebraska. 1 JSSiMiSiU.SMtiSWi t53S& is.;:,TOMfe3. 2&m&$M COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. "P Business Transacted by the County Dub at the Last Session in the Old Year. County commissioners mot with nil mombcrs present, viz: Joromo Vnnco, E.B. Smith, W. A. Mny, Geo. P. Web bor, F. E. Payne, chairman nnd J. P. Halo, couuty clerk. County attorney reported on enso of State Bank of Bluo Hill as follows: To tho board of county jconnnlssloncrtf of Wobstor county, Nebraska. I bavo tho honor to report tho sotllo meat of j,tho caso against tho State Bank of Bluo Hill, Nebraska, as fol lows: Lot 37, block 0 Bluo Hill, Ne braska, one liro and burglar proof safe, furnituro and fixtures in tho brick building on above' disorlbed lpt cob slating of chairs, counter and railing, two ajjall dosks and one cherry stand ing desk, $100 cash, $80 in ront fro 05 . McBrido, and 185 cash from bank, all the above in full settlement for the judgmont tho ccunty holds against the State Bank of Bluo Hill, Nebraska. A. D. Banket, Co. Atty. Report of the. county attorney ap proved and ratified by the county board this 27th day of December, 1898, and he ia hereby authorized to satisfy all judgments which the county hold against said State Bank of Bluo Hill, Nebraska. Tho leasing of the above was approved by tho board. Petition of J. W. Mclntyro era to open a county road on betwoeu sections 85 and 86-1-11 gran od as fr as right of way is given. Petition of Win. F. Ronkol and otl crs for the county to buy tho old scho house in Inavulo precinct to bo us for a voting placo, laid over. mention 01 u aponco nniiotueraHo incorporate the village of Bladen ijfd over. oiovou una carried that k. Houqftjn be authorized to Build threo eight plot bridges ou road runu'tur south Red Cloud and to bifuTlowed 18 for building and authorized to approaches to sumo at a cost not ceod 175. Petition from Inavalo towns road between sections 4 and Chair appointed Wm. X. May to property and othf stale lint tlgato and contractor 'the opci fluid matt I Claim of Jas. Burden for f J owed 18 of within claim to be i of county treasurer to bo ere fee book as fees boloDtrinl offioo. ; Bill of F. A. Kuehn for 130 f surveyor's tools rejected. I. H. Ludlow claim for $0 ages for road rejected. M.S. Martin claim of81 fng of nsoof jr.dnni- for rnnil bd,tt or- asy one o'h)ixed work laid ovor. ' D J. P. Halo is hereby author dor of Canton Biidgo Con carload of red cedar pilin iengtUijirojnJta to 24 footft'lght inch points. "" --, v Tho following olllcial bonds for road ovorsoors were appiored: It. II. Allen Dist. No. 10; O. V. Lindgren, No. JO; Frank Watt, No. 40; A. W. Cox, No. 02, C. II. Wiggins, No. 24; Chris Jorgon- son, No. 31; C. Evorling, No. 40; J. W. Boomer, No. 15; Jos. Hubeoka, No. 40; G. N. Ulankonbokcr, No. 10; J. Bryant, No. 29; Geo. Schraer, No 23; Ed Hines. No.2;01oBorgman, No. 48; S. Walz, No. 30; Miko Stroble, No. 87; A. W. Choat, 5;J.T. Mills. 27; H. 8chlicht. man, No. 60: Job. Taylor, No. 52, C. Columbia, No. 8; J. A. Hilkoy, No. 44; H. G. Boyce, No, 51; W. H. ilosencrans No. 18; Jno. Clark, No.-O; Wm.Holschu No. 14, Yanco Sorgonson, No. 18. Tho following official bonds for con stables were npproved: A. E. Wolcott Inavalo;Geo. Columbia, Guido Rook; J. W. McClaron, Potsdam: E. W. An dersou, Lino; J. A. Hlckoy; Beaver Crook. Tho following official bonds as jus tices of tho peaco wore approved. E. J. Cox, Beaver Crook; E. A. King, Gar field, It. Stennor, BaUu; Jas. G. Over man, Red Cloud; II. Iloldrego, Inavalo. Tho followlug official bonds of asses sors woro approved: Geo. May, Glen woodjT. M. Lee, Beaver Creek; Wm. Brotthauor, Catherton; Oscar Ferdi nand, Stillwater, O. W. Tabor, Iuavalo; J. W. M Guide It City; Bottler, C)i us. lliinno It. Ada The and w Ohntlcs TV. I'kI Wm. V. Wat A.K. W.J.li U. 110 U.W. t.J. KdD Walt 0.0 ityre, Line; G. W. lluinn, k;J. W. Warren, Red Cloud (ust Buschow, Potsdam; E 'n Creek; Jos. Ituiu, li.iiiu; fo, Unrliulils M. W. Fuller, ;G. E. Uatnian, Oak Cicek; ion, l'leusant I till. Iluwing claims were allowed rants ordered dtawn: naOn.rund work t 1 00 1 Ut r. (inter, tlu, klnu, " n, - ..... 3Miicrann. " ktJdso, " on. " Uworth, " edgo, " II. Httfii olworth, " lb, " 'mrmin, " .. Western Co., Bcrtper. ';ler, road work " Mnkenbaker " MtCluro. " 3tahnson. ' . aUcek, " ... rarelka, ' quUt, " .. A.'Anderion, " NeUuD, " um. ijsheltoa, .WfKdwardi, " m... Zlmmcrman, " o Borgeuaen, " .... Martin, " JorgeiiBoii, " ..... Worpr,- " . Lludgren, " .... 3tm Uroomlleld. " -... Chris Columbia. " . ... "F'A Ulckcrfcon, " C;Joriuii8uii, " ....... 1 1 Ucnl, ' JTHllangort. J Topham, " ton Wllmot, ., 'Jas Qenercur, " .. Chas Zalumn, " . 1) A Campbell, court fees L D Wollt, attending commissioners W A May, commissioner........, Jerome Vance, " ....... U Smith, " F Payne, " , Geo r Webber, " m.., 8chool DIstNo 61, ball rent school Dist No II, hall rent Geo Saunders, mllcngo . . . .. CCone . . .... . Traders Lumber Co. coal H Mlkscn. repairing furulture . . . 8chool Dist No 8. ball rent Bd Gilford, hall rent....... OWDow, repairing tools. J II Walsh, printing O W Dow, repairing tools . A Reynolds, meat for poor farm.. . O h Cottlng, supplies...... . W M Matthews, labor J Porter, jr, justice fees ..... .. . Mitchell liros, hardware ......... 8taio Journal Co, supplies J II Walsh, legal notlco... . C D ltobliibon, cash advanced ......... Omaha Printing Co, uppllcs..... W 8 Ashby, printing Jos Warren, witness fees 12.10, allowed J PHalo, cleric ofloiird 4th quarter ....... J P Halo, recording otliclal bonds . J P Hulo, drajagc, cxprcsH, postago .... E W Audumon, pollio election..... 2 00 K J Caso, czpciibis ... 82 C5 W 11 tiuthrle, bounl) . l 00 W W Wright, town w arrant .. li 25 Jas liurden, desk for olllce 31 88 C I) Itoblntou, ttcas fioa to county.... 8 00 Dr C Wcgcinan, caso Mrs DIso...... 10 25 W II Koby, coal for pool farm .......... 6 W H V Mljor, supplies fcr poor farm 18 13 W U Koby, supplies for poor farm- ... 3 05 Cowdon Kaley Clothing Co, supplies.. 0 25 KMcKarland, supplies poor farm . . 4 12 Shorwood Si Albright, " . . i 63 K McFarland " ... o W Turnuro Hros, " " . . 15 15 C E Moranvlllo, medical services poor .. IS 75 Miner Uros, supplies poor farm 1 04 Mitchell Bros. " " Mary Eenswortb, caro Mrs DIso .. Andy Guy, witness Insane case ........ Traders Lumber Co, lumber........ Wm Irons. " ., 200 :uo tooo M I 50 a to 5 45 10 as 200 13 00 8 75 000 5 75 4 50 050 15 SI 29 18 5 75 37 00 37 00 10 50 51 80 33 87 83 05 14 50 SO 25 e 15 SO 36 83 82 20 72 89 35 60 00 83 85 31 30 W08 84 00 1 80 683 3 00 BOO 300 450 3 00 300 14 50 360 000 10 80 14 10 10 00 13 60 10 80 2tO 0 00 1 60 360 860 S 10 400 4 10 5U0 2180 860 180 030 a 60 840 405 80 00 44 00 5 75 3185 250 1 10 100 00 000 10 70 It S ProndOt, Wm Isom, Wm Isom, V 8 Hall, H A Bowman, BJWhltten, O G Itoane, BJWhltten, 523 24 00 450 19 65 10 15 17 60 44 30 25 81 8 3 3130 80 07 16 04 63 84 jr v - ' yn T !iP v IVORY SOAP PASTE. In fifteen minutes, with only a cake of Ivory Soap and water, you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy. Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clearr carpets, rugs, kid gloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wood-work and furniture. The special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica tion of water. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING.-To one pint of boiling wattr add one and ons-half ouncst (pne-qusrter of the small slie cskt) of Ivory Soap cut Into shavings, boll five minutes after the soap Is thoroughly dissolved. Remove from the Ore and cool In convenient dishes (not tin). It will keep well In an alr-tlgnt glass Jar. OOPTRMHT WM SV IMS HWOTIH a OUIIU OO. OIKCUMAT1 Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, January 10, 1809. Tho smallest things may ozert the smallest influence. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers aro unequalled for over coming constipation anJ liver troublos. Small pills, best pills, safe pills, C. L. Cottlng. To Insuro a happy now year koop tho liver clear and tho body vigorous by using LieWitt's Little Early Risers, tho tho famous little pills for constipation aud liver troublos. C h. Cottlng. MATRIMONIAL, At tho residence of J. H. Hobort at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, occurred the wedding of Mr. G. Bilker to Misa MayS. Hobert, Rev. G.W. Hummoil officiating. Tho groom is ono of Webster Coun ty's most promising young men, ho be ing possessed of tho good qualities which go to foim a good and loyal citizen. Tho brido is tho youngest daughter of J. 11. Hobert, who is ono of our old sottlers, bo having como to Mebraskn in 1873 and bomostoaded on Oak Crook where ho still resides. The bride is ono of Webster County's successful school teachers, and a very charming young lady, highly esteemed by a host of frionds. After tho coromony an excellent re past was sorved which was highly en joyed by all present. Many useful nnd valuable, presents woro received by thoin a3 n token of tho high esteem in which tlioy woro hold by thoir friends. Tlioy will make their home on a farm 011 Oak Crook. Wo extend congratulations. Horriblo agony is caused by piles burns and skin iisonsus. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by DoWttt's Witch Hazel salvo. Bo waro of wotthless imitations. C. L. Cot-ting. Hope Christina s Tree. (Delayed from last week) Tho Christmas treo at thoHopoor Johnson school house was a grand suc cess and tho order was of tho best. Th exercises wcro good under the man agement of their popular teacher and the recitations and musio by tho choir woro excellent. Tho treo was a boautj and well decorated with presents and Santa Claus did his duty in a pleasant munnor. Some of tho patterns wore) qulto valuable, there being docks, fin dress patterns, and others down to five cont toys. Tho superintendent of the Sunday school got a flno bible off th treo and so did Mrs. Chas. Barrett, Gus Frill and Sam Johnson did not got any monoy though each of them drew a lino purse to hold it in. Thero waa no disturbance, all kept very quiot and waited for their presents to bo brought to them. Tho nd'Jrcss of welcomo by Supt. Ingram was very appropriate. When the hour for tho exercises te commonco an i veil thehouso was called to order by Wm. Barrett, who led ia prayer, Onb who "was tiikuk. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf fered ngony for thirty years, and then cured his piles by using DoWitt'i Witch Hazel Salve. It hoals injuries and skin diseases liko magic. 0. L. Cottlng. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. Statement of O. D. Robinson, County Treasurer, showing tho total amount of the Personal Property Tax levied, collected aud delinquent for the year 1807. Phkcinot, Village or City Guide Rock " " village. Beaver Creek Stillwater Oak Creek Garfield Pleasant Hill Elm Creek Potsdam Blue Hill village... Line Red Cloud , " " city Batin Glenwood Walnnt Creek Inavalo , Catherton Harmony a s P 33 1 1272.06 1181.42 1002.01 008.80 855.02 009.83 1101.01 000.80 037.05 1412.78 870.81 1053.64 2083.78 028.64 1270.18 047.10 743.15 002.48 052.08 H 3 g3 (k a a t 1238.80 1164.05 000.40 856.57 852.05 050.05 1185.06 004.70 080.84 1800.68 807.40 1037.12 2601.00 032.27 1253.52 625.30 710.80 557.22 034.30 & o I 84.16 SJU.tW 11.52 46.82 2.07 10.78 26.28 5.04 6.21 22.10 12.41 16.42 81.88 6.87 17.01 21.88 23.85 5.26 18,54 a s fl.3 X r 2 03V .038 j .011 .058 .003 .02 .023 1 .OOi .OO .015 .083 ,0lf .08 .01 ;i .014 .084 .0 .01 . ,0t 1 .Mi Total JH18618.MtlM18.IWM.OT(.Mt i , ,.f -' ,j