The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1898, Image 6

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,.irr 4 : l.
geitlcea each Lord's Day as follows:
Morning aorvlco nt 10:00. Bubjoct.
i Struggle of Love."
ble School, 12m.
fnlor Christian Endeavor 8 p.m.
, fiiiior Christian Kmloavpr o
I-vonlng aorvlco ftWjwp.ciot'K
.n..iiiliiii Ph ll ".
e s! Vmm Ifleholai
Flno winter
I'ho revival meeting "
01 imrJ
to vr.
Tt Manhood In the
raver mooting'
. . W . . '. . a
ieSilay ovo-'1"" wordern warrar woniu
'WA'To n l.aropeaa Countr.
London, Djo. 20. At tho grand pub
llo conforcnoo hold Sunday nf tornoon
In St. James hall favoring an Inter
national ratification of thoczar's penco
proposition, William T. Stead said
that though ho coulil not glvo tho ex
act words of tho czar In a recent Inter
view, tho stibslnnco of what Ills Ma
jesty said was ai follows!
"1 look out ovor tho world: I study
our civilization and I do not tlud it
very good. I seo nations nil engaged
In seizing or trying to solzi, nil terri
tory not occupied yet by European
powers. 1 look at tho results. They
do not ncem to mo to bs good.
"For tho natlvo races what does lm
pcrlat expansion mean? Too often
optum, alcohol nud all mannor of foul
diseases, n great gulf botweon tho
'governed and thoso who rule, and
crushing taxation upon tho native
for tho blessings of this clvll.itlon.
"And for tho nations who sel.o,
what does it moan? A continual in
crease of susplolon, jealousy nud ri
valry; tho heaping up of fleets and
armies In ordor to tako part In a
scramble with tho world, with tho re
sult that tho army and navy aro swal
lowing up moro and more millions
that should bo used for tho welfare of
tho pcoplo aud tho advanccmont of tho
"On top are a fow rich and comfort
able. Down below with an ovor in
creasing pressure of taxes for arma
ment b, is tho groat mass of poor pco
plo, whoso position is not very good.
There is an ovor Increasing multltudo
of thoso below witli tholr breeding
discontent ripening Into Socialism and
developing into all kinds of anarchy.
"No, I do not find our civilization
good. Why do wo mako it so? Wo
have at tho present momont arrived at
this stage that wo have put all our
very best manhood lu tho army, b'o
much is this tho case that wo cannot
mobtllzo tho wholo of our troops In
European countries without dislocat
ing tho wholo fabric of tho social com
munity. "War has becomo so expensive that
no otato can stand tho strain of pro
tracted war without having to look
bankruptcy in tho faco, and wo aro so
perfecting our modern weapons of de
struction that no army can go into tho
floW without losing so largo n propor
tion of Its ofllccrs that whon tho war
Is ovor, even if that army bo victori
ous, tho war will havo lnfllctod Irre
parable loss on tho country.
"What with disconnection caused by
mobilizing, what with empty ex
chequer, what with doolmatcd ranks
of loading aud governing mou, loco
nothing beforo any nation except a
torrlblo heritage of revolutionary anarchy."
h f.ftiop Fired
. . flavin.
at Ponnoy . Cr- ' 'n' ti, Rnanl.h
I week. Jipnftflhn f-nmtnlasionerS informed
I RJWVy"10 American commissioners last even-
.ftH .11.1. . ..- wV..v, -.
and Jesus del Monto, had boon cvnc-
uatcd. Tho Spanish troops left Jesus
dot Monte nt 5 o'clock, Immediately
after which Amorlcan and Cuban flags
woro raised, crackora fired nnd tho
usual demonstrations mado by tho
largo crowds in honor of tho ovont At
tho hour of filing this dispatch It Is re
ported that somo of tho troops of tho
Cuban goncral Mnrlo Mcnocal nro en
tering Jesus del Monto. Probably tho
United Slates forces will bo sent thcro
The suburb of Cerro wns evacuated
Saturday. American nnd Cuban flags
wcro displayed from tho houses on tho
Calzadn dol Cerro nnd crowds rushed
through tho streets shouttug "Viva
Cuba lilbro."
About 5:30 a crowd of Cubans of tho
lower class passed a barracks of engi
neers on tho Infanta nvcnuo, shouting
"Long llvo Cuba," nnd "Death to
Spain," and firing shots Into tho air la
celebration of tho evacuation of Corro.
Tho engineers did not flro, but tho
guard was doubled.
The crowd then passed on from tho
Calzada dol Monto to tho Cnlzadn del
Corro, stopping tho street cara nnd
compelling passengers to shout "Viva
Cuba Libre." Among tho demonstrat
ors woro a numbor of butchers, who
carried pistols aud knives. Joso
Ganccdo and his cousin, Thoodoro
Iluortls, who woro on tho cars woro
wounded with knives, Gaucodo died
yesterday and Hucrtis will probably
Later tho crowd mot somo engtneers
at tho Ksqulna do Tojas and fired upon
thorn, Bcriously wounding ono. Tho
engineers returned tho fire, wounding
a slroot car conductor, n civilian, Iso
doro llazols, nud John Leonard, a col-
orod man.
Tho rioting continued, many shots
being tired in front of tho Casa do So
corro, whore tho woundod wcro as
sisted. Spanish soldiers woro ordorod to tho
secno and nrrlved about 0 o'clock.
Whllo marching through Cerro they
wcro fired upon by mon concoalcd be
hind pillars. Ono Spanish prlvato fell
wounded, aud tho battalion fired into
tho air to scaro tho. rioters. On re
suming their march thoy woro again
fired upon and another man was hit.
Tho Spaniards then tired and dispersed
tho rioters.
Among tho woundod was a colored
woman, and it is also reported that
thero were several Others. Tho riot
ing caused groat alarm lu Corro nnd
along tho Cclzada dol Monto, whero all
houses have kept closed doors.
Mwwtf g
W' ' "
ih ttrump ifM nvuui iiiiii iuiuiuii uuiiik
Japan and Russia Said to
American Monoy for War
THEY WANT $400,000,000.
the Two (lovernhient Bald to lie Iro
parlnjr tar Hoitllltloi Wlut Chlcngo
nnd New York Financial Men Hajr
, About Hie Koport.
A Steamer Cnrdou Engineer Doad ami
Three Men Dying From nn Kxploelon.
HAVANA, Doa 80. Somo steam pipes
tho bollor room of tho Httlo stoamcr
.tntta blow out Sunday, killing ono
an and fatally scalding threo othors.
stenmor was at anchor ready to
go out. Threo men were at work upon
tho machinery, whon Chief Engineer
A. F. Gcer of Tampa went into tho
" boiler room.
Gcer had boon drln'dng. Ity mis
take) or aceldont ho opened a stop cock,
turning tho full pressure of steam
into pipes that had boon found defec
tive. Instantly thera camo a terrific
explosion that wrecked tho room, kill
ing Goor, John YUIsoy, assistant en-
noer; William Urcon, n ltreman, and
ter Walsh, n machinist, were so
aided that thoy aro all dying at tho
clna Mercedes hospital.
Tho Fanlta Is the steamer that left
ibllo last suminor loadud with muni-
oiut,onslbly for General
lury deij for San Domlngnn
ifufeot. Ohio FnrnidJ-to effect a land
1 - -l Monto Crlsll
A. O. U. W. OffWhoro, but woro
?X tho regular meeting .
' t.i..inP iuo iohowid:
441 iino grower of
iomilbojBPslojjiaorca by rob.
,'oBUlnsmoronuWJnor uulod ono
- .known to tho Brt.-0f tho photo
,WlU bo sbown that is reoently re
oftf from crop fit & attorney of
t&uSk bfcVO wUbiU,says that tho
ihat Uf' -"".... r"
perlyi'vLll '
.1. t
in tiita:'11
"llnlster to tho United
eat llrltaltn 1357. An
iitvnn Nanrur was tho or-
Jkw'thVfkWerlan logarithms.
yi -9P,
Genernl 'Bhftor Tutlinttei That Wo
Iluva Sliouldorutl Rplu'4 War.
Sa.vanx.vii, Go., .Dec. 20. At tho
collation of tho ofllccrs of tho Third
Georgia regiment to Postraastor Gon
cral Smith and tho newspaper corres
pondents Goncrnl Shafter bad somo
interesting things to say about Cuba
and tho Cubans.
"It socms to mo," said General Shaf
ter, "that a great many persons havo
an erroneous idea respecting our rela
tions with tho Cubans. As I view It,
wo havo taken Spalu's war upon our
selves. Wo shall in all probability
hear a good doal moro of tho 'Insur
gents.' "
"ilow about Bolf-governmcnt for tho
Cubans?" General Shafter was asked.
"Solf-govcrnment," tho gcnoral re
peated. "Why, thoso pcoplo nro no
moro fit for self-government than gun
powder is for helL"
In tho samo lino, Goncral Shatter
went on to tell why tho United States,
in his opinion, would bo obliged to re
main lu tho island for somo tlmo, and
govern tho territory by military forco.
WAftiuxflTOX, Dec 2'). Thcro nro
sccrs who itredtct Uncle Sam will bo-
como tho banker for tho world. Two
old world governments, Russia and Ja
pan, havo turned their faces to tho
Unltod Statos In search of loans. Rus
sia nt least, has had agents sound
American financiers. This is tho first
tlmo forolgn nations havo sought to
float great national loans in America,
and tho wise men think it Is tho be
ginning of tho now era.
It may uo said 011 authority that Ja
pan needs tho monoy ostcnslblyto moot
a deficit in her revenues pro Jucad by
heavy expenditures for land nnd sea
armaments, and nlso to assist hor in
tho establishment of a national indus
trial bank. That is Japan's official ex
planation of hor needs. In diplomatic
circles It is shrewdly suspected that Ja
pan. is preparing herself for an ulti
mate strugglo with Russia nnd has
been hurried by tho nativity of Russia
in borrowing 855,500,000 to rcplaco hor
artillery with rapld-Hro guns.
It was learned at ono of tho lega
tions yesterday that this loan, recent
ly made in France, is only one-fourth
of what Russia actually needs, and
that Russia has como to this country
for nsslstauco because she failed to
get all sho wanted from Franco. It is
presumed that Japan and Russia be
tween them will want 8100,000,000.
Chicago, Dec. 20. Many of Chicago's
bankers and financiers havo been in
terviewed in relation to tho reportod
application of ono of tho European
powers for n heavy loan in the United
States. John J. Mitchell, president of
tho Illinois Trust and Savings bank,
who has just returned from Now York,
said: "It is truo that Russia and
Japan nro in communication with load
ing financiers in this country with a
view to floating loans. Two wooks
ago I was communlcatod with con
corning tho project by a person of high
authority, nnd I am to hear from this
man further. A lioston houso and a
prominent Now York housa havo been
considering tho mattor for two weeks.
"Tho Russian loan is for tho Russian
railway, guaranteed by the Russian
government, nnd is asked at Z( per
cent. It is not especially surprising
that thoy como to this country, for tlio
United States Is tho cheapest money
market in tho world at prcsont. Rus
sian credit stands high nnd that gov
ernment will probably got whatever
loan It doslres in America. For a Eu
ropean nation to negotiate a loan in
tho Unltod States is a rcvorsil of tho
usual order of things and n now nnd
pleasing condition of affairs."
Nkw Yonic, Dec 2a Henry Clows,
tho banker, said: "I think that Mr.
Kckols, who gavo out tho report, has
heard of negotiations begun by a for-
olgu government, but not an European
government. I am hound In confldonco
not to naino tbo government, but I
may say that a Httlo moro than a
month ago I was asked to mako an of
fer as to tho terms on which I would
negotiato a loan of from 810,000,000 to
520,000,000. I mado my offer and have
not yet recolvcd a roply. Now York
is now tho monoy market of tho
Ono Woman Killed, Another X.ft tot
Dead, and Hou Fired by Itobber.
ItmmxouAM, Ala,, Deo. 20. Tele
graphic ndvlcca from Ranks, Ala., tell
of a horrlblo crlmo at tho Meyers plan
tation, near Josto postoftlce, olght
miles from Ranks. Mrs. Ida Meyers,
n wealthy wklow, and her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. 11 Moycrs, 'also a wid
ow, conducted a storo and it was
known that thoy kept a largo
amount of monoy in tho dwelling
across tho road from tho store A
young man named Cook was employed
to superintend tho farm and ho occu
pied a room lu tho houso. Some time
botween midnight nnd day Cook was
nrousod by a nolso in tho robin of tho
elder Mrs. Meyers. Ho sprang ont of
bed nud ran to tho door of tho room
nnd saw Mrs. Meyers struggling with
two strango mon. Ho rushed to hor
nsslstauco nnd was knocked sonsolcss
with a club. When ho rogalnod con
sciousness ho found tho houso on
flro and tho older Mrs. Meyers ap
parently dead on tho floor. Drag
ging her from tho flro, ho wout in
search for tho younger Mrs. Moyors
nnd found her dond in hor room, her
brains having been bcaton out. Ho
roscued her body just in tlmo from tho
flames. Ho than rang tho farm bell
nnd aroused tho neighbors, who camo
in great numbors, but too late to savo
tho houso or any of its contents. It is
believed that tho robbers obtained
nbout 53,000 in cash.
Tho Stato Commences on
buttal Evidence.
Its Ro-
John Collln Take tho Stand to 8wer
That He Did Not Tamper With the
I.ock to Uli Futhrr It 00m, as Jordan
Bworo Colllm Told Illra lie Hod.
One Hilled nnd n Namhor Tlmlly Hurt In
n Ilatlroad Aooldent.
IxnuiuroMB, Ind., Dec 20. A
wreck occurred on tho Indiana, Do
catur und Western railroad nt 2:30
o'clock yesterday morning, fifty-two
miles west of Indianapolis, near Guion
Station. Tho Indianapolis express left
tho track west of a high trestle, which
wns sixty feet long, with seven
coaches off tho rails and bumping
along tho tics. Tho trestlo is fifty
feet high, nnd It Is considered phonom
onal that tho train was not
hurled off into tho creek, in which
event tho loss of life would havo been
Tho renr car had just left tho trestlo
whon a spreading of tho rails ahead of
tho baggage car pllod tho seven cars
in a heap. Tito baggago car and
smokor wero ground almost Into splin
ters and all of tho cars wcro badly
wrcoked. Thero wero about fifty pas
sengers on tho train, and not a woman
or child on tho list. Ono passenger
was killed and a number badly hurt.
Had Many Dl meal ties to Overcome la
EstnbllthlnK Santiago Blockade.
Washington, Dec 20. Tho Navy
department has mado public a report
from Admiral Schley covering that
part of tho operations and movements
of tho flying squadron from its sail
ing from Key West for Cienfuegos, up
to but not Including tho first bom
bardment. It shows that tho commodoro was
not at first convinced that Cervcra was
not in cienfuegos harbor, but that ho
sailed for Santiago as soon as Qpssiblo
on receiving news that tho Spaniards
wero there. Ho met with innumcrablo
delays by tho breaking of machinery
in different vessels and lack of fucL
Tho coaling of his vessels from colliers
was attended with much difficulty,
owing to tho rough seas. Uo finally
located the cnomy and established the
blockade as soon as It was posslblo for
him to do so.
Death of a rroildont'n Snrentlieart.
Washington, Doc 20. Mrs. Mary
Tutt Throckmorton, who, in her early
llfo, was a leader in Hocloty here, dlod
last night from tho offect of inhaling
illuminating gas, which escaped by ac
cident in hor room. Sho was 83 years
of ago. In tho beginning of Jackson's
second tcrm,as prosldent, Mrs. Throck
morton, then Miss Tutt, mado her
debut in tho oxcoutlvo mansion. Mar
tin Van Huron was ono of tho younp ' men, paraded tho town, in tho morn-
girl's admirers, and hor reported on lng, with Generals Mcnocal, Lacrct,
gagemont to him was ono of tho bo- J Julio Sangullly and Mayla Rodriguez
cloty rumors of tho capital.
Uvucuatlon of Spaniard Obiorvod by
Furadet and Speeches. '
Havana, Doc 20. Tho Cubans cole
bratcd tho evacuation of Mnrianao
yesterday on tho Invitation of tho
nlcado, Sonor Gomoa do la Manza.
Every street was decorated with Amer
ican and Cuban flags intertwined, and
at several points triumphal arehos
wcro orccted, bearing sultnblo inscrip
tions. Mcnocal's troops, 400 covalry-
TorKKA, Kan., Dec 21. -Tho defenso
in tho Collins murder trial rested its
caso this afternoon at 1:15 o'clock.
Tho hearing of evidence Introduced by
tho statu in rebuttal, began at onco.
Following this will bo the sub-rebut
tal on tho part of tho defense. It is
thought by tho lawyers in the caso
that all tho evidence will bo in this
week nnd that the nrgumonts to tho
jnry will bo mado next Mondny and
Tuesday. Judgo llazcn will not limit
tho time of arguments, but tho defenso
nnd tho prosecution will probably
ngrco to tako n day each in argument.
Tho judgo is preparing his instructions
to tho jury nud tho lawyers aro work
ing nlghti in tho preparation of their
nrgumen 5.
Letters nro coming in from nil over
this stato nnd from other states, most
ly from country lawyers, to tho coun
cil in this caso, offering suggestions.
One of theso was to Attorney Claronco
Spcllman of the defense It was from
a woman in Kansas City and advised
Mr. Spcllman to rcelto to tho jury tho
verses "Curfew Shall Not Ring To
night, and to point out to tho jury
how unliko was Francos Dabsock to
tho curfew horolno. Whllo tho girl in
tho story had risked her lifo clinging
to the clapper of tho bell to savo hor
sweetheart, tho othor, Frnnoes Dab
cock, had gono on tho witness stand to
help convict him.
John Collins, brother of tho mur
dered man nnd tho undo of John
Henry Collins, who is on trial, was
put upon tho witness stand this moan
ing by tho defense Mr. Collins is a
dealer in agricultural implements at
Westmoreland. Ho has nltcndod overy
session of the trial and has toul his
nearest friends hero that ho firmly
believes that John is innocent.
Mr. Collins testified that John was n
good boy and affectionate and that tho
father aud son thought muoh of each
other. Rut Mr. Collins said ho had
seen John only onco since ho entered
tho university three years ago. Mr.
Collins was at tho Collins homo soon
after tho murder and was present nt
tho funeral. Uo said ho uotlco'd John's
"Do you yet bellovo John's grlof was
sincere?" ho was asked.
"I do," ho nnswercd.
Tho defenso introduced testimony
this morning about tho lock of tbo
folding doors between tho front parlor
of tho Collins homo and tho parlor bed
room, whero Mr. Collins was sleeping
when ho was killed. Thoso folding
doors pushed together nnd locked au
tomatically by a spring catch and then
it required a key to open them. It
wa3 tho habit of Mr. Collins to always
lock theso folding doors before ho
went to bod. Tho morning of tho
murder theso doors wero found pushed
opon about two feet, nnd tho murderer
hud entered and loit tno room turougn
Sheriff Cook and others testified that
they examined tho lock of theso doors
tho day of tho murder nnd found that
It had been tampered with bo that
after tho doors wcro pushed together
tho catch would click as if it would
lock, but a gentle push would slldo tho
doors apart. Johnson Jordan testified
that John told him that ho had fixed
this lock ' so that it would not catch
floors could bo pushed upart
rioter, the Scientist, CUImt a DUoovery
In Mcdlolne. '
Nr.w Yonic, Dae. 21. Uaoal Plotot,
tho famous Swiss savant, chovnltor of
tho Loglon of Uonor, dlscovorer of the
ltquofaotlon of oxygon and member of
moro thah forty scion title soctotios lu
Franco nnd Germany, has come to
America to demonstrate- to physicians
and scientists bora what ho Is con
vinced is n euro for diseases of tho
lungs, stomach, tho circulation and tho
kidneys. .,
"La frlgothoraplo," tho naato of his
now dlscovofy. may bo' roughly trans
lated in English as tho "freezing
euro." Tho necossary machinery con
sists of a well of motnl linod with
thick furs, lu whloh tho patient de
scends, tho depth bolng about five
feet This woll is surrounded by an
outer shell, whllo tho cavity between
tho outer and innor walls is filled with
a combination of sulphuric and car
bonic acids known to the scicntifia
world as "llquldo 1'iclet," after its dis
coverer. This gas is kept in a liquid
stato nt 111) degrees below zero aud is
continually forced into tho cavity by
. M. PIctct says tho patient surround
ed by tho furs and tho ioy liquid has
no Impression of cold whatever and in
fact his temperature rises after threo
seconds, increasing from ono-half to
ono dogreo in five minutes. A porlod
of troatment ranging from fivo to fif
toon mlnutos is always sufficient for
tho tlmo bolng, tho number of needful
repetitions varying in each Individual
M. Plotot says ho himself, after fif-'
tcon years of Illness, was ourcd after
olght descents into tho well. The
prlnco of Scrvln, ho Bays, was abso
lutely cured by six tlcsconta after
twenty years of continuous ill-health.
Did to De AdrertUed for Railing tho
Two Iluttleiblpt.
Washinoton, Dec. 21. Secrotary
Long will soon issuo advertisements
calling for proposals for raising tho
Malno and tho Cristobal Colon. Tho
board of construction has had undor
consideration several propositions
from engineers and wrecking eompa
plcs, presenting schemes for raising
tho vessels nnd delivering thorn
at tho New York or tho Norfolk
navy yards, without involving
tho govornmont in any expense
unloss tholr efforts woro successful. It
was, howovcr, impossible to mako any
solcctlon from tho proposals and in
view of tho fnct that so many contract
ors of apparent trustworthiness woro
willing to put their confidonoo to tho
test in attempting to ralso tho vessels
and running tho risk of failure, tho
board agreed that It would bo advls
ublo to havo an opon competition and
award tho work to tho bidder who
would, bo willing to accept tho roost
reasonable compensation, other things
being cquau
Big Sebomo Nipped "a the Dad.
Havana, Dec. 20. Goneral Clous
called upon Goneral Castcllanos
by nppolntraont yesterday to bring
to the latter's notico tho action Tho theorv of tho prosecution Is that
of tho Havana municipality in at-ljonn tampered with this look, nnd
tempting to hastily negotiate during tnat tho night boforo tho murdor Mr.
and tho
. cuaiAjr.
Injcirod In au Initiation.
MiMVAUKr.n, Wis., Deo. 2a Joseph
1 l3v
thai J noatawM
ijVs was recelvod
' ar1
at Florenco,
niuth llaron
CorgWh Promotion.
hG.yV- Hayes.m arrival 01
tf Cone elmn. Be?. JasiT "
wvit nn rr
letters will bo Bent to u.;
jjuec.autn, u nui cnuw,..
hen calling for above plea,.
v i
!ytOQTbof9 legs
iu"i .,-. .ri
homo fiC',;
.iw-wi l
in tho procession.
A brcrtkfast was glvon at noon in
Hotel el Orlonte. Goncral Leo was in-
I vitcd. but unnblo to bo present, ho was
O. Hubert, who was utono tlmo n well- represented by Colonol Armflold, com-to-do
resident of Urand Rapids, Wis., 'nmndor of tho First brlgado, Second
is at at. .lo'.epn nospuui, tuts city, anil dlvlson, and Captain R. B. Taxton,
will bo a cripple for llfo becatiso of briirado adjutant. Tho Cubans woro
tho rough handling ho received at tho most enthusiastic
initiation ceremonies of a lolgo. Two
operations havo been performed by
tho burgeons. They hold out uo hope.
Mr. Ilebert will suo tho lodge.
tho last davs of Spanish control a
sower contract Involving tho city In nn
indebtedness of millions of dollars.
Castcllanos announced that no con
tracts of this naturo must bo entered
upon and that whatever had beendouo
in this lino must bo annulled.
Religion and Standing Armies.
London. Dec 20. Tho venerable
William MaoDonald Slnelnlr, archdea-1
con of London and canon of St. Paul's
cathedral, presided at a publlo confer-1
enco lit St. James' hall, convcued by
tho hoads of tho various religious do-1
nominations, in favor of an interna
tiounl demonstration on behalf of the
czar's disarmament proposals, A res
olution in accordance with tho objects
o! tho convenors of tho conforonco
was adopted unanimously.
Ontario Uold Htrlkc,
Winnu'KO, Man., Dm. 20. Rat l'ort-
ngo, int., is wiitt witnexoitemont over
a marvelous strlko mado in tho Mikado
gold mlno. Tho oro fills a slopo forty
feet high and two and one-third foct
wldo, aud tho richest oro is worth, on
n conservative estimate, from 533,000
to 833,000 a ton In frco milling gold.
General Itroolio llai Fever In Bav.innah.
Savannah, Ga., Dec 20. Major
Goncrnl Rrooko, who was appointed as
military governor of Cuba, arrived
hero yestorday and had a conference
with tho President nnd Secrotary Al
gor. Goneral Urooko Is suffering from
a cold and fovcr. It was said lato last
night that tho fovcr was high and that
probably ho would not bo ablo to loavo
tno euty lor a weeu.
Kins Oscar If Sick..
London, Doc SO. Tho Copenhagen
correspondent of the Daily Mall says
that King Oscar II., of Sweden and
Norway, has been suddenly taken ill
and Is now confined to his bed.
Ilaldlvln AVorlu Aro Iltuy.
Pnii.ADKi.rniA, Djc 20. Tho Bald
win locomotlvo works has within tho
last fow days received ordersfor flfty
slx locomotlvos, of which sixteen nro
for tho Imperial railway of China,
making tho Bccond ordor received from
that country within ton months.
Edward U, llatmi Is Doad.
Chioaoo.Djc. 20. Edward O. Mason,
ono of Chicago's most prominent and
succcsfnl lawyers died nt Ills homo
vestorday, aged S9. Tho cause of death
A Wilmington Kefucoo In' a Chnroh.
CiitCAao, Dec So. W. E. Henderson,
tho negro lawyer, who, with his wifo
aud fivo children, was driven out of
Wilmington, N. C, by the recant riots
thero, told his story In tho First Moth
odlst church yestorday. At tho closo
of tho mooting tho Rov. Jenkln Lloyd
Jones presented a sot of resolutions,
which woro adopted unanimously, do
prccatlng discrimination in trado, pol
itics or religion on account of tho color
lino In tho.orth or South. A copy of
tha resolutl6o will bo sont to Pros!
dout McKluloy.
Charged With Killing Six Tenon.
Dominion City,. Man., Dec 20. Sim
eon Cuzby was arrested hore last night
charged with tho murdor of Wasyl
Pncchka and fivo children, six weeks
ago at tlio Stuartburu Gallelan sottlo- j
Collins pushed these doors together as
usual, sunnoslna- thoy woro looked.
Thon John had no difficulty in pushing
them opart noiselessly when ho en
tered to kill his fathor.
John Henry Collins, tho young man
on trial, wns put on tho stand this
morning and asked by his lawyer If ho
had tampered with that lock at any
Ho said ho had not Tho prosecution
then asked John:
"If you had tampered with that
lock, you wouldn't toll it, would you?"
"I don't know whether I would toll
It or not."
"Would vou toll tho truth, about it if
you thought tho truth would help con
vict you?"
"I don't know what I would do
under thoso circumstances, nnd I havo.
not been In a position whero thoro
was any danger of my conviction."
Garrett Humes, a looksmlth, testi
fied that ho had examined that Jock
to-day and saw no fllo marks oil it or
othor cvtdoncos that it had beon tam
pered with.
John Collins, unclo of Iho boy on
trial, told about tho sheriff, himself
and others tho lock tho
morning of tho murder and finding
that tho doors would not look whon
pushed together.
A number 01 witnosnos tossuiou 10
tho good character of John Collins.
The Tlilavlng Knglnecr Confined to tho
UinlU of tho United State.
Washington, Dec 21. At loast nu
other mouth will olapso before tho
President will dispose of tho caso of
Captain O. M. Cartpr, tho army engin
eer who was court-martialed and
found guilty of defrauding tho govern
ment in connection with harbor work
at Savannah, Go.
Attornoy Gcnoral Griggs, to whom
tho papers havo boon rofcrrod for n
final rovlow, said to-day ho had not
yet had tlmo to oven look at tho
record, and it would take several
weeks' hard work to examtno tho pa
pers. Pending final notion by tho
President, tho war department has ox
tended tho limits of Captain Carter's
military confinement to inoludo any
point within tho United States. Prior
to this aotlon, Captain Carter was not
permitted to loavo Now York without
oxprcss permission from tho war department.
A l'art of the Spanlih OruUer Blldei OR
tho Hock and I Submerged.
Nkw Yonir, Doc 21, According to
mall advices from Nassau, N. P.,
tho strandod cruiser Maria Te
resa has brokon lu two just aft
of tho after funnol. Tho forward
part is fast upon tho roof, but tho
after part lias slid Into tho upper wa
ter, whore it lioa completely submerged
oven nt low water. Tlio weather has
boen vory bolstorons, and the wrook
is rapidly breaking to pieces under tho
blows of tho tremendous surf that at
times swallows it ont of sight.
Uody Pound In n Closet.
Chioaqo. Dec 20. Michael Emll
Rolllngor, a native of Austria, Is under jt wm a posslblo to indnoo Rev. John
IVntson (Inn MacLarcn) 10 accops mo
Urooklrn Wants Ian Maelaron.
Nkw Youk, Doc SI. Merabors of
Plymouth church, llrooklyn, hopo that
arrest charged with tho murder of his
wlfo, Thorosa. Tho oharrod body 01
Mrs. Rolllnger was found Friday night
in a clothes closot of her homo, and
her death was at first nuppo3od to bo
tho result of an accident Tho pollco '
now claim thoy havo sufficient evt
denco to prove that Rolllngor strangled
his wlfo, poured korosono ovor tho
body and sot flro to it, Mrs. Rolllnger
owned soma property in Austria and
also carrlod MX) llfo insurance.
pastorato soon to bo vacated by Dr.
Lyman Abbott. Dr. Watson is now
pastor of tho Softon Park Prosbyter
luu ohuroht Liverpool England.
Ue Wrote Religion Work for tho Young.
Englkwood, N. J., Dec 31. Tho
Rov, Dr. Daniel Wo is dead at his
homo hero. Dr. Wise was tho author
of moro than thirty religious works
for young people.
ArhlllpplnePIHbaiterlng Expedition Not
l'ermlttod to roavo lions Uong.
WABniNOTON, Deo. 21. Groat Hrlt.iln
hns givon another striking example of
friendship for tho Unltod States nnd
at tho same tlmo has taken action
which Is looked upou in tho light of a
recognition of tho sovereignty of tho
Unltod States over the Philippines.
A filibustering expedition organized
to go to tho support of Aguinaldo has
been suppressed at Hong Kong, by
order 01 tno jiriitsn authorities.
Klllod In it Illeh Hill Mill Collapjo.'-t r
Rich IIit.i., Mo.. Dec. 21, A portion k
of tho Rich Hill mill collapsed at 1
o'clock this morning. Homer Kim
brough, a transfer man, was caught
by timbers and crushed. Tho building
was badly damaged.
A Fund for Harold l'roderlo't Widow.
London, Dec 21. A fund han been
opened to make provision for tho
widow and children of Harold Frederic,
tho American correspondent, whom ha
I left quite destitute, . . - - - &
as Urlffht a disease.
ab'lo in
check, J0i
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