The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1898, Image 1

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The largest single shipment of FURNITURE ever received in Red
. Cloud now on display at Miner Bros.
- ,
Full size Iron Beds $3.00 each.
Kitchen Chairs 46o each.
Full size Kitchen safe, $4.25. (This not a smaii 8ato.)
Oak, cane seat dining chairs, $1.
Three piece Bed Room Suites $12.50.
Large Corduroy or v elour covered couch, $6.
Combination Book Cases $12.50 eaoh.
Center Tables 60o to $8 eaoh.
42-inch Square extension table, 16-foot, $4.25.
Our line of Fancy Rockers, Bed Room Suites, Book Cases, Sideboards, Tables, Lounges, Easles, Mirrors, Indian
Stools, and Novelties the largest line ever shown in Red Cloud.
Special Iisplay Christmas Novelties
in Imported and American Goods.
Seo our tine display of novelties in
Tbo largest display of CHINA ever shown
in the city.
MU7 -4nW
ioo piece Dinner set in plain
white $6.50 to $10.
100 piece Diner set, decorated
I8.00 to $18.00.
All goods open stock, you can take what
you want,
Toilet Sets $ 2.00 to $7.00.
Special values in glassware for this salo.
Tho largest stock of qnecnswaroin tho Re
publican valley. Prices Guaranteed -
the Lowest
Special Christmas Candy 'and
Nut Prices.
Fresh Rorsted Peanuts, 8 Jc per pound, .
Pecans, unpolished, large 8Jc per pound.
Filberts, 10: per pound.
English Walnuts, i2$c per pound.
Almonds, fancy, 16c per pound.
Stick Candy 7jc per pound.
Regular 12 1-2C mixed candy 8c per pound.
Mixed Candy, 6Jc per pound.
Cream Bon Bons, 10c per pound.
MinerBros., Red Cloud, Neb.
Circumstances havo brought tho ex
pansion question very much to tho
front in Washington. President Mc
Kiuloy's speech at Atlanta, in which
ho asked, "Who will haul down the
flag?". Is regarded as committing him
in favor of expansion, and of retaining
tho Philippines, and it has enthused
tbo expansionists in congress, and out
of congress. Then came Col. Bryan's
visit to Washington for tbe double pur-
pose of trying to prevent senators of
bis party opposing tho ratification of
tho troaty of peace, which he says
should not figure in tbe fight against
expansion, and of solidifying bis party
in both branohwi of congress against
expansion. He ancceeded so well in
the first -that it is how generally ex
pected that the treaty will be ratified
by the senate before the close of tbe
session of congress, although it cannot
be sent to the senate before the first
- week in January. He wasn't so sue
?S8tol in Ms other object. He found
tfomerons senators and representatives
of bis party who told him plainly that
tbey and tbeir constituents believed
that it was tbe proper thing for this
. government to keep all the territory it
acquired in the war witb Spain, and
that so long as the administration
polloy was legitimate expansion, and
not imperialism, they expected to cor
dially support It. Col. Bryan admit
ted In conversation with a friend that
publio sentiment at tho present time
is favorblo to expansion, but ho
argued that it will- soon bo changed
and will support tbo position ho has
Tho Nicaraugua canal bill cannot bo
said to have rondo any real progress
during tho week it has been tho un
finished business of the senate. Near
ly all tho senators claim to favor tho
canal, but a majority of them'appear to
havo different ideas of the legislation
that will bost accomplish that result.
The consequence is a number of amend
menta and several brand new
bills. Senator Morgan says he doesn't
eare whose bill Is passed or what its
exact form is, Just so the construction
of tbe canal is authorised at this ses
sion of congress.
Tbe sentiment expressed by presi
dent McKlnley that tbe time had
come when the United States govern
ment ought to share In tbe care of the
confederate dead found an echo in
congress when Representative Rickey
of Virginia, introduced a bill that tbe
government should also share in the
dare of living confederates, who are
needy, by opening to them all soldier's
homos and other institutions main
tained by tho government for ox-soldiers,
upon tbesamo terms that United
Stutos soldiers and sailors nro ad
Members of tbo Anglo-American
commission no longer speak hopefully
of succoss in tho negotiation of a treaty
that will remove all friction betweon
this country and Canada, and establish
commercial reciprocity. On the con
trary they now regard any satisfactory
agreement on reciprocity as Improb
able, if not actually impossible, and
tbo negotiation of a treaty embracing
any points of real importance is yory
doubtful. The commission has ad
journed until January Sth, when a last
attempt to agree on something will be
Col, Bryan's friends are divided as to
whether tbe New Torker who was
quoted as follows in a local paper,
meant to be complimentary or other
wise. "1 think Bryan would have
made one of the greatest actors that
ever trod stho boards, and even now;
is be would adopt tbo stage, there Is
almost tbe certainty of succoss. He ie
a born actor, and bad he started in
time, would havo outshone tbe greatest
we have seen in this generation. His
Chicago speeoh that won him the son-1
Ination for president was n masterly
bit of acting, so was his going to war.
i don't moan by that to accuso him df
insincerity, but it is tho very nnturo of
tho man to play a part. Ho has a mag
nificent faco, lino voice, and magnotlo
presouco, ail of which would havo lift
ed bim to tho topmost placo had fato
decreed him to bo a Thespian."
Tho gentlemen who aro trying to
bring about an extra session of con
gress for tbe solo purposo of finaulal
legislation, bave not succeeded iu get
ting a promise from President McKin
ley, but they are still bard at work try
lag to bring additional power to bear
upon him. They have adopted one
unique method of influencing tbe pres
identa petition- fros republican
members of congress, asking Ins presi
dent to call an extra session of congress
in the spring, and to state in the call
that tbe session is called solely to con
sider financial legislation. This pe
tition ls'now being circulated for sig
natures, and Is said to have obtained a
considerable number, but they do not
include the.parfy loaders. Regardless
of tbis petition and other efforts of the
same parties, an extra session is goner
ally regarded as anions; tbo probabili
ties, but it will not be confined, if held,
to financial legislation.
Stud Which Almost Escaped
Public Through Carelessness.
Tho snow stmm lliu lit -st of tho week
furnished plenty of rabbit tracks for
thu boys to follow. Tim wicked and
III 0 righteous both stood on slippery
places tho first of tho wouk. If vu
dou't llko your neighbors clog shoot l
There nro too many worthless ru i
around town. Tho town was full of
Christmas shnppors Saturday. TiU
has boon a week ofjacoldonts. Hypno
tism is all right lu Its placo, but Undo
Sum's poslollk-o is a poor placo for It
Garters make nice Christmas prcinuis
if you can guess tho right size, A bil
liard table or a Stolnway piano makes
a nico present for tho bab7, Girls,
don't glvo your bost fellow a lock of
your hair for a Christmas present, just
glvo him a switch. There will bo a
dance at tho fireman's hall this ovon
ing. Tho most of our merchants are
busy wrapping up Christmas presents.
A few, however, are still selling fire
crackers. Tbeso few nro back num
bers who don't bolleve In advertising.
Interesting Christmas exercises will
be held at the various churches tomor
row evening. What galoot aiarlrd
that long distance telephone talk.
Can't oven get one to work from this
city to the depot. A number of our
fanners are wondering when they will
get a chance to flajsh busking that corn
crop tbat wasn't going to amount to
anything. The sohool cbillren will be
turned loose for a two week's vacation
after today. A dollar on subscription
mako a suitable Christmas present (or
tbe editor. Why do some people per
sist in blocking the sidewalks to listen
to a little political tommy-rot and thus
force ladies to go out in the street to
get by. Tho roads throughout the
country aro in poir condition. The
weather man is gettiug to be somewhat
of a Joker himself,-There aro a num
ber of window decorations on our
streets which reflect credit on tbe de
signers. Don't forgot to hang up jour
stocking, The small boy has no trouble
finding a sliding placo tbeso mornings.
There are somo "aids in" this town
who will bear watching. Especially
when they aro looking over a stock of
Christmas toys.
Hypnotism In Red Cloud,
Since tbe KnowlosHypnotiocom puny
appeared in this city some time siuco
considerable amusement has been in
uuigea in oy a number 01 our young
people by posing in front of eaob other
one as the hypnotist the other as the
subject, and amusing are the results.
On last Saturday evening while tbo
goneral publio woro nwuiting the dit
tribution of tho ovenlng mall some of
of our young mon woro indulging in
tills hypnotic pleasantry and 0110 of
thorn it appoars actually did succumb
to n hypnotic state, although V none
could tell who had placed him In it.
IIo thought ho had a llcklish'spot and
laughed until ho wuh removed from tho
room mid for somo tlmo could be beard
laughing on the street. Auothor case
is reported from two young ladies who
were walking on our streets last week.
Ono thought sho could hypnotise any
thing from poof pussy under the stove
to tho statue of Father Neptuno in
front of tbo liberal arts building at the
Omaha exposition and tho other doubt
ing her powers demanded proof at
onco, right then and there. The fair
hypnotist immediately struck an atti
tude in front of her subject and tbo test
began. "Stand square, let your Arms
hang loosely by yonr side, lips slightly
parted, gaze about there, and think
steadily of the one thing I tell you to."
Then proceeding te tbe rear of the sub
ject, she said: Think steadily ibat
you are falling backward, aud do not
resist the slightest temptation to fall.
Think steadily that yon are fall"
Thud. Whetheritwas truly hypnotic
power or the slippery ice upon which
tbe subject had been standing that
caused'it bad not been figured out at
last accounts, as they parted company
at the next crossing, and since then the
fair hypnotist has been practicing on
cats. Numerous other cases could be
cited but space forbids, P
Se the new usele at TnylorV.
1 nn (- 1 11 11
From hard work or outdoor
exercise f
Will cum alter a few appll-'
cations, and make the
muscles Umber and strong.
Plum Hunters Showing Up,
Tho approach of tho oponlng of the
legislative session seems to glvo renew
ed llfo and old tlmo vigor to the repuh-
li Jar party in Nebraska. The law mak
ers eloot who havo como to the capital
to make arrangements for a winter's so
journ seem determined tbat no mis
takes shall bo mado this winter that
will retard tho party from achieving a
splendid and no unoortain victory In
tho next elootion. They all agree the
only way tbis can bo dono is by laying
nothing but wiso economlo and Judic
ious legislation on Governor Poynter's
table. Just at tbis timo the place hunt
ers for plums in the senate and honse
have as yet not becomo very consplc
uousltbough by next week this part ef '
tbe coptest will be fairly on. Judging; t
from the several clubs, lodges, societies
and associations coming up from the
several parts of thostate asking for leg
islation along linos beneficial to each ef
them respectively there will be much
new legislation enaclod.
" i
"Prairie Schooners."
Tboro is nothing so dosolato looking
as prairie schooners passing through
town on these bitter cold mornings.
8ometimos thero is an actual necessity
of people moving about tbe country in
this mauner, but questioning will re
veal many cases wbero tbo inhabitants. ' V:!
of these covered'wagons bave been con-; W l
sunny on mo go, oast and west, foe "
years. I ho charm of a migratory Irre-f
sponsinie mo has captured then, an
tho hardships of cold, and sometlm
of actual want do not spoil tbe fun f
tbem. Tbe women always have a hari
sufforing look, bowover, aud we dottir.-.
if tbey ever becomo reconciled to suet
a life, as the men do' 'tHii?
Revision of Revenue Laws. , .Ki
Tho revenue laws of tbeistatej
likely to receive a thorough revii
and the law governing elections
also boa point of much attention
somo probable changes. It appears
almost unanimous consent that th
stato board of transportation will
struck m sovoral ways that will con- is
sign it to a deserving' tomb, while, the
mon who aro now drawing fat salaries
n a Gnnrnrnrtna iiflll Itn Itstnttrifw trla -
QVVIUIUIIUO Hill MU tWtl,ll4 J WISO ciodj .i
wnoro, iiowovor it appears at pr
tlmo thit nothing will boaccomplls
along legislative lines HAMJor
atorlal election. r
The "99
In many Nobi
noss men aro se
against tho rope
position that tin
and pledging tob2''
vioinua ii tuo xtY
uujuuiii is a uarjWt
tlmo but tue"K
seems to Justify ty
While wo bave
bnainesa mnn io h
this subject ItW-01
tenths of themy, an
noiuing an expo:
w '
& sp much o'ti
,T h&P V-AI?.
The advertlseAjfVviwtida'er:'
CHWf now, butV-ilWCT'
aeniy one or tuv ; v" t-afr
hltl thn llln wif Warm'Crf
knock out tbe of J)
strange inings r" AiTrlfy,
srooa imusr now.",.r
. .
in spite of the r
not good tbo.v
pie need
little spec
sev.yis ,
v '