., '' .'. "f V I'HK HMD CLOUD OHiFJtf, ITKlOAY, DEO. 2. 1898. WMyMMMMMMMMWWMMMWMMW 4 Mother's Hope is that when her llttlo ones aro born, thoy will bo vigor otis and honlthy. Hcrhopcs will be fully realized If alio will prcparo herself during pregnancy with MOTHER'S FRIEND, the widely-known external Hnimont which so many women Use It not only paves tho way for easy de livery, but Insuros strength and vigor to tho now-born. old by nrtiKKM nr HI batlln. imiDmu nenoxaTon oo.. Atlanta, oa. OIIUUOK NOTK8. OIllttSTIAN OUUItOH. Services oneh Lord 'a Day as follows: Morning service at 10:00, Subject "Wonmnhootl and Christianity." Hiblo school, 12m, Junior Christina Endeavor 8 p. in. Sudor Christian Endeavor 0:45 p. in Kvuning sorvlco at 7:30 o'clock. Sub ject, "Tho Tragedy of Gypnes." Prayer mooting ami blblo study on Wodnesdny evenings. Ladles' Aid Sooloty Friday after noons. Our plrasant church homo and all services aro over open to tho public. L. A. Hubsono, Pastor. MKTUODIST Sorviccs noxt Sunday as follows: Morning sorvlco at 10:80. Sunday School at 11:80 a.m. junior league nt i p.m. Senior Lotiguo nt 7 p.m. Evonlng sorvlco at 7:80. Inbtallation aormon of Epworth League Prayer meeting on Wednesday evon lng at 7:80. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially Invited to at tend. James Makk Daiidt, Pastor. uaitist cnuncn. Services noxt Suuday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. Subjeot, "A Trumpet Coil." Sunday School nt 11:45. Juniors mootng at U p.m. Young People's Union moots nt 7 p.m. Evening sorvlco at 7:80. Subjoet. "Tho Normal Condition of a Gospol Church." Special sorvicrs next wook. All cordially invited. Scats free Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. conokeoational. .Regular services noxt Sunday as fol lows: Morning sorvlco at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:45. Services at Indian crook at 8:80 p.m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:80p.m. Evonlng sorvlco at 7:80 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting and con forenco Wednesday evening nt 7:80. All cordially Invited to attend these services. Fit an k W. Dkan, Pastor. Dr. Fonnor's Dyspopsia Curo At the name implies, is simply fur dyspopsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is tho proscription of ono of America's inoit eminent physicians, whoso writings on modioal quostlons aro uccopted as authority. If not sat isfaotory after using ono bottloyour mo oy will bo rofunded by O. L. Cot ting. ISEASES THAT KILL Consumption is ca tarrh of the lungs. Certain complica tions mate consump tion incurable. Most eases of death from con sumption aro tho direct result of neglected ca tarrh. Pe-ru-na works harmoniously with nature to ojcot tho tubercles from tho lungs, and works bo successfully that if there is a cure for consumption Pe-ru-na la tho remedy. Read this lottor from Mrs. n. A. Tyner, of Pour Oaks, N. C, about hei daughter, Mrs, L. Eecno. She says: Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus,0. Dbah Sins: "My daughter had every symptom of consumption suppression of menses, night Bweats and great ema ciation. Sho was so low that nono of our nolghbors thought she could live. In May Mr. O. It. Adams, of thle place, who had taken Pe-ru-na, told mo if anything would help her Pe-ru-na would. I got a bottle of it nnd somo v rook candy and began giving it to her. During the first fow days sho was so weak she could only tako a half 'tea poonful at a time, but I gave it to her as often as sho could bear it. In less than a week sho could walk two hundred yards juHgltfck without rest ing; nho kept 0Kff?!yonger, and in twelve raouthfuRJ' I ;tg boas well docs prthoMurqir ssbbbbY "fL Hviav'T lysis' m, 2M 3Sh lcX !ckr Ivo wire pullowfctt""' aecuro. Alio VuMV'-; j .i... 1.1. niirir. wmir kfiC only after thajubl, ill 1 1 -" ;. lieen puummi q$ffi r. FOUNDED THE DOQ TO DEATH. How Mnnkty Mads Oood Csa of n 11111 I.Ike m I'ollocBian'f Ctab. "Tho most novel light I over wit netted," remarked a traveler to a writer for tho Cincinnati Enquirer, "wfis between a bulldog and a monkoy, down in Cuba. A friend of mlno had a bulldog that had licked every canino on tho Island, und he was very proud of him. A gontlcmnn from South America said that ho had a monkoy that could whip tho bulldog nnd 'tho ownerof tho latter laughed at tho idea. After somo talk a wager of (Ivo hundred dollars was mado and tho only advan tago that tho monkey was to havo was that ho was to bo allowed tho prlvllego of using a bnton, about tho length of n policeman's club, but not so heavy. Tho light wnn in a public pi nee, und in a pit that was surrounded by an Iron grating. Thero was a big crowd out to sea tho fight. Of courso everybody thought tho dog would chow up tho monkoy. After a fow minutes, how ever, tho nudionco was surprised at tho sagacity displayed by the monkey. Tho bulldog would mnko n rush at tho monkoy, anil tho latter would Jump asldo and allow tho bulldog to hit his bond against tho Iron gratings. This was kept up for twonty minutes or moro, and then tho dog bo gan to get tired. Tho monkoy begun to fight. Ho would let tho dog muko a rush und then Jump on tho dog's back and strllto him several times with tho baton. This was kept up for an hour or more, nnd finally tho dog fell on tho floor completely exhausted, and tho monkoy actually pounded him to death. Tho monkoy would strllto tho dog sev eral blowB and then placo his car to tho canino to sco if ho still breathed. Finally tho owner of the dog agreed to give up tho fight, but tho ownor of tho monkoy told him that ho was too late, as tho monkoy would not quit until he had killed tho dog. Tills was one of tho peculiarities of tho monkey. Thoy always kill their victims. The ownor of tho dog said ho did not want his dog killed, and Insisted on taking tho monkoy off. Whilo thoy wcro talk ing the monkey belted tho dog several times with his baton, placed his ear on the dog, and with a sudden jump leaped on tho Bhoulderof his owner and commenced to ubo monkoy lan guage. Tho dog was examined and found to bo dead. Tho people ap plauded tho vlotory of the monkey, and It looked ob if the monkoy under stood it" IN ROBES AND ROYAL STATE. Bow thai Bupramo Court JadfM Fw from One Room to Another. Another Innovation has mado its ap pearanco at tho capltol. It Is worth while, according to tho Washington Post, to mako a trip to tho building Just before twolvo o'clock overy day to witness it Tho room In which the supremo court Justices adorn them selves with their flowing silk robes Is just across tho hall from tho chambor hi which tho court meets. Hitherto a fow moments boforo noon tho door of the attirlng-room would open and forthwith would emergo tho Bolcmu Justices. On ono Bldo of tho corridor which by tho way, Is tho main passage way through tho capltol would stand a court ofllcinl and another man would bo stationed on the opposite side. Do tweon this guard tho justices would walk and a momont later would disap pear behind tho heavy door of tho on tranco to tho private corridor to tho bench. Hut this slmplo nnd modest mothod has boon relegated to tho past It is different now. When tho jus tices aro now rendy to loavo tholr at tiring apartment four court messen gers appear. Thoy bear two pieces of plush-covered rope. A man Btands on each side of the two doors, and across tho corridor they stretch tholr plush covered barrier. Through the avenuo thus formed tho tho black-ffowned jus tices walk, tho brilliant plush covor Ing gleaming liko a streak of fire against tholr sombor robes. If tho justices ore a llttlo slow tho crowd mubt possess its soul in patience. Not until tho last black gown has disap peared are the plush-covered ropes taken down and the ordinary course of travel allowed to resume. IN A HURRICANE. tory of m Queer Thine That Ileppened ,ln the East. A Btory comes by mall from the far east and tells ono moro of tho wonder ful things which happen to those who havo their homes on tho great waters. Tho Btory concerns tho big four masted Iron Bhip Luclpara. She halls from Glasgow, and recently made a voyago from Sharpness to Sydney, N. 8. W. Whilo Balling along botweon tho Capo of Good nopo and Australia, me Kuip ran into a uurrlcauo, or was ovtrtaken by ono, about midnight Suddenly tho sea, which had been dan gerously high, bocamo calm, and to those on tho ship It scorned as If the surface of tho ocean had boon sub jected to an enormous nrnRRtirn. ho which the waves were stilled. Without warning the men were almost blinded by a sheet of flatno, which enveloped tho ship from stem to stern, and reached half way up tho masts. This wave of Uamo surged back and forth, fore and aft for a fow seconds, and was then snuffed out us suddenly as It had appeared, leaving captain nnd crow groping about In Intense durkncssl Tho blinding glare was ex tremely painful to tho eyes, but caused no dumugo either to tho men or to tho ship. Capt Witt said It wob his first experience of tho kind, and he hoped It would bo the last - i . Church nolle TMiiirlnar. According to an old custom In tho Dutch vlllnguHif Kntlyk the two church bells have been rung for"centurlcs past, without Intermission, day and night, from tho 21st to the 25th of December every year. No reason is given for the custom, but so for nil effort to stop the maddening noise have proved futllo. IIott to Dlioosreg Divorce. In ancient Greece a law provided that If a man divorced his wife he could not subsequently marry a wom an younger than his discarded partner, J s Aro gaining favor rapidly. Business men and travel lers carry them In vest Docket!, lidlei rarrr tliem Pills In partes, tiouiekerprrs keep them In medicine eloicti. frlendt recommend them to frlendt. Be. Itlicumntlsm Curod in u Day "Mtf c Ourc," for rheumatism and neuralgia ndlciilly cuns in 1 toil du)s. Its action upon tho syslnn is remark nblu and itiYHtoiious. it iciuovcb at otn i 'lie oniisi' imil Hit" dUcimo iiniut.--tli.iit'ty disappears. Th lirst do.so picatly beiiellts;7ri ccnli'. Sold by 11. E (trice, druggist, Kid Cloud, Nob, Notlco to Iluntors No hunting allowed on tho Fogel, Fisher, Sorlvnor and Clnrk Stevens farms In Logan township, Kansas. O. Stkvenh, A. G. SoUiVNK.it. Constipation prevents tho body from ridding 'itself of waste untter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and euro Stock Headache, Uillioiisness, Inactive Liver and clenr tho complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. C. L, Cutting. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and pennnnent enro of tetter, salt rheum nnd eczema, Cham berlain's Eyo nnd Skin Ointment is without on equal. It relieves tho Itch ing and smarting almost Instantly nnd Its continued tiro effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's Itch, scald head, soro nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic soro eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders for horses aro the best tonic, blood purifier andvermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby Try Orain-0 1 Try Grain-O ! Aik your Grocer today to show you a package of QKAIN-O, tho new food drink that takes tbo place of coffee. Tho children may drink It without Injury aa well m tbo adult. All who try It, like it. GRAIN O has that rich seal brown of Moka and Java, but It la made from pure grains, and tho most dellcato stomach received It with out distress. H tho prlco of coffee. 15c. and 26o. per package. Bold by all grocers. e There is a Class of People. Who are Injured by the use of coffee Recently there has been placed In all (ho grocciy stores a preparation called OIIA1NO, mado of pure grains that takes the plnco of coffee. Tho moot dcllciito stomach receives It without distress. and but few can tell It from coffee. It docs not cost over one fourth as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. IScts and 23cts per package, trr It. Ask for (1HAINO. Many People Cannot Drink coffco at night. It spoils their deep. You can drink Graln-0 when you plcoso and sleep liko a top. FordrnlnO docs not stimulate; It noui Ishcs, cheers and feeds. Yet It looks and tastes liko tho best coffee. Kor nervous persons young people and children Graln-0 Is a perfect drink. Made from puro grains. Get a package from your, 1 grocer today. Try It In placo of coffco . 15c and 2rc. $100. Dr. E. Dotohon's Anti Diourotlo Mny be worth to you morn than HOO If you hno a child who soils bedding from IncoMun enro of water during sleep. Cures old and joungnllVo. It arrests tbo trouble nt once. tl. Bold by U. I.. Cutting, druggist, Itcd Cloud, Neb. Itoliof in Six Hours. Digressing kidney and bladder diseases ro lleved lu Mx hours by "New (Irent South Amcrl ciin Kldnev Curo " It Is n great surprise on ao count of Its exceeding promptnessta relieving iiain lu bladder, kldncr and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you rtant quick relief and curo this Is tho remedy. Bold by C. I.. Cottlug, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Deaatr I lllooil Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all inv nurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50e. PROMPT.PERFECTANDCOMPLETE. I was troubled with catarrh and asthma for over five years, which caused a great deal of suffering, Inconvenience and embarrassment, the continual discharge of mucus from the nois and throat u especially disagreeable, and I suffered almost continually with btadache, frequently became very hoarse and the expec toration and continual desire to clear the throat was very annoying. Had tried almost every catarrh medicine I heard of, and also took treatment from promi nent physicians, and did not find the desired relief until I used Dr. Moore's Aerial Medica tion, and the relief obtained from it was Jirotnpt, perfect and complete. I am willing or my name to be used to anything in regard to this treatment, for I believe it to be all that is claimed for it. and I do not hesitate to rec ommend it to all who aro suflerlng as I was. My occupation is Captain and Pilot on the Ohio lllver, and am well-known from Pitts burg to New Orleans, Joun II. Dipfold, lladeu, Pa. FREE. Medicines for three months' trcataitnt-enouih to proT that .Aerial Medication cure deafness, oatorrb, throat and long diseases will be sent free tosuffereia. This ofltrTa for a short time only. Vat symptom form and particulars address at oaoe, 4, U. MOOttK. M.P., ft CUebwatifOU. H Vlssssssm tsHIH .PfTW 1 I WmWmr Mosio on the Oraphophone. Fow pooplo apprcolnto tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono nsnncn tortalner. It is an instrument which, though it costs much leas than tho lenst oxponsivo musical instrument, will ennblo its owner to havo nt pleas tiro music of any kind from that of tho bagpipo to that of tho groat mili tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono commnnd of every plrasuro that appeals to tho sonso of hearing. No investment pays such largo returns In pleasure. Uestdes re producing tho musical nnd other rec ords made for entertainment purposes, tho Graphophono will record imme diately anil reproduce nt onco nnd as often ns is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. Uy writing to tho Columbia Phonograph Company, 7S0 723 Ollvo St., St. Louis, Alo. you can obtain a cataloguo that will give full information as to prices of Urnpho phono outfits. m No-To-Ilao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood puro. 60o, 11. All druggists. . To Curo Constipation Forever. Tako Cascurots Cnndv Cathartic 10c or Mo. If C. O. O. fall to euro, druggists refund money. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Cancer often results from an Im purity in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint in the blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Can cer. What has appeared to bo a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. 'I had a severe Cancer whloh was at first only a few blotches, that I thought would soon pass away, i was treated by several able physicians, but in spite of their efforts the Can cer spread until my con dition beeamealarming. After many months ol treatment and growing steadily worse, r de cided to try 8. S. 8. which was so strongly recommended. The first bottle produced an lm- Brovement. I continued le medicine, and In four months the last lit tle soab dropped off. Ten vhm Timwa .lin,. and not sign of the disease has returned." B. F. Williams, Glllsburg, Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease Is beyond the skill of physicians. S. S. S. is tho only cure, because it is tho only remedy which goes deop enough to reach Cancer. S.S.S.fTaeBl00d (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancer and blood diseases mulled fr hv Hivlft. finAnlflu flnmnnnv. Atlanta, Georgia. BAD BREATH "I have tieea ulni C'ABCAllETSnnd ns a tulli! ami onVctlvo laxatlvu thoy are slmplj won ilertnl. Mr ilanglitor mid 1 were bothered with slrk stonmvli unit our lircatn was Yery bad. After taklntf a fun doses of Cuscarals wo I.sto ImnroTcd wonderfully. TIiht aro a Kreat help lu tho family." WII.UELMINA NAtlEL. 1177 ltlttoobouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio. CANDY CATHARTIC TNADI 4AHM Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Oood. no Uood, Nersr Uleksn. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. Sic. CM. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUrll.g 1Umt4 C.MMr. CSIf. M twsl. . T.rt. 31ft M.TA.Bap Bold and guaranteed by alldrns:- I U'lAW gists to VlIJtBTobaoeo Habit. CaUkMUr EacU.a Dlaawnd Hraaa- NNYR0YAL PILLS uniaai sum vniy ueamiae. irk, MUV IWMU.B. lira.rt.ft Sir Ckkxluurm ionJl)nn4 In Km! and mih, Kaiaa WIW UK tbeit 24dmf firs -- .-- .i nd HMttim. Ai DranUit , er m4 4 lUmp fcr jwtleiUrt, MUaoftUl a&d MJUUr rbr KAdle," UUw, by rrtara .I ; -j r . k .. ...r- Hmll. u.uuu TminMOlUL Nam nmvr. ( Jcuj ifMWUttaiwii'bBuiui imro UTSHW. 1'IIILiAUA.. tA PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OlemMt and beatlns tht hall. fromotcs a laxunfcni rrowtn. Nbtot Vails to uestore Oray Cure, scalp diMaMa k hftlr iiUiiiK. 0c,and$liu)at,l)rui;.tfi It rests with JOB whether you eontlnoethe ntrra-auiins; (ODacco naoii. x. v remoras tho dcslra I or tobacco, oat nervous autre, hmi. ftlnM. niirlSaa tha ti store lost manhood. iiooo, ro botes makes. too si inbeaun, cases rareif. Mat hTOHAOfroia . 400.000 anu IllVouehforni Take It with onr ovn drufffflit. war .natl.ntlT. iMralitentlT. One :. S2. uanallv ouraai S boxea.SIM. ar&ntd In eur. or wi rarnnd tnoneT. if laWl C. , CalMS, BwIthI, lew lera. fjTditj. and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ient business conducted for MootnaTC rrta. oua orncc ia 0fositc u. s. patcnt orrici aodwocuntccuro patent in less time thaa those; remote from Washfncton. ( i Send model, drawing or photo., with detcrlp-i charze. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. . a Vy KriLtrr. " How to Obtain Talents," with coTt orTamolnlhe U. S. and foreign countries lion. w auywe, it pit,..Ms w, uw., ..WW w. sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Aaai Divryv nmminr. UflSUIHQTOM. D. G. WWW'VVVrWVWV' wt-B-erntane .,, .-..- .--. r. Pe .,. 'M Skli amaa sukiHIUa sr hw m 1 1. i . uai auTtAMl m "JerB sBasBS niooa iLiifl giaat, m .. S S SLBv s VttvUa'J book. m M jraf iiatm. smelBBiaiiaaV.iii aaaavVBaiwi BseNerlb mm J to time Bold by druggljU. ML. p- -t - ... Spectacles! Spectace3! SpctaIas! 3 Mo fitted neourntely, perfectly J ATEST QUADUATE Ol'l'ICIAN. trial enso fnr testluir tho eves in tho do tho optical business nf this county. unn enn no uono olsowlinro. UiUmru4ta4lMla)f n U 19 HutM. SmlKlMn atM AMU t. MIMI VHS IIMMA. A. USM VkM Ukt tff. flmira rln not tlnVdiffercnt If tho lines in this diamond annnna Afx.olla lilnnl hII vwiruur ctiuuiiv u.uvo. jit an luu uiuuuuu rrnrirlinns: if. IndientM ft dnfocfe of sirrht that cuuses nervous hend-ncho nnd should be corrected at once. Eyes tested free. THOS. Wittoh oxnininer for B. & M. F.V.TAYLOR, DEALER IN Futniture and Undertaking Wall Paper, Carpets and Curtains. Tho largest lino of Furniture in tho Republcan valley and at prices as low as can bo found auywhero. If you aro intending to purchase anything in the furnituro lino boforo purchasing call in und &eu my line of Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Rockers and Dining Chairs, Bookcases, Sideboards, Sofas, China Closets, Iron Bedsteads, Kitchen Cabinets, Safes, Etc., or anything usually found in a lirst class furniture storo FULL LINE OF CURTAINS, CARPETS, MATTINGS AND WALL PAPER TO SELECT FROM. A SPECIALTY MADE OF UNDERTAKING AMD ENBALMINO. YOU - ARE - CORDIALLY - INVITED TO BECOME E MEMBER OF THE HOME HEALTH CLUB. (Cut this out and send it with ono dollar to tho Inter-Ocoan Publishing Com pany, Chicago, Illinois.) THE INTER OCEAN PUB. GO. J T tteieftti et09f thi 'Hlfrtf'rtW in hoinYit ft 411f)t.Wii) ft titty Iima d i. A. fttrf tlJ I t,sv !' lvw Health Club and J enclose herewith scrivtion to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, lfe membership,, a record mimbcr, Health Club books Inrice $1.00) free . - . - Name Town or Street No. Stale I Ono of tho most practical and benutiulul courses of study ever offered to Its readers by auy uo-vspaper. Not only aro thoro a sories of prncticnl lessons In tho paper each wook, but tho subscriber is presontod, froo of oxponso, with u beautiful cloth lv,uml book, worth ono dollar, besidos a life motubershin in the great club. Subucribo ut ouco and get tho great lessons now being published qity Drav and ROSS St HIFB. PROS. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAIS EXPRESS CO. PLATT & GhiGajo Iiambef Yatd, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. TRAI:ER lyTJMBI&R OO, DEALERS IN LUMBER Btxilclinc: xxna.teiria.1, Eto. RED CLOUD, ' nuil speedily by ono who cuti do It. I hnvu tlio llncat mid most coiuplutn vnllny. Am hotter equipped for mid Will lit you hotter mid cheaper 'A Good Alarm Clook for 75o. t Whtn you come to buy this clock yon will lind Hint I hnvu them nnd will not, tiy to .soil you something hichci priced. You will ilud nil 1 ollei for salt; equally cheap, such ns DM: AND EIOII'J DAY CLOCKS, WATCHEH.o JEWELRY, SJI.VEUWAKE, FlhMU llJKOS, Sl'ECTACLES. T CHAUMS,CHAS,K'J Willi no your conipllentuu wnteh woi k clienpeinnd bettui' thuii It can H" Aow "sewherc WlUE Initial J Willi do your coniplientud wnteh ... . t . . w MnCtrUlllR, JincnHl THIS nilUlirnce- e,B "'" while '"u " EnirrnT- '"K tlono ft,8 while you wait. ; JPBNT(i:A.NC, Jowoler and Grnduato Optician. P wv kiswvifef fisvifivvf J fftb MMUAUV one dollar to pay for one year's sub- which, I understand, entitles mc to a I and a copy oj Volumn 1 of the Home of chartfe. v " - - City Express Itipe. of the city. ;i. , .'Crv v Charges as low as the Lowest FREES CO., NEDRA8KA. H, and COAL Nebraska. W i i . i i r 1 1 -J1 1 h H 1' to k( ' "WwWNiHHsi