"i8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, EC. , I8U&. ! is w, M r H r i s- ym& m IvyPoison Child Suffered for Three Years Without Relief -Terrible Itching and Burning Skin Disease. " When three months old our boy wu poisoned with ivy. IIo Buffered (or three yoAre without getting relief. I mw uneof thoodvcrtlsomontaof Hood's Bar aparllta, constating of a testimonial where a child wm cured ot Ivy poisoning. My faith was very weak at first, but I told my husband I would llko to try a bottle of Hood's Btrsaparllla. Doctor's medicine had tailed to help hltn in tho least. Wo concluded to buy flvo bottles of Hood's Baraaparllla and tho child be. gan taking it. Bcforo ho had finished all that wo had purchased ho was cured. I havo also been cured of skin difloaso by Hood's Baraaparllla. I was in such ft condition that I conld hardly enduro tho Etching and burning. I felt that I muot glvo Hood's Barsaparlllaa fair trial, which I did. I took four bottles and it cured mo." CunurriNA Queen, Canastotn, B. D. Hood's Sarsaparllla is sold by nil drug gists, fl; BlxforfO. Uosuroto got Hood's. THE CHIEF ronuonan nr YT.lt. MoMILLAN. One year... Blxmontht .1100 PUUMBIIKn KVEKV FHJIIAY Bntorcd at Iho pout offlco at Hod Cloud, Nob.as scond class mall matter. WASHINOTON NOTES. It Is nil ovor now except tho Spanish rvooplng and walling. That ultimatum with a tlmo limit attachment, did tho business. Spain has nccoptcd our torms of poaco and ngrood to glvo up tho Philippines nnd nccopt tho jionoy offorod ns n snlvo to its wounded honor. Thoro aro n number of dotnlls, such ns providing for a restoration of commer cial relations botweon the United States nnd Spain, which will dolay for a few days tho completion nnd signing of tho treaty, but tho principal work of tho peace commission has boon accom plished, and Spain, nnd the rest of tho world lias been shown that when tho United States adopts a position, It maintains It, regardless of soinMiostllo attitudes taken by other nations. Neith er American diplomacy or Amorlcan lighting aro llkoly to bo sneered at In any section of tho world for many years to come. Tho United States has acquired a prestigo among tho great nations of tho world that will mako un born generations of Americans proud to belong to tho nation that has proved Its right to bo counted among tho load era, both In tho accomplishments of poaco and of war. '"'Many of tho most careful observers of senatorial sentimoDt aro predicting that tho nntl-oxpanslonlsts will bo stroug enough In talk, if not in votes, to prevent tho ratification of tho treaty of poaco at tho coming sosslon of tho j donate. Whllo moro than ono-thlrd of tho Bocnto would have to voto agalnBt tho sonato to reject It, ton or twclvo sonators can, If so minded, provout a voto boing taken on it boforo tho short session of cougroBS expires. It is to justify this sort of thing that tho antl; expansionists aro trying so hard just now to work up a public sontiniout against tho acquisition of tho Philip plucs by tho United States. It will bo time wasted, oven if tho untis succeed iu provouting a voto nt tho shirt ses sion. Tho sonato can bo called In ex tra session immediately aftor tho ex piration of this congross, with tho cer tainty that tho treaty will bo ratified. V getting nil thefo claims waived, if ho is willing to put up tlio prlco. Tho Pan ama Onnal Company is also represent ed at Washington for tho purposo of trying to prevent any canal legislation by congress. V A consular report from Venezuela shows that Havann has enorgotlo busi ness men who may surprlso somo of our men who will go over thoio oxpoct Ing to have everything In tho business lino their way. According to this re port a llrm of Havana bankers havo purchased ten thousand head ot cattle In Venezuela, and nro shipping about two thousand of them to Cuban ports, every month, nt a largo proilt. Tho oatllo aro shipped alive, as tho climato of Cuba makes it tindeslrnhlo to at tempt to handlo rofrigorater dressed beef. V Tho light ngalnst Representative elect Uoborts, of Utah, Is getting warm, and if it keeps up will almost certainly result in his losing his Beat in tho next Iioimo almost as soon as ho takes it. Mr. Hobeits Is a polygamist, having somo say thrco and somo say four wives, and those who nro making tho tight ngalnst him say that his election was put out ns a fcolurby tho Mormons nnd that If ho is allowed to retain his scat Iu congress, tho open practice of polygamy will again bo common among tho Mormons. Sonntor Cannon who Is n Mormon, but who novor had but ono wife, says polygamy bnd nothing what ever to do with tho olection of Uoborts. Washington is just now tho sccno of somo Central American diplomacy, in whioh tills country's Interests In tho Nlcaraugua canal is ono of tho princi pal factors. President Iglesias of Costa Hlca, Is In Washington as tho guest of tho United States government. Ho has had talks with President McKinloy, Secrotnry Hay and other prominent officials, and the prosldont has glvou a 6tato dinner In bis honor. JIo claims that no concession to build tho Nicar augua canal is worth tho paper It is written on until O. K'd. by Costa Ulca and promises that Costa Rica shall act iu accordanco with Iho wishes of this government. Anothor prominent cen tral Amoriaan who is In Washington ns n prlvato Individual, paying his own hotel bills, Is Mr. J. D. Gamez, ox-pres-Idont of tho congress of Nlcaraugnn, and a candldato for tho presidency of tho Unltod States of Central America, if that combination holds together long enough to hold a president. Mi Gomez has had a talk with President McKinloy in which matters relating to tho Nlcaraugua canal wore mentioned, but tho object of tho visitor was to gain nud not to glvo information. Tho Idea has gone abroad that this government is likely to undertake the construction of tho Nlc.raugua caual in tho near futuro, and numerous Individuals hanker after somo of UncloSam'd mon ey. A Now York llrm heads a syndl nito, which claims to havo obtained a now concession, which it would prob nbly glndlv sell. Tho old company Mopped work becnuso iwjiionoy raaft. k ,,,.. i .i K CMvtu Of. "StF It Is Ma1 , tv.n MaraHtak' nnnv "w m-u 4ass lecur:. Tho Ut-J OoXonly after tuiS ben publlnuo.iL , ;? LINE. Regular winter weather. Mrs.O. C. Caso was In Lino visiting tho schools ouo day last week. Mr. and Mrs.F. D. Hutchison of Wal nut crook was tho guest of William VanDyko Tuesday of this weok nnd re ports that thoro was somo Iosb of stock during tho blizzard. Molan Points, Mr. Granger and Mr. Whitoly woro In nttondanco ntjtho re vival mooting at Ponny creek ono day this weok. Thoro will bo n social supper at the McCall school house December 8d for tho benefit of Rev. Rlackwoll of Red Cloud. Tho school In District No. 8 is doing nicely with Miss Lillian Ranoy ns teacher. Miss Emma Hasklns wob tho guest of Miss W. II. VanDyko ono day this vook. Tho prayer meeting at William Van- Dykes was largely attended on Tues day. All report a good mooting. Tho Aubushon brothers woro hauling corn for Mr. Rosoncranso this wook. Mr and Mrs. Sherman were in Lino ouo lay this weok. Ono conversion at tho revival meet ings at Ponny creek, District No. 8. Low Aubushon is owner of a top buggy. Uort Carpenter is superintending tho foodlngof cattloon tho Shorwood ranch for L. A. Hasklns. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. David Carpen ter, n girl. . W. Anderson has leased what is known ns tho L. A. Hnskins 80 aero and will llvo on tho L. D. Oatman ranch. Will Edgorton is talking of gotting a creamery routo for noxl summer. Thoro will bo a Christmas entertain ment nt Pleasant Daio Friday, Docom bor 28, conducted by No. 8 nnd 80 schools. A largo program will bo ren dered. Miss E. Victory Hasklns organist. Died, Ruth oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCrackon, Nov. 11th, 1808, aged 8 years, 8 months and 5 days. Buried in tho Mount Hopo cemetery. A numbor of tho friends of L. F. Hutchison gathored nt his paront's res idonco on tho ovoning of November 23, and had an oyster suppor, tho occa sion boing his 10th birthday. All re pot t a good timo. Farmer's Club Offer. 'Money spent for books nnd papers Is novor tin own away. What do you want to read this Jeatf Following Is a good club list which will glvo you nil the county, stain and national news and alo more good faun news than was over ofTei eil for tho prico. For n limited timo wo will send Tiir Ciiikf, giving all tho county news; tho Uinaha Weekly lice, giving all the state now; tho Chicago Weekly Inter-Oucnii, giv ing nil tho national and forofgn news; Iho Homostcad, rno of tho best fr.i m papors published; iho Poultry farmer, devoted to tho interests of poultry ex clusively, Special Farmers Instituto Editions of tho Homostcad, devoted to discussions of vnrious farm topics; Farmors Mutual Insurauco Journal, n paper published in tho Inteiests of co operative insurnnco nmong tho farm ers, nnd Tho Humano Alliance, a mag azine devoted to tho cause of humano oducntion, tho eight papois one year for tho sum of Ss.sx ensh in advance. Tills Is ns good and as cheip an offer ovor made and will last uly a limited timo. Tho subscription pi i -o of these eight pnpors is $0 80 per year, but wo will, for n limited time, send them ouo year for $2 25 cash In advance. State of Ohio, City ok Tolvdo, I s Lucas County. f Frank J. Cheney makos oath that ho is tho sonlor partner of tho llrm of F. J. Cheney &Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county and stato afore said, and that (urn will pay,tho sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every caso of catnrrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fkank J. Cltr.NET. Sworn to boforo mo nntl-subscrlbcd in my presonco this Cth day of Decem ber, 1800. A. W. Gleabon, (seal) Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. flail's Familj Pills uro tho best. You Now Have The Opportunity. Of consulting one if the hading phy sieiatiH and Miigcoi (In the tout- ment of ehiotilo mil tii'Hi li tllM'iiPfs in this etmntry. DR. REH. Ho is well known in Nobrnku, nnd is relinblo ns well an eminent In his pro fession, and him hut few appellors In iiN line of diseasis, nnd fiiuu reports if the press, hf j looms mo ciowded wheiovor he stops. Ily tint request of his many fi lends and paiicn.s who havo usually gntio a long distnnco to sen him, ho has decided and nrrnnged to VISIT RED CLOUD and will bo at tho HOLLAND HOUSB, Thursday, January 5th 50IB9KHHr!KKaQ ONE DPCY ONLY. Return ng every four weeks for in. i tiir. Consultation nnd ex iminnlion frco to nil. six Shoes Given Amay 1 10 Pairs Hamilton Brown Shoe Go's. $3 I Welt of Tarn Sole Shoes. j Ono pair every Saturday oveninp nt 7:80 to tho person guossing tho $ nearest tho correct ntimdor of bo in TURNURE BROS. BEAN A JAR, (now jar each week.) I Every 50c purchase entitles You to One Guess. j . CUeSS OFTBN. Jj These aro tho Best Shoes Sold In Rod Cloud and acknowledged so by 11 everybody, and if you aro not already wearing n pair it is high 'j timo you are finding out what you aro missing. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR fr KIdnoy and Bladdor Troublos. If you Buffer from kidney, bladdor or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty urine, Dr. Fennors KIdnoy and Backache Curo is what you want. Bed-wotting by children is gonornlly cured by ono bottlo of this powerful romody. Testimonials nro disregarded many people doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo theroforo avoid giving any hero, but will furnish them on application to denier whoso namo is given below. If not satisliod after us ing ono bottlo your money will bo re- fundod by C. L. Gotting. School Report. Report of school iu Dlst. No. Garfield township. Numbor enrolled, 80. Averago attendance, 20. Thoso neither absont nor tnrdy wcto Morton, Cora nnd Myrtlo Smith, Stella ar.d Theresa Whitman. Perfect in doportmont, Loo Swearin- gen. Visitor?, ton. i Woiids of Pkaise bestowod'upon Hood's Sarsaparllla by thoso who havo lakon it indicnto that it is restoring health to thousands of people, and that it will help you also. B. REA, M. D. His tieai meat, and examinations wo liudei stand aro bused upon now methods, and aio similar ns nro given in the eastern nud southern hospitals in which he has learn ed his busiuess. Ho trcftln olironlc nnd nervous llcitci. chronic CHturrli, disease of the eye, enr, nose, tliront, nnd lungfl drfpcpiln, UrlKht'ft iIIfcabo, tllabctca, liver. Mmnaeli.ronKtlpntlnn, rheumntlun chron ic female ana seziinl (IIkvikc. neurulKln, 'd ntlen, UIzzIiicm. nervotuncss, Mow uruwlli In children nnd nil waiting iIIhcbkcr In sdnUs. tie formntlc. club feot. enrrnturo of tho plne, din enftcsof thchrnli), pntnlynl. lienrt dlKcnso.rc zemn, varicocele anil hydrocele. CnncerH, tu mors, vr ens nnd blrtUmarkn removed Young, middle aged nnd old, innrrlcd or Mil glclmen, nnd nil who nutter with loU mnnhood, nervous debility, spermatorrhoea, seminal to. ci. decny, falling memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of energy. Impoverished blood, pimples, also blood nud skin diseases. Eruption, hair fnlllng, bono pnln. swelling", soro tliront, Juicers, -ffcct of mercury, kidney nnd bladder troubles, weak back, burning urlno, Incontinence, gleet, stricture, receive searching treatment, prompt relief. Botli soxes treated confidentially and privately. Pile, fistula, fissure antl rupture cured by our new method. and If you want tho BEST buy of us. Wo havo tho Rtook. WE ARE NOW CLOSING OUT OUR Ladles Jackets Capes, AT ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS COST. Our jackets arc not a lot that havo been carried ovor from year to year, but all now nnd made on the latest mode. WE HAVE SPEOI L VALUES ON Children' s ! Camei - Hair - Underware, nt Oclfor 8lzo 10, 3o rise. Others get from 7c to 10c. SPECIAL VALUES ON Lad ies'l Men's Underware FINE - GROCERIES. HHM U0, HffMrWH TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y RED OLOUD. NEDR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHIOAQO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA UUT1E SAL1 LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISG0 and all point west. is a point in tho enso. Our Now Moon Tea at 00c and our Cupid Coffee in ono onp two pound cans at 25c per pound are strong points that havo helped to mako our storo so'populur. Bean Jar in Dry Good3 Window. i Try Your Guesser. 1 TURNURE - BROS. "ragggggg&cgsgggs vvwv It T The farmers (Dataal Insaranee Gompaay. ; Hood's Pills aro easy to tako, easy to operate, euro indigestion, blllluusuoss. 25c.. For Salo. Ono hundred and sixty acrosof uniin proved land four miles northwest of Rod Cloud, consisting of tho wost half of tho uorthoast quarter, and tho oast half of tho northwest quarter of section ilftoeu in township two north, rnngo cloven wost. Tho land is ieasod at presont, but subjict to salo. Prico $2,000. For further information apply to Mns. James Kikkwood, Fairfax, Mo. Lato to bod and early to rlso, pre- Bares a man for bis homo in tho skies, ut early to bed aud a Little Early Riser, tho pill that makos life longer and better and wiser. C. L. Gotting. No. No. No. TRAINS LK1VE AS TOLLOWS'. 60. Freight, dally oxcept Huudny for wymoro and all point east TtUOa.m 16. l'usBeugcr, dally for St. Joe. Kansas City. Atchison, tit. I.oula and all points east and south - 10;20a tn HI. Accommodation, dally except IB al! r. iinsiiuts. land. Illack Hills nnd points Iu the uortnweii ........ i :i p.m .No. 113. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Ho publican Jt:3i)p.m No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. .IOC ana itncrmcuiaic OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Tho largest, best and choapest Farm Mutual Insuranco Company tn tho Btnto. Over $23,000,000 Insurance Now in Effect j J Losses paid moro promptly than nny old lino company doing business. I Insures against J ; Fire, Lightning and Tornado. r Junction points-.. ,.....1S :45 p.m. 3. Freight, dull) :or Ilcpubllcan Orleans, uxrora ana an points No west. -10:90 a.m. Miraculous Benefit REOEIVED FROM Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. 15. I'aMteuger. dally. Denver, all iininii in i.'oioraao. uian ana (rtllfornla 8:10p.m. No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford and Intermediate points t :30 p.m Sleeping, diulng, and reclining chair cars, (scats frco) on through trains. Tickets sold and hsggnge checked to auy point In the United States or Canada. For Information, tlmo tables, maps or ticket call on or address A. Conner, Agent, Hed Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. Oenernl i'atteuget Agent Omaha. Ncbroskn. Hint The soonor a couch or cold is cured without harm to tho sufferer tho hot tor. Lingering colds aro dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. Ouo Minute Cough Curo quickly cures it. Why suffer when such n cough euro is within reach? It is pleasant to tho tasto. O. L. Cottlng. Ovoicomoevll with gooL Overcome your coughs and colds with Ono Min ute Cough Guru. It is so good chiltlron cry for it. it euros croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippo, ami nil throat anil RiSiSv 1 vvwv. I m The cost ol $1,000 for eight years has just been $15.50. whii auu invcsnaic inc pian oi insurance. Don't be Decieved by anyone. , 1 i I am tho only authorized agent in tho county for this company, holding a i I contract and cortifictito of authority for tho same. Anyone elso clalmliic I k to hold an airenov for this comnnnv In tlio nnitnfn ia i. .-j .... .1 f f 3 to hold an agency for this company in tho county is false and lay them- oolwna liahln llmlur tltn Inm fTnll nml A ... J OUtTUO IHIUIU Mt- W.VJ 4.. Watll ( II H OUU JIU, Chas. olxaffnit, fsnfplnl Arrant ft -J ri . r . t OQlco over Mizer & McArthur's Grocery Store. IkJ 4 E1 lung diseases. When C. L. Cottlng nsk for UoWltt's Witch counterfeit eases of oth- you lluznl Salve don't nccopt a nr imitation, Thoro sue more Piles weitJif ourod by this, than all .1 jM'.HiiMtied ( L Potting, - "7 - 1 - f" 1 ui) 1 )n On rtr LI 1?. DABOO0K, of Avocti, N. Y., a yoternn of tho nrd N. Y. Artlllory ana for thlrtv years of. tho D:ibcoclc & Munsol Carriage Co., ot Auburn, rayst "I ffrlto to express my (tratlturto forthornlrac lous bouollt received from Dr. Miles' Heart Curo. I suffered for yoaw, us result of army life, from BClatlca which nffcetud my heart In tho worst form, ray limb' nwellod from tlieanVlstip. IVlutlJttH 3 wnsunnbjc to button riiy olotlilnits lnd slttrp pvlru about tho heart, tmothwiii kimiIU and shortness of Itviith. l'oc three mor.:li I waaunablotollodown.aiid all Urn sleep I got was In an arm chr.tr. I was troatcu by the lHt dortora hnt uradnully grow worso. AlHjut a. year tvgo I qomiaonccd taking Dr. MIlus'KewIivnrtCfiraaftd it saved my Ufa iiif tiyn mnacU " ffiKfl Most fascinating Inven tion ot tho age. Always ready to entertain. It requires no skill to oper ate It and reproduce tho music ot bauds, orches tras, vocalists or Instru mental soloists. Thcrols 0tMnU!rfo?... inner so-cuiieu miuuk iuuii. "' rrviZ only record of cut-ond-drlcd subjecu. specially prepared la a laboratory, but tho Qrnphophono is not limited to such rerformonces. Ou tho Graphophono you can easily make and Instantly reprodueo records of tho voice, or any opund. Thus It constantly awakens new Interest and IU charm U ever fresh. Tho reproductions aro clear aud brilliant. Grapbofeoiies are sel ler $10 unpd MinnfactMni) unJer the rtcnts of nfU.Tnlnt?r, COLUMBIA WIONOuNAPH CO. 72n7230llfct..Sr. l.Ol'lS MO MW TOUR. 1'Ani. CIIICAIIO. IT. IOI I' i'inj.AJru'Mu HAt,TI!i0lB SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. OBALRR IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. hi. B. U. OVERMAN, KTTOHNBY - KT - LKlnZ. Office orer Post Ottlce. Docs a genoral law business. ' Practices in all courts PABST MILWMfflljcer iIALN'AYfr UN h viiiMirK Hl'KCAI," I jtty 1., SSB. JRiJsHKn . i tTndim at yM. VS1BH f , 1 1 11 , tint 1 C IK lit,, 4lUl)H. IU L. li v- ' "i ''" i. . ) n-i)f. i it ! ' f Al i J. S. EMIG-H. P15NTIST. NLESS DNT STflY tr vt dhr it . i I' W Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ni i . onjf nun country calls promptly an swered day or night. ' NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. QmctiOYKit LnwKY's Mkat MakkwtP- 1 i1 " .ii i V " HTPHNH w4 ruTSJIMB iT Uff, ' Ujui t.nirrW im1 )tr) ki ir rfi j lh ici'tr! a, t hi .11,0 ui NOW ofl- ..i- l t !., j;, i vr k, i:ii!iA A.