MfclMMWA'WCTtt'M8W THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 2o. lUo. ' 41 .0 1 " 'it Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appotlto-Now Bettor In Evory Way-A Dollcnto Child. "Homo tlmo slnco 1 tool; a midden cold and could nut got rid of It. Holm; subject to catarrh nnd bronchlnl trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite nnd grew poor and weak nnd I did not feci lllto work. I begnti taking Hood's Barsnpn rllla. In n nhort tlmo tbo cough disap peared, I slept well, had n good nppctito ud I was bettor in every way. Last prlng I wns not feeling well, I had no np pctito And no strength. I resorted to Hood's Barsnrmrllln nnd soon felt moro like work. My llttlo nupbow wns a deli cate child and had n humor which trou bled him so ho could not rest nt night. Ho has tnlccn n few bottles of Hood's Bnr- Rnparllln mid now ho hns n good nppctito nnd In nbla to sleep." Miss Aniiiu J. FnrcnMAN, South Du.xbiiry, Mass. Sarsa- parilla Is tho Ono Truo Wood Turlllcr. All druggist. $1. M,l fillip are tlio best aitr-r-dlmier uuuu a i nu pun, niit dlRoatlon. sac, ....... r - Hood's THE CHIEF runi.iniiRii ii v W.I MoMILLAN. Ono yosr... 3lx months II 00 50 rUIIUSIIKIl KVKItY PltlllAY Kntorod at the postotllcoat Kcd Cloud. tcond class mall matter. , Farmer's Club Offer. Money spent for books anil papers is iiovoi' thrown nwny. Whut do you wunt to rend this yonrT Following is n good club list which will give you nil tho county, stnto und nntionnl nows nuil nlso moro good fiirm nows thnn was over offered for tho prico. For a limited tlmo wo will send Tim Chirk, Riving nil tho county nows; tho Omnhn Weekly Duo, giving nil tlio stnto news; tho Chicago Weekly Inter Ucenu, giv ing nil tho nntionnl anil foreign nows; The Homestead, enn of tlio best fnnn pnpors published; tho Poultry farmer, (lovoted to the interests of poultry ex clusively; Special Farmers Institute Editions of the Ilimiestend, devoted to discussions of various faun topics; Farmers Mutual Insurance Journal, u paper published in tliu intercuts of co operative insurance among the farm ers, uiul The Humane Alliance, n mag azine devoted to the cause of humane education, tho eight papers onu year for the sum of $3.35 cash in advance. This is as good and us cheap nil oiler over rondo nnd will only a limited time, Tlio subscription price of these eight papers is 10.80 per year, but wo will, for a limited time, send tliem one jenr for $2,25 cash in advance. fought for bis life, shooting the mnn iiger four times In the groin, bend, side nnd chest. Neither man wns killed, nttlinuplt tho press reported both dean, Wo feel this statement ii iieocssnry, as many people nlWV think Allm Hey wood ilenit, nnd to them wo wish to say that while he wns seriously wounded and his life de spaired of nt first, ho hns fully recover eil nnd is now on the rond with 11 now nnd llrst class company. All who lieatil him two years ago will be pleased to hear of the success of an effort now be ing made to get this company hero In the near future. STATE CREEK. Gathering corn is the oritur of tho day. Many iields yield considerable moro than was expected. Saying nothing about hard times und poor crops, soe tho improvements that have been made this year. There is Mrs. Hilton, John Wagoner, It. C. Wilson, Mr. 'Lukstraln, P. V. Scrlvnor with uow residences, nnd O. A.Trovnlt, Jns. Gains, Kd. Cooper nnd George Mountford now barns, all nearly in fright of each other. Some land is changing hands. Mr, Davis sold an eighty at Pleasant Dale for$S00 to Mr. Sutherland. Mr. Smith bought an eighty of rough land for $750. O. Stevens forty acres at 98 por aero. Jesse Sapp ntid wife of Cora visited on our creek last Sunday . Ono of our friends says tho stnto of Kansas is redeomed at inst and that their candidate for judge und school superintendent wero dofoatcd in Smith county by about only 100 voles. Miss Cameron tlio popular school toachor nt Mt. Hope is getting along nicely with her school. Miss Potter is teaching near Lebanon nnd Is liked real well. Sho spout last Sunday at home. Sinnll grain never looked better at this time of tho year than uow. It is all up nice nnd some of it fills tho drill rlilgos. We surely will raise wheat and ryo noxt year as thero is lots sown. Several men that thought formerly that this wns no fruit country Imvo changed their notions and have its high as $00 deliveries this fall. No moro hunting allowed on our creek on tho Scrlvnor, Fogel, Stevens and Fisher farms, so says a notico in Tiik Ciiikf. Hud tho Blgn boards not lieen stolen In tho night tho no tico would not have gono In tho paper. Ex-Judgo Stone is up nnd around again and gone to tho Center on a visit. r Occasional. All our farmer render should take advantage of tlio unprecedented club bing offer wo this yenr make, which Includes, with this paper, Tlio I'iwu Iliunesteail, Its Speclnl Farmers Institute edilloiii.Tlie Poultry Parmer, The Funnel's Mutual Insurance Jour nal anil the Humane Alliance. I'lie" Miihicilptinn price of these live publi cations amounts to $2.80, while our paper is $1, 11 total of $8.80. Wo are prepared to rend them all, ineliidi ig our own paper, to any farmer in this county for 8MB, which is only 15o more than our own subscription prico. Never lieforo wns so much snpeiior leading matter, of the most practical mid usoftil character offered fur only $l.-lli. The llrst four of the papers named are so well known throughout tlio west that but little need be said of them. They commend themselves to the renders favorable attention upon moro mention. The Humane Alliance is devoted to humane education nnd should be in every farmer's family, so Hint tho boys and girls on the farm may early imbibe the principles of a brond humanity Hint shall iucludo nil God's creatures, nnd learn tho wickedness nnd brutalizing tendency of cruelty of nil kinds. Take ndvuntugu of this grent offer. m m Thrco soldier's went ut our land's be hest, to light for tho girl their heart loved best, nnd over tho heart ns a rcg ulnr (lxturo, ench ono carried his dear girl's picture. "I would stake my soul," said one mnn nt night, "Hint my love is ns truo ns tlio angels bright." -"And mine," said the second, "has sworn by nil, that she'd die u nun if I chanced to fall." "And mine," cried the third ns lie took n part, "now stays at home witli a broken heart." Then nil thrco sworo they were pearls of pearls, nnd brought out tho pictures of their best girls. What made them swear us they turned nwny; what made them think 'twas n cold, cold day? Alas nnd alack, 'twin n burning shnnin for tho donr girl's pictures were nil the snme. Ex. Mnny organs of the populist party in Nebraska are explaining diminution of the calamity vote nt the recent, election by stating Hint tho populists wero nil so industriously ut work in tho tields nnd factories that they could not spare tho time to attend tlio election. This is a queer excuse to bo unanimously circulated by a press which for months has unanimously declared that tho un employed worn nil "over Nebraska nnd thut relatively very fow citizens had anything to do. The paradoxes of pop ulism are many, and this is one of tho most stalwart. -The Conservative. DoafnosB Cannot Bo Curod by local applications us they cannot rcacli tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thero is only one wu) to cure deafness nnd Hint is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eus tachian Tube. Whon this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling jound or imperfect hearing, nnd when it is on titely closed, Deafness is the result, nnd unless tho inflammation can bo taken out nnd this ttibo restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo do btrojud forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for tiny case of Deafness (cntisod by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Ouro. Send forcirculnrs; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 766. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. m SB? m mi NEBRASKA MERCANTILE CO. Special Thanksgiving Sale! M Commencing Wednesday Morning, November 23, and gjj i Continuing' all the Week. t?5i pi ?C2 SvTAT7Afi'5IF3! si ii iH 8 m 53: ass- 5d ,'tV 3 l& - iiK & . :q In our DRY GOODS DEPARTMEN V. Special offering that it will LJ pay you to take advantage of. 2BS TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS. Special vaiuoB in Colored Tuble Damask nt Hi, 20, 25 and flOo Hpocinl values In Dloauhed or Unbleached Tnblo Damask ut 23, 30, 35, 45, C5, 76c nncl $1 per ynrd. NAPKINS: Wa have no oxlru nic linont 50o per dozn nnd upwards. ' See our now linn of Towels at 0j und upwards. In Our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. O.P. S.& Oo'h lino of Ladln-', M !?.', nnd Children's Under wear placed on sale t wholesale coat. DRESS GOODS. In our Drees O jodo DopHrtment n hare plnood mi sale n mm,- br of exir-t nice Drettti Pfttteruu tiSueuiul Hariulu Prion. We will til ho, during this enlb, continue to put in linings free-. BLANKETS. This weather uillrtquirtthniii. Wh ate eho lug ronn tpucial valuta in Nto Wool HlHiikHti. Cinnn and idm thon, CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Wo aro HhiJ"vlii! Homo exceptionally iiIcb CnpfrH Hod Jackets ut Bpooial bargain priced, SPECIAL IN CALICOES. 10 yards S'.undard Drk Oalico for 25o. O ify one palti rn b id to each Indy ciiRtomrr. See us for Shoes, Orersboes and Rubbers. We can save you money on them. THANKSGIVING SALE IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Come mid pri the (rood tbingn wn nr offering nt monoy-BHTing prio(H epociul thtrgsjou will netd fur our Thflrkegivisg Dinner Niun Itt-eh Cranberries, 8o per qt; lleinz Mixtd or Piain Sweet or Hour Pickle6 they are tho beBt; Heinz Bottled PickloB at 10j; New Mixed Nut, 12J per lb; New Pecans, 8&o per lbj Nico Mixed Candieo ut 7o per 1'j nnd upwardo; New Oatlfor nia Pitied Piuuu, 12c per lb; Extra Cal. Evap. Peache, 120; Extra Evap. Neotaritipp, l2Jc; Extra Evap. Apricots, 12c; Extra N. Y. Choddnr Chcerr, the boat In towD, lfic pir lb; New CmiiFil Touiatois, 8o pt-.t oate Cleaned Curruntu, 10c per lb pimkn? ; Apples, 20c per kiIIou-chd; A. P. C. Macuutoni, 10 pur puckij!i Lmoii or Vaullla Extracts, Co per bottle; New Toma to CtiMup at 10. 15 uud 2r'; Btiifiir Sand in all the colors; Upst Ostor or Hoda Crackers at the loat-et pricts. See ua for IVbh or Coffoii' ; WH cm Bfill them to you ut tho riaht prices. 18 lbs hem GranulHtfd SuuBr for $1.00. Try our New York Applep; they are very nice. Now York Maple Sugar at 10a per lb. 5K Come to :- iWSR mi ALFRED HADELL, Mgr. our Thanksgiving Sale, it will do vou croocl. O O ' j o Nebraska Mercantile Co. Kidnoy and Bladdor TroubloB. If you sutler from kidney, bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty urine. Dr. Fenners Kidney and llackncho Curo is what you wunt. Hed-welting by children is Ronurnlly cured by ono bottle of this powerful remedy. Testimonials are dUrcRiirded many people doubting the honesty or sincerity of them, wo '.hcreforo avoid giving any hero, but will furnish them on application to denier whose name is given below. If not satisfied after us ing ouo bottle your uiouoy will be re funded by C. L. Coiling. mn Late to bed und early to rise, pre- Bares n mnn for bis homo iti tho skie-". ut early to bed and a Liltlo Earlj Riser, tlio pill that makes life longur and better and wiser. U. L. Cotliug. TIMETABLE. n & M. R.T HBD CLOUD. NEUR. LINCOLN OMAHA ClIW Ad O 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS mul all points cust mul south. DENVER HELENA IIUT1E SALT LAKE CI PORTLAND SA.S FR.1XCISC0 mul nil point meat. Chronic Dyspepsia Cured. Alba Heywood who was attacked by ii u opera house manager in Texas and shot through tho chest was not killed as roported by tho press throughout the country at the time of tho shooting. Tho dinioulty which load to the shoot- - ing arose over the manager of tho ;t oparn hoitso issuing mon compliment- nry Uckets than was mutually agreed upoji, and when Mr Heywood con tsiuled foi a settlement according to coutrnot the mntvRinttnoked hint with a gun, string qjj rji tho fnco v" .n m i ... and on tho boa through tho iVood For Sale. Une hundred and sixty ncros of unim proved land four miles northwest of lied Cloud, consisting of tho west half of the northeast quarter, and the cast halt of tho northwest quarter of section tiftceu lu township two north, rango cloven west. Tho land is leased nt present, but subject to sale. Prico $2,000. For further Information apply to Mits. Jamks KiitKwoon, Fairfax, Mo. No. HT3 91! fry. iB 1 TIUIM) I.KAVE An FOLMIWrC CC. Frclclit, dully excuit t unday fur WyinoniRtiil nil point ennt 7:r0s.m, 16. PHgcoiiKcr. ilnlly fur St. Joe. Kaiihas City. Alclilkon, St. Louis and nil points east and Hotith 10:20 a.m. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Haxtlnin. Orand Is land, Ulnclc XIIIIh and all iioluu In the uorlliwcdt....- l:00p.m, 143. Accommodation, dally except Mtmlay, uuernn, Kaunas, ana Intermediate stations, via He publican 12:30p.m. Vn. (VI. FrelithL dallr. U'viuoru and St. .loo and Intermediate Junction polnti .... . ....l3:45p.m. No. on. rrciRin, nniiy or iicpiinncan No. No. Nn. So. YOU - ARE - CORDIALLY - INVITED TO BECOME K MEMBER OF THE HOME HEALTH CLUB. (Cut this out and send it with ono dollar to tho Intor-Oeonn Publishing r-nm. L pany, Chicago, Illiuois.) THE INTER OCEAN PUD. CO. I hereby accept the invitation to become a member of the Home Health Club and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's sub scription to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, which, T understand, entitles mc ton life membership, a record number, and a copy oj Volumn 1 of the Home Health Club books (price fl.OO) free of charge. Name Town or City Street No. State... 1 4 4 4 s 4 3 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Orlenns, Oxford nnd all points lft. west . dally, Denver, all poiiiimn Colorado, uian ami ..10:30 a.m I'lillfornla , 8:40p.m. irreimit naiiy touxroro nun lulenned nto nnliila llHOtun Slteplui;. dtnlui;. and recltnlni: chair r.irt scats free) on through tralnr. TIcLets Hold and RiriTRKU checked to any poliil In the t'ulte.) Stales or Canada. ' Kor Information, llinn tntiles. map nr ticket call on or addrcfk A. Conover, Aneut. Hed Cloud, Nehr. or .1. l'inncl, Oeucial Pa.kennei Agent Ouialia. Nelnsia. n FTER Bufferhi i? for nearly thirty years The sooner n cough or cold is cured without harm to the suiToror the bel ter. Lingering colds nro dangerou.x. Hacking rough is distressing. One Minute Cough Curo quickly cures it. Why sutler when such a cough cute it williin reach; It is pleasant to the taste. C. Ii. Cutting. O vercomo evil with goo I Overcome your coughs mid colds with One Min ute Comth Cure. It is so good children cry for it It cnroi croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, tinil all 'hroat and lung diseases. O L. Coiling. Wlitn vtiu tifek for DoWltt's Witch Salve don't accept a counterfoil or imitation. There aro moro cases of Piles being cured by this, than all oth en combined. O. I. Cottlng. from dyspepsia, Mrs. It. E. Dugdale, wlfoof a prominent business man of Warsaw, N.Y., writes: "For 28 yoars, 1 was a constant sultoror from dyspepsia and a Treak stomach. Tho lightest food produced distress, causing povcro pain and tho forma tion of gns. No matter how careful of my diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating, I was treated by ninny physicians und tried numerous remedies without permanent help. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Mllos' Nervo and Liver Pills and Nervluo. Within a week I commenced Improving, and per sisting In tho treatment I wes soon ablo to eat what I llkod, with no evil offectV I keep them nt hand and a sIiirIo dwn d Ispols any old symptoms." Dr. Mites' Iteuiodtes are (.old by nil urug iilsta uuder a poItlvo 'i..iutee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Dook on dis eases of tho heart nnd narreatrtic. Address, K. MILH 11KDIOAL OO., Klkhut, Ud. Ono of tho most practical ami beneficial courses of study over offered to is readers by any no-yspnnor, Not only are thero a series nfVacticH less .ns in tho papot oach week, but the subscriber U presented, free (fixiwn,, iTi, beautiful cloth bound book, worth one dollar bes lus a life . ,, SaU i. , gieat club. Subscribe ut once and get tho groat h'ssmis Kft'KlW ,V,L SOOTH side sample ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, ' Fir. ' ''J rYiiios' -Nervins numuius Hoalth Most fascinating inven tion of tho brc. Always reads to entertain. It requires no skill to oner nto it and reproduce tho music of hands, orches tras, vocalists or instru mental Eolotets. There Is nothing like It for an evening's entertainment. Other so-called talking machines reproduce only records of cut-and-drled subjects, specially prepared In a laboratory, hutthearophophoiio Is not limited to such performances. On tho amphophono you can caiily make nnd Instantly reproduce records ot the voice, or any sound. Thus It constantly awakens new interest nnd Its charm is ever fresh. Tho reproductions aro clear and brilliant. ftiplwfcMCS arc sM tor $16 "."p Mannfaotnrfil umlfr the pal'nU of llrll.Talnlir, niloti and Manlonald. Our eililllinwnl I" linnd. iiiinrlrn) ur thn world forTalklnu Mni;hlnrnnd ulklntt Maclilua Hupp'lft. Wrllo lor dialogue. COLUMBIA HtlOiNUuRM-ll 110. 720-723 Olive St., ST. l.Ol Is (u l'ROFIUETOK. DBALBR IK E. U.OVERMAN, KTTORNEY - RT - L7Hn. Ottlcc orer Pott Ottlce. Does a general law business. Practices in nil court Wines, Liquors, California laDriks. I), cir lUOTMIHUAIUDIPiDn ittuoi miLWAUftUiiiiTDce ttALWAYS ON I AT PA irj,' NEW TOIIK. VAIIII. tmrino ST. tOUI. 1'IIILADIM'IIU. HiLTIMonK VAMIHOTON, BVrVALO, J. S. EMIG-H. niwrisT. NLESS DENTISTRY IK VOl' WANT IT CrowL Bridge Work or Tccili Wilhou. Males. POUCKLAIN INLAY And all the latest Improyement la dental meeti Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON nil- City and country calls promptly swortil day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Or-FlOKOVF.uLlNDSr.V'.S MEAT MAIIKKl RANUOU'il AioNI'IT, HNEV and COUNSELOR AT LAW. i'.teLtt,i ?tl,to,lon to Uonimorcial and l I'obato Litigation. HOOK BLOCK, UKU CLOUD, 2JIWUJJMA. M iin