The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1898, Image 1

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    IjjWuJT? ' ' (
.... t. i
tu u-remmMM m i in iiniiw nu itjjpv,jiwTTm .
tWBMMWWqrrwcar-TrMrnMMWt..r-A-i--OTtj.-MT.i.T. .. w iynfimwytii'Nv. uuimi t xorvTorya i in
Some Smaller Than Others,
All Smaller Than Anybody's.
Pins, lo per paper.
Brass pins, -lo per paper.
Needles lc per paper.
Hair Pins, 75 pins for 5c.
Rubber hair pins.
Silk lltiisb elustiu lOo per yard.
Pearl buttons, any sizo, 5o pur dozen. This is an extra
finish button, alt round, no odd shapes.
i Princess Hair Curlers. 5c.
7 spools Clark's thread for 25o.
A dry goods box is tho proper thing to ship goods in
but it would hardly bo tho proper thing in your
bed room as a receptacle for clothing.
Tho correct thing is a ehilllnnir.
18x33 solid oak, 5 drawor Ohillinoir, 85.50.
18x33, solid oak, hat box, French plate mirror $9.50.
Men's Apparel.
Men's pant overalls, 7oc.
. Men's ov rails, extra weight, 50c.
Men's do mins jumpers, 70o.
Men's duck coats, $1 to $2.
Men's gloves, 25c to 81.40 per pair. Try a pair of our
reindeer gloves.
Mitts S5C t 81 25 per pair.
Suspenders, 10c.
3 pair oxtiu In avy cotton socks for 25c. We guarantee
these goods the heaviest weights uver offered.
Men's wool socks at 15u per pair.
Men's boon, would be good vul.uo at 83.00, to close out
?i per pair.
Wo bavo.iit opened another Invoico of men's shoes.
These ai.o extra values, $1 25 to 81 per pair.
Don't fail to examine our lino of men's underwear.
Our hhipiuent of blankets for this season's trade was
was the ltugcst single shipment consisting of ever
500 pail s. The most successful selling of good
goods at cheap prices has i educed this number to
about 100 pairs.
45c to 88.00 per pair.
Table Linens.
Linen Finish Damask, 18c. ..
Union Damask, bleached, 30c.
All Linen Damask, 40c.
Many values in this department that (vuinot be dupli
cated any where. Dainties from 75c to$1.75.
Tho iiuest stock ol table linens uud napkins to match
in the city.
Otheis claim
of 3o
We have tho quality at tho right price
it. We piovo tual wo nave It.
Childieu's camel hair, size 10 at Uc each, taiso
each size.
Complete lino of childtcu's underwear in ileece lined
ami wool.
Men's ilececd wear at 50o. lVest vnluidn the city.
Mon'd fleeced, u good value at 30o each.
See c ur values in Men's Mackintoshes at 82.39.
A ladies double o.ipo velvet collar, bluo cashmero
mackintosh for 83.25.
ThcsO uro just tho sprup oi the stock.
Granulated Sugar, 85.70. Subject to market fluctu
ations. White Russian soap 0 bars for 25c
Santa Clans soap 0 bars for 125o.
Fern soap, 10 bars for 25c.
Nicklo package U.umcal, 4c.
8 pacuages Pearllnoor 1770, 25c.
Champion lyo, 6o per can. .
Lewis Lvo, 3 cans for 25c.
Miner's N.i. 1 patent Jlour, 05c, ovory sack guarautood.
Old Stylo tobacco, 25e per pound.
Mereshaum tobacco, 30u per pound. .
0 pounds rice for 25o.
1 pail. syrup, 1 gallon, line, 35o.
We tiro opening now goods daily in this stock.. -Prices
that make goods move.
Tea cups at 40a per sot.
Plates, 7-inch, at 40a per set.
Bowl and Pitcher, 70c.
4-picco glass set, 25c.
Lai go Glass, 10c.
10 piece toilet sot, 83.00.
10 piece decorated set, 82.75.
A handsome lino of imported novelties in Haviland,
Limogues, uud Austiian china. Suitablo for Xinas
Miner Bros.
Inside infoi'iuati'iti fiom Kuiope con
cerning the backdown of the Enipomr
William f i mil his bin IT, Intending to
m ike Spain and this country believo
that he win ah ut to take a hand in the
deposition of the Philippine, is the
cause of much quu nuiuxcmciii in dip '
loinatic and olll !! utclo. Tn'n bluff'
was the -iiip ntnmiinecnu'iil of
his i'l'.vn'i" . .j ,'''' i tl i on h.'s
waj home ft" . !' li Im''; t ' vi
nnttneement that resulted in an unex
pected stiffening of the backbones oT
tho Spanish peaco commissioners, but
did not change tho American policy by
a hah's-breadth. Tho backdown,
which has made him the laughing stock
of every capital of Europe, except his
own, was tho announcement that, "on
account of tho weather" ho had aban
doned his visit to Spain. The "weath
er in tho caso was a straight tip that
liis intentions toward Spain wero of no
more consequence to tho United Stales
than tho presence of those Gorman
warships in Manila bay wero to Dewey,
and would have no more effect, ami
that if ho was looking for trouble ho
could tind it by meddling in any wny
with Uncle Sam.
Prof. Uobt. T. Hll of tno United
States Geological survey, whoso full
knowledge of tho subject is unques
tioned, said in a lecturo beforo the Na
tional Geographical Society, on "Cuba
and tho Homo Lifo of the People;"
"l'ho opinion regarding the Cubans
which is now, unfortunately, quito
prevalent, ia-vcry laigely erroneous.
They are by no means a lot of thieves,
although, undoubtedly there is a large
class of these on the island. The ling
er part of tho population, however, is
composed of intelligent, fairly well ed
ucated men, who have propel ty inter
ests to guaid and business affairs to
supeiinteud, as in any oilier civilized
country. In mechanical lines, tho Cu
bans have not progressed ns rapidly as
they might, for tlioy aro cssentinlly an
agricultural people As tillers of tho
soil they tank veiy high, and many of
their plantations are models of their
kind. While tho Cuban nrmj con
tained a largo percentage of colored
people, theio are thousands and thous
ands of pure white men, thoroughly
Cuban in heart mid mind. Then, too,
the colored Cuban himself is not such
a bad fellow. In fact Cuba is tho only
one of the West Indian islands, in
which I have found that tho colored
man will work; in Potto Rico and all
the other islands, his wife, like the In
dian squaw, is foiced to pciforni all
tho drudgery. In Cuba, as vu .know,
the coloied man enjoys social privi
leges accorded him in few other pi tees,
but theio is no danger that the island
will ever become Africanized as mtho
negro population is constantly d'eel
mated by diseaso, jvhilo the white
tluives and iucienses in number"
It is regarded as reasonably certain
that tho fifty-fifth congress will, beforo
tho close of tho Inst session soon to
opon, appropriate nioro than two bil
lions of dollars, It has already appio
pt lilted more than one billion, and tho
war expenses that must bo provided
for at tlio noxl session, leavo little
doubt that the two billion mail; will bo
reached, Hut thoio will bo no politi
cal cry raised against any appropri
ation inndo necessary by tho war.
Privato James S. Sowers, of tho 7lst
Now York, told tho war investigation
commission that the reason tho regu
lars fared better than tho volunteers in
the Cuban campaign, ami elsewhere,
was thnt tho regular ofllcois took caro
of their mon, while the volunteer olll
cere took caro of themselves. IIo is
tho first privato who has told tho com
mission that, but thousands of them
havo told the same thing to their
Thoso who beliovo in tho dominant
power of bread and butter arguments
think that nil of tho democi alio and
populist senatois will try to pi event
an extra session of congress, in order
to havo their friends who hold positions
unlr the Minin keep t Ih-iii until the
end of in-xt ji-nr, it will bo rcnioni
bared that uo one patlj baring w
Wo havo peace, and thoso
who arc sorely afflicted with
will have peaco from pain and
a perfect euro by using
jorlty in tho senate, tho p'ttiotiage of
that body is distributed propni tlnnoto
ly to tho voting strong' h of each party.
Howovor,'it is not likely that the pat
ronngo of tho senate will bo a factor in
deciding whether there shall be an ex
tra session of congress. It is true that
if an extra session is held theio will be
a reorganization of tho senato, which
would give tho majority tho big po
sitions, such as secretary and snrgeant-
at arms, but tho minority senators who
havo friVnds holding minor positions,
would have uo trouble in keeping them
in place. Tho senato has always been
moio liboral in this respect with tho
minority than tho house. A Honate
minor olllcial's place is usually secure
as long as his senator keeps his scat,
but not a day longer. In other words,
the senato patronage is controllo I by
individuals moio than by putty. To
deprive a senator of nil of his pap is
regaidedasa violation of "seniitoilal
Tho talk of Representative D.ilzoll,
of Pennsylvania, who is Speaker
Reed's light hand man in ilie house,
does not bear out the opinion expressed
in some quaitors that a clash is likely
between tho speaker nud the adminis
tration on the colonial policy It Is
generally understood fiat the admin
istration wishes the colonies lo remain
under military rule at least a year be
foio congress attempts to legldato for
them. In reply to a question -s to
whether liu thought iiinin-dliie legis
lation would bj iiccciiry, Mr Dalzell
said: "I do not. 1 think it would ho
jusfnswell to let the mailer lie for a
while. Wo should havo time to study
tho situation and to determine what
hort of legislation is needed. Wo can
run along with n military government
until the conditions arc thoroughly understood.
Musio on tho Graphophone.
Few people niipicoiato the marvelous
power of the Graphophone as an en
tertainer. It is an instrument which,
though it costs much less than the
hast expensive musical iusfitiinent,
will enable its owner to have at pleas
mo music of any kind from that of
tho bagpipe to that of tho great mili
tary hand. It reproduces vocal selec
tions and gives one command of every
pleasure that apponls to, tho senso of
hearing. No investment pays such
huge returns in pleasure. Ho. v, re
producing tho musical iuk other i co
ords Hindu for tutortuiumout pin poses,
tho Graphophone will record imme
diately and reproduce at once ami as
often ns is desired, your own words or
song, or nuy sound. Uy writing to the
Columbia Phonograph Company, 720
722 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. you can
obtain a catalogue that will give full
information ns to pi ices of Grapho
phone outfits.
A Suro Sign of Croup.
Hoarseuess in a child that is subjeit
to croup is a sure Indication of tho ap
proach of the disease. If Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is givoti ns soon
as tho child becomes lionise, or
even after the croupy cough has ap
peared, it wilt prevent tho attack.
Many mothers wiio ImVe croupy child
ren ulways keep this remedy at hand
and Uud that it saves them very much
trouble and worry. It ran nlwaja bo
depended upon uud is pleasant to take.
For sale by II. E. Grico.
-. i
To Cure a Cold in One Day,
Tako Laxative Iliomo Quinine Tab
lets. Mldiiigglsts refund money if it
fails to cuie. 25c. Tho genulno has
L.B.Q-on each tablet.
County Commissioners
Hoard met pur -until to adjournment
with all meinbeis piesenl.
I'nunly board appointed enmity nt
tot in , to settle up tho business of the
State Haul: of Hlue Hill ami mako lease
of building for one year.
lU.D Cloud, Neb , Nov 17.
To tin II ': bio Hoatd of County
Conuiill f I hereby appoint L
S. Wl's :i ! , ,,'y county attorney, sub
jel Jo lii 'nM'iij tho oilli of ntllen and
tiling ii lion1 In i lie sum of 91,000 and
tin' iinpinv il '! "in county board.
A 1) lUNNf.V,
County Attorney
Appiovi.., I . niber 17, 1808.
Petition for oponlng road onnwj
3-3-12, and nuj 5 2-12, rofened to F. E .
Pujno for moio pirticulats.
Tho following claims wero allowed
and county clerk ordered to draw wat-
rants for same:
TIion. V. Jones, work on brlitgo .
U. V. Hudson, bnlnnco Jury fees .... .....
(,'. I). ltohltisoii, cash aihrtiiccd ....
O.C.Tecl, cauvnwdiiK board -
U. (J. Knight. " "
J.l'.Halc, " "
Jftn. llnnlcii, " ' .........
J. It. llnlloy, " "
J. Y. Unto, " " jl.
K. Kmiic., cIcnnliiK well for sliorlir
J. II. Hamilton, Iiok fur poorlionno
Trmlcr's Lumber Co., lumber' ...........
Trmlcr'n Lumber Co , lumber..
LlinlHey A. Smith, meat fur poor limine ....
O. W. Hiuitulura, .iirnliliiK .. ....
Trailers Liimbor Co , lumber
TrmlcrH Lumber Co., lumber ...................
Lcn Wllmot, Itonit work .......... ...;. ,.
Harry Wllmot, roiul work ........!.........
V. 11. Itoby, cnid for poor.........-..........
M. W. ltornbertjcr, indue, for poor
Mnry Kliinwartli.fftro.oI Mrs. I)Ick.....
W. II, Itoby, milxofor poor fnriu..
). K. Dickson, coul to election booth
It. L, AIjcii, pruslilunt county fair board
U, McKnrlniiil, iml.o for Slr. Dick-
E.Moiirlnnd.nipplleH for poor
Jan. Dully, cxpenw .
It. (I. Lewis, rond work .-
J. U. llrouliB, road work -..
K. O, Parker, rout and labor -.'
Mllcliull llrut. rndno . .
W.T. Ilolirer, pollco .... .............
V, H, Hall, lumber .............
Mltiliell llros , hurdwaro. ...... ...... ........
Roynt makes the fund pure,
v holciomo and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
i r.o
1 00
4 mi
4 (10
4 0)
2 00
a oo
1 73
13 15
II 40
2 cm
7 2!i
1 60
t W
10 8.'.
t 00
I 00
oCI) U0
la n
7 00
u u
i (i
is Dl
.... 1H Ut
...... :i w
V. II, UoK-ticrniiM, road work . 21 CO
Geo. (). Yclsvr, rent-
U M. Turner
W. b. Athby, supplies
A..1. 1111)09, mdsu, lo poor...
I, V. llimUim, rond work.....
A. II. Ilawiiiiiu, liiinhor ......
V. Itouchln, raid wort .
Cmiton UiIiIko Co., IIOJ.72, allowed
40 UO
I '
Xi 00
1 M)
10 10
15 W
102 K
V. Ilouclihi, road work - 10 (X)
V.8. Hull, Inmbur.
Miner Htm,, miUo, for poor farm......
C. J. I'liitt, lumber. ........
S. Wall, linulliiK tools ...... ...........
J. It. Harrington, booths, elo.....
Jus. Ilrooinlluld, Sinllh bill ..................
('. II. Kudd, road work
(.Iirl Columbia, road work........
i), C. Teel checking lumber....
U. II, Harvey, rond work ............
G, M (lamer, road work .............
J no. Ilnrvoy, road woik .. ......
Clirls JoIiikoii, rond work ..........
V. S. Hall, luuibcr ...........
ClirU Ocorseiiken, road work..........
Howard Dilsliley, road wotk......
V, S. Ashby. irlntliiK
D, A. Dickey, bridge work ................
Nora Buuudem .... .............. . ...
J, W. Crnry, aiippllcs for poer.. .. .
Jos. Jllltiek, road wort ..-
L D WcIIh, i Iccllnniiuilees . ..-...,..
Kit SorKeimcn, brlilgt- rork
II, hlepheiis, um of Mall ..... ................
V, K. KcIIokk, iipjiraltliiK rond....
Klmer McCoj,l)uulln lumber..... .-..
15, MlCiuio, brhUo work ........J.....
L.St. Heal, hauling ptlliiK
I. Jones, iiidbe..- .-..- -...
Hlata Journal Co., supplies
(T, K. Uoiichlii, hauling lumber..........
John boreiikuu ... ....................
1', J, -Ward, as eoiiimUsloiier....... ..
Jos, (leuercux . --..... .
(leo. hcolt -....................
Ceo. timelhor, election police..................
J. II. WuIbIi. ballots and (ux list ... ..
V, a. Hall, for lumber........
llluu Hill Uro department, for hall .--
J. 1', Hale, certificates of election ....
M, C. 1'aturson, forlllcgal auessmeut ..
W, II. Norrls, damages............. ....
J . I), Cram, hall for election.... ...........
J, I'. Dale, express, drayago ami stamps
Win. Waller, use of ofllce . .....,
J. II. Hamilton, tabor WW, allowed......
K. A. Kuehn, roail work......
K. I). Smith, comuillonor.... ..........
W. J'. Kuehn. road work..... ....?......
Itos A Hlfc, labor- .......
W, II. Itotencrans, road work..........
Win. A, May, commlulouer...... .............
Geo. 1. Webber, " ......... ...
Jerome Vnnco, " ... . .......
V. K. I'ayno, " ................
Dill of J, T. Mills laid ovor.
llill of Frank Kuehn for $30 rejected .
Dill of C, Drulo for S3 rejctod.'
Dill of Jiik. Din den fur $110 83 laid
I 60
. 8 31
459 at
. 7 15
. SM
.. ' 1 00
- yooo
. 1 00
. 1 uo
- 0 01
. nioo
, u it
.. coo
- I 0j
.. 12 5
- 331
I 00
12 Wi
t 00
.. I 00
3 (II
6 00
C 89
121 W
1 00
-. 10 00
.. 0 00
,. 17 60
. 2 00
- 33a 05
. !M 70
.. ys
.. 22 20
- 50 to
.. 4 00
90 00
.. 1 00
1 00
. 360
. 11 II
. 6 00
- 400
. 100
27 00
20 bO
. 20 "i
20 00
County board appropriated ?50 to bo
used to widen guide in Dist. No. II,
between sections 5 ami U 1-11 and 31
and 3'J-2-ll.
Doaul adjourned to meet December
'27, 181)8
From Now Zealand.
Ukkfton, N Z Nov. 23, 18JHI.
lam vety pleased to s atu that since
I took the agency of Cliaiiibei Iain's
medicines the sale has been very large,
moio especially (d the Cough Remedy,
In two j uni a I have sold moio of thla
particular leinetl than of all other
makes for tho previous live year's. As
to its ellleaej, I have been informed by
srousof persons of Iho good lesults
ihoy have received from it, and know
lis value from the iirii of It in my own
lioiisi'huld It is so pleas. int to tnko
that wo havo to place the bottle beyond
tlio loach of the ehlldieii.
For sale bj II, E, (it ice.
Excursion to Hot Springs and Cus
tor, S. D
On November 'i'2 tho Diiillngtun
Routo will sell ticki is to lint Springs
uud Custer, S. 1)., at a rato of ouu faro
for the round trip. Tickets limited to
30 days from date of side.
A (,'ukovkii, Agont.
Till". Be wi ku DoV8 who havo taken
Hood's Sarsaparillii me tnid to havo
stood the long iiinichcs much bettor
than their companions. This medicine
gives htteuglli nud iiduiaiice.
Hood's i'lllH cuio all liver Ills,. Mail
ed for Sou by C. I. Hood & Co , Low
ell, Mass,
Educate-Your Unreal 'Willi CmcnreU.
Candy Cnthartle, euro i-nusilimtloa forovor.
lOe.iMo. If C.O.O.fntl, ilrii(WtniM refund money.
I read In tho Chrtittan Manilaril of n remark
ablo UlBcovcry for tho euro of deafness whlcbr
seemed so reusonublo uud slmplo I resolved
to try It, having boon deuf In my right ear,
from which there bad been a most dltavree
ublodUchnrge for eighteen years. From the'
tliuo I was ono year old I was allUetod with
distressing cough; 1 had seven) headache
and my oyes were very sore, compelling me
to wear glusses. Cutarrh troubled mo worse
nt nlglit and in tba morning. lalwuysbudto
sleep with my bead propped up on flvo or six
pillows on account of difficult breathing and
paroxysms of coughing. My throat was very
sore; tonsils enlarged. To my groat surprise
and gratification vay bearing was restored
tho very first time 1 used the treatment;
within three months my voice and throat,
which bad been seriously affected, were cured,
tho dlschurgo and distressing cough stopped,
my eyes woro much Improved, and I received,
bonelltsln many way that I cannot describe.
I breathed freely and easily acatn. Aerial
Aiouication is certainly ordlscovery,
and It Wives me inuob jem0 recom
mend itA.11.8 Llxs(gjyrffiL, Ohio.
AerUI Hedleatb
caurrii, tnrost ar
win, lor k snon
monlbs' treotme
lienieuun aaar
m0 mm Mi )W4attia WMWftfl
III... 111,1 .IIMLf ,!. ifK
bifciWiinl IWM in'!'