The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1898, Image 5

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    . -i..j.- (."nrf"
( . jo Pt f
V. f-,
,et Your
Light Shine
by using
a, one of
An Elegant Vase
Famp for $1.00.
A Good Stand
Lamp for 25c.
Flno Assortment.
Low Prices.
Como nml See.
Postmaster Putnnm of Cowles was
boro tbls week.
Reud our "Farmer's Club Offer" in
another column.
Chnrloy Hazclton of Kansas City is
visiting in tho city this week.
L. D. Oaltutiu wus looking after bus
iness mutters in Superior this week.
Something now in heaters. "Tho
Rotort". Call at W. W. Wright's and
800 it.
Tho best cheap coal on tho market is
Sheridan. W. H. Koby sells it and also
Tho homo of Joseph Fogol has bcon
gladdened by tho advent of n' bright
baby daughter.
V. V. Wright has tho finest lino of
atoves in tho valley. Call and see
them and get prices.
Boaiideks Wanted: I mn now pre
pared to funiish board to 11 number of
persons. Miis. II. W. Uullifokd.
Our boot and shoo trado is increasing
every mouth. Wo givo you quality,
attvo you mouoy. Galusha & Wescot.
Robes, did you say? Plush robes,
dog robes, wolf robes, goat robes, lap
robes but no MIC-robes, nt J. O. But
ler's. Mrs. Clapp of Franklin, mother of
Lewis Clapp of this city is visiting
hero this week. Sho is in her 87th
. year.
Wo nro selling tho mackintoshes of
Red Cloud becauso wo are saving you
money on them. Galusua & Wks
cott. If you want a good cheap heater this
winter, call at W. W. Wrieht's and ieo
tho new "Retort" heater. Burns slack
and keeps (lro forty-eight hours.
Wo can show you tho stylos and
prices in men's and boy's caps that
catch tho idea of stylo and delight tho
jiockotbook. Gamjsiia & Wescott.
Got your salo hills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of salo will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day freo of
Miss McKinnoy who has tlnishod hor
engagement with Buffalo Bills Wild
Wost Show for this season is again in
tho city. Hor noxt engagement will bo
in Europe.
Wanted Local or traveling sales
ruuu to soil our oils, greases and Petro
latum on commission exclusively, or
as a sldo lino. Goods guaranteed and
low prices Penn Petkolatum Co.,
Oil rcllnors, Caraopolls, Pa.
Some llttlo anxiety was felt on tho
part of C. E. ilicks and his republican
friends by tho non-arrival of tho ab
stract of tho vote from Adams county,
tho delay being occasioned by tho slow
noss of tho canvass in that county. Ho
received his cortlticato of election from
Clork Halo on Tuesday.
Cumulative Evidence
A proof of merit in Any article is the
amount of freo advertising it receives.
The universal success ox Pabst Malt
Extract, The "Best" Tonic, is largely
duo to one porson'a telling another of
the benltits dorivod from its uso. It Is
sold in almost every city and town in
sands of physicians and patients. It
makes strength. It gives vigor and
health when every avenue of hope seems
to be closed.
When you ask for Pabst Malt Extract,
Tho "Best" Tonic, do not bo lod Into
buying something else. Many imita
tions havo recently appeared. Bemoni-
Extract,Tho 'Best'
Tonic, was tho only
malt preparation
declared perfoot
nt tho juugos at
tho World's Fair,
and alono markod
with 100 points of
perfection. Tho
way to obtain tho
greatest amount of
benefit for the least amount of money is
to have your' druggist deliver 70a
da Witt at a Usae.
tno united states, its purity anuemcacr
have given it tho immense popularity ft
has attained. It is indorsed by thou-
New wludow shndos nt Cotting's.
Mrs. Robert Banks of Uivcrton was
hero this week.
Commissioner Payne was down from
Cathcrton this week.
See Cotting's new pockot knives.
Low prices and warranted.
A. D. Ranney was in attendancoon
the county board this week.
Airs. W. P. Konndy left Wednesday
011 a visit to her old homo in Illinois.
Mrs. Wm.Clouimons of the B. & M.
eating house has been quito ill this
llavoyou seen J. 0. Butler's now lino
of 5-A horsu blaukots, fur and plush
Wanted To lease n good piano on
reasonable terms. P. A. Wells, Red
Don't buy a steel rango or cook stovo
until you sec W. W. Wright and get
his prices.
Ary prolits arising from tho lecturo
by Dr. John Saturday night will go to
the church.
L. A. Hussong and wife visited his
mother at FratiKlin this week. Sho is
reported very ill.
Jorumo Vance of Guido Rock was
hero this wctk attending to his duties
on tho county board.
D. M. Ablo returned Saturday from
Iowa nnd will soon take his old posi
tion with tho B. & M.
Do not forgot Dr. John's lecturo "Did
Man Mako God or Did God Make Man."
You cau't afford to miss It.
Money to loau on real estato at low
rates. Can furnish monoy samo day
of application. C. W. Kaley.
You havo heard of tho "Dutchess
pauts" by this time. Cover your.legs'
with a pair. Galusha & Wescott.
Miss Lillian Prico of Riverton who
was visiting with Mrs. W. W. Wright
has returned to her homo at Riverton.
Special sale on robes, blankets and
all winter goods beginning September
aoth for 30 days only.-J. O. Butlek.
Dr. John's lecturo will bo a treat to
tho pcoplo of this city. At tho opera
house Saturduy eveuiug, November 10.
Tho ladies of tho Congregational
church will hold a bazaar on Saturduy
afternoon and eveuiug, December 17,
lunch served.
Tho Union Firolusurnuco Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
InstallmontB 8 per cent. J. II. Smitu,
Special Agent.
Our lino of suits catch tho careful
buyer. They combine price, stylo nnd
quality, tho trinity that wins. Ga
lusua & Wescott.
A saving of fuel now days is ono of
tho things to look after and that won
derful "Rotort" heater at W. W.
Wrights illls tho bill.
Rev. I. W. Edson of tho Baptist
church will preach tho Thanksgiving
sermon next Thursday nt 11 a.m. at
tho Congregational church.
E. A. Hussong pastor of tho Chris
tian church is to prench a fow sornions
at tho Geo. Henton school houso, Dist.
No. 70, beginning on Novombcr 17th.
Miner Bros, havo this week put in an
iron sower pipo from tho sido of their
storo room across tho street into tho
draw in order to drain tho largo roof
spaco of their storo.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
anco for a term of Hvo years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches nnd
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him n card at Rod Cloud, Nob.
Rev. James Mark Darby lias com
pleted a course in absontia in tho Chi
cago Somiuary of Sciences, nnd has re
ceived at their hands tho adornment of
tho titlo or degree of Bachelor of Phii
A public salo of short-horn bulls will
bo hold nt Day's barn in Red Cloud ou
Saturday, Deo. 8, 1898, at 3 o'clock,
p.m. This is yoi.r chanco to procuro a
Quo young hull to head your herd of
cattlo. Do not fnll to soo these ani
mals if you need anything iu that lino.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postolllcotit Red Cloud, Nob.
rnska, for tho weok ending Nov , 17th,
Beckwitb, O. W. Cllno, J. H.
Cooper, L. E. Graham, Mrs. C.
Hickman, Mrs. Higgins, t. M.
Huoy, Robt.
Theso letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter office Nov. 31st, if not called for
before. When calling for nbovo ploaso
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Wo toll tho story as it wus told to us.
A Webster county toucher had written
tho word "husbaud" ou the blackboard
but none of the- class wero ablo to pro
nounco tho word, and, thinking to as
sist thorn, sho said: "If I should gut
man led what would I huvut" A small
boy in tho front row quickly arosu mid
answered, "A h ," hut no matter, it
was not what sho expected, and the
beautiful crimson color of her fnco
kept the school room warm tho rest of
the day.
Honr Dr. John's lecture.
J. W. Vest nnd wlfo nro making a
visit in Kansas this wcok.
Good solid overcoats for men 93.00
only at Galusha & Wcscott's.
Mrs. C. C. Cowden returned Mon
day night from n visit at Fnirbury.
Whon you want coal go to W. B.
Roby who handles Maitlaud nnd Sheri
dan, -
C. E. Hicks and wifo of Blndon wero
hero visiting friends tho llrst of tho
Men's corduroy cont3 nt
Galusha & Wcscott's. Rubber llucd
only 1.40.
Got your salo bills printed nt this of
lico nnd you will receive n notice lu tho
paper freo.
In another column will ho found our
"Farmer's Club Offoi" which it will
pay you to read.
Ed Converse of Shickluy, this state,
was visiting friends and relatives hero
tho last of tho week.
Wo shall havo within Hvo days a
dandy Mellon suit for $0.00. Lots of
them. Galusha & Wescott.
Roy McCall left this week for Car
wile, Oklahoma, where ho will tako up
11 residence for a time at least.
Mrs. L. S. Viurson and hor sister
Miss Bradley of Hastings wero lu tho
city this week visiting relatives aud
Eight good papers giving nil tho
farm, county, stnto, national and for
eign news for $3.25. Soo our "Farm
er's Club Offer."
Wo can show, you moro Btylcs of
inon's and boy's underwear than tho
halanco of tho town nnd nt loss price.
Galusha & Wescott.
Beforoyou buy a heating stovo see
that "Retoit" heater at Wright's hard
ware storo. It is a wonderful heat
producer nnd saver of fuel.
V. II. Serivner, renl estate man,
.vill sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Serivner, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Tickets to the groat lecture "Did Man
Mako God or Did God Mako Man?"
will bo placed on salo Saturday morn
ing nt Grico's Drug Storo. Dato of lec
turo Saturday evening, Nov., 10th.
Closino Out Sale I hnvo decided
to close out my entire stock of dry
goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardware, queenswnro nnd
salt. I must sell to pay indebtedness.
It will pay every farmor to call In and
got some of these bargains. I will sell
my ontirn stock nt a blgNliscoiint for
cash. A good chance for somo ono
witli capital to engage in businoss. I
will sell tho building or rent it. G. A.
Haukis, Cowles, Nobrnska.
A couplo of soiled doves wore in tho
city this week and wero ordered by
tho city authorities to lonvo but undor
tho alvieo nnd protection of a cortnin
man of this city they remained in the
city Wednesday night. Last night
tho officers succeeded in ridding tho
city of them. Interference hereafter
of officer's orders may load to somo
police court scenes.
Stories of tho downfall of a young
girl of this city nnd tho laying of tho
causo to tho door of a young man also
u residont hero havo been on tho
tongues of tho knowing ones for several
days past. While wo are not well
enough posted on tho fncts in tho caso
to form an opinion as to tho truth or
falsity of tho stories wo would ndviso
this young man aud olhors that they
had hotter chango their resideneo to
tho Klondike or they may bo tho center
attraction of a hot timo in tho old town.
Delicate i
They do not complain of
anything in particular. They g
eat enough, but keep thin and S
Eale. I hey appear fairly well,
ut have no strength. You
cannot say they are really
sick, and so you call them
Our answer is the same that
the best physicians have been
giving for a quarter of a cen
tury. Give them
Scon's EmoJsloR
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites. It has most re-
markable nourishing power.
It gives color to the blood. It
brings strength to the mus
cles. It adtte power to the
nerves. It means robust
health and vigor. Even deli
cate infants rapidly gain in
flesh if given a small amount
three or four times each day.
joe and I i.oo I all dniMlsU.
SCOTT SOWNB. ChtmUu, Hw Ywk.
"5 . . .
Farmer's Club Offer.
Monoy spont for books nnd pnpors Is
novor thrown away. What do yon
wnnt to rend this yoart Following is
a good club list which will givo you all
tho county, stnto nnd national nows
nnd also moro good farm nows than
was over offered for tho price. For a
limited timo wo will send The Chiek,
giving all tho county nows; tho Omaha
Weekly Beo, giving nil tho stnto nows;
tho Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, giv
ing nil tho national nnd foreign nows;
Tho Homestead, cno of tho best farm
pnpors published; tho Poultry Jr armor,
devoted to tho interests of poultry ex
clusively; Special Farmers Institute
Editions of the Homestead, devoted to
discussions of various farm topics;
Farmers Mutual Insurance Journal, a
paper published in tho interests of co
operative Insurance among tho farm
ers, and Tho Humane Alliance, a mug
nzluu devoted to the cnuso of humane
education, the eight papers ono year
foi tho sum of $4.35 cash In ndvanee.
Thls'ls as good nnd as cheap mi offer
ever made and will lust only a limited
time. The subscription price of these
eight papers is $0.80 pur year, but we
will, fur ti limited time, send them one
year for $2.25 cash in ndvuneo.
Red Cloud lodge, Degreo of Honor
No. 03, A. O. U. W. will givo an oyster
supper Tuesday evening. Novoinber22,
at Masonic hall, nt which time a short
cuti rtbinmout, consisting of vocal mid
instrumental music will bo given. W.
C. Henry of Fairmont, Nebraska, dep
uty grand master A. O. U. W., who is
considered ono of tho boat sponkers in
tho west, will tell you why you should
bo n member of tho D. of 11. All nro
cordially invited. No chargo to enter
tainment. Tvventy-llvo cents will be
charged for supper which will include
initiation feoto D. of 11, for nil who nro
eligible nnd mako application nt that
Liveryman Boylo yesterday caused
the arrest of Dell Crouso on tho chaige
of stealing a pair of gloves. Tho young
man who resides near Naponco had
been working fin- Boylo for somo time
rust nnd resigned his position on Wed
nesday and locked his trunk and sent it
to tho depot nnd checked it out on No.
IS, intending to follow tho next day on
tho freight. Ho claims that tho taking
of. the gloves, which had bcon left in
his care boforo election by a man who
drove down from BIuo Hill, was unin
tentional. Tho caso was takon boforo
Porter, tho prisoner being represented
by Attorney McNitt nnd Boylo by L. S.
Wilson. After several consultations
between tho court and tho parties in
tho caso it was dismissed and the pris
oner was turned loose. Boylo had to
put up tho costs amounting to some
thing over seven dollars. Tlioro prob
ably was nothing iu tho caso but a lot
of Ill-feeling.
Ono of tho things which gladdens tho
oyo of tho newspaper man nnd makes
him feel that lifo is worth living is tho
large botchy looking home-mado with
out cost signs which of lato are' being
used to mako the announcement of
entertainments and lectures. It also
gladdens tho nowspapor man's heart tn
receive n batch of locals announcing
tho samo coming events which lie is ex
pected to nnd generally docs print freo.
Vorily tho printer's vocation is being
stolon from him and tho walls of Uucle
Sam's postoflico will bo known as a
general information buroau, announc
ing births, deaths nnd marriages, holp
wanted, bouses to lot, lost, money to
loan, businoss chances, for exchange,
found, pnsturage, strayed, personal,
stolen, escaped criminals, miscellane
ous. Wo think if tho persons thus
using Uncle Sam's walls for a bill-board
would look tho matter up it will bo
found to bo unlawful to plnco any an.
nounccments but tboso pertniniug to
postoflico business.
All our .farmor reader? should tako
advantngo of tho unprecedented club
bing offer wo this year mako,
which includes, with this paper, Tho
Iowa Homestead, Us Special Farmers
Institute editions, Tho Poultry Farmer,
Tho Farmer's Mutual Insuranco Jour
nal and the Humane Alliance. Tho
subscription prico of thoso fivo publi
cations amounts to 12.80, whilo our
paper is $1, n total of $3.80. Wo are
prepared to send them nil, includhg
our own paper, to any farmer in
this county for 81.45, which is only 45o
moro than our own subsprlptlou prico.
Never before was so much superior
reading tuatter, of the most practical
und usoful character offered for only
$1 45. Tho first four of tho papers
named nro so well known throughout
tho west that but llttlo need bo said .of
them. They commend themselves to
tho readers favorable nttontlon upon
moro mention. Tho Humane Allinnco
is devoted to humane education and
should bo in every farmer's family, so
that tho boys and girls on tho farm may
early imbibe tho principles of a broml
humanity thnt shall include nllGod't
creatures, and learn tho wb'kedncsH
ami brutalizing tendency of cruelty of
all kind Tuku advantage of thi
grent i-fler.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salvo is tho implacable
enemy of sores, burns and wounds. Ii
never fails to euro piles. You may rely
on it. C. L. Cotting.
j;'i .
Jj sizes 35 to 42 in Greys, Browns,
mixed and Plaids,
The best Values ever offered for the
f We sell everything a man or little
?jf fellow wears.
1 Goiadenaley Clothing Go.
Leaders in Fashions and Low Pripps. il
Spectacles! Spectac cs! Spectacles!
Bo fitted accurately, perfectly
rial caso for tostinc tho eyes In tho
do tho optical business of this county.
nan can bo ilpno oisownoro.
. I I
T i W
.wjw vuinfiiviiHui nnvuu
If tho lines in this diamond figure do not work choapor and batter tlinn it can
npcar equally block in all the different ' dono olsowliero. WIRE Initial
meridians it indicates n defect of sight HngirRlng. aenst Pins an Braco
thut causes nervous head-ocho and should ts iailo while you wait. Engrav
bo corrected at once. Eyes tested free.
i Watch examiner for B. & M.
eity Dhv and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
, ,
The Farmers fllataal Insurance Gompany;
'IMwk liitriiat linat. nnd nliantinut
I state.
Over $23,000,000 Insurance Now In Effect.,
Louse paid moro promptly than any old lino company doing business. J
J Insures against
-amj ititwnt jvvv vMvwjvi7
Fire. Lightning and Tornado.
The cunt of Si.noo for elcrht vears has lust been
Call and investigate the plan of Insurance.
Don't be Decleved by anyone. 3
I am tho only aiithnrizod agent In the
eontruet nnd curnlicisto of authority
u iiiiii mi Kmuj mi mm i-uiii nui,) ill wiu uiiwilty is 1UIBU UUU lily (I1CUU
solves lhiblo under tho law. Call and see mo. r '
nni4 nVAI UICH & Ua Arttllll' (SpnVnMtt Cinn. MH
VWVW WW ta WkMMft V UlVVVf J Kffilt
0 9
and speedily by ono who enn do It.
I havo tho finest and most oompleto
vnlloy. Am better miulnnml fm-nmi
Will fit you bettor and cheaper
A Good Alarm Clook for-75o.
Whon you como to buy this clock
you will find thnt I havo them nnd
will not try to sell you something
higher priced. You will find Ml I
offer for salo equally cheap, such n9
Willi lt Vnllt nrtrtit1Iinrt !
'"K o" ' wuuo you wnn.
Jowoior nud Graduato Optician.
Express Mne.
Vnrni rVfnliml fiiDiiann fLuttttnttif In 4ln ?
! tMMti titoinuuvu wuiiiyuuj ift VUV
county for this compnny, holding a 1
for the sainn. Anyono elso claimiua 2
OftfPLSs. OfrLErff J
Special Agent, Rcdf&l
! !
rr Av
iTi iik-ii.i m mill lil-T"" " ' ' '