The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1898, Image 4

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pT CWMSWWMf fWtU(rfi1'a tviXyfWWyjiMrrWWyfJWVBWwyffWyi
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore-Her 8tory of
the Case, and Her Cure.
"For many years 1 was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a (aw yearn ago tt broke out
la a soro and spread from my foot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and Itch all tho tlmo and tllschargo
groat deal. My health was good with
tho exception of this sore. I tried a great I
many kinds of salve, but some would
Irritate tho soro so that 1 could hardly
stand tho pain. 1 could not go near tho
fro without suffering Intensely. Homo ono
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Barsaparllla, and I told
my husband I would llko to try this med
icine Ho got mo a bottlo and I found It
helped mo. I kept on taking It until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
pralso Hood's Barsaparllla enough for tho
great benefit It has been to mo. It
cleanses tho blood of all Impurities and
leaves It rich and pure." Mlui. ANNA 13.
EAKKN, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Barsaparllla of all
druggists. Ho suro to get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
nro tlio favorite family
catliiirllc. l'rlco 23a.
runMftiim nr
too jour...
Bntarod at tho post office nt lied Cloud, Ncb.n
lecond clssi mall matter.
Tho vote in this as well us other
states shows that populism Is soon to
bo a thing of tho past.
A lago mitnbot- of tho pop pnpors
ovor tho Btato nro busy tolling how it
happoncd that tho largo majorities in
thoir various counties nro cut down to
Hereafter when Col. Bryan rocs to
war it is to bo presumed that ho will
rcstrvo tho pi 1 villus of an Outobur
furlough to look after his interests in
this state
Tho Kansas populists went down into
tho coal mines to innlto speeches,
crawling on their hands and knees, and
when last heard from they wetu still
Spanish soldleis in Havana nro dis
posed to bo riotous because they are
paid in papor money. A populist tract
ou soicntlllo llnaneu might assist in
calming the situation.
At tho mooting of the county com
missioners this week Prof. L. S. Wilson
formerly superintendent of our city
schools, aud who Inter ran for county
superintendent of this county was ap
pointed as deputy county attornoy.
The populists of tills state find little
convolution in tho fact that they havo
elected their entire statu ticket, in as
much as they have lost botli branches
of the legislature aud W. V. Allen will
no longer bo a suuater from Ncbruskc.
Sonor Sitvela, lender of tho Spanish
conservatives, remarks that "tho elec
tions of Tuesday hIiow that tho Ainoti
can people nro backing up the govern
ment in its dt mands in tho Paris com
mission." The ease is stated very ac
curately. Tho consignments of oleo from Arm
our's grensu factory down tho Missouri
will conso immediately alter January
1st, when the republican legislntuio
moots, and tho Nebraska butter makers
will thou bo given n ohatico to furnish
a staplo nrtlclu to tlio various state in
In ono highly important respect tho
situation for tho republicans is ex
tremely gratifying. On the basis of
tho returns In tho stnto and congress
ional elections just held the republi
cans would havo had n larger majority
in tho oleotoral college than any pnity
has received nt any other timo slueo
Grant's socond election in 1673. Mc
Klnley's majority in tho eloctornl col
lege in 1800 was nlnoty-tlva. it would
havo beon at least 141 if the presiden
tial canvass had taken plnco this year.
Not for the pjist sixty years except
during tlio war and reconstruction
days when many .states wero uurepto
sontod in congress, did tho elections
occurring in the middle of tho prcsl
tlal term turn out so favorable to tho
party holding tho prosldonoy as they
have In thu canvass which has Just
closed. Ordinarily thoso elections go
against tho president's party. Jack-
sou had both branohos of congress
with htm during tho whole of his ser
vice, but McKinioy is tho only presi
dent since then who has carried both
branches with him through his term,
savo Ifrvtho civil war and reconstruc
tion poriod already mentioned.
Tho prediction that thu result of tho
election in Kausns will destroy tho
populist party in that state is reason
ablo. Populism has had a fairer tilal
in Kansas than it has had olsowhoro,
and it has been found wanting in nil
thonualltlej which .non respect. Its
ilny is undoubtedly ended in that state,
In all tho other statos its day is tuarly
over, ltllils hud been a ptesidcntial
year tho republicans would lave oar-
rled thlHstute. Thorn was Uo nuson
' for nuv especially hnrd work in this
"state this yoar. Bryan is probably a
political corp?7'veut. Hut tho
republican fetMfcv to make
him n covpso this yenr. They havu, In
fnct, tho best of reasons for wishing
(lint ho will bo nomlnnlcd In 1000 He
will, If put tip, bo much onslor to knock
down than ho wns In 1600.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving and
no doubt everybody line something to
bo thankful for. If you nro n republi
enn you can bo thankful that jou got
about all tho Important parts of the
government, both stnto and national;
it you aro n populist you can think of
Kansas and bo thankful ills no worse
if you aro a democrat you can bo thank
ful that tho other sldo will havo to
malto somo onrcsslons tho next tlmo
in order to get you to "fuso" with thoinj
If you havo no politics you ought to be
thankful for that. If you nro nn elected
oandidnto you should bo thaiikfiil that
you wero not defeated, and If you are
a defeated candidate you should be
thankful that you will not havo a gang
of your "ardent suppoiters" wanting
.oti to get thorn a soft snap nt tho state
house; and you should ho thankful for
tin opportunity of securing as good a
paper as tlio Chief for 81 00 per year
The probability of an extra session
of congioss in the spring Is much
stronger, now that it is certain that
tho republicans will havo a majority in
thu next house. It hns been regarded
as improbable over slnco tho closo of
the war that congress will bo ablo nt
tho coming short session, to act upon
all tho legislation tniido necessary by
tlio war, In addition to tlio regular ap
propriation bills and routiuo business,
but it was thought that an extra ses
sion would depend largely upon tho
control of tho noxt house' Had tho re
publicans lost it, tho administration
would havo dono everything posslblo
to avoid an oxtrn session, by trying to
push through nt tho short session nil
tlio legislation needed to carry out its
policy, colonial or otherwise Now, no
liasto will bo necessnry, and should the
present sennto not mcot tho adminis
tration's expectations In acting upon
bills that go through the house, the
president will doubtless feel that an
extra session of congress will do as ho
wishes, as his party will have a largo
mnjorlty in tlio senate ' after next
March. Thu administration will there
fore bo itidilTerent as to an extra ses
sion, knowing that if the last session of
the present congress doesn't net upon
needed legislation, an extra session of
tho uext congress will.
Things look n litllo threatening in
connection with the peaco negotiations
at Paris. That is, from tho European
point of viow. Nobody in Washington
considers tho cablegrams nbout Spain's
being encouraged to oxpect European
intervention is nnythiug more than Eu
ropean newspaper talk, paid for with
Spanish money. In fact, at tho last
cabinet meeting, Socretnry Hay was in
structed to havo our peaco commis
sioners inform tho Spanish commis
sioners that it was beyond tho power
of any European nntion or combination
of nations to modify our demand for
tho Philippiuo Islands a domand that
this government is prepared to back
with force, if it becomes necessary.
The Spanish commissioners wero nlso
given a straight lip to thu effect '.hat
this couutry was growing tired of tho
delay, aud that if (hoy failed to act
much longer tho negotiations would bo
broken off by this government.
Admiral Schley and Mrs. Scliloy nro
iu Washington. In order to nvoid an
noyance, thoy nro nt tho homo of a
friend instead of nt a hotel. Tho ad
miral decliues to sny ono singlo word
about tho thinly veiled slurs at him iq
tho otllcial report of Admiral Sampson
or to add anything to what be had said
in his own ofllciul report. Ho showed
bonio nnuoynuco when his attention
was! called to tho controversy ovor
which political putty ho belongs to and
said that ho had no polities; had only
voted once in his life; that ho belonged
to tho country and that his first and
highest duty wns always tusorvo tho
administration which was in chargo of
tho country, lhoso aro moilol viows
for au army or navy officer, too.
Tho aununl report of Adjutant Gen
eral Corbin, just mndo public, says of
tho national guard: "While the year
ly state encampmonts have boon pro
ductive of positive good iu Imparting
practical instructions to tho troops
paitiuipatiug, tho experience of tho
recent campaign hns demonstrated tho
absolute uecesslty of further assimilat
ing tho condition of encamped troops
to thu actual uecosslties of active ser
vice by making tho nion, while in
camp, dependent for their subsistence
on tho army rations to bo furnished by
tho stato authorities, ou ratioti returns,
and cooked by tho troops in precisely
tho same manner as on actual service
iu thu Held. An organization ordered
to u stato camp for military instruction
relying ou a caterer to furnish tho nec
essary food, can never ncquiro that
self toliaiieo which chutuoterlzes tin
regular soldier or. active duty, foi
without piovlously rocolved instruc
tions iu piepailng food, the natural to
Milt, when called into mu vice will be
pitinly cooked and wnstid rations,
which, failing to sttongthen the physi
cal man, make him liable to febrile
and stomach tioubles iucident to ser
vice in all kinds of weather, under dis
d BAD 0
Can be promptly cured without delay x
or trifling by the XL
0 BEST 0
Q remedy for pain, ?
tressing, but unavoidable coudlti ti-,"
The Canndian American commission
which held n session last, summer at
Quobeo, is now doing the snmo
iu Wa-dilngtou. Anylilng like tin
agreement upon tho in iMeis in dUpuip
butwoin tho United S hum and Canmln
definite enough to b ; m into n tienty
Is still along ways il It is expected
that the commission will sit in Wash
ington for a considerable time, al
though tho assembling of congress will
make It difficult for Senators Fall-bank
and Faulknerand Hopresontatlvo Ding
loy, three of tho live American join
missioners to give much of their timo
to its meetings. The other two Ainoti
enn commissioners aro Hon. John W.
Foster, ox-secretary of stato, and Hon.
John A. Kasson, who is a special dip
lomatic ngont for this government in
tho negotiation of reciprocity trcnties
undet tho Dicgley tariff law.
In vlow of tho fall nro of other gov
ernment experiments, tho cynics aro
disposed to poke fun at tho announce
ment thnt tho board of ordlnunco and
fortilications of tho war department,
had decided to spend $20,000 experi
menting with Hying machines.
Tho Boat Flostor.
A ploco of flannd dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Malm nnd bound
on to thu affected parts is superior to
any plaster. When troubled with a
pain iu tho chest or side, or a liimo
back, givo it n trial. You atu certain
to be more than pleased with tho
prompt relief which it affords. Pain
Balm is nlso a certain euro for rheuma
tism. For sale by II. E. Grlce.
All quiot since the election.
Sartord Croxton Bhollcd corn Satur
day. D. M. Hunter is putting tho linishing
touches on his now residonco which,
when completed will bo ono of the
finest iu this part of tho country.
Mr. Richards has recently had his
houso painted which greatly im
proves its appearance.
Will Hagan was kicked in the head
by a young mule on Inst Thursday and
was quito seriously hurt, but at last ac
counts was able to be around.
Orris Hubbard has gone to Gngo
county to sco his father-in-law who is
very feoblo.
Mrs. Frank Lumm died November 6,
1808, nt tho hospital at Lincoln, whoro
sho hnd gone for trentmont. The ro
mains wore brought back and buried
on Tuesdny, November 8th, In Still
water cemetery. She A'us about ilfty
years of ago. Sho loaves a husband
nnd grown up family to mourn her loss.
Tho pops in Stillwater aro vory dis
consolate slnco tho republicans have
made such a sweep and by tho way
where is that big majoilty of ono hun
dred in 1800 which hns steadily de
creased until this year with tho aid of
thu democrats they mnunged to raise a
majority of eight. At this rato whero
will tho pops bo in 1000. Pence bo to
thoir ashes
Consttpntion provents tho body from
ridding itself of waste mutter. De
Witt's Little Early Risers will removo
tho trouble nod euro Stock Headache,
Uilliousness, Inactive Liver and clear
tho complexion. Small, sugar coated,
don't gripe or cause nausea. C. L.
Many a household is saddened by
death becauso of the failure to keep on
hnnd n safe nnd nb mlutoly certain euro
for croup such as Ono Minnto Cough
Curo. Seo thnt your little ones are pro
tected against emergency. C. L. Cotting.
(Cut this' out and send it with ono dollar to the Inter-Ocean Publishing Com
pany, Chicago, Illinois.)
I I hereby nccept the invitation to become a member of the Home J
Health Club and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's sub' i
scription to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, which, I understand, entitles mo to a
I life membership, a record number, and a copy oj Volumn T of the home !
Health Club books (price $1.00) free of charge.
Town or City
Street No J
I State. . .
I 1
One of the most practical and bunollelal courses of study ever offered to
its roadtsis lij any no spupor. Not only aio llieie a seiies of practical lemons
in thu impel eauli week, but tho subscriber is presented, free of expense, with a
beautiful cloth hound book, worth ono dollar, besides a life membership in th
great club. Subscribe ut ouo and get the great lessons now being published.
r .
Donfucf h Cannot Bo Cured
by lociil applications as they cannot
I eneh thu diseased portion of tho cur
There is only ono way to euro deafness
and that is by coiiniliitlounl if medics
Deafness is caused by an inllamed con
dition of the- mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is In
llamed you havo a rumbling tnuml or
imperfect hearing, and when it is on
tltely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless tho iiillnmmatlon can bo
taken out nnd this tube restored to its
normnl condition, heating will bo do
strojed forover; nine cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh, which is noth
ing but an inllamed condition of tho
mucous surfaces.
Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any enso of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Cntnrrh Cure. Send forclrculais; free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
II 1 1 's Family Pills nro tho best.
U hen you ask for DoWltt's Witch
11 izel Salve don't accept a counterfeit
or imitation. There nro inoro cases of
Piles being cured by this, than all oth
ers combined. C. L. Cotting.
Railroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefits rtecelved From
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
IinilC Is no moro rcsponslblo position
on earth tbnn that of a railroad engin
eer. On Ids steady nerves, clear brain.
bright eye and perfect self command, de
pend tho safety of tho train and tlio lives
of Its passengers. Dr. Miles' Norvlno and
other romcdles aro especially adapted to
keeping tho nerves steady, tho brain clear
and tho mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. V. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at 3411 Humboldt St., Denver, writes that ho
"suffered for years from constipation, caus
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles'
Nerve & Liver Tills. I heartily recommend
Dr. Miles' Remedies."
Dr. Miles' Iiomcdlcs
are sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
norvesfrco. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
0fcc over Post Oftlce.
Does a general law busluess.
Practices in all courts
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
City nnd country calls promptly
swered day or night.
Office ovkkLindsey's Meat Mauket
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation.
Sn?V 'FSt
Christmas Books
For tho bonelit of our old subset Ibers nnd as many new onus as destro to add
their uniucs to our list, who desiro books for Holiday prcsonts, we havo
mndo nrrangunif nts to furnish them, with thu Chief, at way
down prices. This offer will only Inst until
Sa-tutrclajr, Ieom.ljx lOtlx.
Don't think from the prico given thnt thoso aro cheap mndo nnd cheap bound
books. Each book or sot of books will bf found exactly
ns described, and tho prico includes
The Chief One Year in Advance.
Old subscribers will bo compelled to pay
this Christmas Hook offer.
Gilt Top Library Editions of Standard books in Sets.
In ton volumos printed ou cnlendorod
papor from platos mndo from long
prlmor, nvornglng 78 1 pngoa to tho
volume Hound in oxtrn cloth and
fitampod in gold; gilt top. Con
taining ton full pago inserted
illustrations printed on plate pa
per. Neatly boxed.
1 Harry Lyndon, Samuel Titmnrsh nnd Mis-
eel HI1COI1S.
8 Chrlntmas Hooks. Yellow I'lutti Paprs,
Hook of Snobs. Ilallads ami l.lltlo
3 Henry Koinoiid, Catherine, Deals Duval
I.ovcllha Widower.
1 Tho New comes.
B Pari Sketch Hook. Irish Sketch Hook,
Cornhlll to Cairo, lllatoryof tho Next
French Itevoliitloii, Cox's Dlnry.
0 l'h I lll, Legend of tho Ithluc, lteheccn and
Howcna, Major (lalingAii,
7 Peudcunls.
8 Hound About Papers, Pour flcorgcs, Eng
nan immonais, .Miscoiinncour
Vanity Fftlr, Novels by Eminent Hands.
Tho Virginians.
Abovo sot and The Chief 1 yenr $4.75.
In sovoii volumes nnd printed on
calemlorod papor from plates mndo
from long primer typo, averaging
G20 pages to the volume Bound
in extra cloth nnd stamped in gold
gilt top. Containing fourtton
full-page insertod illustrations
printed on pinto paper. Neatly box
ed. 1 I.csMlierables,VoI. I.
3 Lea Miserable!), Vol. II.
3 Notre Dame Do Paris.
4 Ninety Three.
r Tollers of tho Sea.
0 Hittory of aCrlmo.
7 lly Order of tho King.
Abovo sot with The Chief 1 year $3 50.
Iu twelvo volumes printed on calend
ered pupor from platos mndo from
clear typo, nvoruglng 830 pngos to
tho volume. Bound in oxtrn cloth
aud Htnmpod iu gold, gilt top
Vacrlcy, Tho Antiquary,
Hob Hoy, Old Mortality.
Ivauhoe, Tho Tnllman.
The Hearth of Midlothian, Woodstock,
(luy Mannerliig, Kcd UHtintlct.
Keullworlh, Tho fair Muld of Perth.
Count Holier! of Paris, Tho Hctrotlicd.
Tho .Monastery. Tho Abbot.
Qucntln Dmiwnrd. Anno of Oulcrstcln.
Tlio Fortunes or Mgcl. Tho
c PI rato
bt. Honan's Well, The Illack Dwarf, A
Legend of Montrose, Tho Hrldo of
IS Peerll of the Peak, Tho Surgeon's Daugh
ter, Castlo Dangerous. Glossary,
Abovit set unci Till? f?itlKV 1 vitur fkKMR I
. .
In stts, large typo editions, printed on superior papor and bound in binder's
superior stilt unisn clotb, stamped in ink and gonuino gold.
Illustrated largo type edition, in flvo
volumes or uotwoon 400 and 500
each. Tho contonts of tho flvo
volumes nro ns follows:
Water Witch.
Hed Hover.
Wing and Wing.
Two Admirals.
With The Cmu ono yonr $3,00.
IUustritod largo typo edition in flvo
volumos of between 400 and 450
pngos each. Tho contonts of tho
flvo volumes aro ns follows:
1 Tho Decrfclayer.
2 The Pathfinder.
Tho Prairie.
Last of the Mohicans.
Tho Pioneers.
With The Chilf ono year $2 00.
LAND. Largo typo edition with complete in
dex, in flvo volumos of botweon
500 and 600 pages each, tho most
attractlvo and substantial cheap
edition ovor issuod. The poriod
covered by each volumo is as fol
lows: 1, Urltalu Under tho Romans to Prosecution
r.3 of thu Protcntaut DInsnlers, 178A,
tf. The Power of Jameii Bt Its Height to
William aud Mary Proclaimed.
3. William aud Mary proclaimed to tho Dattle
of Fleurns.
4. William In Ilclfast to funeral of Mar'.
A. Effects of Mary's Death on the Couttnont,
to the Death of William.
With The Chief ono year $2 00.
Illustrntod largo typo odition in vol
umes of botwoon 500 and 700 pagos
each Tho contonts of tho six
volumes are as follows.
Houiola and Theophrastus Such.
Adam Uede and scenes from Clerical Life.
Daniel Deronda.
The Mill on the Floas and Silas Marner.
Felix Holt. The Spanish Orpsy, Jnhat and
uiuvr rouiuv.
With The Clief o'no year $2 35.
Comnloto and unabrldgod editions of
tno most popular works of this
girted nuttior, ranging from 850 to
500 pages each; largo typo editions.
A Romanco of Two Worlds, Ardath
Vendetta, Tholma, Wormwood.
With The Chief ouo year $3.00.
Iu flvo volumos, printed" from u-w
platos made from clear typo; on
good papor, bouud in cloth.htntnp
ed lu gold, Mionh Plarko. Tno
Whlto Company, Sign of tho Four,
A Study in Scarlet, Beyond 'ho
With The Chief .mu r $2 00.
Tho nbovu is onli a pattl il lit oi '
sut of h )nK you d 'UUI.UII. i
books f-ir the sin ill cMM-on I
oil (If, liowuvui
pull., (...ting ,.,. to tako udvantago of 'wi bo iZnd onn
rly, for oiieh ibdh r of back subscrlutlon ,Z i ! i .1 n
n advnntngn ..f il i-. offer will be alwi -??' ''i nni1 lll0BG uot
..... ...i ... " uuor w,u uo K,Te, o books, as formnr
book, us former
dosiiinv to take
for pajiug ono j tur in ailv.uice.
up all arrearages to take advantage cf
In 15-volumoB, printed on cnlondored
papor from long prlmor type, avorag
ing 838 pages por volume Bound lit
oxtrn line cloth, nnd stumped in gold,
gilt top, containing 150 full pago in
sorted Illustrations, printed on pinto
papor, neatly boxod.
1. Harnnby Hudgoand Edwin Brood.
y. Hleak limine.
3. Child's History of Ennland, Mlsccllaneom
4. rhrlxtuia Stories and Heprliilcd Pieces.
0. Martin Chuzrlon It
0. David Conpcrlleld.
7. Dombey it Son.
8. Urcnt hxpcciatlons-UncommcrcIalTraT
e'er -Short Stories.
0. Ltttlu Dorrltt.
10. Nicholas Nlcklcby.
11. Old CurluMly Shop-Hard Tlmcs-Holr
Tree Inn. '
li. Oliver Twlst-Plctnrcs from Italy-American
13. Our Mutual Friend.
14. Pickwick Papers.
15. Talo of Two Cities-Sketches by Hor.
Abovo s.-t and The Chief 1 year $0.00.
In ten volumes printed on calondorod
papor from plntos made from long
prlmor typo, avorngtug 820 pngoq
to tho volume. Bound in oxtra
cloth, stamped In gold, gilt too.
Containing twontythroe full page
illustrations printed on plate pa
per. Noatly boxod.
1 .J at of the Ilarons. Pausanlas, Caldcrou.
S Kcnellm Chillingly, Ktcnsl.
3 Tho caxtons. Leila, Coming Itace.
i Dovereaux, Disowned.
S Krnest Mallravers, Alice.
o jnyaovoi.
7 NIgl
'Ijtlit and Morning, Godolphln.
ParlMatiH, Pilg
ngrims 10 tno Hhino.
9 Paul Clifford
Tomllnsoulana, Eugcns
Last Davsof Pomtinll. Ilnrdlrl.
11 Pclham. Lucrctla.
IS Strango Story,
Haunted and Haunteix,
1 What Will We Do With It.
Abovo set and The Chief 1 yenr $5 75.
eight volumes printed ou cnlond
ored paper from platos mndo from
largo typo, averaging 020 pngos to
tho volume Bouud in extra cloth
nnd stumped in gold, gilt top.
Containing sixteen full page in
serted illustrations printod oa
piuio pnpor. xsoatly boxed.
biimunu uanics.
Tho Count of Monte Crlslo.
Tho Thrco Guardsmen.
The Vlcomto Delirsgelonno.
Louleo Do La Valllcro.
The Man in the Iron Mask.
weniy icars After.
i no aons or I'orthos.
ilmm nn.i rn.. r. . . ,.
..uu.uoiitHuu j.iir, liiiiKv i vonr ji N.-i
Showing how to build and construct
uii Kinu or useful things for life.
Printod on supor-calondered paper
ombrnclng 350 quarto pages and
oyer 100 illustrations, bound in
cloth, stamped in gold Ono of the
most usoful nnd entortalning
books publishod for boys nnd girls.
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