nmniMU'in. M THE RED (LOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY. NOV. 11. 1896. Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Mad leen Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A very severe pain en mo In tny left knee, which grow worso nnd worso, and anally a noro broko oat nbovo tho knee. It discharged a great deal and tho pain from my thigh down was maddening. Largo, hard, purplo spots appeared on my leg. I Buffered In this way for years, and gavo up all hopo of over being cured. My wife was reading of a caso llko mlno eared by Hood's Sarsaparllla, and sho advised mo to try It. I began taking It and when 1 had usod a few bottles I found rollof from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this rollof I I am stronger than I linvo over been in my life. I am in tho best of health, havo n good appotlto and am n now man altogether." J. P. Moons, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Sarsa parllla, Isttio best In fact tlto One True Wood 1'iirlner. Hood's Pllls"ctiroiiilIlrcrllK us cent. mm inraio. The Entire Fusion State Ticket Defeated In Sunflower State, toy's majority In Wyandotlo county will bo very close to Morrill's majority In IriOO, which wns 3(10. , Tho Republicans aloot their ontiro county ticket and throo representa SAVED ONE CONGRESSMAN. , Hoods THE CHIEF ruuUBiiiu nr W.L. MoMILLAN. I ( SI .1100 50 PUHLISHKD BVKHY PHIDAY Entered at tho poit omco at Hod Cloud, Nob.u aeoond cImi mall matter. IT'S AIL GUESSWOEK OFFICIAL COUNT MAY BE NEEDED ON STATETICKET toe Rim Altogether Too Clot for the , Comfort of Until l'artlea Complete Batumi From Ilalf tbe Coautlee Mji- tlfy the Ite.nlt. all of the I'opulUt Member, With the Rieeptlon of Rlttgeler, Frobebt Loit The Country Vote Did It Earlr Return Favored Leedy. Toit.ka. Kan., Nov. 10. Kansas has elected Stanley rid tho cntlro Ropub llcan state ticket. Tho on.y thing uiro for tho Fuslonlsts Is Rldguloy for Congress In tho Third district. Thoy nay pull out in tho Sixth and Fourth, hut it is only n glimmering hope and whllo waiting In thuir conunlttco icndquarters for returns that do not romo, thuy are almost ready to con redo all except tho Third. Tho Re oublicuns also elect from 80 to 100 jiembers of the house, which gives .hem a majority of tho h-glslnturo ou joint ballot awl Insure a Republican Unto printer. fTltwS ill vwLr Nebraska this, Thursday, morning is a stnto of doubt und un it. The Rain which the republicans depended upoa to give Huyward n majority of 4,00t)- fell oIT allghtl, when complete county returns began coming in. 'Hie results gl en below show that It is a elate race, and that the success ful party will get into power on tho smallest kind of u margin. There is plenty of talk iibout tho need of offi cial cot nt to determine the result on all of the candidates, und this talk is not eoufhiod to ono party, cither. fou&tlcs llnywnrd. Poyntor Antelope Ml USB Jloouo 1 140 1900 Itoyd 300 454. Hurt 1470 11B4 Cass 2J34 8176 Cedar. B10 1008 Olay 1373 1G48 Custer 11.14 1333 Dakota 502 S33 Dawson 1310 1377 Dodgo 1007 1707 Dougln(maJ) 740 .... Dundy Ciit 270 Fillmore 1033 1733 Franklin 801 080 Furnas 1180 1238 Dago 3220 2317 Garfield 101 210 Gosper ,200 404 Orcely 314 030 ' Hamilton 1250 1447 Harlun 788 1033 KuvuPo. 315 273 Joffcrson 1018 1507 Johnson 1220 1034 LancuHtr(maJ) 1112 MudtHon(mnj) 29 Merrick 007 020 Nuckolls 1148 1834 Otoe 3234 2087 Pawnee.. , 159 0.0 1 Vhelps 780 000 Mereo .M0 070 Platte 1107 0 Polk 080 1250 Rlohdson 2203 8170 Bock 339 323 paunders 1777 M01 Btanton r.45 703 fhayor(maj) IB Thomas , 35 R5 Valley 720 833 Wayne 828 747 Webster 11M 1105 York 1830 1710 Tho footings of thlrty-sovcn of these rountlea giro Hay ward 43,583 and I'oynter 45,817. Htoert I'rnliihlr Elected, rorr.KA, ov, jo. unless later re turns from county precincts In No malt county uako unexpected changes . I. Stewart it elected Jud'jo of tho '1 w'jry-veotrI Judicial districts by a llir i tu.ijor ty. Loland's most con servative est' e of his majority after figuring all reports that are in, Is 200. Stuart went off in Doniphln county w.th 000 majority. Hchtlling'a light pave Falioou 100 in Illawatlm ind I'.mcry a friends in Seneca carried tho city against Stuart 14 votes. Hor ton offset it by giving Stuart 14 ma- lorlty. lorry Nluip.on 1 D.i'nutoil. lIUTCHi.vso.v. Ivan., ov. 10. Prac tically complete return from the' Sev enth congressional dl v et received by the Hutchinson Now i , mv that Ches ter I. Long, ltepubi.'.un, is elected by about 2,000 majority over .Terry Simp son, Populist. Tho Republic ma gain about nine members of the legislature i.j the Seventh district. Milter Aimed In All Coutitlo. EiironiA, Kan., Nov. 10. Chairman Mnrtindalo, of the Congressional com mittee, 1ms telegrams from liutler, Morris and Greenwood counties, Popu list two years ago, indicating that Miliar his carried each of them by substantial majorities. The I.rcltlatiire. The legislature Is still claimed by both parties, but neither is certain. It tppears, from the latest returns, that the legislature will be close on Joint ballot. This, Tursday, morning, tho republicans claim the senate certain and base their claims to tho house on the fact that some districts are close and othora are incomplete. The fuslonlsta claim the legislature a Joint ballot by a majority of from Qve to ten. Congreulooal. The returns for congress are still wanting in completeness. The repub licans are not making many claims eutslde of tho First and Scoond dis tricts. In the first district each of the seven tonntios In the district gave Mr. liur kett a.umjorlty. Ills majority in the llstriot will probably reach 3,000. In the Second district complete re turns from 109 precincts out of the 134 In the district give Mercer 10,019 und Hitchcock 0,200. It Is noticeable that Hitchcock gained where he least expected It, and lost whero he hud builded groat expectations. Nine of the eighteen counties in the Third district giro Norris, republican, r,lPfl,oi)lnson fusion, 7,501. StnrU HA tip W. E. STANLEY. At 8 o'oloek this morning nil signs pointed to tho eleetton of tho Fusion ttnto ticket by a majority of 10,000 or 15,000 and tho Fuslonlsts wero betting tho Republicans to a standstill. This ionfldonco soorood to havo been war ranted by tho roturns from tho lnrgor sltios, which surprised both parties jy giving Fusion gains. It was in tho jitles that the Republicans looked for their big vote. Tho Fuslonlsts con ;odod this, oxoopt in the big towns tlong tho Missouri river, whero tho resubmission soutlment Is strong, and ixpoctcd to mako offsetting gains in '.ho country precincts. Tho result, howovor, was tho reverso of theso cal culations. Tho Fuslonlsts gained In acarly all tho moro populous centers, whllo tho Ropubl loans gained in tho :ountry. It was from tho cities that tho first eturns came, and Locdy'a gains wcro to unexpected that tho fuslonlsts bo Uoved It was a landslide for their tick st, and claimed everything. Tho Re publicans wero almost willing to con ;cdo tho olalms of the fusion commit too, but later tho country praolncts began to report, and Republican gains linco are so uniform all over the stato that thero Is no doubt of Stanley's loctlon, although only a small frao '.I n of tho total vote of tho stato has ooon hoard from. Tho fusion committee hangs to tho tope that tho tldo may turn, but no -eturns are coming to fusion head luartors whllo tolegraph boys keep mo stairway of tho Ropublican head quarters hot. Mort Albaugh, chair nan of tho Ropublican stato commit tco, claims tho eluctlou of Stanley and Iho Republican state ticket by from 1,000 to 10,000, not loss than eighty members of tho houso and sovon or tight members of Congress. Taylor Riddle, fusion chairman, claims the ttato by 2,500 and throo Congressmen. John W. Breldonthal, forraor Popu tlst chairman, while not yet giving up tho state, says Republican success was possiblo by the failure of tho full Fu lton vote to go to the polls. Ho olalms hat tho Republican gains wero not iuo to n change of sentiment among tho people, but to tho apathy of a argo elcmont of tho Fuston vote. Tho remarkablo gains mado by Lccdy in tho larger cities nro an un trrlng sign of the growth of resub mission sentiment in the stnto. The homo rule or liberal Republicans of these towns wero unwilling to trust Mr. Stanley on tho liquor question, tlthough his friends, and even he himself, gave pledges that home rule ihould be continued in tho cities. Tho liberals voted for Leody. An emphatle evidence of this la riven in Atchison county, formerly a itrong Republican county. Two years igo Morrill carried it by 702. Yester lay Leedy carried it by 140. Another videnoo la shown In Leavenworth, where Leedy mado big gains. It la possible that Wyandotte wonld have made similar gains for Leedy if a full vote had been cast, but by a Republi can coup about 1,700 paoklng house employees did not register, and In con tequenoa a fair expression of the peo ple was not given In that community. In the coal counties the miners car ried out their threat to acratch the Fusion ticket on account of their ha tred for McQrath, Governor Leedy's itato mine inspector. Cherokee, Craw ford and Osage ordinarily are Fusion itrongholds, but the returns ahow heavy losses this year. In Franklin county, for years relia bly Fusion, Senator Sheldon and P. P, Elder, Populist bellwethers, who havo boon fighting Loedy, made their in- Repub- Catderhend In the Fifth. Anu.KHK, Kan., Nov. 10. Reports from tho Fifth district indicato Calder hcad's election by ilOO to 800. Fnilonlit dovernor In Mlnneiota. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 10. Un official and complete, but apparently reliable, roturns Indicate John Ltnd, Fusion candidate, has been elected gov ernor of Minnesota by a plurality of 1U.0UU. Flvo out of seven congressmen nro Ropublican. Tho Sixth and Sovonth districts aro close nnd claimed by both slues. Jamos Gray, Fuslonlst, was olected mayor of Minneapolis by perhaps 0,000, tho largest plurality over given In this city to a candidnto not a Republican. Vote of Webster County, November 8, 1898. COMPILED FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. CANDIDATES. Vote for Governor in 1800. HIIh A Holcomb, f. . John II. McColl, r f .... Nobrnika Goon Republican. Lincoln, Nob., Nov. IP. Delated prccluot returns to-dny continue to In dicate that Nebraska has turned a political somersault and landed in the Jopubllcan column. Three hundred and seventeen precinets outside of Lincoln and Omaha givo Hayward, Republican, for governor, 29,404; Pyn ter, fusion, 20,302, a net Republican gain of 8,132. If this gain is main tained Hayward will carry tho state by over 40,000. Tho Flrat and Second Congressional dtstrlots are Republi can t tho Third and Sixth, fuston, and tho Fourth and Fifth in doubt. A Republican will be elected to sua cood United States Senator Allen. Republican Sweep Delaware. Wilmington, DoL, Nov. 10. Accord ing to completo roturns from the stato, with the exception of a few dlstrlots, the next legislature will stand: Re publicans 29, Democrats CJ. The Re publicans will thus elect a senator to succeed United States Sonator Grav. Democrat. Congressman Handy, Dem ocrat, was defeated by John Hoffeckor, Ilcpublloan, by a majority that will not bo less than 3,000. liy the same margin tho Republicans elect Dr. L. Helslcr Hall stato treasurer and lohn A Lingo stato auditor, Thoy also elect their county tickets In caoh of the three counties. It was a clean Re publican sweep. Governor M h. Huywnnl, r.. W A PovntiT, f... Lieutenant-Q over nor- (ii A Murphy, r . Ed wind A. Gilbert, acrrtmrn oj olalc f'lnok burns, r......... Win. F. Porter, f , Auihtor 1'ublia Accounts T. I. Matthews, r , .' K. ''oi-uoll, f , 'I'm i '.vr 1' it Miirtniison, r , .) II M'i'i vo, f... Sunt I'ublio Tnslruclion .7. F Saylor, r , W. H Jackson, f Attorney General N, D. Jackson, r , O. J. Smyth, f , Com Ptibho Lands ifc JM'ffs. tt. it tnmnisr Jacob V. Wolfo. f Congressman. 5th Dist. f E Ailnms, r H 1). Sutherland, f Stale Senator, 20th Dist. Nunc Shi'phnnUnn, r ... Geo. J. Spohn, f Iteprcsentativc 44th Dist. J S. White, r J L GrnndrttafT, f Float net). '10th Dist. Chin. E. Hicks, r Peter Uurling, f Count; Attorney Randolph McNitt, r...., A. D llannoy, f County Coroner l)r It Steven, f , Commissioner, 3d Dist. J W Runohoy, r , Win. Irons, f Commissioner, 5th Dist. Jcmmo Vance, r J S. Lirgent, f 83 183 140 78 148 73 148 74 147 73 118 73 140 70, 148 74 147 74 140 75 150 71 110 80 147 73 188 81 124 00 07 50 r.o 51 fi2 02 C3 49 f3 50 53 CO 51 GO 53 40 53 40 52 50 52 40 55 47 53 47 04 45 5.' 48 cn 78 50 50 58 50 58 60 58 50 58 50 58 51 54 50 68 50 58 51 57 51 57 48 CO 51 57 50 57 123 18 81 108 31 100 80 109 80 110 81 109 81 100 82 108 81 109 81 109 31 109 81 109 88 107 35 103 60 87 50 50 51 40 61 40 51 50 00 50 40 01 51 40 GO 52 40 51 Gl 50 50 51 60 50 55 40 47 01 (U 70 03 GO 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 07 00 00 05 60 05 00 00 00 00 50 07 00 G8 68 00 00 49 44 60 40 67 40 58 80 58 80 00 88 50 38 68 30 57 40 58 A GO 40 04 47 58 42 68 89 170 68 90 104 04 103 00 103 03 153 05 152 01 153 03 108 02 103 03 151 03 151 03 102 01 101 41 212 21 44 4G 14 45 -14 44 10 45 10 45 15 44 10 45 15 40 10 40 14 40 10 48 10 47 10 41 10 47 12 D. Be j a a o 00 02 70 85 72 82 74 -81 71 93 72 82 72 82 72 82 73 73 82 70 88 78 80 71 84 08 87 00 20 84 GO 34 00 80 40 81 00 84 .00 81 00 34 GO 81 GO 83 51 80 48 80 51 83 51 40 40 110 09 04 103 i85 00 103 04 103 GO 103 00 104 Of 108 05 102 08 107 07 101 Of 111 88 02 65 100 60 20 88 42 38 41 88 41 88 41 sa 41 88 42 88 42 88 41 41 45 80 88 41 41 84 48 31 88 40 51 56 57 04 GO 01 50 03 60 01 57 03 50 03 50 G3 60 08 03 00 53 04 50 04 55 01 02 07 47 78 40 44 85 47 85 47 84 .47 80 47 ai 4 81 47 80 47 83 40 80 47 86 47 88 50 89 40 84 40 34 47 a o a. a' 05 40 40 80 40 78 40 70 40 70 45 80 40 70 47 77 47 78 40 .77 47 77 44 81 55 70 46 78 50 65 04 82 lOi 60 108 60 103 50 103 50 103 00 103 bO 101 40 101 CO 103 61 111 44 111 48 106 45 117 80 5- J- s o 70 110 181 05 180 08 120 08 129 68 128 G!) 127 GO 130 GO 120 C7 129 . AM irst 03 183 69 120 03 185 02 1370 1027 uoa 1100 1174 1101 1170 U8G 1100 1104 'V 1175 1100 uno not 1170 1183 1100 1102 1100 1204 1208 1104 1179 1S07 1207 1150 1137 1225 100 221 237 22G 105 u o 810 10 17 11 15 20 44 28 48 8t 11 81 1) ufncHH Cannot Bo Cured by local applications us thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho car. Tlieie h only one wut to euro deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nn inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eus tachian Tube. When this tubo is in flamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, ami when it is en tlioly closed, Deaf noes is tho result, and unless tho inflammation can bo takon out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo do strojed forever; nine cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Is noth ing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. lUlnoli SO.OOO Republican. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 10. Returns from evory county In tho stato indicate the election of Whlttcmore, Ropublloan, for stato treasurer, by a plurality of nearly 30,000. Enough legislative re turns havo been received to show that tho lower house will bo Domooratlo by about six votes, and the sonate Repub lican by about eleven votes. In Cook county, nsldo from Congressman, tho entire Republican ticket, with possibly one or two exceptions, was olected by pluralities ranging from 5,000 to 0,000. Tho county was carried for MoKinley by nearly 70,000. Indicted Flfty-Tbreo Companies. Covinoton, Ky., Nov. 10. Indict ments against flfty-thrco fire insur ance companies of tho United States and Canada were returned here to-day. Iuo Indictments charged that tho com panies havo formed an unlawful pool to prevont free competition among all Insurance companies and their agonts loing business in Covington, and thus to extort a greater premium than ttuerwise would havo to bo paid. Tho Boat Planter. A piece of lliinui 1 dumponcd with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to tho nffected parts is suporior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in tho chest or sido, or a lamo bnok, givo it n trial. You aro certain to bo moro than pleased with tho prompt relief which it ulToids. Pain Balm is nlso a cottain euro for rhouraa tibiu. For sale by II. E. Gricc. YOU - ARE - CORDIALLY - MVJT&D TO -l)EOME E MEMBER OF THE - HOMB JtiBALTh CLUB. (Cut this out nnd send it with ono dollar to tho IntorOccan Publishing Com pany, Chicago, Illinois.) THE INTER OCEAN PUB. 00. ' t j I hereby accept the invitation to become a membei'?QfJhc Home Health Club and I enclose herewith due dollar to pay forettepcar's sub- J scription to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, which, I under stand, mUtti jne to a life membership, a rccorll number, and a copy oj Volumnfl oflht Home i Health Club books (price fl.OO) free of charge, '-ji 3 - MUUl iame ...,. Town or City . Street No. r Stale I. w-r- -.?. 4 Ono of tho most practical nnd beneficial courses of study over offered te its reuders by any no-vspapor. Not only nro thoro a scries of practical lessons in tho paper each week, but tho subscriber is presonted, freo of expense, with a beautiful cloth hound book, worth ono dollar, besides a itfo membership in the great club. Subscribe ut onco and get tho great lessons now being published. THEATER CATCHES ON FIRE, Ci.kvki.and, Ohlo.Nov. 10. FIro last night destroyed tho three upper stories of the Stocking block, on St. Clair street, together with the Cleve land theater adjoining. Loss, 870,000. kThere was a largo audlenco in tho tho- ater witnessing tho play, "Tho Nomi nee." The manager of "The Nomi nee" company, Alfred Cummins, who was reading election returns from tho statfo told tho pooplo that thcro was a llro in the neighborhood, nnd as tho firemen w.iutod to enter tho theater t.j v 0t n d po o" . Thu rudlcnee t rf tsvc u d v.'Ith no excltemeut. Two Republican Members In Tennesiee Nasiivillk, Tenn., Nov. 10 .The majority of MoMillln, Demoorat, for governor, over Fowler, Republican, la estimated at from 10,000 to 0,O0. The Democrats have a majority of tho legislature. The Republicans have carried the First and Second congress ional districts, tbe other eight giving Democratic majorities. llles out of eleven in the give Illnthuvr 10.S18, ' fluonco foU( and this year the counties out of 1th district give land 0,044. of thirty-three, (givo Brewa ,C3U ' iicans claim tho county. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 00. Returns from forty-one out of fifty-eight pre cincts in Wyandotte couuty, Kausas, fire Stanley 9,030, Leedy S.eO. The vrtelacta yet to hear ' f roai will Ml latecWH tfcmf tha i II 4 Democrat to Kleet Oteh'i Senator, Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. la The Democrats have elected Roberts to Congress and oarrled tho legislature, which will eleet a United States Sena tor. Returns from sixty-two districts In the city and state give JUaakin.Dem crat for supremo judge, 5,070; Zane, Republican, 4,831. Constipation provonts tho body from ridding Itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove tho trouble nnd euro Stock Headache, Billiousness, Inactive Liver and clear the complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripo or cause nausea. C. L. Cutting. ,- e-- tm .1, Difficulties Bomoved. Elgin, Nebr., Oct, 28, 1890. Mrs. C. E. PurciiiH of this place states that sho was troubled with sick headaches. Sho also had a heart difficulty nnd that tired feeling. Since taking a few bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla her troubles havo disappeared. A Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Restored to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Democrat Sweep Kentucky. Louisvillk, Nov. la The Demo crats of Kentucky won a decisive vic tory by electing nine and possibly ten congressmen out of eleven and pro vented the Republicans from gaining control of the court of appeals. Wjomlnc In the Uepubtlonn Procesilon Cin:vKNNE,Wyo.,'No, Ioj Wyoming has gone Republican ou state, and Con gressional tickets in majorities gaug ing from 1,000 to 1,600 votes. Thq-Jeg-lalature Is also undoubtly Republican, ad will cket s Kepablloan seaatbr to etceaet D. Clatk. When you ask for DoWltt's Witch Hazul Salvo don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There nro mora cases of Piles being cured by this, than all oth ers combined. C. L Coiling. m To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative IJiomo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c The genuine has L. B Q. on each tablet. Ill 1887 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh of Al lcnlown, Tend., hnd an attack of dys entery which becamo chronic "I was treated by the bust plnraUMnns in cast ... ., . ...... i... i lemiesxee wiwitiui. n I'uie, no mijh. "Finally I tried Chainbeiluln'd Colle, Cholera and Dial rhoea Remedy, After using about twulvo bottles I wns cured sonud and well." ror hIo by II. E. Grlce. Frazer Axle Grtase I THE OLD R 5LTTOfaJI Not affected hv Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial, Paris and World's Fair. Umtttt9i Frazer Lubricator Co., Factories: ChctafO, 31 UeU, New York. B. U. OVERMAN, RTTORNBY - 7T - L.7Wn. Oittco orer Pott Olltcc. Ml Does u general law business. . Practices In nil courU Chimney prick, Cistern brick, AND tt. EDWARD nABDY, the Jolly man njcr ci Sheppard Co's. great store at I Brocevlllo, 111., writes: "I had never been sick a day In my life until In 1890. I got so bod with nervous prostration that I bad to gtro up and commence to doctor. I tried our local physicians and ono In Jollet, but none gave mo any relict and I thought I was going to dto. I became dcapondent a-"l sulrcr?". r "to'i ir". i mum nnt nr. sleep nor rest, auc, t cot exist. At tho et i Kduccd to bijii n ul.f'.u l'st my heart fcw-u.c truly ralsfeiablc. Hj.' of Dr. Miles' NorvU.a. from Uk start, aitd ..( '. est Mewing of tny l.fe." TZiTSl Dr. MIM' Pcmedlce S-SoS' "... 1 aro.oldhyaUf-.-s. ftO ;J guarantee, "-st tjoUU' bcncOU nr u it oy m funded. Hook on tha oaioa of tho heart und nerves freo. M'lr, rfVrWMMtuTJ La MILEd Ui-jwAl. -J, il.-hArt. U, Foundation Brick. ' Ludlow Bros. l ii- A i r...t iH ...-.Cthal U.1 tf i; it'll, and -ULv'tiA uud I;n ii. --re:..!... '.ittlia U f. ir. -as r;.f t ' N. l.l'.'flTi.' . FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON City and couutry culls prompt " swuruit tiny or nignt. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. OlfKIOKOVBltLlNDSKY'S MRAT MAUKKT ' RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATniKNKV and CUUNSKLOlt AT AS, Spooiul ntiuiitinu to Commercial and I'robnto Litigation. MOOW BLOOK, RKU CLOUD, NKIIRASXA. fl!&ii(. v tt .. ,tW- c fJ-l: . Af a- Ml V.A isVc ,(