" 1 THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. ' 9ttSMttiMttM4SH&MM-Mtt4tt4HHiM91 MY POOR WIPE. BY J. P. -M-M-aa-tr-VM-: j:m CHAPTER III. At the end of tho cedar-walk I tool: p ray position, lighted n cigar, and tried tv rait os patlontljr as I could. It was a lovely ovonlng In lato Juno, Md Uio drowsy bum ot tbo bees, sdnglod with tho breath of rosea and lyrlngan, coming from the old English garden behind tho walk, sent my taeroghto wandering back to another evening In Juno, Junt a year ago, when I had rat on tho tamo bench, burning wha lovo and susponfio, waiting to oak tho fair lady who had given mo ryet today to bo my wife. Wo had kaown each other from childhood, and during my sister's lifetime llttlo Edith had lived almost aa much with us as at tho Hall. I remember I had pro paned to her ot tho early ago of four teen and had been favorably answered. Tea, Foul," tho young lady had said, lifting up her rosy llpa for my aecplah kiss. "I will marry you, afl yea are the eldest, and havo asked mo rat and then, when you'ro dead I'll Barry Arty, It ho'B good." To which arrangement Arty at tho Ubo being hopelessly In lovo with Mdlth'a French govcrnosa, a black-eyed vivacious damsel ot twenty-nlno heerfolly agreed. After that I saw nothing ot her for ttaay years. My slater beginning to II and being ordered to tho South ot JYaoce, I spent my holidays tor somo yeans with her and my fathor at IUvtera; then I passed Into Sand kant, and, after that, I had five years with my regiment In India. Is tho incantlmo matters had not goat smoothly at homo. My handsome toother Arthur, destined for tho bar, ad who was supposed to havo all tho kralnB of the family, turned out to toe a desperate ecamp and an unmltl ated tool. Ho disgraced himself at Oxford; then, throwing nsldo all senso of restraint and decency, sowed tho aoet prolific crop ot wild oats ever chronicled in the sober and respectable aanals of tho Donnynca ot Colworth. Before he had reached his twonty-Bec-d year ho bad oquandered two con Iderablo fortunes ono left him by his ether, whoso favorlto child he was aaoiher by hla godfather, besides plunging my poor father into a gulf t dobt that eventually hastened hlo death. Hearing of his critical etato ad hoavy troubles, I resigned my com mission and hurrlod home, only to And In, alas, resting quietly In his grave, and my wretched brothor an cxtlo In the wilds of Australia, whither ho had gene to cvada his creditors. It wa a very dreary home-returning, and bitterly did I anathomattzu my precipitancy In glvtng up my profes sion to moon away my life nt Colwarth Jm Bglltu.d.g, MCfir,y n11 the "chums" at iy boyhood lmcf "inoveil on'1 oomo how, except my Immodlato neighbors at tho Hall, tho old Clenoral and his nice; and I think, but for their kindly reception. I should have started wan dering again, the former I found In a very precarious state of health an tcnipor, tbo combined influences of gout and unlimited brandy-water making him a trying companion to poor Edith, who was howovcr most patient with him, and as devoted as any daughter could bo. At first I did not recognize, in tho beautiful and graceful young lady who greeted mo bo easily and kindly tho Ud I bad played with years ago; hut, toy degroea, landmarks ot old times cropped up, we fouud we had not for gotten each other in tho least. I tell head over hoela In lovo with her at ooeo, and for weeks hovered about her 1b a state ot beatific suffering, sot during to hope, and unable to tear myself awny. Day after day I told ,myselt I had not tho slightest Jhancc, Woa aho not the most beauti ful, charming, angollo creature In ex istence, besides being the presump tive .helrcca of the old general's vast wealth? Wa not every eligible male lu tho country my rival? Yet, I stayed, and by degrees the delight ful. Intoxicating fact becaino clear, even to my bewildered senses, that she showed mora favor to me than to any ether suitor. She had always a smile of welcome and a bright word for me, and at times, when sho bolleved her U, .unobserved, I havo caught her level? blue cyca stealthily resting on ma, with a look ot unmistakable af fection that fired my blood, and mado ie lose my head for tho moment One day, driven to desperation by one of those stolen glances, I resolved to try my fatu and loarn tho best or worn. She liad gone to spend tho afternoon at tbo Rectory, her undo told, me, hut would bo back to dinner. X went to the oodar-walk, knowing she Mid retain by that way, anil spent feverish' hour preparing for the at tack, composing heart-rendering ap- , declarations of eternal devotion: yet the moment she stood before m la her blooming oeauty, wita a slim white flngor held under her nose with- nt an inch of my mouatacuo, and said keacechli Paul, dear hoy, da try to lecLthorn out for mel to curate only Id It docs hurt I'loquonco went Lr bfully, tnougn the opeca- ,at her feet, rpasod It to SMITH. ; 5-5: : :- w-w my llpn. as I 6tamraercd out raptur ously "Edith, Edith, my darling. I lovo you I lovo you. Oh, my It la not In vain! I " Hero I stopped In dumb dismay, for Edith, with a look almost of horror, hastily dragged her hand from me, and, covering hor crimson faco with It, cried historically "Httflh, hush oh, plcaro hush I You you don't know what you nro eay ingl Oh, tills Is a dreadful mistake! I I thought you know you had guessed I I" "Loved somo ono oluo?" I prompted fiercely, fiho bent her head lu aescnt, her face still buried In her hands. "No, I did not guess," I answered hoarsely, after n short pnuflo; "and I think, M18B Stopford, If you review your conduct to mo during the lost two months, you will havo to ndmlt you gavo mo llttlo reason for arriving nt such n conclusion. Who to he?" I demanded ronghly. "I I can't tell you; don't ask me. Oh, Paul, dear old friend, won't you try to forgive mo?" phe pleaded, lifting her lovely tear-stained faco timidly to mlue. "I am so sorry, fo sorry If I havo pained you I did not mean to in deed. I I thought you looked upon mo only nn a sister whom you had known" "A Bister!" I interrupted, with a harsh, loud laugh "a sister! Edith, can you look mo in tho faco and Bay you bolleved such a thing? No! I thought not" as sho cowered away from rao instinctively. "You know what you wero doing well well; hut you would not opnro your dear old friend ono single pang you would drag him to your feet, and lot your heartless vanity batten on his an gulHh! Oh, It was shameful! Had you not a glut ot victims already 7" "Paul," nho cried Impulsively and thero was a touch of decision In her voice that silenced mo "that Is enough; I will listen to no more let mo pass, please. Ono day you will be sorry for tho3o words on your bended knees you will nok my pardon I" "Now, now, my dearest, my sweet est," I Interrupted Impetuously, falling down again heforo her, lovo overmas tering cvory othor emotion. "I will ask your pardon a thousand times, If you will only glvo me ono llttlo word of hope! Oh, Edith, If you knew how I loved you, you you would pity mo a llttlol" I had Bolzod hor iIitpb, and was kiss ing Its flimsy frilling wildly, when her cool whlto hand was laid on my brow, and sho whispered, tcudorly "I can't, I can't pity you, Paul. Don't you don't you understand you havo come too late?" OIIAPTDIl IV. With an Imprecation I sprang to my feet, cursing her for a consummate flirt, and left her sobbing and re proaching mo for my wrath and cruelty. That night I went to town and tried to drown despair In dissipation. At tho end ot n fortnight I had almost persuaded myself I was cured, when, one night at tho opera, I Baw her seated beside a young fellow of whom I had been vaguely Jealous from tho beginning. Lord Sandmouth'o nnllor son, just returned from eco. She wnfl smiling on him aa she had smiled on me, and my jealousy broko forth as fiercely as ever. I could not tell whether I loved or hated her most. Tho next day I determined to jmt tho sea between her and me, but could not at onco decide to which sido ot the globe I would Btocr whether to make for Norway or tho Nile, Now York or New Jerusalem, when I remombcred a commission, entrusted to me by a dy ing friend In India ome two years be fore, and I decided on fulfilling It bo foro starting on a longer Journey. He hail died of fever In tho Jungle, and I was the only TJuropean with him during his Ulneus. He had asked mo on my return homo to find out It hla mother was still alive, deliver a pack age ot letters Into her hand, beg her forglvcnese, and tell her how deeply he regretted their long estrangement, For fifteen years he had 'hot, neon or heard of her, but he gave me her ad dress at their tlmo of parting, In a re moto vlllago on the coae of Donegal. After n weary railway Journey, nnd many hours' painful jolting over miles ot wild barren mountain, I found roy friend's mother living In a desolate furm-houeo halfway up a craggy peak overlooking tho goo, eight miles by road from the nearest post-town apd a more uisagreaaoio, rcpcueni, imrtm toned old woman It was never my Ill luck to come arroas, It was with a feeling ot repugnance that I delivered tho poor fellow's last requrat for forgiveness, hearing the way she sought to make spiritual cap ital to herself out of his very death, and improve tho occasion for my bene fit. Unceremoniously cutting a Pharisai cal phrase short, I was In the act of rising to take my leavn when a girl entered, her apron full of freshly-dug potatoes, which she held out to Mrs. Snsey for Inspection. "kUko sout you in these, end wants to know If he's to go digging for tie market." With an Imperious gesture she el lenced tbo girl, motioning her to tlu window, where, after tho first startled Blanco In my direction, sho aat quite still, looking out to sea. I resumed my scat half unconcern cdly, and stared at tho new arrival with an interest qulto unaccountable to myself; certainly, her beauty did not appeal to mo, sho did not even strike mo ns being possessed of ordinary good looks. Her face was covered with freckles and tanned by tho sun, and her hair fell In an unkempt moss around her neck and shoulders; her drcra was a conrrc org unrelieved by tho slightest attempt at trimming or ornament. Whllo I looked, my thoughts went bnck to Edith, on whose falrncsH I had often feasted, sitting In tho sunlight, ns this girl was now, her pretty fingers sparkling with dln mond, bnnglca nnd bracelets tinkling musically on her wrists and mingling with tho Hoft frou frou of laco and silk each time she diow hor needle through tho everlasting strip of oatmeal cloth. Laco could I imaglno such a texture shadowing that child's llttlo brown flot fingering the clny-cruBted pota toes on her knees! I began to won der lazily who sho was servant or ro Intlon of tho grisly chatelatno? when my surmises wcro brought to nn abrupt cIobc. Mrs. Casey's Improving oration had reached n rounded period, nnd I was evidently expected to say "Amen" nnd tako my departure, chas tened and odlfled in spirit. I roso to pay good-by. "You will have a charming after noon for your walk, Mr. Dennys," eho eald, taking my hand with nomo alacrity. "Situated an you behold I am, away from all civilization, I regret It Is not In my power to offer you even tho form of hospitality." When I had murmured a hacty disclaimer she re sumed complacently, "Jlut you will havo n charmlug afternoon for your walk; you camo from Ballyklllagan, did you not?" "Yc3, I walked thenco I could find no car In tho village; It must be eight or nine miles at tho least." "Bccauso yon came by the road; by tho cliffs nnd across tho Goat's Hack It's not quite five. Helen, roy grand daughter bore, will put yon on the track If you like." I said I would like, and tho next minute Helen and I were standing out side. 1 waited for a momont thinking sho would want hat, cloak, or sun shade, but, ns sho soemed to consider hciuelf fully equipped, wo started at once ncross tho sloping meadow that led to tho brink ot the cliff, whero Aho paused with shyly averted face, pointed to a tiny sheep-track winding round the coast, hade mo keep to that until I had turned tho third point, then to steer inland In a southerly direction until I camo to a ruined cabin. Hero I Interrupted her, somewhat nggriovedly, explaining that I was qulto n stranger in thes parts, nnd would be sure to logo myself If she did not accompany mo farther, "ncsldcs," I concludtd tentatively, as your granumouier imprcweu me, It ct-rtulnly is lovely weather for walking, nud you have nothing par ticular to do this afternoon, havo you?" "I havo nothing at all to do; It you wish, I'll go with you as far aa you like," Bh answered, much to my sur prise, anil starting at a break-neck poco down the cliff. . (To bo Continued.) NONPLUSED JOKCnS. Una Vcrno of l'utry l'.Ud for IlobnU Hutu' Dinner. Hero Is a story told ot Robert Burn In bis youth, llurns was living In the town of Ayr, and though still young had attained moro than a local reputation us n poet, eay3 tho Newcas tle (England) Chronicle, Ono day he was passing through tbo main utroct ot tho town nnd saw two Gtrangera sit ting at ono of tho inn windows. With Idlu curiosity he stopped to look at them. Seeing htm and thinking that the rustic might afford them somo amusement while waiting, the strong era called him In and asked him to dine with them. Burns readily ac cepted tho Invitation and proved a merry, entertaining guest. When dln ner was nearly finished the strangers suggested that each should try hlu hand nt veitamaklng and that tho ono who failed to write a rhyme should pay for tho dinner. Thoy felt eecuro In tho challenge, belHsTlng that their rustic guest would pay for the meal. Tho rhymes wcro written and Burns read the following: "I, Johnny Peep, eaw two sheep; two sheep saw mo. Half a crown oplcce will pay for their fleece, and I, Johnny Peep, go free." Tho Btrangers astonishment was great and thoy both exclaimed: "Who are you? You must be Robbie Burns." rilng tha Bird. A sclenitot once put an automatic musical box on tho lawn, and Bpent many hours wutchlng the robbina, bluebirds and other birds gathering about 1U A looKing giaai put up whero th birds can Bee themselves In It, la also very attractive, while a com bination ot a musical box and a look ing glacs pleases tho birds more than anything else one could put out fox their amusement. One Kteentton. "I know there's a good deal said about Bandy foundations," observed the metaphysical boarder, "but sand makes tho best foundation for a pries fighter." "Still," objected tho argu mentative boarder, "you can't build a prizo fight on anything but rocka." Chicago Trlhuut. 0FGENEBA1INTEREST INFORMATION FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Event of Moro Than Fairing Intrrert Wlileh Have Traniplred Since tlio War Knded roaeeTrojrreii and Movement of Army, Kavjr, nnd Department. WcdneidAj-, November 2. Great liritaln In preparing to make a naval demonstration. Tho war department has not yet de cided on tho (Into for Bonding troops to Cuba. The ofllclnl relations between Rns Mu nnd and Germany havo been ruf fled recently over tho trip of tho Kaiser to the Holy land. Thirty KloudiUcrs returned on tho steamer Flora, which is tho last boat from that region. A largo amount of gold was brought. Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras, three Central America states, nro tak ing stap3 to coalesce and havo but ono president for tho three. France has cotno to the conclusion that sho In too wcalc to copo with Great UrlUiln. Her military prepara tion was only a precaution to bo on the safe side. Tho postoQico department has or dered a "nostofflce on wheels" for use in tho rural district in tho vicinity of Westminister, Md. It will havo mall order fact titles and collect mall at stated points. Moro than 000,000 bushels of wheat and corn cleared tho Philadelphia cus tom house Saturday on steamers bound to European ports. The shipments of wheat and corn for Philadelphia for Taunnry 1 havo aggregated 25,000,000 bushels. At Heaver Dam, Wis., Adam Ham mer, insane, secured a gun and wound ed nine people lefore he was shot by Lieutenant Tibbctta to stop his mad career. Tibbottn shot tho man in the fdiouldcr, merely wounding him in order to effect his capture. A Port Townscnd, Wash., special Rays: Tho discovery has been mado that soma miscreant has defaced the two fifty-four ton guns that aro wait ing to be placed in position at Arrow stone Point by cutting names on the btem barrels with soup and acid. Sus picion rests on discharged workmen. n. Darwin Mcllraith and his wife of Chicago arrived at New York from Southampton, Eng., on the steamship Pennland. Tho Mullralths started ou a wheeling tour on October 10, 1893, from Chicago. They passed through Nebraska in November of that year, topping over a day in Lincoln. Indian Commlfistoncr Jones severely criticises tho whites for treatment of t'io Indians ut Leech Lake. IIo lays the trouble for tho uprising at tho door of tho pale faces becauBo they took advantage of their red friends, nc declares that Indians have been ar rested on trivial charges In order that fees could bo collected. A big nmashup occurred on the Un ion Pueiflc road, two tnllcs west of Fremont. Two locomotives and ten freight cars wore completely wrecked nud many other earn wcro damaged. Twofrelght trains collldod while both wcro going at a high rata of speed. Luckily no ono was killed, but one en gineer una several others received in hurlea. Tliurnlny, Novrralr3. fit- Louis is planning to have a World's fair in 1903 to celcbrato the '-onlslana pu.chasc. The downgcr cmnrcBS of China has prohibited the publication of periodi cals and newspapers in China. Aguinaldo has threatened with dire punishment the rebellious natives who refnse obedience to his commands. Although France and England may not come together on tlio Fashoda in cident, it is thought they will eventu ally mix up In a grab for bIIccj of Bgypt. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrnth, the cyclists, will reach Chicago about November SO, thus completing tho circuit of the globe. Chicago cyclists will duly cele brate the event. rildar, November 4. Tho pope is ill again. Carl Shurz has announced himself opposed to expansion. The Texas Is In dry dock at Brook. lyn lor repairs. The gunboat Helena has left Boston tor China, It will go via Suez canal The revenue cutter McCulloch, now with Dewey's fleet, has been ordered home. At a watermelon contest at Bridge ton, N. Y., ono llttlo darkey ate twice his weight in melons. The T. B. Ravi Hardware company of Detroit, Mich,, has gone into bank ruptcy with debts ot 81,500,000 and only Vl3,ovo wortu oi assets. The envelope trust haa raised the price of envelopes 23 per cent in all grades. The trust la said to control VO per cent ot tho production. Charles Nelson, colored, was electro cuted at the Ohio penitentiary at Col umbus for the murder of James Zim merman, a merchant at Bowling Green, Ohio. Saturday, November B. 'At Glbara, in Cuba, smallpox caes exist and the malady la gaining ground. Spain's reply to the United States proposition to take the entire Phllip- Sine group Is a flat refusal to surren er the archipelago. It la believed an ultimatum will Issue from Washing ton. The president has Issued a proclama tion reserving for the use of the Unit ed States navy, certain water front property in Honolulu, selected by Captain Tanner recently, until the United States congress shall otherwise elect. The qnartermMter'o department of the army haa begun malting arrange ments for the shipment of General Carpenter's brigade to tho proviuce ot Puerto Principe, Cuba. The troops uru to be thero by November 22, and it will be necessary to havo transports ready for somo days In advance of that date. It U Is intended to have the troops embark nt Savauuah. A terrlfle explosion, tho origin of which is a mystery, shook tho threo Ohio counties of Muskingum. Morgan and Guernsey. It was himilar to an earthquake. Ben Wheeler, whllo handcuffed, Jumped from tlio window of n Pan Inndle train near Columbus, O., and mndo good his ehcapo from the sheriff in charge. Tho train was going a mile n minute. Tho transport Panama, with troops aboard, reported lost, arrived safely at Havana, landed seven passengers and left for New York. It is reported to have 400 sick on board. Prlvato Thomas Ilnnnan ot San Francisco, a member of Company I, New York engineers, came in contact with a live electric vrlro at Honolulu and was shocked to death. Tho war department lias issued or ders for tho movement of troops to Cuba, Tho first troops will leavo on or nbout November 'J3, and will com prise n brigado under Brigadier Gen eral Carpenter. Kanday, November 0. English and French both fear tho Fashoda incident is not closed, David A. Wells, tho noted economist, died nt his homo at Norwich, Coun. Princo Georgj of Greece has been ap pointed as head of tho new adminis tration of the island of Crete. Germany, It is Bald, will tako nc part in the Philippine dispute, nnd it is also stated that she has so informed Spain. General Mcrrlnm at San Francisco hai ordered sixty-five men and officers of the California heavy artillery sent to Manila, St Louis has adopted u curfew ordi nance. It was secured through the personal efforts of Color.el Hogeland, president of the boys' and girls' nation al home, backed by tbo church influ ence. Wm, Beck, a Lako Shore employe, was arrested at Toledo, 0., for sys tematic stealing from express cars. A search of his hou6c revealed silver ware, clothing and silks galore. Goods to the value of 65,000 were recovered. Monday, NoTrabr 7. Tho explosion and combustion of es caping gas wrecked the supreme court room and tho rooms Immediately ad joining it on tho main floor of the cap itol at Washington. Tho dnmogo is enormous. The entire central eastern part of the great marble pile from the main floor to the subterranean base ment practically is a mass of ruins. The library of tho Eupremo court, lo cated immediately beneath the su premo court room, was badly dam aged by fire, smoke and water, practi cally destroying tho great collection of law reference bcoks. Tho library contains about 30,000 volumes and was U6cd not only by the justices of the su premo court, but by tho members of congress and lawyers practicing be fore the supreme court. The most serious damage, in the opinion of the judges of the supreme court, is to tho records stored in the sub-basement, Thcso included all tho records of tho supreme court from 1793 to 183!;. The room contains records and opinions rendered by tho fathers of tho judici ary of tho government. Apparently the documents In this room are either totally destroyed or so badly damaged by fire and water as to be useless. The explosion occurred in a small room whero a BOO-llght gas meter wns lo cated. The escaping gas caught fire and darted up the elevator shaft. Tucidar, November 8. President McKinley left Washington yesterday for Canton, to cost his vote. The Bank of Spain has advanced tho government 00,000,000 pesetas for cur rent expenses. Mrs, Leslie Carter has declared her. self a bankrupt, placing her liabilities at 803,773, and assets none, except 8200 . worth of wearing apparel. ' Tho Missouri supreme court sent enced Frank Garrison and James Brown, colored, to be hanged on De cember 2, Both committed murder. Five fire alarms in fifteen minutes, coming in during a heavy gale, scared Emporia, Kan., people into a belief that the town was about to burn up, Iatendiorism was responsible. Thomas Port, president of the For Glnss Manufacturing company of Mun cic, Ind., was run over nud killed by a Sa&scngcr truln. Mr. Port is slightly cat and did not hear the approach of the train. Peter Christcnson, nn nged hermit, died a' few months ago near Stockton, Cal., and left a fortune of 879,000. Tho heir has just been found in the person of his sister. Miss Cathorlne Christen son of Davenport, la. The London Dally Chronicle says It has received Information that In the event of the inquiry beforo the court of cassation pr ring favorable to Drey fus, a riot will be precipitated and at tempts mode t assassinate all cham pions of Dreyfus. General Gomez has written a letter to Senor Qucsadaln which he expresses his faith In Undo Sam and says inde pendence will come in duo time, ne also says the present program must be adhered to until tho Spanish evacua tion is completed. There is some prospect that tho Ma rla Teresa did not founder, but is still afloat. It has boen learned that no one saw the cruiser iro down, and as a report comes that a two-masted vessel Is ashore on-Cat Island, It is believed it it the Spanish cruiser. The big capltol building at Washing toa is the scene of wreck and desola tion following the explosion. The hall of justice is wrecked and the supreme court Is without a homo. The damage Is not quite so bad aa first thought. The work ot repairing la already un der way. The war inquiry board is nearlj through taking testimony. Arthur Willinma, a negro, was lynched at Jacksonville, Flo,, for the murder of Miss Ellna Ogden. lie im plicated two others, who are now un der arrest, but it Is expected they will be lynched also. The cruiser Infanta Marie Teresa, which Hobson bo succeesfully raised and started It on lt way to the United States, 'wat lost in a recent gale, sluic ing thirty miles off Walling Island. The crew in onarge were savea uy ino repair ship Vulcan, which was accom panying the cruiser, The loss of the cruiser will bo tho cubject of Investigation, BESULT IS IN DOUBT EARLY ELECTION RETURNS INCOMPLETE. Indications or Tliat Nebr.mVa Hat Elec ted tba FnUvn 8late Ticket, bat tr a Itedneed Mujorltj UnrLctt and Mercer Safe JlooaeveK Carrtoi New York. At 3 o'clock thlB, Wednesday, morn ing Incomplete returns show a gala for tho republican ticket over tho vote of two years ago. Reports had boon received from 200 polling places showed a republican majority of 2,071 nnd a net republican gain of 4.GS8. Tho re publican committee claims if this rate of gain is maintained Hnywnrd wiU pull through with 4,000 majority. Lincoln Chairman Gafiln of tho pop ulist committee, nt 2 o'clock Wednes day morning, claimed tho election of tho cntiro Ktato ticket by 8,000. As to tho legislative ticket, nothing defi nite in relation thereto was known at 7 o'clock Wcdnesdny morning. Both parties claim it, Omaha At the republican county headquarters it is claimed that tho cn tiro republican legislative ticket is elected except Walker and Kierstcd. Tho defeat is conceded of Winters for county attorney and Kierstcd forcou ty commissioner. A claim is made torn good majority for tlio republican state ticket, but no figures nro given by cither side. Mr. Hitchcock lias re ceived returns from thirty-four pre cincts out of more than 100 in his dis trict, shoeing that he has received in them 2,674 votes, against 3,007 for Mercer. This proportion, it main tained, will elect Mercer, although it shows a gain of 2S5 for Hitchcock over the vote of two years ngo. Tho head, quarters wero closed at midnight, and it will be very late beforo the return aro tabulated. Omaha Fifty-nine prccincta, n little over half of the county, bhow election of three republican state senatora and all republican representatives except possibly two. Flynn nnd Sturgess, fu sionists, run ahead of the comity tick et and aro counted safe. Tho figures given do not include South Omaha which is counted on to glvo tho fusion ticket 400 majority. Iloosavclt Klrcted. New York Theodore Roosevelt hat been elected governor by from 18,009 to 20,000. Tho rest of the state ticket Is probably elected also. The returns from Greater New York and from the counties outside of this municipality aro incomplete, but enough havo been received to Indlcato a falling off in tho vote up in the state, whllo that he tho olty was well sustained. Tho con sequence is a falling off in tho repub lican plurality In the slnto from 812, 000 to tho approximated figures givon above. CoaftrrMlonal. Washington, D. C Chairman Bab cock of tho republican congressional committee has just m:vdo tho follow ing statement to the ARocIntcd press: "While I nm sntisMcd that tho repub licans will control tlio hotiec of repre sentatives in the Fifty-sixth congveas, it is impossible nt this hour to indicate what our majority in tho houso will be. Thus far we have no deOnito re turns from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minne sota, Iowa or Kansas. Secretary Kerr of tho democrat! eorgresslonal central committee tm Id: "Tho republicans havo loHt control ot the house of representatives. Wo will have from 180 to 190 members, and will organize tho houso of the Fifty sixth congress. Tho majority of the house will bo from fifteen to twenty over tho republicans nnd perhaps more. Our advices Indicate democratic gains In some of tho states as follows: Ala bama 2, Illinois .1, Towa 1. Kentucky 3, Maryland 2, Massachusetts 2, Missouri 6, New Jersey 2, New York B, North Carolina 2, Pennsylvania 0, Virginia 3, West Virginia 1. New York Returns received in the associated press ofiloo In New York city from all over the country up U 12:30 this, Weduesdny, morning, indl cato that eighty-five republicans and 109 democrats havo certainly been elected to scats in the national house of representatives. The same district two years ago returned to tho lower house of congress 103 republicans nad tlghty-nlne democrats. Based solel apon the estimates in these dlstriota, 1 republican loss of twenty nnd a dem ocratic gain of twcnty-onolfl indicated. These estimates concede to the demo crats all of tho congressional district In Greater New York except ouo, the Fifteenth. Lincoln Ed R, Sizcr, manager of llurkett'ti campaign, claims a majority In each county for Burkctt and a total majority of 2,000. The 3d, 4th, fith and Othdistriots are probably fusion on congi-OM. Hastings Republicans a majority, on straight ticket, of 378. This ia tures the election of the entire repub lican county ticket, MucColl carried Hastings by 130 in 1800. Kearney Buffalo county will elect Wyman and Easterling, fusion candi dates to the legislature, by 200 ma jority. Lincoln As early on 10 o'oloeli Chairman Stone of the repnbllfm county committee had reports from enough precincts to make him frdl sure of a majority of from 1,500 to 1,800 in the county for tho republican ticket, Part Be wan IT i The sewage of tho city ot Purls, i now being teed to irrigate an Immeaav farm ot nearly four square miles' area. It has proved such a benefit to tho lanfl that farmers In the vicinity, who ex pend It, are now anxious to airanga t receive aerugo on their own farm. k- i (i ft ', f i t H 6 I 1 ' I'-' 4 I "I -ll