The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1898, Image 1

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    kut;pa n --i it 11 i n n ii Trr 1 ti Tt 1 n i i-i "iinwr -.rr m-niin nine it ti i m in ii miiii i iwiii nimm immii.hmiii
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in tlio pupt r
Dm ing the pait two sonsonH wo li.iyo more than doubled our
biisiuoos. Thoiu must bu u reason for ibis.
The reason is
Quality and Price!
Wo buy the Quality ami wo make tho Pi ices. Wo soil you thu
cheap goods on thuir merits. Tho good goods go
at other cheap goods prices.
Mack Cat Hosiery. Tho boy's best friend.
Leather Stockings, por pair SGo.
Hosiery iu any und all styles, qualities and
Wo have just received anothor invoico of
Jackets and Capes.
Our trade in this lino has greatly exceeded
expectations, compelling us to double our
first order.
Our lino of plush capos is tho best over
shown in tho city. Our prices range from
$2.00 to $10.00.
Cloth Capes $1.00 to $12.00.
Jackets $4 50 to $12.00. '
Comparison of values and prices always ro-
f ults in our soiling tho garments.
Wo are giving tho best values in the city.
Our men's 50a fleece lined goods tho best
tho best thing on the market. Would bo a
good valuo at OOo.
Wo know it is good valuo from tho many
nico things peoplo say about it and from
tho largo amount wo daily sell
Wo nto also showing another garment at 80o
each. Theso aro regular 50o goods.
Children's Underwear.
Cumel hair, size 10 at 6c each, raiso of 8o
each sizo.
Sanitary flecco lined size 10 at IGo each, with
a raiso of 6c each sizo.
ISO nail's Cotton and wool blankots.
Close out Clothing.
160 pairs Mon's pants at half price.
Men's Shirts.
Ono lot of 75o and OOo men's colored shirts
with or without collars to closo out at 60a
25 pairs mon's fino boots, close out prlco $2
por pair.
Another invoico of quconswaro received. Wo
ate showing twelve patterna in plain and
decorated goods, English aud American.
Wo can soil you a semi-porcelain 100-pioco
dinner sot for SO. 50.
Decorated patterns from $850 to $18 00.
All goods In open stock patterns.
Now lino of glass waro received.
Largo invoico of toilet sets nnd CluistmaH
novelties in Harilaud, Limogurs and Aus
trian china. Many useful articles.
best soloctod stook in tho city.
Wo opened tho season with 500 pairs of
45c to $8 por pair.
To fit full sizo bod. not tho narrow kind.
that will mako them move.
12 men's suits.
10 mon's overcoats.
The prices that we havo put on theso goods
aro exceedingly low.
The reason wo must have room.
Ono lot of regular 85o ties to cIobo out at 22o
Tho Freshest aud best Hue of groceries iu tho
city. Pi ices lowest, quality highest.
Try a can of High Ufo coffee.
Why pay double tho prico for dress goods iu
older to gst somotoiug freti. Wo do not
umik our dirss good stock high and then
oiler "you" a special inmiceiiiiuit to gut
your dress goods trade. Wo put tin low
est poislblo ptieo on our poods to start
with. Tho result is a saving of fioni 10c to
to 20c por j aid to tho puiohuxer and gen
eral eatisfactlon to nil concerned
10 tit ess patterns left from the luigo invoico
of fall patterns, no two allko, 00c to 91.00
poi j aid.
! 000 yds. of black goods 10f $ 12" er yd.
B0 piece colored goods lOi tt. $1 V5 per yd
Fust plaw linings miy rutin d in t k.
Revised Roturns Givo Roosovolt
20,000 Plurality,
A Ki'iiulillcnh .riully Mnjoilty In
uroi Sunutor 3Iur!i'. Krttri'iumit
QuIrc Dofentori by William Aitor Clinn
lor lllnck't Frlonili U.rtl tlm Knlfo.
Ww Yoitic,
Nov. 10. Rovlsod re-
i.u is to-uay malca practically no
:' .mgj in those of last ulght, which
show el tho election of Colonel Rooso, Republican, for governor, by a
plurality of from 18,M0 to 20,000 over
Augustus Van W ', Democrat. As
'omparcd with tho election of )800,
when lllack dofen m Porter, this
ihows a Republican loss of from 100,
J00 to IOS.000. Roosovelt camo to tho
ll.trlem rlvei with IC',000 ilurallty,
ind Van Wyok only 85,000 in Greater
Now York. Tho vote outuldo tho city
is to-day
ihows that T .osovolt U st 01,000 as
compared with Black. In tho country
districts Van Wyck ran about 20,000
ind In tho city about 51,000 ahead of
Porter, tho Democratic head, two years
Tho stato'o congressional delogatlon
will probably stand flftoen Republic
ins to ninotoon Democrats, a Demo
cratic gain of twelve. In old Now
York city (Manhattan borough) no
Republican has beon relumed, and a
notable feature of the leotlon was the
lefeat by Captain William Astor Chan
ter of Lemuel E. Quigg for Congress
'n the Fourteenth district. Chanler
vercame a Republican plurality of
11,700 two years ago and won by about
J, 000.
Tho stato legislature will be Ropub
'ican on Joint ballot by thirty-two
rotes, insuring" tho election of a Re
publican to succcod Senator Edward
Murphy, Jr., on tho expiration of his
,crm on March 3, If 09. Tho state Sen
Uo will stand twentyssoven Republic
ins to twenty-threo Democrats,a Dem
ocratic gain of nine Tho Republicans
will havo eighty-nlno members of tho
assembly and the Democrats sixty-one.
Ibis is a Republican gain of eleven.
The vote of the state furnished sot
iral surprises. RoohosU., the home
Bf George W. Eldridgo, commissioner
of public works, gave Roosevelt only
120 plurality, against 4,104 for Blaok
n 1404. Renssaloer county, the home
of Governor Mack, gave Van Wyck a
plurality of about 700. Blaok carried
it by 2,800 two years ago. Roosevelt
an ahead of Black's figures In Alle
gheny by 300 and In Broomo by 2,500.
OrsTXR Bat, N. Y., Nov. 0. Colo-
ool Roosevelt was notified of his vic
tory by a telegram from Chairman
Odell of the Republican state commit
tee last night. Colonel Roosevelt was
it his houso at Covo Neck surrounded
by his family and some frlonds. Up
to tho time the telegraph office closed
ttioro was a flood of congratulatory
telegrams for the successful candidate.
Colonel Roosevelt said, aftor all
loubta as to his election bad boon re
moved: "I appreciate tho honor very
deeply, and I appreciate oven more
leoply tho responsibility involved In
tho honor. I shall do all in my power
to rcdoom evory promise I havo mado,
expressed or implied. I am a good Re
publican, and I bellrvo I can
icrvo tho Republican party by
lolng evory thing I can to
t servo tho Btatc. I
ltrlvo to administer the utllco of
irnor In tho Interests of tho whole
peoplo. It is by so doing that I can
best show iny appreciation of tho sup
port glvon mo by tho Independents and
Democrats, who havo thomsolvcs put
tho welfare of tho stato first, declin
ing to follow those of thalr leador,
J l tilUAS.
Detroit, Mi-a'i -i)u;iel J. 'jt'npau,
chairman of t o M -jiiccr itlo st(te committee,-
ooiic d s the re-e'cctlon of
Governor I'm 'rco by i plurality of
perhaps flO.ooa Tho entire list of
Miuhigau Republican congressional
candidates appeurc to bo eleoted,
although tho Democrat btlll have
hopes of (tarrying tho Second district,
and do not eopcoJa tho Third, Eighth
and Tenth "he Democratic commit
too oiaims to ha nim'j gains in tho
legislature uiio' ,ti to seat a third of
Its momlHirs, but it is generally be
lieved that lio legislature will bo
about four-fifths Republican.
nuw Jicns:v.
Trenton, N. J. New jfjrsey
Leon curried by tho Republicans and
Foster M. Voorhccs, tho Republican
caudtdate, is elected governor by about
1S.000 plurality, and both houses of
the legislature will ho ilepubllean.
This will liiHuro tho election of a Re
publican to succeed James Smith, Jr.,
Democrat, in tho United States Hen
ri te. Tho Democrats havo elected two
of the eight congressmen--Salmon in
the Fourth and Daly in thu Seventh.
Indianapolis, Intl. Chairman Mar
tin of tho Democratic stato commtttco
says roturns were not as yet sufllulciit
ly complete to dotermlno as to thu
state. Tho Republicans havo probably
elected In the Sixth, Dlghth, Tenth,
Elovonth and First districts, though
the last is not conceded. Democrats
claim tho Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Sevonth, Ninth, Twelfth and Thir
teenth districts. The legislature 1b still
In doubt.
Baltimore. Full and semi-official
roturns from tho city of Italtimoro and
partial roturns from tho balanco of
tho state makos It reasonably certain
that Maryland has returned four Re
publican and two Domocratio congress
men, aftor an extraordinarily closo
but entirely listless election. This is
a Domocratio gain of two.
Des Moines, Iowa. Tho Republican
majority this year will nearly equal
that of President McKinloy in 1800.
Ninety precincts show a not Repub
lican loss of thlrty-ono. Tho vote Is
falling off from 10 to 80 por cent, but
an 85 per cent voto is more than has
been oxpected by tho manage .
Boston. Tho Republicans havo
again carried Massachusetts and oloct
ed Roger Wolcott governor for the
fourth time, as well as tho entiro stato
tlckot, by about 70,000 majority. Tho
Democrats gain three congressmen.
Richmond, Va. Tho stato returns
solidly Democratic delegations of ten
mombors. The feature of tho election
is tho breaking; away from General
Walker of tho Republican' stronghold
of tho Ninth district, where ho was de
feated by Rhea.
RaUlgh, N. 0. Returns Indicate the
Democrats havo carried tho First,
Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and
Ninth. The legislature Is Democratic
in both branches by two-thirds ma
jority. The Democratic judicial
tloket is eleoted by 20,000.
A BarprUe 1b Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 10. Addi
tional returns do not materially
change the result announced last night
of over 00,000 Republican plurality
upon the state ticket and fifteen Re
publicans to six Democrats lor con
gress. The Republicans eleoted as
many congressmen In what Is known
as the "off year" as they eleoted at tho
last Presidential oleotion, whilo they
more than doubled tho plurality of
28,000 for Bushnell for governor last
The Republicans havo lost in Ohio
in theso "off years" excopt when Cleve
land was Presidont, when tho Demo
crats had tho aamo experlonoo becauso
oriuuuu uccaunu
of disappointments, dissatisfaction, election or ono (uawicyj, in the Tontli.
oto. Tho result is surprising to tho 'm Indiana no satisfactory ad
politicians on both sidos. Thoy say vlccs on tho doubtful congressional
Unit President MoKInlov Is tho F rst
Republican President to got tho in
dorsement of this state in tho "off
your" of his 'administration.
Thoy Would Not Voto In Arkanin.
Littlk Rook, Ark., Nov. 10. Tho
Congressional election In Arkansas
was tho quiotcBt hold In many years.
In Little Rqak, out of a voting popula
tion of about 7,000, only 800 votes
were polled, and that is about tho
ratio throughout tho stato. All of tho
old Congressmen, Democrats, wero ro-
l.wt rd TlrtriKinnrn. In Uin Flftli iIIh.
w.ww" . ..-..,...-.. ... -.. ...... .....
trict, was tho only candldato who had
Womuil Votuil Iu Idaho.
Boisk, Idaho, Nov. TO. Fpr tho first
Ltmn In thu hlstorv'of thlsstatu women
. havo voted for coiigimen and stato
- oflloerb. Thoy took tho liveliest In
torcst in thoprocoodlngs. In view of
tho Isolation of many places accurato
returns aro not yet available. It is,
theroforo, somowhut difficult to say
What effuot tho vote of tho women has
had upon tho general result
New wiudow shudes at Cutting's,
Roturns Show a Steady Domocratic
Gain in Congressman,
Clmlriuiin lliuuuck of tlio Itpnuhllcitn
Ccinj;rc.itin;it C-uninlttco Mnkc. 11 Do
clilntt Cut In Uli K.tlnmto Dotiiuornt.
Claim to VM Control.
Wasiiinokin. Nov. 10. 'Interest In
the election centered In the. political
complexion of tho next House, tho
Senate being conceded to bu Repub
lican, Although Chairman llubeoelc
of tho Republican congressional com
mittee, did not loavo his headquarters
until after 4 o'clock this morning, ho
was back ngaln at his desk shortly
after 0 o'clock dispatching telegrams
to all tho doubtful districts urging
the chairmen to hurry In tho ro
turns. Mr, liabcock in his figures
takes nothing for granted. This
morning ho mado what ho termed an
ultra-conservative estlmato lu which
ho eliminated a number of doubtful
districts. This estimate gives tho Re
publicans 18S members in tho next
House, a majority of thirteen over all.
Tho states ho is most anxious to hoar
from aro Illinois, Indiana and Penn
sylvania. At 1:30 o'clock Chairman liabcock
ovised his fliruros und now claims tho
next Houso will bo Republican by at
least flvo and pos. bly fifteen votes.
"We havo mado such gains," ho said,
"In tho Northeast and West that our
osses in Now York, Pennsylvania and
Mio South will not affect our control
it tho House. I believe later figures
will materially Increase our majority."
Socrotary Korr of tho Domocratio
:oinmlttco, continues to claim tho
Houso by at least seven majority. rn
view of tho closeness of tho contest
lato returns aro watched eagerly by
both committees.
A telegram as rccoivod at Republic
En headquarters at noon from Wilkes
barre, Pa., stating that Ropresonta-
tlvo Morgan B. Williams, Republican,
had been defeated. Representatives
had boon counted by the Republicans
is eleoted. A fow minutes after this
dispatch was received anothor roachod
headquarters from Chicago, stating
that tho Illinois Republicans wero
claiming tho election of a Republican
candidate who, according to earlier re-
The Republican leaders privately are
not oonfldsnt Thoy realize that an
official count may bo necessary In some
districts to settle the exact majority in
the House. Tho returns so far re
ceived indloatos that tho party major
ity either way will not oxceed, and in
soma quarters tho prediction is mado
that thore will bo an antl-Ropubllcan
Houso with tho Populists strong
enough to dictate tho election of tho
J. L. Bristow wired that Kansas
would send six Republicans and that
Long had defeated Simpson, hut tho
defeat of Simpson Mr. liabcock dc
illncs to credit until ho receives fur
ther advices. Clnirman Greene o tho
Texas stato comnitteo claims hroo
Republicans Intu Lono Star stato,
but Mr. liabcock only figures upon tho
--- --- - -...j .. ....- ..r.. ...
. usincis nave arrivou, out, .ur, iau
jock, iu his calculations, admits tho
loss of two districts, thoia of Farrls
ttid Land Is, either of which may havo
been carried by tho Republicans. Ho
flgurerf a Certain loss of three districts
i In Illinois, loavlnir throo doubtful.
Iliunn, Ii'jwls, C. W. Stono and Woodln
n Pennsylvania ho puts In tho doubt
'ul column.
In his estlmato of 10S ho does not in
clude the doubtful dlstrtets. Tito re
turns hi tho East, Middle West and
Northweft show tint tho Republican
lossos wero iu the cities, whilo
the guins wero In
tho-rurul districts,
ind this- encourages, him to 'liono
that whon'tho roturns come in later
from tho country some of the districts
which now appear to bo lost may bo
taved to tho Republicans. Thl-t is Uio
caso, for iuataiio. in Pago Morris' dis
trict in Minnesota. .Mr, Haook now
figures on Morris' dqfent.but bethinks
there is a chance for Ills eleetfon.
There is also a chuuee of nnolher
Republican from California, ono from
Nebraska, one from Kansas, two from
Wisconsin, ono from .Michigan, ono
from North Carolina, one from Vir
ginia and ono from Kentucky,
Rojul make tlm toml pure,
wholetome and dellcloiu.
Absolutely Pure
Chaiiman Kerr of tho domncratlo
songrosslmial committee bad not ap
peared at Democratic headquarters at
10 o'clock aud no advlcos had beon re
ceived stneo ho gave out his statcmont
at 3:30 this morning. This Btatemeat
olaitncd an opposition majoiity of 27.
California la Itepubllcarv.
San Fhahoisco, Nov. 10. California
has elected a Republican governor and
probably tho ontlro state tioltot by
pluralities estimated at from &.000 to
$0,000. John D. Sprcckols, tho Cali
fornia member of tho Republican na
tional committee, claims tho electloa
of six out of seven congressman.
The Republicans will havo a large
pajorlty In tho legislature, which will
this winter elect a United States sena
tor to succeed Stephen M. White,
1nerrla Taper Reports Great War Prep
arations Vreaa Generally Moderate.
Faiub, Nov. 10. -Tho Eoho do Paris
oubllshos a dispatch to-day which says
that tho ontlro French Mcdltteranoaa.
tquadron Is ready for sou.
Tho Froncli newspapers gonerally
ipprovo tho silcnco of tho Clu.mbor of
Deputies on thu Fashoda affair and
songratulate M. Brunot on tho with
drawal of tho interpellation which he
Intondod to address to tho Senate upon
the subject. Tho Slcclo says It regrets
that Major Marchand did not observo
tho same roticenco at Cairo.
lie Sajm Ney Waa Ilia Teacher.
Skdalia, Mo., Nov. 1 0. Colonel
rhomas F. Huston, who died at Hous
ton yesterday, Hgod 80yT3, attained
wide notoriety oy assorting that is
North Carolina, when a lad, he at
tended a school which ho said was
taught by Marshal Ney, Napoleon's
'amouB commander. Houston de
tlarcd that Noy was not put to deatk
n Franco, but escaped and camo t
America, whore ho taught sohool
under an assumed name. Colonel
Houston mado a thorough study of the
natter and wrote much concornlng lb.
A Whaler SO,000 Cargo.
San FnANCisco, Nov. 10. The whal
ing steamer Thrasher has arrived in
port from tho Arctic with a big cargo.
Sho has had the luck that has followed
nost of tho whalers that havo recently
irrlved, and has stowed away In the
Hold 10,000 pounds of whalebone, nor
.argo Is valued at over 850,000. The
7QveSnmcnt plnnned to olinrtor tho
Thrasher a year ago to go to tho relief
5f tho whalers at Point Barrow, but
tho was given up as too expensive.
Colorado Fiulon r 00.000.
Denvkh, Col., Nov. 10. Tho fusion-' (
Ualo ticket, headed by Charles S. f
Thomas, Democrat, fpr governor, Is-, '
elocted by a majority of about 60,000,
Xho Fuslonlsts havo an ovorwholmruff
majority in tho legislature.
Prom Kow Zculand.'
Reekton, N. Z., Nov, 23, 1800.
I din very pleased to 8 titulhat since;? "
I took the pgaitoy of ChaiiilioiliiInV
liicdlulucs tho salo has been very liugiv
more especially of the Cough ltetnuly.
In two j earn I liuvo sold nioiu of i$
parlioiiliir reuietly than of all (iilier
make fur the previous llvo yeari fa'-
to its vlllcaoy, I havo boon informrtf byi,
seortH uf persons of tlio good rt'en'ti "
lit y hue ici'oivpil from if-, und ku -w
lis valuo f i urn the mo fit i1 v,v own
hoiiruluilil. It Is hopnes. uonen.ta,.
thif wn hive n pMnrwllli-o aboitiinl
Win iimcuol tliecii (
.... JiWO
i or sale b) U. &j
. , .. . m
. -A --.-m..
w M,jitint.fmrtn
C-. -WiVn-
. jbmi$Mmawn
S. tJJrtWWlirtiwj