The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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----wvb m w w a MWI
f.tente of Moro Than raining Interest
Which HaveTr.inadieri Since the Wnr
Knded 1'eaea I'rogreM and Movement
if Army, Navy, and Departments.
YTednciday, October so.
A heavy blizzard raged In northern
Illinois yesterday.
The Spnnish troops in Cuba are cm
barking for'Spnin as fast ad they can
possibly securo ships.
The Khoshono Indians in Nevada
nre showing signs of (.'tinning trouble,
und citizens fear an outbreak.
Lillian Ktm&cll has secured a divorco
from Slgnor Perugrinl. It Is Mild sho
contemplates marrying a Chicago man.
Comptroller of Currency Dawes lias
ordered tho system of semi-annual ex
aminations oi national banks to be
'"uesdny's btatcmentof the condition
ja tho treasury shows nu available
cash balance of83n.'i.m3,470, uuda gold
reserve of 8240,207,'JOl.
Tho Union Tobacco of America with
a capital of 310,000,000 hns been formed
at Albany, N. Y. It will bo a rival of
tho American Tobacco Company.
Leslie Curnctt, aged twelve years,
While caring for a broncho, was kicked
by the animal and his leg was broken
near the hip. The break is a bad ono.
England has issued a second bluo
book nnd insists on absolute control
of tho Kile. Ilnglnnd's answer to
France is virtually to get out or pre
pare to fight.
Affairs in the Philippines ore far
from tranquil. The natives want in
dependeni'o, and are near the danger
stage. Tho attitude of tho insurgent
troops is very menacing.
At Marquette, Mich., some miscreants
attempted to murder James Pen dill,
an cntkulsotllu anti-saloon man, nnd
Incidentally his entire family, by
blowing his house up with dynamite.
The charge wns not heavy enough.
The time for the evacuntlon of Cuba
has been extended from December 1 to
January 1. The extension of time wns
given on advice of Ucncrnl Wndc.'who
said it would be imposslblo for all the
Spaniards to be sent home before then.
It is generally reported in Manila
that tho First Nobra-ska boys hold the
record for killing tho most Spaniards
of nny regiment; it being said that on
the night when they were mostficrcely
attacked in tho trenches, that they
did the Spanish for the greatest dam
age they sustained in the whole cam
paign. The crisis long brewing in Franco
came to n head yesterday. The meet
ing of the deputies was the signul for
an uproar. Tho llrisson ministry has
resigned. Tho government was de
feated nftnr a stormy session. Over
100,000 people nssembled in the Place
de la Concorde shouting "Vivel'Armc,"
and "Down with the traitors." More
attention Is centered in tho Dreyfus
case than in the Fasliodti affair. Konie
500 arrests bavo been made.
II. O. Beatty, secretary of tho Oma
ha Business Men's association, is send
leg out notices of a meeting held in
Omaha at which which representatives
of different rctnil associations of the
state were in attendance when matters
were discussed pertaining to an organ
ized effort at the next session of the
legislature against department stores
nnd catalogue houses. Representa
tives from many retailers' associations
were prcscut.
Thursday, October 97
The Indian scare In Nevada is sub
siding. Tho well known car building firm of
John Stevenson & Co., of New York,
has gone into the hands of a receiver.
A heavy gnlc prevnilcd over Lake
Michigan, and many lako craft were
in peril, and some wcro badly dam
aged. L. Z. Loiter has purchased hand
some residence in London and present
ed it to his daughter, Lady Curio n of
Keddleston, vlccrlne of India. The
price was 3200,000.
The American liner City of Paris,
known during tho war as the auxili
ary cruiser Yale, has been restored to
the" condition of a merchantman, and
left Now York yesterday for South
ampton. The trial of Jcaso James, jr., for
complicity in the train robbery at
Leeds on September S3 last, has begun.
Sentiment at Kunsas City Is in favor
of tho prisoner.
The upheaval in France may affect
tho peace commissions' negotiations.
The Madrid cabinet crisis has been
avoided by tho fact that General Cor
rea, war minister, hns been prevailed
upon to withdraw hia resignation nnd
remain in tho cabinet.
Friday, October SB,
M. Dunuy has been asked to form a
cabinet in succession to the lirlsson
Porto IMcans are taking kindly to
American ways and rapidly adapting
themselves to our ways.
The French Court of cassation will
probably declare Captain Dreyfus in
nocent and let him loose.
Tho Galois, n Purls paper, thinks
hostilities between Spain and tho
United States may bo renewed.
General Wood, military governor of
Hnntlturo, has set his foot down on the
importation to Santiago of pauper no
groa from Iluyti.
At a mooting of the newly elected
board of directors of tho Union Paolflo
Uallroad company at New York tho
present officers wore re-elected.
PrwJdout McKlnluy has issued tho
customary Thanksgiving proclama
tion and unnica November 24 as the
William J". Nolan, at St. Louis, has
been acquitted on his second trial of
the mnrdcr of John Welnnud, un old
man, who was killed about u year ugo
uud lib hbuso looted.
Tho general strike of tho bisters'
in the boot nnd shoe factories in llrock
ten, Hooklnnd, Middlobury, Stockton
nnd othor towns In southeastern Mnsa
nchusettn, which was began about six
weeks ago, was declared oil today uud
the union has authorized the strikers
to return to work.
At Richmond, Vn., Emanuel Morris
was bunged for the outrage of a six-year-old
blind girl, and Peter Autre
for the murder of his mistress. Both
wero colored.
Saturday, October 80.
Yellow fever report from the south
show n marked decrease in uow cases.
Admiral Dewey has cabled to the
navy department that nil Is qulut at
Pekln, and everything is lovely nt
The Tonkin river boiler nnd cnglno
works in Oswego, N. Y., were de
stroyed by lire. Loss 810.1,000. Otto
Snyder, the night watchman, perished
lu the building.
A gold excitement prevails nt Mel
vern, O. It is claimed some assays of
quartz show 850 to SCO to tho ton. A
big qunaU crusher will bo In opera
tion in a day or two.
Tho loss of tho steamer L. R. Doty,
with its entire crew of sixteen men,
during the gnlc on Lnko Michigan Is
now conceded. Wreckage brought to
Chicago has been Identified by Captain
Allison of tho stcumer (leorgo Will
iams, which belongs to tho sainu line,
us haviug coinu from tho Doty.
Bunday, October 30.
Emperor William of Germany is safe
at Jerusalem.
David A. Wells, the noted economist,
is ut the point of death at his homo in
Norwich, Conn.
Fall River manufacturers state that
the pooling and curtailment by print
cloth mills is having a satisfactory ef
fect. Tho carders of the Tlargravcs cotton
mills of Fall River, Mass., have decid
ed to strike. The spinners arc already
out. ,
Tho French court of cnssnlton has
granted n revision of Uio Dreyfus case,
but the prisoner must, in the mean
time, remain tin exile.
Tho torpedo boat Fnrragut, in a
speed trial at San Francisoo, utluincd
better than thirty knots speed, lie
governmental trial will tuko pluco this
Isaac Stetson, n miser, was found
dead near hishoment Waliconah Falls,
Mush. He was probably murdered for
his money. It Is cbti mated ho was
worth 50,000.
Colonel Oco. E. Waring, Jr., died
of yellow fever in New York, where
he has been since his arrivul from Ha
vana. Ho wns sixty-seven years old.
Colonel Waring was sent to Navnua
by tho government to ascertain tho
snnltary condition of tho city.
In the United States circuit court at
Charleston, S. C, Judgo Simoutou
grunted a perpetual Injunction re
straining the railroad commissioners
of that state from enforcing their or
der that the telcgruph companies pay
the war t".x on messages sent in tho
Monday, October ill.
Paris has quieted down.
Great Britain is preparing to mako
a naval demonstration.
It is said the pope will soon issue an
cncylical on anarchism.
J. II. Gran fill, penniless, shot him
self in his room iu n Chicago hotel.
Jim Davis, a notorious Arkansas
moonshiner, lias been captured uud is
now in jail at Tcxarkanu, Ark.
The French press Is beginning to
manifest a much more conciliatory
spirit regarding Fashodn, apparently
with a view to preparing tho public
mind for the recall of tho Murchand
At a meeting at Snn Juan, Porto
Rico, of delegates from the chief towns
of the hland, resolutions were adopted
demanding territorial rights, an eight
hour day for laborers, and tho cessa
tion of tho present military rule and
the Installation of regulur civil gov
erment. Two bodies wero taken from the
ruins of the Union elevator fire at To
ledo. One is thought to be that of
Bert Wtilnwrlght, who is still unac
counted for. A total of eighteen dead
is tho result of this tire, which oc
curred September 20.
Tuciday, November 1.
The Cubans are demanding that tho
tho United States turn over the ofllces
to them.
At Toledo, O., a party of boys play
ing hallowe'cn pranks, frightened
Mrs. Win. Sagur to death.
Iu tho Fashodn affair Franco has
yielded to Great Britain, but it is pre
dicted trouble will como later.
The whole Japaneso cabinet has re
signed because of being unable to
agree upon tho question of filling tho
portfolio of education.
The Nicaragunn congress has unani
mously approved tho agreement made
between President Zelaya and the
American company Iu relation to tho
interoccanlc cannl.
Near Lako Itaskn, Minnesota, Nel
son Rust shot und killed his friend
Wm. McMullcn. They were out hunt
lug together, and Rust mistook his
friend for a deer.
After a chase ncross two continents,
Lambert Wilt, chief comptroller of tho
Bunglnu Savings bank at Bunglau,
Bohemia, was arrested at St. Louis on
the charge of having absconded with
100,000 guldens, equivalent to341,4'JO.
The American commissioners at Paris
have told Spain what the United
States wants in tho Philippines. They
presented a written expression of the
purpose of tho United States to tako
tho entire group of Philippine Islands
and to assume such proportion of the
Philippine debt ils has becu spent for
tho bencilt of tho Islands or their in
habitants in public works, improve
ments and permnnont betterments.
The Spanish commissioners asked un
til Friday to consult their government.
Jt is said that 38,500 soldiers, form
ing tho volunteer battailous in the
proviuco of Havana, will noxt week
manifest to General Blanco, through
their chiefs, their desire to deliver up
their arms before November 15.
Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, was formally
arraigned in Justice Cook's court ut
San Francisco yesterday and pleaded
not guilty to tho charge of having
caused tho death of Mrs. John P. Dun
ning of Dover, Del.
Tho Peruvian government is prepar
ing a special book giving tho history
of the MeCord claim with a view to
showing that tho. action by tho United
States government is unjust uud unfriendly.
Major Henry Zlegenhetn of St- Louie
Taught to Boora tho Queer Oimtom
of Wearing Swallow Tailed Coata aait
White Neektlef.
who has pulled the
beard of tho great
IJ Veiled Prophot by
refusing to wear
full dress at the big
ball In St Louis, is
a plain, blunt mnn,
who likes uot tho
fastidious ways of
hlKh tioclcty. Thoso
ho know him uro not surprised at the
tand ho took. Ho always wcaro u
Prlnco Albert, nnd ho snya that ho was
married In such n coat; was inaugu
rated in such a coat and has worn a
similar garment at all functions where
his ofrico has demanded his attendance,
and thnt ho does not proposo to give It
up now. Ho in "a man of tho people"
Ho was boru In St. Louis county nnd
has always resided elthor In tho coun
ty or city. His wife, also, 1b from the
county nnd there his children wcro
born. His tastes are few and simple
Tho fact that ho is the chief executive
haB not changed him, and today ho
visits and dinca with tho humble clt
IzonB who know him before hie Induc
tion into ofllce. When tho mayor is In
his office at the city hall ho Is ulwayH
unapproachable. As a general rule ho
slant's In the reception-room, hears
what his callers have to say, and an
swers them at onco. During tho hot
weather ho received visitors in hlB
shirt sleeves nnd in very warm weather
left off his vest. Ho Is over six feet
in height, smooth shaven nnd with
full, fat florid face Thcro Is usually
a smllo on hia lips and n merry twln
klo in hia eye. He dresses modestly,
wearing a Prince Albort coat, with
trousers nnd vest of similar cloth;
white linen and a plain black tie. There
Is but ono oddity and that is his hat.
His lints arc patterned after those of
the Quakers of Peun's day, and tho
pleadings of hia wifo and tho gibes
of his friends will uot mako him
chango it. Ills hat Is famous In Bt
The Rev. Simon P. Slhlall of Tcm
buland, who returned recently to South
Africa from England, lu doubtless tho
moat interesting Kaffir who has visit
ed England for somo years. Ho was
the first Knfllr to mntrlculato at the
Capo university, and also tho first to
represent officially tho churches of
South Africa at tho Congregational
union of England and Wales. This
ho did In May last. Mr. Slhlall, who
Was educated at Lovcdalc, was ordain
ed in 1881 at Graaff-Relnet, entering
two years later on his work in Tombu
land. Ho han been instrumental In
securing tho erection of six places of
worship and schools, nnd his church
has a membership of COO porsons. Dur
ing his brief stay in England fricntlB
hare subscribed over $2,500 toward tho
erection of a permnnont church nt Sol
omon's Valo, tho center of bis field of
labors, for which tho chief Mgudlva
lias prcscntod a site. '
But few women have tlrao to look
like their portraits.
WH,MS OF SE:8ICK people.
The captain of a big liner Bays that
ho should consider himself a rich man
It ho had as many sovereigns an thcro
were curcB for eca-slckncss. Every
person who sails with him knows Just
how to act when tho "go roundand
round sort of feeling" begins to assert
Itself, and thoro aro so many cer
tain remedies that mal do mcr ought
long ago to have lost Its terrors.
During a very rough trip across tho
Atlantic, a well-dressed gentleman Bat
down In tho center of the wave-washed
deck, produced a photograph, and stnr
cd hard nt It for hours. PussongciB
who wcro In n condition to notlco his
Btrnnge conduct thought he wan gazing
upon tho fnco nt his best girl, nnd
winked knowingly nt ono nnothor; but
their surmlso v,ns an erroneous ono.
Tho photograph was really a repre
sentation of tho gcntleninn's worst en
emy, nnd ho firmly believed that, It ho
glared nt It long enough tho bitter
thought itrouscd in his mind by tho
Bight of it would wnrd off Hca-Blcknca.
"Fix your mind upon somo ono you
hato," ho cxplnlned, "and you will
never bo 111 whllo nt aca."
Thoro wns a wild commotion on
board another vessel ono morning, foi
tho captain found thnt somo thief had
broken Into his cabin that night nnd
stolen his best uniform. A huo nnd
cry woo at onco raUcd, and tho rough
sailors, secretly enjoying tho Joke,
questioned every ono on bonrd, not
oven sparing the first-class passcngors.
At last, however, tho missing uni
form wnlked unsteadily from tho
cook's galley, nnd tho person Inside
mnilo n beo line for tho bulwarks. "1
always thought the togs captains wore
wero a provontntlvo of sca-Blckncsa,"
ho stuttered, "but I'm afraid l'vo boon
laboring under n dolualon. Tell tho
skipper I'll lot him hnvo 'cm back In
half a minute they're no good to me."
Ono of tho sailors on a vessel out
ward bound for India rushed on deck
with a livid face, and startled tho cap
tain by stating that seven passengers
had been found dead In tholr bertha,
Instantly assuming thnt there had been
foul play; the captain urouBCd tho doc
tor, nnd they went together to visit tho
Btrickcn sleeping plnccs. To all np
pearttneo tho frightened sailor had
spoken tho truth for passengers lay
white and still, not a sign betraying
that life still remained to them.
The doctor examined them, and then
went 'away with a frown on his face,
returning shortly with a dupper little
Frenchman, who had mado himself n
favorite with every ono.
"Thlu gentleman will bo nolo to set
your mind nt rest, captain," remarked
the doctor, and tho Frenchman, with
a careless smllo, rapidly proceeded to
rouse all tho quiescent passengers. It
seemed that ho was a professional
hypnotist, and that for a feo of one
guinea ho agreed to send any ono who
feared to undergo tho pangs of sen
sickness Into a sound mesmerio sleep.
But for tho doctor's Intcrferenco, he
said, his patients would havo slumber
ed until tho shores of India worf
A Morocco Dainty.
There is no accounting for tastos.
What suits tho palato of ono may be
llttlo esteemed by another. An Eng
lish traveler and sportsman had rec
ommended to him. when ho was In Mo
rocco, a variety of gamo which ho
would not bo very keen for at home.
His Informant wns a BOldicr, for no
foreigner is nllowcd to travel In that
country without sunk attendance. Ho
began telling marvelous stories of the
game In tho neighborhood, of tho sul
tan's army, nnd of bis own Importauco.
Ono remark on cooking for bo was a
gourmand is worth repeating. "Thero
Is," ho said, "only ono kind of game
worth eating In Morocco wildcat. Its
tnsto Is a.'i tho tasto of all other va
rieties of gamo mixed. When onco you
havo tasted wildcat, novor will you eat
anything again with pleasure." Prob
ably not; I should think It enough to
poison moBt people, but I darod not say
so. I mwely proposed in a weak voice
thnt I preferred owl stowed with mus
tard and sand. He said that ought to
ho good, too, but ho hnd never tried It.
Membership of tlm I.rcloi, of Honor.
Moro than C0.000 Frenchmen belong
to tho Legion of Honor. Thirty-two
thousand of those aro connected with
the army. Tho rest are civilians.
Some Wonderful Feat of Memory An
extraordinary Volcanic Etuptlon The
Largest Meteor Known Mfe In
Ventral America HenclU-ent Nature.
A Mnlia- nt Hia V.
I slug of tlio wrsl, at tho pccrlers went,
ui uio r.urn wnrrn iiicmy reigns,
Wlicro tho sunllclit (jlvuiim on tlio erynUd
Ah.! tflua.a Hia IiIIIm n.t.1 .tlnl..
v. .(.. n ..inn .nil. I'l.i.iir1,
Whcro Urn ImrvcMn laugh lu Uio ranch-
rr n ineo.
Anil tltrt frilll mi Iia tuiti.llmw !
...... vi eiite vii till) ui'Miiiiifi ii.i
Ih all ntlunli with n rony lilunti
rrom tno hio or uio afutcy iiroeze.
( Mnit of the lninl whcro tlio minor's drill
IJItoa deep Into nntum'a lionrt,
Whcro tlio powder roars nt It rends tlio
To llio KoUlen Iron sum nnnrl,
Where tlm hihoIio from the hilts rlc up
nnd blnulH
with tho clouds In It darUonlnK nlKht,
And tho jmelt train which 'round tho tor
Itiotm IipikIh
Of the trnll on tho mountain height.
I bIiir of tho vales vhero tlio llowcra
Of the fnrext.i so dorp nnd dark,
VUicro tho wild dei-r piny ihrouuh the
uinincr dnyi,
..An' '''" Jn tho Kr.iny park,
hero tho nntlerod ellc In Itn majcfity
1 ho Alinde of tho ptnon ncoks,
And tho inountnln sheep In their nntlcs
Tre-in the ernga of tho towering penku.
X slnjr of the homes on tho wide-spread
Or ncHtlliiff nmld the penk.
Whcro tho breezes pluy In their .merriest
And Uod through tho AonjjWrd upenks.
N hero tho duvo of penco wllh Us etiowy
Is perched over every hearth,
Wlicro tho heurte nro Unlit nnd tho eyes
And tho echocH nro rlfo with mirth.
Then hurrnh for tho west! for the peer
Icms west!
Hurrah for tho homo of health!
Whcro tho valleys ulcum lllio a Roldcn
And thn mountnuts nro Korj;ed with
Whcro tho people dwell In content nnd
In tho wild of the luwy town,
w here tho sun Is brluht und tho ntnrn al
8 a Jewels In nature's crown.
Wnmlerritl Memorlua.
Sanger, tho philologist of the eIx
teenth century, who edited sovernl ot
tho classics, was so certain ot his mem
ory, sayo a writer In the London Stand
ard, that ho undertook to repeat long
passageB from Latin works with a dag
ger nt his breast, which was to bo used
against him in the event of his memory
falling; whllo Hencca, tho tutor of No
ro, could repent two thousand words
exactly as ho'hoard them. Popo could
turn nt onco to nny pnBsago which had
struck hlra when rending; and Leydcn,
the Scottish poet, who died In tho early
part of tho century, was also rcmarka
bio for ltis memory. When congratu
lated on ono occasion upoti his aptitude
for remembering things Uryden replied
that ho often found his memory a
source of Inconvenience Surprlso was
expressed at this, whereupon tho pool
replied that ho oflen wished to recall
a particular passage, but could not do
so until ho hud repeated tho whole
poem, from the beginning to whcro tho
pasoago occurred which he wished to
Leydcn Is nlso credited with having
been able to repeat an act of Parlia
ment or a lengthy legal document, aft
er having heard It once, tho news
papers of January, 1820, contain fre
quent alluslouu to tho casu of a man
nnmed Thomson, who drew plans of a
dozen London parishes, including every
church, chapel, yurd, court, inonumont,
lamp-post, and Innumcrablo trees nnd
pumps without reference to a single
book, and without asking a single
question; and nu English clergyman
mentions n mnn ot weak intellect who
lived about tbo snruo time, who could
remember tho names and ages of
every man, woman and child who had
been burled in tho parish during thir-ty-tlvo
yenra, logetlier wllh tho dates
of burial and the names ot tho mourn
ers present at the funeral. That great
memories aro not tho product of civili
zation Is proved by an lnstanco record
ed by Dr. Moffatt, the great African
missionary. Dr. Moffatt once preached
a sermon to a group of negroes, and
was shortly afterward attracted by the
gesticulations of a young 'savage ad
dressing a number of blacks. On going
up to the group he was amazed to hear
tho savago reproducing his own ser
mon word for word.
An Kxtraordlnary Volcanta Kraptlon.
A writer In McClure'u Mngnzine gives
tho fullest and most interesting account
of Uio great Krakatoa eruption that
has yet been printed In popular form.
This extraordinary convulsion occurred
on that llttlo Island In tho Straits at
Sunda, between Javn and Sumatra, on
Aug. 2C and 27, 1883. Tho island was
not Inhabited and its highest peak was
only 3,000 feet, whllo nearby thcro aro
mountains of 12,000 feet. Tbo volcano
bad been quiescent for two hundred
ycara. In May, 1883, it began to show
signs ot uneasiness, and by tho last of
August tbo walls of the craters had to
crumbled away that tho ocean begun to
flow lu, and a tremendous wnrfaro be
tween water and lire begau. On tho
27tb came tbo blow-up, tho greatest ex
plosion tbo world has known elnco rec
ords were made. Tho nolso was heard
at tbo Island of Rodriguez, which to
2,003 mlleu distant. That Is equal to
a nolso at Philadelphia being heard at
Son Francisco! Mapping out tho area
over which the nolso wns heard, it Is
found to bo one-thirteenth of tbo sur
face of tho globe. The sen waves thnt
resulted wero felt ut tho Capo of Good
Hope, distant 5,000 miles. Their aver
ago speed was 3G0 miles an hour, and
nearby they wero terrible. Tho lives
lost$iro figured with romarkablo pre
cision", nt 26,380. Tho explosion sot air
waves n motion that went throj Units
around tho world In ono direction and
four times In tho other, as evldonccd
by oolf-rcglstorlng barometers. These
waves' wont rouud tho world onco In
thirty-six bourn, Tho tliiBt cast up by
tho crnRh was In tho sky for several
years nnd caused tho beautiful sunseta
that were so Inuch talked about This
Information Jill comes from Professor
Mllno, who gives tho consoling adden
dum that thcro nro volcanoes In Amer
ica and Huropo that will somo day bt
cutlng up similar caper.
llenencent Nature.
A flower lover of Upper Ooyscr Das
In, Yellowstone Park, owhb a unique
hothouse. It is built of rough Blabs ot
wood and hns a glasa roof, Tho build
ing faces' tho cast, cxplainutho Waver
ley Mngnzine. Tho heat 1b furnished
by hot water from a live-inch orlllco In
tho ground ut tho tonth end ot tho
building; it then flows north to tho
center of tho building. Tho water
comes from a geyser and at tho time
of its exit Is almost nt tho boiling
point. Tho bede nro raised from eight
een Inches to two feet for circulation
and to afford a plnco for tho growing of
mushrooms. Tho result of this high
tpmpcrnturo Is wonderful. Tho bcdB aro
filled about three feet deep with rich
stable refnso mixed with ono-thlrd all
ien formation from near by. Tho rich
soil, tho sun's light nnd tho condensa
tion of steam from the hot water, make
an ideal combination for tho growth of
vegetation. Lettuce, It is snid, cornea
up from tho dry seed In two dnya and
good-sized hcadB of lettuce wero gath
ered In from fifteen to eighteen dnya
after planting. Cucumber vlnco grow
from twenty-flvo to thlrty-flvo fect'ln
length in less than sixty days, without
being watered, except for tho moisture
In tho air. On Romo ot tho cucumber
vlnco flvo full-ntzed cucumbers were
gathered from a slnglo Joint. Three
palls of water havo been sufficient tor
watering tho plants in tho greonuousi
on even the hottest day.
, I.nrjjou Motonr Known.
A meteorite, described as half the
slzo of St. Paul'B Cathedral, London, la
said to havo fallen nt Port Alfred,
South Africa. It mado n holo in the
ground fifty foot deep, 120 feot long and
sixty feet wldo, which would mnko It
tlio largest known metcorlto on record,
nnyfi tho Independent. Uelng n elngla
piece, apparently, It was probably solid
iron, lllio othor meteorites known,
some of which hnvo weighed a number
of tons, but none of this slzo Is record
ed. And yet there Ih no reason to be
lieve that multitudes very much larger
may not bo traveling lu tho celestial
spares; and It is only good luck that
prevents our falling in with them.
Thero Is no Inheront impossibility that
n meteorite or little asteroid as large as
somo of the multitudes that revolva be
tween Maro and Jupiter might come
within tho sphere ot tho earth's attrac
tion largo enough to cover an entire
Stnto. They may bo even moving In
tho track of comets, although wo know
perfectly well that tho bulk ot the ma
terial of eomotn is very Inconsiderable,
and tho earth has more than once
passed through tho tall of a comot
without any more effect than a shower
of falling stars. What tho effect would
bo of striking the head of a comet we
do not yet know.
I.lfo In Central Amerlea.
A writer In tho Providence Journal
tells ot a conversation ho onco had
with a wealthy and educated Central
American coffco pluntcr: "Ills estate,
upon which more than half of-his time
was spent, was twenty miles from town
and postofllco and reached only by a
bridle path. All of his coffee had to be
Bent to shipping pointa by pack mule,
and household stores taken home la
tho samo wny. I asked him If a car
riage road could not easily bo built to
tho district whore ho lived. 'Certainly
ho roplled, 'but what would be the use?
What better way Is thore to travel
than by horseback? Wo all love-It, and
when wo want to ride In carriages we
go to Guropo or the United State.'
'But,' I said, 'your coffeo could than
bo hauled in wagons and much expense
nnd inconvenience be saved. And I
suppose you would want a postofBc
.i .... . M.ik
nearer uumo anu inuru iruiiutjiu inuiw. v.
Ho laughed heartily. 'I assure you, ray
dear sir,' he said, 'that wo get our mall
quite often enough. I always dread the
day on which It arrives. It means
work, for 1 havo qulto a correspond
ence. Ab to tho coffeo, thero la profit
enough In it already, so why not let tho
mules and muleteers havo tho Job!' "
Iu i'lolitnd.
Although in essentials, the Finns are
highly civilized, some of their customs
aro peculiar. For exumple, tho Flnlan
dcr never shakes bauds. Ho seizes
one's digits us though they wero a
pumphandlo, and warmly holds them,
wrostleti with them, and wngs them,
until you wonder whether you will be
able ever again to claim your band as
your own. Again, ho makes a point et
being devoted to his wifo In public,
fondling her assiduously before bin
friends. On tho other hand, ho seldom
klEiies his mother and never his sisters.
Daughters seldom kiss their parents,
and brothers and sisters raroly touch
hands. Another strango freak In a land
whcro for two or three mouths there Is
no night, Ih that the Finns uover have
shuttora nnd peldom blinds at the win
dows; consequently tho sun streams la
unabated. Moreover, tho beds are al
ways no placed that the occupants face
tho wlndowB. Apparently Flnlanders
cannot hnvo too touch sunlight, by way
ot contrast to he darkness they live
In during tho long winter. In tho nortii
of tho Grand Duchy tho sun disappears
altogether In December and January,
aud winter every,;
;ts for eight or
nine months.
Wi cold Ib ex
Lv'uiamomoter. coBsive, accord t
IWC5T " "i ' J
ono ooos noi i
&B&&.11.? 1
tho air Is dryrtl
crlsnesB nrj
i f
flgfglp ;! mwwtM
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