The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1898, Image 5

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Let Your
Light Shine
by using
one of
An Elegant Vase
Famp for $i.oo.
A Good Stand
Lamp for 25c.
Fino Assortment.
Low Prices.
Como nud Seo.
L. H. Fort was iu Hastings tho iirst
of tho week.
Don't stay at homo on election day
but como out nnd voto.
Mrs.- Ed. Bohanan of Lincoln is hero
tho guest of E. 13. Smith nnd wifo.
Tho W. C. T. U. will moot with Mrs.
Dow during tho month of November.
Something now in heaters. "Tho
Retort". Call at V. W. Wright's nnd
flOO it.
0. S. Potter who has boou living in
tho oast for somo timo past is again
in tho city.
W. W. Wright has tho finest lino of
stoves in tho valloy. Call and seo
thorn and get prices.
Boahdeus Wanted: I nra now pro
parod to furnish board to a number of
porsons. Mns. II. W. Gullifohd.
Robes, did you say? Plush robes,
dog robes, wolf robes, goat robes, lnp
robes but no MIC-robcs, nt J. O. But
ler's. Will' Carpenter returned homo tho
last of tho week from Columbus, Ohio,
whoro he was mustered out of tho scr
vlco under Undo Sam. (.
If you want a good cheap heator this
winter, call at W. W. Wright's and seo
tho now "Rotort" heater. Burns slack
and keeps Are forty-eight hours.
, Get your sale bills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of sale wijl
bo printed in tho papor during tho
timo preceding tho salo day freo of
Wo bavo 500 Buita to show you in
men's sizes from 35 to 48 at from 15.00
to $10.00. Air now, stylish, elegant
uiado, perfect fitting, Galusha &
Editor Thomas Kirtloy of tho Frank
lin Sonlinol stopped off hero Thursday
on his way homo and ronowed acquain
tances with former old friends of an
early day hero.
W. N. Richardson was taken sudden
ly ill on Monday night while up town
nnd was taken to his home. His ail
ment was pleurisy and ho had a hard
siego for somo timo, but ho is now ablo
to bo around again.
In this issuo of tho paper will bo
found instructions to voters nnd tboso
who do not thoroughly understand how
to voto should study them carefully
nnd bo rendy to go to tho polls, next
Tuesday and cast a voto for tboso
for whom they wish to voto without
waking a mistake.
Tho people of tho third commissioner
district will make no mistako if they
cast their ballots for J. W. Runchoy.
HHeleotlon will mean that tho affajrs
in that district will not bo sllgbtedttfd
that ono district will recoivo just as
much consideration as another. Hn is
h man who bolioves in advancement
and any' meritorious improvement
in tho county would roceivo his sup
port. Strong Endorsements
Dr. MaryE. Green, president National
jm '. Household Economics Associsuon.mem-
Dor American Mimical ahuuibwuu,
jjrnember American Publlo Health Asso
ciation, author of "Food Products of the
World," wrltea from Charlotte, Mlch.i
"Theexcollence of Pabst Malt Extract
Is not unknown to me, as I have used It
professionally for years, always with the
most satisfactory results. For mothers
nursing their children and for general
doblllty from any cause, I regard it as
of especial value, as it combines both
tonlo and nutrient properties, which
make it truly the 'Best Tonlo."
"I recently proscribed Fabst Malt Ex
tract, The " Best" Tonlo, to three of my
,. patterns, ail 01 wnom woro touies, anu
all of whom were suffering from dysnop-
.sla and its consequences, and In all these
""-m-i'-Miu ' """"" it acted like a charm. Two of
W C2ErT"T them bought moro of tho tonlo, and
' continued to tako it, until now thoy toll
mo thoy can eat anything, and ono of
them added "ovorythlng." without tho
slightest inconvenience. Thoy haYo cor
tauily Improved wonderfully In weight
and strongth. I have proscribed your
"Best" Tonlo a great number of timco.
It is one of tho best, if not tho very best,
, ',;, R. Bkxu, If. D Jersey City, N.J.
New window shndca at Cotting'a. -
"Snap" In duck lined coats at Ga
luohn A Wescott's.
Soo .Cotting'a now pookot knlvos.
Low prices and warranted.
John Tomlinson arrived in tho city
this morning from Omaha.
Waltor Roby la homo after a aovoral
months Btay at Norcatur, Kansas
Mrs. W. B. Roby roturnod la?t night
from a.sovoral weoka visit in Iowa.
Jay Best loft Thursday nlaht tni- Mn.
Cook whoro his son Deo is very sick.
Havoyou soon J. O. Butler's now lino
offl-Ahorso blankots, fur and plush
Wantkd To loason good piano on
reasonable terms. P. A. Wells, Rod
Don't buy n stool raugo or cook stovo
until you seo W. W. Wright uud get
his prices.
Wo havo tho host rubber lined duck
coat in tho town for 81. GO. Galusha
& Wescott.
John Aultz and wifo after n stay of
sovoral months iu Omaha havo return
ed homo again.
Children's mitts well liuod at 20c.
Men's gloves aud mittens at 25o, Ex
tra good values at 25c.
Monoy to loan on real estato at low
rates. Can furnish monoy aatno day
of application. C. W. Kalkv.
Special Balo on robes, blankots and
all winter goods beginning September
25th for 30 days only. J. O. Butleu.
Honrv Riohmoud was in tho cltv this
week shaking hands with old friends
and looking over itho field of local
Harry Conovcr who has been visit
ing relatives horo for somo timo past
returned to bis homo in Illinois this
Anthony Clark of McCook, formerly
of this city, is horo visiting friends and
taking a layoff on nccount of an in
jured hand.
Tho Union Firolnsuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
Tho ladies of tho Christian church
will bo addressed ou Novomber Oth, at
7:30 p.m. on C. W. B. M. work by Mrs.
C.S.LawofBluo Hill.
James Kidd and wifo of Sodalia, Mis
souri, arrived in tho city Tuosday eve
ning on a visit with Charles Besso and
wifo and othor relatives.
Mrs. August Lauterbach of Colby,
Kansas, formerly of this oity arrived
horo Wednesday and is visiting with
Joseph Herborger aud wifo.
Children's middy and vestoo suits
arc tho correct things for little folks.
Sizes from 21 to 7 years. Elegant
things at correct prices at Galusha &
J. H. Smith writos combined insur
ance for a term of tivo years at 8 por
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.'
Wm. Dickson's toam ran away Mon
day and tho horses collided with tho
buggy of John Kellogg whoso horso
was hitched on Webster street, but no
damage resulted only tho overturning
of tho buggy.
If you boliovo the presont adminis
tration has conducted national aflairs
and tho lato war with Spain in a capa
ble manner, voto for tho republican
nominee for reprosontativo so that they
in turn may voto for a United States
senator who will work in harmony
with tho presont administration.
Dr. John P. D. John, ono pf tho
greatest educators and lecturers of tho
century has boon soeured for a lecturo
at tho opera house on Saturday oven
ing, November 10th. This is! a raro op
portunity for tho teachers of the coun
ty. His subject will bo "Did Man Mako
God or Did God Make Man."
List of letters remaining unoalled for
at tho po8tofllce at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho, week ending Nov., 3rd,
Hystad, Eugo O. Martin, O. J.
Pollett, Geo. (2) Swanson, Altha
Williams, R. C. Williams, Don
Theso letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter office Nov. 17th, if not called for
beforo. When calling for abovo plcaao
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Considerable kieking is being in
dulged in at present by tho business
men of our city who contributed their
good mouoy for the. pnrohaso of baud
instruments somo timo baok, When
tho money was contributed it was sup
posed it was for the purposo of buying
horns to bo used, but it seems as if
thoro was a mistake somowhoro. From
all appoarances tho band has broken
up and tho horns aro scattered hero
and thoro and aro doing nobody any
good. Thoro is no reason iu tho world
why Rod Cloud should not jiuvo a
good baud and if tha present organiza
tion does not intend to mako uso of
them, thosu who luivu monoy invested
should got tho instruments and give
them to n uow organization that will
make use of them.
J. S. Whlto is in Llucoln this weok.
Jeff Ward loft Sunday morning for a
visit to Omahn.
'Dr.'Tulloys spent tho closing' days of
tho exposition In Omaha.
O A. J, Unyos, and wifo woro up from
Guldo Rock Wednesday,
John Polnlcky was in Buporior on
business tho first of tho weok.
Morgan Davis loft tho first of tho
weok for a trip to Kansas City.
J. Hi Gruonbalgh and wifo of Guldo
Rock' woro In the olty Wednesday.
Mrs. John Wiles left Monday morn
ing for a visit with friends in Lincoln.
Men's duck lined pants aro tho stud
far work pniUs, at Galusha & Wescott's.
Boots, shoes, arctics, rubber, leg.
gins, over gaiters at Galusha & Wes
cott's. Amos Cowdeu who is located at Sit.
perior visited with the folks hero over
Mrs. A. Runts nnd daughter Lizzlu
left Thursday morning for n visit at
Get your sale bills priutodut this of
fico aud you will receive a uotico iu tho
papor free.
"Are you going to nttohd Prof. Ar
thur's locturos?" Yes, sir." Alt who
do will bo delighted.
"A hint to tho wiso is sufficient. At
tend Prof. Arthur's lectures November
10, 11 and 12 at I. O. O. F. hall.
A 'saving of fuel now days is ono of
tho things to look nf tor and that won
derful "Retort"' heator at W. W.
Wrights fills the bill.
A good many aro still in arrears on
subscription who might Just as well
pay up now and tako advantogo of our
offer of premiums.
A special 97,000 education nud an ex
cellent cqulpmont backs up Prof. Ar
thur's woik. Don't miss.a good thing,
Beneficial, pruiso provoking.
Goo. W. Spohn, cnndldnto for sena
tor on tho populist ticket wus up from
Suporior tho first of tho weok looking
nftor his interests, in tho campaign,
Not less than ton per cent saved to
you on every shirt nnd drnwor you buy
of us, Look nt drawers, or undorsbirts
at 25of 35c nnd 50a Galuiiia & Wes
cott. .
Tickets to tho groat lecturo "Did Man
Mako God or, Did God Mako Man?"
will bo placod on salo Saturday morn
ing at Grico'a Drug Storo. Date of loo
ture Saturday evening, Nov., 10th.
Mrs. J. C, Anderson living southwest
of tho rivor died on last Monday after
being siok for only' a Bhort timo. Tho
funeral sorvices were oonduoted by
Rev; Blackwell on Wednesday.
Closino Oct Sale I Havo decided
to closo out my entiroT stook of dry
goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardware, queonswaro and
salt. I must sell to pay iudobtednoss.
It will pay every farmor to call in and
got.soino of theso. bargains. I will sell
my cntiro stock .at a big discount for
cash. A good chance for somo ono
with capital to ongago in business. I
will sell tho building or rent it. G. A.
Harhis, Cowlos, Nebraska.
At tho rcsidenco of Rev. G. W. Hum
mel, Wednesday ovonlng, Novombor 2,
at8o'olook was celebrated tho mar
riago of James P. Moranvillo and Fanny
Kubicok, Rov. Hummel officiating.
Tho brido and groom woro attended by
Mr. Ernest Moranvillo and wifo. The
groom is nyoungmanof storlingquality
possessing tho highest regard of his
many frionds ho being tho youngost
son of Dr. Moranvillo of this city while
tho fair girl of tiis.choico is of a gracious
disposition and possessed of tho 'many
charms which go to mako a truo wo
man. What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin Her sallow
complexion worries you Per
haps she has a little hacking
cough also. Her head aches
andshe cannot study Give her
The oil will feed her wasting
ooay ; tne glycerine will soothe
her couch, and the hvooohos-
T phites will give new power and
I vigor to her nerves and brain.
iever say you "cannot
take cod-liver oil until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once Children
of it; and infants do not know
when it is added to their food
joe. nil tt.oo t (It druf ititt.
SCOTT & BOWNB, ChemUu, Nw York.
Noxt Tuesday is election.
Mias Myrtlo Jones of Guldo Rock frns
visiting friends hero Saturday.
-A.P.Ely waa down from McCook
Monday for a visit with friends.)
Robort Potter was in Omaha this
woek looking after business matters.
Jacob Nustoln Is' having anew barn
built at his rcdidonco on Soward Btroot.
Bost oiay worsted suit on onrrii for
$7.50. Plain black, at GaluBba & Wes
cott's. Mrs. C. E. Adams of Suporior yrna
visiting friends horo tho last of tho
Dick Gray of Suporior was looking
after business mptters horo tho Inst of
the woek.
Mrs. Vnn Bnron and daughter Mabel
rotumqd Monday night from, a month's
8tnynt Omaha.
Wm. Olommons returned homoTues
dny from a trip to Lincoln nud tho
eastern part of tho state.
A bright baby daughter appeared at
tho bomb of W. II. Haskins living south
of tho rivor tho first of tho week.
Voto for Runohoy in tho third and
Jerome Vanco in tho fifth commissioner
district If you want ablo representa
tives. Dowoy novor sunk a Spanish ship
any moro effectively than wo havo
sunk prices below our competition.-
Galusha & Wkscott.
Beforo you buy a heating stovo soo
that "Rotort" heator at Wright's hard
waro storo. It is n wonderful heat
producor nnd saver of fuel.
Albort S. Young, minister of tho
Christian church at Guido Rook visited
with Elder Hussong Monday.
V. II. Sorivnor, real estato mnn,
will sell your form for you for a rea
sonable per cont, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Scrivnor, Rud Cloud, Nebr.
Wo opon this weok moro men's, boys
und children's enps at less prices tlian
ever oponcd in any ono storo in No
brnska. Littlo on tho yellow order,
this statcmout, but can provo it. Great
lino at 25o. Galusha & Wkscott.
Miss Carrie Hummel ono of Red
Cloud's most successful teachers lias
purchased a fino piano. It is ono of
tho lato stylo and bost inanufaoturo.
Wo nro pleased to noto tho progress of
our lady frionds and congratulato Mlhs
Hummol on hor good fortuno
Report of school, In District 30 for tho
second month. Tboso noitbor absent
nor tardy woro, Cccllo Amack, Graoio
Amaok, Earl Ralph, Cora Mofford,
Carrio Mofford, Myrtle Smith, Morton
Smith and Clara Alios. Numbor of
visitors, 20, including Mrs. Caso,
Fbki) Watt, Teacher.
In 1887 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh of Al
lonlown, Tenn., had an attack of dys
entery which bocamo ohronio "I was
treated by tho best physicians in cast
Tonnessco without a euro," ho says.
"Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After
using about twolvo bottles I was cured
sound and well." For salo by II. E.
Dr. John's great looturo "Did Man
Mako God or Did God Muko Man?" has
had a rcmarkablo run during tho short
timo it has boon beforo tho publlo.
Sinco July, 1805. it has boon given
moro than livo hundred times. Last
season Mr. John uiado a complete tour
of tho Pdoiilo coast and such was tho
success of tho trip that ho Is now on
his way to tho coast for tho'second
time. Our oity Is fortunate injboing
ablo to securo such a man and such a
locturor. Wo will havo tho privilege
of .llstonlng to Dr. John at tho opera
houso on the' overiing of Saturday, "No
vombor 10th.
Rod Cloud is blessed by what van bo
termed without using as strong lan
guage as ought to be applied ono or
more shyster lawyers j who having novor
made a mark for themselves, only a
black ono, aro envious of thoso of thoir
own calling who havo moro ability and
brains. Wo, do not need to toll our
readers who thoy aro as every day of
tho present campaign thoy oan bo soon
upon tho streets vilifying ono of their
colleagues who is thoir poor Goth as a
gentleman and an attorney. Wo be
lieve tbat tho pooplo aro onto theso
sbyttcrb and will not lot thoir better
Judgment bo poisoned by tho venom pf
these black spiders. ,
A certain young lady will probably
remember last Hallpw'con night for
some time to como. Sho, with a party
of eight or ton youpg )adies woro.. out
for "a timo," and in attempting to re
move n buggy from a yard id the north
part of tho oity, wero caught In tho not.
Thegoutloman of tho houso camo upon
them unexpectedly and 'thoy flow all
hutonor Sho wns gathered up in n
pair of brawny arms und given n good
old Kntisaa hug with h couple of Ken
tucky kisses thrown in, and. rolensec).
Tho young Jady concluded sho-had on
Joyed tho ovening suillciontly nnd ab
ruptly doparted, whllo tho owner
of the brawny arms wont slowly into
tho houso, smacking bis lips. Ho was
bothered no more tbat night,
ttje knoai
aboot Clothing.
back of
Gomden-Haley Clothing Go. I
Leaders in Fashions and Low Prices. W
J Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles!
1 I vrW 'nnAnnATp'f.Vmr Vf1 8P?dll,7 by ono who can do It.-1
j LATEST GBADUArE OPflOIAN. I havo tho flnodtand most completer
i "-" ----r jy "
J do tho optical business of this county.
han can bo donn nliwwhni-n.
Witch oxamlnor for B. & M
4 T- . .
If tho lines in this diamond figure do not vu iuFurnu uouor lunn it can,
J appear equally black in all tho different1'0 ono olsowhoro. WlitE Initial,
3 tnendians, it Indicates a defect of tight HHRrHing.l aoast PIuh and Braco-
1 that causes nervous bead-ache and should oU made while you wait. Ennrav-
i i.. k..ij .i .. t?..-i.i,i incr ilnnn nlan wlilln vm, tnl
z m uuiwiuu m uuw. Ajrco lcoict uav. -r .- ......WJ..M .....v. &
eity Dmv and Express Wne,
'.-; i
r . r 1
Goods Delivered to any part of the city. . f
Charges as low as the Lowest
The patrneps (Dutual
Tho largest, best aud cheapest Farm Mutual Insurance Compauy In tho
Over $23,000,000 Insurance Now In Effect
Los9Ci paid mo'ro promptly than any
1 M "VM ftWBf
Fire, Lightning and Tornado.
The cost of $1,000 for eight years has Just been $15.50.
Call and Investigate the plan of Insurance.
Don't be Decleved by anyone;
Iain the only iiutlipilzqdhgont In tho county for this company, holding a
contract and ci'rtilloiiui of authority for tho sanio. Anyouo clso claimihir
to hold an agency for this company in tho county is false nd lay thorn
solves liable under tho jaw. Call, and see mo. ,
t M u -w
Office over Mizcr & McArthur's Grocery Store.
Mmmmmmtimimm ,..,.,.
i'. i '
I I Vr: 1
We know what to de- f
pend upon and whom fa
to depend upon. We
are having experience m
every day. j9
We wouldn't give you
wrong advice. It
wouldn't pay, besides
nnv oiiaiionfAA 4-nM1r. W.T:
everything we p
TTT 11 fill
ecu yuu. we sen ev
erything a man or lit
tie fellow wears.
njr. aiu uaiier equippoa lor and t
Will fit you hotter and oheapor'. I
a Good Alarm Clook for 75o.
Whon you como to buy this clook''
you wm una tnBt j unvo thom nnrts
will not try to sell you something
higher priced. You will find all I f
offer for salo equally cheap, such as
Willi do your complicated watch
Jowdlpr and Graduate Optician, ,'f
Insurance Company.
old lino company dolog bualncs3.
. . --it--
-. T -m t r
Spcclal Avcnt, Red Clli .
:!. KiiJ
r. w ;. 1
W,7 I-1
ia)'UtmamltMmmminiiri'W- '