The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1898, Image 1
pr t br m rt r"mnl i i i ,,111.1,1, n,L V.OLUME XXVI. This Fall's Business That we have the bargains is daily demonstrated by the large crowds of buyers. Furniture values are numerous. Show room, second floor. carets, , , i .. Second' floor, v , t Dry goods stock running over with good valued. Underwear, Linens, Ladies Capes and Jackets, Dress Goods, Outing Flannel;vBlp,nkets,.Etc., i SHOES, i ' GROCERIES. A, visit to. our grocqry room will '' ' i " always result in money saving. ' , , Granulated sugar 5.60. per hundred.' . Package Coffee, ipc. "" ' Miner's No. i Patent Flour, 9$c. J( g brs 'Santa Claussoao, 25c. . j. i box Cold Dust Washing Powder, 13c. . Imported Maccironi, 15c. Clover Leaf Baking Powder, 1 pound ' can, 25c. Money refrinded if not the ',',), 1 '-best powder you ever used. 1 ,. . , Try Winslow, Rand & Watson's coffees 25c to 45c per pqund. Groceries, west room. QUEENSWARE, On deck, west room. Several tew patterns on display. New line Christmas novelties in Queens-ware. tj Handsomest Line of Coupon J Frizes in the City. Remember that prices quoted ii previous adver tisements.last as long as we have the goods Ito show. New goods- arriving daily. We make no specia two or three day prices. m Miner mnrTTTTTrT-irTT -. m itp-f?'- T .-; r, ! fij i ' f 'if') o Has' .forcibly demonstra .ed that the people have money if the merchant tas the values. '.' ' I ,i oj, H Oar 10,000 square foot store room is crowded from cellar to attic with new goods. -' i .. Shown' on our counters. Main room, first floor. ' On deck, north side, first floor. 'We 'have just opened several invoices of new goods for this stock. Sjse our Wolfe Bros, and r Mastiff lines. Ladies', Misses and Children's. - Bors. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOV. 4. 1898. WASHINGTON NOTES. Nosurptlso was felt in Washington ntllin se,ml-ollloial announcement that tlid U. S, would demand nil of thu Philippine Islands. It hns brou foil fi'oin thu (list t lint such would 1)0 the l ul tl unit i! result. Politics has 'tad littlo or nothing to do with tho decision of tho nd in In 1st nil lor. 10 adopt this policy, t is puhllo oplniitn, tegaidlc" of poll ties, that hits hrutig'.t Jt about. N hen President Mi Ktnlry Murird upon II. at western trip, noithor ho nor any mem ber of his cnbinot had mado up their minds that wo should tako the, Philip pines, nnd nt least ono of them See ivlary Gage was opposed to our tnk. lug nny of the Islands, but when they roUirned to Washington, they had nil about mado up thoir minds that public opinion wns so strongly in fnvor of American ownership of the entire Philippine, group, us the oulylopioal crowning of Dewey's grbnt victory In Manila bay, that no other policy would do.' What thoy heard later nt Philadel phia, clinched that opinion, nnd our ponco commissioners at Paris woro ac cordingly instructed to mako the- de mand. So much for tho adoption of tho, policy. . Whllodt is certain that the policy of American ownership ol tho Philippines will bo popular, it remains to bo ascer tained' whether tho mothed pf obtain ing that ownership will meet with such genotnl approval. It must bo under stood to .start with that no official an nouncement haB been mado concerning that method, but that enough has boon said by thoso who ought torkuow to causo it to bo believed the consent of Spain will bo obtained either by a di rect payment of money to Spain, or by the assumption of about 910,000,000 of Spanish bonds, issued for improve ment in tho Philippines. At first glance thero will naturally bo opposition to tho U. Si paying $40,000,000 or" any othor sum, for undisputed possession of torrltdry, 'which has already btcu conquered by forco pf arms. But many will doubtless accept tho argu ment that the Philippine bonds, which were not, as woro tho Cuban bonds, issued to mnku war against tho natives of thu islands, but for purposes of pub lic Improvement, should bo considered a lien oh tho island, regardless of ownership, nnd that, it would bo, an in justice, discreditable to n great country like tho U. S. to take tho islands from Spain nud leave that country to pay in debtedness incurred for public im provement! on them. The1 question is likely to bo much discussed, as soon as it bocomos absolutely certain upon what terms wo aro to acqulro tho Philippines. , At tho Headquarters of tho republi can and ilemocratiq congressional com mittees in Washington, the claims nro about equn,l ns to which party will elect a majority ot tho next house, but the opinion outsldo is that tho republi cans will retain control of tbo houso by a reduced majority. Sotuo democrats say that thoy would prefer that tho houso would remain republican, bo cnuso if their party carried it, thov would havo to share in tho responsibi lity of tbo administration, in inau gurating tho oxperimont of n colonial polloy, or tako tho responsibility of hampering that policy, nud that thoy would prefer doing ueithor tho next two years. If that sentiment exists to any extent among tho voters of tho party, thero Is no doubt of tho result of tho election. Among tbo noted officers now in Washington, are Gens. Miles, Wheoler, Loo, and Lawon, of tho army, and Capt. Robloy D. Evans, and Lieut. Hob son of tho navy. Tho latter officer is hero to report to a board of tho chiefs of bureaus of tho navy department, on his work on tho wrecked Spanish ships, This board will decido whothor tbo work shall bo continued. Hobson's confidence in success in raising tho ships is not shared by all tbo naval officials. But if publio sentiment is consulted, thoy will not stop Hobson's work, on nccount of its cost, if thoro is nny certainty of his succeeding, in sav ing tbo ships. Thoso ships would, in tho oyos of most pooplo, be worth moro than now ones would cost, its object lessons in tho patriotism, bravery ond markmanship of thu American sailors, and if they can ho saved, neither cost nor jialously of Hobson should bo allowed to stand in tho wav. A rather curious request has been mado of the uavy department by tho Aomo Wrecking company of San Fran cisco. This company wnnts to raise tho battleship Maine, and bring her to tho U. S., claiming to hnvo a method by which tho work can bn accomplished, and inks nothing mote of tho govern ntcu' than permission to do the' work nt its own expense. The company states in Its request thai if the govei n mont wishes tho ship nfter it has been brought safo to somo U. S. harbor, that it will not ask moro than the usual sal vago payment through condemnation proceedings. It is not supposod that tho goVorumont would euro to buy tho wroek. In fact, tho real object of tho company Is to raiso tbo Maino in order thatsho may bo exhibited In this coun try, although nothing of tho kind Is said in its letter to tho navy depart ment. According to tho request of tho company, it Intonds to blow tho mud from under tho wreck, with streams of water under high prossuro, nnd thon pass chaius undor and attach thorn to framework on each side, connected with a system of stool air-tight barrels. The gradual winding up of thoso chains iscoupted upon to raiso tho wreck. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in the chest or side, or a lamo hack, give it a trial. You nro certain to be moro than pleasod with tho prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm is also a certain euro for rheuma tism, For snlo by H. E. Giico. LINE. Weather ploasnnt. No political excitement in Liuo this year. 13ert Carpenter haa bought a horso of L, ilnsklns for $25. '11. Tumor is building a line rnulenco on his farm Miiitb of the liver, District No., 01 has mado sumo im provements on tho school houso. Tho state of Nebraska will go repub lican this year by a big majority. Miss Mary VanDyko of San Frnncl sco will bo homo in tho near future. Sunday school at Penny Crook at 10 a.m. Frank Martin supenntendant. Rev. Blackwoll will preach at tho McCall sohool houso on Nov., 0, at 3:80 p.m. Ernest and James Beauchamp woro In Lino last weok dohorning oattlo for L. A. Haskins. Wm. Rosenerans has como out as In dopondcutenndidato for road supervi sor of district No. 12. Ernest naskins has sold two hun dred bushels of corn to Gus Roats of Red Cloud for 23 cents por bushol. Mr. Hooves of Guido Rook has sold his last year crop of corn to Alf McCall for twenty-two and a half cents por bushol. i Rev. Npble of Inavalo was tho guest of Wm. VanDyko ono day last weok on routo to tho Christian conforenco which convened at Pleasant Hill, Jowell county, Kansas. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mount ford, a boy. Born to, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Haskins, a girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Iko Wilmot, a boy. In times of peaco prepare for war was tho song of ono of tho go n orals after tho Into war. Difficulties Romovod. Eloik, Nebr., Oct, 28, 1890. Mrs. C. E. Parkins of this place states that sho was troubled with sick headaches. Sho also bad a heart difficulty and that tired fooling. Sinco taking a fow bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla hor troubles bare disappeared. Constipation prevents tho body from ridding itsolf of waste matter. De Witt's Littlo Early Risers will removo tho trouble and cure Stock Headaoho, Billlousness, Iuactlvo Liyor and olonr the complexiou. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe '.(Jotting. or euudo nausea. C. L. BEAVER CREEK. Thioshliig Is almost llnishod. Fluo weather for November 1st. I. It. Cro.ior shelled corn Monday Mr. Warner has gono to Iowa on a visit. John Konznck Is helping Mr. Holts on his burn Al P.trkcr n- . family visited nt Will Oil's Sumlii). Sam Braver bus loaded up his traps nud moved b.ioi. to Missouri. Jou lluug'tt and family aro visiting his brother Chi Is. In Antelope county. Aiueri Minn mid wuo ntuinueu tuo Suuday School convention at Eokley last week. Davo Fishel visited nt tho homo of his brothel -in-law, Mr. Hondrloks, last Saturday. Miss Clara Parkor of Otoo county is visiting lior brother nnd sister, Al Par kor nnd Mrs. Will Orr. Minta Andorson, dnughtor ot J. D. AndorBon, is sick with somo kind of fover. Dr. Paco of Guido Hock Is in attendnnco. I. B. Colvin of Gutdo Rook was on tho ereok Monday accompanlod by Mr. Coffof Iowa, looking for an-opportunity to trado Iowa land for Nebraska land. , - Rambler. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applications as thoy cannot roaeh tho diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only ono way to euro deafness and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eus tachian Tubo. Whon this tubo is in flamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or imporfect hoaring, and whon It is en titoly closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless tho inflammation can bo takon out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, bearing will bo do strojed forever; nine casos out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which la noth ing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Dcnfnoss (causod by catarrh) that cannot; bo cured by Hall's Catarth Cure. Send forclrculars; freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 70o. Hall's Family Pills nro tho best. BATIN. Mr. Battan has his new houso about completed. Sovorftl from this locality started for Omaha last Saturday. Knutson & Dobrunor wcro threshing for Otto Skjolvor on Monday. Mr Uoynton nnd wifo of Illinois woro in this locality last week. Jamos Mcintosh wns transacting business nt Rivorton Tuosdny. Poter Nelson and Chas. Hanson aro in Konrnoy county looking for work. Mr. Crabill has roturnod from a two months visit at Ids old homo in Vir ginia. Tbo supper at tbo Anderson sohool houso was a grand success. About 927 was cleared . Charloj Dorin from near Inavalo was a ploasant visitor at Mr, Lam- brccht'aSunday. From Now Zooland. Ruefton, N. Z., Nov. 28, 1800. I am vory pleased to s;ato that sinco I took tho agonuy of Cbamborlain's medicines tho sale has been very largo, moro especially of tbo Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold moro of this particular romody than of all other makes fortbo previous tivo years. As to its efficacy, I havo been Informed by scores of persons of tho good results they havo received from It, and know its valuo from tho uso of It in my own household. It is so pleasant to tako that we have to placo tho b'ottlo boyond the reach of tho children, E. J. SOANTLEBDnr. For aalo by II. E. Grico. Whon you ask for DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salvo don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There nro moro oases of Piles being cured by this, than all oth ers combined. C. L. Cotting. i CV ..wsyA, J, ,? y vhacxMx !'Asi"iWf?M&iJ NUMBER 44 Royal make the loot! pure, wttolcxoma and dellcloui. Absolutely ftr DOTAL 1AKINQ rOWOCIl CO., XCW V0M. CHURCH NOTKB. UIIKISTIAN CIlUKOn. Services each Lord's Day as follows! " Morning sorvico at 10:80. Subjoot, 'Tho Goldon Rule." Bible school, 11:45 a.m. Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor 0:45 p.m. Evening sorvico at 7:80 o'olock. Sub joct: "Tho Successful Candidate.,' Excellent muslo each sorvico. Prayer mooting and blblo study on Wednesday evenings. Ladles' Aid Socioty Friday after noons. Tho olass for blblo Geography study is opon to all who would llko to attend. It moots on Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock. " Our ploasant church home and all sorvicos nro over opon tp tbo public, L. A. Hussono, Pastor. METHODIST Sorvicos noxt Sunday as follows: Morning sorvico nt 10:80. Quartorly meeting will bo hold nt tho Methodist church Saturday ovonlngj preaching by tho older at 7:00. Sunday School at 11:80 a.m. iiunior ijcaguo nt 4 p.m. Sonior Lcnguo at 7 p.m. Evening sorvico nt 7:80. Preaching at Anjboy at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday oven ing at 7:1)0. Ladles Aid Socioty Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darby, Pastor. BAVTisT cannon. Services noxt Sunday as follows. Morning sorvicos at 10:80. Subject, Sunday School at 11:45. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's Union moots nt 7 p.m. Evoning sorvico at 7:30 o'clock. Sub Preaching on Wednesday ovonlng at 7:80. All cordially invited. Seats free.. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor.. CONQIIEQATIONAL. Regulnr sorvicos noxt Sunday as fol lows: Morning servieo nt 10:80. Subjoot, "Commommoration," Sunday School at 11:45. Indian Creek at 8:80. Young Peoplo's Socioty of Christian Endeavor at 0:80p,m. Evoning sorvico nt 7:30 o'clook. Sub ject, "Human Invoations." Mld-weok prayor mooting and con forenoo Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor, Tho high spirited team bolonging to P. A. Wells was tho cause of another accidentMonday more sorious than tho ono which happened some time ago. Mrs. Wells was driving noar Amboy accompanied by Mrs. Stoflln whon her teambocamo frightened by tbo sound of the application of a brako on a lum- bor wagon which was goicoor'wn a hill. Tim IndlflH wnrn llK-ii'JW Wells being badly brt . ., , Stcffiu receiving a fral wrist. Dr. Morauvill4 drossod thoir injuric horses was injured nut damaged. ROM POWDER I I, ' rl aHfsg-rggj'jgjj