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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
mmiMSXSJSSSSfSSImWfnmmr hiWi?W "' T.. TIIE EED GLOin) CHEEP. K . - a- IV t? ? 5 Li '1 4 tf'r 9 & IlE IS A LEARNED JEAN DR. WILLIAM C.ROBERTS PRESI DENT OF CENTER COLLEGE, fine of Ilia nrcntost IMtIiiik lu Aiitrrlrrt A Native of Wnlfti f.uft nn Oriliiin When Young -How Ilo StruggtrU to (let an Education. EV. DR. WILLIAM CHARl.KS ROB ERTS, tlu now president of the. fa mous old Center Collego, Is ono of tnc most leurnod Welshmen In the world, nud ono of IhcRicitcdtdlvlnea iu America. Ho Is bow 00 years old 'nil in the ery rlpcncsa of tha iutol lectual power. He came to America with his parents when lie was u ltid. and was left an orpluui with the world boforo him to fight. He earned his education at Pilureton and later at the Presbyterian seminary In that In stitution. During the llrat years of his ministry ho was offered tho chair of Grcok In Delaware College, tho chair of Hebrew In tho McCormlck Theologi cal Seminary, the presidency of Rut gers College, Now Brunswick, nnd the chair of theology In tho Allegheny Seminary. In 188G ho becamo the pres ident of Lake Forest university, rear ranged its curriculum, and added ?L 000,000 to Its funds. Ho has been n moderator of a general assembly, the highest honor tho Presbyterian chinch can bestow. lie Is a philologist who might hnvo made his mark In that &cl onco had he not preferred tho pulpit and education. He will make a noblo REV. DR. ROnERTS. president of the famous old Institution to who3o headship ho has becu called. The Lntont I'lctur Hook. Ono of the latest Parisian scientific toys Is a picture book, In which tho cor as well as tho eyo Is appealed to. It Is a book of animals, and oach ani mal litters its own characteristic cry. The title of tho hook Is tho "LIrro d'Iraages Parlantea," ot book of speak ing pictures. Monsieur Leroy contrib utes to La Nnture a description of this new toy. Tho pictures represent tho most familiar domestic nnlmals, nnd each animal Bpeaka Its on a lan guage. To cause It to break silence, nothing Is necessary but to pull a lit tle string nt tho edgo of tho book. In tho book nro to bo seen a rooster, a cow, a lamb, little birds In their nest, a donkey, a cuckoo, a goat. On tho last page aro children who are welcom ing their parents. By pulling tho string at tho right page, the cry of any par ticular creature Is elicited. Tho lis tener hears the donkey heehaw and tho rooster crow. Tho crowing la very well imitated. Tho string Is pulled .again, and tho lamb bleats, tho birds twitter, tho cuckoo sings, tho cow moos, or tho llttlo chlldtcn call out "papa" or "mamma." Thcso Inter esting results aro obtained very sim ply by tho aid of small bellows placed in a box hidden in the book. When tho string Is pulled, the air enters tho corresponding bellows, and Is thence expelled by a spring. Tho air makes Its exit through a special tubo appro priate for each cry, and at tho samo tlmo tho bellows mcots with certain obstacles placed on a wire. Thcso arrangements hnvo boon carefully stud ied with a view to producing tho piopor effects. Coining: Herniation In Turin. When Queen Tnltou, tho wlfo of tho Negus Mcnelek, conqueror of tho Ital ian troopa In Abytialnla, arrives with her husband nnd dusky but brilllnnt escort In Paris oven the gay Parisian will no doubt marvel, Queen Taltou is ,no losa Interesting than her husband. When Bho appears in public sho la ac companied by many women, mounted mn richly caparisoned mulci, with run inera, umbrella bearors and other at tendants. Taltou's umbrella is n bright red. She is very stout, but with all that her presonco Is dlgnlflod. Sho Is remarkably well Informed on cur rent topics and is a charming conver sationalist. Her letters aro woll writ ten and havo a bright, natural htylo. Sho does not dress any moro richly than her ladles In watting, but sho Is tho very essenco of cleanliness. Tho empress belloves thoroughly in court etiquetto and no ono may gazo on her A 1(11 unless ho has been formally presented her. A Common Co. Algy "That glil Is worth half a mil Hon dollars, and Clarcnco hugged her for four hours on tho pier Inst night." Roggy "Yes; another case of being pressed for money." Judgo. A Winner. "How did you llko tho show last night?" "Great! Rest I ever paw. Houso was packod and the people went wild with enthusiasm. Thoy k:.IIod u Spaniard in every act." THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Itarritltlng for the negutnni !i Uolna Htimlllr On. to fixed by statuto tho numerical Htientgth of tho rogulnr nrmy is now 01,000 men. 'ilicn are at present in tin regular army about 51,000 men, nnd the work of terruttlng Is going on steadily for tho purposo of attaining the maximum strength. Regular army officials sny that all of tho complaints of neglect, starvation, etc., come from tho volunteers. Tho regulars are suf fering as much an tho oluntccrs, but no complaint Is heard from them. An ofllcer of tho war department tlcclaroo that tho volunteer army Is practically disorganized, owing to tho criticisms made by cortnln newspapers on tho sec retary of war and his bureau ofllccrH. Ho says: "Tho war with Spain Is not over and we may hnvo serious troublo before pcaco Is formally declared. Wc may need troopH to enforco our policy In Cuba nnd In tho Philippines, nud ns tho mnttcr stands today wo should not depend upon our volunteer troops, af ter all that has been said about the war department In tho newspapers. Ueforo wo could get them to go to Cuba, or Porto Rico wo should have to have n complete 'reorganization. Un dor tho circumstances wo must placo our dependence In tho regulars. Not ono word of complaint has been heard from the regulars, and they should b9 given every nttciitlou In tho present emergency, nnd every effort should bo uiado to promoto their comfort. I do not gay this to the disparagement of tho volunteer troops, for they havo bc haved nobly nnd tho entlro country ap preciates their patriotism. The de moralizing Influcnres of overcalous or designing friends In behalf of tho vol unteers havo brought about this dis content and disorganized spirit. The regulars know that there Is no inten tion on tho part of tho government to wilfully neglect them or Ill-treat them. Consequently they nro going right along performing tho brunt of the bur den without a murmur. HANDLED THE BIQ WAR LOAN Assistant Secretary ot tho Treasury Frank A. Vnnderllp hns been ono of tho busiest men In tho government since the beginning of tho war with Spain, for the event thrust upon him a great undertaking, with proportion ate responsibility. He it was who was given poisonal supervision' of tho $200,000,000 bond Issue. Since July 13, tho day congress passed the act to provldo wnya and menu's to meet the expenditures of tho war, Mr. Vundorllp has been engaged night and day In carrying out tho un usually complex provisions of tho war. The prompt mnnner In which tho large extra forco ot clerks was organized, tho effective business methods put in force, and, Indeed, every detail of tho handling ot the accounts and nil busi ness connected with tho threo hundred thousand persons who subscribed for the war loan, has passed tho scrutiny of Ills keen eyes. Treasury employes, high and humble, testify nllko to tho industry nud ability of the assistant secretary. To get at and drlvo at n task with determination, dispatch It promptly, and to do it ns thoroughly as possible, was but characteristic of tho man. Mr. Vandcrllp was trained In the school of self-reliance. It Is but a few years ugo for ho Is yet a young man that ho was a newspaper repor ter in Chicago. Ho had learned sten ography whilo serving as an appren tice In n mnchlno shop. Ho showed himself npt in Journalistic work, and hud atalucd' tho important position ol financial editor of n Chicago daily when ono of the lending bankers of the city, whom tho young man had inter ested by his Rtorllng qualities, Lyman J. Gage, having been called Into the president's cabinet ns secretary of the treasury, appointed Mr. Vnnderllp hla private secrctnry. So well d.d Mr. FRANK A. VANDERLIP. Vanderllp perform tho duties of this position, and so apt did ho prove him self In his grnsp of oxecutlvo duties, that his promotion upon opportunity was n matter of course Thus he be camo ns3lstant secretary of Jbo treas ury, with an nssured career of honor able usefulness. A llomelsM Steleh. An adaptation of the Dolleo horsolcss carriage, driven by a gasollno englno, to winter uso, Is described In tho Scien tific American. Dr. Casgraln of Que bec is tho contriver of tho now form of vehicle. In placo of tho pneumatic tirod whcola of tho ordinary Uolleo earrlago ho substitutes steel runnors for tho foropnrt of tho carriage, and n driving wheel, whoso rim Is studded with steol points, for tho rear part. Tho steering apparatus acts upeu tho for ward runners. Tho gasollno reservoir, containing soveu quarts huIIIcos for n run of fifty miles. Rumor says that tho oil trains in this country are run on Standard tlms. NOTES OF THE WHEEL. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO DEV OTEES OF THE UICYCLE. Ioiiip Itctrnt IiiTenllun Hint Wilt In crtitDK tha Com fnrt ot the littler Tha Champion of Ilia AVorlU The A, V. II. A, l Under the Unit. AtlJaataMa lUr. a new principle In tho securing ot n desired adjustment K i ffsif ft1 w''( Imve Inde ni mMT fM JiV I " n e t 1 d o a ,llf,tll(i U 1. lUlt- tral head. Instead of tenth, nntcliun. y holes nnd pin, etc., on the sides of n tentral disk, this hnr Is held In placo when once adjusted by means of pins which enter holes drilled In the peri pheral faeo or tho ndjithtlng dinks. These disks nro two lu number, ono being located n Bhort dlBtnn") to each sldo of tho bar stem head. Tho disk la formed on tho head of tho md pleco, and the bar sldo has u reccsHcd hub end which receives tho disk. The se curing pin Is normally held inward through some one ot tho holes In the disk by a spiral wire spring, but may bo withdrawn to readjust tho bar by pressing a smnll thumb latch pleco which projocts through an opening In tho bar tube. Tho bar Is thus render ed capaUc ot being adjusted without the uso of a wrench and without mus ing tho dismount of the rider. Tho question naturally arises as to whether such a device could bo constructed with sufficient freedom from play between parts to give tho rigidity demanded of a bnr, without rendering tho thumb latch too hard working to be operated readily by tho rider's hand. The spring would havo to be quite strong to keep the constant Jar of tho machine from cajislng tho pin to Jump out of Its holo In tho adjusttblo disk and thus let the bar drop from position. Champion of the World. George A. Danker of Pittsburg, Pa., U. S. A., Is champion of tho world. This Is tho second time that George has competed for tho ouo-milo event, given nnnunlly in different countries of tho world by tho International Cy clists' Association. The first tlmo was in 1805. Ho qualified In his prelimin ary heats and the scmi-flnnls. In tho flnnl heat the judges decided that Pro tin had won, although tho decision was very closo, und tho mnjority of those who witnessed tho raco woro of tho opinion that it had been won by Ban leer. Nor was this tho only cause for complaint. Ranker clnlmed that Protln had failed to rido In his semi-final heat and had no business In tho race nt nil. Tho referco took tho matter up and nfter a lot of wrangling, n committee of tho'I. C. A. decided that the raco should bo run over, ns It was Hanker not competing. The meager cable ac counts credit nankcr with winning this year nt Vienna from Verheyen, tho Gorman, by tho scant margin of six Inches in 3:01. Banker has done the greater part of his riding abroad. With Arthur Zimmerman nnd Harry Wheel er, ho was a resident of Paris for a long tlmo, riding ngalnst tho best rld crH of Europe, and thero won for him self an enviable reputation. Before going abroad ho was ranked as one of tho first-class mea of this country. Sine his return ho has competed llt tlo. Ho began to get Into shnpo late this year, and nfter two or threo races in which ho did not figure prominent ly, suddenly decided to go abroad. Ho left almost without warning, and the first news of his succees abroad comes In tho announcement that ho has cap tured tho world's championship. Circuit Muit Continue. Cyclo racing and tho national circuit nro inseparable. Tho national circuit Is necessary to tho success of tho sport. Tho natlonnl circuit ha3, In reality, been about all thero wns to cyclo rac ing this season. Few big meots other than circuit meots havo amounted to anything, nnd tho big men havo mado tho circuit. They atnnd ready to ride at all meets on tho circuit, but pro moters fear that perhaps they might lose money, bellovo tho stories that raco meets havo not been successful, and promoters aro wrong in every tienso 01 1110 worn, tiio prizes aro all tho men ask, and they enter right nlong, weeks ahead. Raco meetH arc successful and money making right along, but promoters hellevo that tho roports nro wrong. They call off meets nnd tho circuit is left with a blank for a long period, which canuot bo hur riedly filled. Tho racing rnon nro loft ldlo for long periods, and this Ib hard on them. Thoy have been left ldlo for tho past week, and havo been posted at Sorlncfiold. whero tlin nmmkn tho "Rough Riders" have boon healing those toiriuio sores from tho Mnhanoy death trap track. Now n. ,,w healed, tho circuit Is again nolld so that It Is probably as woll that tho break enrao as It did. Unilor the linn. Tho American Cycling Racing naso- tntlnn Vin rnmn lirwlriK Mia 1.- - tivi".. "" --. .--. vim urtii ot mo uuiuts uuuhj. -,i,uiu.ii 10 mo neat Information, tbo causes which lod to tlin lilAplrltfltlnrr Fit ilin ifian.lnlU m IMVJ WVW..0 vf u UlBUVtUUUU (4UU F?Ts8f i' . 289 Ul , USMJfJSBSa jf of tho Willow Grovo track, nt PhltadoU phlu, nro those. The association leas ed tho track. Recently It sub-lonsad It for a race meet to a promoter, who, when he saw that tho gate was small and after tho riders had demanded u guaranteo of tho prlxo money before they would ride, called tho meet off and refunded tho money of tho spec tators. According to the uinndatcu of the uiclng board any owner or leasee of a truck Is held rcupuuslblu for tho actions of any promoter who may he allowed the uso of tho truck. The rnc In'g board bnyH that tho association must satisfy all rcnsonablo claims. what rcasounblo claims may bo Is nut stated. Tho spectators got their money back nnd tho races woro not run. Thero can scarcely bo any claim for purses which were not ridden for. The case Is u novel ono, but tho A. C. It. A., however Innocent ot Intentional mlsdolnga, will doubtless havo to mako some kind of settlement with tho rac ing board or coinmenco tho waifaro ngalnst tho l.eaguo of American Wheelmen that has so long bceu threatened. Mlilille-I)ltnnet Clmmplnii, In tho mlddie-dlstnnco ranks tho champion Is settled upon and Kddlu McDufllo Is hla name. Michael docs not dlsputo McDuffco tho champion ship honors, for thu lloslonlau is an unbeaten man ns yet, tho raco at Phil adelphia being In possession of tho Boston man nt present, tho money In the possession of Michael. When too Into Davo Hhafcr has como a sharp turn on tho other mlddlc-dlatnuco men. Ho has cornered tho market on middle dlstanco wnr material, has locked up nil tho pacing machines at tho last mo ment, und mlddlo-dlstnnco men want ing paco must first borrow tho mnchlno fiom Shnfcr, who loans only thnso that ho cannot use, and who expects to win of course by his action. Hhafcr la no man's fool of course, and when ho took nil tho good machines away from MaJ. Taylor Just as thut rider was nhout to begin training for ula Michael raco, ho stopped thu training until tho four ma chines left could ho placed lu condi tion, which was Friday. Taylor had twenty nillca back of pneo, nnd ho was naturally beaten. RcportB In tho pa pers that Taylor waH riding down to record tlmo, or nbout 17:00 for ten miles, were luckily not generally be lieved and Taylor's defeat by Michael was placed nt tho right place, tho brain of Dnfo Shafcr, whoso cutencBS, and, what might bo termed doublo dealing, encompassed tho colored boy. Jupnn Tnxei Cycle S3 1'ar Cant. Tho customs tariff of Japan has been chunged by recent legislation, which will tuko effect on Jan. 1, 1S99. Tho Japanese consul-general, resident In Chicago, has been officially notified ot this Important reversion ot the policy of his government, nnd is able to an nounce positively that aftor January 1 bicycles and parts thereof entering Japan will bo subject to a duty ot 25 per cent nd valorem. This is n heavy increnso In tho existing duty, which Is 10 per rent nd valorem, and tho fact that it Is n porcontngo duty on tho ln volco valuo will accruo to tho Interests of manufacturers of low-priced ma chines. Dotarlinhto llrnke. Tho brako Is of tho familiar spoon typo acting on tho front tire. Its characteristic featuro ilea in tho fact that It may bo readily attached to any blcyclo without nltorlng tho latter in any way or marring nny parts. It can also bo easily removed from tho ma chlno without leaving any traco ot its attachment. The spoon Is attached to tho lower end of n regular brako rod which is unguldcd by any tramo or fork crown attachment. Tho break leaver Is hung from tho bars by a de tachable clamp and tho returning spring Is attached to tho clamp bolt head, consisting ot a pleco of bont spring wire. At tho rear end of tho brnko spoon nro lateral projections in tho form of forwardly facing hooks which aro adapted to press against tho back edges of tho fork sides. When tho rider puts tho brako into operation tho spoon is drawn forwnrd by its trie tlonal contact with tho wheel tiro and the hooks pressed tightly against tho forlm, which takes nil of tho strain due to tho drag and reliovcs tho brako rod. Tho inner sldo of tho hooked projec tions aro covered with sultablo pads to rendor their contact with tho forks noiseless nnd proof against injury to tho finish of tho latter. Tho Cyclo Age. Tmhly I.Mirnriln. Poor Teddy Edwards! After riding 250 consecutlvo centuries, In blttor cold, nnd snow, and rain, and torrid bent, to bo undone by typhoid fevor, Is ccrtnlnly tho hardest kind of hard luck. Ho has tho sympathy of tho entlro cycling world. Ho has already far surpassed any font of century riding that has been dono by any rldor in tho world, but has failed of accomplishing his desire, of riding ono century on every ono of the 3C3 dayB or tho year. Cyclo Ago. Tho older tho trousers tho better they aro proparod for tho fray. HYDR0FAT1IY A EAD. NEW YORK SOCIETY WOMEN MAKE A STUDY OF tT. It ! Kittd to Work WoikIkm- OnUt Hpnty Up mill llown th Hplaul Cord llrluB tlin Circulation and tinrtou Hjmtam luto flat t'omlUlon. Tho Now York society woman has become nn enthusiastic dovotco of hy dropathic science, snys tho Now York Herald. Sho listens to "talks" on hvdronnthv und slm roads nu hydro pathy. Sho has, moreover, u scientif ically constructed bathing apparatus whoro sho turns her learning into prac tical oxporlmonts. In truth, tho wom an who la not in touch with advanced Ideas in "tubbing" Is looked upon us ono sorely lacking in Information. Those who think tho porcelain tub with its hot and cold water faucots Quito sulllclent for nuturo's ablutions aro proletarians born and bred. Tho up-to-dato woman knows tho roVntlvo valuo ot water hot and cold for tho toilet. Sho also reflects upon tho best way to get most out ot It. Mrs. Fran ces Hodgson Burnott was tho first American woman to grasp tho Idea that tho art of "tubbing," as tho world at largo knows It, is far Bhort of what It should he you bco, sho had spent a season or so at Cnrlsbad, whcrt uodlly ablutions nro administered with much pomp and ceremony, and on hor re turn to our country sho set at onco to work fitting out u bathroom In her Washington homo on tho scientific principles to which bIio had now firmly plnnod hor faith. Mrs. Burnett hnd long been in delicate health, but her frlondB soon marked a return to plump and rosy happiness. Sho was cvldotit ly "tubbing" hor way toward strength and vigor. About flint tlmn thn llnv. Father Knolpp roached our shores, and cro long thoro woro many other Inter esting devotees of scientific bathing be- unto tho llttlo novelist. Then it wns that tho New York so cloty woman lletenod with rapt atten tion to his qulot talks ou water as a gift of tho Creator ns a means to make beautiful nnd wholesome and stroug all his living creatures, and uow.ranny months after this dear old man has passed away, tho rlchcBt and moat beautiful women of oir city aro hav ing placed in tholr town and country housos ho menus through which they nro to scientifically tub their way through pain and fatigue. Tho bath ing room Is simple enough to look at Just about twlco tho size of the ordin ary, ovcryday affair. Thoro Is tho samo immaculato porcelain tub, with n shower flxturo above and tho fauccits so arranged that any temperature, from tepid to Ice-cold water, may bo had. Thero is a rubber hoso about two and a fot long, to be Attach ed to the faucot, tho ond pleco mndo of brass and bo constructed that consid erable forco is derived from tho water pressure Tho hoso is tho great health restored, I am told, if UBed undor stnndlngly. Tho cold spray, wheu played up and down tho spinal cord for flvo or ten minutes night nnd morning, Is said to work wonders with tho nervous system and blood flow. Situated In ono corner ot tho up-to-dato bathroom is a small circular tub of porcelain. This is for horb and Wtz baths. Thero, Is a long, narrow tablo or sholf of marblo, with a can vas mattress, on which my lady may Ho whilo tuklng hor mnssago, which, of courso, is always given under the direction of nn cxpcrloncod physician. I had nn intoro3tlng talk wllh a well known Now York woman on this hy dropathic craze. "Why, it has mado another woman out of mo," sho de clared earnestly, "and I Bhnll novor tako a hot bath again as long ns I live. Tho only way la which thoy aro to be toloratcd is when followed by a thor ough drenching In cold water, but they aro not good for ono oven then. They doploto tho system of strength, and ono cannot holp feeling fatigued after them, no matter how strong ono is I never take a bath in water above 70 degrees. I find it qulto as cleansing as tho piping hot ones, and I rub my Bkln until It is oil a-tinglo. Tho spray from tho hoso is tho finest ncrvo tonlo imaginable. In truth, one Is uuro to qulto forget that they have such things in their bodies aftor a fow weoks cold douching nlong tho spine. I had tho most distressing Insomnia, and tho baso ot tho brain scorned ut most bursting from the strain sorao tlmea. I sleep liko a baby now, Of courso, I feel very aafo about tho uso of tbeso ndvanced ideas, slnco I have mado a closo study of hydropothy and havo boon led up step by step by one who thoroughly understands tho sci enco, but I would not ndviso ono to do any oxporlmentlng without a car tain amount of knowlcden concerning one's individual condition nnd tho re lation of wator to health. As in every thing elso, ono must nut go abput it in a hit or miss fashion. "Why, I havo known tho most ex traordinary things accomplished through thoso cold wator baths. Father Knelpp's asslstaut, who gavo us 'talks' on hydropathy, was onco a crlpplo from rheumatism. Ho walkod on crutches tor two yours. Ho begnn to test tho cold wator baths. Ho used to plungo right Into lco-cold, vator. I wouldn't do that. But it helpod him so much that In two weeks ho wa3 greatly relieved and in six months bo was pcrfoctly woll nnd strong. In nil this tlmo ho had takon not ono drop ot mcdlolno. I think ho said ho used eomo hot horb packs besides his cold baths, but that was all. Rheumatism, you know," sho went on, learnedly, "Is a dlBonso of tho blood, but tho first ftult lies with tho stomach. It doesn't digest food properly, and so diet Is ono of tho most Important points. Acid Iq tormed in the blood through indi gent Ion, nnd t.nn has neuralgia and utter a tlmo rlioumatlstn. Now, If you go to doctors they glvo ono a lot ot polsonoiu drugs. Whnt is It they glv so much for that, antl-something or other? 1 forget, but, anyhow, thoy rarely euro on. Ob, ye; did I toll you about tho cold pucka which wo all use in Illnesses now? They nro so good for inflammations ot all BorU. It la simply a solution or Unegar and cold water, nnd wu havo them laid across us for an hour before tho cold spray Is taken. Why, I rcmamuer onco when I hnd a pulso ot 110, uor.rly burning up with fever, in fact, I had tills cold pack put on mo and in an hour they uild tho pulsa was down to 80. Thoro Is nothing, In truth, that cannot bo dono with good puro water, when ono uses It with pctfoct under standing." ENGLAND'S NEW BULLET. llMoriitlon or iha II.U Man-Killer For f.'Bjptlan Una. A now scrvlco bullet, Just adopted by tho English war ofllco, will bo used for tho first tlmo In tho Khartum ex pedition. Several million rounds art being sent out for tho uso of tho In fantry who nro going out to Egypt. Tho reason assigned for tho change lu tho service bullet Is that tho Lco-Mottord, though it is moro deadly at ton times the rnugo ot tho old musket ball, dors not dlBUblo an enemy as effectually as Ib considered desirable. Tho casa la elongated and so hard that soldiers havo been known to go on fighting aft er halt a dozen Lco-Mcttord bullots has gono through them, whilo tho bul let Itself has passed through two or threo men consecutively, shock being sacrificed for penetration, says the London Times. Tho Dum Dum bullet, now nluo superseded, cuino Into uso for thu purpose of stopping tho rush ot hordes of fanatics, as It had tho advan tage ot spreading out nnd breaking up whenuvcr It encountered resistance; but thero has recently been oonio dis cussion in Finnro as to tho propriety ot remonstrating with tho British war ofilco on tho ground that It is contrary to the convention mndo with other Eu ropean powers In 18C8. Tho now Bor vlco bullet Ib thu samo diameter (.303), the samo length (nn Inch nnd one fifth) and tho samo weight (21G grains) as tho Loa-Melford bullet, and fits nil the service rifles and machlno guns in uso by tho British army. Tho case is of nickel, tho base only being filled with lead. Tho conical end Is left ompty, and when It strikes tho. onomy buirs, opens backward and lodges in tho body, penetration being lessened and shock Increased. The new bullet Is spoken of us "the man-killing bul let," In contradistinction to tho non penetrating bullet. It is propelled with cordite, and has as much energy 'as tho old Murtlnl-Hcnry bullet or 410 grains had with tho host gunpowder; while, as It is halt tho weight, tho sol dlor Is nblo to carry doublo tho numbei of rounds of bnll cartridges. Tho now bullet is being manufactured in thi royal laboratory, Woolwich men and boys working overtlmo, at tho rate of 2,000,000 rounds ot ball car trldgo per week, and it tho test in tht Kharaum expedition proves satisfac tory a pormanent utock will bo kopt on hand ut tho powder magazine at Wool wlch. Crcola, Weddlngr In Manila. "Ah, aonor," said to mo, sighing, an old Crcolo damo, "how times aro chang cdot If It had not bcon for this curaed war with Amorica I would have prayed you to invito your compatriots, who must bo dying of ennui on tholr ships, to como to the wedding or my grand daughter, Carmcncltu. Sho and her friends, protty as thoy toll mo myself was ontto, would havo dono you the honors of my poor houso; thoy would havo served you with chocolate eo much tho moro succulent in that it was mado by their little hands, and that tho Philippines produco tho best cocoa in tho world. Tho ovcnlng would havo passed In smoking delicious puros, in listening nonchalantly, seated on tilt ed chairs, to natlvo songs chanted by my Carmcncltn. Then they would havo danced the wholo night an ln tcrmlnablo habanera to tho sound of harpa nnd guitars." Slchlng as she aatd this, tho good old Creolo nsked mo if it was truo that tho Americana woro paganB, and at my response In the negntlvo sho begged mo to light a puro as big as a stalk of maize. Having re spectfully given hor tho light sho de sired, I left her absorbed in tho amoks of her voluminous cigar. Correspond' out ot I.e Tom pa. TO CURE DAMP HANDS. Hauds wheu washed should always bo well dried and dusted with talcum powder. Two parts ot belladonna In twenty parts cnu do cologno is a favor ite remedy. If tho hands perspire worso in hot weather plungo them in cold nlum nnd water. Avoid all kinds ot wine, beer and spirits, tea and coffeo and do not eat plcklcfl or highly seasoned food. Live as much as posslblo in tho opon air. avoid 6tuffy, Ill-ventilated rooms, espe cially in flummor tinio. This will tend to rcgulnto tho circulation ot tho blood and stnto of tho nerves. Thero Is no ono who likes to shako hands with a person whoso hand is cold and clammy. No ono is bettor awara of this fact than tho suffering party possessing tho dlsngrccablo hand. The allghtcst oxortion or change ot weather Is apt to bring about this condition. It nrlBcs from conatlJutlo'U weakness, or nervousness. Soni).: tff.ouics aro to.. rub a cut lemon ov jg jiot w- Ing soap, or uslrht latcr or boraclc arid and w. on III? Why will peoj yort got bored when. well at homcTJ .1 e 5 W gg3ttga'jjijjjjyjjjjjajCjL lain m 1 iaT Hinmiiiiafixf ,'W Wi "ifr MmPMat4WWn5WiCIvnRIVP WxiiKti: .H