The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1898, Page 2, Image 2
I if V. , Wayne), J M ' T aco G.W i ft Wilkin 11 '. U TUcK Pi tiL tv" 9 t farea LjatvVi jMr 2 NKWS OF NEBRASKA SUCCINCT SUMMARY OF A WEEK'S EVENTS Mat Important Happr nine nf the Pt even Daya ntXttlf Mentioned All Tot tea f the Stat Corf veil A Tlmroufli Meaiitne of Ncliruika Netra. Wednesday. Oelooor 11. Dorr ltralnard of Tamora accident ally allot a bU fnim n target rifllc through t liia foot. The wound is not dangerous. The liurlinitlon reports the flterm much tho Butno over Its entire system. Trains woro unusually delnycil by tlio bad weather and heavy trafllo and "double headers" on all roodu were the rule. An address Riven by Chancellor Mc Lean at tho annual nicoliiifr of the Nebraska state teachers' association lion just cotno out in pamphlet form. Tho address was printed nt tho request or tho board of regent. The subject of the address Is "The Next Stage In tho Educational Dcrclopmcut cf Ne braska." A man rushed Into PolwoskyVi store, 1120 0 street, Lincoln, yesterday af ternoon, grabbed a box of gold spec tacles valued at 814, and rushed out again without so much as saying "Good day," "Thank you,"or anything ebto to tho young lady clerk, who was in tho storo at tho time: The police were notified of tho theft. Thumlay, October 30 Rev. Mr. Youtzy of Fremont has de rided to enter evangelical work and has resigned as pastor of tho Christian church. It Is feared that the reported failure of the First National bank of Ncllgh will prove more serious than was at first thought. It is hoped that the depositors will bo paid In full, but it is by no means certain from all the in formation that can be obtained. Frank Galbrath of Oinuhn, ex-col-lector of Internal revenue, who had hl right arm crushed by falling under a train at Columbus, is resting euslly. It was found that amputation was necessary in order to relievo the pain, and tho arm wus taken off ut tho el bow. Frank Haw llns, proprietor of a liv ery stable on South Thirteenth street, Lincoln, notified tho pollco that two women camo to his stablo Sunday aft ernoon and hired a horso and carriage, saying that they wanted to drlvo to Bennett They said they would re turn tho horso and carriage the next day. Without asking their names the stable keeper lot them huvo tho rig ad tho couple drovo sway. They have net yet returned, aud Ilawllus thinks they have stolen tho outfit. Frliiny, October 91. irpirrsigrior Forugrlni. It Is said sliu contemplates marrying a Chicago man. Private Comodor Christy of company !), Second regiment, died In Emiinucl hospital nt Omuliu of typhoid fever. Frank Bccdy, a young man who has been employed for several years by Henry Ncltman at Beatrice, is under arrest charged with theft of money and checks to tho amount of about tUOO.Thc boy's mother Is prostrated by tho occurrence. Governor Uolcomb has honored a requisition from Kansas for tho ar rest of Mortlmar Iteemer who Is want ed in Kansas City for tho larceny of goods from the dwelling of S. .1. Her rick. The value of tho goods is SI I. Ilcemcr is tinder arrest nt Norfolk. A Chicago wholesale house tele graphed its attorney in Itrown county to. attach property of n merchant to tho amount of u claim for 871)0. Tho message was forwarded with the fig ures spelled out as usual, but tho omis sion of the letter "b" from tho word "seven" made it read "even hundred niucty dollars." Tho attorney at tached property to the extent of "oven huadrod nlnoty dollars.' Other cred itors of tho morehant also uttached property and when tho error in tho raessago was discovered tho "oven hun dred and ninety dollar" lawyer was left holding tho saclc. All tho proper ty bail been gobbled up and ho was unable to got anything moro In satis faction of his claim. The supremo rourt held tho other day that tho tele graph company was liable for errors in transmission of messages, notwith standing u printed agreement to the contrary ou tho back of its printed blanks, and tho telegraph company was held liablo for 8000. Saturday, October 83. Adjutant General Harry has been appointed paymaster by Governor Hoi comb, and has bcon instructed to pay tho members of tho national guard wha werorojocted by tho United States Mustering officers, L. P. Olltptit, a Denver capitalist, haaboea communicating with both tho county and city officials of Colum bus regarding tho locating of works for tho manufacture of iron bridges. Although no definite arrangements have yet been made it is believed that with proper encouragement they may be iaducod to locate there. The corrooted list of members of thu first regiment who havo died nt Ma nila has been mudo out by General Barry, and is ob nearly complete as in information at hand will allow. Bo idoo W. P. Lewis tho mortality has been as follows: William J. Evans (not Vans), con pany C, Beatrice; Uu phtiel 0. Mnhor (not Itoyco Mnhcr) company K; Vjrino Amlorson, Vul- aratso: wans"' -lmio (not Walter M. out nevvikner (not Hor- frnrjc, Vfffpnny F; H. B. Tk; John Black, Appety Millorton, Pa.; y"v . i 5 U May Eaton of Lincoln took IB ccnta worth of morphlno with suicidal in tent bnt a physician yanked her back to earth by liberal doscB of antidote. Bandar. October 33. Arrangements uro being nindo to permit all tho poor people, whoso means would not allow them to see tho exposition heretofore, to see it on Oma ha day. Tho matter Is in tho hands of the Douglas county charity authorities. An old man named Martin Lulr was run over by tho engine kept at Oer mantown to help trains over tho hill, and so badly Injured that ho died on hour later. ' Ho was picking up coal nacr tho llurllngton depot, and being hard of hearing nnd having dcfectlvo eyesight, did not noilco tho engtno when it camo along. The body of a man who has been working on the railroad at Kearney for some time past, nnd who gavo his name as Charles Foley, was found terribly bruised and mangled on tho track near Hilda, four miles cast of here. Just how he came to his death is not yet definitely known, but it is reported that ho is trying to Bteal n rldo on a freight train aud that ho wai thrown off by a brakeman. Tho near nnnroach of tho olose ol the exposition has developed a senti ment in favor of Its contlnuanco nt least for a short period of three months next summer. This sentiment is not now, although it is just finding expres sion. There aro many who believe that tho success achieved this year and tho wldo publicity attained would in sure on unprecedented success next year, while the expense Incurred would bo comparatively blight, A farm houso near Bee, occupied by a family named McMillen, together with the contents, wns burned. Thero was no one at homo except tho .two McMillen women and their llttlo chil dren, who barely escarcd with their lives. They wcro sleeping up Btnlrs, and ono of them escaped through a window, leaving her baby behind. The other ono ran down stairs with hor baby, and when she saw that tho other one had loft her baby up stairs she ran back and got it, but both woro quite badly burned before she escaped from tbo building. Monday, October 21. At Omaha John L. Melchcrt, former ly of Lincoln, where ho was moro gen erally known as Johnnie Wohlcnberg, shot and instantly killed himself, af ter first having shot and fatally wound ed a young woman named Lillian Mor ris, with whom ho hod been keeping company. Tlio tragedy wns awiui in Us details. Molehert and the young woman presented themselves at F. A. Itlnehart's photograph gallery, 1520 Douglas street, whither thoy went to havo a picture of tho young woman taken. They wcro directed to tho dressing room. Shortly after thoy en tarntXSby rnrtro olr,I0nr"b,lcYs"In, close succession, lllnchart ami his assist ants rushed into tho room and en countered a ghastly spectacle. In ono corner of the small apartment lay the young woman with hor body upon the lloor and her head resting upon tho top of a small gas stove and against thu wooden partition wall. In the op posite corner lay tho lifeless body of John Mclchert Miss Morris died nt thu hospital, to which slio was taken immediately after tho occurrence. It appears that Mclchert fired thrco shots, one of which was into his own brain. One of the other shots took effect in Miss Morris' head, whilu tho third ponctruted three wooden partitions in the studio. Tho weapon was of 39 calibre. TueMlay, October 21. Why isn't tho doctor who is always taking somebody off a funny fellow? Tho Second Nebraska regiment wns mustered out at Omaha Monday. It required nearly 8100,000 to pay tho men. Drucllla A. Stoddard has sued tho city of Lincoln for 810,500 for a broken nrm sustained by reason of defoetlvo sldovvalks. Tho accident happened Juno CO, 180S. Tho university of Nebraska cut a notch in tho championship of tho Western intercollegiate football league nt Columbus, Mo., Monday. Her ath letes scored forty-seven points against their Missouri rivals, and gavo tho de fenders of the gold and black but a single touchdown in return. For just ten minutes after play commenced Missouri figured as a factor in thu contest. James D. Gago, assistant adjutant general of tho Nebraska G. A. It., has accepted tho trust Imposed in him nnd will take up tho work of organizing committees nt every homo station of eompanios In tho First and Third Ne braska regiments with a vtow to for warding a Christmas donation to each soldier. General Gago said that he would arrange to havo packages trans ported In tlmo to reach tho soldiers by Christmas. Ho will boglu tho work at once because tho First regiment is so far away that there is no tlmo to lose if the regiment Is to bo reached by Christmas. For this reason tho First regiment will be looked after first. Donations for tho boys at Manila must bo ready for shipment by November 1. Word was recently brought to Dc Wltt that William Clalborno, a high ly respected farmer living near there, hud bunged himself to a treo near his homo. Ho had lwen suffering from a complication of diseases. Ho wns six ty j'cara old aud comfortably fixed. Mrs. Nelllo Oilman Bass of South Omaha has socured from J ml go Scott a temporary order restraining hor hus band, Murk L, Bass, from speaking to her, following her or doing her per sonul injury ponding termination of hor dlvorco ease, which ha has been endeavoring to frighten hor into withdrawing. THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. OFGENERALIKTEBEST INFORMATION FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Kvent of Vara Than rantnjr Interest SThlob Have Trantplred Since the War Ended Faaca rrofreas and Movement of Array, Navy, aad Departments. Wednesday, October ID. Floods in Japan have damaged crops to a great extent aud many dives havo been lost. Reports from Fort 8111, O. T.. are to tho effect that tho Comancho Indiana aro becoming roatlcss bocauso of Irreg ular rations. A. J. Hohlcdcr, n pioneer of tho Black Hills, was oun over by cars at Sheridan, Wyo., and killed. His homo Is in Dead wood. The flan Francisco Evening Post is authority for tho statement that Hear Admiral Dewey will nrrlvo in tho United States December 0, on tho City of Pckin. Tho coroner at Toledo, O., finds Lessees Paddock, Hoduo & Co. respon sible for tho Union elevator flro of September 20, in which fourteen per bons lost their lives. Owing to nn oversight in not having tho propor jurat of tho notary public on tho certificate tho Chicago plat form democrats in Now York can not get their nominees on tho ballot. Advices from Trinidad, province of Sauta Clara, tell of damuges caused by recent storm. Many houses wcro Bwcpt away, eight pcoplo killed and many cattle drowned. It is said that tho Chlcogo-Virden Coal company proposes to proccod against Governor Tanner, and soctiro an injunction restraining him from In terfering with the oioration of their mines. At noon yesterday tho flog of tho United States was raised in Porto P.lco, and that island becumo an Amor lean possession. It is thought the 600,000 subjects will havo American citizonship conferred upon them by an act oi congress. Fifteen Italian anarchists havo been arrested at Alexandria, Egypt, charged with conspiracy to assassinate Em peror William of Germany on tho occasion of his visit to Jerusalem. It Is also believed they contemplated tho death of King Humbert of Italy. Thursday, October SO. It is rumored that LI Hung Chang and tho dowager empress of China havo been secretly married. Tho pcaco jublleo parado in Chicago was an immense uuulr, and wus re viowed by the president. Tho Pillager Indians, wanted for selling whisky, aro surrendering them selves to tho united States marshal. Patsy Uogan, cx-pngilist, shot and killed his wife at their homo in San Francisco. Ho then stubbed himself but will recover. England and France nro preparing for war ovor Fashoda, bnt conserva tive papers bellovo war will not ensue, nraw'ita force from'lho disputed terri tory. Tho navy department says Admiral Dowoy has not requested leavo of ab sence, and it docs not, therefore, be llovo lie will nrrlvo in tho United States on December 0, as before men tioned. The war department has given out tho official denial that Colonel Win, J. Bryan of tho Third Nebraska has been refused leavo of absence. Tho depart ment says Colonel Bryan has asked no indulgcnco of tho department, conse quently none hns been refused him. Friday, October 21 Tho foreign npplo crop is short. Advices from tho Klondike say thrco Muall pox cases exist nt Dawjon. ' Tho fighting blood of tho Chippowa Indians Is not yet cooled aud another outbreak is feared. A new treo disease has attacked tho pcuch orchards of Michigan and is fast destroying tho trees. Tho French court of cessation will tnko up tho Dreyfus case next wwlt and a revision will most likely bo granted. A Paris evening paper announces that Captaiu Dreyfus is already in Paris, and is confined in a fortress to which ho was secretly brought. .Too Ott wns hanged at Granite Falls, Minn., for tho murder of his wife. Ho made a statement from tho gallows, oxprcssing sorrow for tho crime. An explosion occurred on tho tor pedo boat Davis on Its trial trip at As toria, O.-cgon, and seven men wero scalded so badly they died from tho effects. Tho Davis was not material ly injured. Superintendent Lukens of tbo Chicago- Vlrden Coal company's mine nt Vlrdon, 111., was released from custody and escorted to tho train by a heavy guard. Ho went to Strcater, 111. It Is reported that a movement Is on foot in Georgia to raiso n regimen b from among tho two Georgia regi ments soon to bo mustered ont, tho new regiment to tnko tho place rf tbo Third Nobraska, thus relieving Oolo- noi uryau. it is saia wio military au thorities rccclvo tho suggostiom with favor. Saturday, October SB. Tho steamer Henry Cliisholu went on tho rocks of IbIo Uoyulo, Ont. Tho crew escaped. - Secretary of tho Navy Long ha ap proved tho finding of tho court mar tial in the Chaplain Mclntyro case. The new Japanese- minister to tho United States is named M. Jutaro Komura. Mr. Komura studied law at Harvard. Tho United States will take posses sion of Porto Rico tomorrow. By then most of the Spanish ofilcials and troops will havo doparted for Spain. General Bacon, who is in command of tho troops engaging tbo Indians in Minnesota, says tlio Indians need a good sound thrashing, and that thoy won't bo peaceabio until thoy nro chastised. Private Charles Kcnn of tho Twenty second Missouri volunteers, who shot aud killed Knssell, Mic negro whom ho found with Mrs. Komi when ho wont homo on u furlough, was accqulttcd by tho coroner's jury after n ten minutes' deliberation. Tho Taris pcaco commissioners are till far from an agreement. The Cu ban debt scorns to bo tho log in tho way of progress. The Paris exposition managers havo accecdcd to Commissioner Peck's re quest for more space. Tho United (States wlU have 203,000 square feet of pace. Eliza Burrill, wlfo of a well-to-do mechanic of Toronto, Canada, stran gled her threo children to death. She said she did not want them to grow up wicked. Bho was evidently demented. Sunday, October 23, Tlio First National bank of Lisbon O., has failed. Ilnssla, it is said, will advise Franc to yield to Great Britain. Capt. A. M. Wcathcrlll, U.S.A. horo of Santiago, is doad at Washington. The annual exhibition of tho society of western artists has begun at De troit. Eight now yollow fever cases nro re ported from Jackson, Miss,, but the scare is over. King Winter has set in in tho Klon dike, according to reports of miners arriving at Vancouver. At Onklank, California, one of the houses of the Judson Dynamite works blew up, killing two men. Advices from Clcnfucgos nnd Pinar del Klo indicate intense ill feeling be tween Cubans and Spaniards. General Miles is back at his desk in armv hcadnuarters. aud is cniraired in tho details of tbo plan or gurnsoning Cuba. Yellow fovor germs in tho south nro rapidly disappearing, owing to tho frosts that havo appeared in tho af fected districts. John Sinclair Thomas, who went to Chicago from Kansas City with a for tnno of 8300,000 a year ago, declares himself a bankrupt with liabilities of 8500,000. Tho postofflco department has or dered tho establishment of a military posted! cc station at Cavitc.ucar Manila. It will bo known us military station No. 3, of the San Francisco postofllce. At Dcs Moines, In., tho big brick block of Perkins and Brlnsmald, four stories high, and filled with costly do mestlo and imported china aud glass ware, burned to tho ground. Tho loss was about 8100,000. Tho postofflco department has warned postofllce employes not to pay assessments for cnmpalgu purposes. Tho department says tho employes aro under no obligation to do so, and their situations will not bo lost to them if they refuse to pay assess ments. Monday, October 24. The emperor of China is suffering from an incurablo kidney disease. Peaco jubilee week in Philadelphia will cap the climax of tho presidential tour. It begins this morning. Tlio Spanish pence commission has proposed a compromise in the inattct of tho Cuban debt. The details arc not made public. Cap Anson lias been offered tho man OKCiucnt of the Philadelphia baseball will accept or not. Franco Is said to bo determined to stand her ground in the Fashoda mat ter. Both England and Franco aro hurryiug wur preparations. Seventeen Indians, armed with Win chester rifles, have gone out to bring in the chief plotter in tlio Leech lake tragedy, Chief Bug-Ah-Ma-Oe-Shlg. A tcrriblo raco war is on in Missis sippi. It came about through uu at tempt of white men to lynch a negro named Bill Burko for assuulting a white man. The scene is near Harp crsvlllo. About fifty negros aro with Burko determined to prevent bis ar rest. The whites aro gathering in force. The first trouble nroso when a sheriff's posse was ambushed nnd one deputy was killed and threo wounded. Nino negros aro reported to havo been killed. Governor MoLauriu lias gono to tho scone. Tueeduy, October 80. General Corrca, Spanish minister of war, has resigned. Uobson reached Boston yesterday on his way to Philadelphia to attend tho peaco jubilee. Bear Admiral Schley sends word from Porto Ilico thut evacuation is now complete. Tlio result of tho raco war near Harp ersvlllc, Miss., so far is eleven dead negroes und ono white man. Franco and England havo como to a .sober second thought und concessions oi a mutual character aro likely. Tho striking miners at Pana, 111., aro buoyunt with hope. Affairs uro taking a turn favorable to them. John Anderson, a Swedo 1 vlng in Marshall township, near Austin, Minn,, murdered his wife during a quarrel. Tlio authorities at Vienna nro tak extraordinarily drastic measures to prevent the spread of tlio bubonic plague. Tho Third Nebraska regiment has gono to Savuuuah. Ool. Bryan is at tho DuSoto hotel in Savannah, ill with a mild typo of fover. Major-General Mcrritt and Miss Laura Williams of Chicago wero mar ried in tho brldo's apartments at tho Savoy hotel, London, England. Tho United States supreme court has decided the joint trafilo association railroad caso in favor of the United States. Tho court declares tho associ ation is a trust. Tho decision of tho superior judges of California in tho Mrs. Botkla habe as corpus caso is that slio cannot bo taken to Delowaro to bo tried for mur der. It is oven doubted if slio can bo tried for tbo crlmo of seudlug poisoned candy to tho Dunnings. Loslio Cnroott, aged twelve years, while caring for a broncho, was kicked by tho animal and his leg was broken near tho hip. Tho break is a bad ouc. II. O. Boatty, sscrotary of tho Oma ha Business Men's association, is send ing out notices of n meeting held in Omaha ut which which representatives of different retail associations of tho state woro in attendance when matters wcro discussed pertaining to uu organ ized effort at tho next session of tlio legislature agalnbt department stores and catalogue house.-!, llopresenta tlves from many rctaileri associations l were present. AGUINALDO'S AESTY. MERRITT REPORTS 10,000 INSTEAD OF 67,000. Half a Doiea Ileglaiants to Com Uome Beoa ta Recuperate aad Their Place to Be rilled by Freeh Troopi From the Wet -Lateet Advice From Manila. WA8HI50TOW, Oct 22 Tho latest advices from Manila have strengthened the ofilcials of tho war department in their decision not to withdraw any of tha troops now in tho Philippines. On tho contrary it is possible that addi tional regiments will be sent to Manila from San Francisco on transports, which havo recently arrived thero. In time it will bs necessary to order homo possibly half a dozen of the regiments now at Manila In order to givo tho aoldicra who havo been in a chance to recuperate. Anticipating that this may bo neces sary in tho early winter, tho authori ties aro preparing to havo their places Oiled by fresh troops from the West. Tho authorities desiro to havo Major General Otis' command so strong and well equipped that the mere display of force will havo a deterrent effect on Any plans of tho insurgents to rebol against American authority. Many in- Jlgultlci committed by the insur gents havo been reported to tho War department by General Otis and ho hns been instructed to use every means to protect life and property and to end all depredations. For somo tlmo Agulnaldo has Imag ined his forces strong enough to drlvo the Spanish and Americans, should he o decide, into the bos. Tlio fact re mains that the rebels wcro not strong enough to capture Manila, and would havo been annihilated in attacking the suburbs had not Dowoy destroyed tho Spanish fleet. In tho mlddlo of Sep tember Agulnaldo said that ho had 87,000 insurgents armed with rifles and could raise 100,003 men if necessary. This was undoubtedly puro bombast, as General Mcrritt hnB lately reported to tho war department that the total number of rebels armed with rlilcs did not exceed 10,000. At this tlmo Aguanlldo was at tho height of hJB power. Since then he has lost so much of his support that it may be doubtful if ho could induce many of his men to attack tho Americans. Tha congress at Malalos saw the decline of tho dictator, for tho questions dis cussed split tho delegation Into many factions. Agulnaldo attempted to force his ideas of independence on the dtlegatcs, but they would not havo it, fully two-thirds being for annexation, a sentiment that bos rapidly grown since tho meeting. NO EXPANSION FOR CARNEGIE Oppod to America Mixing Cp In Kn- ropean Illvalry. ai&rr -rvnn, uvt. ao JLJUatv Cnr- legle, just back from Europe, said in n interview: "If tho United States is going to undertake tho government of the Philippines and go in for cxpan lion throughout tho world, putting her hand in the hornets' rfest of European rivalry, thora can bo no prosperous business. Wo shall bo subject to war and war's alarms. "Business ia the child of security and peace. Tho entrance of the United States as a new power in tho far East will sot every ono of tho present powers to a study of tho question from k now standpoint. Wo shall be com pelled to lncrcaso our navy. Wo must pay a largo standing army, and thoro Is neither rest nor security for as. Before the American people comes now tho most serious issue since tho issues of indcpcndcnco and secession. A false step now uud tho future of the republic will, in my opinion, be seri ously impaired and its industrial ca reer retarded?" "You do not think that territorial expansion will bring expansion in trade?" "No, not by any means. Tho devel opment of ono stata in tho Union in peaco and security will outweigh all tho Increase of profit we can get from foreign trad in any of tho worthless possessions which wa can attempt now to take. Tho Philippines have a certain trado which cannot bo greatly increased. Tho wants of tho people are few; barbarians aro not cus tomers', civilized pcoplo aro consumers of our products." GAGE CAN REJECT BONDS. 1 Court Deelde Affalnit Bidden Yflioie Offer Were Thrown Oat Washisqton, Oct 22. Judgo Cox, In the district Supreme court to-day dccldod tho cases of Gcorgo B. Wight man nud of William II. Wharton againt Secretary Gage, in favor of tho secrotary of the treasury. One suit sought an injunction and tho other a mandamus, tho basis of com plaint in each being tho rejection by tho secretary of tho treasury of bids Buqmittcd for the recent war loan. Secretary Garo rejected tho bids, bo lieving the Udder really represented certala institutions. Judgo Cox held that under the act of Congress the sec retary had discretion in the award of tho bonds and that the Intent of Con great waa that they ahould go to IndL vlduala to the exclusion of banks and corporations. thawed Dynamite and Threa Are Dead. Doxvth, Minn-, Oct 22. Threo men were killed hero to-day by an explos ion of dynamite. They aro Uonry Soherf of Saulte Ste. Marie and John Stevenson and Michael Vail of Duluth. They were working upon a bcow upon the government canal. Schcrf, the diver, was thawlnd dynamite over u mall engine. Colombia, S. C, Oct 23. Colonel Joseph It Austin, First South Carolina volunteer infantry, died today at Vorkvllle, a C, while awaiting orders prior to mustering out LONDON ASKED TOBE CALM, Trafaljar Pay May Add rncl to tha Fo alioda Kxcltement. London, Oct 22. The London morn ing papers havo cooled down to an ex ceedingly cautious and conservative tone in dealing with tho Fashoda ques tion, apparently realizing that the public on both tides of tho channel is heated to the danger point Thoro is a marked effort to avoid nn offensive tone. The Times says: "Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has gone somo way to persuade our neighbors that we really mean what wo say. The time has come when it is absolutely nco;ssary to dispel French dreams on this subject, unless very dangerous consequences nro to result, but tho chancellor of the exchequer might havo performed tho operation mora dex terously." Tho Dally News, which voices tho general feeling says: "The country is determined to maintain its rights, but there is no occasion to provoke our op ponents or to add fuel to tbo contro versy." The Trafalgar celebration, falling to-day, is a particularly unfortunate coincidence and may havo just the ef fect of adding the fuel which the Dally News deprecates. Exceptional interest was taken in the celebration. This is tho ninety third anniversary of tho victory of Trafalgar. Tho Nelson column ou Trafalgar square was profusely decor ated and entwined with a spiral chain of laurel leaves, while laurel festoons hung from each corner of tho capital to tho lions. The base was covered with anchors, wreaths, flags and ever greens, with a background of crimson cloth. Thero wcro floral Bhields in each corner, inscribed with Nelson's great Victoria, "St. Vincent," "Camp- erdown," "The Kilo" and "Trafalgar." The morning was Bhowcry and misty, but many hundreds of pcoplo wcro present to cheer tho hoisting of the Uuion Jack on tho top of tho ped estal at 8 o'clock. At 1'ortsmouth the masts of tho old time lino of battlo ship Victory, Nel son's flagship at Trafalgar, tho vessel on which ho was killed, wero hung with garlands and laurels. Tho prin cipal towns colcbrated tho day by hoisting tho Union Jack on all thu publlo buildings. Paiiis, Oct. 21. Major Marchand's report, telegraphed from Cairo, was received during the night It docs not mention the arrival at Fashoda of Gen eral Kitchener, and only gives an ac count of tho incidents of the expedi tion, with an elaborate description of tho route followed, tho places occu pied, the manner of occupation, tho raising of tho flag, the forco left at each point nnd tho treaties of submis sion concluded with the tribes, in addi tion to referring to an encounter with the dervishes. It is believed in certain quarters that Oaptntn Unrulier ia tho bearer of a verbal report which tho French au thorities wcro not willing to trust upon the British telegraph lines. The report goes only as far as tho beginning of September, and says that August 20 tho supplies of tho party were abundant Tho reason for the omission of any mention of tho arrival of General Kitchener at Fashoda is said to bo tho fact that the report of Major Marchand was not ready when Captain Baratier left Fashoda. KILLED ON TRIAL TRIP. Seven IllaoJAcketa Meet Death an a Now Torpedo Iloat In Oregon. AsTOitiA, Ore., Oct 22. The torpedo boat Davis, which started on its of ficial trial trip yesterday, was disabled by the bursting of a number of bolter tubes. Eight of tho crew wcro badly scalded nnd seven of them died soon after reaching here. The dead are: 0. McNceley, P. Lulthle, 11. Woods, W. Woods, B. Ryan, A. Johnson, A. Buohl. Lulthle was a coal passer and Woods superintendent of tho boiler room. Tho others wero firemen. Tho acci dent occurred in tho Columbia river about twenty miles above this city. Tho nature of tho explosion has not yet been made known, as an examina tion of the boilers will bo required to determine exactly what portion of tho boilers burst Tho beat theory obtainable is that some of tho tubes in tho forward boiler exploded owing to a derangement of the automatic water gauge, which per mitted tho water to get too low. Ex cptlng for tho havoo naturally wrought in tho boiler room, tho boat is uninjured. The Davis carried forty-ono men all told. Sho waa ono of two torpedo boats recently built by Wolff &. Zwick er at Portland, nnd was soon to have gone into commission. At tho tlmo of tho accident tho boat Was in charge of thooflhial trial board. Tho officers declined to make any stato ment as to the aauso of tho accident Simple Statement of Facta. Washington, Oct. 22. Tho roporl of the Walnwrlght board, convened for tho purposo of determining tho po sitions and courses of the ships en gaged iu tho action at Santiago July 3, was made public yesterday. It simply gives the positions of tho various ships engaged at frequent Intervals. It does not attempt to say to whom tho credit for tho victory was duo. Santa Fa Land Office Abolished. TorKKA, Kan., Oct. 42. John E. Frost, land commissioner of the Atch ison, Topoha & Santa Fo railway, haa resigned his office. Tlio ofilco will bo abolished aud the company's land brur iness wlil ha handled by a new com pany, to bo organized at onco, indc pendeut of tho railroad. Weraen Norma entitled to Commutation. Washington, Oct. 22 Tlio Wur de partment has issued orders to allow womeu siirsea, when granted leave oi absence, ttaatnutatton rations at tb rate of twenty-five cents a day. ' r " in yi t r "i"' r'lirriiinniii.fBjtaj, tnfi. i ,1k. .'