The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1898, Image 1

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PSSBSS" Zr9 j -j "V" BPPlft TJJHlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa "VJflTX rFW M "W JsXlaBBVa BBBBBBBBvflflrrfBBaf 1-1 il ft zJ222sShBBBBBBBBSBBV T ? m 7pf BVsi-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' A IsBBBBIBa1 L ftHftPlftftftftftftftftftftftftftHftftftftftftlftftftftftftftKft''HT4 srfi "iJ5Et5BSMlJSBBBBlsr-BJH
RED CLOUD, NEBRAvA. OCT. 28, 1898.
Summer and Early Fall
wo mndo preparations to mako this season's business stand nt
iho head of tin; (Hitpnt of
Iflofthy fltteretendising.
Tho snecess of our plan has boon far in excess of our
Tho past week makes you think of
Wo bavo it. Our stock of
Is tho largest in the city.
110NOI.UI.U,lSupl. 10, 181)8.
I will eomiuoneo this loiter today as I
havo some leisure time, anil keep add
lug to it until tho mail leaves which
will bo about next Saturday. To com
mence with Holt, Mori and I nro nt ro
bust as ever &m nt present Meet Is
helping cook Hint is for today, and
just now Hob is sleeping on a bench
and I nm writing beside him in tho
second storj of tho gruud aland of tho
fnirgroni.ds in which wo aro at present
camping. In front of mo lies Camp
Otis, our camp, composed of 100 mon
under Captain HolUcrnmn. Captain
lloldcrman was formerly county super
intendent of York county for eight
i vears and at present his sister is run
ning for llio same ofllco. Ho lives at
York, Nebraska. In tho noxtstrcoton
tho north is tho second company of tho
Nebrnska recruits comprising about 00
men of which Hob is one. They aro
under Captain Wilson formerly a drug
gist of Lincoln. His men woro mus
tered in at Hastings, Beatrice aud Lin
coln. Iu the next street to tho north
is the third company of about 104 men
undor Captain Killlaur from Columbus
who was formerly a county judge, law
yer and editor. Ho has tho "name of
having tho host drilled company of tho
wholo camp, ours being second, but
Killian is a hard drill master and drills
his men every minuto of tho tlmo that
is alloted bini. Wo do not drill more
than fifty or sixty minutes all day be
sides taking our turn at cooking and
guarding, of which I havo holnnd.cnok
ouco ana oeuu uir guard twice in thrco
Ten davs ago wo oponed another invoieo of mon's underwear in
Thoso aro good values at 60c, but buying and selling for
cash enables us to placo them on salo at
SOo each. IJ
Men's Underwear.
Men's Cotton lleeco lined wear at 80o eaoh. Thoso
are regular BOc goods.
Children's Underwear.
Children's Camel Hair Underwear, pants and
i i vests, nt 6o for sizo 16 with a 8o riso per size.
Fleeco Lined, sizo 16 at ICo with 5o rise per sizo.
Full linno of Ladios Wear.
By early purchosing in largo quantities wo wore
enabled to securo many oxtra values in blank
ets. Wo place them on salo at extra vvlue'
prhos. The result has been, as it is, a groat
blanket trado.
All cotton, full sizo bed, sizo guaranteed at 85o
and upwards to $1.75.
$2 00 to 88.00 for union.
13.25 to $8.00 for all wool.
Wo call special attention to our 12-4 cotton blank
ets, weight 8 lbs. por pair.
Wo oponed tho season with 260 pieces of outing.
Wo still bavo about fifty patterns left. Tho
values in tbeso goods cannot bo duplicated
"Winter "Wraps.
That our stock of Ladles', Children's and Misses
Cloaks and Jackets is par excollonco has been
shown during the cloak carnival sale which wo
held tho tlrst part of last week. With tho largo
number of goods showu in tho city during tho
salo an excellent opportunity was given for
comparison. Tho result wns our selling oj
many garments from such examination. Our
prices aro right too.
Dry Goods, Cloaks, Etc., First Floor, Main
Groceries and Queensware, West Room.
Furniture, Second Floor.
Carpets, Second Floor.
Men's Furnishings, Main Room.
Shoes, Main Room, Deck.
Miner - Bors.
weeks so you can seo what wo have to
do. In tho next street north of Capt.
Killian are two streots of Colorado re
cruits of 180 men and on tho north of
that lios a level meadow of 80 acres
whtro 8000 men drill every day. Just
south of us in tho next thrco streotB are
820 Pennsylvania recuits undor Colonol
Barnot of Pennsylvania. South ot
thorn aro 800 regulars for tho 18th
regulars. Thoso compriso Camp Otis.
Just beyond is Camp McKlnloy com
prising about 1800 hundred men from
New York. Just boyond their camp
looms up Diamond Point, a volcano
now dormant, towering 000 foot high
and on the peak floats Old Glory plant
ed thero by the New York boys. To
our left is stationed a company of cav
alry which are used as mounted or-
dorlys and patrolmen guarding planta
tions. I bad a chanco to be a mount
ed orderly but did not take it.
If you wore to go from hero to Hono
lulu Ave miles northwest you would
pass out of tho gate and pass up the
road on both sides of which aro trees,
dates, palm, pino, big bananas and tho
famous Banyon treo, a native of India
with roots running down to tho ground
from tho limbs ton feet high, somo of
tho trees covering one-fourth of an
aero. You would also soothe beauti
ful mansions of the Americans sur
rounded by lawns, tropical flowers and
fountains. Their Chinese help livo in
houses built of palm loaves woven to
gether, tho loaves being ten or twolvo
fcot high. Tho Ohincso and Japaneso
hero aro the samo as tho negto in tho
south, doing all tho hard work for al
most nothing and living on rico. Tho
natives of tho island aro a lazy sot of
peoplo, caring only for a full stomnch
and sleeping whore night overtakes
thorn, but somo ot thorn livo in nulo
little huts with a wholo in tho side for
a door or window, sleeping, eating and
sitting bn tho lloor. But yet tho nntlvcs
are much quicker to learn than tho
Chlneso. To turn to the subject again
after you pass down tho road a quarter
of a milo you will pass through Kapiou
la Park which has nrtlllclal lakes run
ning in all directions with lawns and
troes. In tho center is an olovated
stage on which a band concert is hold
every Sunday tiftomoin. It is all in
strumental music of every imaginable
kind with about (ifty different Instru
ments. As you leave tho park the road
follows tho ocean ouo half mile with
tho waves dashing up ngniust tho rock
wall that lines the road. You puss by
several Chlneso stores and on between
banana plantations of thousands of
acres on one side and cocounut trees
towering 100 and 200 feet on tho other,
aud on by rico plantations and by tho
only stieot car lino on Iho Inland, being
drawn by mules. A two uimlimo
or wagon is u curiosity, uven tho heavy
dray wiignu is drawn by a Mnglo mule.
The uliolu town of Honolulu is com
pletely covered with flowers except a
small placo around tho wharves. The
principle amusements of the natives
nro swimming races, boat races, tree
climbing and lying in the shade.
Now wo come bad: to our camp.
Our dally program is to bo up at 5:-15,
nt 0 roll call, 0:16 breakfast, from 7 to
7:80 muscle exercise, 0:15 to 10.15 drill;
12 dinner; 8:15 to 1:45 drill; 5 parade,
twice a week; 10 lights out ami all In
bed. Saturday aud Sunday uu drill at
nil but Saturday morning wn have in
spection of arms. If out of the army
ono having a trado could command
good wages here, but for a common la
boror this is no place as the Chinamen
will work for twenty to thirty cents
per day and work hard at that, but It
Is n good placo for an American to
mako money If ho has something to
start with. Mull only comes three
timcb n month hero. A follow by tho
namo of Orr, from Iowa, and I started
out on an exploring expedition. Wo
passed through thorny woods, over
stono fences with which about every
little farm is surrounded, through
woods whore wo saw natives picking
up a bean that grows ou trees for tho
Americans to feed to tholr horses and
for which they get livo conts por bush
el. Wo passed through a sugar can o
field, '.hocano being four inches in di
ameter at tho baso. After considornblo
.-- )- -,
out on a road and woro surround
ed by armed guards woo were guard
ing a plantation. They askod ou
names and regiments and also if wo
had any arms ou us. I hud nono but
my friend had a dagger. They told
him that ho would havo to go with
them and for mo to get back to camp
as fast as possible. Mr. Orr was put in
tho guard homo 24 hours and as soon
as I got out of sight I wont in another
direction to tho beach whoro I took
my timo, picking shells and exploring
a cavo that is in Diamond Head and is
about twenty ynrds iu length, and ar
rived back in camp five hours after
leaving my friend. Tho steamship Son-
ator, tho ship which took tho First Ne
braska to Manila, has just arrived with
eightdlschargod and wounded soldlcrss
on board. She has been twenty day
out from Manila, having atruok a ty
phoon and disabled some of her ma
chinery. This is a fairyland, yet tho
beautiea of tho placo gets old when
thero is bo social amusemonts outside
of camp life. Scarcoly any of tho na
tives can apeak our languago, thoso
who can aro tho small boys. Wo know
nothing of tho outside world, as there
aro no cables hero and no newspapers
or oven books to read, yot we havo
plenty to eat and nlco shady places to
stay in. Our chief amusemonts aro a
daily swim In tho ocean, watching a
craok gamo of ball or foot ball and
sometimes joining in tho samo, Tho
rest of our timo is spent chiefly in
writing, boxing, drilling and singing.
Just now there is coming up tho road a
Chinaman with a polo on his shoulder
and on each end is a basket containing
fruit to peddle, a common sight horo.
You can see it raining up in tho moun-
Inln nnol.. ntmnot all tl.n tlMA tnl.llr.
WWM uune hiuiudu uu niu muiu. nuiiu
down hero it soldom raius. wood Is
fnutteon dollars a cord hero, so you
seo it takes quito a lot of money for
that alone as we burn bIx or sovon
cords a day, that is, our camp alono.
By the timo you get this letter you will
probably know wimt thov intond doing
with us. Alueiit Keenry.
Company A, First Nobr. Vols.
extended, and ero long will bo coin-
Not onu cent for Spanish bonds or. nloted to Nluchwaiiir. ono of tho torri-
territory; millions for resumption
tlio war, if notion of Spain makes it
necessary. This is a statement in a
nutshell of the position of this govern
ment. Not n man in olllclal circles bo
lieves that Spain will bo foolish enough
tooulei itscomr Is&loncrs not to sign
tho treaty of p icj, unless thoy securo
somo money consideration, either as
payment for tho Philippines, or as
sumption of a p.iition of Spain's bond
ed lu.lehtcdiiojs, although such an out
come of tho negotiates at Paris ap
pears to be receiving serious consider
ation iu European cupitals. All of this
sort of thing is n part of tho giuno of
Spanish diplomacy, intended to nllect
the position of t liia government. As
such it is all absolutely wnstod. Should
the Spanish commissioners decliuo to
conclude tho treaty of poaco upon tho
terms submitted by tho United States,
the war would at once bo resumed, and
this government is far better lixol to
rush tho lighting than It wits tho day
tho protocol was signed, and is deter
mined to do it. Tho bugaboo of Euro
pean interforonco would not prevent
tho carrying of tho lighting into Spain
immediately, aud Spain would soon bo
compelled to accept terms of poaco far
moro humiliating than thoso it now has
an opportunity to accept.
Tho prosident greatly onjoyod bis
western trip and has nothing butpraiso
for tho hospitality, prosperity and tho
patriotism of thoso with whom ho
and if his backbone had noeded'an'y
stiffening on tho Spanish question,
which so farns appoarancos go it did
not, tho sentiments ho hoard expressed
would havo dono tho business. Thoso
who accompanied him say that tho al
most universal sontimont ovorywhoro
thoy wont, among thoso of all political
partios and of all Borts of mon, was in
favor of our taking tho wholo Philip
pine group.
Japan has changed its mlnlstor to
tho United States again. Japan kept
ono minister at Washington for a long
series of years, until ho became ono of
tho most popular diplomats in tho
corps, but since ho was recalled it ban
hardly allowed onj minister to remain
long enough to got acquainted with
the peoplo and customs. Howover,
tho now minister, Mr. Jutoro Kumora.
will not have that lesson to learn, as
ho is a graduate of Harvard university
and thoroughly acquainted with Amer
icans and American customs, official
and private.
of , torial
points of tho Uusslau railway.
Tho Inilllo for the past eleven mouths
was 1,010,835 passengers, and 1,800,118
tons of freight and Is rapidly increasing.
The road is nlroady paying handsome
Another bureau ofllolnl Jnmos A,
Dumunt, supervising inspector general
of tho steamboat Inspection service-
lias condemned tho civil sorvico rules
ns applied to his ofllco, In tho most tin
qualllled terms. Mr. Dumont in his
minimi report to tho secrotary of tho
treasury says tho placing of tho em
ployes of his ofllco under tho civil sor
vico has been a posltivo dotrimeut to
the sorvico iu many ways, and ho gives
numerous Instances to show Hint tho
men who have been nppoihtcd, aftor
troublesomo delays, havo boon Iosh, of
lleient than those selected boforo thoso
nppointmonts passed under tho civil
service rulos. Ho says tho civil sorvico
method koops tho steamboat Inspection
service In n moro or loss crippled con
dition uoarly nil tho tlmo.
Tho political assessor is again with
tho Washington ofllco holdors, asd thoy
aro doing their work oponly. Thero is
no law to Btop thorn. Tho law says
that political contributions shall not
bo solicited or roooivod by any office
holder, nor in a publlo building. The
nssossors simply write tho ofllco holders
to moot them at some designated place
and thon ask thorn to como down with,
the samo many of thorn do so, reserv
ing their kicking for their personal
How's This.
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caso of catarrh that can
not bo cured by Halls Catarrh Curo.
F. J. Cheney & Co , Piops.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Wo tho utidorslgnod bavo known F.
J. Chenoy for tho past flftoon years,
and believo him perfectly honorablo ia
all his business transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out any obligations
made by tho firm.
West & Tbuax,
Wholosalo druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale druggliU, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
76o per bottlo. Hold by all druggists,
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Rhoumatlsm Cured In a Day.
"MyftloCuro," for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 8 days.
Its action upon tho system is remark
able and. mysterious. It removes nt
onco tho cnuso and tho dlsoasa imme
diately disappears. Tho first doso
greatly boneiits; 75 conts. Sold by II.
E. Grlco, druggist, Bed Cloud, Nob.
' '
DoWltt's Witch Iluzel Salvo has tho
largest salo of any salvo iu tho world
This fact nnd its merit lias led dishon-,
ost peoplo to attempt to counterfeit it.
Look out for tho man who nttompts
to docoive you whou you call for Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo tho great pllo
onto. C. L. Cottlug.
Tho annual report of tho director ot
the mint, on tho production of silver
and gold by tho world during the cal
endar year, 1807, has been submitted
to tho secretary of tho treasury. It
shows that the production of silver
was tho greatest over known, the valuo
being $240,780,300 although many of tho
most productivo silver mines in tho
United States wore not worked during
that period. Tho valuo of the gold
produced was slightly in excess of that
ot silver, $237,604,800.
Tho following oxtraot of a report
sent to tho department of stato by
United Slates Consul llngsdalo, at
Tientsin. China, a city with moro than
a million inhabitants, with an nnnuul
commerce of $12,260,000, ' shows that
China Is fust waking up to modern
methods, not withstanding its misgov-
eminent t "The Imperial Ohincso rail
way is without doubt ono of tho great
est enterprises iu northern China. Al
ready three hundred and twouty miles
of tho road has boon constructed,
eighty miles doublo track, aud ono
hundred aud twonty-llvo miles are now
undor construction. Tho company has
sixty-four engines of Chinoso mako,
four Bolgian, twonty-ono Amorican and
thirty-eight English. From 8,000 to
12,000 mon nro constantly employed,
forty-two of whom nro foreigners.
Thoy havo extensive shops at Toug
Shun, whore curs of nil kinds nro
built, Tho cross-ties aud bridge tim
bers nro imported, principally from
Oregon, nlttinugh small shipments, far
Inferior iu quality, aie received from
Japan. Tho road is gradually being
A Shattered Nervous System.
RMtortd to Hsalth by Or. Mllo' Nsrvbift
11 vyifffitirTTtaiMliiiisiisMi 9 t mW sffiWi srr"fi
II. EDWARD UABDY, tho Jolly man-
agor oi Shoppard Co a, groat store at
Dracovlllo. IU., w;-lt03: "I baa never
boon sick a dny In my llfo until in 1800. I
got bo bad with nervous prostration that I
had to give up and commonca to doctor. I
trlod our local physicians and ono In Jollot,
but nono garo mo any relief and I thought
I was going to die. I bocamo despondent
and sufferod untold agony. I could not eatf
sloop nor rest, and It scorned as If I could
not exUt. At tbo ond ot six months I was
reduced to but a shadow ot myself, and at
last my heart bocamo affected and I va ,
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles v
of Dr. Miles' Norvtno. It gavo mo relief,
from tho start, and at last a euro, tho enjat--
est blessing ot my llfo." I
Dr. Miles' Romodlos
aro sola ny an arug- Kvy aaiia-V
guarantco, tlrst bottlo
Donouis or niuuuy ru- v
funded. Boole on dlswuh.'
eases of tho huart ia "j
ncrveo free Address,
bf5v Dr. -ym
F-'rvInel !
mwjmsrm it
8'BJBrTv' ii '
fr?HL mJKi .. s.
taroroQrB. si' --''..'
KX'M-rfMHiK ;;""J
" k $JtZJ- : & J
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