The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1898, Image 5

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"IT'I i
l i
1 -
Rojal makes the food pure,
vrholeaotne and delicious.
Absolutely Puro
Pianos at Grice's next week.
"Snap" in duck lined coats at Ga
liUha A Weseott's.
T C. Hacker is homo after a short
stay at iho exposition.
L. Thomas from near Peoila, Illinois
is visiting friends hero.
Something new in heaters. "The
Rotoit". Call at W. W. Wright's and
sec it.
Dr. Waldou of llivciton was hero
this week visiting with his brother
Operator Stevens is tho latest at tho
B.&M.dopot ho having arrived this
Mrs. L. A. llussong arrived homo
last night from a visit with frionds In
Dr. J. S. Emigh and daughter Bonnlo
havo returned from a week's stay at
tho exposition.
W. W. Wright has tho finest lino of
stoves in tho valley. Call and bco
thorn and got prices.
Hobes, did you say? Plush robe,
dog tobes, wolf lobes, gont lobes, lap
robes but no MIC-robes, at J. O. But
lei's. Miss Jessio Brown of Cowlcs left
Wednesday morning for a visit with
frionds in Omaha and to attend tho ox
position. If you want a good cheap heater this
winter, call at W. W. Wright's nnd see
tho new "Retort" heater. Burns slack
and keops tiro forty-eight hours.
Got your sale bills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of salo will
bo printed In tho papor during tho
timo preceding tho salo day frco of
Mrs. Percy Wells left tho first of tho
week for tho exposition whoro sho has
been invited by tho lady managers to
reudor u fow whistling selections on
tho program for Nebraska day.
V. H. Scrivnor, real cstato man,
will soil your farm for you for a rea
sonable por cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H.Scrivner, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Galusha & Wescott, ou account of
their largo stock and low prices, aro
making Iho send away follows tired.
They, by comparison, see that they aro
not saving a cent but losing dollars.
Conect Underwriting in all
branches. Over twenty-livo years ex
perience. Old lino and mutual com
unnlos renresonted. Nono but tho
best. Call and seomo. Chas. ScnAFK
nit, Red Cloud, Nob.
For broken surfaces, sores, insect
bites, burns, skin diseases and espec
ially piles, thoro is ono roliablo remedy
DoWitt'B Witch Ha.ol Salve. When
you call for DoWitt's don't nccopt
counterfeits or frauds. You will not bo
disappointed with DoWitt's Witch Haz
el salvo. C. L. Cotting.
If our readers find anything wrong
with tho paper this week and notico
that it is not up to tho usual standard
thoy will pleaso lay it to tho fact that
all hands woro struggling through tho
slush mud-way at tho exposition and
that our correspondents failed to como
up as good as usual Just bocauso wo
needed thorn tho worst. Wo will bo
about ono day late.
Our littlo boy was nfllicted with
rheumatism in his knoo; pnd at times
unablo to put his foot to tho floor. Wo
tried in vain, everything wo could hear
of that wo thought would help him.
Wo almost gave up in despair, when
somo ono advised us to try Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. Wo did so and tho
first bottlo gnvo so much relief tha wo
got a second one, and to our surprise it
cured him sound and woll. J.T. Bays,
Pastor Christian Church, Noodosha,
Kansas. For salo by H. E. Grlco,
Among thoso noticed who went to
tho exposition early in tho wook wore
films. Sohaffnlt. J. W. Mclntyro. Will
jtV'7ard, Josoph Saladon, Henry Harris,
Air?. S. R. MoBrido, Samuol Lindsoy,
John Hassollnohor, Louis Beal, Geo.
Yiesor, F. S Hendoison, Myrtle Kaloy,
Mis Dr. R id; well, Bcitha Talbot, Mrs.
Ernest WcNdi, Win. Engnlls and wife,
Samuel Miller, Goo. Mountfoid and
wifu, .Joseph Carr, Wndo Koontz,
John Polnicky, Nelso Longton nnd son,
C. H. Kaloy.
Pianos of nil prices. H. E. GitiCR.
Will Parker is homo nftor a visit to
tlio exposition.
P. A. Wells wont to Hastings Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. O. M. Willis of Arapahoo is
visiting with A. G. Willis.
F. E, Goblo returned homo Saturday
evening f i om a trip to Omahn.
Mr. and Mis. J. M. Sollars aro visit-
ing at tho exposition this week,
A. M. Walters of 131uu Hill was hero
Thursday looking after legal uiatteis.
Havoyou seeu J. O. Butlor'snuw lino
of 5-A horso blankets, fur and plush
County Cleik Halo ar-d wife aro tak
lug in tho exposition nt Omaha this
mis. r. isownouso nruvcu noniu
Wednesday night after n short visit at
Don't buy a steel lango or cook stovo
until j ou soo W. W. Wiight and get
his prices.
Just llko finding GOc in tho street to
buy a suit of underwear of Galusha A:
Charley Fort anived homo from n
trip to Omnha and tho exposition Sun
day night.
Mrs. Anuio Kinsingcr of Hobion is
visiting with tho family of C. E. Foam
this weok.
Chas. Schnfinit is tho only oxclusivo
tire, lifo nnd nccidont insuranco agont
in Webster county.
Isaac Shophcrdson has boon hero
this weok seeing to his senatorial
fences iu tho county.
Mrs. Venner, wlfo of Baggageman
Vcnnor of tho depot forco arrived in
tho city Wednesday night.
Money to loan on real estnto at low
rates. Can furnish monoy samo day
of application. C. W. Kalev.
Harry Goblo and wlfo of McCook ar
rived in tho city Sunday morning on a
visit willi relatives and fiiouds.
Pi of. Carl Jenkins has received a
position with a piano houso and will
shottly go on tho toad as salesman.
Special salo on robes, blankets and
all winter goods beginning September
25th for CO days only. J. O. Butlek.
Chas. SchnfTnit writes insuranco on
farm and city property ngainst Hro,
lightning and tornadoes at lowest rates.
Capt. Boynton nnd wifo of Rock
Falls, Illinois, nrrived in tho city
Thursday night on a visit to friends
Tho Union Firo Insuranco Compnny
la tho best mutual. Comblno risks; in
installments 3 per cent.,!. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
Miss Annio Harris who has been
visiting hero for a couplo of months
with her brother Will left Wednesday
morning for Littlo Rock, Arkansas.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
anco for a term of live years at 8 per
cent. On schools housos, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob.
Buy Dutchess pants of Galusha &
Wescott. They give you lOo for every
button that comes off, 50c for a rip at
waist band, 81 or a now pair for a rip
in any other plmo. Price 81.20 to 81 CO.
Senator Geo. A. Murphy of Beatrico
and his wifo aro hero llin guests of C.
W. Kaley and wifo. Mr. Murphy i3
enndidato for lioutennnt governor on
tho republican ticket. Mrs. Murphy
will visit hero for sotno time.
Aitlus Fun Sale: Wo havo at tho
farm ono mile southeast of Northbi anch
Kansas, about 300 bushels of apples
which wo will sell from fifty cents to
81 pur bushel, according to sizo nnd
quality. Dillon Nuiisekv Co.
Tho littlo son of J. P. Halo foil down
whilo jumping on Tuesday and sus
tained u compound fracturo of tho
right arm. Tho littlo fellow is about
nino years of ago but stood tho ordeal
of sotting tho fractured membor with
out wincing.
Tho populist speaking which was ad
vertised to tako place here Monday
night when tho Hon. Shollonbarger of
Alma was to preach good pop doctrino
failed to materialize on account of tho
fact that thoro was too fov assembled
to hear him.
Galusha & Wescott aro drawing cai ds
for Rod Cloud thoso fall days. Every
day thoy sond suits, underwear, shoos
oto. to McCook, Hastings, Wymoro,
North Branch, Rlverton, Guldo Rook.
PrleoR nnd stock for tho people to so
loot from do the businoss.
W. C. English, roprosonting A.
Hospe of Omaha will arrivo Monday,
October 24th, with n lino lino of pianos
which ho will display nt Grico's store.
These instruments will bo sold for cash
or on easy payments to suit buyers.
You aro Invited to call and soo thorn.
One Minute Cough Cute surprises
people by its quick mired ami childien
may lake it in large q laiitities without
he least dnugcr. It has won for itself
the best lobulation of any pieparatiun
ucd today for colds, cioup, tickling iu
thu throat or obstinate coughs. C. L.
D. F.Parker has beon visiting in tho
eastern part of tho state.
Oscar Tecl and wifo aro visiting at
tho exposition this week.
Elmer Crone nnd Mnx Mlzor aro see
ing tho exposition this week.
Roy. James Darby left Wednesday
morning for a short trip to Beatrico.
Attorney E U. Overman was inMcCook
this week looking after legal mutters.
Get jour sale bills printed at this of
fico nnd you will icccivo a notico iu tho
paper free.
The sale of tickets at this point for
tho exposition on last Monday was
ono bundled and seven. -,
a good farm for ono year or moro II.
II. Haskins, Bed Cloud, Neb.
L. M. Campbell, n real estato agent
of Peoila, Illinois, is in thu city this
week looking after somo land deals.
Hon. Geo. 1). Moiklcjohn, assistant
seciotuij of war, is billed to speak nt
Blue Hill on Mondny next, October 21.
Dr. Moran villci repot ts the advent of
a bouncing girl baby at tho homo of II,
F. Vnriiuin living in tho north part of
the city
Rev. S. A. Thompson of California,
brother of Mis. John G. Potter, ar
rived in tho city Wednesdny moinlug
ou a visit.
Rubber boots, arctics, licnvy nnd
light, nil widths nnd toes made. Rub
bers of overy desciiption. Galusha &
Mrs. S. W. Foo nnd son Ralph nr
rived homo Thursday nftor n severnl
weeks visit with her patents at Louis
ville this state
A snving of fuel now days is ono of
tho things to look after nnd that won
derful "Retort" heater nt W. W.
Wrights fills tho bill.
A good many aio still in arrears on
subscription who might just us woll
pay up now nnd tako advantago of our
offer of premiums.
PeicyMcBiide formerly of this city
is hero visiting with his mother
and other tolatives and friends. Ho is
now located nt Ft. Moigan, Colorado.
Old fashions in dress may bo revived
but no old-fashioned medicino can io
placo Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera
nnd Dlnrrhnon Remedy. For salo by
Wiite to J. Francis, GenernI Passen
ger agent Burlington Route, Omaha,
for hundsomo 32-pngo pamphlet de
scriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex
position, free.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofliceat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho weok ending Oct. 20th,
Hockett, S. L. Schlichtuear, J.
Willis, P.
Thoso letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter office Nov. 3rd, if not called for
before. Whon calling for abovo ploaso
say advortlsod. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
John M. Carnahan of Rlverton, was
hero Friday and whilo driving homo
had a very disastrous runaway. Whilo
going down tin hill west of Outhwaltes
the team became scared nnd ran nwny
onding up in n m iro fenco nnd before
they could bo disengaged woro almost
cut to pieces. Parlies who saw tho
horses afterwards say they presented n
teiriblo appenrnuco. Mr. Carnahan
was hurt but not soriously.
Ui.osino Out Sale I havo decided
to closo out my entiio stock of dry
goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardware, qiiecnswaro nnd
salt. I must sell to pay indebtedness.
It will pay every farmer to call in and
got some of thoso bargains. I will sell
my entire stock nt a big discount for
cash. A good chance for somo ono
witli capital to eugago iu business. I
will sell tho building or rent it. G. A.
Haukis, Cowlcs, Nobraskn.
A Fleshy
Did you ever see one?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con
sumption Is a disease that
Invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Scott's EmuslSon
of cod Ihcr oil with hypo
phosphites. No remedy
is such a perfect prevent
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to weaken and you
find you are losing flesh,
you should begin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so many cases
of consumption. Unless
you arc far advanced with
this disease, Scott's Emul
sion will hold every in
ducement to you for a
perfect cure.
All DrtiRcUtR, soo, and fi.
SCOTT ft Mownk. CliemlitR, N. Y.
Tlinil McNitt was In Hebron this
R. L, Alyea was nn exposition visitor
this weok.
Mrs. Grleo nnd son Flnvo visited tho
exposition this weok.
Mrs. A. II. Knloy returned Sntuidny
night from Bentrlco.
Goo. W. Lindsoy mndo a business
trip to Omaha this week.
Mis. Sadlo Cuiumlngs was In Hast
ings tho (list of tho week.
C. W. Kaloy mid wlfo returned from
a trip east Saturday night.
Michael Stroblo Sr., and wlfo aro
visiting in Omaha with old fi lends.
Mrs. McKcighnu and daughter Edith
returned fiom Omahn Satitulav night.
Mis. Howanl Cathet nrilved fioin
Ohio Sntiiulay night on a visit toC. W.
Kaley nnd wife
Ben Ludlow nnd wifo left Saturday
nightfora visit with II C Sautter and
wife at Omaha.
Send your Jovvoll County, Kansns,
collections to J. 1). Lynn, lawyer,
Mankatn, Kansas.
David Rosier and wlfo and John E.
Kesler anil wlfo woro exposition
visitors this weok.
Mrs. B.S.Olaik, "o7 Flint, Michigan,
sister in a. u. iiosmer arrived on a
visit Saturday night.
Jos. W. Wat rcn was nominated at
tho republican caucus on last Friday
evening for nssossor.
Miss Florenco White of Bostwick
visited several dnys tho last of tho
week with Miss Mablo Sunders.
Mrs. John Hnlcomb who has been
visiting In Chicago and Lafayette, Indi
ana, nrrived homo Wcduosdny night.
Mr. Momert nnd Mr. Lohmnn of
Fulton county, Illinois, were horo this
weok looking niter Webster county
Alva Sellnis mndo a business trip to
Smith Center tho first of the week ar
riving homo ngain on Wednesday eve
ning. J. C. Wixnm and wlfo of Jauesvillo,
Wisconsin, arrived in the cl'y Satur
day night on a visit with C. C. Cutter
and wife.
0. E. Hicks, enndidato for Iloat rep
resentative on tho republican ticket for
tho counties of Adnms nnd Webster
wns hero today.
Beforoyou buy a henting stovo see
that "Retoi t" heater nt Wright's hnrd
waro store. It is a wonderful heat
producer and saver of fuel.
Miss Sperling who has been hero for
a short tlmo helping her sister in tho
lunch room which sho lensod from
Ernest Welsch hns returned to her
hojic iu Iowa.
Ptof. A A. Arthur who spont ten
years, after ho graduated from Arid
over Theological Seminary, in Palestine
nnd Egypt, will lecture for Eld L. A.
llussong nt I. O. O. F. hall, November
10th, Uth nnd 12th, aided by tho high
est grndo stercoptican views.
John Wilholmson accompanied by
his sister Mrs. Winnio Palmer left
Wednesday morning for Novada, Mis
souri, having received the sad intelli
gence that their father John Wilholm
son foimerly of this place was soriously
ill and not expected to livo.
Peoplo aro fast to catch onto low
pi ices. That's the reason wo soil the
men's nnd boy's shoes of Bed Cloud.
Wo aro better prepared to sell you this
fall than ever in the siioo and lubber
business. Carry tho J. B. Reynolds,
Hendorson, Dcsnoyor Shoe Co. lines,
best three lines on earth. Galusha &
. Wedding Bella.
On Wednesday, October Ctli, at high
noon, nt tho homo of Mr. F. R. Hum
mel, of Muscatine, Iowa, whilo tho
wedding march wua boing sounded,
tho beautifully arrayed btlde, Miss
Henrietta Funk, of Musactine, Iowa,
and tho Rroom, Rev. G. W. Hummel,
of Red Cloud, Nebrnskn, woro Rented
in tho parlor whero thoy were united
in tho holy bands of matrimony, Rev.
J . L. Rondrio officiating. About forty
frionds besides tho family witnessed
tho ceremony, after which a most ex
cellent dinner was served consisting of
tho substantial articles that go to mnko
up adelhious meal, and was greatly
enjoyed by all. Tho brido is one of the
most accomplished and popular young
ladies of Muscatino boing tho younpest
daughtor of Mr. 1. II. Funk of that
place, and is veiy highly esteemed by
her large oirclo of frionds who will
greatly miss nor.
Tho groom is tho pastor of tho BIuo
Hill charge, well and favorably known
throughout tho west being among tho
first settlers of Webster county. Ho Is
much respected by his hosts of frionds
and well worthy of tho excellent lady
ho has won,
Many vnlunblo nnd useful presonts
were presented by their various
Mr. and Mrs, Hummel loft on tho
morninc train for Omaha for n several
dnys siubt seeing at tho exposition:
after widen they win rutin n tolled
Clou 1. They will iimku their future
nomo at Blue Hill, it being the fifth
ji'iu-ff his pastoiate at that place
Tho Uimkf JfiiiM with their inanj
fileiuN in extending congratulations
and wishing them n pleasant wedding
tour unit along lifo ofhappimss and
A Open Letter from if
Our New York Buyer.
Read What It Says.
New York, Sept. 19, 1S98.
Cowdcn-Kalkv Clothing Co.,
Red Cloud, Neb,
Gentlemen I am happy to inform
you that I have bought a lot of Over
coats from a concern going out of busi
ness, at such low figures as will astonish
you. They arc all goods made this
season and you will be able to give our
customers the best bargains they ever
Sell them cheap, they will be the
best advertisement you can get.
Yours truly,
Chas. Wiener.
These goods are on our counters and $x
range in rrice from $4,50 to $10. fe
See them before you buy an Overcoat, m
I Gomden-HaleyGlothingGo.
Red Cloud's Fastest Growing Store.
Snectflde;! Snectac lc? nprtni-lc! I
tt t
Bo fitted accurately, porfoetly
rial caso for tostintr tho eves in tho
uo 1110 npiicni ousiuess 01 1111s cuuiuy.
ban can be douo olsewheto.
.i . ..., 1 1 .i.t
rj;uUiur.i.rir4 - - ,', -
1 1 1 ' iogegaaeg
,"r' Willi do your complicated watch
it 4V10 linrntn Mm diamond fimire do not work "buapor and better thnn It can
mPriHan H indicates a defect of sight '"Kf l Kl"K? Bnoast Pins and Braco
hat S ncrvo uSn.lho and slS o 'o while you wait. Engrav
be corrected at onco. Eyes tested free i"g done also whilo you wnlt.
Watoh examiner for B. & M. Jowolcr and Graduate- Optician.
eity Drav and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Subscribe now
if you wish to
take advantage
of our Free
Book Offer.
. Ww. ,
and spoedlly by
I havo tho finest 1
ono who nnn tin t.
I havo tho finest and most onmulota
vnllev. Am bettor enulnnml fnr nn.l
t.f.r. n. :....--. -
tv in in you uoilor
and choapor
- A Good Alarm Clook for 75o.
When you como to buy this clock
you will find thnt I havo them and
will not try to sell you something
hlghor prlcod. You will find all 1
'ur for salo equnlly cheap, such as
Express Mne.
S" n
lHiiSi. ' " ra" Jx-""-'St