The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1898, Image 1

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Ftnrxa -. I
lill'1Mt''iJ '" T'rww v?-W'itj i fwy.t y y. n . a, ".. . u(kwiWHWi: i-r- f .. tfV!-i . - i.. iT'&rLii.iii.mli'4wKui'vK.tntiH.ixtywtAivt w At"r,wrjrtmmjittyffw
-s rst. '!TyysrBM
gL:.z::.zs--jL-- ..i :i , . f -y. Bifpf,ig'gs!i'' -gyjrsi"aq i, ss,
we made preparations to make this season's
business stand at the head of
the output of
Utorthy teehndising.
The success of our plan has been far in ex
cess of our expectations.
S'eretury liny U to shrewd n diplo
mat to publicly dbctiss thu fakes thnt
are tilnut daily t-tibifil from Paris
nml Madrid, alleging hitches and dead
liu'ki In tlio peueo I'ninuiissinii, lint his
countenance cxpres.M his utter In-
llilTtTCIIl'll tO li'l MMISiltintl.", when
they tiro cnHui to hi attention by
newspaper wiM) Al' lie ill miy on the
8lll)jt'l't IS tl: It nothing of itl)lllttlnci
civil government is extnl'lishod. (Sen,
Brnokn It.iN hcuu naked to notify tlio
wnr department liy cnhlo how ninny
snldli'is hi' considers absolutely nee
essiuy 10 proMirvn good older in Io"lo
Beo. If (Sen, Brooke dors not make
hit estimate too lingo, it is probable
thut thu Island will lm pnrilscncd on
llrely by regulars, as the wir depart
ment wishes to avoid the oc euso of
thu transportation buck titul forth of
has yot been received from tin- Amerl 'vnlnnt tors, Secretary Alger taking Urn
is the Golden Bullet that
1 The past week makes you think of
We have it, our stock of
the largest in the city,
io days ago we opened another invoice
of men's underwear in wool fleece
lined goods. These are good
values at 6oc, but buying and sell
ing for cash enables us to place
them on sale at
50c each.
Men's Underwear.
Men's Cotton Fleeco Lined Wear at 89c
each. These are regular 50o goods.
Ohildrens Underwear.
Chlldrons' Camels Hair Underwear
' Pants and Vests at Go for size 10 with
a 80 raise per pair.
Fleeco Lined sizo 1G at IGo with 5c raiso
persizo. ...
Full line of Lndies Yt. fc - ,
By Early Purchasing In Largo Quantities
Wo Were Enabled to Socuro Many
Ex'ra Values in Blankets. Wo Placo
Them on Salo at Extra Value Prices
Tho result has been, as it is, a great
All cotton, full sizo bed, sizo guaranteed,
at 85o upward to $1.75.
$3.00 to $8 00 for union.
$8.25 to $8.00 for all wool.
Wo call special attention to our $1.75
12-4 cotton Blanket, weight 8) por pair.
We opened tho season with 250 pioens of
outing. Wo still have about 50 puterns
left. Tho values in these goods can
.not be duplicated anywbero.
Winter Wraps.
That our stock of Ladies, Cbildrons and
Misses Cloaks and Jackets is par oxcollenco has
boon well shown during tho cloak carni
val salo which wo held tho first part of
this week. With tho largo number of
' goods shown in tho city during tho salo.
on oxcellent opportunity was given for
comparison. Tho result was our sell,
ing of many garmonts from such ex
amination. Prices aro right too.
Gry Goods, Cloaks, etc., First Floor
Main Room.
Groceries and Queensware, West
Furniture, Second Floor. Carpets
Second Floor.
Mens' Furnishings, Main Room. Shoes
Main Room, Deck.
Miner Brothers.
cull uumiuisMniiers. Tlio latest fake
about tin? Spanish commissioners hav
ing propositi thai the cinporcr of (Jer
111,11. y should hn asked to determine thu
...i.-l.lp of tint Philippines is so ridi-c.ilciu-i
ilmt one wonders ll should liuvu
Inn 11 printed in American papers. It
will mu rmieniburcd thut the protocol
which brought tho suspension of hosti
lities expressly provided that thn I) S.
should retain Manila and thu stir
rounding country, and thut thu puace
cuiiiiiiUhion Miould dulennlnu thu dis
position of the it st of the Philippine
group. Tho peace commission is only
authorized to negotiate 011 thu basis
provided for by thut protocol. By
keeping that fact in mind, it will bu a
comparatively easy matter to detect
f'ako news about thu doings of the
peace commission.
Acting Secretary of tho Interior
Ryan, was somowhat surprised wlion
ho was visited by a delegation of full
blooded Cherokee Indians, who came
all the way from Indiau Territory to
ask him if tho Curtis act for tlio reor
ganization of Indian Territory, which
congress passed last Juno and was ap
proved by tho president, was really n
law; and tho Indians appeared ti bo
oven more surptiscd when ho assured
them that it was. They insisted that
he should say in writing that tho act
was a law, and to please them he
wroto on the face of a copy of tho act,
"This is a law," and signed bis name.
The Indians took tho copy with them
but still seemed to have doubts about
tho matter,
Secretaries Long and Alger nro good
friends personally, but thu relations
between tho departments of tho gov
ernmentnavy and war over which
tlioy respectively preside have beeti
inoro or less strained ever sinco the
adjutant general of tin army sent u
report to tho war investigating com
mission, prepared by direction of Sec
retary Alger, which naval officials and
others, regarded as an attempt to
make Admiral Sampson responsible
for the delays in gutting Gen. Shatter's
army to Cuba, after it was put on
board of transports at Tampa, Florida.
This was flatly denied by Adjutaut
General Corbin, but his denial did not
stop thu talk, and it has boon some
times quito bitter on tho part of Mil
cials of both departments. Tho rela
tions between tho two departments
wore not improved when Lieutenant
Frank K. Hill, of tho navy, who had
chargo of the debarkation of Shafter's
army, stated that tho transports had
arrived off the coast of Cuba with no
facilities for landing tho troops, and if
tho navy bad not como to tho rescuo
tho atmy would never bavo been land
ed and baoked up that assertion by
saying that Gen. Shatter had also. ex
pressed tho same opinion. Lieutenant
Hill said he had no idea of striking at
tho war department in his testimony,
which embraced only facts that wero
known to all who accompanied
Shatter's army, but war department
assistants insist that he was actuated
by a desire to "get even." It was un
derstood that when tho commission,
which has gono to Jacksonville,
Florida, returns to Washington, it will
ask thu navy department for copies of
all dispatches to and from Admiral
There will bo no military governor
appointed for Porto Rico, over which
tho American flag will fly on and after
tho 18th, Inst., and it is the impression
in administration circles that congress
will loso no timo In providing a form
of civil government for the Island, and
until thut is done tho general in com
mand of the U.S. troops on tho island
will have the authority of a governor.
Major (Jen Brooke, I at prrseni In
command Mieiv, Inn It f. by no means
cortaiu thu'. ho Kill iiniuiu until tho
ground that under tho term of their
enlistment "for two years, or for
war" every volunteer who wishes his
discharge will havo 11 right to demand
and receive It, thu uiliittte peace is
ofllcially declared between Spain and
tho U. S.
Lire news from Cuba is not tntisfuc
lory, (Jen. Gomez, who bus tlnnis nioro
or less sulking ever sinco tho U. S. de
clared war against Spain, is reported
to have threatened to J.ead bis men
buck into thu Held, unless bis ideas aro
carried out by tho alleged government
of tne Cuban republic and by thu U. S.
authorities. Hu wants the U. S. to get
olf thu Island as soon as the Spanish
troops do, and leave thu Cubans to ar
range things to suit themselves. His
ideas atid thoso of Souator Foraker
seem to bo very nearly alike.
Last Excursion to Omnha, Friday Oct 35.
Thu success of tho Burlington's ex
cursion to Oinuha, Tuesday, October
35, is assured If the clerk of the
wuiilhcr does bis duty. Everything
depend upon him. The rate is lower
than over before offered only $11 00 foi
the round trip, Tickets will bu good to
return until Oo'nbor 81. Special train
with tliim:h coaches for Omaha
leaves Red Cl-md at 10:110 p.m., Out. IB,
a) riving al Omaha 7:110 next day. The
program for the week beginning Oct.
21, will bo us v.uit'd and Interesting as
that of any week since tho exposition
opened Its gates list Jtlliu. It will in
clude daily band concerts, exhibition
drills by the U. S. Llfo Saving Crow
and ascensions of the Santiago War
Balloon. Tho livo stock exhibit, "tlio
best in thu history of the world," will
be open all week, All thu Midway at
tractions will be in full swing and the
exhibits in the government, mines and
mining, art, agricultural, electrical,
manufacturing anil state buildings will
be as well worth seeing as at any time
during tho progress of the exposition.
If yon havo not yot visited tlio great
fair, don't lot this opportunity go by.
If you havo seen it go again. Tickets
and full information at B & M. R. R.
Throo Dootora In Consultation.
Prom Dcnjamln Franklin.)
"When you aro sick, what you liko
best is to bo chosen for u medicine in
tho first placo; what oxpoiienco tolls
you is best, to bo chosen in tho second
placo; what reason (i.o., theory) says is
best Is to bu chosen in tho third
place. But if you can got Dr.
Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr.
Roason to hold a consultation together
they will glvo you tho best ndvico that
can bo taken."
When you havo a bad cold Dr. In
clination would recommend Chambor
lains Cough Remedy because it is
pleasant and safo to tako. Dr. Experi
ence would recommend it because it
nover talis to effect a speedy and per
manent ctu'o. Dr. Reason would rec
ommend It bocaubo it is prepared on
scientific principles, and acts on na
ture's plan in reliovlngtholungs.opon
ing tho secretions and restoring tho
system to a natural and healthy con
dition. For Bale by H. E. Grlco.
Services each Lord's Day us follows:
Morning servleu at 10:110. Subject,
"OlirUtlan Curage."
Biblu school, 11:45 a.m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p. in.
Bee lor Christian Endeavor (1:45 p.m;
Evening servleu at 7:80 o'olook. Sub
ject, "For What to Use Your Biblu." '
Excellent niiislo eauh service.
Prayer meeting and bible study on
Wednesday evenings.
Ladles' Aid Socloty Friday aftor
noons. Our pleasant church home and all
services are over open to tho public.
L. A. HuasoNO, Pastor.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for auy caso of catarrh that can
not bu cured by Halls Catarrh Curo.
F. J. Cheney & Co , Pi ops.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We tho ubdorsigned havo known, F.
J. Cheney for tho past fifteen yours,
and believu him perfectly honorable in
all his business transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out any obligations
made by tho linn.
West & TnoAx,
Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan& Mauvik,
Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon tlio blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Prlco
75o per bottle. Sold by all druists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the Lost.
Sowing grain is tho order of tho day.
Irank Graham sold somo fat cat
tlo in Red cioud last Saturday.
Old Undo Jimmio Stono has been
vory sick but is better at present.
Wood Stevens is homo from Indiana.
Poaches aro about all gono for this
Mulva Vandyko has hold several
meetings nt Pleasant Dale and North
Branch sinco sho camo homo from
Old Undo John Beacham mado tho
round trip to Missouri and back in
about ono year. Liko bad money thoy
all cotue back.
Frank Graham went to Riverton last
week on a business trip.
James Graves has gono to Missouri
on a pleasure and business trip.
Clurk Stevens lost a flno fresh cow
last week.
Prof. Gainer has gono to Lobanou to
teach again. This makes four or five
timo in succession for him at that
James Fruit is repairng his house
this week with siding and shingles.
Mr. Dug Davis and Mr. Herndon
have traded farms. Mr. Davis gets
100 for his eighty thongh tho eighty l "CB8 i"woiiy, . ou are J
r improved. They will movooloKKoa P ana teoi aesponaeni. r or
Services noxt Sunday as follows:
Morning service at 10:80, Subject,
Sunday School at 11:80 a.m.
junior i.eague at 1 p.m.
Senior League at 7 p.m.
Evening service at7:80 o'clock. Sub
Preaching at A in boy at 8 p.m.
Prayer mooting on Wednesday ovon
ing nt 7:80.
Ladies Aid Socloty Friday afternoon.
All aro most cordially Invited to at-
tend. .",
James Maiik Dauiiy, Pastor. .,
Scrviccs noxt Sunday as follows. -
Morning services at 10:80. Subject!
"The Unknown God." ' '-
Sunday School at 11:45. '"'
Juniors mooting at 8 p.m.
Young Peoplo's Union meets at, 7
p.m. . ' ,
Evening sorvico nt 7:80 o'clook. Sub
"Tho Czar's Dream of Poaoo."
Preaching on Wednesday ovoning at
All cordially invited. Seats free.
Isaac W. Edson, Pastor.
Mtisio on the Qraphophone.
Few people appreciato tho marvelous
power of the Graphopbone as an en
tertainer. It is an instrument which,
though it , costs much less than tho
least exponsivo musical instrument,
will enable its owner to bavo at pleas
ure musio of any kind from that of
tho bagpipo to that of tho grand mili
tary band. It reproduces vocal selec
tions and gives ono command of ovory
pleasure that appeals to tho sense of
hearing. No investment pays such
largo roturns in pleasure. Besides re
producing tho musical and other rec
ords mado for entertainment purposes,
tho Graphophono will record immo
diatoly and repi'duco atoncoandas
often as is desired, your own words or
song, or any sound. By writing to the
Columbia Phonograph Company, 720
722 Olivo St., St. Louis, Mo., you can
obtain a catalogue that will glvo full
information aseto prices of Grapho
phono outfits.
Livor Complaints and Nervousness
A torpid liver always produces dull
ncss, irntabiiiiy, etc. xou are an
Regular services noxt Sunday as fol
lows: Morning sorvico at 10:80.
Sunday School atll:4C. ,
Indian Creek at 8:80.
Young Peoplo's Society of Christian
Endenvor at 0:80p.m.
Evening service at 7:80.
Mid-wook prayer meeting and con
ference Wednesday evening at 7:80.
All cordially Invited to attend these
services. .
Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. .
much better improved. They
about November 1.
D. McCartnoy will build a now resi
dence In the near future. He has a
part of tho lumber on the ground now.
Threo of our soldier boys are home
on a furlough Albert Rubens, Frank
Bozurk and Eli Amns. They go back
October 25tb, to' Chlckamuaga and
then expect to go to Cuba.
DnWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo has tho
largest sale of any salvo in tho world.
This fact and its merit has led dishon
est peoplu to attempt to counterfeit it.
Look nut for tho man who attempts
todicivi' V"U when you call for Do
Wilt's W itch Hnzel Salvo tho greut pile
cuto. C. L. Colling. 1
haps you havo treated with physicians
or tried somo other recommendod mod
iclno without benefit. All that Is no
argument against "Dr. Fenner's Blood
and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic,"
which we insist will curo nervousness
and liver complaints. If not satisfied
after using ono bottle your money will
be refunded by C. L. Cottiag.
Bhonmatism Cured in a Day.
"Myc'.ioCure," for. rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 8 days.
Its aotlon upon tho system is remark
able and mysterious. It removes at
unco tho cause and tho discaso imme
diately disappears. Thu first dose
greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by H.
E. Grice, druggist, Red Cioud, Neb.
Dr. Miles9 Heart Cure
Curat a Prominent Attorney.
B. B. O. PHELPS, tho loading podiloar
Jwl attorney of Dolfaat, N.Y., wrltoa:
"I was discharged from tlio army.on
account of 111 health, and Buffered irom
heart trouble over since. I frwiuoutIy,bal
fainting and smothering spells. My forju
was boat as a man of 80. I constantly oro
an overcoat, even In summer, for foar of
taking cold. I could not attend to my busi
ness. My tost was brokon by sovore palbi
about tho boart and loft' shoulder. Three
years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles
Heart Ouro, notwithstanding I had used to
much patont medicine and taken drugs from
doctors for years without being holped. , Dr.
Miles Iloart Curo restored mo to health. It
Is truly a wondorful modlcino and It afford,
mo much pleasure to recommend tll Mm.
ouy loovoryone."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee., first bottlo
benefits or monoy re
funded, nook on tils-'
easoa of tho heart and
nerves treo. Add re: 1.
; j1.,
:. JbfcAU