The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 14, 1898, Image 5

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Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and dtllelout.
Absolutely PuroJ
Homer Sherwood and wlfo aro Booing
tho exposition this wook.
lined coats at Gn-
"Snap" In duck
lusha A Wcscotl's.
Will Tulloys hns taken a position as
car tiuk at tho depot,
V. B. Fulton and wlfo arc taking in
tho Omaha exposition this wook.
Jako Nustoiu and John Polnicky wore
ialUluo Hill this week.
M. L. Hayward at tho opera house
next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Thad McNitt was in Superior Wed
nesday looking after business matters.
John Holoomb is laying off and Chan
cy Baker is now firing tho switch en
gine Something now in hcators. "Tho
Retort". Call at W. W. Wright's and
SCO it.
John Barkloy has a houso moving
outfit and will do work in that lino
Miss Sadio Ovcring and Mrs. Eaton
are taking in the exposition at Omaha
this week.
D. M. Abel after a short visit horo
with his family returned to Hamburg,
Iowa Saturday.
W. W. Wright has tho finest lino of
stoves in tho valley. Call and seo
them and got prices.
Mrs. Sadio Cummings returned homo
Monday morning from a sovoral weeks
visit with friends at McCook.
Tho finest display of cloaks, capos,
etc. ever in tho city will bo at Minor
Bros, on next Monday and Tuesday.
Robes, did you say? Plush robos,
dog robos, wolf robes, goat robes, lap
robes but no MIC-robos, at J. O. But
ler's. Tho corner building north of tho
Moon blocu is being papered and fixed
up and will bo used as a realostato and
loan office by F.E. Goblo.
If you want a good cheap hoator this
winter, call at W. W. Wright's and soo
tho now "Retort" heater. Burns slack
and kcops firo forty-eight hours.
Got your salo bills printed at thlsjof
lice and tho announcement of salo will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day free of
Tho street commissioner has boon do
ing somo good work tills week grading
Webster streot, north from Fifth avo
nuo. Tho street prcsonts a much bet
tor appearance,
V. H. Scrivnor, real oslato man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable por cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Galusha & Wescott, on account of
thoir largo stock and low pricos, aro
making tho send away follows tired.
They, by comparison, seo that they arc
not saving a cent but losing dollars.
Correct Underwriting in. all its
ranchos. Over twonty-fivo yoars ox
porionco. Old lino and mutual com
unnios roDrc8ontod. Nono but tho
best. Call and scomo. Chas. Scdaff
nit, Red Cloud, Nob.
Judgo N. D. Jaokson republican can
didate for attorney goneral, and Hon
Goo. A. Murphy, republican candidate
for lieutenant governor, will address
the pooplo of Blue Hill on Wednesday
evening, October 10th, and of Guide
Rock on Friday evening, October 21st.
If you will call at Mitcholl Brothers
Htoro botweon October 10 and 15, it
will bo proven to your ontlro satisfac
tion that thoy havo tho host stool rango
manufactured. Ovon doors will novor
break, food door will never break,
clean out door will novor broak, lids
and cross centers will novor brealc, in
fact tho whole stovo will novor break.
Can you find its equal any whoro in tho
city? Eoho answers, no.
Our littlo boy was ufllictod with
rheumatism in his knooj pnd at times
tff iblo to put his foot to tho iloor. Wo
tried in vain, everything wo could hear
of that wo thought would holp him.
Wo almost gavo up in despair, whon
some ono advised us to try Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. Wo did so and tho
first bottlo gave so much roliuf thai wo
got a socond ono, and to our surpriso it
cured him sound and woll. J.T, Bays,
Pastor Christian Church, Neodosha,
Uuw. ForsalebH.E. Orlce.
Charloy McKolghan and wlfo
viowingtho exposition this woek.
Mrs. Anna Sapp and son Julian aro
visiilng at tho exposition this wook.
Roy Oatman is visiting with friends
and taking in tho exposition at Omuha.
W. W. Wright and wlfo aro soeing
tho exposition for tho socond timo this
Havo you scon J. 0. Butlor'snow lino
ofG-Ahorso blanket, fur and plush
Don't buy a stool rango or cook stovo
until you soo W. W. Wright nud got
his pricos.
Just liko finding COc in tho stroot to
buy asuitof underwoar of Galusha &
Geo. Rogors of Lincoln was horo tho
first of tho wook visiting with L. H.
Fort and family.
Chas. SchafTnit is tho only oxoluslvo
uro, mo ami nccmont insuranco agent
m Webster county.
S. B. Carpenter lost somo forty-fivo
dollars on tho streot Wednesday but
luckily found it again.
Monday and Tuosday, Octobor 17,
and 18, aro tho days of tho big cloak
oponing at Miner Bros.
Tho Rod Cloud band is making pre
parations to rondor a play in tho opera
houso somo timo In tho noar future
Special salo on robes, blankota aud
all wintor goods beginning September
2Gth for 80 days only. J. O. Butler.
Chas. SchafTnit writes Insuranco on
farm and city property against firo,
lightning and tornadoes at lowest rates.
Tho Outhwaito building occupied by
H. E. Grice is boing painted a bright
red which adds greatly to its appear
anco. Tho Union Firo Insuranco Company
is tho bost mutual. Combino risks; in
installments 8 por cent. J. H. Surra,
Special Agent.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grossman,
residing north of Inavalo, a girl of
usual Nebraska weight, on Wednesday
October 10th.
Tho rain on last Sunday afternoon
and night was a good thing for tho
largo acroago of whoat which has boon
sown in this locality.
A reprosontativo of Marshall Field &
Co. will bo at Minor Bros, on next
Monday and Tuosday and display his
immonso lino of cloaks.
Married, by Rov. A. G. Blackwoll at
his resiodnco in Rod Cloud, on Sunday
afternoon, Octobor 10th, Win. Reuben
Keagle and Miss Mina McCall.
W. K. Hayes who has boon day oper
ator at tho dopot for somo timo past,
has been appointed agent at Horndon,
Kansas, on tho St. Francis branch.
Dr. Fulkorson, oculist and aurist of
Hastings, lato of the Illinois Eyo and
Ear Infirmary of Chicago, will bo at
Dr. Moranvillo's office in Rod Cloud,
Tuosday Octobor 18, 1808.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
anco tor a term ol live years at a por
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm proporty on tho Installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob
P. A. Wells and wlfo aro exposition
visitors this week.
Frank Tonnaut and wifo aro at tho
exposition this weok. '
Bon McCuno is working for Shorwood
& Albright this week.
Mrs. J U. Smith and daughters Laura
and Minnio aro at tho exposition.
Charloy White, after a siego with ty
phoid fovcr, is again ablo to bo out.
O Mrs. Win. Zoluff has returned homo
after a visit with hor paronts at Omaha.
Mrs. Mary Rockwell was visiting at
Norcatur, Kansas, tho first of tho weok.
Mrs. Johanna Talt is seeing tho
sights at tho Omaha exposition this
Mrs. Goorgo Dorr loft Thursday
morning for a visit at Chlllicothc, Miss
ouri. Get your salo bills printed at this of
fice and you will receive a notice in tho
paper free.
A. C. Hosmcr is in Chicago this wook
in the interests of tho N. & K. F. & M.
L. S.&P.J.oto.
Don't fail to attond tho big cloak
opening nt Minor Bros, on Monday and
Tuosday, Octobor 17 aud 18.
Dr. Futkerson, oyo and oar specialist
of Hastings will bo at Dr. Moran
villo's ofllco Tuesday, Octobor 18, 1808.
Rubber boots, arctics, heavy aud
light, all widths and toos tnado. Rub
bers of every description. Galusha &
A saving of fuel now days is ono of
tho things to look after and that won
derful "Rotort" hoator nt W. W.
Wrights fills tho bill.
A good many nro still in arrears on
subscription who might just as woll
pay up now and tnko advantago of our
offer of promiums.
Old fashions in dress may bo revived
but no old-fashioned niedicino can ro
placo Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Romedy. For salo by
H. E. Grioo.
Write to J. Francis, General Passen
ger agont Burlington Routo, Omaha,
for handsomo 82-pago pamphlet de
scriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex
position, froo.
'Astonishingly low rates will bo in. ef
fect on account of Odd Fellows day nt
tho exposition, only $4.65 to Omaha
and return. Selling dates October 15,
18 and 17. Rotutn limit October 20.
Havl ng removed my offico from tho
rooms formerly occupied by mo I wish
to inform my patrons that I can now
bo found ono door south of my former
locntion in tho front rooms over Goo.
W. Lindsoy's moat market whoro calls
will bo answered day or night. Dr. F.
E. McKeebv.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
nt tho postofDco at Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho wook onding Oct. 18th,
Hill.H.M, . Shupps, A. B. S.
White, J. C.
Those lottors will bo sent to tho dead
lottor offico Oct. 37th, if not called for
before. Whon calling for abovo plcaso
say advertised . T. C. Hackek, P. M.
Buy Dutchoss pants of Galusha &
Wescott. They givo you lOo for overy
button that comes off, COc for a rip at
waist band, $1 or a now pair for a rip
in any other pin jo. Prico $1.25 to $1.50.
Ono Minute Cough Curo surprises
pooplo by its quick euros and children
may tako it in largo quantities without
ho least dangor. It has won for itself
tho best reputation of nny preparation
used today for colds, croup, tickling in
tho throat or obstinato coughs. C. L.
Don't think becauso you soo n big
crowd on ono of tho corners those days
that thoro Is a fight or dog fight. Tho
chances aro it is nothing that is somo
pop jorator explaining stato savings,
which is about ns near nothing as any
thing wo know of.
Galusha & Wescott nro drawing cards
for Red Cloud thoso fall days. Every
day they sond suits, underwear, shoos
oto. to McCook, Hastings, Wymoro,
North Branch, Rivorton, Guido Rook.
Prices and stook for tho pooplo to se
lect from do tho business.
For Odd Follows day at tho Trans
Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Ne
braska, Octobor 17, tickets will bo sold
at $4.05 for tho round trip on Octobor
15th, 10th and 17th, continuous pass-
ago in both directions, with final limit
of Ootobor 20th. A. Conovor, Agont.
C. E. Hicks of Bladen, republican
candidnto for float roprcsontativo was
in tho city Thursday 'and made this
ofllco a pleasant call. Mr. Hicks is n
very highly respected citizon, and an
able and enterprising business mnn in
tho community in which ho resides and
should tho people of fWobster aud
Adams counties decldo by thoir ballots
for him to roprosont thorn as float rep
resentative they can rest assured that
thoir interests will bo well cared for and
aotomlwked In UttlbjhtMt.
On noxt Friday, October 21st, Judgo
M. L. Hayward republican candidato
for governor on tho republican ticket,
Capt O. E. Adams, republican candi
dato for congress from tho Fifth dist
rict, and several of tho other republi
can stato candidates will spoak at tho
opera houso in this city commencing at
two o'clock p. m. This will bo tho only
chanco to hear tho republican candi
dato for governor, and every ono
should turn out and holp to givo tho
noxt governor of Nebraska a rousing
Mrs. T. O. Hacker Is on tho sick list.
Win. Uonso is building an addition to
his tee houso.
Mrs. Goorgo W. Llndsoy ia homo
attorn visit in Omaha.
Wm.Parkosnnd wlfo nro taking in
tho exposition this wook.
C. E. Stino of Suporior was in tho city
Sunday tho guest of F. W.Cowdon.
Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry, n chub,
by girl, of tho usunl Nebraska weight.
James Emigh and wifo loft tho last of
tho weok for a visit to Omaha and tho
M. Strain of Sheridan. Lucns countv.
Iowa Is hero looking after real estate
iuterests in thu county.
Mrs. Olino loft Tuesday for an ox
tended visit at Los Angeles, California,
nnd other western points.
Thos. Auld was in Akron, Colorado,
this week looking after a shipment of
cattlo which liu will bring hero.
Arthur Hughes who for somo timo
pnst lias been ono of tho tonsorlal nr
tlsts at Ward Hiatt's shop, departed
Tuesday for Wymoro.
Marshall Field & Go's ontiro lino of
clonks will bo displayed to tho public
at Minor Bros, storo on noxt Monday
and Tuesday, October 17 and 18.
Boforoyou buy a heating stovo soo
that "Retort" heater at Wright's hard
waro storo. It is n wonderful boat
producer nud saver of fuel.
W. T. Elliot who rocontly was dls
oharged from tho Third Reglmont is
quito siok with malarial fover, contract
ed during his stay at Jacksonville Flor
ida. Mrs. Nottio Barton who has boon
visiting nt Bonvor City stopped off tho
first of tho wook wlillo on her wny
homo to Burlington, Michigan to visit
with L. II. Rust and wifo.
During tho heavy storm of Sunday
night, lightning struck nnd set fire to
somo hay stacks nt Hank Mnuror's
placo north of tho city nnd something
over ono hundred tons of hay wero con
Tho republican voters of Walnut
creek precinct will moot in caucusr in
tho school houso in Dist. No. 8, on Sat
urday, October 15, at 1 p.m., for tho
purposo of nominating an assessor and
such othor business as may como bo
foro tht mooting. Cohuittkehan.
Among thoso who wont to tho expo
sition on last Monday wero D. H. Kaloy
and wifo, Edna and Jepsio Hondorson,
G. W Dow, J. G. Potter, Goo Loo, Ern
est Welsch, Dr. Emigh and daughter
Bonnio, Sylvostor fcrisbio, Miss Mamie
Bealo, W. V. Boalo, Jos. Horbergorand
wifo, and Frank Smith.
Tho Burlington Routo will run a
special train to Omaha on account of
Nebraska Day at tho exposition. Tho
train will loavo this city Tuosday morn
ing, Oct. 18th at 8:80 n. m. nnd nrrivo
in Omaha at 10:30 n. m. Tho trnln will
go to Suporior nnd from thoro will go
ovor tho Edgar and Holdrcgo branch.
Pooplo aro fast to catch onto low
prices. That's tho reason we noil tho
mon's and boy's shoes of Red Cloud.
Wo aro bettor prepared to sell you this
fall than ever in tho shoo aud rubber
business. Carry tho J. B, Roynolds,
Henderson, Dcsnoyor Shoo Co, lines,
bost tbrco linos on earth. Galusha &
A Open Letter from
Our New York Buyer.
Read What It Says.
Nuw York, Sept. 19, 1898.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
Red Cloud, Neb,
Gentlemen I am happy to inform
you that I have bought a lot of Over
coats from a concern going out of busi
ness, at such low figures as will astonish
you. They are all goods made this
season and you will be able to give our
customers the best bargains they ever
Sell them cheap, they will be the
best advertisement you can get.
Yours truly,
Chas. Wiener.
$ These goods are on our counters and
'M range in price from $4,50 to $10.
$1 See them before you buy an Overcoat.
Gomden-Haley flothing Go.
M Red Cloud's Fastest Growing Store. p
Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles!
Advice to
There are three great reme
dies that every person .with
weak lungs, or with consump
tion itself, should understand.
These remedies will cure
about every case in its first
stages ; and many of those
more advanced, It is only
the most advanced that are
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life
itself greatly prolonged.
What are these remedies ?
Fresh air, proper food and
Scon's HMlsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites. Bctafraid of
draughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink
plenty of milk. Do not forget
that Scott's Emulsion is the
oldest, the most thoroughly
tested and the highest en
dorsed of all remedies for
weak throats, weak lungs andS-f
consumption tn all its stages.
c nA ti.oal (It dnuiUU.
SCOTT BOWHE, Chonkta, Nw York.
MUM Ml MIWt 1 jyi t.
Tho republican voters of Red Cloud
township aro requested to meet at tho
ofllco of 0. H. Potter on Saturday,
Octobor 15th at 2 o'clock p.m. for tho
purpose of placing in nomination n
candidato for assessor and to nttond to
such othor business as may como be
fore tho meeting.
C. II. Pottek, Committeeman.
Only a fortnight remains in which to
visit tho greatest exposition sinco tho
world's fair. If you intend going at
all go now. Horo is your opportunity
For Nebraska Day, Wednesday, Octo
ber 10, at tho TraUB-Mlssisaippl Expo,
sition, tho Burlington has mado a rato
of 98.00 for tho round trip from Rod
Cloud to Omaha. Tickots will be on
salo Soptembor 17th and 18th and will
bo good tc roturn any timo within five
days of dato of salo.
Closing Out Sale I havo decided
to closo out my ontiro stock of dry
goods, hoots, shoos, hats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardwaro, quoonswaro and
salt. I must soil to pay indebtedness.
It will pay ovory farmer to call in and
get somo of theso bargains. I will soil
my entire stock at a big discount for
cash. A good chanco for somo ono
with capital to engago in business. I
will soil tho building or ront it. G. A.
Hakuis, Cowlos, Nebraska,
On Octobor 4th, 11th, 18th and 25tb,
tho Burlington Routo will soil tickets
to Hot Springs or Custer, South Da
kota, and roturn, at ono faro for tho
round trip. Tiukets will bo good thir
ty days from data of salo and aro for
continuous passngo in lnth directions,
Hutu to Hot Springs, Smith Dakota
from Red Cloud, $10 00'. Rato to Cus
ter City, South Dakota, from Rod
Cloud, $10,00. Call on tho undersigned
for further particulars. A. Cohoyer,
Bo fitted accurately, norfootly and speedily by ono who can do it.
LATEST GRADUATE OPTICIAN. I havo tho llnotand most complete
trial caso for testing tho oyes in tho vnlloy. Am hotter cquippod for and
do tho optical business of this county. Will fit you bettor nnd cheaper
nan can bndono olsowhoro.
VS822Xss,1m A Good Alarm Clook for 75o.
When you como to buy this clock
you will find that I havo them and
will not try to soil you something
higher priced. Yon will And all I
ollor for aalo equally cheap, such as
Willi do your complicated watch
If the lines In this diamond figuro do not worf cnoapor and uottor than it can
ppear equaUy black in all the different fc done elsewhere. WIRE Initial
San it Indicates a defect of sight Hnger Ring. I aoast FIni land I Brace-
., J !.,., l ,nili.ata n lnlvt. n? Riirnc " "K, '
!, r,,J norvons liuad-acho and should jots mado while you wait.
be corroded at onco. Eyes tested free.
Watch examiner for B. & M.
ilo you wait.
ing dono also
Jowolor and Graduato Optician
eity Dhv and Express Itine.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as theJLowestJ
Subscribe now
if you wish to
take advantage
of our Free
Book Offer, i
' l. ;"