The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1898, Image 8

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Sorvlces each Lord's Day us follows:
Morning service nt 10:510.
Bible school, 11:15 a.m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 0 Ui).
Sec lor Christian Endeavor (1:1(5 p.m.
Evening sorvieu nt7:UOo'oloek.
Excellent music each service,
l'rayor meeting und blhlo study on
Wednesday ovonlngs.
Ladtos' Aid Society Friday after
noons. Our pleasant church home nnd nil
sorvlces nro ever open to the public.
L. A. HUSSONO, Pastor.
Services next Sunday hh follows:
Morning service nt 10:110.
Sunday School nt 11:110 a.m.
junior league ut 1 p.m.
Senior Loagtio at 7 p.m.
Evening Borvlou at 7:00 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Tho Human Hand."
Trenching at Amboy at 11 p.m.
9 Prayer meoting on Wednosdny even
ing nt7:G0.
Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon.
All nro most cordinlly invited to at
tend. Jamks Mauk Daiiiiv, Pastor.
Regular service's next Sunday as fol
lows: Morning sorvico at 10:00.
Sundny School atll:45.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor nt 0:80p.m.
Mid-week prayer mooting and con
leronco Wednesday evening at 8.
All cordially Invited to attend thoso
Fkank W. Dkan, Pastor.
Difference In Army and Navy.
Two congressmen wero having a
warm argument over thu war, and es
pecially over tho dilTerenco in tho
uinnugement of the army nnd that of
tho navy, in tho reading room of a
Washington hotel. One of them would
invariably close a sentence arraigning
some department of tho army by ask
ing: "Now, why couldn't that havo
been dono ns well as tho naval oillcors
did all their work!" Aftor ho had
asked tho question half a dozen or
more times, ho was surprised to be
confronted by a quiet gentleman who
had bton sitting near, who calmly
aid: '! cau answer your question."
Looking at him somowhnt fiercely tho
congressman said: "Well, go ahead;
toll us why navy work was bettor dono
than army workt" "Simply because
politicians nnd persons with social
pull could not got nuval commissions
for civilian incompotouts; tho work in
tho navy was all dono by men specially
educated to do it," was tho quiet roply.
"Humph; who nro you?" asked tho
congressman. "Novor mind my nnmo,
I am u naval ofllcor," unsworcd tho
gentleman. Tho congressman said ho
had an engagement and sturted to
lenvo, but before doing so ho loaned
over and said to tho naval ofllcor:
"Better bo moro careful how you ox
press opinions and criticisms on tho
other branch of tho service." Thoso in
hearing joined tho naval ofllcor in
smiling and one man said to another:
"Wonder how many army commis
sions that congressman secured for in-competent8t"
nro still busy
Man's lito is full of crosses and temp
tations. Ho conies into tho world
without his consent, goes out against
his will, and his trip botweon tho two
eternities is exceedingly rocky. Tho
rule of contrariness is ono of tho im
portant features of tho trip. When ho
1b littlo tho big girls kiss him, whon he
gots big tho littlo girls kiss him. If ho
raises a largo family ho is a chump,
but if ho raiBos a small chock ho is a
thief and a fraud and is shunned liko a
Chinuman with the soventeou your
itch. If ho is poor ho is a bad managor
and if he's rich he's dishonest; if ho is
in polities its for pio; if ho is out of
politics you can't toll whero to placo
him and ho is no good to his country;
if he does an act of charity, it's for pol
icy; if he don't givo for charity he's a
stingy cuss and lives only for himsnif;
if he dies young thero was a good fu
ture ahead of him; i( ho lives to an old
ago ho has missod his calling. Ho is
introduced into this world by a doctor
and to tho next by tho samo process.
Tho road is rocky but a man likes to
travel it.
Kola. Miller says ho has corn that
will mako lif(3 bushels per acre.
Thornton Bros, aro In town with
their steam swing.
C. E. Hicks nnd wifo nnd daughter
spent a couple of days In Hastings tho
latter part of tho week.
Or. Ackloy of Juniata was In this
city to seo several pa'ionts Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mis, Wheeler returned Sun
day from a week's sojourn witli friends
in Hamilton county.
Charles Spouco wns transacting bus
iness in Hastings Friday.
,Mr. M. F. Mnrymeo nnd Mr. McCoy
drovo to Hastings Friday, returning
I). Leo drovo to Hastings with his
sister who took tho train for her homo
in Iowa, after spending n fow days
with them here.
O. E. Spenco reports tho snlo of two
quarter sections of land in this vicinity.
Everyono is looking forward for a
good limo at tho reunion this week.
Our merchants aro getting in n Inrgo
supply of fall nnd winter goods.
W.M.Johnson is putting up n now
Sorry the wind mill nt thu depot wns
n failuro as it would have been a good
thing for tho people
How's This.
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any caso of catarrh that can
not bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure
F. J. Chunky & Co , Pi ops.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Wo tho undersigned havo known F.
J. Chonoy for tho past fifteen years,
and boliovo him perfectly honorablo in
all his business transactions and finan
cially nblo to carry out any obligations
madu by tho llrm.
Wkst & TllUAX,
Wholesalo druggists, Toledo, O.
Wholesalo druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood nnd
mucous surfaces of tho system. Prico
75o por bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials froo.
Hall's Family Pills nro tho best.
Thoro is quite a largo ncrcago of
winter wheat being sown this fall.
Mrs. F. L. Smith started for Omaha
last Monday morning.
Albert Reubens is homo on a fur
lough for thirty days. Ho looks well.
Win. Hoopor took two loads of hogs
to Rod Cloud last woek.
Most everybody wont to Lebanon
last Saturday and camo back disap
pointed. Tho Hope Sunday School reorganized
last Sunday by re-electing tho samo
oillcors and teachers. Their avorago
attendance is over forty.
Mr. F. L. Smith bought what is
known as theall placo, consideration,
Mr. Geo. Mountford Ms building a
now barn. Himself and son aro doing
tho work
P. Hangor having rented his farm ho
will movo to Lincoln, Nebraska whero
ho will rosido noxtyoar.
Mr. Caldwell's stock snlo was woll
attended and tho stock sold woll.
Miss Wilkinson is having good suc
cess with her school.
Creed Perry and C. C. Weaver wero
shelling corn for A. Prill and G. W.
Johnson last week.
Truth woars woll. Peoplo havo
learned that DoWitt's Littlo Early Ris
ers aro roliablo littlo pills for regulat
ing tho bowols, curing constipation
and sick headacho. They don't gripo.
C. L. Cottiug.
Aro gaining favor rapidly.
Iiiiiliicss men nnd trai
lers carry them In vest
tucket. Iatle rnrrr them
In I'unoi, liutitekcrtx-ra kc tlcm In mcllclne
cloicti. friend rtcommcncl them to friends. 23c
Exoursion to Oinuha, Monday, Oo
tobor 10th.
An uucqtinled opportunity for visit
ing tho Trans-Mississippi Exposition
is afforded by the Burlington Route ex
cursion to Omaha, on Monday, Octo
ber 10th. Tho rate will bo exceedingly
low only $1.50 tor thu round trip
from Red Cloud. Special train with
through coaches for Omaha will leave
Red Cloud at 10:110 a. in. reaching Oma
ha nt 5:130 p.m.
If you have not yet seen the great
fair ito not fail to taku advantage of
this excursion. A visit to the Trans
Mississippi Expcsitinn is n privilego
no western limn or woman should fore
go. It is an education of the best kind.
Nowltcro else nowiieiie iu tho world
at tho present time can one see so
much In so short a tlmo and nt so little
The weuk beginning October 10
promises to surpass all others since tho
exposition opened. In addition to the
exhibits in the main ami statu build
ings, thu slinm battles and dunces
which daily attract thousands to the
Indlau encampment; thu midway witlf
its countless curiosities and strange
peoplo; tho famous Inncs band, thu
live stock exhibit, etc., visitors will
havo nn oppottunity of taking part in
thu Peace Jubilee, in which President
McKinloy nnd his cabinet, tho gover
nors of thu trnns-Mlssissippi states,
tho mayors of the principal western
cities mid representntlves of tho nrmy
nnd navy will participate
For tiekits nsd further information
apply to nearest 11. & M. R. R. ticket
Throo Dootora in Consultation.
(From IJoiiJn mlii Franklin.)
"When you aro sick, what you like
best is to bo chosen for a medicine in
the lirst placo; what experience lulls
you is best, to bo chosen in tho second
place; what reason (i.o., theory) says is
best .is to be chosen in the third
placo. But if you can gut Dr.
Inclination, Dr. Experioneo and Dr.
Reason to hold a consultation together
thev will trivo you tho best advico that
can bo taken."
Whon you havo a bad cold Dr. In
clination would recommend Chamber
lains Couch Remedy because it is
pleasant and safo to tako. Dr. Ex peri
onco would recommend it because it
novor tails to effect a spocdy and per
manent euro. Dr. Reason would rec
ommend it because it is prepared on
scientitio principles, and acts on na
ture's plan in reliovingtho lungs, open
ing tho socretions and restoring the
system to a natural and healthy con
dition. For sale by II. E. Grice.
Ono of tho Kansas boys in tho nrmy
nt Santiago, writes back as follows:
"Two months ago I left Tampa for this
blasted land whore wo aro trying to live.
For forty-llvo days I never saw a wom
an. Follow citizens, if you want to ap
preciate a woman got away from her.
You don't know what tho Croator did
when he performed tho first surgical
operation on Adam. If you want to
know what a grand, glorious, and
sugar-coated thing n woman is, join
tho nrmy as I did. Seo nothing but
men from morning till night. Join tho
nrmy nnd lonf with men, help men,
carry men, seo men, men, nion, men,
and nothing but men. Llvo in n per
petual atmosphere of suppressed pro
fanity, boot smell nnd tobacco smoko
and at tho end of three weeks you
would become enamored witli tho
mummy of nn Egyptian sorvant girl
and givo her uu electrical kiss that
would burn three thousand years of
dried hido into flushed nnd velvety an
imation." Old Settlers Take Notice.
The Old Settlers meeting appointed
for September 80th, has been postponed
on account of failuro to gut satisfac
tory rates on the railroads in Nebras
ka. Thu meeting is now sot for Octo
ber 12, 1803, when n special into wilL
bo iixed for that occasion.
R. 11. Fulton,
Secretary Webster County Old Sot
tiers Association.
Republican Caucus.
Tho Republican vote as of Pleasant
Hill township aro hereby called to moot
in couvoutiun ut the school house in
Cowles on Tuesday, October 11, at 4 p.
m. for tho purposo of placing in nomi
nation n candidate for assessor, and
such other business us may como bo
fore tho mooting.
D. H.'Kaley, Com.
When you call for DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo tho groat Pile cure, don't
accept anything else. Don't bo talked
into accepting a substitute for piles,
for sores, for burns. C. L. Cottiug.
Por Salo.
One hundred and sixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
Bed Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of thu northeast quarter, and tho east
half of tho northwest quarter of section
tlfteen in township two north, range
eleven west. Tho land is leased at
present, but subject to salo. Prico
$2,000. For further information apply to
Mrs. James Kihkwood.
Fairfax, Mo.
You invito disappointment when you
oxporimont, DoWitt's Littlo Early
Rleors aro pleasant, easy, thorough lit
tlo pills. They euro constipation and
sick headache just as sura as you tako
them. C. L. Cotting.
Burlington Bouto California Excursions.
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Omaha 4:8.') p.m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. ami
Hustings 8:60 p.m. every Thursday iu
cltau, modern, not crowded touiisl
sleepors. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Lus
Angeles over tho scenic route through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; havo
spring M'lils and backs and aro provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
oto. Uniformed porters and experienc
ed exctiihlon conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bothur about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of Interest ami iu many other
Wiy helping lo make thu overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
oluis tieKets aro honored, llerths 85.
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Route thkot
olllco, or write to J. Francis, G. P, A.
Omaha, Nob.
School Report.
Roportof school in Dlst. 30 far the
month beginning Soptombor Ith and
ending Septembor 30th.
No of pupils enrolled, 80.
Thoso present everyday wore Loo,
Enimott, John and James Ryan, Mor
ton, Cora and Myrtle Smith ami Frnuk
Oiily'lhreo eases of taidlness during
tho mouth.
Number of visitors, ton.
Fki:d Watt, Teacher.
An Enemy to health is impure blood
as it leads to serious disease and
great sullcrlng. Hood's Sarsaparllla
meets and conquers this enemy and
averts tho danger.
Trionnial Conolavo, Knights Tom
plar, Pittsburg, Ootobor 10-14.
Ono faro for tho round trip to Pitts
burg, is tho rato offered by thu Bur
lington for tho occasion named above.
Tickets will bo on talo September 7,
8, 0 und 10, nnd will bo good on regu
lar trains of tho Burlington routo as
woll as on tho Knights Templar official
train which will leave Omaha at 7 p m.
Saturday, October 8, reaching Chicago
at 8:20 next morning, nnd Pittsburgh
at 5:00 a. m., Monday, October 10.
For tickets, berths in tho through
sleeping car or information nbout tho
return limits, excursions from Pitts
burg, etc, seo nearest B. & M. R. R.
Kidnoy and Bladdor Troubles.
If you Buffer from kidnoy, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scanty uriuo, Dr. Fouucrs Kidnoy
uud Backachu Cure is what vou want.
Bed-wotting by children is generally
cured by ono bottlo of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials nro disregarded
many people doubting tho honesty or
sincerity of them, wo '.horoforo avoid
giving any hero, but will furnish thorn
on application to dualor whoso namu is
?;iven bolow. If not satisfied aftor us
ng ono bottle your money will bo re
funded by C. L. Cotting.
m m
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mytnio Ouro," for rheumatism nnd
neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days.
Its aotlou upon tno system is remarK
able and mysterious. It removes at
onco tho cause and thu disease imme
diately disappears. Thu lirst dosu
greatly bonelits: 75 cents. Sold by H.
E. Grico, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob,
Catarrh is
Not Incurable
But it can not bo cured by Bprays,
washes and inhaling mixtures which
reach only tho surface. Tho disease is
in tho blood, and can only bo reached
through tho blood. S. S. S. is tho only
remedy which can havo any effect upon
Catarrh; it cures tno aiscaso perma
nently und forever rids tho system of
overy trace of tho vilo complaint.
Miss Josle Owen, ot Montpcller, Ohio,
writes: "I was af
flicted from Infancy
with Catarrh, and na
ono oan know tho
suffering It produce!
better than I. The
sprays and washoe
prescribed by the doc
tors relieved me only
temporarily, and
though I used them
yean, tha disease caa a
tinner hold than ever. I tried a number ot
blood remedies, bat their mineral Ingredient!
settled la my bones and gave me rheumatism,
I was In a lamentable condition, and after exj
hauatlng all treatment, was declaredlncnrable.
Seeing 8.8. 8. adterUied as a cure for blood
dlseasei, I decided to try It. As soon aa my
yitem was under the effect of the medicine,
I began to Improve, and after taking it for
two months I was cured completely, the
dreadful disease was eradicated from my sys
tem, and I have had no return of It."
Many have been taking local treat
ment lor years, and find themselves
worse now than over. A trial of
2? i J
constantly for ten
C5 CFlLr
Mthat dry taste iA
m in the mouth. M
B pujq B
Bm iB
B Pemem&grthe name B
B V wheaypu buy again. B
Futniture and Undertaking
Wall Paper, Carpets and Curtains.
Tho largest lino of Furniture in tho Ropublcan valley and at prices as low
as can bo found anywhere If you aro intending lo purchaso anything
In tho furnituro lino beforo purchasing call in und soo my lino of
Parlor and' Bed Room Sets, , ..
Rockers and Dining Chairs,
Bookcases, Sideboards, Sofas,
China Closets, Iron Bedsteads,
Kitchen Cabinets. Safes, Etc
or anything usually found in a iirst class furnituro storo
to be the right remedy
It will cure tho most ob
will prove it
for Catarrh.
stlnato case.
Books mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific- Co , Atlanta, Ga.
Hood's pills aro tho only pills lo tako
witli Hood's Sarsaparllh). Cure all
liver ills. '
Dr. Fonnor's Dyspopsia Curo
As the name implies, is simply
dyspepsia or indigestion, xnls prepa
ration is tho pieieription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whosu writings on medical questions
are accepted as authority, It not sat
isiaotory alter using ono Dottle your
mi) cy will ho refunded by O. L. Cotting.
To whom It may concern:
On tho 30lli day of September, 1890. I wan
convicted of Statutory rape In tho district court
nt Wntmipj eonnlT. On tho 9Ut dav of October.
1803, 1 will make application to the Honorablo
Silas A. Iioicomu, governor 01 ncurnniH, jur n
pardon. Qkoboe W. Diuki.
You owo your eyos that of properly caring
for them. You can't be too careful with na
ture's greatest blessing, and the most deli
cate organs your eyes. Nearly overy hu
man being has
ref otiv - Bye - ifglit - !
Our skilled optician examines oyes froo. Como in and lot him exam
ine your eyes. If you don't rcquiro glasses ho will toll you so.
Only regular doctor of rofarction in tho county.
Newliouse Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians.
eSTTho vory finest Watch, Clock and Jowolay Repairing. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
l)eYilt'6 Witch Hazel Salvo has the
largest salo of any salvo In tho world,
This fad und its merit bus led dishou
est peoplo to attempt to counterfeit it.
Look out for thu man who attempts
to deceive you wliun you call for De
Witt's Witch Hazul-Salvo tho great pjlo
cuio. C.L. Cotting.
One Minute Cough .Cuio surprises
peoplo by its quick cures and children
may take it iu largo quantities without
he least danger. It has won for itM'lf
thu best reputation of any ptcpnrutiou
used today for colds, oronp, tickling in
the tnroat or oustlunte coiiKhs U. 1
' ' '
A stubborn cough or tickling in tho
throat yields to One Minute Cough
Cure. Harmless in eil'eut, touches the
right snot, roliablo and just what is
wanted. It aots at onco, C, L. Cotting,
Host fasclnntlnfr Inven
tion oMlioiino. Aha
rendv to cnti-rtaln. it
remilrcs nosUll ioojit
oto It and ruprnduco the
mukle ol IuU, orches
tras, vocal W oriiiktru
tnoiitnlKuln'.bta. IhcrcLi
nothing like. It for nn cvctilim'f K"1"?1""";
Other 80-c.Uled tnlklim, inaehl ncs ic prod uw
L ,Lt iimlip.1 in sueli performamvv On tl o
d ti .. "". n .......... 1 .. i.tnllfijtiitttl
Ghieago Lamber Yard,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
umi'liophono you can ,vntu- upk . ,:, Y
re niluco records of tho voice, or any sound
liV.?fltV..nsnmly uwukms new imcrwt rut
U fv r resli. 'ino rvpruuuvuuiw w
Its rtwnn
cliaruud tirlitlaui.
nne.ivhnnnc 'nA cnlil inn Cl ft 01
Ml upiluUiiuiu; uivoviu ivi ?- ,p
Munufa.-inwl nmto lh rtnt r.f 1111. "Ulnl
1MIM i"mlMiilonal.l lliiri-itbnMiwiillfliBil.
rliUmll Sacllu" SiiJ.pilt. Wrlto fur catalogue.
720 7S) Ollvo St., ST. LOUIS MO.
I3tilcliiTjs: matei'ial, Bto.
iBjgiqaso mi'Mr-imtJMwZmr--