The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Che Dap Star or ir
A Romance By Hannah B. McKcnzie.
"You will break lliu news to Miss
Halcrow?" said Klspolh gently. An
hour hnd pnsBcd, and nil that Klspeth
and Evan, assisted by tho ten tiled
servants, rould do for Murium Hal
crow had Icon jlono. Ho Htlll lay un
conscious, a KhaHtly cut, hastily band
aged In amateur fashion by Kvnn,
across his hend; but with what other
Injuries, internal or external, they did
not know.
Tho doctor who had been wired for
had telegraphed that ho waa on hit)
way to Crag Castle; but ho could not
bo there for an hour yet.
"I cannot leave you alone," objected
"Do not mind mo; I shall bo all
rlGbt," snld Hlspcth hastily. "I sup
Pobo" sho paused with a sudden shud
der "nothing can bo done for her?"
Montelth shook his head. There waa
ft strange expression on his faco.
"Nothing," ho said. "You must
promlso mo on no account to go Into
tho room, Miss Troll. It can do no
good to tho dead, and may harm you.
You will promise?"
"Yes," said Elspcth. Then suddenly
ft Btrango, Inarticulate sound that was
almost a cry broko from her, and sho
covered her faco. "It Is too awful!
too horrible!" fIio cried, "going like
that lnto(lod's presence unprepared
unconfessed! And a few hours ago
fiho was sitting here, tho Incarnation
of life and brightness. Oh, (2nd, I can
not bear to think of Jt! God Cod
have mercy upon her!"
"Amen," said Montelth hoarsely. Ho
suddenly caught her hand. "Klspeth,
whatever may bo In your mind, what
ever you suspect or fear, try to bury It
out of sight and forgot, as I shall. "Wo
nhall keep our own dark doubtn a se
cret forever from the wholo world,
Bhall wo not?"
"For over," KlBpclh whispered, a'nd
her lip suddenly quivered. "You aro
"I must go now," ald Montelth. And
bo they parted ElBpcth to return to
her lonely watch, Montelth to hurry
to Abbot's Head.
Tho horror was still dark and heavy
.upon him that ho had felt as ho drew
from under her battered machine very
eently tho terribly mutilated flguro of
tho woman who had tried to compass
hlB own death. There was no doubt
In his mind as to that. It waa sho
who had tampered with his machine,
counting on Its going to pieces very
probably at tho unguarded portion of
tho cliff-path.
She had mistaken Magnus Halcrow
for him a natural mistake, for they
resembled each other at a distance
and had made that last desperate at
tempt to rid herself of him, probably
counting on his springing to the cliff
side of the path, In Ignoranco of tho
broken barricade. How strangely,
awfully, like tho Judgment of a Just
God it seemed! Montelth was soon at
Abbot's Head. As he strode up tho
garden-pathway emerged from the
doorway and niet him.
Her faco "suddenly flashed white as
she recognized him; then sho bowed,
and, after a moment's hesitation, of
fered her hand.
"You have come to say good-by? I
heard that you wero leaving tomor
row." "I was," answered Montelth, slowly;
"but It is not that that haB( brought
mo hero now. I am sorry to bo tho
bearer of, bad news, Miss Halcrow "
She interrupted him a llttlo breath
lessly: - i
"Something ho happened Mag
miB?" "You will bo brave," said Montelth
gently; "and, pleaso God, It may not
' be so bod as wo fear." Then, briefly
and as gently as posslblo, ho told her
Sho listened In sllonce, her faco
growing paler and paler, until It was
dralpfd of every drop of blood. When
ho paused she said, In a volco out of
which nil tho music had gone:
"I may go to him?"
"I have conio for you," said Mon
telth. "Tho carrlago la waiting be
low." , "I Bhall go and get ready," eald
Day, In a low voice.
She turned to re-enter tho house, but
as she did so, the wholo earth eeomod
to hcavo beneath her feet, and she
would have fallen hnd Montelth not
caught her In his arms. For a mo
ment ho held her there, her whlto fuce
resting against his breast; then Day
struggled from his clasp.
"Let nie'go, Mr. Montelth."
"Day," exclaimed Evan hoarsely, "It
Ecems almost profanation to speak of
euch things now; but, my darling, my
only true love, I cannot let you go
without asking you to forgive mo, and
vjP to Bay you ,w.UI.: still trust mo. Glvo mo
s My tho BatlHiictlou of taking caro of you
In this tcrrlblo time, and of knowing
you trust my caro. Day, you onco said
you loved me." She looked at him
strangely out of those sorrow-filled,
eea-blue eyes of hers.
"You eay Miss Stuart Is dead, and
you can say that to me now?" sho said,
almost in a whisper,
, "Sho Js dead," he answered grnvely.
"Day, I must nof. speak unkindly of the
dead; but If you knew all tho truth
you could never for a moment have
Imagined I loved her. Sho was my
bitterest enemy." For a momont Day
was silent; then sho turned to Mon
telth and laid her trembling llttlo hand
Id his.
"And Magnus Is perhaps dying bo
causo ho tried to eavo hor! Can I
havo been hard nnd unkind? I Al
most hated her. And now she Is dead!
Cod forglvo mo nnd grant hor poacc!
Kvan, tako mo to my brother. I seom
to have no ono now but you."
Ho drew her to him for ono second,
and kissed her trembling lips. And so,
In tho midst of tragedy nnd sorrow
"bitter llko blood nnd dark as &&
of death," drop trust and Bwcct nopo
came back to two humnn hearts.
Magnus did not die. Ho Blowly
came back to llfo and consciousness,
nursed by tho tender hands of the two
women who loved him; and of these
two tho tendncst wore Elspoth Troll's.
Llllth Stuart had been laid to rcat In
the family vaults. Ixidy Westray was
still at the castle, whither had gono
tho lawyers In whoso hnnds wero tho
affairs of tliu cstato, and Ulspcth wafl
with her.
A fortnight later Magnus lay In his
own room at Abbot's Head, and Day
pat beside him. Ho was still pale, nnd
tho tcrrlblo cut across his forohead was
very conspicuous, but to Day It seemed
as If ho had conio back from tho Jaws
of death.
A ring at the outer door made tho
sweet color fly to Day's checks. Mon
telth hnd been nway for flvo days, but
she knew that this was him come back
Day flew to tho door, and in a few
minutes camo back, not with Montelth
only, but with Klspeth Troll aa well.
"I havo brought your nurso to seo
you, Halcrow," said Montelth as Mag
nus extended liln uninjured hand.
"And your nuno is more plenacd with
your progress than she can eay," said
Elspeth, bending hor grave, sweet
volco and dark eyes over tho couch.
They sat together for n few minutes,
then Montelth suddenly spoke:
"I havo a purposo In thus bringing
you all together. It Is that you might
togeincr near my ntory, and tho se
cret of my connection with tho poor
dead girl whom wo all know. Miss
Troll knows part of the ntory not all.
"Five years ago I was secretary to
Sir James Westray, to whom I was
nlbo a distant connection. Ho lived
then on his estate in Perthshire, and
during Parliament was up In London;
for ho was, an you know, Vice-Chan-cellor
of tho 13xhequcr. Whllo there,
his cousin, Mrs. Stuart, widow of a
captain in tho army, and her daugh
ter came to visit him She was very
poor; sho was also I must not mince
matters a scheming, designing wom
an. Sir James hnd no children. His
property and fortune should go, In
right of Bucccsalon, to the orphnn chil
dren of another cousin a boy and
girl, mere children.
"It became Mrs. Stuart's object to In
duce tho old man to make a will leav
ing all to her own daughter. Llllth
was then seventeen, such as sho wns
when you know hor beautiful and fas.
clnatlng. Her mother set her to work
on the old man's vanity, Sir James
had one foible, nnd that was. an Inor
dinate lovo of solf. How well sho suc
ceeded you can yourselves Imagine.
"I was three years older than Llllth,
and at a susccptlblo ago. Sho be
witched roc. I did not lovo her I
could not profano that holy feeling by
giving my own infatuation its name;
but I seemed under a epell, nnd yielded
to her In all things. She allowed mo
to think my feeling was reciprocated.
"Suddenly Mrs. Stuart died. Then
Sir James announced his intention of
adopting Llllth. To all Intents and
purposes sho was his own child. Yet
Llllth herself know hor position was
Insecuro as lo'ng as the Westray chil
dren lived.
"Sir James waB ailing for somo tlmo
beforo he died, and Llllth was con
stantly with him during that tlmo. Sho
urged him constantly, with all tho per
suaslvo powers of which she was mis
tress; hut for long ho held out steadily
against her. ,
"Ono night it was lato at night
Llllth camo to me.
" 'He has done It!' sho cxclnlmmcd
triumphantly. 'Ho has mado out the
will at hiRt! All that ho has will bo
mine. Coiuo nnd sign It as a witness,
"I feebly protested, saylug that It
was a sin to deprive the other chil
dren qf their inheritance, but Llllth
only Bcoffed. Yon will understand
how far I had fallen by that mean in
fatuation when I tell you that I fol
lowed her and signed the paper as a
"A few days after Sir James died.
There was no contested easo. Tho chil
dren wero too young to understand
matters, and their guardians were eas
ily silenced.
"Llllth bIIU encouraged mo, and I
vUlted tho hoiifio, which waa occupied
by her nnd Lady Westray. It was
while doing so that, by a strange acci
dent, I dlacovorcd tho secret which
legal eyes had not detected.
"Sir James' signature to the will had
been forged!
"I shall not lengthen my story by
going Into tho details of my discov
ery. Enough that 1 taxed Llllth with
It, nnd sho defied mo to prove It. When
sho saw I was In earnest, sho changed
her tactics; threw hers'olf on my mer
cy, ltnott to mo, besought mo not to
bring this awful disgrace- upon hor;
then promised sho would look after
tho Westray children and keep them In
as great comfort ns over they could
havo had If tho property had como to
them. I was weak; I yielded.
"I know my part wns a huso ono,
scorn nnd blame me for It as you will.
I wont abroad, liy that tlmo I had In
herited a small Income which left mo
Independent. I passed a year or two
bear-shooting In tho Rockies. Con
science pursued inc. I saw Llllth In
her true light, and all tho falso glamour
that hud surrounded her vanished.
"I camo here. You know at IcaBt,
Klspeth docs how Llllth tried to re
gain her old power over mo. When
b!io saw It was useless, bIio defied me
to do my word. Well, let un cast no
stono at the poor, silent dead."
Ho paused. Tho faces of tho three
who had listened breathlessly to him
wore very palo.
Magnus was tho first to speak. Ho
held out his hand.
"Forgive me, Montelth. I havo been
unjust nnd suspicious; but your story
Is strnngo beyond fiction."
Montelth grasped his hand.
"You won't refuse mo what I've enmo
to nak from you, then, Halcrow? You
know what It Is."
Ho put his arm round Day, who' was
trembling and pale; but tho action
brought the rosy color rushing back to
hor "cheeks.
"You are going to tnko my Star of
Day from mo, then? Well, I suppose
It must havo como sooner or later, and
rather you than any other man, Mon
telth," said Magnus, his volco Just a
llttlo unsteady. "God bless you, my
llttlo Day! KIea me."
"Magnus, I'm not going to lcavo
you," cried Day soothingly. But sho
bent nnd kissed tho scarred faco, her
tears running down upon it. Then, on.
a sudden Impulse, sho turned and
kissed Elspeth Troll.
"And now I wish to havo thla maiden
Just for a fow minutes to myself," said
Montelth, standing up and drawing
Day's arm through his own. "Nurso,
will you wait with your patient till
wo como back? After that I shall tako
you back to Crag Castle."
Klspeth said nothing, but her lips
grow tremulous.
"You loved her onco, and beforo mo,
Evan," Day whispered aa they wore
strolling down the garden, with his
arm round her and her head near his
Bhoulder. "And sho had such an ln
fluenco over you more than I shall
over have!"
"For evil," Bald Montelth thought
fully. Then ho bent nnd kissed the
sweet mouth. "Sho was n 'baleful
star,' Day, to luro mo to baso and un
worthy ways from all good and noblo
ones; but you aro tho Daystar that
will, God willing, guldo mo through
tho shoals and quicksands of llfo un
til" ho paused nnd added roverently
"God Himself takes us both Into Hli
eternal day."
(To be Continued.)
Legal Killings
About Out
Cnnlno Friend.
From Case nnd Comment: A prctt
costly dog In Michigan was found to
havo devoured $10 worth of meat at
ono sitting. Cheney vs. Russell, 44
Michigan, 020. If a dog greedily and
ruuely goes behind tho counter of a
shop and there feloniously applies to
his own uro bread and cheese left for
mice and rats, and dies from tho ef
fects of poison spread upon tho comes
tibles, his death does not Ho nt the
shopkeeper's door, though ho dlo there.
Appleton, Cli. J in State vs. Harrl
man, 75 Me. 562, 46 Am. Rep. 423, Cit
ing Stansfeld vs. Bollcng, 22 L. T. Rep.
N. S. 799. Where a small dog waa
away from homo decollete, although
tho statute required a collar, and was
killed by a large dog, and the defense
was that the killing was lawful because
of the want of a collar, It was held by
the court that the big dog was not do
Jure or do facto a police officer far con
stable, and was not shown to have ex
amined tho records to seo whether or
not tho llttlo dog had been licensed to
travel wltnout a collar. uelsrodt vs.
Hackott (Mich.) 3 Cent. L. J. 479. On
tho prosecution of a negro for steal
ing a dog with a collar on, when a de
murrer to the indictment was sustained
because it was not larceny to steal a
dog, tho prosecution claimed that he
nlso stole tho collar that was on the
dog, but tho defense claimed that the
negro took the. dog only and tho dog
took the collar. Tho prisoner was
finally discharged. 3 Cent. J,. J, 654.
Stoker Work ll Healthy.
It Is a fact that tho stokors on board
nn ocean "liner," provided tho men
aro steady In their habits, suffer
scarcely at all from their arduous la
bors. A stoker works four hours nt a
stretch, and during thw time tho tem
perature of his surroundings varies
from 120 to ICO degrees. Ono stoker
usually has four furnace to attend to,
and whllo feeding one furnaco a man
has to bo extremely careful or his arm
will bo burnt by tho furnnco behind
him.' As a rule, a man is occupied for
about threo minutes at each furnaco,
and directly he had finished ho rushes
to tho alr-plpo and awaits till his turn
comes round again. It has been found
that the work is least injurious to tho
men who aro regularly employed at It,
Burlington Hawkoye.
Nn Time Lout.
I wonder why It Is that meetings of
the unemployed nro always called on
Sunday." "That Is so tho men who at
tend will not bo forced to lose a da?
from their work." Exchange,
Jjienti nf Murit Tliun l'nln(f lnlrrrM
AVIiUli llnvn Ti-inilrrd Bliirn tlie War
I.'ntlcd I'cscn l'mgrr mill MotcnivnU
of Army, Xuty, mitt DrimrtttiriiW.
Wr clnrnlny, Srirmlirr '31.
Tho stars nnd stripes oris In evidence
In Havana. Old Glory floats over the
American commission':! headquar
ters. The exposition building nt Tneomn,
Wnsh., wns burned; loss 3100,000: no
Insurance. It was tho largest struct
ure of Its klud In tho northwest.
Tho socrotnry of tho trensury has
received from'Topeku, Kim., iv letter
signed "A Cltlon," enclosing a con
science fund contribution of 8500. v
Michael Schwnr. nChlcuiro musician,
shot his divorced wife nnd then killed
himself. The tragedy was tho result
of an argument over past difficulties.
Tho rumor that b'ocrotnry A Igor
plaucd his rcslgnat Ion at the disposal of
the president lias been cuipliatlunlly
denied by tho secretary himself.
Threo hundred horses of Itoosnvolt's
rough riders wero told lit auction In
Now York. Tho averairu price re
ceived was SKI. They cost tho govern
ment fc'05 each.
At n meeting of the Itlchmond, Vn.,
chapter, dnughtursof the confederacy,
yesterday, it was decided to inaugu
rate a movement to erect n monument
over the gravo of Winnie Davis.
Tho president has sent a peremptory
noto to General Wndo, clmtriiinuot tho
Cuban cvautiatlou commission, btntinir
Hint tho United States will brook no
delay in tho mutter of the Spanish
troops evacuating the Island. The
terms of tho protocol call for their
'immediate evacuation. "
Tho San Francisco Kvcnlng Post
prints on article which purports to
muko known the plans of tho Germans
In regard to thn disposition of tho
Philippines. It alleges that German v
proposes to arm the insurgents, drill
them, and sometime after while have
tho insurgents under Aguluuldo ut
taelc the Americans.
Ihumluy, ficiUenihcr Sit.
Imultlng flouts greeted General
Tornl when ho landed in Spain.
General Garcia is expected to visit
tho United States within the next two
Admiral Cervera landed ut Santandr,
Spain, und was wildly greeted with
It Is said that tho empress do ngcr
of China will reinstate Ll Hung Chung
to power
In an Interview Gcncrul Hhnftor said
the conduct of lliu wur could not havo
been better.
Governor Plngreo wns unanimously
renominated by Mlchignu republicans.
No opposition was made.
Tho French' vessel Vil!o do Fecamp
foundered ofF Fecamp and her crow of
thirty six were drowned.
The death list in General Lawtnu's
command at Suntulgo is decreasing.
Muny now eases of fever aro reported,
but they arc mild in form.
Chapluln Mclntlre of the battleship
Oregou has been stricken with ncrtoiis
prostration, mid the courlmnrtlal to
try him for ulleged remarks of Ad
miral Sampson is postponed.
Public feeling hi Franca is under
going a change in regard to tho Drey
fus matter, and the indignation of the
cltlrcns Is directed toward tho army to
Biieh an extent as to threaten that or
ganization. Tho Porto Ricuu volunteers hnvo nil
disbanded and the Spanish soldiers nro
engaged in dismantling the armories
and bnrracks and in boxing tho guns
nnd ammunition. They uro rejoicing1
over tho prospect of an eirly return to
their homes.
Friday, Hcpttmilier 33.
The Omaha fire and police commis
sion wero ordered removed today by
tho supremo court. Following this de
cision camo ono declaring Mayor
Moores of Omaha ineligible to tho of
flco'ho holds because ho was in default
as cleric of the district court when he
waB elected mayor. These two dccls.
lonscame as the result of long und
bitter litigation. This action of the
court in the fire and police 'case was
not unexpected, but no inkling of tho
court's decision in the Ilroateh-Moorcs
case reached the public till court ad
journed late yesterday afternoon and
filed opinions with tho clerk. In de
claring Mayor Moores Ineligible tho
court sustained the findings of E. ,1.
Clements of Ord, who ucted ns referee
for tho court und took testimony und
submitted conclusions of law.
The appeal of the state of Nebraska
in tho suit against bondsmen of ex
Auditor Eugene- Mooro wu3 decided in
favor of the bondsmen at tho recent
sitting of tho supremo court. In this
case tho court says tho auditor collect
ed fees from insuraneo companies nnd
embezzled them, but holds his sureties
not liable because the law of 1873 was
so modified by the constitution of 1873
so as to require tho payment of such
fees in advance to tho state treasurer
and prohibits the auditor from receiv
ing them. It is held that Hurctle) are
not llublc for money collected and em
bezzled by their principal unless ns
such ofllcer he wns authorized by law
to collect or receive such moneys. A
writ of mandamus was also issued by
tho court to compel Auditor Cornell
to act on claims presonted by tho so
ciety for tho homo for tho friendless.
This suit did not involve tho legality
of tho claims but was to compel uetiou
bo that the society may appeal from
the auditor's notion it necessary, to
tho district court.
The spontaneous combustion of dust
in the elevator of Paddock Hodge &.
Co., at Toledo, O., caused u (Ire that
cremated eight ineu and fatally burned
eight others.
A barn belonging to Wencnl Symod
cnes of Walioo was totally destroyed
by fire, and another building near by
was badly scorched. Tho damage is
in tho neighborhood of 3.100. Tho firo
in all probability originated from a
lighted cigar stub, ns tho day before
n big crowd was in town to-tho circus
and the building wns used as a feed
Nutnnliiy, SriMtt1trr 94.
Reports from tho south ludlentu that
yellow fover is making hendwny.
Tho Cuban soldiers are disbanding
and aro engaging in pursuits of peace.
Kdgcmont, S. D. hud n SK.0,000
blnr.o which destroyed several hand
some business blocks.
Retail druggists who havo been pay
iiifr the war tax uro tnklng steps to
shift tliu burden to the wholesaler.
General Garcia yesterday entered
Santiago and was fireotcd ns a hero.
The Americans ueeorded htm every
So far about MM applications for pen
sions havo been mntio to tho pension
bureau as iv result of tho war with
Tho Drummond Tobacco company
has passed Into the hands of tho Amer
ican Tobacco company, nnd the glnnl
trust is now assured.
Mine. Pnuluiler, wife of M. Diaries
Paulmier. member of tho French cham
ber of deputies, shot nnd wounded M.
Olllvcr of La Lnuterne, for alleged
Hmulay, Krploniltrr V!fl.
A tornado visited Ohio in tho vicin
ity of Lima and did much damage.
News from Goilernl Kitchener is to
the o fleet that ho has left Khartoum
for Tiudiodn.
Policeman John Tuxford of Chicago
was shot and killed while attempting
to nrrest two crooks.
Thousnuds of acres of timber land
in Montana arc threatened with de
struction with forest fires.
The powers hnvo united against Tur
key and di maud that the sultan must
restore order in Crete or bo punished.
Goonro Korwln of Cliiciiiro got tho
decision ovei Jerome Qulgley of Phila
delphia at Toronto in a llftccn-ronud
Tho eruption of Vesuvius in Increas
ing in vloleneo nod it Is feared that it
will assume the proportions of that of
The story that Geruriny proposed to
uriii tho Phlllpplno Insurgents nnd
selo the islands Is pronounced to ba
without foundation by Washington
Tho Moadowbrookeluliof New York
won tho poloclmmpioushlp of America
and the William Wuldrof Astor cup
from Philadelphia by the score of H
to 7.
Captain .1. M. Brooks, master of tho
yacht ( hlnn of San Francisco, was
mysteriously murdered soon after re
turning to the yacht In an Intoxicated
Political enemies of Toddy Roose
velt are attempting to prove that ho is
not eligible to the governorship of
New York, claiming that he Is not
resident of tho state.
Topeka, Kits., flour mills havo ceased
grinding for want of wheat. It Is es
timated that fifty mills nt other poluts
In tho state aro idlo from tho snmo
cause. Farmers aro holding their
wheat for better prices.
Monday, 8i'ileniliur 3(1.
Tho Spanish nenco commissioners
have gone to Purls.
Diplomatic relations between Italy
and Colombia havo been resumed.
Pnqunlt Colletti was Eliot and killed
by John Sbrochl at Jollet, HI. Ha
wus found in u compromising position
with Mrs. Sbrochl, which enraged tho
husband, who objected to such pro
ceedings, A report has been received from
Gen. Mcrriaui, who recently returned
from Honolulu, in which he says there
is no truth in tho statement that tho
troops In Hawull are without 6iifllelent
food bupply.
It is announced at. Madrid that 10,
000 Spaniards, residing on tliu island
of Porto Rico, havo refused to live on
the Island under tho American ting,
and have demanded that they be re
turned to Spain.
Tho Italian hark Olga arrived at tho
Delaware breakwater for orders from
Samarang, Java, laden with Bugar.
She brought to a close a voyage of
straniro fatalities, havinir only n fow
of tho original officers on board, Cap-
tain Creyer, her cammander, una tlvo
others liavlntr died of that dread di
sease, scurvy, which bo often breaks
out ou board vessels from tho fur cast,
Tnedy, Neptrmbcr 37.
Thomas F. Bayard Is expected to
die ut itiiy moment.
The tide of republicanism in New
York has turned to Roosevolt, and he
will bo named by the convention for
Fanny Davenport (Mrs. Melbourne
McDowell) died at her summer home
at Doxbury, Muss., of enlargement of
the heart.
Lieutenant Ilohson is btlll confident
ho can save the Cristobal Colou. He
saj's ho expects to return to New York
on board the Colop. ,
John Williams, tho Knoxvllle, Tenn.,
negro who seriously stabbed Shermon
Dunn and assaulted Mrs. Molllo Shel
ton, was taken from tho Jail by a mob
uud hanged.
At a meeting of tho French cabinet
yestorduy morning, all tho members
being present, a decision was taken in
favor of a reviblon of the trial of Cap
tain DreyfuH.
At Kenton, O., Georgo Carlton, liv
ing two miles enst of town, got into a
scufllo with a chicken thief. His sister
went to his rescno with nn axe. By
mistake she ernshed her brother's skull
und it is feared ho will die.
Tho commission selected by tho
president to investigate tho conduct of
tho war department held its first ses
sion lu Washington yesterday. Idlo
complaints will receive no attention,
but specific charges aro luvttcd.
Rich bachelors nevor roallzo how
well oft they are until they marry.
Georgo F. Green, president of the
commercial travelers home association
of America, has started from Ring
hampton, N Y., a ten-cent endless
chulu of letters for tho purposo of
raising money to complete tho home.
At tho festivities at Quebec In mem
ory of tho French explorer Champluin,
the American cruiser Marblehcnd wus
accorded a rousing reception by tho
British ships iii the river and by tho
pcoplo ou land. Captain McCulla and
Ills murines came in for special attention.
Bufeuml I'.iprm Cnr Shattered With Vn
n inilto.
Kansas Cirr, Mo., Sept 50. Th
dull explosion that wns heard in the
routhwcBtcrn part of tho city hut
night was tho work of the "quail
hunters." It was not much after 10
o'clock when tho "fjimll hunters" dy
namited tho express cnr of a south'
bound Missouri Pnctlle train n few
miles beyond Leeds nnd eight miles
from Kansas City. That they did nob
blow on their own feathers was t
wonder, for the cnr waa rarod, tho
great Iron snfo wns shattered and, for
distance of two miles, waybills and
papers and fragments of baggage wero
mnttcre'd along tho truck. The party
of .mashed "quail hunters," thinking
they had out tho telegraph wires to
Kansas City, used no stint in tho ap
plication of dynamlto. They loft n
'pnrd with tho express messenger stat
ing tiiat tho supply of quails was good,
Chlof Hayes has lu his possession
tho only tangible clue of tho men who
did tho work. It Is a card handed to
Express Messenger 13. N. Hills by ono
pf tho robbers after they had finished.
On ono sldo is printed: "Vote for Rob
crt W. Green, Republican nominee for
county collector of Jackson county."
On tho rcverss sldo this Is printed with
a dull lead pencil:
: " "M
; we, thn tnaoliril xmglitft or thn ronO, :
: robbed tlio M. 1'. trnlu nt tho Holt Una t
; Junction to-night. Tbo ripply of nunlls :
: ttUBL'uoil. With much I oto na rnranln, :
: John KniNunr, :
; im.ii iitax t
! mi j, Aniikilsoit, :
: bam linoww, :
; Jim Ukduohd. :
t ...,..,,, i. ..., . .. .............,..........
Tho Pacific Kxproas company do
flares it lost nothing except smashed
express matter.
Tho whole affair took only a forr
minutes. At 0M0 o'clock tho Wichita
Llttlo Rock express stopped at tho
Pittsburg fc Gulf junction, fewer than
eight miles south of Kansas City, and
in thirty minutes tho sound of tho ex
plosion was heard in tho city. i
Word of tho hold-up reuchod pollco
headquarters and tho county marshal's
office about tho snmo tlmo, botweon
10:30 o'clock and 11 o'clock.
For two hours Doputy Marshals Wll
on, Taylor nnd Leahy restlessly in
habited tho darkness at Second and;
Grand avenue, waiting for the Mis
souri raclllo train to go to tho scene.
Tho engine of tho relief train push
ed tho robbed nnd englnoless express
car ahead, for it war, Impossible- to
pass it. It hold the track. It was n
slow, noisy procession. About one
half mile further on tho caravan of
coaches camo upon a strnngo scene.
Tho conductor of tho ill-fated train,
Ilaus Carr, Bcvoral doputy marshal
and a number of negroes with guns,
wero delving in a mass of debris by ths
track sldo in the weird torchlight.
Broken trunks, women's flu ory, frag,
monts of oar roofs, a bicycle, men's
underclothing, blackened valises and
a pulpy mass of a hundred different
things wero piled and scattered in the
ditch along tho left hand side of the
track. The telegraph wires were fes
tooned with wreckage. Here tho ox
press cnr had been blown up, bus
whero was the car?
"Wo'ro from tho coal camp," said
tho armod negroes. "Wo heard the
explosion and came over to find out
about it."
The railway and express officials foil
to heaving tho fragments of baggage
and express matter into tho empty
baggage car brought with tho rollef
At a point which tho rntltvay mtn
said was -about threo nnd one-half
miles beyond tho junction, buruod a
fitful, sullen fire. It was tho wrecked
express car and the killed engine.
What a wreck it wub. Tho car wit
literally razed to tho flat car. Twisted
irons, and a flat, tangled mass of bag
gago, express matter and timber
burned like a glgantio spent Arc
cracker or a huge bit of "punk," Oa
the loft sido of the wreck, on the
ground, lay the great Iron safe. It'a
top waa stove in and it was shattered
oa if riddled by a 18-inch shell. The
crowds pulled out lumps of the fire
proof cement lining as mementoes.
When tho train crew came up to the
wreck thoy found tt burning fiercely
and pulled, off a good deal of debris to
top the fire. The big safe hung or
one side by its iron stanchions and the
train crow and section men pushed it
"If thore was anything in that
Knfe,"sald Superintendent Mooro of the
Faolflo express, "It was blown into
smithereens) Tho robbers did not get
a ccntl"
Ths Porto Itlcsna, In Contrast to othct
Spanlah Catholics, Aro Mot Zealous.
"Wabuikotos, Bept. 20. Major Gone,
ral Wilson, in a report to the War D.
partment, submits tho information,
gathered by Captain Gardlnor and his
stuff in Porto Rico. The,
political, religious and financial condi
tions of tho island arc dealt with at
length. The report will be valuable
in determining the form of govern
ment best suited for tho island. lie
Btatoa that, while a largo majority of
the Porto Rlcnus aro Cathollos-by pro
fession, thoy are not cspaelally soalous
as religionists. Ho plnoas the number
of priests at 240 and the annual cost
to tho public treasury for their sup
port at about 120,000
Btanoo Decorates a Negro ITomau.
Havana, Bopt, 20, General Blanco
has conforrcd a decoration upon a ne
gro woman named JInrbara Gultcrres,
for bravery dlsplayediduring the bom
bardment of Mnnzanllio, where she
fought sido by sldo with tho regular
troops, displaying the utmost courage. -
Burgeon Uolkekoper iUitgof."
Wasiunotok, Sept. 2tf. It is stated
at tho War Department, that Lieuten
ant Colonel Rush S. Uu'ldekoper, who
was chlof surgeon at qtiBwThomas,
has forwarded his rqMn, and
been granted an lioncjBMhargSk.
p- V
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