i)rTMairf- 3SX -sr THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, PKIDAY, SEPT. 3(X ISUo. ii V Dizzy and Faint Troubled With Kldnoy Difficulty and No Appetlto -Improved In Every Way Since Taking Hood's. "Iwaatakon suddenly with dizziness and falntncss nt tho elomach and also with kidney troubles. My whole body Memed to bo out of order. I sent at onco for a physician and followedhtadlrcctloni With but Uttlo change Ho Mid I had complication ot diseases and my case1 was bard to manage. I would got bettor for a day or two and then would bo worse again. My appetlto also fallod and I had a severo headache. After tho doctor said ho could do nothing more for mo I determined to give Hood's SaraaparllU a trial. In a short tlmo after I began taking It I oould do a fair day's work. It Is now throo years slnco I was cured by Hood's Banana-Ilia and I am still In good health. I havo a ood appetlto and am full of life." Mns. Eva Beach, Box 401, Lincoln, Kansns. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the bct-ln fact the One True Mood Purifier. Hold by nil ilrtiRKW-. II ( six for 5. , . ,, rtui oro tho only pllli to take HOOU S FlllS with Hood's Borsnparllla. THE CHIEF runummi nr W. L. MoMILLAN. One year II 00 Jlimonthi BO PUBLISHED KVKHY FIUDAV Bnterod at tho poit offlco at Rod Cloud, Mob, a isoondclaiimall miller. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Governor, H. h. HAY WARD. Of Otoo County. For Llouteuml aovemoi, GEO. A. murphy. Of ago County. For Secretary of Sttto, 0. DURA8, Of Balluo County. For Auditor of Public Account!, T. L. MATTHKWS, Of I)od go County. For TrcMuror, PKTEK MOUTF.NSEN, Of Valley County, For Superintendent of Public Instruction, JOHN F. SAYI.OK, Of Lancatcr County For Attorney Goncrnl. N. 1). JACKSON, of Antelope County. For Lind Comrulotloncr, . A. F. WILMAMH, Of Douglas County COUNTY. For Representative, J. 8. WHITE, For County Attorneys RANDOLPH MO NITT. For Commlulonor, 3d Dtatrlct, J. W. WJNCHKY, For Commlulonor, 6th Dlatrlct, JEROME VANCK. Tho stntu treasurer takes Issue with Jtitlgo Haywartl on tho statement of tho amount of money turned over by Bnrtloj. Mr. Meacrvesays tlionmount tlmt was nvttilnble January 7, 1807, nnd not tied up In suspqmlco banks was 804,C02.13. 'J ho republicans of the statu aro willing to accept this state niont ns correct, it being tho lirst timo any popocratiu oflleial has admitted that Hartley left any money in the treasury. "t'ho popocrats claim that under tho present managomont tho stato peniten tiary has boon mado "self sustaining," but ton minutes timo consulting tint records ruvoals tho fnct thnt tho au thorities of this institution havo drawn from tho stato treasury during tho timo tho present ofllccrs havo had con trot n. grand total of $110,000, which has boon tisoel in addition to tho money received from tho labor of prisoners to bring it up to tho boasted "economy" of being "self sustaining," Tho popocratio press, in commenting on tho state ticket nominated by tho republican, immediately after tho con vention said: "Tho ticket is licnilcd by Judgo M. L. llayward and then fol lows on down to the end of the list oili er men just liko him." Whilo this statement was mado in derision tho re publicans of Nebraska accopt tho prop osition in its optlrety with its flno sen timont of literal truth. Thoy aro all Just liko him, and tho very fact that the party has nominated a ticket of such universally acknowledged strength is a continual source of weariness and fore bodings to tho "reformers." ), This government does not Intend to countonanco any delay in tho ovaou- ntion of Cuba by tho Spaniards. This may be rolled upon ns oflleial. If tho Spaniards do not got oil of tho island by tho timo it is considered safo to tho health ot our soldiers to send them over there somowhero betwoon the middlo and tho last of Octobor thoy will bo pushed off by our army of occu pation. Ily direction of the prcsidont our military commissioners, now nt Havana, havo so informed tho Spanish military commissioners, nnd told them that they must govern themselves accordingly. or moro patriotic tiling than when they decided not to uso tho chnrges and counter ohnigcs as to tho mniingemtnt bf tho war as campaign issues. Tho cards and circulars being sent out from tho triplo nllinnco (con)fusinn headquarters act up n loud claim that tho present stato treasurer, Mr. Me servo, has reduced the interest benrlng debt $700,042.00, with money wbiclt thoy would try to deciovo us Into be lieving was mado and givon to the state by n munificent pop treasurer. Tho actual facts in tho caso are, that considering the amount of money that has certainly passed into Mt. Mcscrvo's hands from nil sources, and available for application on tho interest bearing debt, ho has not mndo such a great ho received $187,053.10, which added to showing after nil. From Mr. Uiirtltiy $400,107.47 received from other funds nt tho samo date make n total of $03 1, 000.00. Does this mukoilcasy to bo liovo that Mr. Mescrvo found tho treas ury entirely empty when ho stepped inloofllce? Adda from this there are n few other cash considerations. On January 1, 1807, tho stato had tho de linquent tax list as a cash asset, which at n fair estimate based on delinquent tax I'fllleotious nmountod to $253,828.00. In 181)0 n sinking fund of $103,540.81 wns levied and also the samo amount in 1807. If tho levy of 1800 was col lected nnd two thirds for 1807 in tho first half of 1808, which was vorj likely dono it would mako a total of $172,003. 07. Flguro up those items nnd tlion think a whilo. Has Mr. Mescrvo made such n sweoping reduction after nil. whon his many rich resources aro taken into nccountf ft GlUTIGAIt Tip. During the Battle Santiago. of SICK OR WELL A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. AMissouri populist campaign speaker in tho courso ot his remarks said: "Our party, on its voyngo of fusion, is liko a orew in mid ocean, with a rook for a ship, shoot-load for nails, tho wrath of God for a breeze, and holl for a port." Tho old saying that figures will not Ho Is not strictly true. It must bo re ceived nt least -villi ono provision; whothor thoy bo found en tho lnrgo books nt tho stato houso or boautitully arranged on tho corners of Porter's nud Cornell's littlo cards. Tho dispatch with which false figures of tho campaign of protonso nnd fraud havo already been analyzed and thor oughly disproved by a careful examin ation of tho record;, has caused ad ditional worry and heaviness of heart at "reform" headquarters. Thoy had hopol thnt their schomo of ledgorde main might still hold a great many in a stato of bowllderment nnd mysteri ous awo, but uo ono among them bo liovod, no ono could boliove, that thoy would so soon bo detected in their cowardly chicanery, run down, over taken nnd havo thicr tires so irropair ably punctured. The Packers at the Battle of San tiago de Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic' Efforts in (jetting: Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from SaMiago do Cuba on Juno 23d, says: "Wo all hud diarrhoea in moro or less violent foim,aud when wo landed we had uo timo to sou a doctor, for It was a caso of rush and rush night and dny to keep tho troops supplied with ammunition nnd rations, but thanks to Chnmbctlain's Colic, Cliolein and Diarrhoea Remedy, wo were nblo to keep at work and keep our health! In fact. I sincerely huliovo th it at ono critical timo this medicine wns Hie di rect savior of our army, for if the pat it ers had been nimble to work thoio would havo been no way of getting supplies :o tho front. There Were no roads thnt n wagon train could use. My comrades and myself had tho good fortune to lay in a supply of this medi cine for our pack train beforo wo left Tampa, and I know in four oases it ab solutely saved life." Tho above letter was written to tho manufacturers of this medicine, tho Chnmborlnin Medicine Co., DesMoincs, town. or sine by n. .. unco. mmm I Tho report of Judge Hnyward's spooch as it appears in many papers of tho stato contains a tpyogruphlcnl error. Judgo llayward said that "Douglas county pays ono-cighth of tho taxes of tho state," and somo of tho reports havo him as saying "one-half." Tho "card" campaign inaugurated by Secretary of Stato Porter and Audi tor Cornell has suddenly dovolopcd a waning nnd weakness not contemplated by those men, since clearing up fully tho misapprehension of so many pops thnt the8o "cardb" were certainly rail road passes. Moro than live hundred applications for pensions on account of service in tho war with Spain havo already been tiled in tho ponslon buronu. Commis sioner Evans says a now division will bo crcnted in tho bureau for tho special purposo ot handling tho applications for pensions", resulting from tho Suanish war. In Washington tho sensational story that there is a plot botweon tho Ger man government and Agulnaldo, tho Phllippino insugont goncrnl, for tho In surgeuts to ilrivo tho Amoricans off tho islands this winter and turn them over to Germany, is regarded as nothing moro thaji afako full brother to thoso which may bo found in almost any is- suo of tho moro notorious of tho yellow journals. Whilo Agoinnldo might bo fool enough to enter such a plot ho was bought onoo by Spain it is not likolv that tho emperor of Germany would bo. Nobody in Washington bo- lieves thnt tho entire Phllippino insur gont army could stand up an hour be fore tho United Stntes troops now at Manila, and there will bo more Ameri can soldiers there beforo long. A study of Secretary of Stnto Por ter's nnd Auditor Cornell's campaign cards reveals tho fact that this pnlr of reformers and Treasurer Mcserve havo all credited thomftolvcs, with somo of tho samo funds. You seo thoy want to bo sure about getting all this "saved" money counted and as frequently ns possible. Public interest is now centorod in room 303 in the war department, in which dally sessions ot tho commis sion appointed by president McKinley to invostignto tho conduct of tho war began to lay, nnd will bo hold for somo tlmo. Tho prcsidont told tho membors of the commission Hint nil tho power of tho government should bo placed at their disposition in their effortts to lay bnro all faults thoro wore in tho man agement ot tho war, In eithor high or low quarters, and there is n goncrnl disposition to bollovo that tho investi gation is to bo conducted without fear or fnvor, and solely with tho doslro of getting at tho truth, nnd so far as may bo possible, to plaoo tho individual re sponsibility for all tho unnecessary suf fering ol our soldiors. To plnco tho responsibility is ns far a; tho commis sion can go; punishment must eomo from tho president. If Undo Jnkov Wolfo really wants to "stand up for tho school children of Nohraskn'Mio might old thorn very ma terially in tho promises, it has been suggested, by instilling into their ten dor young minds on ovory possiblo oc casion, a (loop love for truth, by coun sel and precept, worthy of his high olllclal position, People actually Inugh out audibly whon thoy rend old Undo Jake's pro poiluiaus lliires of the amounts lie has himself credited up with in tho great saving donl, wherein ho absolutely ig notes God Almighty's sunshine and showers mid a republican adminis tration, bytho grace of which agents citizens throughout tho stato were en- -f,helr taxes. Tho country Is to bo congratulated that tho suffering ot our soldier Is not to bo mndo a partisan political issuo In tho present congressional campaign. A littlo whilo back it looked as though that was just whatwns going to bo dono. It would have boon a national misfortune, bueauso it would havo btun taken by foreigners to moan that tho country which oxoited tho admir ation of tho world during tho wir with Spain, by its united and uiluisiastio support of tho government, was divid ed in sentiment, nnd such i construe tlun by foreigners may havo resulted hi another war a far moro serious ilf fair ihnu that with Spain. Thoso who aro managing the democratic cou giosiinnnl campaign uever did a wUt Why marvel at tho rank dishonesty employed in conducting n political campaign? What could wo reasonably expect from a party that has declared in ovory convention and on tho stump from tho beginning that a railroad pass 16 n bribe, and its candidates then go out forthwith and hound after tvery railroad oflleial in tho stnto to bribo them, do It quickly and as thoroughly as possiblo; a party whoso oflicial fami lies and their relatives aro riding froo on tho railroads at an aggrcgata rato of 800,000 miles a year, which If paid for at tho regular rate ns 'hoy try to declevo tho great plain people into be lieving is done, would amount to $24,000 por annum; n party that produced a d n tho. constitution Schrader and a Cunningham from Harlan coun ty to declare that President McKinley ought to be hung; a party that has placed itself on record times innumer able in convention assembled that it believes tho office should sock tho man and resolved against tho pernicious caucus, but which has hastily receded from tho abstract nrtido to real con crete populistic "reform;" lapsed into a system of ofllco-sooking, ring-rule nnd bosslsm unparalleled in tho history of political parties; a party that has over professed such deep concern and eternal vigilenco in nnintalning tho purity of the ballot, which unseated livo members of tho Inst legislature duly elected, soating live who were not and with this stolen majority on joint ballot attempted a high-handed fraud upon tho ballot-box, tho main safeguard of our liberties, for tho sole purposo of counting in nn amendment overwhelm ingly defeatcel at tho polls, that they might seat upon tho supremo bench two popocratio judges; n party that mils and raves against favoritism and nepotism in office, but whoso members high in nulhoiity havo drawn doso about thorn in official positions their near friends nud relatives as n hen gathoroth togi-tbor a brood under her wings; a party that will advlso its vot ers to wear McKinley badges and mnrch with republican clubs, nnd on election elny go to tho polls nnd voto for W. J. Bryan; a party that has stolen and starved tho Homo for tho Friend less, and Is feeding Kansas City butter ino to tho blind nud insane, whon tho farmers of Nebraska could furnish an excellent grnelo of gilt-otlgiel butter; n party tint will frank its campaign lit erature through tho mails at govern ment expense; a party that has n Wil liam V. Allen, who when discussing tho subject of expansion and annex ation, tho weightiest questions now en gaging tho attcntlou ot tho American pooplo, declared himself ns opposed to annexation in tho city of Fromout, and on tho ovouing of tho samo el.xy whilo addressing tho old soldiors in Lincoln enmo out boldly and with vehemonco in its favor; a party whoso nowspapor edltcis havo become so elogonoratcel and unpatriotic thnt thoy reach down to tho fevered brow of tho sick and dy ing soldier boy with their elccoptious Bontimentallsm, with tho solo nnd sol tlah aim of mannfatitiiring political capital; a party (parties) thnt moots under the guise of "allied forces of re form," and solecta coufcronco commit ters to chase back nnd forth between convention halls for itays and nights, whon tho very fact ot fusion itself upon tho basis of nn equitable division of tho otllcus U a ptibllo admission fiat it is spoils and not prindpln for which they aro contending; a party whose every direful prediction m prophecy has proved raise, ihujuii it swears by tho Oir.iilm platform nnd idiocy of 10 to 1; Mill holds tho people tit that let liblu vergo of morel, uncial mill lliiitn rial ruin, when tho prisperity of pro. tectiou mi 1 sound money is above, be neath nnd around n, nud the people throughout our whole country are now on tbb '.'ortaln highroad to happinoss and SNCcto, Livor Complaints and Norvotibnosa Cured. A torpid liver nlwnys produces dull ness, irritability, eto. You are all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you havo treated with physicians or tried somo other rocommonded med icine without benefit. All thnt is no argument against "Dr. Fonner'e Blood and Liver Komody and Nerve Tonic," which wo insist will euro nervousness and liver complnints. If not satisfied after using ono bottlo your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. More than twenty million frco snm pies of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo havo boon destrlbutcd by tho nintifac turcro. What bolter proof of their con lidenco in its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of timo. C L. Cotting. Full lino of steel ranges nt W. W. Wright's hardware store. Chronic THE BIG STORE flegalar'- pPjee sale. homer Than Others Special. DR6SS COODS. Another Invoico of black dress goods bolng displayed on our counters. Wo are offering better values by 10) to 20o per yard than wo havo over offorcd beforo. Wo call Special attention to our lino of black dross goods that wo havo placed on snlo at 30o por yard. Thoso aro new gooils and tinder ordinary circumstances would roadl ly retail for GOo per yard. CASH was tho power that moved thorn in our direction. Wo placo thom on salo at 80c per yard. 25 patterns blank dress goods ranging in vnluo up to $1.50 por yard. Black dress goods from Y2 to $1.00. Nico lino of patterns. COLORED DR6SS COODS. Wo hnvo on display about twenty-llvo pieces of fancy colored suitings in latest novelty goods, iu ono pattern lengths, no two alike, prices from 50o por yarel to $1.00 per yarel. Tho money saving values apply hero as woli us olsowhoro in tho Big Store. Colored Dress Goods from 10c to $1.10 per yard. DROSS TR12WJ7UV1NCS, GO picccH dress trimmings from 5c to 40c per yard. 16 patterns in silks, suiinblo for trimmings or for wnists, retail ing from 7Cc to $1.00 per yard. WUSLIN UHLUES. 5Jo per yard for Lonsdnlo or Fruit of Loom bleached muslin. 8Jc per yarel for yard wlelo unbleached muslin. 4c por yard for L.L. unbleached muslin. Oo for Naumkeg muslin, would bo good value at 8c. CRLICO BRRCKINS. 2c per yard for chocolato colored prints. 2lo per yard for Allen's light colored prints, just tho goods for comforts; theso are regular Go goods. 4o for blacks, reds and grey prints. Ono caso ot fanoy dress stylees 0b prln'-a. Wo placo in on salo at4oyeryard. You can buy ono yard or 100 yards if you want it. The goods are hero to sell. BLKNKBTS ' A full slzo blanket, 60x70 inches in sizo for 35c per pair. Other grades to $8 per pair. UND6RWeFH. Wo aro offering tho host values in underwear that havo over boon si own in tho city. Men's cotton ileoced at 00c per garment. Mon'd wool fleeced at GOo per garment. &z FURN1TUR9. Another carload of furniture to arrive tho We gunrnntto to meot nil competition, of goods in tho Uopublican valloy. first of next week. Tho largest stock Dyspepsia Cured. jagg $K H4& f. You may not want nsinglo item that wo havo advertised. Tho good values rule in all departments. Thot tho big store makes tho price is" shown daily by tho largo amount of worthy goods thntwo nro selling. We Advertise to Sell and Sell What We Advertise. MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. mimM9E8maammEmmmmM K FTEB suffering for nearly thirty years from dyspepsia, Mrs. H. E. Dngd&le, wife of a prominent famines man of Warsaw, N. Y., writes: "For 28 years, 1 was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and a weak stomach. Tho lightest food produced distress, causing severo pain and tho forma tion of bis. No matter how careful of my diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating. I was treated by many physicians and tried numerous remedies without permanent help. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles' Ncrvo and Liver Pills and Ncrvlno. Within a week I commenced improving, and per sisting In tho treatment I was soon able to eat what I liked, with no evil effects I keep thom at hand and a single doso dispels any ola symptoms." Dr. Miles' Kennedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases ot tb'o heart and nerves frco. Address, DR. MILE3 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Or. sail ft i miie -Nervine: Restore Hearth : BIOOMINa MOTHER. Sure Way to Avoid Danger. Every true woman wants to boa mother. A baby is tho dream of her life tho crowning glory of womanhood true happiness can never be known without tne blessings a child brings. Yet the ordeal through which all mothers must pass is so full of pain, anxiety and fear, that many a young life is BBcriSccd because of tho inability to undergo tho struggle ot childbirth. It is not necessary to suffer in bring ing new life into tho world. By the use of "Mother's Friend," tho suffer fng ana clanger can do avoided, ana the hour robbed of its dread and pain, This remedy is praised by thousands who have tested it. Every woman is anxious to learn how to avoid tho pain and suffering which may be in store for her. Tho littlo book, "Before Baby is Born," will be sent free to any address upon application to the Braef field Regulator Co., Atlanta, Georgia. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown 1 Bridge Work or Teeth Wiltpnt Plain. PORCELAIN INLAY And all the latest improvement in dental mecb anlim 13. U. OVERMAN, KTT0RNBY-KT- L.K3AC. Ollice over Post Olti'ce. Does a genoral law business. Practices in all courts HOME can uiak J'll start you Frazer Axle Grsase (pBTB-OlDRr Not affected by Hsat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial, mwm iiuiim air. by rnWCtl LUDMUAIUti bUu FsctoriM! Chcwgo, St LcU, Htm York. BOOKHCENTS WKNTED THE REAL BISMARCK AND THE FALL OF SANTIAGO, UOTH HAND80MCIY ILLUUTnATED, n.F. Fenno& Co, I I C, 18th 8T.Nev.Y0RK TFAnY IMHOMP AT rfcQfi nerwcoV. Elilier sex. J' iJlii the Mall order butlnets day or evcnfnr. VAnnJilllMn If Vm.nn O r O IIin.H L. Ilroottlyn. N. Y. Sent Free to housekeepers - Lteibig Company's Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- tolling how to prepare many dolicato and dclicioiuj dishes. Addreis, L!ebg Co., P, O. Box 2718, Now YorV, RANDOLPH MaNITT, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, ' Special attention to Commercial and L'robato Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RKD CLOUD, NEHRASAA. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City and country calls promptly an swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT .OFFICE. Office ovkk Cottino's Dnuo Stoke. (AUkMUrt KuM Blimmd Hml NNYR0YAL PILLS uniau aaa naif Veaalac '. B.WM. f IHIWi U0 mattin at cauiutar mod awad raa4 la 1U4 ud (4d iu, mm wlia bUC ribbon. ABU.A glftlll .MIMIIMI IMl.f.lM. imtutdtmUmtiMM. IUiiilui.erMsl4. ft 9k aaaKia L m aia A Tafco - i f-.- v" fnn a tunr for ranltalirf. irMlnooUU a&4 : WOT I4ir 10.000 rmlmoslili. NmM J rUratcrOacaUcalnn-Uadlxa PlarA IUIUT Ibr MaJL 1O.O0O rmliwslil .aitlM," la litiir, by rttara l.rajfr. I'll I LAO A.. IA. w JWLm J .1 J II M J i.iiim ll.ll-LaW JUMP lT" MKIS wititiit Ml tlbUAiisftrT :flsu-drrr--i i i i Kg llcat Couutl bjrrup. Tante (Jowl. Uh Rl SP1 -- --TW -Jf 1 Ca In limn. Hold by drtiggll. 11 J - --!- -LgMZ: m . I BBBaBBanBaaaaajfaBTpajajaaaaBjajflB&Bj --'PvaavuaaaanvMHaTJZ H I mt r-IMkp HeTYl.T. tMNt eTVMh . ANCHOBWIBH PUNCH StroBj.it f.uc onth market, U perfectly ear and an effectual barrier '" "" lornaoratock. Mado ot No, 8 galvanized ateel wire. Cross wlrei vkursiy cimnpea. iaei rcu.lvo. Write for cat oloaue. Mont. Ibis carter SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEAI.RIl IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. PABSTWADKEKiBw CALWAYS ONiTAP. ?1 ! ' . i& Z6 &4f,fe8L - V& y