A i,lMWiWWMftU)MMWIW.'fr1Wt. , , wmv - . wwiwJw'r -f tf "T ' 'sto nwtJtfttSwwwwu v, yt'fc :i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 28. lbtfo. ft1(WTMlriRmtWAWAWOW ' i I fc i? I I !j ft' IV.V m m Ivy Poison Child Suffered for Three Years Without Relief -Terrible Itching and Burning Skin Disease " When throo months old our boy wu poisoned with Ivy. IIo Buffered (or three years without getting relief. I mw one ot the advertisements of Hood's Bar MptrilU, consisting of testimonial where a child was onrod of ivy poisoning. My faith was very weak at first, but I told my husband I would llko to try a bottlo of Hood's Barsaparllla. Doctor's modlcine had fallod to help him in the least. Wo conolndod to buy flvo bottles of Hood's Barsaparllla and tho child be gan taking It. Before ho had finished all that wo had purchased ho was cured. I bavo also been cured of skin disease by Hood's Barsaparllla. I was in such a condltlqn that I coald hardly enduro tho itching and burning. I felt that I must glvo Hood's Barsaparllla a fair trial, which I did. I took four bottles and it cured mo." CuntOTiKA 3 keen, Canastoto, S. D. Hood's Barsaparllla is sold by all drug gists. fljelxforfO. Do euro to got Hood's. THE CHIEF runuBHKD nr w. l. momillan. One joar... llx months .1100 50 PU1JLISIIKD BVKHY FKIDAY Kntered at the poit office at Rod Cloud, Nob. at leoondoltismall matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Governor, M. L. IIATWARD, Of Otoe County. For Lleuteuaut Qovernoi, OKO, A. MURTIir, Of Osgo County. For Secretary of Stale, 0. DURAS, Of Ballno County. For Auditor of Public Accounts, T. L. MATTHEWS, Of Dodge County. For Treasurer, I'KTER MORTKNSEN, Of Valley County. For Superintendent of Ptibllo Initructlon, JOHN F. 8AYLOK, Of Lancaster County For Attorney Oeneral. N. U. JACKSON, Of Autelopo County. For Land Commliiloncr. A. F. WILLIAMS, Of DourUs County COUNTY. For Repreientatlro, J. S. WHITE, For County Attorney.o RANDOLPH MO NITT. For Commissioner, Sd District, J. W. RUNOHEY, , For Commissioner, 6th Dlitrlet, JEROME VANCE. "OETTINQ" AND "SAVINO." A Few Facta that the Populist State Of ficials Don't Give Out in Their Re porta About Great Savings. Tho gloom under tho stato. houBo dorao Is still of tho thickest and most wolghty kind and scorns to bavo sottlod uown on ovorymmg 10 siav. more aro no gleams of hope's sunshino pow orful enough to penetrato its density Tho prosont aggregation of stato ofll ours know they have a very bad caso to defend. Truo to popooratio instinct they want tho voters of Nohraska to ro-eloct thou, but thuy know full well that this height of happiness is far away and can novor bo attained. Thoy will mako tho r.co but it will bo a hopeloas ono. Thoy still havo an abid ing faith In their ability to lie, which, by tho popocratio method from educa tion and choico is to oloso every state- niunt with a studied omission of tho ossontial portion of the truth and this ' is tho basest lie that can bo told but thoy aro conscious of tho stubborn fact that a fair and honest study of tho records will puncturo every bubble, will oxposo tho shtuns and frauds that they will introduco us ovldonce tu their onso now on for trial in the present campaign and approaching election. Tho llguroa can bo produced from tho stato house, from their owu records, that will effectually disprove and im peach tho exaggerated claims to "sav ing" money to tho taxpayers of tho s'.ate; that will raiso tho mask from of lice holding fusion hypocracy aud re veal its truo solf. Whllo tho popocrats arc laying such unreasonable claiinstu "gating" aud "saving" money in nil the state offices and various statu institutions; while thoy aro piping loud praises of popo cratio ocouomy, let us examine tho hooks and considor a few items of ac tual facts that will serve as fair ex amples to discredit tho entire claim now sol up uy tuu hiiiiiu ruiuruiurs. Thero aro mnuy items of interest to the people found on iho largo books at tho statu hoiiEO that thoy don't publish for somo reason, but thoy arouevertho loss relevant and the very best of ovl donce for tho caso in print. It bus boon shouted iu u voclforous toun of voice from every house top and every wheat stack from ono end of tho stato to the other, thut tho management of the puniumMury undor tho popocratiu administration U superb and for the Hi st timu iu its history is mado abso luely self-sustaining. Tho records re veal u few things that might lead onuto doubt the truthfulness of the statement. As a matter of faot tho people only with the condition of this state instil u- lion vent Just n It Is rhilnird, hut thuy pruftM' inn! evm (It'Miniiil tliu ri'.'tl truth in the iiiitller, even though it might bo in tho direction of biaoding tho "re form" ofllco holders at unrogotieratod lliira and seriously jeopardlzo their chalices for ro-cloctlon. Instend of bo ing "solf-sustalning" tho penitentiary li nt this veiy timo running Iwliind at tho rato of 81,500 porjmontb. It is found on oloso examination of this in stitution, that thoy havo drawn from tho stato troasury slnco January 1, 1807 tho sum of 137,702.44. Theso figures it will bo soon, completely oxplodo all their loud claims as to tho penitentiary holng wholly self sustaining. Tho pop ocratio ofllciats will in nil probability not explain this away entirely satisfac tory to tho voters of tho state, there be ing no wny to do It. Some of tho protended economy hatched, reared and promulgated by tho last legislature, and toward which n countless number of lingers nre pointing with consuming prido during tho present campaign is revealing it sulf in n most striking manner in tho managumunt of various institutions. This system of false economy will bo analyzed, explained, and everybody will bo led into a brighter comprohon sion of tho wholo subject when a largo number of deficiency claims aro bunched for consideration before tho noxt session of our legislature As nn illustration wo cito tho caso of tho sol dlor's homo at Miltord. Thero scorns to bo an inovitablo dollciency claim ac cumulating thero. In thogoneral main tenance and clothing fund to bo drawn upon for the noxt soven months thero remains but 11,480. It is evident enough this amount will novor hold out, at tho prosont rato of reduction. Tho cm ployo fund is also drawn upon until it is reduced to less than $300. These showings plainly indicato that such "political economy" must bo paid in tho end. V Tho glad tidings of great Joy hnvo also boon heralded forth of the same streak of economy, that inevitably pro- vados ail popocratio action and endeav or, within the walls of the Instituto for Feoblo Minded Youth at Beatrice A careful "investigation" of tho running cxponsos of this school found that too much wi$ belt!'; paid for tcnnlior's wngrs and thor wvv cut down from 3.10 to 910 per uiuuih iu consequence. Tnis, of courso, was a big thing and set tho pencils of reform statisticians to clioking again. The news wont out forthwith all over tho state thit an other intrenchmont was suroly mado, this timo at tho Instituto for Feoblo MindcdYoutb. Hut the truth of the matter soon developed when it was as ccrtainei that the authorities, beforo making this out in wages, with rare prosenco of mind, raised the number of teachers from live to seven in order, it Is apparent enough, to provido placos for political favorites. Tho zeal of theso popocratio jugglers in curtail ing expouso accounts is excelled only by their ruling passion for good paying jobs. Miss Mamio Mutz wasonoof the teachers placed on tho nowly expanded pay roll. This is tho daughter of Otto Mut. Whon tho keon sconted Otto hnd completed his laborious task of investigating this institution along with tho rest, it occurred to him, intu itively almost that it would not bo nocossary to go boyond tho confines of his own family circle to iiud ono of tho teachers who was thoroughly compet ent aud could fill acceptably this place tho "sniflling committee" had assisted very materially in creating. A dovo teo of reform politics out in the four teenth senatorial district has beon foot ing up how much has boon "saved" to the Mutz family slnco coming iu touch with tho publio crib. It roads liko this: Otto Mutz, sslary as ontor ...... I ax) 00 Otto Mutz, mllcafto ai senator ................ go 00 Oito Mutz, Junketing trips as sonator.... 98 so Otto Mutz, member teeming committee, lfioa 62 Dana Mutz, senate page (8! days)............ 124 O) .iiniuio .nun, icacucr, ueamco innumc iw 00 Total eavc J by tho Mutz family 12539 43 The Home for tho Friendlosg is ono of the stato institutions not threatened with any immediate deficiency claims. Hero tho state officials arc just hoard ing up monoy for tho overburdened tax-payers of Nebrnska. This churl, table Institution built and managod by tho indofntlgablo efforts of tho orood women of the state, was stolon from them by a popocratio legislature and Governor Ilolcomb for tho purpose of creating n fow mom "places" for tho allied forces of hungry oillco seokers. Thopajmontof tho vouchors tirawu against tho appropriation for tho main tenance of this he mo is now withhold. Tho reform administration caunot boss matters and are stubbornly "saving" these funds, of which tho poor, tiufor ttiuato inmates aro nt this very time iu such diativosing need. Of tho $0,000 sot apart for living expenses of the homo of tho filundless only $1,160.03 lias oeon pulil out. Thero Is n fund of $0,000 from which employes aro paid. Only $1,001.70 has been drawn from this fund, ana of the $4,000 fund for furniture nud elothlug all remains but $110 70. V Tho handy roforouco circulars treat ing on saving, now being sout out bv tho "indopendont" headquarters undor tht- stato houso dome, do not evenmon tion that item of Governor Holcomb's hotiMi lent thnUhc Is saving with per fect ii'giiluiliy ciich month by having the stale pay it. The constitution makes no provision for the payment of governor's private house rent but it is done jtut tho samo, and no unboarablo remorse of consclenco is experienced In consequonco. Governor Ilolcomb has drawn $710 from tho privoto house rent fund during tho past fifteen months. Tho records show that tho last voucher was drawn August 8, and Is for $100. Governor Orounso would not rocolvo this privato houso ront money from tho stato while he served tho people as tho chief executive, de claring it to bo unconstitutional to do so. V Tho Attorney general did you inquire? Yos, bo is nlso engaged very liberally iu tho "saving" business. You would scarcely suspect it, but Mr. Smyth will never consont to being outdone along these lines nud is to be found in tho push with tho rest of them. It is a well established fact that tho attorney gen eral travels on passes without stint or limit, yet J10 drew 8230.10 for traveling expenses 'last year and thus far this year it has required $183 in addition to his passes to transport him with tho rapidity aud frequency tfio duties of that oillco urgently rt quire. Another perquisite tho attorney general has drawn upon promptly as occasion pre sented itself is that allowed for tho prosecution of officials. From this source- Mr. Smyth has blown in $354.40 during tho last fourteen mouths. Theso amounts for traveling and prosecuting do not inoludo a liberal share of theso funds drawn by his deputies. Most people by this timo bavo heard of tho attempted smooth "card cam palpn," inaugurated by Secretary of State Portor and Auditor Cornell. Thoy havo each had ntarly half a million "professional" cards printed, contain ing tho statomont immediately under their names that they aro candidates for ro-olcclion. Nobody in tho, world is incredulous enough to doubt tho truthfulness of this portion of tho warm proposition for one minute, but at this point truth seems to have been waylaid and crushed to earth never to rise again if within the power of tin uniquo campaigners to prevent it. Lower down on tho cornors of these cards in bold-faced type is epitomized all the falsehood at the command of this frag rant pair of performers. The cards are designed very much after the color, slzo aud shape of a railroad pass, and it may be wrong, but one can't help thinking Mr. Porter and Mr. Cornell had that particular style of card very much in mind whon leaving their or der with the printer. Reliable nows conies from somo of the counties out west stating that many pops mistake these cards for an annual pass when presented to them by the enterprising auditor or secretary of state, coming from the soutco they do and are highly indignant on learning thoy hnvo beon so effectually fooled. Other figures will appear later on. a WASHINOTON NOTES. Washington, D. C, Sopt. 10. As far as European governments are concerned, tho center of interest will bo shifted from Washington to Paris as soon as our peace commissioners, now on their way, arrive at tho latter city. The German ambassador loft for Europo ahead of tho. pcaco commis sioners, on tho plea that ho needed a courso of bathing at Carlsbad. Thero is iittlo doubt that ho was summoned home by tho emporor, who is deeply in terested in tho settlement of tho Phil ippine question so doeply that many believe ho intonds to siezn an islaud if tho treaty noes not provide lor tho en tire group passing tinder American control. Tho ambassador can givo him poiuters on tho condition of Amer ican suutlmont. Tho French ambas sador who represented Spain in the preliminary pcaco negotiations, litis also gouo to Europo, nud ho didn't tnko the trouble to say ho was going for his health, troin hints dropped by tho president to sevoral of his callers, the impression is growing that our commissioners aro Instructed to insist upon American control of the wholo of tho Philippine Islands. Notwithstanding the declination of a number of gentlemen to sorvo 011 tho commission to invostigato tho conduct of tho war, the president expects to gut tho commission completed nnd at work in a ftw days. Ho impresses thoso with whom hu tnlKs on tho sub jeot with the idea that ho is very much iu earnest nnd determined that the commissinu shall got at tho whole truth regardless of couseqtioncos. Ho has promised every possible assistance in gutting oral evidouce, Hnd that all tho war department records will bo open to tho commission. That should bring out tho facts, even if the commission does lack authority to compel witness es to testify, Until Col. Hay arrives to nssiimo tho duties of fcocrutnry of stale, which will ho within tile present week, tho do- partuiunt of state will be without a sec- ittiuryntid without a Hist assistant, Mr. Day having resigned tho secretary ship to become n pcaco commissioner, tuul MivMouro tht- position of assist titit secretary to accompany the peace t-utuniiuhin in an advisory capacity. to choose his Englishmen who havo recoutly visit ed Washington aro practically unani mous in their opinion of what wu ought to do with tho Philippines. Mr". Snrnl Undo, a promiuont Londoner said: "England has a doep interest in tho sottlomont of the ownership of tho Philippines, If tho United Statos docs not hold onto thm England will not readily nsr out to tucir occupation by nny otiior pover. Wo think it is nil right for your government to hold tlu'in; iu fact, fr mi our point of view, it would be an act of wt-ukns for tho Americans to renounce any spot of ground Hint they huvu obtained by conquest, A strong nation will always hold what it has won through tho ex penditure of blood and monoy. Tho result of the war with Spain has ele vated tho American nation in the oyes of tho countries across tho sea, and it would bo a distinct loss to you to falter or givo wny in tho lenst degree in the policy that your victory over Spain hns rendered inevitable." Wherever there Is n chnnrn to mako money American enterprise and capital are to bo found. United Stntcs minis ter Powell writes from Port an Pnnco, Hnytl, to tho department of state, "A rich vein of iron ore, almost pure met al, has recently been discovered in tho northern section of this republic A concession hns boen obtained from tho government to mine tho same, and an American company is being formed for this purpose." The good offices of this government aro being exercised in a strong- effort to prevent Chili and Argentina going to war over a boundary dispute, and it has suggested to tho governments of both countries that thoy carry out an agroomont signed by thoir diplomatic representatives, to submit tho dispute to tho arbitration of Quoon Victoria. Thoso most familiar with tho. situation say thoy regard tho war as Inevitable, rcgardloss of anything short of actual force, that this government can do to prevent it. V Col, J. K. Soper, who was adjutant general of tho Hawaiian republic, and who is now enjoying a visit to tho United Statos says of tho government needed for Hawaii: "We would prefer a government similar to that of tho District of Columbia, under which it would not be necessary for business men to give any attention to politics. Next to that we wanted tho territorial form, which I understand is to be es tablished. Hawaii is not prepared for statehood. Her population is too small, And even if it were largo enough, tho oxperimont would bo dangerous. It would mean native control, as tho ua tives outnumbor the whites many times. Tho administration will mako a radi cal reorganization of tho combined regular and volunteer forces after tho mustering out of 100,000 volunteers now in progress. About 100,000 will romaiu and theso will bo organized into four army corps instead of tho present soven. There will probably be ono corps for Cuba, one for Porto Rico, ono for tlit Philippines and one for such other places ns may require troops. Railroad Engineer Tattlflea to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. TIICRB Is no more responsible poaltlon on earth thau thatofaratlroadongln eor. Ou lila stoady nerves, clear bruin, bright eye and perfect self command, do pond tho safety ot tho train and the lives ot IU passe ngera. Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and other remedies aro especially adapted to keeping tho nerves steady, tho brain clear and the mental faculties unimpaired. Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1333 Broadway, Council Blurts, but now residing at 3U1 Humboldt St., Donvor, nrltcathatho "suffered for years from constipation, caus ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and wasXully restored to health by fir. Miles' Norvo & Liver Pills. I heartily recommend Dr. Miles' Remedies." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists undor a positive guarantoo, first bottlo benoflta or monoy re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and nervC3frco, Address, DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. HMEKjBTCvlI13uKf CUIKS WHIRE AIL ll&E (allS, Boat Cough Hyrop. Tula Ooud. noia or aniasuu. Col. Hay will bo allowed first assistant. ml "mm Xff MUm A feemediesj i Hearth aM tm LUHts WHint alt ttit talis, a Dost Cough tijruf. TulMOoud. DmR M In time. Bold by ilroigUu. wt A GRITIGAIt TIflE During the Battle Santiago. of SICK OR VELL A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. The Packers at the Battle of San tiago de Cuba were all Heroes. , Their Heroic Efforts In Getting Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from SattiugodoCubaon Juno 20d, says: "Wo all had diarrhoea in more or less violent foiin.und when wo land 'd wc had no time to see n doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammunition aud rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholorn nnd Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep ut work and keep our health; in fact, I sincerely believe tint nt ono critical time this niedicino was the di rect savior of our army, for if the pacK crs had been unable to work thero would hnvo beon no way of getting supplies io the front. Thero were no roads that a wagon trnin could uso. My comrades nnd myself had tho good fortune to lay In a supply of this medi cine for our pack train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it ab solutely saved life." Tho abnvo letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., DesMoines, Iowa. For snle by H. E. Qrlco. Mtuio on tho Oraphophono. Few people appreciate tho marvelous power of the Graphophono as an en tertainer. It is an instrument which, though it costs much less than tho lenst expensive musical instrument, will enable its owner to havo at pleos urc music of any ,kind from that of tho bagpipe to that of the grand mili tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono command of overy pleasure that appeals to tho senso of hearing. No investment pays such large returns in pleasure. Besides re producing tho musical and other rec ords mado for entertainment purposes, the Graphophono will record imme diately and iP'foduo at once and as ofton as is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. By writing to tho Columbia Phonograph Company, 720 722 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo., you can obtniti it catalogue that will give full information asdo prices of Grapho phone outfits. Liver Complaints and Norvoubncsa Cured. A torp'd liver always produce dull ness, irritability, etc, You are all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some otherrecommended meil icino without benefit. All that is uo argumont against "Dr. Fanner's Blood and Livor Remedy and Nerve Tonic," which wo insist will euro nervousness and livor complaints. If not satisfied after using ono bottlo your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. Be Prepared! The bearing of children is not uch a very se rious ordeal to the woman who is prepared. If Moihfm FHmnd that wonderful ly soothing and relaxing lini ment, be faith fully used dur ing the period ot nreenancv. there will be little morning sickness or nervousness, the critical hour will be re lieved of much pain, and labor will be brief. Recuperation will be rapid, and all after-dangers will be avoided. Bold by dnifftltta (or SI a bottte. f IND FOB OUK BOOK OK TM SDIJBCT. TO BRAOmiD UGUIATOK CO., AtUata, Ca. SBm CklthMUrtl EuM Dim CklthMUrta EacUab Diamond Itraa PENNYROYAL PILLS CV ericfaulaadOalCtoaoIae. . A VCTK' aArt. )wj niitbte. utona uk JfV m4Ulu' afthaM. S.ft... drnmrnmnmrnm .lifc.NII.. NT 'iImiwIWWIw. AkUraftt.rM4. U wumf jwntoiura. Milmlik ud "KUr Hr fedlM," It Uutr. j retan SUU. 10,000 TMtl"llt, Aaibn UiiMtcrCkemladO-h.MadiMn Plarc, ldthxIM. 1M1ILADA.. iA t ii ANCHOR WISH HRCI BtroagMt fc om tit aarkat, la oarfactly ! ad am rfactaal barrier alaat all forsaa of atock. Mad ot No. B Ivaaliad steal wlra. Crosa wlras sacHrely clautpad. laai nouslva. Writ for cat alonua, Hsat. this pa par OLD STVLR. OUR BTVLB. SOOICKCBNTS iniHNTED THE REAL BISMARCK AND THE FALL OF SANTIAGO,, DOTH HANDSOMILY ILLUXTRATI9. -- , m J.R.F. FcMNo&Ce, 11 e. irHSr.NiwYoK Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism And themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that the remedios prescribed by tho doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify thodisoaso by caus ing the Joints to swoll and stiffen, producing a severe aching of tho bones. B. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even tho worst eases which Beemed almost incurable. Capt. O.K. Hughes, the popular railroad conductor, of Columbia, 8.O., had an export ence with Rheumatism which convinced iilm that thera is only one cure ior inai painrui ais ease. He says: "I was a great sufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I rould eel no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician. I took about a dozen bot tles of your S. S.S.,and now I am as well as I ever was lnmy life. lam sure that your medlclno cured me, and I would recommend It to anv ono suffering from any blood disease.1 Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased stato of the blood, and only n blood remedy is tho only propur treatment, but a remedy containing potnsh nnd mercury only aggravates tho trouble. CC Cfor Blood The WW)V being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very eauso of the diseaso and a per manent euro always results. It is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Speoifle Company, Atlanta, Georgia. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRV I YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plitei PORCELAIN INLAT And all the latest Improvement la dental mecb anlsm E. U. OVERMAN, KTTOHNBY - RT - L.7Uf. Ottlce orer Pott Ottice, Does a goneral law business. Practices in all courts RANDOLPH McNITT, AHORNEY aod COUNSELOR AT UW, Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. UOOK BLOCK, RK1) CLOUD, NE1IRASA. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City and country calls promptly an swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office over Cottino's Drdo Store. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IK Wines, Liquors, California randies. EALWAY.S ON TAP. TIMETABLE. B. Ac M. B.Y RED OLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAUA CIIWAQO S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS ami all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL7 LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAJY FRANCISCO and all poind west. TUAINS I.I AVE AS rOLLOWS'. No. 60. Freight, daily except Sunday for Wymote and all point cast 8:00am No. 16. l'asseuKer, dally for St. Joe. Kantas City. Atchison, 81. Louis and all points east and south . . .. 10:20a m Nn. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Ilnttltus, Urand Is land, Black Hills and all points iu mo northwest.. 1 :oo n m Accommodation, dally except Sunday, nborlln, Kansas, and Intermediate station, via Ho fs J'rclght, dally, Wymoro and St. Joe aud Intermediate liiiieilnniiolnt.....v 13:10 nm FrelRlit, dally for Republican Orliat s,Oxf ord and all points .0. us. No. si. No. S3, o. 15, I'snujinjor. dully. Denvor, all iu:sns.m nouns in Colorado, I tab and California .............. 8:I0iii. Sleeping, dlnlnu. and recllnliiR chair cat! 1 neat free) uuihittiiKh train. Tickets sold a-d iiaueuHo cuecled 10 auy point In tho United states or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or Uokata ?!in fa,Z rttnu A. Couoyer, AgouU Had lOllllb I n PABSTIMILWAUKEEiBeer t 1$ m U ln