.. t.s."w-." Tirw "- .1 V f R L 5x t i 1 ML Mfi L' 5 &5 t r . .. tru . i t' Li l M mBjCji VOLUME XXVI. ggllS ok The big store has inaugurated the greatest Fall Season merchandising campaign that it has ever known. ih Preparations have been made for a great output of worthy merchandise, and if such an event does not take place -.. !i ...!ll I. . 1 1 . I l. ..... I. .1.f I , u win ue Decause gooci values anci reE.ay A few ready money prices. Cloak Department. Ladies capo, black beaver trimmed with soutache braid 00c. Ladies capo, block beaver, trimmed with soutaohe braid and fur, 11.60. Ladies cape, black beaver, trimmed in soutache braid $2.75. Ladies cape, uouoio ciotn, fur trimmed, would bo a good value at $4, our prico 13.50. wr 52h Ladies plush canes from f 2 to f 11 each. flnost lino wo nave ever shown. Ono of our special val The ues, tiadios capo, silk plush, storm collar, full satin lined, hand somely trimmed with braid and beads, skirt and collar trimmed with thibet, worth 12, our price because bought right will bo only 110.00. Wo call especiul atten tion to our lino of Boucle cloth capes and jackets in winch wo are showing the best line of these goods ever shown in this city. Ladies jackets ranging in price from $3 00 to $12.50. Children's and misses garments from $2.00 to $7.0U. Groceries. Granulated sugar, $0.15 per hundred. ...10 15 Package coffee, pur package 10c 8 cans Lewis lye lOo 8 packages Pearliue or 1770 for 25o Champion lye, per can 6o 4S pkg. Fairbanks Gold Dust 12 Old Style tobacco, per pound 23o Battle Ax tobacc , per pound 25c 2 packages haul wood looili picks 5o Oatsnp, per bottle lOo Tea dust, per pound, lOo Large lOo bottlo bluing 7o 10c Lemon and Vanihr-Jxtract 4c Corn Starch per package 8c Gloss starch per package So Salmon, White fish and Mucknrol in tubs and pails. Pickles sweet, mixed and spiked In bottles and bulk. Eastern canned goods in vege table and small fruits. Jellies and syrups in pails and glasses. California canned gcods in pears, poaches, grapes, plums, etc Wo carry two grades of can ned goods, tirsts and seconds. Try a pound of Wlnslow, Hand & Watson's cof fees. Ladies' Shirt. Waists. All 50o waists must go, prico 25o All $125 to $2.00 waists will bo placed on sale at 7oo, wo need tuo room. fcjTvj FURNITUR6 DEPKRTMENT. If you want anything from a $11.50 to a $37 suit wo havo it. Tho spoeial points in our lino of bedroom suits aro as follows- A tnroo pioco neuroomsuuo, naruwooa, n Other suits in ash and olm hardwood suits Anothor extra valuo, iron bed, brass trimmod, full $3,50 lor 80iiu otm commouo. vo oo ior souu ohk A oood couch, volour covering, friugod, $7.00. per iioiii uueupur man uorotoioro, Rokoko couch, colorod velour covoring. $9.50 to a handsomo Rokoko couch in three colored covoring $19 00 uu. ? t1l , . . ,. , , , "annd80m?pi"owco Wod soat high back dining chairs 70o each. Cane scat high back dining ohalm, OOo. Ladles wood seat rooker $1 25 L(ii AH rann Lnt rnnW i m Largo comfort, hard wood wood seat rocker, $3 2o. Same with caxiOBiMXntnma. rockor',im Largo kitchen safer, $4.25. Largo kitchen cabinet table, $5.00. RU880l patent kitcnen cabinet, $0.00. tho lowest prico in all dopartmonts, with tho hlghost quality. MIJXUSR BROTHERS, lEr Or,CMLJI. IVIOBRASKA. RED CLOUD, THE FHLL money prices nave no peigiu witn No magic about it, only Outing Flannels. Our outing flannel sale has been tho most successful that we havo over had In this department. From tho large iwiiount of goods that we have moved from this stock in the last four weeks, makes us know that wo aro giving the value and making the price. 5c per yard. We p'.aco on salo our en tire stock of the usual Cc outing for So per yard. 7c iter yard for Oriole fancy outing shirtings, 7c per yard. Other grades at 8c. 10c, 12c and 15c per yard. Underwear. Wo havo tho largest and most completo lino of underwear over shown in the city. 39c for men's floocod underwear, usual 60c kind. Full lino of sizes. 50o for our regular COc lino of men's fieecd lined underwear, excollent value. 75c to 00c for men's sanitary underwear Ladies ribbed jersey vest 20c, good values. Lxdics ribbed jersey underwear, pants and vest, 30o. Ladies union Huits, $1.00 to $1.50 each. Children's union suits at 50c eaoh. Childrou's camol hair underwear, sizo 16 prico 10c with 2o raise per sizo. Children's sanitary underwear size 16, prico 15c, with raise, of 5o on each sizo. Children's lloeeco lined underwear, sizo JO, prico 15c, with a raise of 5a on each size. Full lino of sizos in pants and shirts m all children's, ladies and men's un derwear. Blankets. Our preparations for business in this department aro not of tho whirlwind kind. Wo advertise to sell and sell what we advertise. 10-4 full sizo cotton blankets in white at 35o per pair. 10-4 full sizo cotton blankets in gray at 45c per pair. 11-4 cotton blankets in grays and fancies at 65o, 80c, 90c, $1.00 and $1.25. 12-4 cotton full size, heavy blankets, $1.40 to $1.75 per pair. These aro ex cellent values. Other grades in union and all wool from $2 to $8 per pair. Although very early in tbo season wo have had a very heavy trade in blank ets. We make the prices, give us a chance and we will prove it. Dress Goods and Silks. We are now opening another invoice of new dress goods and silks. 25 patterns in silks, suitable for waists, and trimmings, 75o to $1.50 per yard. 25 patterns dress goods in one pattren lengths in all the latost novoltios in black and colored dress goodu, from 50o to $1.50 per yard. 80 patterns In black dress goods from loo to $1.00 per yard. Colored droits goods from 10c to 00c per yard. Carpets. Union ingrain carpets from 80c to 50o por yard. All wool Ingrniu from50o to70o por yd. Tupostry brusulos, Goo toOOo por yard. Moquottos, cut and mado, $1,00 por yd. Hemp carpets 20o to 35o por yard. Nco lino mattings 15c to 35o por yRrd. Ticking. A good straw tick, Oo per yard. uiu uovor iiuKing iuc A. C. A. ticking 12o por yard. Fancies in tickings at 15c, 20c and 25o. Table Oil Cloth. Fancy table oil cloth at lln yor yard. ceiy unisnou, w i.ou a tnroo piece bodroomsuito. from $14 to $27. Solid oak suits from $22 to 839 11(1 OnkHllitK from oo o.r ' size, $3,00. Other Grades to $10. Hardwood uresser, pattern glass $7.50 for hardwnnrl ilmcor $5.50 to $10 00 for solid oak ohiffonors, hotter value than previous $8.50to $15 goods. oto&r T -WwrfHrfwfcfvN-W'''' NEBRASKA. SEPT. 28. C757VYPMION. cne purcnasing puunc. plain matter of fact business. Flannels. Whlto Shaker Flannel 5c, 7c, 10c, 12Jo and 15c. White Cinderella, Fancy Twill, 12o All wool white lllanuel, OOo to GOo per yard. All wool red flannels at emptying out prices. Yarns. Wo are quoting vou prices that prevail as long astho goods last. B. B. yar 3, 4 skeins to tho pound 18c por skein. Genuine German knitting, 28c per skn. Saxony, full line colors, 6c por skein. Sewing Machines. Why pay an agent from $25 to 830 and your old machine for a new ono whou wo can sell you a fully guaranteed ma chine, equal to any on tho market, at $39 and you keep your old machine We are also showing a good machine, high head, finished in oak, 4 drawer, simpio in construction, thereby doubl ing durability at $10 00. Guaranteed for ten yours. Millinery Department. Largo lino of pattern hats from eastern makers. Prices from $3.00 to $0.00 each. Tho lino comprises everything now, noat and pretty obtainable in eastern markots. Everything desirable in sailors, walking hats.1 children's hats and mnslln goods. ' Fancy feathers, newest ribbon, all tho Ombro effects. Prices tho lowest. Floor Oil Cloth. H yard wido oil cloth, handsomo pat terns, por running yard, 30c. Other grades, same widths 45c and 50c. Handsomo lino patterns in 1, H and 2 yard patterns. From the cheapest to tbo best quality carried in stock. Cotton Batts. Tbo best 6o batt on the market. Tho best batt on tho markot though is tho "Clarence" at 10c. Other grades at 12c, 15c and 20c. Prints. 2o per yard for a few pieces of spring patterns in Allen's light colored prints old last week at 8n, to make loom for new goods, will go at2fo. 4c per ynrd for two caBes of Capitol, Al len and Rowlands fancies, new winter patterns, 4c per yard. 4u per yard for one caso of black and grey prints, 4c per yard. 4c per yard for indigo prints, 4o. 3o por yard for light colored shirting prints. The usual So kind. Other grades of prints from 0 to 12io per yard. Muslins. Prices lean to cash buyers. A few more values as a result of n trip to eastern markets, 5Jo por yard for Lonsdale or fruit of tho Loom yard wido bleached muslin. Everybody knows tho quality of Iheso goods. 4o for a good yard wido blenched muslin. Oo per yard for cam brio muslin, Oc. ICo por yard for full 0-4 bleached sheet ing, 15c por yard. 14o por yard for full width unbleached sheeting, lie per yard. 10c for bleached pillow ending. 57c for an 81x00 inch hemmou shoot, 07o. 15c for pillow cases to match, 15o. 2Jo por yard for yard wido unbleached muslin. 2fc. L.L. unbleached muslin 4o per yard. Naumkog, special value, hoavy un bleached muslin, Oo per yard. Other grades to 8o per yard in yard wido goods. solid oak. nafctorn alaas. nitwit- nnrv,l i,,i. MR no ' --. 1 - wood bods from $1.50 to $8.50. flnllri nnW hnrtn M -o t,u to twenty v K.J?f3tt"j 1898. FROM ACROSS THE OCEAN. I Interesting Letter from a Former Web ster County Uoy, Now a Member of the ist Nebraska Regiment. CKNTKK OK I'ACIKIO OCKAN, Ai.igil.st 20, 1808. Wo aro at present pounding along on the old I'acllio at a rate of fifteen and a half knots an hour. Wo haven't scon a foot of laud sinco Sunday afternoon, and tomorrow ovonlng wo expect to see Honolulu in all its glory. Wo havo to enter tho bay at high tide or during tho night, and just a week from tho day wo started out of tho bay at San Francisco wo will step on land again. Wo will stay at Honolulu until we got further orders. Wo expect to go into camp there at least for about two weeks, and maybe that will bo as far as wo will got. We have had a lino trip, but tho iirst day out tho Boa was rough, washing tho dock which is fifteen feet from tho water, and tho waves would wash it at ovory jump, and of nil tho sick boys you havo over scon wo had tho beater. I do not know why, but it did not affect mo a bit. I guess 1 was too tough. About four out of every 11 vo fellows on board wero too sick to stand up. Myrt about throw up his boots, ho was sick about two days and Rob Champbell, well ho was sicker than a horso, but all tho boys aro over being sick now, tho sea is as smooth as a mill pond and we are gliding along. s smooth as a ribbon. There aro just about a thous and soldiers on board. It is not very crowded, but I tell you they stand thick enough, especially whou tboy aro soa sick. Tho bunks aro furnished with springs and straw mattresses, and each ono is largo enough for two per sons. Myrt and I sleep op tho top bunk in tho second deck below. Each deck is tilled with bunks threo layers deep, and there is tho decks with all tho freight below that. The ship is nearly now and it is furnished with all tho latest improvements. It is 475 feet long, bolng tho largost ship that ever entered tho bay at San Francisco. She carries thirty feet of water and is a beauty. We havo to take a salt water bath every morning. Yesterday wo broko a rod on ono of the engines and wo lay in mid ocean for just about six hours while about 800 boys took a mid ocean swim. Just as we were starting up again two largo sharks appeared on the scono and I tell you that took most of tho swim out of tbs boya for a while any way. The sun stands almost over head now, and it is something like warm weathor. The ocean breeze is very refreshing. caught a flying dsb yesterday. It was1 about a foot and n half long and had wings and tins both. It Hew on deck and I caught it. Ono of tho boys baited a fish hoot; yesterday and caught a sea gull. It was about twico tho size of a tamo gooso and was a scrapper ftom way bacc, rSaturday morning Well we aro still pounding along at the rato of fifteen and a half knots and will sooland about noon, and will be off Honolulu nbout 4:80 o'clock this afternoon. The sea is smooth and wo aro enjoying our trip. We saw anothor shark and a few land birds which looked good to us. Wo saw a faint outline of land at just 2 o'clook, and about a thousand voices mado tho ocean quiver, for wo had not iieen a foot of land since last Sunday night. Tbo first island that wo sighted was tho leprooy island, or the homo of the lepers, and soon after wo sighted Hawaii island. Wo sailed around to the south sldo where Honolulu is situ ated. Wo threw anchor about two jj3 nines out irom mo wnarves, ami sig 9!V nalled for a pilot to pilot us in, and wo threw a powerful search light all over tho bay and into tho city, which was soon answered in the form of a canuon shot, and a steam launch came out with a pilot who said that we would havo to wait until morning and como in with tho tide. Sunday morning Just a week and a day from tho time wo stopped on board wo pulled up to tho wharves and giized onco more on a solid foundation, cov- 1 ored with vegetation, and the city of Honolulu befoie ns of about 25,000 In habitant?, the only city on the iwliindp, otifl ua ttiM barliii- was nni v.rv ilnmi . nu ww bioww. .. ww .w.j vr - Mnemrv. 3r-...r3r-srj; i-ty w SS&S3S SJ- . NUMBER 37 wo struck mud hut with the aid of two tuir bnn' mid blocks and tackles, wo got up to tho land In the midst of great excitement, and in thu Hist real rain storm wo huvu seen sluco wo loft tho llocky mountain divide. Tho nativos heio aro comical looking people, bolng thu color of a light colored negro, and about tho first thing wo saw was a lot of houses Hunting around on tho ocean with sktTs tied to thorn, and by tho time wo got a half a milo from tho shorowo seen nbout two dozen small uativo childron leaping from tho tops of vessels nbout twanty foot high and coming toward us as fast as they oould come. They would stand on their hoads turn somersaults backward and per form all mannor of trioks in tho water. They wero porfeotly at home and stayed by our ship for over a mile look ing for a ponny tkrown in the water. When ono was thrown thoy would all dlvo for It, and I novor Boon them miss n single time, and thoy would get them it you would throw lliom four or fiyo rods from them. Sometimes thoy would stay down five or tun minutes. Sunday Woll as today is Sunday and tho peoplo hero aro very religious wo woro told If wo vould wait until Monday morning that wo would got a groat reception. Thoy throw us some bananas and pineapples and oh, myr how good thoy did tasto, also cocoa nuts. Wo got ashoro and took an ex orcise march up a number of, streets completely lined with palm, cocoa, orango, banana nnd other tropical trees, and a prettlor placo you nover sot oyes on. Tho sun was qulto warm but tho soa breezo was cool and you would imagino you wero in paradise. Soino of tho flowqrs were ton feet high with blossoms as largo as water buck ets, whilo cocoanuts, bananas, oranges, etc., bang over your head. Wo got or ders to stay aboard oach day, except twenty percent of oach company. Wo are bolng fitted out with whito suits and largo whlto hats for hot weather, but wo are liable to get no further than bore. We havo to wait for orders from San Francisco. Monday This is a regular Nebraska day, only the air Is moist and it is Just the place to feel in the best of spirits, we have just come in from a trip about town. I tell you this is a fine piece. You have to look for the houses among lemon, orange, pine apple, palm, co ooanut, banana and other tropica trees. And flowers, well, you guess for yourself about them. The native, here are very smart, en ergetic, and also very honest. There are fifty miles of narrow guage road ou the island and thoy charge ten cents per mile to ride. Tho streot cars aro large carriages with just a shade over them, drawn by mules and on the wait at that. Thoy trust to your honesty to drop a nicklo in the little box in tho corner. Thero nro somo Hno buildings here, especially the ex-queen's build ing. Twenty out of oach' company get ; pass to go ashoro from 10 a.m to 5 p. m. each day, my turn will comp to night and about ovory othqr day whilo wo aro hero. I guess wo will stay on the ship until wo hear from San Fran nUon. Wnll. I OXDCOt I will liaVO tO quit now for tboy oxpeot the mall to leave at anv time, i win wwvo again and tell vou what I seo tonight. Tho back ground is rough after you gat aoout mreu muea.' ivuu, wjn and I aro all in tho best of health. ALBERT KKKNEY, Co, A, First Neb. Vols. t Town killers aro classified into eight soporate bunches, as follows: First, those who go out of town to do their trading; second, thoso who are opposed to improvement-, third, thoso who pre fer p quiot town to ono of push and business; fourth, thoso who Imagino thoy own tho town; lifth, thoso who de ride public spirited mon; sixth, thoso who opposo every movement that docs not originate with themselves; seventh, those whJ opposo every movomout that does not appear to bonetit them; eighth, thoso who seok to injure tho credit or imputation of Individuals. Ml Personal Tax Notice. Notlco is hereby given that distress warrants will be Issued October lst,( next, for all 1807 personal taxos not paid by that date. C. v. Robinson, county ireaa a i n w i ten , - i . i 'A '1' lM'- ,;- JW1 diwr. 1 t 'V- Vf r-