The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1898, Image 5

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    r ,- -r"
the food pur,
wholuora. and d.llcloaf .
Absolutely Pure
District court ucxt Monday,
J. O. Liudlcy roturnctl Sunday night
from his trip cast.
J. M. Darby leaves Tuesday morning
for tlio couforcuco at Fairbury.
J09 Uarbor loft Tuesday morning to
tako in tho exposition at OniaUa.
Somuthing new in heaters. "Tho
Retort". Call at V. V. Wright's and
sco it.
Mrs. Chas. Milligan of Oxford was
visiting friends in tho city the last of
tho week.
Fob Salk 3,000 bushels of old corn
J. W. Wallin, 4 miles northwest of
Red Cloud.
Paul Dickson left Monday morning
for Lincoln whore ho will enter tho
state university.
W. W. Wright has tho finest line of
stoves in tho valley. Call and sco
them and get prices.
Mrs. Jos. Warner who has been
spondlng tho summer in Now Jcreoy
returned homo yesterday.
Don't forgot tho dinnor given by tho
Epworth Lcaguo Saturday. They will
give you an oxcellent meal.
Lou Fuller and wife worodown from
Lawrence tho first of the week on a
-yislt with J. G. Potter and wife.
Miss Eva Colvin who has been visit
ing with Miss Ella Huff, roturned to
her homo at Burr Oak Wednesday.
Robes, did you say? Plush robes,
dog robes, wolf robes, goat robes, lap
robes but no mink robes, at J. O. But
ler's. A. C. Potter and wifo of Lead City,
South Dakota, arrived in the city Sat
urday for a visit with his parents and
other friends.
We are making a display of tho finest
lino of hats ovor brought to Red Cloud.
Come in and sco thorn. The Cowden
Kaley Clothino Co.
If you want a good cheap boater this
winter, call nt W. W. Wright's and see
tho now 'Retort" heater. Burns slack
and keeps tiro forty-eight hours.
Uncle Tommy Lano fell from tho top
of a wagon load of boxo3 on Tuesday
and was bad enough hurt so that he
bad to bo taken to his homo, but is ablo
to bo around again.
Tho Red Cloud band will start for
the Superior reunion noxt Tuesday
morning. No doubt tho boys will cut
qulto a svath nt Superior in their now
whito and bluo uniforms.
V. H. Scrivnor, real ostnto man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, JSobr.
Don't tail to boo Fogol & Hutchinson
for robos and blankets. They aro show
ing tho largest and most up to da to
stock ever shown in Red Cloud. Chaso
& Bishop's robes nnd 5-A liorso blan
kets. Correct Underwriting in nil its
branches. Over twonty-flvo years ex
perience. Old lino and mutual com
panies roproaonted. Nouo but tho
best. Call and soomo. Chas. Schaff
nit, Red Cloud, Neb.
Never in tho history of tho county
at least not for soveral j oars, has thoro
boon such a scarcity of farm and gar
den truok, such as water and musk
melons, tomatoes, cnbbago, etc, on tho
market as thoro is this year.
After a continued drouth of about
twelve weeks duration this vicinity has
boon treated to a four day's rain, tho
total precipitation amounting to about
tlyo inches. While the rain camo too
lato to bo of any advantage to tho pres
ent crop, it will onablo tho farmers to
got their fall wheat in tho ground and
a largo acroago will bo sown in this
The Baptists of tho Republican val
ley will hold tholr yearly meotlng in
Kccf Cloud this year, beginning noxt
Tuesday nt 3 p. m. All tho sessions
n ro likely to provo of interest to tho
general public and an earnest invita
tion toattond Is given to all peoplo in
town nnd vicinity. Tho meetings will
extend throughout Wednesday and
Thursday. Quito a largoattondance of
dolegntes nnd workers from abroad are
xpcoted. Lot us havo a crowd. 1.
W. Emon, Pastor.
Royal mik
Tho Epworth League will give a din
ner and supper Satuiday.
Miss Mabel Saunders is homo after a
visit with friends near York.
Mrs. Ernest Wohch left Wedresdnv
to take in tho exposition at Omaha.
Havo you scon J. O. Butlor'snew lino
of 5-A horao blankets, fur and plush
Mrs. Will Parker returned Wednes
day from a visit to Omaha and tho ex
position. Don't buy n steel range or cook stovo
until you soo W. W. Wright oud get
his prices.
Win. Bcnso nnd wifo returned Tuos-
day night fiom n visit nt Tecumsoh,
Win. Clommons of the B. & M, eat
ing house was in Lincoln tho first of
tho week.
Ed. Cox and wifo arrived this nion.
ing on n visit to C. C. Cox nud family
of Elm creek.
J. M. Darby will preach Sunday
morning on "The King in his Beauty."
You should hear him.
Miss Blaucho Foo left Tuesday morn
ing for a visit with her grandparents
at Louisville, this stato.
The Misses Lillian and Pearl Smith
aro visiting with their sister Mrs. Ed.
Bohanan in Lincoln this weok.
Miss Rosalie Squires who has bcon
visiting with Frank Smith and wifo re
turned to her homo in Joplin, Mo.
Invitations havo beon issued for a tea
given by Mrs. C. H. Minor in honor of
Mrs. Louise Myers, of Salt Lako City.
Chas. Schatlnit writes Insuranco on
farm and city property against tiro,
lightning and tornadoes atlowost ratos.
Will Carpenter who went from horo
to Ohio and enlisted in tho army, re
turned homo last night from Chicka
mauga. A fine baby daughter of usual No-
braska weight made its appearance at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cow
den on Tuesday morning.
WillTulloys is horo from Superior
this wooK taking a lay off having had a
fingor badly mashed wbilo handling a
pieco of marblo at that place.
Tho sad intelligence was received
horo this weok of the death from
typhoid fovor of Ed Hall, formerly op
erator at this place, at bis home in
When looking for a harness, don't
fail to seo Fogel & Hutchinson, they
carry a completo stock of light and
heavy harness. Prices and quality
can't bo beat.
J. H. Smith writes combinod insur
anco for a term of fivo years at 3 por
cent. On schools houses, ohurchosnnd
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob.
Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Conover which died at tholr
homo at McOook was brought hero for
burial last Wednesday. Tho parents
have tho sympathy of many friends in
their bereavement.
Jay Reed, son of Undo Tommy Reed,
had tho misfortnno to havo a horso
which ho was riding slip and fall,
throwing him underneath, with n re
sult of breaking his right arm just
nbnvo tho wrist. Dr. F. E. McKeoby
reduced tho fracturo.
Moro than twonty million freo sam
ples of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo
havo beon destributed by tho manfac
turors What bolter proof of their con
fidence in its merits do you want? It
cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the
shortest spneo of timo. C. L. Cotting.
A trip through tho back alloys and a
look at the empty storo boxes would
convlnco even tho most skeptical that
tho merchants nro proparlngfor a largo
fall business, notwithstanding tho poor
corn crop. It takes something morn
than a fnilnro of corn to scaro tho av
erage Rod Cloud merchant, especially
if thoro is n good crop of smnll grain.
Closing Out Sale I havo docided
to oloso out my ontiro stock of dry
goods, boots, shoos, bats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardware, quconswaro and
salt. I must sell to pay indebtedness.
It will pay overy farmor to call In and
get some of those bargains. I will sell
my ontiro stock at a big discount for
cash. A good chance for some ono
with capital to engage in business. I
will sell tho building or ront It. G. A.
Harris, Cowlos, Nebraska.
Next Sunday closos Rov. James M.
Darby's pastorato of two years dura
tion of tho First Methodist church In
this city, during which timo ho has
mado many warm friends horo, who
aro trying to Induco tho reverend gen
tleman to cast his lot with us for an
other year. Mr. Darby is ono of tho
kind of ministers of whom a congrega
tion or a community novcr gots tired,
and as n minister has few exceptions.
Not only is ho a minister of tho gospel
but an oxcollont lecturer on most nny
subject. Ho has made mnnv lectures
to tho various A. O. U. W. Lodges of
this vicinity, whloh wero always very
enthusiastically recolvod and highly
endorsed by tho order. To say tho
least Mr. Darby Is li practical,
date speaker, and wo believe ho eould
ovonmako a political speech that would
puttho avorngo campaign speaker to
rout. Such a man Is a desirable ad
dltlon to anv community. Mr. Darby
leaves noxt Tuesday to attend the con
ference at Fairbury and it is tnbe
hoped that ho will again bo assigned to
the pastorate of the First Methodist
church of this city.
Miss Uollo Spanoglo is horo from
Mrs. A. Clark of McCnnk wnn linrn
this weok.
J. W. Pegg who has boon in Missouri
for soveral years is horo.
Miss Mildred MoCaII nnd Mlaa .Tnaln
Norrls left for Omaha Tuosday.
S D. Morrison loft Monday morning
for Lincoln whsro ho will attend
Mrs. A. Morhart loft Thursday
morning for a visit with her sister at
Chas. Sohaffnlt is tho only exclusive
firo, lifo and accident insurance agout
In Wobstor county.
Mrs. Willis, mother of A. G. Willis,
arrived In tint otv nn n wlolt rolti. l.nt-
son Thursday morning.
L. Maliard and wifo who havo boon
visiting friends hero havo rcturnod to
tho r homo in Wisconsin.
Special salo on robes, blankets nud
all winter goods beginning Soptcmbor
25th for 80 days only. J. O. Butler.
Mrs. Snoll nud little dnughtor, who
has been visiting her slstor, Mrs.
Homer Sherwood, left for her homo
Tho Union Firo Insuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Comblno risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agont.
Charles Olson tho Alma rapist was
yesterday arraigned boforo Jiidgo Bonll
nt n special term of court and rocoiyod
a twonty year sontenco.
Will Yoisor camo in from Republican
Wednesday morning to visit with tho
folks horo whilo taking a lay-off on no
count of an injury to his foot.
Prof. L. 8. Wilson, formorly of this
city but lato of Lincoln, arrived in tho
city last night and will mako this his
home, engaging in tho practlco of law.
Georgo Mountford living south of
tho rivor in Kansas and Miss Vina An
derson woro married on Wednesday
ovonlng, Soptember 14, Rev. Blackwoil
officiating. Tho Chief oxtonds best
Ed Smith, son of J. H. Smith, ar
rived in tho city Sunday morning from
Salt Lako City, accompanied by Miss
A. Barrows and Miss Julia Barrows
of that city, who aro on tboir way to
the Omaha exposition,
Poultry car on track ovory two
weeks regular frcm now on. Watch
this spaco for dato and prices. Next
car Monday afternoon, Sept. 12, at B.
&M. depot, Red Cloud, Nobr. Prices
paid in cash, hens OJc per pound, spring
nhlnknnR. 7n nlil nnnlra Hi in nor in-r
duoks and geese, 4o, turkoys, 5c. H.
iuudauK) ouippur.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
acme postoinceat Kea uioua, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Sept. 15th,
Aster, Jacob Earl, Goo.
Spring. J. H. Whitman. L. E.
Thoso letters will be sent to tho dead
lottor offico Sept. 20th, if not called for
ooiore. wnon caning lor nbovo pleaso
say advertised. -T. C. Hacker, P. M.
It gives us much pleasuro this week
to chroniclo tho marriago of Mr. Goo.
Newhouso of this city to Miss Nellio
Reed of Campbell, which happy ovont
took plnco at tho homo of tho brido's
paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wash Reed of
Campboll on Wednesday at noon. Tho
contracting parties aro both well and
favorably known throughout tho coun
ty. Tho brldo is ono of our most pop
ular school toachers nnd tho groom is a
prominent business man of our city
who has resided hero sinco early child
hood. Tho Chief unites with their
many friends in oxtending host wishes.
Tho morry-go-round has not beon
reaping as much of a harvest on this
ns thoy did on their previous trip.
Howover, at n license of 93 por day
and that only on days whon thoy run,
thoy aro not losing anything. At Riv
erton, a town about ono fourth tho size
of Red Cloud, this outfit paid $15 por
day nnd a careful estimato placed their
clearings at 8450 or 8500. Also at Re
publican City they paid 8250 for a two
weoks' stand, nnd it was estimated
they cleared about 8800. Whon thoy
wero in Red Cloud before the city got
about 830 or 835 for license, and thoy
carried away in tho neighborhood of
8500. But then, Red Cloud wai always
a Kind of a chaap town for takes,
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per
haps she has a little hacking
cough also. Her head aches
and she cannot study. Give her
Scon's EimrlslOD i
The oil will feed her wasting
body; the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos
phites will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and brain.
Never say you "cannot
take cod-liver oil " until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
especially become very fond
of it and infants do not know
when it is added to their food.
jot. ind f i.oo ; (II druggUU.
SCOTT & BOWNE, ChntiiU, Nw York.
Dr. Dnmcroll of Hastings was hero
tho first of tho weok.
Mrs. James Robinson loft Tuesday
for n Visit Willi Imr mnflwifnf P. .t. ......
Mrs. Sadie (.'limmlnon luff. Tunxln.-
night to visit for some timo with
fnonds in McCook.
Charloy Dlekerson returned Monday
niffllt from Ltniviln wlmi'n hn ) twin..
working for somo time past.
Hush lllini'l- luff, tttn II rat . Mm .!
for Chicago where he goes to buy an
involcoof goods for Minor Bros.
Mrs. CulbiMtson and Mrs Bedell of
Peru nrrived In the city Wodnosdav
nnd wero prcsont at tho Wiles-Fort
A lino baby daughter mado Its np
Donrnnce at tlin linniii nf AT nmi i-
Frank Slnby living south of tho river,'
on Monday.
Soldiers' Reunion nt Bladen, October
5th to 8th. Everybody Invited. Good
speakers will bo present. Program
will bo announced soon. XD.1.T I
L. II. Rust and wifo loft Wednesday
morning to tako in tho exposition nt
Omaha, nnd on their return they will
bo accompanied by MisslNottlo Bniton
of Mlchlgau who will visit with them
for some timo.
For Modern Woodman dny nt tho
nxtio.dttnn on Wmttinmlnv Kmiinmiw...
21st,. tho Burlington Routo will run n
special irmn leaving itcu (Jloud at
10:30 n.m., nrrivlng in Ouinhu nt0:50
n.m. tho sntnn ilnv. 'I'lin rntn fi tl.lo
ocension will bo 84.05 for tho round
trip. A. Covover, Aijont.
Miss Lena Sporling of Wymore ar
rived in tho city tho first of tho wook
and has taken chargo of tho Ernett
Wolsch restaurant which sho will con
duot in tho future Tho patrons of this
popular resort will bo woll taken caro
of as tho lady has spout somo sovon
years in tho restaurant business.
A public reception and banquot in
honor of K. E. Pope, who was n mem
ber of tho crow of tho battlecship Tox
as at tho timo of tho destroying of Cor
vera's ficot at Santiago, will bo given
by tho G. A. R. at tholr hall on noxt
Saturday ovonlng. September 17th.
An oxcollont program has boon ar
ranged for tho occasion, consisting of
fivo minute speochos intersporsod with
music, nftcr which supper will bo
A Inrgo young boy, or a small young
man mot a business man oti tho stroot
tho other evening and said: "Give mo
a match." Tho man gavo it to him,
whon tho boy took it and turned away
without an acknowledgement of any
kind. Ho nolthorsaid ''please" to start
with nor "thank you" to wind up with,
yet that young follow wants work. He
wants to servo tho public and is seek
ing employment. Tho public demands
politeness from young folks and it will
havo it. That boy can clerk for a
while in a livery stable but no whero
else; and even then ho should not be
allowed to wait on customers but deal
exclusively with tho horses.
Married Mr. John O. Wiles and
Miss Graco E. Fort, both woll and fa
vorably known in Red Cloud, woro
united in marriago on aoptombor 14th,
1808 at tho homo of tho bride's paronts
in tho presonco of about fifty guests
and relatives. Elder L. A. Hussong of
tho churoh of Christ officiated. Tho
houso was very tastefully decorated.
Tho presents wero from far and near,
many in number and very oboico. Tho
suppor was replete with tho viands of
tho season and tho sorenado by tbo
band was its choicest music. Tbo
"Longhingrin" wodding march was
played by Miss Marv Miner. Our con
gratulations go heartily to this worthy
Tho numerous fakirs who havo made
this town in tho last fow weoks and
havo plied their trado with such good
luck havo created considerable com
ment in recrard to tho amount of li-
conso which they aro mado to pay
iiero. xne two ioiiows who woro horo
last weok and a' part of this, cleaned up
betweon 860 and 8100 for each appear
anco they mado on tho streets and tbo
city got tho paltry sum of a coupio of
aonars out oi mem tor eacn aaya li
cense, wo uon't bellovo that any
amount of licence monoy can bo charg
ed which would mako the business of
these follows legitimate as against our
own business men who maintain their
places of business, hiro clorks and pay
taxes to koop up our city. Wo do bo
lievo that an ordinance could bo passod
naming a largo enough liconso to keep
theso fellows from operating at all. If
it is right and according to law to
chargo these fellows two dollars per
day it is right to charge them 825 per
day, or a sum sufficient to mako them
quit tho town without operating. Tho
town of Boavor City makes follows of
this chss put up 825 por day and assess
es a liconso of 850 per day on a circus
and it would bo well for our ouncil to
do tho samo thing.
Wm. Scott, who has boon confined in
jail horo, on tho chargo of tho burglary
of Fuller & Good's storo at Cowles, for
somo timo past awaiting tbo convening
of tho district court, was released last
Friday under a habeas corpus proceed
ing instituted by bis attorney J. M.
Chaffin and is nt present enjoying the
puro ozono of some olbor part of tho
United States. Tho causo of tho re
lease is tho failuro of County Attorney
A. D. Rannoy to tile Information in
tho caso in tuo timo specified by law
Scott has been no ond of troublo to tho
prcsont sheriff, Mr. Wells, and his, pro
accessor, Mr. Runchoy, who havo both
boon to considerable oxpenso in run
ning bim down, and each havo nothing
to show for tholr troublo nnd oxpenso
of his pursuit nnd capture but u bill of
expenses which thoy will now probably
havo to kcop ns a relic. Webster coun
ty's oxponso in the caso will also bo no
small figure. Whether Mr. Rannoy
(Imply forgot to file information in the
case or whether ho didn't know onouch
to wo aro unablo to say, but it is a sin o
thing that ho did not do it. Wo havo
not the least doubt had ho been a resi
dent of tho county seat, as the law says
ho must, somo ono interested in the
caso would havo reminded lilin of his
neglect in timo to prevent tho release,
but with tho county attornoy twonty
miles away and no ono to interfere, the
rtleas was mily accomplished.
16. 1898.
Oar Counters
Are Loaded I
With good things for Clothing
See our line of Men's Suits at
and $8.00
GomdenaleyGlothingGo. I
ffl One Price Clothiers. M
H Wiener's Old.Standw. p
(& ys
Futniture and Undertaking
Wall Paper, Carpets and Curtains.
Tho largest lino of Furnituro in tho Bopublcan valloy and at prices as low
as can bo found nnywhoro. If you nro Intending to purchaso anytblne
in tho furnituro lino boforo purchasing call In nnd soo my lino of
Parlor and Bed Room Sets,
Rockers and Dining Chairs,
Bookcases, Sideboards, Sofas,
China Closets, Iron Bedsteads,
Kitchen Cabinets, Safes,. Etc.,
or anything usually found in a Urst class furnituro storo
eity Dm audi
Goods Delivered to any part
j Defective -
Our skilled ooticlan oxnmines oyes freo. Come in and lot him oxnni
ino your oyes. If you don't require lassos ho will tell you so.
Only regular doctor of refarctlou In tho county.
Newliouse JBx'osjj.
Jewelers and Opticians,
tSTTho very finest Watch, Clock and Jowelnv Repairing. Satlsfao
tion guaranteed.
Express tone.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest'
You owo your eves that of properly coring
for them. You can't bo too careful with na
turo's greatest blessing, nnd tho most doll,
cato organs your eyes. Nonrly ovory hu
mnn boing hns
JB5ro - Sight - !
Jt't. .