THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 16. itfo. Poor ajid Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble - Had no Appetite-Now Better In Evory Way-A Delicate Child. "Homo tlmo ulnco 1 took a'nuddcn cold and could not got rid ot It. Bolni subject to catarrh and bronchial trou bio I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not (eel lllco work. I began taking Hood's Bar-apa-tllla. In a abort tlmo tho cough disap peared, I alopt well, had a good appetite and I was better In every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Ilood'a Barsaparltla and soon felt moro like work. My little nophew was a doll cate child and had a humor which trou blod him so ho could not rest at night. Ho has taken a (ow bottles of Ilood'a Bar naparllla and now ho has ft good appetite and Is nblo to sloop." Mim Abdih J. Frkicman, Bouth Duxbury, Mass. Sarsa- parilla I- tho One Truo Wood Purifier. All driiggUls. $1. Hood's H,i. DSIIo are tlio lien nitcr-t HOOU'S PUIS ,,Hli, ld digestion, nro tho licit nftcr-dlnncr 'JSO. THE CHIEF runLiiitxD nr w. l. momillan. One year Hi months . .1100 , 50 PUHM8UBD KVK11Y F1UDAY Bnterod at tho post offlco at Rod Cloud, Mob. at loeond class mail matter. BEPUBLIOAN TICKET. STATE. For aovernor, M. L. IIAYWARD. Of Oloo County. For Lieutenant Qovcmoi, QKO. A. HUlll'Iir, Of Gage Couuly. For Secretary of Slate. 0. DURAS, Of Saline County. For Auditor of Public Accounts, T. L. MATTHEWS, Of Uodgo County. For Treasurer, i-KTKK MOHTENSEK. Of Valley County. For Supotlntondont of Publlo Instruction, JOHN F. SAYLOH, Of Lancaster County for Attorney donornl. N. 1. JACKSON, or Antelope County. For Land Commissioner, K V. WILLIAMS, Of Douglas County COUNTY. For Representative, J. 8 WHITE, For County Attorneys RAMDOLl'II MO MITT. For Commissioner, 3d District, J. W. RUNCIIEY, For Commissioner, 6th District, JEROME YANOE. FROM THE STATE CAPITOL. Tho republicans of Nebraska bavo oponetl up campaign headquarters at tho Lindoll hotel In Lincoln and tho various ofllcerj and committees under tho guidance and leadership of Stato Chairman Schneider nro all in their pluoes and havo sottlod iown to earn est systematic work. While tho com uiittoo is sangulno ami harbors no doubts as to tho tiuol outcome of tho grout campaign now on, this assured confidence of a trlumphaut victory of republican prinolples at tho polls next Novombor, will in no moasuro lessen their eternal vigllonco or zoal in tho important work now boforo them. This patriotic Interest will bo shared by ovory loyal republican In tho state, and tho committee fcols duly warrant ed by words of good cbcor and signs of tho time, In the expectation of per fect unison and tho most hoarty co-operation by all truo bollovers In repub licanism, In tho wielding of evory hon- orablo force and iniluonco along every ruorm ndmlulstratlon lino of action for tho upholding and carrying forward, high above all oppo sition, tho proud stnnJaid of tho paity of patriotism, prosperity and progress. The republican party has no apologies to oiler for nominating a stato ticket this fall and establishing headquarters. Never beforo havo wo entered a state campaign under moro favorablo and more oncouraglug conditions. Each passing event since tho return ot tho republican party tojtho control of our national government fiillllU ovory pre diction, carries out every pledgo and omiuoutly iusttlius the steadfast faith within us. Itopubliean prosperity is seen and felt In ovory nook and corner among all classic, and Tn every Indus try or lino of business throughout our groat country, so manifestly that tho .nost persistent and porverso pessimist U forced to a partial admission of the faots. This abundance of truth is so upparont and felt so lnleusoly by tho voters of Nebraska thai they begin to manifest tho strongest disposition to chango tho present roglmo, elect pub llo olliolals and inaugurate a stato gov ernment more in hnrmouy with tho spirit and progresblvenoss of tho new industrial era. V Tho bright gladsome days of fusion Ists avo eliding swiftly by aml nobody U In closor touch with tuo stein reality than thoy. In speaking of fuslonists, we refor moro spoollleally to the parly bosses and present stato officials, whose deepest interest nml concern in fusion politics lie in their lo-eleotlon. These nro the ouos who 'view wilh alarm" tho present situation and enter tho campaign with very little heart or hope fortUo future. They have uumeious liHiidqtitirlfiH til d i a (unhcr rniivinc lug iiigmiifin ilipt tiny keenly iippi' cinto the gravity of tho occasion, hare selected two chairmen of tho stato con irnl committee. They nro rtcelvlng wagon loads of literature franked through from Washington, 1). 0., and still wilh nil this, thero has gathered undor tho stnto houso dome nn oni mi nus pnll of gloom. Things nro not as thoy onco woro boforo "Willlo died." Fusion Is no longor tho perfect beat! tuclo of times passori and gone. A promlnontdomocratlopolltlcian, whoso ability to hold hie prcsont job at tho stato houso tloponds wholly upon tho result of tho present election, hopes that fusion enn bo mado effectlvo just ono moro time, but expresses a sincere doubt upon tho subject. Ho is certain the beginning of tho end is hui, nml that tho schomo of a triplonlliancoof confusion cannot possibly survive nn- othor year. The main issue, If it may bo so called upon which tho present stato ofllciala will endeavor iisshluously to pursuado the voters to retain them in their com fortable positions another two yenrs is tho "great saving" tho reform fusion administration has uccomplithod in the collection and disbursement of state monoy. Taking their Jlgures for i, whoro thoy nro pleased to begin and lenvc off, they havo proved themsolves tho greatest monoy gutters of modern times. This great cardinal untruth thoy will diligently try to force upon tho pcoplo by juggling with figures adroit In its conception, truly marvel ous in its execution. Uy a skillful ma nipulation of long rows of figures tho nllied forcos of ofllco holders expect to domonstrato clearly to tho mind of a gulliblo voter during this campaign what enormous1' savings" may boeffect od in sovoral departments of our stato government at ono and tho samo tlmo with a very small amount of money proporly handled. Thus tho secretary of stato. auditor, and treasurer all credit thomsolvcs v.lth tho continued strain of collecting certain Itoms of tho very samo idonticnl monoy Wonder ful enterprise this! Economy wilt bo pointed out with tho linger of prido in this offlco and that where none at all exist. Tho secretary ot stato will show in conspicuous places how ho has col lected nearly 830,014 of fees, against a littlu over $1,077 placed to tho credit of his republican predecessor cones ponding to tho samo longth of tlmo, but of course ho will cart fully omit to tell about tho now law Increasing tho fees in his ofllco from a hundred to a thousand porcont. Neither will ho ex plain that $10,500 of that fine collection was tho f'io paid for tiling tho now ar ticles of incorporation ui the Union Paclli:, which under the old law would havo cost but a few dollars, and novcr wont into Mr.Portor's hands a minute, but was paid directly Into tho treasury according to law. In tbo ofllco of com missioner of publlo lands and buildings Mr. Wolfo is parading a grtat array of figures to provo au alleged enormous iucroaso in tho school fund by reason of tho cancelation of school land lenses. But rovolations given by con sulting tho records back for n poriod of olcht vears thoroughly explode tho fallacies contnlncd in Mr. Wolfo's lift tires of solf-gloritication. It'.s truo tho collections of this fund for 1807 and 1808 nro larger than th jy woro for a llko poriod during bad crops and dem ocratic hard times. Tho records rovcal tho fact that thoy aro no larger than they were for a llko poriod back in re publican prosperous limes. Then in this connection ho failed entirely U tell tho voters ot Nob:aska that by moans of school land lease caucollations the has lost to tho WA8HINOTON NOTES. Washington, I). C, Septt. 13. (Jon. Mlliu nml Gun. Shnfter aro not only in Washlngton,;butthcyhnvo met, and chatted together as friendly as nny two old comrades might bo expected to do. This must bo very surprising to those who believed, that when tho two men mot there would bo drawn swords and a contosl of tho tegutar "Thteo Guardsmen" order. If tho men nro really as unfriendly towards each other as ono might infor from rending recent newspaper publications, they nro botli pnst-mastors in tho art of con coaling their feelings. There was cer tainly no sign of enmity when they mot in tho ofllco of General Miles, in the war department, that could bo de tected. Gen. Miles will talk every time ho gets nn opportunity nbotit tho necessity of enlarging the regular army mid tho recommondntioti ho intends making to congress on that subject, but ho says the statement ho gave out as soon ns ho landed in Now York, contained all ho has to say at present concerning the campaigns in Cuba and 1'orto lllco. It is believed that tho president will tnke no notice officially of what (ion. Miles said reflecting on the wnr department, unless circum stances compel him to do so, if Miles doesn't do nny moro of the same sort of talking. Ho lins met Miles twice since Ills return to Washington, but no'.hing was said by either about thoso newspaper publications. Tho president has decided to havo an investigation of tho ontlro conduct of tho war mado by a commission of the most prominent men ho can get to as sume tho task mon whoso names will cnuso anything thoy say to bo accepted by everybody without question for tho purposo of trying to put an end to tho charges and countor charges now boing printed in tho newspapers. While tho Algor-Miles wrangle is said to havo nothing to do with tho iden of having this investigation, which was ostensibly asked for by Secretary Alger it may havo much to do with it, as Gen. Miles is not a witness that is likely to bo overlooked by tho commission. That ho is anxious for an investigation all the world knows. Tho heads of tho departments of the army are most di rectly concerned In the investigation tho commissary-general, the quarter inabter-genoral and tho surgeon-gen oral all say that they will welcomo tho most rigid investigation iuto the acts of their several departments, and Gen. Shatter assured tho president person ally, that tho moro thorough the inves tigation of everything connected with tho campaign against Santiago was made, tho better it would please him, because ho was certain it would add to tho credit of the men who took part in that romarkablo campaign, and in mak ing the people moro cloarly understand the nature of tho difficulties that wore so successfully sui mounted. Musio on tho Graphophono. Few people appreciate tho marvelous power of tho Graphophone ns nn em icrtuiner. It is nn instrument which, though it costs much less than the least exponsiro musical instrument, will cnnblo Its owner to bavo at pleas ure musio of any iklnd from that of tho bagpipo to that of tho grand mili tary band. It roproduccs vocal selec tions and gives ono command of overy plcasuro that appeals to tbosonseof hearing. No investment pays such large returns In pleasure. Besides re pi odnoing tho musical and othor rec ords made for entertninmont purposes, the Grnphophone will record imme diately and reproduce at onco and as often ns is desired, your own words or song, or nny sound. By writing to tho Columbia Phonograph Company, 720- 722 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo., you can obtain a catalogue that will givo full information nscto prices of Grapho phone outfits. Rhoumatism Curod in a Day. "Myf.icCuro," for rheumatism nnd neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remark able and injstorions. It. removes at once tho cause and the discaso imme diately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benelits; 75 cent. Sold by II. E. Grico, druggist, Bed Cloud, Neb. Republican Senatorial Convention. Notice is hereby given thatadelcgato convention will bo bold in tho city of Superior,, county of Nuckolls, on tho 20 ih day of September, 1308, at 1 p.m. for the purposo of nominating ono can didate for stato senator and transact ing all other business that muy como before tho convention. Tho pveral counties comprising tho senatorial dis trict arc entitled to representation as follows: Nuckolls, 10 delegates; Wob stor, 10 delegates, and Franklin 9 dele gates. F. W. Barbej, Chairman. R. T. Potter, Secretnry. Llvor Complaints and Norvouhnesa Curod. A torp'd liver always producos dull ness, irritnbility, etc. You aro all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you havo treated with physicians or tried some other recommended mod icino without benefit. All that is no argument ngainst "Dr. Fennor's Blood and Liver Remedy and Ncrvo Tonic," which wo insist will euro nervousness and liver complaints. If not satisfied after using ono bottle your monoy will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. A GRITIGAIt TUBE. During the Battle Santiago. of SICK OR WELL A RUSHNIOHT AND DAY. The Packers at the Battle of San tiago de Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic Efforts In Getting Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. F. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago do Cuba on Juno a3d,auys: "Wo all had diarrhoea in mote or less violent fbrm,nud when wo landed we had no-tlmo to see n doctor, for it was it case of rusli and rush night nnd day to keep- tho troops supplied with ammunition and ration, but thnuks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; in fact, I sincerely believe th it at ono critical time this mediuino was the di rect savior of our iirmyvfor if tbo pncK ers had been uuablo to work there would have been no-way of gottlng supplies-to tho front. There were no roads that a wagon train could uso. My comrades and mysolf had the good fortune to lay in n supply of this medi cine for cnr pack train beforo we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it ab solutely 3ived lifo." The nlxivo letter was written to tho manufnetnrers of this medicine, tho Chnmbcrluin Medlcino Co., llesMolnes, Iowa. For sale by H. E. Grioo. MOTHER! There is no word so full of: meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother "she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of. every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. hb so assists nature Motners Friend dear school children of tho stato, over whom Mr. Wolfo and tho llko aro wont to weep so copiously, tho sum of $400, 000 overy cent of which would havo beeu paid in rent nnd taxes with the advout of good crops and prosperous Mclvlnley times. Tho subject of our public schools is oue Mint is dear to every heart and tho unscrupulous fu slon government in this state, as in tho case ot tho poor sick soldier, take ad vantage of this seutlmontand nro using every means possible to manufacture political capital for tho sole aggran dizement ot fusion ofllco-holders. Tho false llguros and misrepresentation of facts aro being carried iuto every school district in the state, that super intendent, pupil aim patron alike may become apprised of, and gloriously impressed wilh, tho unselfishness and magnnnimity shown, by tho present ad ministration toward our public schools. No president for a long timo has been on such,good terms with congress as Mr. McKinloy has boon and is likely to continue, ns long ns he sticks to present mothods. Ho never doos any thing important without conferring with members ot both branches of con gross, not only ot his own party, but of nil parties. Ho asks them to freely ex press their viows, and frequently ac cepts them as bettor or moro expedient than his own. Nothing could mom distinctly accontuato tho president's policy of keeping in touch with con gress than the porsouello of tho Ameri can end of tho peaco commission which is to moot at Paris, October 1st, to ne gotiate a treaty ot peaco between tho Uuited States and Spain, that shall de termine tho f uturo government ot the Philippines. Three out ofj.thu jtivo commissioners aro senators Davis, Frye and Gray and nil of them aro members of tho senate committee on foreigu relations, which will necessarily be an important factor in determining whether the senate will ratify tho treaty after it is made. Tho lirst two are republicans nnd tho last a demo crat. Tho president is doubtless cor rect iu assuming that auy treaty ap proved by these three senators, is like ly to bo approved by tho necessary two thirds of tho senate Tho other two commissioners nro Secretary Day and Whitelaw Uold. Thoy wilt como to Washington this week for their in structions, and will sail from Now York on tho 17th. For Sale. One hundred and sixty acres of unim proved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half of tho northeast quarter, nnd tho east half of tho northwest quarter of section fifteen in township two north, rango olovon west. Tho land is leased at present, but subject to salo. Price (3,000. For further information apply to Mrs. James Kirkwood, Fairfax, Mo. Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema is moro than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can euro it. Th doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to tho most powerful constitution. The wholo trouble is in tho blood, and Swifta Speolflo fa tho only remedy which con reachBucUdocp-scated blood diseases. Kcsemabroko out on my daughter, and con- tinned to spread until her head was entirely covered: Sho-was treated by several good doctors, but grew worse, and the dreadful disease spread to her face flho was taken to two oatahratml Zo-A health springs bnt re ceived no benefit. Many. patent medicines were taken, tu without re sult, until we decided to try 8. 8. S.,and by the tlmo tho first bottle was nntahed.herhcaU be gan to heal. A doicn bottles cured her com pletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She Is now sixteen years old, and has aroagnlficent growth ot hair. Not a sign ot tho dreadful disease has over returned. n. T. Siiobe, 2701 Lucas Ave, 81. Louis, Mo. Don't oxpoct local applications ot soaps and salves to euro Eczema. They reach only tho surface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Bpcculc C C'CFor AAA The is the only euro and will reach the most obstinate case. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, because it cures oases which aro beyond their reach. 8.8. 8. is purely vegetable, and is the only blbod remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta .Georgia. sssssC V F lissVssssssiMPl ZmW Blood J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown 1 Bridge Work or Teeth Wiitout Flatei PORCELAIN inlat And all tho latest Improvement la dental moch anlsm Dr. Fonnor's Dyapopaia Curo As tho namo implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is tho proscription of ono of America's most eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions aro accepted us authority. If not sat isfactory after using ono bottlo your mo- oy will bo refunded by O. JL. Cot ting. in the change tak ing place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward! without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Melkerlwed. Its use insures safetyto the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before C .4. . rtinrt !f "mnl'M Childbirth natural and easy,' as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND "My wife Buffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, havinar previously used four bot tioa nf Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. Hknderson Dalk, Carmi, Illinois. B. U. OVERMAN, KTTORNBY 75T- U7Xn. OttUe orer Post Qtttcc. Doea general law business. Practices in all courts RANDOLPH MoNITT, mORNEY id (m'M AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. moon block, RB1 CLOUD, NKIIRAS'IA. FRED E..McKEEBY, M..D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City and country calls promptly an swered day or night. NlfiuT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office over Cottino's Drdo Store. Of Druggists at 11.00, or sent by express on rocelpe o( price. Write lor dook containing lesiimomaie ana TBluable Information for all Mothers, free. The Bradneld Regulator Co, Atlanta, Ga- k Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Restored to Health by Or. Mile' Nervine. Sjsm ChUhtaSM' EaaUak XMaiMoi! Una. Pennyroyal pills iTltV stn. ilnp niuu. umi mm X. UtMtvwnJ rl la Hs4 b4 CM aeaaugf IHbnia. Mtlal wttk tic: rl uu. TsloBr rA I"E lffrfsfiJU lifcvIMnllssstf&rIN aTsssssssslrTBsiS 5x. ' "!' m, ii 'i I Mi M f Asafcl mmA Out dMalm. . (.... 1I.W1- ueV atkMt JEWMian"9Vfu&tini- Uotutm dlmlli item. il)ranti,crMl4t. rev pgnicuiari. lauarauu u far 1V.II." in ltr, bT rrtara Y Halt 10,000 imHuoo li. Xunf Jtftr, tialuliiiliw Hewn ni n iiia 1 1 ii nan SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, I in ijrirf f -in-run iVi.Mnill-nn IMLAU.V.. PA. PROPRIETOR. DEALER 117 Caveati. and Trade-Marks obtained and all ent business conducted (or Mooch atc rets, ouh OrrieE is 0pooitc U. 8. patcnt orrioc . 1U C U1UB I4MU4 IU Wines, Liquors. California randies. and we can secure pa'.cnt Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-' M Ono Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick euros nnd children may take it iu large quantities without he loan dangor. It lias won (or itself the hesl reputation of auy preparation used today ftn- colds, croup, tickling iu the throat or obstinate coughs. C. L. Cutting. a For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and espec ially piles, there is onu reliable remedy DuWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DuWiit's don't accept; counterfeits or'f raud?. i on will not bo difappoinied with DuWiit's Witch lloz el salve. C. L. Colling. Full line of steel ranges at Wright's hardware store. If what comes from thu isthmus of Panama can bu believed, and this gov ernment constructs the Nicarauuua canal, there aro likely to be two canals between the Atlantic itiil the Paeltic. A gentleman from Panama, now in Washington, who has no reason to ex aggt rate, said: "Although there is not much talk about it In the uewspapers, thu construction work now iu progress on Uie Panama cuunl is on a scale of magnitude which will bring thu cuter pribo ton successful issue. There aro now over tour thousand men employed on tho cuunl, uml the work Is being done iu a thorough antl scicniiliu man ner. Hu I ihu Ill's t con. puny proceeded as caivlully at tint liU'iont one. the 1 canal would Imvc beuu iu operation . long eru this, but tho lirst company sqmuideicd millions; hardly leaving a W. VV. tiling to show for the moiiey that was pent llko water." U. F.DWAUD n AltDY, tho Jolly man ager ct Shoppard Co's. groat store at Draco vlllo. III., writes: "I hod novor boon sick a day la my llfo until In 1690. I gotBobad.wlthnor.vou3 prostration that I had to glvo up and commcuco to doctor. I tried our local physicians aud ono In Jollot, hut nono gave mo any rollcf and I thought I was going to dlo. I becaroo despondent and suffered untold agouy. I could not oat, sleep nor rest, ana ! seemed as If I cculd not o.xUt. At tho end of six months I was reduced to but a shadow ot myself, and at last my heart bocamo affected and I was truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles of Dr. Miles' Norvlno. It gavo me rollof from tho start, and at lost a euro, tho great est blowing of my life." Dr. Miles' Itcmodics aro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarnune, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho hvart and nerves f i ee. A il d rcss, tlon. We advise. It patentable or not, free of hirm. Otir fea not duo till natent Is secured. i A Pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost o( sameln the U. S. and foreign countries' seat tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO Ofp. Patent Orricc, Washington, d ! PARCTIMimilloWiRm,,, ! C ALWAYS ON, TAP. -NIB . c. i i iggMM TIMETABLE. B. ft M. B.T RED CLOUD, NEBR. Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Dr. aatt v muss- Nervine : ofic&torcc &', t-ioolth $ HSU .a . . n IUfSKffi Foundation i i : Brick. Ludlow Bros. LINCOLN OMA1IA CniOAGO S'J. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1 LAKE G'Y PORTLAND SAA FRAXCISC0 and all points west. THAtNS LiaVB i FOLLOWS: So. 66. Freight, dally oxcept Sunday for wymoro and all point oast 8:00 a. m No. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joo, iiaiiBas iiiy. AicniBon, at, I.ouisananii south a.. I points east and lUiZOa.m. ,-l int. MILKS MEDIttAL CO.. JlUian. Ind. CIlRtH WHIHf 111 USt HIIS. Host Couch Bjrup. TaMeaOuud. Dm in time. Hold br arunnata. UJlU Ilk WW CCn irood workers maka w erst ,jj to 3() a etk taking orders forBuIti and I'anti made to meaur.TtiU 1 the oldet and larifmt home or Its kind In the U. B. They make the loeit prices and guarantee ererj-thlng eiautljr aa rtpreaanted and prepay all eipms cbarve. miy wanted in aacn oounty. cspeneno not Oaa alfflnt onl naoeaaary. No oaplUI required, ftlona f rea. bon't miaa this cnai aarrad. Write today for aamplea. to work and aarn aood moaar. A( rsttTLissi erat runt w, ww tare n, mm i , fiainDlaa and lniitnii Don't mlas this cbaaoa. first coma, ant rtta today for samDlea. NowUthatlmatomk tu in row. HW.I . uum Nn. u Accommodation, iinlly except Hum ay. llantliiKs, (Irand Is land. DlAClt Hills and all Xolutslnthe nortliweBt.... 1:00 p.m. ecnmraodntlon, dally oxcept Sundiiy, Obcrllu, Kansas, aud Intermediate Btatlons, via Ko pnlilloan .... 12:05 p.m. No. 01. Krelitht. dnllr. Wymoro nnd St. Joo nnd Intermediate imictimi points , iJiiop.m. No. 63. Frolglit, dally for Ucputillcau tirii'.ttis.uxrorunniiHii points went .... . 10:80a.m. No. 15. ratsenger. dHlly. Denver, all jrlniH In Colcirado, Utah and California ...... . . 8:-i0p.m. Mooplng. dining, nnd rccllnlnR chair cars, (n-ntf f reoi on tlirougli troltx. Tlcketa sold nud i.iiggagu i liecU-d to any point In tho United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A, Conover, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Pranola. General Passenger Agent Oaaba, Nebnaka. c ?" ssssssi i ,r Y MwBieauwMit&&mmi&&ss3CZil wWHW'"1'- MtatanmwwSfwtiTfcwngwrr KO!teii.?)Kt.l MarAmwratl-VtiiPAigaS -JSfelMme-i