The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1898, Image 1

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..r Migi8imwiftr'awft,T a
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The Bg Store Regular Price Sale. Our Prices Better Than Others Special.
Read them over carefull. These prices rule as long as the floods last. CASH is the GOLDEN BULLET that batters down competition. Prices the world over lean to
ready money. We buy and sell for cash and do not help to pay some other fellows bad debts. Wq are not the only pebble on the beach, but we can prove that THE
BIG STORE is better able to quote you prices than the others. We carry the largest stock, purchased at right prices and sold for cash.
Big C, yaul wiilo unbleached muslin 2Jc per yard
L. L. unbleached muslin 4c "
A good blenched musliti, y.ud wide. 4o .'
Farmers Uso blenched inusllu (5u "
Lonsdale iiud Fruit ot thy Loom
blenched muslin llo "
0-4 bleached sliei'tni 18o
10-1 blcuchod sheeting 20c "
0-4 unbleached sheeting ldo "
10-1 tinblenohedshoetiiig 20e "
15 inoli pillow case lOcl "
HO inch pillow ease 12Jc ""
Apron Chocks tit 4c per yard
Apt on Checks :it 5o "
Ainoskong npiou chocks nt Uc "
Kock wood fancies 0c "
Amoskeag faiipics 8c '.'
Toilo do Notd fancies 10c "
Cotton crashes at 2Jc 4c, Gc, and 10c per yard.
Linen Crushes, Soto 25o pi r yard.
Bleachod, damask finish, 22c nor yard.
All Linon, bleached and halt bleached, 35c to $2.00
per yard.
Turkey Red Table Damask, 14o toJflo por yard.
Bloached napkins 30o to 85 por dozen.
Good values in Cottonades at 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 80c
and 8b o per yard.
Wood Mfg. Co. Men's overall pants, 75c.
Wood Mfg. Co. men's overalls, blue, brown, grey
or black, 50c por pair.
Jumpers, 40c.
Denims Jumpers, COo to 75o.
Duck coats, blauket lined, 91 to $2.50 each.
White Shakor Flancol at 5c, 7o, 10c, 12Jc and 15c.
White Cinderella, Fancy Twill, 12jo
All wool whito illannel, 80o toCOc yor yard.
All wool red ilauuels at emptying out prices.
Huycrs recognize values, that is tlio reason of
tho hi Holes in the outing tlannnl stock. Only
nno-hnlf of tho original stock to select from. Ono
hundred piecos on tho shelves.
26 pieces "Our Competition" Co giade, our price 5c
pur yaul.
10 piecos Oriole fancy outing shirting 7c per yard.
35 pieces English Flannelettes in fancies, daik col
ors, red and blacks, 10c yor yutd.
Other grades at Cc, 7c and 8c per jard.
Wo havo on display tho foro runner of our plush
capo stock, plush garments fiom $2.00 to 811.00.
The balance of our cloak stock will arrive in a
fow days. We can show you tho best line that we
have over shown in tho city. Woikmanship tho
best. All goods made by reliable manufacturers.
1'ho last few nights makes you think of blank
ots We have them. 500 puits to select fiom.
100 p r full .si.e 10 'l grays or whites, 85c per pair.
4-pound full weight, full 12 1 size, ery largo, $1.50
per pir
Extra allies full 12 I sie, 81 C3 per imir.
Other vtliu s ti m W) to $8 00 per pair.
Spec! il iiiieiitKiii 1 l ul to our one dollar blanket.
Full size 8(1x00
laco cut tains ex
tra value, 75c per
Other (hades up
to $5 per pair.
Oil Cloth
Fancies at lie per
Bed Spreads.
A whito bed sproid that would bo good values at
$1.10, wo are oiToring at 00c.
Othor giades to 83.00.
A good stiaw tick...., fJGo por yard
Old Dover ticking 10c '.'
A.O.A.ticking 12J "
Fancies in tickings at 15c, 20c and 25c.
Floor Oil Cloth.
1 yard wido oilcloth, handsome patterns, per run
ning yard, 80c.
Other grades, samo widths at 45c and 00c.
Handsome lino pattorns in 1, 1 nnd 2 yd patterns.
From the cheapest to the best qunlity,"carried iu
Wo are quoting you prices that prevail as long as
tho goods last.
11. 13. yar 1, 4 skeins to the pound .... 18c per skoin
Genuine German knitting 23c "
Saxony, full line colors 5c "
Embroidery Silk 'and Stamped Liacn.
Handsome new line of Embroidery Silks; and
Stamped Linens just placed on jalo.
20 pieces dark coloied staudnrd prints 2o per yard
25 pieces Allen's light c IoilhI stand
aid dress prints 3c "
Simpson's blacks and gtcjs 4Jc "
Gai net's and Allen's reds 4c "
You can buy as many jatds as you .vant',oftlieso
Do not foi get tho Big Store's omptjing out salo
in tho shoo department. The best values ofTcied
for the money. No idlo boast.
Cotton Batts.
Tin; hpst 5c halt on the mat ket.
The best bait on the mat ket though is tho "Clar
ence" at 10c
Other gt rules at 121e, 15c and 20c.
Sewing Machines.
Why pay an am nt tiom $25 to $30 ami jour old
machiuo foi a new one when wo pan hull on a fully
guaiantped machine, equal to any on the matket,
at $30 ami jou keep jour old niuehiiio.
Wo nie also showing a good machine, high head,
(inished iu oak, 1 .linwer, simple in construction,
thcichy doubling dm ability at $10 50. Guaiaiiteed
for ten jonis.
Granulated, $0.15 per bundled.
Package colTee, 10c per package.
Com Starch at 3c per package.
Gloss starch at 5c per paekago.
Lemon and Vanila extract 4c por bottle.
Sardines, 0 boxes for 25c,
1 pound Ian Magic bak
ing powder, 8c.
Imperial syrup iu can
10c por can.
Imperial syrup in 1 gal
pails, 45o per gal.
12 bars Ark soap 25c.
10 bars Forn soap, 25c
0 bars Whito Russian
soap, 25o. '
GoldDust washing pow
der, 12)o por 4Bi pkg
8 packages Pearllno 01
177C for 25c.
tea for 25c per pound
Tea dustlSo per pound.
Champion lyoSi: prcati
Canned salmon 8c "
I ho best Pennsylvania full cream chooso, 15c lb.
Imported maecaronni, in cartoon at 15c.
Absolutely pure spices 40o por pound.
Patent (lour at $1.10 per sack.
No. 2 Hour at$l per sack.
Special puces in 300 pound lots.
Toilet soap 10c and 25opor box, standard brands.
Wo aio solo agents for Winslow, Hand & Watson's
famous coITi es, get a sample nt our store.
100 piece din
ner sot in
plain whito
and semi
porcelai n,
$0 50.
100 piico din
ner sets in
depot at od
p a 1 1 0 ms
mid nl 11 1 n
white ranging upwind to$18poi'60t. Our good b
nro all open stock patterns nnd you can purchase
11st what you want.
THE BIG STORK MARKS T1IK I'lUCK. That the price is
right is shown fiom tho fact that wo have had heavy sales iu this
dep.iitmeut and that wo havo made atraugemeuts for another car
of goods to at live this week. Tho followinir aio a fow of tlto bar
gains we havo left horn the lirst cat load.
Millbii) lion uptls, mass uim-
med, $3 00.
Wood buls, full sl.unt$l 50, 1 75
$2 00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3
Wood bods, full si.o fancy carved
head, $3 00 to $3 50.
Full size oak bed, nicely carved,
for 8,1 35.
Excelsior cotton top $2.
Excelsior cotton top niattroRs, hotter grado ticking $2 50
Husk " " good guido licking 8 50
All white cotton, extra heavy, fancy tick 0 00
All white cotton, fancy tick 7
Wood frame woven wiro bod springs 81
Wood frame wovon wiro springs, with straining bar. . . 1
Wood frame wovon wiro springs, spiral supportors,
wood slats k 2
Wood framo woven wiro springs, spiral all spring sup
porters , 2 60
A solid oak suite, swoll front connnodo and dresser, 4.1
inch baso, doublo top, largo glass.handsomoly carved 22 00
A solid oak suite, serpentine front, doublo top, largo
baso, choval dresser, Froncb plate mirror 20 00
Elm suites, doublo top, 44-inch oaso, universal shape. 15 00
11 11 ii 11 11 ii 11 11 in on
BREAKFAST TABLE, neb. 82 75. 5ft extension tablo, ash, 83.50
Wood seat, high back dining room
chairs, 84.00 por sot.
Wood scat common kitchen chairs,
hardwood, not tho penitentiary
common wuito wood chair, 45c each
Cnuo soat, high back, hardwood din
ing cnairs at 85o each.
Other grades at 81, 81.15, 81.40,81.75,
and $2.00.
Hardwood, woodsoat,81.25 for ladios
rocking chair.
Hardwood, cano soat, $1.40 for ladios
rocking chair.
A cobler scat oak rocker for 82.20.
tancy rockers from $3 to 812.
1 IH
W' Mm
Baby high chair, cano soat, 81.50.
Patiol front, hard wood. $-1.50.
Glass front, hard wood, $5.00.
Other grades at $0 to $7 50 each.
Biing in your Lincoln Omahn, Hastings. Kansas Citv or St Jon
catalogues and wo will guarnuteo you economy in buying from
tho big store. Wo havo made arrangomo ts so that In our next
car wo can show you hardwood bedroom suites from 811.50 to $15.
Solid oak tablo fiom $4 to $15. Couches from $5 to $25. Solid oak
center tablos from 75o to $8. Combination book casos, solid oak,
from $1 1 tit $25. Rocking chairs from $1.40 in cano sent and $1.25
in wood soat to $12.00.
j i7VnNER
mmggimifim m
State Crop and Weather Report.
Tho past wook has boon cloudy and
cool, with heavy gonoral rains.
Tho avorago dally temperature de
ficiency has boon about ten degrees in
tho eastern and twolvo degroos in tho
western countios. Tho dally maximum
tomporatures wore slightly above 70
degroos tho first part of tho wook and
50 degroos on tho last three days of tho
week. The maximum temperatures
were very low on tho Oth and 7th in tho
entire state. In tho western countios
thoy woro about or below freezing and
heavy frosts resulted. Light frosts oc
curred on tho same datos in tho eastern
Tho rainfall has been above normal
in all oxcopt tho extreme northeastern
countios, whoro it has boon light
from a quarter to half nn inch. Jn tho
southern half of tho state It has ex
ceedod an Inch and in most of tho
counties south of tho Platto river it has
ranged from two to live inches. A lit
tle snow fell In tho western counties
on tho Oth and 10th but molted as fast
as it reaohod tho ground.
. ,'l'ho heavy rains of tho week havo re
garded all work, nevertheless, haying
and threshing are about completed
and fall plowingl Is gonorally well ad
vauced. Tho rains placed tho ground
in excolltnt condition for Bowing small
grain, and a largo acroago of fall wheat
will bo sown In southorn counties dur
Ing tho next ten days; tho ground had
been plowed boforo tho rain but llttlo
or none aowa.
Tho drj hot weather of tho three
weeks preceding this ono ripened and
dried out corn so fast that now nearly
all tho corn in tho eastern counties is
hardoncd beyond all possible Injuries
by frost. Tho heavy frosts in tho ex
treme western counties on tho 6th and
7th killed lato corn quite generally.
Somo damago is reported to late coin
as far oast as Dawson county.
Pastures havo boon materially im
proved by tho rains of tho week.
Tho "funny man" of an exchange
was recently assigned to writo up the
market report and pioducod tho fol
lowing. Butter is strong at 15c and
ablo to hold its own. Yeast cakos aro
rising rapidly. Bananas aro slipping
along at the old price with an occasion
al drop. Watermelons aro going down
moro rapidly than thoy woro a week
ago. Cheeso, Stirling and skipping
along lively. Syrups are sticking nt
tho prices and aro about a pint mote
to the quart than thoy were last winter.
Greon apples aio growing less. Dried
apples aro swelling tho market. Chick
one arejpicking up a llttlo.
A nowspapcr in a neighboring town
recently said: "Tho prettiest gill iu
this city doesn't carry herself stialglit
enough when promenading." For a
weok afterwards all tho young ladies
of tho town walked about IIko so many
boan poles and every girl said, "That
horrid old paporl Ma, don't I walk
From Oklahoma.
Fountain, O. T., Sept. 2, 1808.
Editoh Chief Wo woro somewhat
surprised to soo tho notico of the mur
der of our daughter Edna in :our last
paper. Such a thing never bapponed.
She is alivo and well. In the first
place that young man did not como
with us, ho camo with Mr. Rico, but
wo woro all in ono company. My
daughter has not seon him for eloveu
weeks, and ho never pnld any attention
to nor moro than any gontlomau would
a lady.
In regard to how wo like the couutry
we like it real well. The summer has
been very pleasant, only a fow very
hot days, plenty of rain aud hardly nny
wind. Crops aro splondid and corn is
an extra good crop. Castor boans aro
good and cotton looks splendid, it is
just beginning to burst. Thero has
boon qulto a bit of sickness but it ts
abating now. It was mostly along tho
rivers and crooks. This is a good
placo to raiso vegetables of all kinds.
Tho wntor is good, mostly soft. Our
well is sixty-seven feet deep, somo aro
Tho following Is a copy of a school
boy's ccmplaint to tlto board of direct
ors of ono of tho school distiicts in tho
western pail of the state. "Mr. Direc
tors My sister, who is a school teach
er, whips mo overv day. Pa and ma
told her to whip mo oftener than sho
did tho other pupils, so they wouldn't
think sho was paitial. I wiotu to let
you know this was too thin. Sho is an
old maid aad get sad bee ikl
only 8 feet deep nnd others aro 120.
Wo havo fifteen acies broke, a house
ami ouicKon notiso hunt, nnd somo
fencing done. Wo will not havo a very
largo crop this year. Wo havo to mako
over thing count to got along in our
now homo. It is pretty hard for a man
without means to como to a now coun
try and make a home, but wo aro all
iu good spirits and contented. Wo aro
between tiro north and south Canadian
rivors, and wo trunk that is onoioason
wo havo good crops. Wo havo to go
tivo miles to church, nnd havo preach
ing overy two weeks andStindayschool
every Sunday. Wo haven't nnyjpubllo
school yet, but havo organized a dis
trict and will havo school soon. Tea
chers get $20 per month and each dis
trict tins three months school. Wo
havo had no rnin for two wooks and
it is getting pretty dry.
Yours respectfully,
J. M. Guthrie.
Whenever tho bands nt Santiago aro
called out nowadays they omit playing
"Thoro'll Bo a Hot Time in tho Old
Town Tonight," and nilistltuto in its
placo tho popular air, "Gathering Up
tho Shells from tho Sea Shore."
Right in tho middle of our educa
tional exhibit at tho Paris exposition
should bo an American gunner and a
18-inch gun. Tho p&ir of them has ed
ucated Europe to a high degroo since
May 1, 1898.
can't get married, and whenever sho
gets mad sho Ian tips 1110. I hato to
nay such things about my sister but it's
so, audi I writo to inquire if you can't
stop IreV licking mo or got hor a bus
baud, Av old thing will do, so it's a
Notwithstanding the groat noiso wo
aro hoaring about mismanagement iu
tho army, it scorns to have boon trtio
always that in war pestilence killed
more men than bullets did; in this war
it is snid, moro men might die of dis
ease than in battle, but tiro disportation
of othor days would not bo seon. In
tho Crimean war England lodt 24,000
8,400 killed in battle or who died of
their wounds, and 20,244 of disease.
Tho French lost C3.244 80 per ceut by
diseaso. In tho civil war tho federal
atmy lostG7.058 men in battlo, 43,021
diedof wouuds, whilo 109,720 died of
disease, Ex.
run. David was a groat long distance
thrower. Moses shut out tho Egyp
tians at tho Red soa. Ex.
Ono of our exchanges makes tho as
sertion that tho garao of baso ball was
originated in 1800. That is false. Iho
ilrst gamo of baso ball was playod in
tho timo of Adam and Evo. Tho dovil
was tho lirst coach, ho coaohed Evo
when sho stole Ilrst. Adam stole sec
ond. When Isaao met Rebooca at tho
woll sho was walking with tho pitcher.
Sampson struok out a good many times
whon ho beat tho Phillistinos, Moses
mado his first run when ho slow tho
Egyptians. Cain mado a baso hit whon
ho killed Abol. Abraham mado a sacri
fice. Tho prodigal son mado a home
Young follow horo is something to
romombor: If your lot is to bo placed
among strangors, tho fact that you aro
a republican will give you a better
guarantco of character than a trunk
full of letters of rocommondatlon. Tho
republican boy boliovos that! he can
succeed by hard work. Supposo a
good business man wants to employ a
young man for a difllcult and responsi
ble position will ho seok ono who has
boon taught that tho country it going
to tho dogs, that honosty doesn't pay,
that ono can't succeed by work or
merit; or will he sooL ono who boliovos
the opposito? To bo a republican is a
good way to succeed; republicanism
promotos happiness; it brightens tho
intellect, warms tho hoart and elevates
tho charactor. Republicanism should
bo tho faith of overy ambitious man,
young or old. Populism is all right for
the fellow who has struck tho bottom
and nevor intends to mako an effort to
gat up again. Ex.
Help is wanted whon tho nerves
bocomo weak and tho appotito fails.
Hood's Sarsaparilla gives help by mak
ing tho blood rich, puro and nourish
ing, Got only Hood's.
Hood's Pills aro easy to tako, easy to
oporatd. Curo indigestion, sick bead-ache,
. jyhtw
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