The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1898, Image 8

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Av Tc
THEN iniu.8iivmm
Cure sick headache, bad m B
taite In tlie moiitli, runted Bp ill
tongue, h.h In the stomach, 1 III 9
dltm nml InillKettlon. Do ' S
not weaken, but have tonic effect. 25 rents.
Tin only I'llla to take with Hood's Hareaiarllla.
Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax.
There is no greater hardship than to be de
prived of your
and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax
will give up most any thing to get it. 10c. buys
a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other
kind of hi$h grade quality.
Remember the name
when you buy again.
Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles!
Bo fitted nccurntolr. perfectly and speedily by ono who vm do it.
LATEST GRADUATE OPTICIAN. I havo the fluent and most Vomploto
I hnvo the finest and
in tho valley. Am better equipped for and
Will fit you better and cheaper
trial caso for testing tho oyoa
do the optical business of this county
than can bo dono olsowhore.
,hUtiiiiili.toMiilMMi t r.nnA Moxm Plnnlr ?nv ln
When you como to buy this clock
you will find that I havo them and
will not try to soil you something
higher priced. You will find all I
offer for salo equally cheap, such as
numn i
Willi do vour complicated watch
i. a. it i.t. jt... a it ,l,. An int work cheaper and bettor than it can
IftheHnesinWdiamondflwdoBbdono 0fBewllBPOt WIllE Mtln
appear equally Mack in all the different FinKrRng.BaeastPins and Brace-
i meridians, n iuiucui-i uoicv -. nta-:nfllin while von wait Enarav-
1 ftssasttftsaatt ft ssr-ssftas sft-f"
Watch examiner for B. & M.
Jowolor and Graduate Optician. t
Splendid 160 aore
farm, near Blue Hill
and Bladen.
Northwest quarter
13-4-12, now
oocupied by
Washington Reed.
Will sell on small
cash payment,
balance on long time.
Apply or write to,
Leonard Everett
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
TM0Pft d
sljjjC TM
HasVIV T 'CP'ur
9Tv MPPfiHr
Host fascinating Inven
tion of the axe Always
ready to entertain. It
requires no iklll to oper
ate It and reproduce the
music of bands, orches
tras, TocalistJ or Instru
mental soloists. There Is
nothing Ilka It for an evening's entertainment.
Other so-called talking machines reproduco
only records o! cut-and-drled subjects, specially
prepared m a lauonunry, uui mc uiiiiui'uo
Is not limited to such performance. On tho
tiraphophono you can easily mnko and InMantly
reproduce records of the voice, or any sound.
Thus It constantly awakens new Interest and
Its charm Is ever fresh. The reproductions are
clear and brilliant.
GraHwkwes " iM w "
Manufactured tinder the ratenta of Ittll.Talnter,
Kittson unit Mardonald. Our establishment Is tannd
uaHcn orihn world forTalSlngMarhlnesanil
Talking Machine rtupuilcs. Writ for catalogue.
720-729 OllvoSt.,8T. LOUI8 MO.
NSW toiik. rinis. CU1CAU0.
ffm Cl.fcdT, KaUui DlaaMd Brul
Pennyroyal pills
I CN. ritMla4pmlyea.te. k
WJ '.j&SS. art, alaj nlbUt, uona uk A
mnJmrmU la Ito4 aa uM BM41U.VUV
um, mm wiia mi nwo. -rax vw
miSW m hiim urn
warn wmmmmmtm, wniPMviiiHMi
iXT W iijSFft
tT Mian
0.-ail.a i'lac
1'UIIiAIIA., rA-
City and country calls promptly an
swered day or nigbt.
Dmcic ovbb Cottino's Dnoo Stobk.
California randies.
Kx-Mliiistur II. M. Stiwall Is to lie up
pdintfil UnltL'il Stall's governor of
Hawaii. ,
Tho liiHt of Gun. Slmftor's iiiiny has
Railed from Santiago (it tho Unlti'd
Thu Kiis.shn navy will adopt dyna-
inlto Rims In cnnsciucnc( of tholr que
eesH in Cuba.
Gen. Iilanco Iiiih ordered tho liber
ation of 144 Cuban political prisoners
from tho Islo of Pine
Tho queen recent of Spain lias signed
the royal decree convoking the cortcs
for September C.
lluntsvllle, Alabama is to have thu
largest military camp in tho soutli,with
nearly 40,000 soldiers.
Two companies of Hood's regiment
of immuues have arrived in bantltigo
from Gtiantanoma Ha.
Tho Japanese newspapers favor an
alliance betweon tho United States,
Great Ilritnin and Japan.
Surgeon Lipplnrolt, with Gen. Mer
ritt at Manila, has cabled urgent or
ders for medical anil surgiea) supplies.
A Iterlln uo.vspaper proposes that
the Samoati islands bu divided between
England, Germany and tho United
The American garrison at Santiago
will consist of two brigades of Infantry
Imniunes, under command of Genoral
Lieut. Hobson was Indorsed for pres
ident by thu Kloyd county, Indiara.
populists in convention at New Albany
last week.
Tho tranHPortSeandia will take from
San Francisco to Manila about 81,000,
000,000 for tho paymunt of our soldiers
and seamen.
Tho United States transport Comal
has sailed from Tampa for Havana with
ono million rations for free distribtitlo
to starving Cubans.
Residents of tho coast towns in Spain
object to tho camping of troops from
Santiago in their vicinity, from fear of
tho spread of disease.
While peace negotiations aro in pro
gress Admiral Sampson's fleet will be
kept intact with a view to meeting any
emergency which may arise.
Gen. Polavioja, who is regarded as
tho possible dictator of Spain, says tho
Spanish people are thoroughly disgust
ed with tho present leaders.
Miss Helen Gould, daughter of the
late Jay Gould, has given 925,000 to
buy food and dolicacies for sick sol
diers returned from Santiago.
Gen. Wood has arranged to have all
of tho schools in Santiago opened on
September loth. Tho element of sec
tarianism has boon abolished.
Tho Cuban general, Castillo, who is
now in New York,' says the Cubans
have been misrepresented in their deal
ings with the American troops.
Fivo hundred Cubans aro said to
have been killed or wounded in en
gagements with Spaniards sinco tho
signing of tho peace protocol.
Unole Sam is tho possessor of 20,000
new first class rifles. Ten thousand
Mausors were captured at Santiago
and tho samo number at Manila.
The large balloon, with generators
and gas compressors, used by our army
at Santiago, will be shipped to Omaha
for temporary use at tho exposition.
It was once supposed that tho world
could not get along without Havana
tobacco. Tho rapid improvement of
tho American crop has dispelled that
Tho Manila cablo was cut May 2 and
restored August 21. Admiral Dewey
managed to get along without a dally
identical note from tho concert of Eu
rope. v
The fighting at Manila shows anew
that tho American voluuteor can neith
er bo driven from a position nor kept
out of a line of works ho is ordered to
Ten days woro required to get tue
news of the hoisting of the flag over
Hawaii. We noed a cable to tho is
lands and no doubt it would be good
Tho Omaha exposition managers
havo Invited Admiral Sampson to par
ticipate in tho peaco jubilee as a repre
sentative of tho navy on army and
navj day.
Tho Superintendent of tho Chicago
schools purposes teaching Spanish to
enablo tho boys who so desiro to ut
themselves for business in our now
Gen. Pando's recont visit to Mexico
was for tho purposo of enlisting the aid
of wealthy Spaniards to establish a
colony for Spanish soldiers in that
It is roported that Gen. Garcia, upon
entering Gibara, slapped tho customs
administrator in tho face, and after
wards ordered a negro to boat him with
1 ft machete.
Gen. Shatter says ho could not havo
supplied Ills army at Santlng but for
thu pack mules. Tho Missouri product
can bo .tolled upon when tho troops get
In a light place.
El Ilotuldo asserts that In viuwof tho
existing difficulties regatding tho ap
pointment of tho peace commissioners,
It is possible tho cortcs may bo called
to make nominations.
Tho four big monitors, Terror, Puri
tan, Miantouomah and Amphltrite, and
tho cruiser Montgomery havo boon or
dered from Cuba and Porto Rleo to
Newport, Rhodu Island.
A foreign paper says that wo gain
nothing by tho war with Spain is not
aware how much icllef it is to get rid
of tho everlasting Cuban revolts and
talk about lllllbustering.
Spain feels too weary at present lo
eugago in a i evolution. The Spanish
people havo changed their opinion
about war. It is too full of startling
surprises to suit their tastes.
It is claimed that the American range
lindorwill soon bo materially improved.
Spain would bo glad to borrow tho old
ones, along with some Yankeo instruc
tions in the art of using them.
Tho eighteen new warships projected
by tho navy department will cost$3'2,
000,000. If thov aro fast enough the
country will take it for granted that
thov will bo satisfactory in other re
In tho opinion of tho American peo
ple every man on our licet lias been ad
vanced nt least twenty numbers, and
this will count for something In tho
fostorin? caro bestowed upon our
Four commissions, each half com
posed of Americans, will soon bo in
session in Paris, Quebec, Havana auil
San Juan. Tho smoothest part of tho
work will likely bu performed in thu
Canadian city.
r ss ses eb i si a e s e
IP A 111 fflk
H 7TiKirnni Kl
cut owwpr this tpcm wiu. eo K9f
ni.cjnjBiN:RBWjycr Mr
A Beautiful
FREE for a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To induce you. to try this brand of
starch,so that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority and econ
omy are true, the makers have had prepared,
at great expense, a series of
exact reproductions of the $io,ooo originals by Muville, which will be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below.
These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No
manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers. They arc not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in
the manner specified. The subjects arc:
American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant,
English Quail, English Snipe.
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold.
has been the standard for as years.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's how good it is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch. Accept
no substitute.
How To Get Them:
AH purchaccrs of three 10 cent or
six Scant pnckoircs of Elastic Btnrcli
(Flat Iron Hrnnil), aro entitled to ro
colvo from tholr grocer ono of tlioso
txmutlful Clame Plaque free. Tho
plaques will not bo eont by mall.
Tlioy can bo obtained only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not delay. This olTer
Is for a short tlmo onlj.
Burlington Bouto California Excur
sions. ; Cheap, quick, eomfortable. Leave
Umalui 1:1)5 p.m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. and
Hastings 8:b0 p.m. every Thursday in
clean, modern, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Los
Angoles over tho scenic route through
Denver and Salt Luke City. Cars are
carputed; upholstered in rattnn; huvo
spring seats and backs and aro provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters and experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make the overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths 15.
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Route tiiket
office, or write to J. Francis, G. P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scanty, urine, Dr. Fennors Kidney
and Backache Cure is what you want.
Bed-wetting by children is gonorally
cured by ono bottle of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
many people doubting the honesty or
sincerity of them, wo therefore avoid
riving any here, but will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso namo is
given below. If not satisfied alter us
ing ono bottlo your money will bo re
funded by C. L. Cotting.
We use the X Rays In the Ex
mlnatlon of Diseaati.
H JM jy A BtL A 9 K pjBMtfm Bgrl isiBiiiHtKiiJBBIfLBsffll
Some More Exoursions via tho Bur
lington Route.
Cincinnati and return $20.55, Sep
tembor 2, 8, 4, 5, for national encamp
ment G. A. R.
Hot Springs, South Dakota and re
turn $10, August 26 and Soptomber 10.
Tickets good thirty days.
Custer, S. D., and return $25.00, Aug
ust 20 and Soptenbor 10.
JoOmaha and return, extraordinarily
low, every day until close of Trans
Mississippi Exposition.
Call and see mo about any of tho
A. Conovku, Agont.
This la the Largaat, Oldeat and Only Reaponalble Sanitarium
In the Country. Call and Consult us, or Write a Description ef
Your Case, and We will Give Our Opinion and the Probable Cost
ef a Cure. If Others Have Failed, Don't be Discouraged. We
Have Cured Hundreds that Have Been Pronounced Incurable
and Given uptoDle. Addressall Communications to Dr.C. M.Coe,
Kansas City, Mo, We have treated and cured thousands of cases in the
past twelve years, and it is only reasonable to say that our large experience is a
sufficient guarantee of success. We make it our business to keep apace with the
progress of the age, always adding the latest inventions to our Sanitarium, there
by giving our patients the advantage of the latest improvements as well as omr
many years of experience. All leading lines of Commercial business have long
since adopted the practice of sending out men to represent them, and we find it a
source of great convenience to send out from time to time, one of our Physi
cians whose duty it is to further examine and consult our patients, thereby
enabling us to bring about the most speedy and satisfactory results.
Kin order that our patients in your vicinity may have the advantage of far
ther consultation, one of our Physicians will visit your town with an X-Ray
Apparatus, and other instruments necessary for the complete examination of
disease. If you are afflicted, or in any way in need of Medical or Surgical aid,
call aad see the Doctor, who will give you any information yon may desire
concerning the manner and method of this Sanitarium. $
Den't Ferget the Dates. v Come and Get an Opinion of Yeur CI
Consultation and Examination Free.
Ghieago Lumber Yafd,
When you call for DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Balve the great Pile cure, don't
accept anything elso. Don't be talked
into accepting a substitute for piles,
for sores, for burns. C. L. Cotting.
A stubborn cough or tickling in tho
throat yields to One Minuto Cough
Cure. Harmless in offoct, touches the
right spot, reliable ana just wuat is
wanted. It actsBtonco. C. L. Cotting.
Try Allen's Foot Ease.
A powder to bo shaken into tho shoo.
At this season your feet foelswoolon,
nervous and hot, and got tired easily.
If you have smarting foot or tight shoes
try Allen's Foot Easo. It cools tho feet
and makes walking easy. Cures swool
en and sweating feet, blisters and cal
lous spots. RolievoB corns and bunions
of all pain and gives rest and comfort.
Try it today, sow oy an uruggisw
nnd shoo stores for 25o. Trial paokago
froo. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.
You Invito disappointment when you
experiment. DoWitt's Littlo Early
Risers aro pleasant, easy, thorough lit
tlo pills. They euro constlpatiou and
sick headache just as sure as you tako
them. C L. Cotting.
Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement.
LUMBER AND CO At material. Etc.
Red Cloud,
FAhh TERM-Opens Sent. 6.
inc-uns 10 auenu me college.
Work for Hoard This enables those short of
EXPOSITION You can attend the college and
Exposition at the samo time. CATAlOi.UK Free to anyone; ateo clejjnnt.
specimens or I'enmansnlp ana Pes Art. i.ihkali urrtsit bena us 00 names
of young men and women and we will send you The Western Educator free
tor ess yam-. AMrMS MMBMWei JUkMU Oasaa. Via
v, WdttWtuhdni
A V t?
w-.7"E -rsvjua ,