The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1898, Image 5

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    "jsr.rtvSv.m. ..?? iw-fE,.w&&xfim.AiH0!!l9bt&ll
Royal make the food pure,
wholesome and dellelout.
I j
! f
Absolutely Pure
Frank Lindsoy has gone to Superior.
DMiss Vtinco Foo was in Inavalo this
Dillaid Bedford is homo from his tiip
to Omtihn.
is visiting friends, in
Myrtle Kaley
Guide Kock.
Miss Jessie Kellogg left yesterday
for Lincoln to nttend school.
D.ivid Schnffnit and wife have re
turned to their homo in Illinois.
C. 13. Crono and daughter Edna have
been visiting in Omaha this week.
Hardware, tin wnro.woodenware, and
the best cutlery at W. W. Wright's.
Edgar Cotting has gono to Beloit,
Wisconsin, whore ho will enter college.
For fire, lightning and tornado insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
H. Fort.
Will Brewer after n pleasant visit
hero with tho folks, left Sunday for his
home in Kansas city.
Will Duckor loft Monday morning
for Pawneo City, whore he will teach
in tho public schools.
Harry Pond and wife and son Earl
left Wednesday morning for Omaha to
take in tho exposition.
W. U. Stovons loft this morning for
Indianapolis, Indiana, to visit a whilo
at his former old home.
Mrs. Josio Cadman of Bloomington
arrived Tuesday morning on a visit
with O. C. Tool and family.
Geo. W. Baker and wife of Lester
loft this morning for the National G. A.
R. encampment at Cincinnati, Ohio.
C. J. Pope and wifo, Mrs. Lennlo
Stetson of Wisconsin and Ralph Pope
havo gone to Colorado Springs for pn
Tho two trombone players in tho
Dick P. Sutton theatre ban i are former
pupils of Bandmaster Carl Jenkins of
this city.
Mrs. O. C. Caso of this city and Miss
Elizabeth Blown of Cowled left the
first of the week for a visit at tho ex
position at Omaha.
MNs Mary DoTour and N. Edberg,
employes f tho Hastings asylum, are
visiting in tho city, tho guests of An
drew Dei g un ii wife.
Wo aro making n display of tho linest
lino of hats ever brought to Red Cloud.
Coino in and seo them Tub Cowden
Kalev Clothing Co.
Mrs. W. A. Smith of Oborlin, Kan
sas, on her way liomo from Ohio, stop
pod off and visited with Operator Hayes
and family Tuesday.
Hoiiry Newhouso returned Thursday
evening (torn Peoria, Illinois, where ho
has been letHiving instruction at Par
son's Uorological Institute.
V. II. Scrivncr, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable por cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Cards havo boon sent to friends an
nouncing tho coming marriage cf Mlsi
Graco Fort to Mr. John Wiles which
happy event will tako place Wednesday
Sept. 14th, at tho homo of L. H. Fort.
An oxchango tells of a woman who
"was kicked by a cow just abovo tbo
creamery." Whilo our knowledgo of
anatomy may bo somewhat limited wo
infer from tho above that tho woman
was kicked just below her chin.
All parties intcsested in tho Ploasant
JIlll olmotcry nre requested to meet at
tho cemetery on Wednesday, Septem
ber 7th, at 4 p.m. sharp, for tho pur
poso of clearing off weeds and other
wise improving tho appearance of tho
grounds. C.C. Cox, Secretary.
The convention of tho dcsciplcs of
Christ In Webster county hold last
wook ntCowles was well attended and
a most enjoynblo session hold. Many
good things woro brought out in tho
program and reports. All woro loud in
rJP.helr pralso of tho loyal cntertninmont
Poultry car on track every two
weeks regular funi now on. Watoli
ihi space for due and pi Ices Next
oar Monday aft()riion, August 20, at H.
M.'depot, Rod Cloud, Nohr. Prices
paid in cash, lions Oo per pound. High
est market piico for other kinds of
poultry. H. Fisiiback, Shipper.
Mrs, E. 6. bucket' was in Guide Hock
Miss Maty Dutour of Hastings is vis
iting friends here.
Mrs. Win. Bonso loft Thursday on a
visit to Tecuuisoh, this stato.
Come and Iook over our assortment
of gasoline stoves. W. W. Wkioiit.
Mrs. J. II. Romsbcrg is homo from a
visit with her daughter in Now Mexico.
W. W. Wright will put in your
plumbing and work of that kind cheap.
Charloy Kaloy and Cloyd Cummings
aro in Omaha this weeK viowing tho
Thus. Kralik aud wifo returned Wed
nesday evening from their visit to
Ciestou, Iowa.
Dr. E. S. Reed is in Omaha this week
attending a meeting of the National
Dental Association.
Ed Dyer of Hastings H in the city
this week visiting with his patents Mr.
and Mis. Sam Dyer.
Mrs. S. F Spokeslield left Wednes
day for Omaha to huy her fall stock of
millinery aud view tho exposition.
The Bed Cloud band has been en
gaged to entertain tho public at tho
coming old soldier's reunion at Super
ior. Miss Nellie West loft Wednesday
morning for Falls City where sho will
tako up hor duties as teacher in tho
public schools.
Mrs. Lizzie Mann, aunt of Oscar Pat
mor, who has been visiting frionds hero
loft this morning for hor homo at
Springvillo, Iowa.
A good many aro still in arrears on
subscription who might just as well
pay up now and tako advantage of our
offer of premiums.
Butler, tho harness man, is making
special sales on all goods, and is mak
ing special pi icos. Seo him before you
buy anything in his lino.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of hvo years at 3 por
cont. On schools houses, churches and
farm proporty on the installment plan.
Drop him a card. at Rod Cloud, Nob.
During the mustering out period let
us not overlook tho pops. Whilo they
do not show any desiro to abandon
camp, it is expressly understood that
they aro needed in their respective
Mrs. D. F. Trtinkey is home from
A. Morhart Is homo from his trip to
Kansas City.
Seo Butler, tho harness man, before
buying anything in bis line.
Mrs. Prlbyl of Barnostou, this st ato
arrived last night on a visit to friends
For lire, lightning and tornado insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
II. Fort.
Miss Stella Duckcr left Thursday
morning for Falls City where sho will
teach school.
J. W. Vest and wifo left this wcok on
an overland trip to visit friends in
Obcilln, Kansas.
When you want good, hand made
harness at reasonable price, go to J. O.
Butler's harness shop.
G. R Chancy is impioviug his pi op
city in tho northwest part of town by
building a largo addition to it.
Jacob Hlllar.s and sons Bernard and
Emit, father and brothers of Mrs. Oscar
Tool, have been hero from Iowa on a
Henry Holtznmu who' for a mouth
past has bien sojourning iu Kansas
city and vicinity, returned homo Tues
day night.
D. F. Truukoy. son Charlos and
daughter May accompanied by Maudo
Mlllor loft this morning for tho Omaha
Miss Tilla McClelland and sister
Graco returned homo Monday night
from a several months visit with their
sister at Shickloy.
Tho Misses Ollio and Carrio Wray of
Norton, Kansas, aro visiting with the
families of R. C. andPhilan Loggott
south of tho river.
Mark Lawretson, of the depot force
hero, has bcon sont to Cowlcs to act as
station agent during tho nbsonco of tho
agent nt that placo. Elmer Cront is
holping at the dopot in his absence.
Lieutenant Hadden of Co. I, Third
Nebraska, camo tn Wednesday night
on No. 15, accompanying tho corpse of
W. II. Benson of tho same company
who died at Jacksonville, Florida, to
his home at Rivorton.
Goo. McCrary of Blue Hill vas heic
this wcok.
People aro now trying every way
possible to keep cool and wishing for
cool weather. It will only be a short
timo until tho same fellows will be
making it his business to keop warm
and wishing for warmer weather.
A. P. Howard, who was lately ap
pointed substituto mail clerk on tho
Lako Shore, has been assigned to
trains 28 and 35, running between
Clovoland nnd Chicago. He will as
sumo his duties August 27th. Goshen
(Ind.) Daily News.
For tho annual reunion of tho old
soldiois and bottlers at Oxford, Neb
raska, September 7 to 10, 1809, the Bur
lington will sell tickets at one and one
third faio for tho lound trip from all
points within 75 miles. Tickets sold
September 7, with liual limit for roturn
to September 12 A. Conoveh, Agent.
Married At the residonco of W. II.
McKinuey in Norton, Kansas, on Aug
ust 28th, at u p. m., Mr. T. E. McKin
noy of Hildieth, Nebraska, and Miss
Sadio Munson of Red Cloud, Rev. J.
W. Coartner of tho U. B. church of
ficiating. After tho ceremony tho new
ly wedded couple, together with tho
nuineroi.a gtiejts, were seated to an
elegant supper which had been pre
pared for tho occasion and to which
all did justice
Tho farmers if Nebraska, generally
speaking, am not grumbling much this
year because tho corn crop is not so
big as it bus beon. Though it is cut
down about a third, perhaps on tho av
erage, this still gives them a crop up to
tho average of tho loss favored states.
But in sonic counties the great crop of
wheat raised this year will sell for
nioro, notwithstanding the price has
fallen, than tho entire farm crops fold
for last year, and last year was a good
year, too. There is a vast storo of last
year's corn on hand in tho cribs, and
thoro will bo plenty to feed tho cattlo
and tho swino.
A dispatch from Jacksonville, Fla.,
dated last Monday, says': "William P.
Benson of company I, third regimont,
died Saturday of typhoid fever, at
Jacksonville, Florida. News reached
Adjutant-General Barry's ofllco yester
day In Colonel Bryan's dally telegraph
report. Tho company in which Mr.
Benson was n member was made up at
McCook and Indianola, but from tho
wording of tho colonel's mossago Mr.
Bonjon'o homo was at Rivorton. Tho
mossago said that Mr. Benson died on
Saturday afternoon of typhoid fever
and that Lieutenant lladdcn started
jcteiilay itinrniiig nlih tl-.i n mains
aud w-.uld iiMdi Rivi-itoti Tin sdiiy
evening 'I'll. inoieaso of Moknoss in
tho Tulid regiment i.sMlumiug frierds
of tho ii-giimuit who Hm thought thoto
would bo littlo sickness at Jacksonville."
Cards havo boon sent to frionds an
nouncing tbo coming marriage of Miss
Nollio Reed of Campbell and Mr. Goo.
F. M. Newhouso of this city, which
happy event will take placo on Wed
nesday, August 14th, nt the homo of
tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wash.
Reed of Campbell.
Jos. Warner returned tho first of tho
week from a visit with his brother
Mark in Wyoming, bringing with him
his two nephews Del and Laird who
will go to school horo. Ho brought
homo as souvenirs of tho trip a couplo
of boar teeth taken from the jaw of one
of theso animals killed by Mark.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postotlice at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Sept. 1st,
Hayes, Fenlo Hackonborg, W. N.
McColgan, S M. Williams, Mrs. R. M.
These letters will bo sent to the dead
lottor oMco Sept. 14th, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo plcaso
say advertised. T. C. Hackeu. P. M.
Wo aro told by one who drives around
tho country that tho war that has just
closed has so filled the farmers with
patriotism that as they drive around
tho Held plowing for wheat, you may
hear them addressing their horses by
tho command "Forward, march," and
stopping them by "halt." Tho more
patriotic say "right about, march" and
"loft about, march" instead of "gee"
and "haw," while tho timo honored
"back" has bcon replaced by I'retreat.'
A Fleshy
Did you ever see one?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con
sumption is a disease that
invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Scott's Emuslion
of cod liver oil ivllh hypo
phosphites. No remedy
is such a perfect prevent
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to weaken and you
find you are losing flesh,
you should begin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so many cases
of consumption. Unless
you are far advanced with
this disease, Scott's Emul
sion will hold every in
ducement to you for a
perfect cure.
Scott A BowNy,Chemliti, W.V. I
Mrs. John Holcomb loft Tuesday
a trip to Chicago.
Goo. McCall of Guide Bock spent
Sunday in tho city,
Mrs. Harry Couover loft for her home
nt McCook Sunday night.
Mrs. G. V Stnrks of McCook is visit
mg Will Mitchell and family.
Miss (iraco Garbcr returned from a
sovoral week's trip east the last of the
Mils Ella Homsberg loft Wednesday
night for Denver where sho will teach
Miss Helen Wright left Tuesday for
a visit with Miss Ada Howard at Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa.
Will Crnblll and wife and Mrs. O. E.
Raiiiey left Monday for a visit nt tho
old homo at Winchester, Vligmla.
J no. Earner left Thursday night for
Bolo City, Idaho, on a tour of inspec
tion of thu country in that vicinity.
Mrs. W. S. Garbor and children of
Falls City, tills stato, arrived Monday
niphton a visit to hor father, W. N.
William Parkcs returned Thursday
morning from a sovoral weeks' sojourn
In tho mountains of Colorado near Col
orado Springs.
Tho Union Firolnsurnnco Company
is tbo best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 por cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
Mrs. Husssong and tho two baby
girls start on a trip to tho old Ohio
homo to bo gone about a month, leav
ing hero on September 3.
Tho parties who comprised tho jury
in tho Guido Rock caso will tako kindly
to the uniquo way in which tho Annus
poked thorn in tho ribs on their verdict.
Writo to J. Francis, General Passon-
ger agent Burlington Route, Omaha,
for handsomo 32-pago pamphlot do
scriptivo of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex
position, f roo.
More than twenty million froo sam
ples of DoWitt's Witeh Hazol Salvo
havo been destributod by tho manfac
turers. What bettor proof of their con-
fldenco in its morita do you want? It
cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in tho
shortest spaco of timo. C. L. Cotting.
Cr.osiNQ Out Sale I havo decided
to oloso out my entire stock of dry
goods, boots, shoes, bats, caps, notions,
groceries, hardware, quoonswaro and
sail. I must sell to pay indebtedness.
It will pay every farmer to call in and
got somo of these bargains. I will sell
my entire stock nt n big discount for
cash. A good chance for somo ono
with capital to ongago in business. I
will sell the building or ront it. G. A.
Haiikis, Cowlcs, Nebraska.
D. Carson, n traveling man sixty
thrco years of ago mot with a serious
accident at Inavalo whilo trying to
board train 144 whilo it was in motion.
Ho tripped on a mail sack lying on tho
platform and losing his hold on tho
hand rail fell between tho platform and
tho train. Tho prompt assistance of
station agont saved him from having
his head cut off by tho whools. Ho was
brought to Red Cloud and his injuries
woro dressed by Dr. McKeoby. Ho re
ceived a bad cut on the head and a
badly bruised back and kneo besides
other bruises over tho body. Ho lives
at Kearney.
Mr. Jesse W. Reiglo of Rod Cloud
and Miss Laura F. Michaels of Inavalo
woro united in tho holy bonds of mat
rimony on Wednesday afternoon Aug
ust 81st at 2 o'clock, at tho residonco
of tho bride's parents Mr. nnd Mrs.
Harry Michaels, Rov. A. G. Blackwoll
officiating. About twenty-live rela
tives and frionds witnessed tho cere
mony nnd partook of a most excel
lent dinner provided for tho occasion.
This young couplo aro well and favor
ably known and start on tholr married
life with tho well wishes of a host of
friendsi Thoy left Thursday morning
for a few week's visit in the eastern
part of tbo stato and will roturn via.
Omaha and tako iu tho exposition.
Tho Guido Rock assault and battery
oaso camo up for a bearing on a ohango
of vonuo from Porter's court to that of
Justico Yeisor on Monday morning.
Tho complaint nmondod by Judgo Por
ter was found to bo irregular and tho
caso war. dismissed by Yolser. A now
complaint was then issued and
fomlants again arrested and tho trial
beforo a jury was held tho next day.
The testimony from witnesses on each
side scorned to bo truthfully given from
each sides observation of tho light and
showed conclusively that Jones had
given Boblnson n good licking for mnk
remarks which hail better boon unsaid.
The ciiho also developed tho fact that
theio is an iindercurieiit of old grudge
between Prouillll uuil Uoblnsoii in
whioh the latter Hied to got even by
btiiigitig in the inline of n young laity
who has the iispect of ovimjomh
thioiighnut tho county. Tho following
verdict was hi ought in: "Wo tho jury
tind tho defendants guilty of assault
but tho assault was justifiable."
The prisoners were then turned looso.
We are Ready
to show you the best nnd cheapest line of
you ever saw. Seo our
It is a pleasure for us to show
you goods.
I Remember the Name.
I ComdeD-Haley Clothing Co. i
if Is
M One Price Clothiers. m
m Wiener's Old Stand. $j&
i " I
Futniture and Undertaking
Wall Paper, Carpets and Curtains,
i The largest lino of Furnituro in tho Ropublcan valley and nt prices as low
as can bo found anywhere. If you aro intending lo purnhnso anything
in tho furniture lino uetoro purciiasiug call in, anil sea uiy lino of
Parlor and Bed Room Sets,
Rockers and Dining Chairs,
Bookcases, Sideboards, Sofas,
China Closets, Iron Bedsteads,
Kitchen Cabinets, Safes, Etc;,
or anything usually found in a first olass furnituro store
eity Bfav andiExpms tone.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest!
You owe your eves that of properly eating
for them, You can't bo too caroful with na
ture's greatest blessing, and tho most deli
cate organs your eyes. Noarly every hu
man being has
Defective - J3y& m Slg:lt - J
Our skilled oatloian examines eyes froo. Come in and let him oxam
Ino your oyos. If you don't require glasses he will tell you so.
Only regular doctor of rofarctlon in tho county.
rveX'V'lHOITLSiO Jl-5X0S
Jewelers und Opticians. j
JSTTIio veiy finest Watch, Clock aud Jewolav Repairing
tion guaranteed.
' I
WMi 'S-