The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1898, Image 4

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Oh, How Thankful
Pain Was Mnddonlng and Hope
Had Boon Abandoned -Wondor-
f ul Results of Purifying tho Blood.
" A very severe pain catno In my loft
knee, which grow worito and worse, and
finally a iioro broke out above tho knee.
It discharged a great deal and tho pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purpln nnota appeared on my
leg. I Buffered In this way for years,
and gavo up all hopo of ever being cured.
My wlfo wan reading of a case like mlno
oourod by Hood's Baraaparllla, and alio
advised mo to try It. I began taking It
and when 1 had usod a fow bottles I
found rollcf from my aufforlng. Oh,
how thankful I nm for this rollcf 1 I am
ntrongor than 1 have over been In my life.
1 am In tho bent of health, havo n good
nppctlto nnd nm n now man altogether."
J. I. Mooiih, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Iitlm licit III fart tlio Ono Trim Wood I'lirlflrr.
Hood's Pills euro nil liver llh. us cents.
runumiKi) ar
v. l. McMillan.
One year 1 JO
Jlxmonths M
Entred at tbo poll office at lied Cloud, Nob.i
lecond clan mall matter.
For Oovernor,
Of Otoe County.
For Lieutenant Qovernot,
Of Gage County.
For Secretary of State.
0. DURA8,
Of Saline County.
For Auditor of Tubllo Accounts,
Of Ilodge County.
Of Valley County.
For Superintendent of Public luitructlon,
Of Laueaiter County
For Attorney General. ,
Of Antelope County.
For Land Commissioner,
Of PuiikIiu Comity
For Kepresentatlvo,
For County Attornoy.a
For Commissioner, 3d District.
For Commissioner, Mh District,
Kansas hml n Ittatu uf pituipurity last
year and this your and the people down
thero liko It so well thoy want it con
tinued. It is cstiiuated that tho repub
licans will carry Kunsas from 15,000 to
- .
Ono of our prominent populist
friends, when ho read II. I). Suther
land's reflections upon President Mu
Klnloy'a war policy, said: "Thntsottles
it with mo. A man who is not big
enough, to appreciate William McKin-
loy's management of this war can't get
my vote. This abuse of tho president
is making hundreds of votes for the re
publican party. Niruty-nino per cent
of our people art) more than satislied
witli the president's conduct of tho
war and havo tho greatest eonlldenco
in him."
Concerning peaco negotiations with
Spain, a special dispatch from Wash
ington says: "Thero appears to bo
only ono thing certain. That is, there
will bo no great haste in making peaco.
While wo aro negotiating llio battle
ships Kentucky and Kearsugo will bo
neuring completion. So will the arm
ored cruiser Albany in Knglntid, and
tho Marin Teresa .i utl Cristobal Colon
will bo repaired. Willi these additious
to our navy tho president will be in
much better condition to take a lirm
The manner in which Congressman
Sutherland assailed the present admin
istration, in his accoptancu speech at
Holdrege, Tuesday, beeauso It did not
declaro war with Spain loug before It
did, acconiuatoi the suspicion that wo
havo had for siiiiio timu that Roderick
Dhu is but n ciiiutiii.n, though perhaps
shrewd politician, without any ol tho
onrmat'Ks of tho statesman or intelli
gent patriotic citizen. Nothing has
paid higher tribute to thu far-seeing
statesmanship of President Mckinley
than tho management of tho Spanish
war, which has becntulsolulolyvwlthout
ti flaw. Roderick might havo told them
about some. of his clever pension
schemes without no much loss of re
spect. McCook Tribune
Tho accounts of thostatoot Nebraska
for expenses for tho supplying, equip
ping nnd paying of volunteer troops
mustered Into the voluuteer army of
tho United States, with the exception
of those Incurred for tho Third regi
mentof infniiirj, are bofui'u the audi
tor of too war t.f.partinenl. They aro
in such Itad form that lliey will havo to
no tfeiit biulc to tin Mate bufio
any action can be tuUi-n upon them.
The not passed by congress provides
that bills accompanied by vouchers
niUBt show that they huvo been paid by
overnor of tho slate on bi-hu.l of
the xtnli , hff"i" i 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 run bo
niiiili' by tin I'mIiimI Slates, Although
his act was passed on July 8, thu gov
rnor of NobtMska has piled upon the
war department an undigested mass of
bills, unreceipted, and which cannot be
passed upon by thu war department. It
will bo necessary for Governor Hoi
comb to present to tho war department
receipted bills for all amounts expend
ed by tho state for war expenses. Un
til this ts ilono, nnd it should have been
dono weeks ngo, no attention whatever
ean bcpald to Nebraska's claim for re
imbursement for expenses incurred in
raising thu threo regiments of volun
teers nnd company pay of tho Third
United Stntcs volunteer cavalry.
m in
Tho republican congressional con
vention which was hold at Holdrege
last Tuesday resulted in tho nomination
by ncclamntion of Captain C. E. Adnms
of Superior, and at no other time has
any other natno boon considered. Tho
platform adopted commumU tho pres
ident and thu republican members in
congress for' delivering this country
from financial distress; points with
pi ido to thu administration for avoid
ing complications with foreign powers
ami looking nftor the interests of Cu
bans; opposes tho removal of the Anier
Icati Hag where it has onco gono up.
It renews allcgienco to tho principle
of sound money, protection and tho
principles of republicanism; ronews al
lcgienco t) old soldiers nud commends
tho volunteers in army aud navy; de
nounces tho political trickery of tho
members of congress from Nebraska
who claim to favor tho old soldiers, but
opposo measures Intended to raueand
pay ponslons. Captain Adams in his
speech boforo tho convention spoke
with fooling and patriotism, showing
that tho president would havo a warm
supporter in him if ho woro sont to
congress. Tho republicans of tho Fifth
congressional district are united and
will make a vigorous light this fall for
Having exhausted all availablo ma
terial in tho criticism of tho wardopurt
mont, tho Infalliblo editors of tho mug
wump persuasion aro beginning to turn
attention to tho "iltiancial blunder" of
Secretary Uago in issuing war bonds
I instead of temporary loan certificates.
The lion;'. hsu," says ono mugwump
sheet, "along with the war revenue,
aut, will pile up in the treasury, out of
tho reach of business, over 9300,000,000
or 1200,000,000 abovo tho fixed gold re
servo, or $160,000,000 and inoro abovo
tho gold reserve plus a generous work
ing balance." Now that tho troublo is
all over, it is easy to say what should
havo boon dono, whon tho country was
in the uuccitaintioj of a foreign war.
In tho light of the battle at Santiago
wo smilo when wo think of tho ecaro
wo nil felt over tho approach of tho
Capo Vordo lleot, with its all devour
ing torpedo boats aud destroyers. As
wo contemplato tho state of tho treasury
wo laugh at the gloomy predictions of
tho mugwumps that wo were certain to
bo involved with two or threo Euro
pean nations aud that wo might como
out of a long aud bloody slrugglo with
our treasury bankrupt and our national
prido humbled in tho dust. As peaco
comes wo glory in tho strength of our
navy as shown by the battles of Manila
and Santiago; and wo have just as much
right to glory in tho condition of our
treasury, coming out of tho
does brimming over with money and
with thu best credit of any on tho globe.
That trcasuiy was prepared for a
frightful war, and If tho expensos of
preparation did amount to something
tho American people can foot tho bill
and be glad that their government was
ready to meet all eventualities. Stato
Republican Senatorial Convention.
Notice is hereby given that a delegate
convention will be held in tho city of
Superior, county of Nuckolls, on tho
tiOlli day of September, 1808, nt 1 p.m.
for thu purposa of nominating one can
didate for state senator and transact
ing nil other business thnt may como
boforo tho convention. Tho sovtrnl
counties comprising the senatorial dis
trict are entitled to representation ns
follows: Nuckolls, 10 delegates; Web
ster, 10 delegates, and Franklin 0 dele
gates. F. W. Hakhkk, Chairman.
H. T. Potter, Secretary.
Musio on tbo Grapbopbono.
Few people upprculuto tho marvelous
power of the Graphophono us an en
tertainer. It is an instrument which,
though it costs much less than tho
least expensive musical instrument,
will enablo its owner to have at pleas
tiro music of any kind from that of
tho bagpipe to that of tho grand mili
tary band. It reproduces vocal selec
tions nnd gives ono command of every
pleasure that appeals to tho sense of
hearing. No investment pays such
large returns in pleasure. Ut-sides re
piodueing the musical and other rec
ords made, for entertainment purposes,
the (irnphophoiiH will record imme
diately and U'l-roiliife nt once and it
often ax i ileiireil, your own wilids i
mug, or. i v M nnd llj writ. ng in tlx
iJoliimhia I'liouiigiaph Company, 720
Vl'l Olivo St., Si. Louis, Mo., you can
obtain a oatalogtiu that will givu full
information ns5to prices of Grapho
phono outtits,
Services each Lord's Day ns follows:
Morning sorvico at 10:80. Subject,
"Homes for tho Homeless."
llible school, 12 in.
Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m.
Sot lor Christian Endoavor 7:15 p.m.
Evening aorvico nt 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Christ and tho Individual."
Excollent rausio each sorvico.
Prayer mooting and biblo study on
Wednesday evenings,
Ladles' Aid Society Friday after
noons. Our pleasant church home nud all
services aro over open to tho public.
L. A. Hussoho, Pastor.
Services next Sunday as follows:
Morning service at 10:110.
Sunday School nt 11:30 a.m.
Junior liCnguo nt 1 p.m.
Senior League nt 7 p.m.
Evening service at 8.
Player meeting on Wcdnvsdny even
ing nt 7:30.
Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon.
Annual conference at Fnirbury, Ne
braska, September 21st.
It is desired to close up the business
of tho conference year September Mtl.
We ask tho help nnd co-operation of
All aro most cordially invited to at
tend. Jamks Makk Dauby, Pastor.
Sorvtces noxt Sunday as follows.
Morning services at 10:80. Subject,
"Tho Lord's Supper."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Juniors meeting at 8 p.m.
Young People's Union meets at 7
p.m. i
Evoning sorvico nt 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Labor Day."
General prayer mooting on Wednes
day ovoning at 8 o'clock.
All cordially invited. Seats free.
Isaac W. Edson, Pastor.
Kogttlar services next Sunday ns
Morning sorvico at 10:30.
Sunday School at 11:45.
YouugJPoople'a Society of Christian
Endoavor at 7 p. in.
Evening sorvico at 8 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting aud con
ference Wednesday eveniug at 8.
All cordially invited to attond theso
Frank W. Dkan, Pastor.
m s
Less than Half Rates to Omaha.
September 5 and 0 tho Burlington
route will sell round trip tickets to
Omaha nt eighty per cent of tho ono
way rate. This remarkable reduction
is modo on account of tho Tourunmcnt
of tho Nationnl Fi Ionian's Association,
September 5 to 7, nud Woodmen of tho
World day, September 0, at tho Trans
Mississippi Exposition.
Other reduced rates almost as low ns
those named above, aro in effect daily
Ask about them.
Masons Take Notice.
Charity Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. M.
will meet for practice this Friday ovon
ing at 8 o'clock. Work will be dono in
the A. E. degree.
A. Galusiia, Secretary.
For Salo.
One hundred and sixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
Rod Cloud, consisting of tbo west half
of the northeast quarter, and the east
liulf of tho northwest quarter of section
fifteen in township two north, tango
eleven west. Tho laud is leased at
present, hut subject to sale. Prico
82,000. Fur further information apply to
Mits. Jamks Kuikwooo,
Fairfax, Mo,
m m
What does it cost to get there y Whon
and how should you go? What should
one take? Whero aro tho mines? How
much havo they produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is
living expensive? What aro ouo's
chnnces of "making a strike"?
Complete and satisfactory replies to
tho abovo questions will be found in
tho Burlington Route's "Klondike
Folder," now ready for distribution,
Sixteen pages of practical information
aud an up-to-date map of Alaska and
tho Klondike. Free at Burlington
Rottto ticket cilices, or sont on receipt
of four cents in stamps by J, Francis,
rassenger Agent, liurllrgton
Route, Onmliu, Nohr.
Rheumatism Curod in a Day.
"Myr.ic Cure," for rheumatism and
neurnlgia radically cures in 1 toil days.
I us action upon the system is remark
able and mysterious. It removes at
once thu cause aud thu diseuso imme
diately disappears. Tho first tloso
greatly iifiK,ni85 to eeiits. b-uij hy II,
E. (iiice, druuRlsl, Red C!Inud,Ni..
Ono Minute Coumi ('iiie sutiilts
people by its quick I'lirt'.s uini i i dn u
may take, It In mj'u "'tnii - w . , i
;ho least danger, it lias won f.u use I
thu best reputation nf any piepamtiou
used today for eohN, eioup, tickling in
tho throat or obstinate coughs. O. L.
Thl Photographer Una at Unlqnt
Method ox StaklBK Voting Mam-
asi Ilappr.
An enterprising photographer bat
lately completed a system by which
his pictures of bnblrs hove become fa
mous, lie has discarded all the fa
miliar expedient of his profession tc
persuade very young children to sub
mit to the camera, and his scheme hat
been completely uccessful. One part
of his galVry litis been fitted up like a
nursery. Around the room at con
venient points arc Bltuatcd cameras
nnd these are In charge of his assist
ants, says Tit-Bits.
The photographer devotes his at
tention to the baby. He trie nil tin
toys In turn, gets on nsintimate tcrmi
as possible with the baby after sue!
short acquaintance, nnd gradually
lures the unsuspecting infant Intc
looking his best. When pose and ex
prcsslon ure satisfactory he gives r
hignnl to one of his assistants at the
enmerns and the trick Is done. Moth
crs bring their babies from nil qunr
ters to tills tactful photographer, ti
would be n difllcult matter to find un.t
child who would not, nfter ten nilii
utes' scs?icn with toys, exhibit somr
expression that his parent would be
proud of. The artist entelitu that ex
pression, and as ninny other agreeable
ones as possible.
The final delight comes to tho moth
er when she receives the proofs, not
sent ns proofs usually are. but mount
ed on a large piece of cardboard, which
makes. It possible for her to compare
them simultaneously. This wise man
has left nothing undone which could
strengthen his hold on the babies ana
their photographs.
nah la Id to Da the Way with the
D4 Vletlsaa of Lake
Another very interesting and very
sad thing about Lake Superior la that
it never gives up its dead, says the Min
neapolis Tribune. Whoever encoun
ters terrible disaster happily Infre
quent In the tourist season and goo
down In the angry, beautiful blue wa
ters never comes up again. From those
earliest days when the daring Freneh
voyagers In their trim birch-bark ca
noes skirted the picturesque shores of
this noble but relentless lukedown to
this present momen those who have
met their deaths in mld-Supcrior still
lie nt the stone-paved bottom. It may
be that, so very cold is the wnter. some
of the bodies niny have been preserved
through the centuries. Sometimes,
not far from the shore, the bodies of
people who have been wrecked from
fishing smacks or from pleasure boats
overtaken by a cruel squall have been
recovered, but only after the most
heroic efforts with a drag-net or by
the dhar. Once on a trip down the
lakes I met a clergyman who, as we
passed a point of land some miles be
fore entering the narrowing of the
lake fi the Soo, pointed out the place
where the ill-fated Algomn went down
on the reef some eight years ago, nnd
ns he looked he said, slowly: "I wus
at the funeral of one mnn who went
down with her, and the only reason
that his body is not at the bottom to
day with the other 38 that were lost
Is because it was caught In the timbers
of tho vessel nnd could not sink."
Suffered 20 Years.
iSk .
nont farmer, and well known by all
old residents near Dclmont, N. Y,.
writes: 'Tor twenty-seven years I had been
a constant aufferer from nervous prostra
tion, and paid largo auras of mouoy for doc
tors and advertised remedies without bene
fit, Threo years ago my condition waa
alarming; tho least nolso would startle and
unnerve me. I was unable to sleep, bad a
number of Binning spells and alowly grew
worse. I began using Dr. Miles' Kcstoratlve
Ncrvluo and Nervo and Llvor Pills. At first
the medicine soemed to bavo no effect, but
after talcing a fow bottloa I began to aotlco
achango; I rested bettor nt night, my appe
tite began to Improve and I rapidly grew
bettor, until now I am as nearly restored
to health as ono ot my ago may expect. God
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases ot tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
n miss'
.Nervine j
DU. Mil 9 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Spooial attention to Commercial aud
Probato Litigation.
vlmst v VM.
. tti& W?1 JgP 4.
PTS,v!il3 --t"jnT)mum a lutm ml promtli.
rK"P' v'f,5J,''veT 1" ui fitoirOray
tad lliut Oouiiti bjrup. Tastes Uood. Ure ff
C3 In time. Bold dt ilrugglns. Kl
During the Battle
The Packers at the Battle of San
tiago de Cuba were alt Heroes.
Their Heroic Efforts in Getting
Ammunition and Rations to the
Front Saved the Day.
P. E. Ilutler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from SattitigodoCubaon Juno
23d, says: "Wo alt had diarrhoea in
mote or less violent form.and when we
landed we had no time to see a doctor,
for it was it cau of rush and rush night
and day to keep the tropps supplied
with ammunition nnd rations, but
thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were nbio
to keep at work aud keep our health;
in fact, I siticiiroly believe Hi it atone
critical time this medicine was Hip di
rect savior of our army, for if tho puoK
crs hnd been unable to work there
would havo been no way of gotting
supplies 'o tho front. Thero were no
roads that u wagon train could cso.
My comrades and myself had tho good
fortune to lay In n supply of this modi
clue for our pack train before wo left
Tampa, aud I know in four cases it ab
solutely saved life."
Tho above letter was written to tbo
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., DesMoines,,
Iowa. For julc by ILE. Grlco.
DoWitt's Witeh Hazel Salvo has the-l
largest Rale of any saWo in the world.
This fact and its merit has lod dishon
est people to attempt to counterfeit it.
Look out for tho man who attompto
to deceive veil whon you call for Do-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve tho groat pile-
euro. Ki.lj. uoiuog.
EVery expectant mother has-
a trying ordeal to face. If oho does not
get ready for it,
there is no telling,
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the best help you can uso at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied sovcral months beforo baby comes,
it makes the advent easy nnd nearly pain
less. It relieves and provents morning;
Bickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves tho distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer-
tnln ,.(). rvnl- nnv flnntrnrnllR nftpr.O.lTncts.
.... . - j i r . i..
Mother's Friend IS good for only one
r,,nai tIt tr rpliiivp motherhood oi
purpose, viz.. to relieve moutcruoou OI
aanger anu pain.
Ono dollar per bottle, at ill drug stores, oe
sent by express on receipt of price.
Vn nnnsa nnntnlnlnir viilnaliln Informa
tion for women, will bo tw to uny acldrcaai
upon application to
Atlanta, 'la.
Chimney brick
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros
B & M. TLY
all points cast and
and all point
KrclKht, dally except Sunday
fnrWTmore and all DOlnt east HMJOa.m
18. Passenger, dally for St. Joe.
Kansas uny. Atcnuon, si
Louis and all points eattaud
souUi - . lo:aja,m
Nn, 141. AccommodaUon, dally except
Sunday. Ilastlnns, Orand In
land, Illack Hills and all
points In the northwest......... IKOp.'tii
o. 111 Accommodation, daily except
Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and
Intermediate stations, via He
nuhllcnn u;t'.'p.m
Krclght, dally, Wjinore and
St. .loo and Intermodule
inm-tlnn points I'JilOp.m
. Prelijht, dally for Itepiil.tlri'.n
t)rluaus,tixiura nil.1 nil pouiti
wen ... !
I'akseiiifyr. dally,
imlntt, In Ciil..,ul
nit, ail
I nib and
-. 8M0p,n.
i-eiiliiE. dlnliiK. ami reeilnlnt elmlr rar
m ,it free) on lliruimli trains. Tickets sold anri
.mi;guKu clieckuil to any point In the Uulter
Sttttoa or Canada,
Kor Information, llmo tables, maps or ticket
call on or address A. t'onoer, Agent, lied
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Qeneral Paisenaei
Agtnt Omaha, Nebraska,
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Thoso who have novcr had Blood Pol
son can not know what a dospcrato con
dition it can produce. This terrible
disease which tho doctors aro totally
unable to cure, is communicated from
ono generation to another, inflicting its
taint upon countloes innocent ones.
Some years ago I was Inoculated with poison
br a nurse who Infected my lobe with blood
taini. inenuie one w
unequal to the struggle,
and 1U life waa yielded
up to the fearful poison.
For elxlong yeara I Buf
fered untold misery. I
waa covered with sores
and ulccra from head to
foot, and no language
can express ray feeling
of woo during those lonff
years. 1 had tlie- best
medical treatment. Sev
eral nhvHlclans nurcen.
ilvoly treated me, but nil
wnopunxwe. Thu mer
cury ami potash wemed to add fuel to- thr
awful name which was devouring me. I war
advised by friends who had seen wonderful
euros mado by tt, to try Swift's Sncctflc. We
got two bottles, nnd X felt hope again rovlvc In
my breaat liope for health nnd happiness
agnln. I Improved from tho ptart, and n ciiiii
pH'to asd perfect curnwnsthc result. 8.8.8.
U the only blood remedy which renchcg des
pernto case. miib. T. W. I,kk,
Montgomery, Ala.
Of tiro muny blood- remedies, S. 8. 8
fa tho only one which can reach deep
seated, violent cascB.. It never fails to
euro perfectly and permanently the
most desperuto cases: which are beyond
the reach of other remedies.
is prraBiiT tooktable, and is- the only
blood' remedy guaranteed to contain no
mercury, potash, or otfaer mineral.
Valuable books mailed.freeby Swift
Stoexrifio Goaany, AtlaatevGaoigia,
In tba-Dlitrlot Court of tha TentbJudlclal
DUtrlct, lb and f w Webster coauty, Nebraska.
Emma J. Duckcr.
The abovo named defendant Wobberraln will
take notice, that on the tint day of'Auguat, 1R99,
pialntlfftllod hcrpeilUonln tbo abov entitled
oourt agBintt him. the object and prayer where
of are the foreclosure nf a mortgage aeed given
by said defendant to plaintiff on KM 15th day of
December. 18Wt u secure tho psymant of a cer
tain proiaisaory note for tho principal sum of
(GOO, with Interest notes atuched given by said
defendant to plaintiff on said UtitdayofDe
on aiu iui o.ay ot ue
thoro is caw due am
oomber. )80l. on which thoro Is caw dt
which ftaldlmortean deed was upan the
property to wit:
roperiy 10 wu: 'tee norincam qtarier oi sec
ion twenty two in township one, range eleven
tion twenty two in townshlo a
west of the Sth P. M., in Webster County, He-
ibraska, which Is recorded in "Dook O" of mort
gages i "page uu : piainun prays loarein inai
said defendant may be forever foreclosed of all
interest lr orUUo to said real property, that said
real property1 mar bo sold andf the proceed ap
plied to the-satlMaetlon of said debt.
Said defendant lsretjulred to answer said pe.
Utlon on orbefore the 19th day of September,
lMMLoraamo will betaken as truu and a decree
1 passed accordingly.
auiMAO. uucKin, riaioun.
ItiNDomaMoNiTT, Attorney.
State of Nebraska, Webster County) ss.
In tbo Dlalilct ooart thereof, of the Tenth Ju
dicial distriot.
Nebraska toan & Treat Company 1
John McIIalo; Aun I.MoIIale.bls
wife. Aarou G'onovtr. Oslo, hub
key Manufacturing Co., Mccor
mick Harvesting Machine Co.,
MadUon Manufacturing Co., A.
KopUcb, tint full name un
known. Stato Uank or Blue Hill
nud Joan Doe, real name un
known. Defendants.
nortec or SUIT.
Tho above named defendants John McIIalo
nnd Atin .T Mnllnlft. anil paeli nf them nrn hpn.
rby notified that tho aliovo named plaintiff ha-
tiled In thu above named court Its petition
BRalnst them Bint the other defendants named
above; that the object and prayer of said pe
tltton of the plaintiff aro to foreclose two mort
giigi'sbearliiK date the liitli day of May, 18V0, ex
ecuied by the abovo named defendants John
.Mcllale and Ann J. Mcilnle. his wife, to the
plulmlft;. on tbo following described real c
tale lltuite In ifce county of Webster, in the
statu o' Nobrnxkn. to wit:
The north went ipiartcr (U) of section thirty
four, (.11 in towiikhlp four M) north, of range
clevm (11) west of tbo 6th P. M.
Tho said defendants John J. Mcllale
nud Aim J. McIIalo aro further notified that
thry, and each of tboni, are rcijulred to appear
nnd Himwer wild petition of n alntl.T. on or be
I ''"'P Monday, the 12th day of September, tssw,
ork.llft Kl ,'lon0f piftntirr will be taken as true
and ii decree will bo rendered against them, the
aid cMemlan'.a nud other defendants named
herein, decreeing thai tbo said mortgages and
each nf them, be foreclosed; that all tho above
(ie( ril.e.1 rent estate shall be appraised, adver
UmmI aiidiml.i at public auctbin by the sheriff
of raid i biter enmity, to make and raise the
mm of .".. lUilin- to plaintiff on ltti said mort
khv- to;--iher with liiierehtoii ald sum at the
rmu ul tr'i .vr u-ut from the luth dav of Son
teiuher r.J. iv d the costs of this suit ana such
wilt--, ,ni'l al. I , creo will further; provide that
you, the ?ald defendants, and tho other defend
uutH named herein, and each of you, shall b
lorcrer uarreu aim loreuiuseu on an equity or
redemption nnd other Interest in and to said
real estate and any part thereof.
lly Jacou Daily, Its attorney,
Crowi g Bridge Work or Tetth Without PUm.
And all the latest Improvement la dental mech
OttUe over Post Office.
Does a general law business.
Practices in all courts.
What do you
expect to find
In a lirst class moat market 1
Tho lirst thiu is the class n(
meat kept in KTOok whether it
li nice, tender and juicy, or
t uii Ii as a un-ywir-nil Toxii
-n v. Wo sliotild ho pleased
i" I'tvo you cull inul put .us to
U test. All our nit it I
!.' found dial fins nud tho
ii in tho niif'.et Our p- i. .
will auo ho found jufi right.
A. R, Reynolds,
East sloe Webster Street.
"jgff!"""" fT "" -T-1