The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1898, Image 1

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amus-ar- a ItuvjHiilSSMm&.mmi-msffit,
ftif iinl iti'l laltH f f" z":MFwXZ"-- -" '" KB Tpssk'BBBBaBaaaF j BPWt BBBKp aJi z jl j . - , flAflpPVJVPVIHHHuJtuHBFEflic!? I nff 7 BPffll5JBfcBBfc.'B yw. B .'TBaMOi'ili lnLi'-..!1'-;" .i..j-'i..l
No time to write a general Advertisement giving you a list of
the many bargains in different departments. That the prices are
right is well Shown daily by the crowds of buyers.
State Weather and Crop Report.
The past week bos been hot nnd dry,
with an excosa of sunsbino and goner
ally light wind?.
The average daily temperature ex
cess has been about 0 degrees in all
parts of the state. The daily maximum
temperatures wero generally about 00
degrees, and iu many counties tbo
daily maximum was above 100 degrees
on one or more days.
Tbo rainfall has been below the nor
mal except in a few western counties,
where it slightly exceeded the normal
in certain localities. In some places
no rain fell, and generally the rainfall
was less than a quarter of an inch.
Tbo weather of the past woek haB
boon much liko tbo week wbioh pre
ceded it and the results have been much
the samo. In the northern countioR
tho woek has been very favorable.
Corn has matured rapidly and has not
suffered from the hot, dry weather.
Tho yield will bo roduqed somewhat in
most other localities as a result of the
heat and lack of moisture. Threshing
from shock is about finished. The
weather has boon so favorablo that
very little or no grain has been dam
ogod in tho shock. Fall plowing is well
advanced, but the gtound is now got
ting too dry anil plowing has about
stopped. A very little wheat and rye
have beon sown, but generally seeding
will bu delayed until aftor u rain.
For tho host tho Alaska refrigerator
, -J-. -Tiyw-!!!Jffg!'::,i-j2Z'JT!T . . i.v,j"2S!rtfSB Hit
Rapid selling makis big holes in the stock. Se our $35 Bed Room
Suite, sold 50c to $1 cheaper thsn the same set is listed in Lin
coln and Omaha Catalogues.
Solid Oak Extension Table, 42 inch top. 3 inch legs for $5.00.
Full width Iron Bed $5.00, A good spring for $1.25.
A Cane Seat Rocker for $1.40.
Heavy shipment of Winter Underwear. Men's Fleece Lined
goods at 50c, regular 65c goods. Children's Camel Hair size
16, 7c each, with a
100 pairs full size 10-4 cotton blankets at 35c. See our 12-4 ex
tra size cotton at $1.60. . ,
5c for for 6o Ruting Flannel. G-ood values in other grades. 200
pieces to select from.
One-half case left, fanoy light oolored dress prints, 3icper yard.
Battle Ax Tobacco, 25c. Old Style Smoking, 23c.
Special values in Sugar and Flour.
'r ni r' tttt
vw -k- - --
Burlington Route Official Line toO. A.
R. Nat'l Encampment, Cincinnati.
Tho Burlington and Pennsylvania
railroads havo beon designated tho of
ficial route from Omaha to Oinoinnati
for tho 1808 national Encampment of
tho G. A. It. Veterans and others who
intend visiting Cincinnati at tbo time
of the encampment should soo to it
that their tickets read over tho above
named roads. Comrades will rondo
vous at 4 p.m., Monday, September 6,
at the Burlington station, Omaha. At
5 p.m. they will leave Omaha on a spec
ial train via tho Burlington Route ar
riving at Chicago at 8 o'clock tho noxt
morning and at Cinclnnatti at 0 p.m.
tho same day. Through sleepers from
Omaha to Cincinnati.
Department Commander T. J. Maj
ors and staff, the- president of tho W.
It. C, and staff, and past department
commanders will travel on tbo official
train. A curdial invitation to accom
pany them is extended to all veterans
as well as to tho gonural public. Sleep
ing car accommodations on the special
train should bu reserved at once. For
tickots, berths or further information
apply to any B. & M. ticket ngunt or
address J. Francis, general jmsdongtir
agent, Omaha, Neb,
Truth wears well. 1'eoplo have
learned that DoWitt's Littlo Early His
ors aro reliable littlo pills for regulat
ing tbo bowels, curing constipation
and sick headache. They don't gripe.
raise of 2Jc per size.
We are Giving Coupons
yynen uesirea.
-, iaiw. mrMT.i
..rr.T " 7uih''
Katuruh M. Lowe was born iu the
State of Marjland, April 12, 1818. Her
parents removed to Ohio when she was,
ten years of age. She wasunitodin
marriago to Thomas J. Boal on Janu
ary 11, 1847. She passed from labor to
reward at tbo residence of bor son at
1 o'clock Friday morning, August 20th,
1898. Early in lifo she joined the
Methodist Episcopal church, over re
maining a faithful and constant mem
ber, and at at tho time of her transla
tion from earth to glory was a member
of the First Methodist church in this
city. Grandma Heal found great com
fort in froading her bible. She also
read weekly Or. Talmage's sermons.
Sho took nn interest in the progress of
tho war, and noted with pleasuro tho
march of the American liberties. Sho
was in sympathy and touch with tho
present age, and possessed great wealth
of experience. Funeral sirvlcos wero
held at the homo of hoi psstoi on Sat
urday thu 27th, and a large number of
neighbors und friends were presont,
after which her remains were laid to
rest in the city cemetery t She leaves
one child, W. V. Ileal, with whom sho
ha-) lived for many years. Her end
was pooco and she rests from her
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to wxtoiiU our heartfelt
thanks to our many friends and neigh
burn whoso kindly assisted us during
the illness and death of our mother.
rrsgygSI'illg'alTg'atffagg ,aaiyr-wm.wn.
Boduood Bates from Bod Cloud.
Northwostorn Scandinavian Singers
association, Duluth, Minn., August 20
and 27; ono and one-third f are, certifi
cate plan.
Annual National Irrigation Congress
Choyenno, Wjo., Sept. 1st and 8d; ono
and one third fare on tho cirtiflcate
Biennial Reunion Crooko's lowt.
Brigado, Jefferson, Iowa, Bopt. 21st;
ono and ono third faro for tho round
trip on tho certificate plan.
Tournament National Fireman's as
sociation, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 5th and
7th; one faro for the tound trip, sell
tickets Sept. 4, final limit Sept. 11.
Annual meeting great council of tho
U. S. Improved Order of Red Mon, In
dianapolis, Ind., Sept. 12-17; one and
one-third faro on tho oortiticato plan.
Annual Road and Track Supply as
sociation, Denver, Col,, Sept, 18 to 10;
ono und one-third faro on the certili
cato plan from all points.
Triennial session grand chapter Or
der of the Eastern Star, Washington,
D. C Sept. 27 to 28, ono and one-fifth
faro from all poiuts on the oertiflcato
Bohemian Day at the Trans-Mississippi
exposition, Omaha, Nebr., August
27th, ono faro for round trip, sell tick,
ets August 20th, limit to return Sept. 0.
For further information in regard to
any of tho above rated cull on tho un
dersigned. A. Conotkh, Agent.
It you want u cook stove or rango
see W. W. Wright, ,
Weather continues very hot. ami dry.
Alva (iarner was iu llnldregu this
Mrs. (tntuii Lewis was visiting at S.
E. Woleott's Thursday.
Chus. Hunter is taking in tin- expo
sition at Omaha this week.
A lino baby girl arrived at tho home
of Byron Ward on Tuesday.
Herbert Luce returned from Stam
ford, Nebraska, tho first of the week.
Mrs. Abe Kaley and daughter Nellie
were culling on friends here Monday.
Wall (iarner is tho proud father of a
linn sou which arrived Wednesday
The L. U. A. S. meets with Mrs. M.
Kunyou on Wednesday afternoon, Sep
tember 7.
Geo, Hummel and Arthur Wolcott
attended tho show iu Red Cloud Wed
nesday night.
Our now agent, Win. McKinnuy and
wife are pleasantly located in tho bouse
lately vacated by Ed. Walters.
Mr. L. 0. Eddy returned Monday
evening from liewecse where they
have beon attending oampmoeting.
U. G. Knight and wife drovo to Alma
this week. . G. also wont, to Hold
roge ns a delegate to tho convention.
A very pleasant time was had at tho
social at L. C. Olmstcad'a Friday even
ing, and the Aid Society is several dol
lars richer.
Mr. and Mrs. . F Walters left for
thoir new home at Lebanon, Nebraaka,
last Tuesday evening. They mado
many friends while hero, all of whom
regret their departure and many of
them were at tho train to wish them
success and godspeed.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with local applications as tboy cannot
roach tho scat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take in
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, and acts 'directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine, It was prescribed by one of
tho best doctors in this country for
years and is a regular prescription. It
is composed of the best tonics hnown,
combined with the best blood purifiers,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
Tho perfect combination of the two in
gredients is what produces such won
derful results in curing catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cdbnkt & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tha beat.
Ed Kinney is building a large new
Mrs. T.E. Penman was hero visiting
Inst wook.
Little Vcva Boreu who has been very
111 is recovering.
Rev. Day and son Arthur returned
Saturday from the Omaha exposition
The M. E. quarterly conference of
this circuit convenes at Eckley today.
Station Agent Wilson is confined to
his room. Mark Laurotson from Rod
Cloud takes his placo.
Mrs, Wm. Hard and Miss Nettie
Hummell, two of Webster county's
best teachers, have beon employed to
teach the school here.
Rev. Deakin and wlfo are visiting at
thoir former home, Hay Springs, Ne
braska. Thoy wll attend the expo
sition also before returning home.
Mrs, Anna Feris, after a pleasant
visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
White of this place, returned to her
homo in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Monday
Dr. Fonnor's Dyspepsia Cure
As the' name implies, is simply for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration is tho proscription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on medical questions
aro accepted as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using one bottle your
monoy will be refunded by 0. L. Cot-ting.
5 - j: -t-l- r ??- -... .rf.7
High winds and rain.
John Fox is the owner of a now wind
Making hay will soon bo u thing of
tho past.
Mrs. John Marmlon has returned to
her home at MeCook.
Mrs. Sodetiiud Is getting better un
der tho euro of Dr. Morunvillo of Red
Mr. und Mrs. Aiibtishon wero tho
guests of Kev. Milou Points onu day
lust week.
Will Aiihuslmn und Miss Nettie An
derson worn thu guests of Rev. Con
Hewitt Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. L. A, HiiskiiiH were tho
guests of Hlluy Lewis und Harvey
Merrill Sunday.
There is somo talk of reorganizing
tho Sunday school it I'lous.uit Dulu in
thu near future.
L. A. Hiuklns went to Holdroge ns u
delegate' to the populist convention.
He reports a good time.
Tho Sunday school in Dlst. No. 84
is getting along nicely with professor
Shannon as superintendent.
Thu Sunday school at the McCall
school houso has closed until thoy got
tho now school house finished.
H. H. Hasklns has resigned the su
porintondenoy of tho Penny creek Sun
day ichool. The assistant superin
tendent will take charge of the school.
AJlen .Carpenter ef Red Cloud has
purchased the erop of onions belonging
to Mr. Martlndale and has moved to
his farm on .State creed in Lino town
ship. Mr. John Davis met with an accident
on his way home from Red Cloud. His
horses ran away and threw him under
the buggy. He was quite severely
Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Con Hewitt
thanks tho Penny creek class for tho
money raised at the Ice cream social
and also the money raised at the pionio
on the 18th, amounting la all to 18.
m m
Ir you have ant disease due to Im
pure or impoverished blood, like scrof
ula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, or catarrh
you should take Hood's Sarsaparllla
and be cured.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Curo indigestion, bullous-
ness. 25c.
Still hot, dry and dusty.
Mr. Toland is hauling hogs nowdays.
Alt Holllngsworth is a little better
at this writing.
TIiob. Batten has purchased D. 0.
Haskin's houso in North Branch.
Will Francis and family and Mrs.
Bailey and children spent Tuesday at
Mr. Toland's.
Quite a number of the young peoplo
of North Branch started Wednesday to
take in the Omaha exposition.
A. A. Davis shelled corn Tuesday
down on his farm His carpenters left
to go and finish Mr. Osborne's houso.
Loren Stanley made a flying trip to
Guide Rock on his wheel Monday night
to get medlcino or a doctor for Dr.
Liver Oomplainta and Nervousnes
A torp'd liver always produces dull
ness, irritability, etc. xou aro all
clogged up and feel despondent. Per
haps you have treated with physicians
or tried some othorrccommondod med
icine without benefit. All that is no
argument against "Dr. Fenner's Blood
and Liver Remedy and Nervo Tonic,"
which we insist will curo nervousuess
and liver complaints. If not satisfied
after using one bottlo your monoy will
bo refunded by C. L. Cotting,
For brokon surfaces, sores, insoct
bites, burns, skin dlsoases and espec
ially piles, thoro is ono reliable remedy
DoWitt's Witch Uuzel Salvo. When
you call for DeWitts don't accept
counterfeits or frauds. You will not bo
disappointed with DeWltt's Witch Haz.
el salve, a L. Cotting. '
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