The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1898, Image 1

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r.--w. wiHpWw!Sf!5j
. rrr w a-jlfvir rrT3&31'usiJ!li3rsr2i:. "
We Guarantee to meet all Competition.
The BIG STOKE makes the Priee.
This applies to all departments, especially FURNITURE.
Advertised items in previous issues only the spray of the
great Sea of bargains. A ;
HiDon't let our absence fromour usual style of advertising keep
you from'calling. "Any'article advertised in the pas$ goes at the
S advertised price
3 hours or day prices.
New Capes and Jackets. Dry Goods and Groceries arriving
State Weather and Crop Report.
Tho past weok has boon hot and dry,
with an excess of sunshine and brisk
southerly winds.
The average daily temporaturo ex
cess varied from five degrees in the
western counties to somewhat more
than seven degrees in the eastern coun
ties. Tho daily maximum tempera
turcs wore above 00 degrees generally
on the last threo days of tho week and
in many southern counties woro above
100 degrees.
Tho rainfall has boon light and con
sisted of showers tho first three days of
tho weok. In most of the southern and
in a few central and northern counties
the rainfall oxceedod ore-half inch and
in small areas exceeded an inch. In a
consldorablo portion of tho stato tho
rainfall was less than ono-tenth of an
inch and in many places no measurable
amount fell.
Tht cloudless days and high tempor
aturo of the past week havo caused
corn to advanco towards maturity very
rapidly. In tho northern counties and
in sootlons where tho moisturo was suf
ficient this has boon exceedingly favor
ablo for corn. In many sections
tho lack of moisture, combined with
tho high temporaturo, has caused corn
to dry out and rlpon too rapidly. This
will camfAfmuoh chuffy com in tho
southeastern counties uud will quite
geuernlly reduco tiiu yield of corn In
tho southern comities
. Fall plowing has mado good progress
as long as the goods last. We do
but tho ground is getting too dry in
some counties. A little rye has been
sown. Pastures need rain.
Burlington Route Official Line tod. A.
R. Nat'l Encampment, Cincinnati
Tho Burlington and Pennsylvania
railroads havo been designated tho of
ficial route from Omaha to Cincinnati
for tho 1803 national Encampment of
the G. A. It. Veterans and others who
intend visiting Cincinnati at tho tinio
of tho encampment should see to it
that tholr tickets read over the above
named roads. Comrades will rondo
vous at 4 p.m., Monday, September 5,
at the Burlington station, Omaha. At
5 p.m. tboy will leave Omaha on a spec,
ial train via tho Burlington Route ar
riving at Chicago at 8 o'clock tho noxt
morning and at Cinclnnatti at 0 p.m.
thosamoday. Through sleepers from
Omaha to Cincinnati.
Department Commander T. J. Maj
ors and staff, tho president of the W.
II. C. and staff, and past dopartment
commandors will travel on tho official
train. A cordial invitation to accom
pany them is extended to all veterans
as well as to the goneral public Sleep
ing car neenmmndations on tho special
train should bo reserved at nuco. For
tickets, berths or further information
apply to any B, & M. ticket agent or
adtliess J. Francis, general passongoi
agent, Omaha, Neb.
For tho best the Alaska refi Igeralor
call uu W. W. WrJght.
BiMW .iflKW'I'Wilt'Vt.tfcll., i . ...,. w. f-"
Died At 8 o'clock on the morning of
Monday, August 1, Mrs Alzina B.
Smith-Luce, after a very short illness,
departed this lifo to ontor upon tho re
ward that comes to all who love our
Sho was born in Stafford, Conn.,
Sept. 80, 1840, died August 1st, 1808,
aged 57 years and 10 months. On April
28, 1801, she married Loveret II. Luce,
at Somers, Connecticut, came to Ne
braska in 1872 and settled atlnavale,
where sho has slnco lived, loved and
respected by all who knew her. Sho
united with the Congregational church
when quite young and it has always
boon the church sho loved and worked
for. After a brief sickness sho wont
up tho shining pathway and leaves to
follow her a husband, threo brothers,
four sisters, one sou, one daughtor and
threo grand children.
Sho was spared tho pain of leavo-tak-ing
from her loved ones, for none
thought death was uear. Some time
baok when sho thought sho must die
sho told a dear friend that death had
no terrors for her. Sho will long be
romembored ns the truo wifo, the lov
ing sister, tho affectionate mother, and
tho nvor ready friend and neighbor.
Muj our ond bo likt Iter's.
Services woro conducted at the homo
and cemetery by Rev. Samuel Williams
of tho Congregational church, She
was followed to her lust resting place
by a host of friends nnd neighbors who
were desirous of paying their last trib
not make 2 or
ute to
her memory. Her end
Hoduoed Bates from Bed Cloud.
Northwestern Scandinavian Singers
association, Dalutb, Minn., August 30
and 27; one and one-third f are, certifi
cate plan.
Annual National Irrigation Congress
Cheyonno, Wjo., Sept. 1st and 8d; ono
and one third faro on tho cirtificate
Biennial Reunion Crooko's Iowa
Brigade, Jefferson, Iowa, Sept. 21st;
one and one third faro for tho round
trip on the certificate plan.
Tournament National Fireman's as.
sociation, Omaha, Nob., Sopt. 5th and
7th; ono fare for tho tound trip, sell
tickets Sept. 4, final limit Sopt. 11.
Annual meeting great council of tho
U. S. Improved Order of Red Men, In
dianapolis, Ind., Sept. 12.17; ono aud
one-third faro on tho certificate plan.
Annual Road and Track Supply as
sociation, Denver, Col., Sopt. 18 to 10;
ono nnd one-third fare on tho certifi
cate plan from all points.
Triennial session grand chaptor Or
der of tho- Eastern Star, Washington,
D. C Sopt. 27 to 28, one nnd onoHfth
faro from all points on tho cortiilcato
Bohemian Day at tho Trans-Missis-oippi
exposition, Omaha, Nobr., August
27tb, ono faro for round trip, soil tick-
ets August tiUtli, limit to return sopt. o.
For further information in regard to
any oLthe above rates call on ttio uu
A. Conotkh, Agent.
(v'onui o lllndun to trade.
Cyrus Taylor has a now bicycle.
Hot dry and dusty the past week.
V. S. Hall is erecting a largo new
Piof. Drusbach is visiting ftionds at
). Byrne is tilling up his store with
now goods.
Mr. A. M. Kay hns nu attack of
Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Sppcknnll riilo in
n new buggy.
1). S. l'hulps iodo his bike over to
Kosolund Sunday.
Kail MeKolvey spent Sunday with
friends In HoHoland.
Mr. L. 11. Tiioruu Is confined to his
bed with rhoiinmt sin.
Frank .Johnson has boon somewhat
indisposed the past fow days.
V. S. Hall intended tho democratic
convention at Blue Hill Tuesday.
Frank Cronor has boon breaking
horses tp drive to that now buggy.
Frank Spenco of Ruskin is visiting
his brothers Chns. nnd L. E: of this
Mrs. B. Loo and Mrs. Riohondifor
drovo up to Hastings tho hrst of tho
Mr. and Mrs. Pasbby attended tho
dedication of tho new M. . church at
Inavale Sunday.
W. H. Fuller of Missouri was in this
vicinity the first of the weok tho guest
of W. B. Cramer.
J. R. Home and family nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur of Wisconsin drovo
over to Holstein Sunday.
Quito a number of tho populist dolo
gates drovo in hero Monday evening to
take tho train for Holdrege.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur who havo boon
tho guests of J. R. Horn, roturnod to
thoir homo in Jancsvillo, Wisconsin.
Miss Lena Monroe Is here fromOcblo
tree, Kansas, looking after her resi
dence proporty and visiting with
John Croner and family returned the
latter part of the week from the expo
sition at Omaha, and is well pleased
with what he saw.
Alta liollingsworth is worse again.
Ding-doni; goes the new bell at the
academy at Northbranch.
Misses Lora and Malinda McCollum
pent Satnrday at Mr. Toland's.
Tho Hawortb yonng people spent
Sunday with friends in this vicinity.
Miss Hattio Cline who has been
working at Mr. Foutz's spent Sunday
at home.
Mrs. Annie Strange lectured at
Northbranch Tuesday night. Subject:
Behind the Bars."
Several of the Y. P. S. C. E. of North
branch attended the district conven
tion at Smith Center.
Mr. Casebier, who came from the
Platto to attend the Arranta-Small wed
ding, returned Monday.
W. W. Clino, Elwood Jones nnd T.
W. Cline are putting in a now floor in
the school house in Dlst. No. 188.
Anyone who has novor seon cotton
in full bloom and podded call and seo
Lucy Toland's fine bid of cotton.
Mr. and Mrs. Arranta and daughter
started Monday to visit Mr. Arrant's
brother living on the Platte river.
Tho quarterly mooting was a grand
Minnio Pickett, who has boen in
Jnpan for 6 years as a missionary, lec
tured Friday night on missionary work
in that island.
Saturday night D. II. Dillon gavt a
very interesting account of his travels
in tho holy land.
Everyono enjoyed the morning moot
ing Sunday, and also tho Sabbath
school conforenco in tho afternoon, at
which timo a lottor was road from
Eddlo Dillon who ii now a missionary
in Japan,
The C. E. conferonco Sunday night
was tho crowning success.
U you want u cook stovo or rnngo
seo W. W. Wright.
' I -- ,.? -J.
fr-r- . -gir- 5l ",Si1r
x - --- ;rS rjg-g.
Com stdl s-lls fur We per bushel.
John Fox will put up a new wind
mill next week.
Alf McCall'ri barn Is noarlng comple
tion by tho Inuvnln contractors.
Mr. Crooks aud family of Ftaukliii
woro visiting at Hob Wilson's last week.
Mix. Soderliud is on tho sick list this
week but is soma better ut this writing.
Old Mr. Homy, Hubb's father, Is
quito sick at his son's, but is improv
ing. Miss Ovuriug of Red Cloud will teach
the I'onny creek school this fall nnd
Mis Murker of luavalu will teach
tho Mc&ill school when tho new house
is completed.
Considerable toad work was done in
this part last week by our superintend
ent, Wm. Francis.
About twenty loads of hogs left this
neighborhood Inst Monday aud Tues
day for Lobanon at $8.50 per hun
dred. R. O. Wilson's and V. 11. Soribnor'a
now houses havo not boon commoncod
yot, but both will soon bo under courso
of construction.
Maiclng liny is tho ordor of tho day.
This Is tho kind of weather for tho bus
iness for wo havo always boon taught
to mako hay whilo tho sun shines.
Tho work on tho new school house
near Alf MoCall's is being rapidly car
ried on by tho contractors Messrs.
Kizer & Kesler and their employes.
Tho Sunday school picnio near Undo
Billy VanDyko's last Thursday was a
success. Rov. Dillon, who recently re
turned from Jerusalem was tho princi
pal speaker.
Miss Reed of Campbell, the former
teachor at Pleasant Dale and Penny
crook, has secured a position as olork
in a Jowelry storo in Red Cloud and
will quit toaehing.
Woll our crop of small grain and po
tatoes is mado, and whilo wo will have
a partial failuro on corn, most all the
farmers havo onough old corn to do
them, and oven if it don't rain soon
thero is not more than one man out of
ten but what will raise enough to do
him. . J
When you call for DeWItt's Witch
Haael Salve the great File cure, don't
accept anything else. Don't be talked
into accepting a substitute for plies.
for sores, for burns. O. L. Cotting.
Mrs. 3oderlind is no better at this
Miss Melvu VanDyke is expected
home on a visit in the near future.
Tho farmers are somewhat disap
pointed about tho failure of the corn
D. O. Bakor was in Line on business
one day last week, the guest of Mr.
Joe Saladen and Mr. Molntyre were
in attendance at tho picnic Also Allon
Carpenter of Red Cloud.
Tho Sunday school picnio was a
grand success. Tho Walnut creek
sshool, Dist. No. 8, was in attendance
with a big delegation and a long pro
gramme. Rev. D. H. Dillon of North
branch gavo a good talk about what bo
saw while bo was in tho holy land.
Rev. Robert Gold worth of Cora, Kan
sas, gavo a short address. Prof. Shan
non of Line gavo a short talk on Pro
hibition. Rev. Noblo of Walnut gavo
short locturo about how to make a
country school a success. Tho children
from all tho schools did woll. H. H.
Haskins, tho Penny creek superintend
ent, gave some good advice to the
schools. Rev. Con. Howitt, the U. B.
preacher gave eorao good advico about
how to get tho children interested in
Sunday school,
For broken surfaces, sores, Insect
bites, burns, skin diseases and espec
ially piles, thero is ono roliablo remedy
DeWItt's Witch Huzol Salvo. When
you call for DoWitt's don't accept
counterfeits or frauds. You will not bo
disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Haa
el salve, C, L. Cotting.
vwr Mf
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