SBSgsgffssff iiSTUiuiiiSeuiRitSJKssKtmaKattmi-mm MUMtatrfmi sr mmm atiaS-.-Vi,- .r.iM,"r-cvjsaji.i-nr.,- I i I'HJBS RED CLOUD OHiJJb tfKJLDAi, AUGUSTII19. i. m b the am! VVIILWATION OF Sl'MMONS. wtnloof Nebraska Wlilcr (.'oiitiljr. . In the District court thereof, of llio Tenth .In illelal illMtlct. Nebtnska l.onM A Trut Company 1 I'IhIiiIIIV I Ml .lolm .Mrllale. Ann .1 Mr-Hale. Ills wife Anronrjiiovpr. unio Bin key ManufartiirliiK Co,, McCor- I mlck llancMliig Mnrliluc i;o Mnillron MamiracliltUiKlM., A. KoiiIkcIi, firm full nmiip un known. Mftlc Hank of Hind Mill mid John Doc, real name mi knon, Defciiilnnts. sotiir or Sl'IT, The above iiaiiici) tlcfemlniit' John Mcllalo and Ann.) Mrllalv, and cneli'of tlmm arc hero by notlllcil that the above, named (ilnltilirr linn lllcd In tho nhovo tinmcd court I In petition against them mid tho other dofendnnta named above; that tho object mid prnycr ofsaMpc tlton of the plaintiff aro loforoclno two morl KaKCihtnrlilK date tho litlli day of May, m), ex iTiiinl liv tin. hIkiM! nniiicd dcfcndnnU John Mollah' mid Ann J Mcilitle. hi wife, to. the plaintiff on tho following iieicriiKMi rem ei tale situate In tho county of Wchklcr, state Ne braska, to wit: ... .... Thnlinrlli.weat nllnrlcr fU) ()f section thirty four, 'M in township four (4) north, of ratiKO eleven (II i west of tho Dili l'.M. T1I0 raid (lercniiailia aio limner mraura i" j, and earn or mum, aro reoiiiren io apjienr I uii.wor.afil tiotltlnll of iilnliitlir. on or bo fnrn Mntulnv. llin liltli dav of HoMembef. I89H. or fald petition of plaintiff will bo taken as true, and a tlncreo will bo rendered nalnit thorn, the aid defendant and other defendant! named herein. decreoliiK that the naid morlaaRcn and each of them, be foreclosed ; that all thoabovo described real citato shall bo appraise)!, adver tised and sold at public auction by thosliorlfT ot sam wctmcr roiiuiy, io mnsu mm inmu mu n nr avit in Hun in iiultitlir on Its said mort KKO. together with Interest on said sum at the rate or ten per rem irom mo ran un ui oir IMIW ami llin mull llf lhl ft II 1 1 Blld SIICll salojatid said decree will further; provide ithat YOU, Hie saill IICIUIII1HIIIS, nun mu uiiici uiiifiji--ntu Hiinnil tinrnlli Allil lftrll if VOII. Snail 1)0 forovcr barred and foreclosed of all equity pf redemption and otlior interest in aim io sum real eslato and any part thereof, NrnnAsK Loan and Tiuist Company, Plaintiff. Ily Jacoii Daily, Its attorney. PUBLICATION OF Sl'MMONS In tho District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District, In and for Webster county, Nchraika. Kmmn J.Duckcr, rialntlir. VH FranclHW'obbcrmln. Defendant. Tho nhovo named defendant Wohbermln will tako notice, that on tho first day of Aimust, IMW. plalntltr filed her M!tltlon In tho nbova entitled court against him, thu object and prayer whero of aro tho foreclosure of a worlgago (iced given by tald defendant to plalntltr on tho 1Mb day of December, 181)1. to secure tho payment pf a cer tain promissory nolo for tho principal sum of Mm. with Interest notes attached given by niild defendant to plaintiff" on said IMIi day of Do ceinhcr, IMll.on which there Is tiow ilnofMO, which snld tiiortgiigo deed was upon the real property to wit: Tho northeast quurler of see tloiitwonty two In township one, lango eleven west of thoClh 1'. M., In WcbhiarCmiiilr. No bruskii, which Is rccorued In "Ilook ()" of mort gages nt "page ;)": plaintiff prays thorclu that sahl defendant may bo forever foreclosed of all Interest In or tltlo to said real property, that said real property may bo sold and tho proceeds ap plied to the satisfaction of said debt. u.l.l .lAfniuUnt tkrmiiilrlwl fi anawar snlll tin llt'lnn mi or lie fnrn tilt) tilth dav of toplcinliur. 1KS8, or samo will bo taken as true and a decrco passed accordingly. Khma J. Dt'CKcn, IMalntlir. Kahdoli'ii McNitt, Attornov. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olt.y and country cnlls promptly nn swered day or night. NIGHT GAIXS AT OFFICE. Office ovku Cottino's Dituo Stokk. n11.h Illunon.t Ilraaft. ENNYROYftL PILLS r.- ll.lvlnml ami I Inlv flfnnlnri. A Wj7Pt? BMC ala.j. filial!. laoita as AA nm.f ilnin-lln llr,l an-l Iratf nullloVw twin trauki wiiii tiuo ritirvti, - o )V ltoii o J liwljlljni. Alllituiliu.grniii4. in ttkm4 for rMtkultrf, iNtlmaDltla and "Itrllcf far I.ail lea," I" (. bj rrturn r aiall. fl'.mfl' imiawi.n, i. ,m ,nj-rr. f.lrhrlrr krmlrul(,.k. Maill'Uil I'lnrn. ()inriltuilJ"iuuu. I'lllLADA.. 1A &nja In 1 ln ts What do you expect to find (u ii first dims market V Tim tirst tiling is tlio class of uii'iit krpt in stock wliotliorit is nici), ti'iitlnr mil juioy, or ioiirIi as it ti ii-y'iiriil Tuxns stour. U'n hIiouUI Ijo pluusud to luivu you L'ttll nnd put us to this tout. All our uit'itts will he 'found tirst class and thu host in tho market. Our price will also bo found juft right. A. I?. Reynolds, East sine Webster Street. I HAIR BALSAM WwrTiii and bMUMt. Ut salt. naiaiaaj a uzzurUnt ffrowta. jMvar r4is to BMtor wray .Hair tplta Youtbrul OoIorTI QUM Wlp dlaraat m DSir lalUU aOc.aodalHIM ruaVj SttmpaJ in Shtnli. BUMBLE BEE $3,00 STOP AND THINK! Chronic Dyspepsia Cured. ft' FTERiufTerlnnforncarly thirty yoart from dyspepsia, Mr. II. E. Pugdalo, wlfoof apromlnont business man ot Warsaw, N. Y., writes: "For 23 years, ,1 was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and a weak stomach. Tho lightest food produced distress, causing sovoro pain and tho forma tion of pa. No matter how careful of my diet I suffered aRonltlng pain after eating. I was treated by many physicians and tried numerous remedies wtthoutpermanent holp. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles' Ncrvo and Liver Pills and Nervine- Within a week I commenced improving, and per stating in tho treatment I was soon ablo to eat what 1 liked, with no ovll effects I keep them at hand nnd a slnglo dmo dispels any old symptoms." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gist under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or monoy re funded. Ilook on dis eases of tho heart and nerves frco. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind, g MllM'"l f Norvini j K,HeaHh9 TeG0P!f6 Jh FTWlV k'j'a'fellamiaBSSB ml If V J'm aBBBBBBBBBBBBsl K Most fascinating Inven tion of thonge. A huils ready to clitertuln. it nxiulrcsiiosklll tooju'r nto It nnd reproduce tho musle of l-niids, nrehes-tnu.-vncnllsU orlnttru- mrntnl soloists. ThcrcH nothing like ltfornn evening's entertainment. Other so-called talking machines reproduce' only rccnnlsot cut-and-drltrt subJecU, siwelully prciiareiJ Inn laboratory, 'but the arnphophone Is not limited to such performances. On tho ilmphophono you can easily make and Instantly reproduco records of the voice, or any sound. Thus It constantly awakens new Interest und Its charm Is over frcsn. The reproductions are clear and brilliant. GraMwf Mtics arc sill fir $10 " Mnnufartiiml nnilfr tlm patents of Ilrll, Tnlnt, r, l'dlMin and slsnlannlil. nnrraiahllslimrnt 1 lii'iul-i-iiiirlpn, or llin wrorlrt fnr Talking Marlilnri mid .ulaliig JUililuo SuppUu. Wills fur calakvue. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Til7iiOHoM hT. LOUIS MO. NRWYOIIK. I'AIIII. 1 IIICAOO, T. XV. I'lllLAIIKLI'ltlA, UALTIMOIIK, WASIIIMITOS. lll'rrAI.O. H 11 11; to take after dinner) prevent distress, old diges tion, cure cmiitlpittlon. I'urelr vrgrtahle I ili not gripe or cause pain. Mold bj all druggists, 2) etnU. Prepared only by U. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Hall. s Pills Spond August in tho lilook Hills. Go lint to Hot Springs. Thoro you ciin bathe, lido bicycle, climb nioiin taiiiH, (lance antl play tuunls to yotir hmirt't) content. If your llinln are stiff, your kidneys out of order or if you aro troubled with eczema or any other form of skin disease, a month at Hot Springs will make a new man of you. Sylvan lake nnd Spcarltsh aro within a comparatively short distance of Hot Springs and everyone whojjvlslf the Hot Springs should see them. Sylvau Lakojis tho prettiest and coolest sum mer resort in tho west. Spuarllsh is reached after a railroad ride that ranks among tho experiences of a lifetime. There is nothing liko it any whcre.'.elso on tho globe. During August tho Burlington. will run two low rato oxcuruions to Hot Springs, ono on tho 0th, tho otlior on tho 20th of that month. Tickets will bo sold at ono faro for tho round trip half rates anil will bo good to return any timo within thirty days. Organizo a party. Arrange about your hotel accommodations nt Hot Springs. Gqt your tickets from tho liurlington agent and pass tho mo9t delightful month in tho year in the most delightful summorland on the continent. Xidnoy andBladdor Troublos. If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty,' urine, Dr. Fonncrs Kidnoy und Backache Cure is what you want. Bed-wotting by children is generally cured by ono bottle of this powerful remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded many peoplo doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo '.horeforo avoid giving any here, but will furnish them on application to dealer whoso name is given below. If not satislied aftor us ing ono bottle your money will bo re funded by C. L. Cotting. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Burlington Bouto California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p.m., Lincoln G:10 p.m. and Hastings 8:h0 p.m. every Thursday In clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over tho sconicrouto through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring scats and backs and aro provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, wjap etc. uniformed potters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob iects of interest and in many other ways helping to mako tho overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets aro honored. Berths $f. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burliifgton Homo thkot olllce, or write to J. rrancis, (. l A Omaha, NeU. Music on tbo Graphophono. Few peoplo appreciate tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono its an on tertainct. it is an instrument which, though it costs much less than the least expensive musical Instrument, will nimble Its owner to havo at pleas ure music of any , kind from Unit of tho bagplpo to that of tho grand mill tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono command of every plcasuro that appeals to tho sense of hearing. No investment pays such large returns in pleasure. Besides re producing the musical nnd otlior rec ords made for entertainment purposes, tho Urnpliophono will record imme diately and reproduce at otico and as often as is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. By writing to tho Columbia Phonograph Company, 720 722 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo., you can obtain a catalogue that will give full information ascto prices of Grapho phono outlits. For Sale Ono hundred nnd sixty acres of unim proved land four miles northwest of Kcd Cloud, consisting of tho west half of the northeast quarter, and the east half of tho northwest quarter of section tlfteon in township two north, range cloven west. Tho land is leased at present, but subject to sale. I'rico $2,000. For further information apply to Mks. Jamks Kiukwooii, Fairfax, Mo. Ludlow Bros, theinfluenoe of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all re lieves the Headache Cramps, and Nau sea, and so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronger after than before confinement. It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer whoso wlfo used 'Mother's Friend,' says that if shu had to km through tho ordeal usain, nnd there were lint four bottles to he, and tio cotr v;n S100.00 icr bottle, he would have them.' Ci eu. Laytox, Dayton, Ohio Sent by express, on receipt of price. J1.00 1'lHt IIOTTLu. Hook to "KXIT.UTANT MOTH Kits" mulled freo ujion npplleatlon, containing valuable Information and voluntary tcetlnicnlaU THE QRAOFICLD fJEGUtATOR CO., ATLANTA. GA SOLO DY ALL OIlUCOIaTS. FOE SALE CHEAP. Splendid 160 acre farm, near Blue Hill and Bladen. Northwest quarter 13-4-12, now occupied by Washington Reed. Will sell on small cash payment, balance on long time. Apply or write to, Leonard Everett 16 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Iowa. If It Lsa pair of Shoes von wnnt, be sure von net a itenplno measure of value for vour moncv. Shoes With a Record Tor tlurnWIItv, stvle ond nil the flic points In sliocmoltlny mul nttlno,. That's the Kind We Sell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaBaaBaaaaaMaaanaaBaaaaaa ' Thcv niv mode ly The IMJOWfl SHOE cu, the liloot uivl heM Shoe Builders In llu. Counliv, iiiul llievituiul behind their product. Tho Best Romody for Flux. Mr. John Mittliiita, n wull known stock dealer of Pulaski, Kj, says: "Aftor suffering lor over a weuK with lltix, and my physiciim having failed to relievo me, I was advised to try Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and bavo tbo pleasuro of stating that one half of a bottle cured mo." For sale by H. E. irico. Klondike. What does it cost to get thoro r When and how should you go? What should ono tako? Where aro tho mines? How much havo they produced? Is work plentiful? What wagos aro paid? Is living expensive? What aro ono's chances of "making a striko"? Com pi o to and satisfactory replies to tho abovo questions will bo found in tho liurlingtou Routo's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Slxtcon pages of practical information and an up-to-dato map of Alaska anil tho Klondike. Free at Burlington Routo ticket offices, or sont on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Frannih, Gon'l Passenger Agont, Burlington Routo, Omaha, Nobr. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRV IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Witbool Plates. POKOBLAIN INLAY And )1 the Uteit Improvement la dental mech tnlim RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RKD CLOUD, NE1IRAS vA. lipiiilissii fall 1 K0aUSN0CO0MKT l H MreWBOf TMtflTtRtHWUXM BM "S.C.MlMNGERBmtfC? V WW ,lL--miMlUmmm1 A Beautiful Present FREE for a few months to all users of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron Brand). To induce you to try this brand of starch, so that you may find out for yourself that all claims for its superiority and econ omy are true, the makers have had prepared, at great expense, a series ol t GAME PLAQUES exact reproductions of the $io,ooo originals by Muyille, which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects are: American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant, English Quail, English Slpe. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Plaque Is bordered with a band of gold. ' JL ELASTIC STARCH has been the standard for as years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year. That's how good it is. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. How To Get Them: All purchasers of three 10 cent or six Scent pnckairos of Elastic Starch (Flat Iron Brand), aro entitled to ro ceiTefrom their grocer one of these beautlfnl Oame Plaque frco. The plaqnes will not bo sent by mall. They can bo obtained only from your STocor. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. Do not delay. This offer Is for a short tlmo only. I TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y HED ULOUD, NEDR. LINCOLN OMAHA C IIICAOO 51. JOE KANSAS CITY 52. LOUIS and all points cast and south. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DKALER IN $3-oo Invested wltli us In this pair of Shoe tows more service, foot comfort nnd slvle than von cm oet for an ccjuul amount aw pincc cisc. FOU SALK uy 13er jg 5fe Smitli. i Wines, Liquors, California randies. nhoumatlum Cured in a Say. "Myg'.loOuro," for rhoumatism and neuralgia radically euros in 1 to 8 days, ltd action upon tho system is remnrk ablo and mysterious. It removes ut once tho cause and tho discaso imme diately disappears. Tho first doso greatly boneilts; 75 eopts. Sold by U. E. Grico, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Dr. Fonnor's Dyepopsia Curo As thu namo implies, is s.mply fur ayspopsia or inuigestion. This prepa ration is tho proscription of 0110 of America's mojt eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions are accepted as nutliority. If not sat bfnotory after using one bottle your mo oy will no refunded by O, L, Cot-ting. DENVEIl HELENA BUT1E SALT LAKE C'T PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO and all point) west. TRAINS LB AT AS rolXOWBI No. 66. Freight, dally except Sunday for Wymore and all point east 8:00 a.m. No. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south . .-10:20 a.m. No, 144. Accommodation, dally except minaay. uastinxs, urana is- a.. m Al a- want a an So. 143. No. 64. No. 63. nmw HLVVAU KALWAYS ON TAP. Writo to J. Francis, General Passen ger agont Rurlington Routo, Omaha, for handsome 32-pngo pamphlet' do soriptlvo ot tho Trans-Mlsslsslppl Ex position, freo. land. Black Ullls and points in tbo northwest... 1:00 p.m Acci'inuiuuimuii, ukiijt exuji Sunday, Oberiin. Kansas, ana miermeaiaie sinuous, via ite publican... .....12:03p.m. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe and Intermediate Junction points.. .18:10p.m. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans.Oxford and all points west ,.. .... ...10:30a.m. No, b, VasBcngor. daily. Denver, all points in Colorado, Utah and California 8:10p.m. Sleeping, dining, aud reclining chair cars, (ht-ats free) 011 through trains. Tickets sold and baggHgo checked to any point In the United amies or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or addrcsa A. Conovnr, Agent, lted Cloud, Nobr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska. aBMasMMnirJasMIill CURtS WHiRt Ml list FAILS. , Uousn Syrup. Tastes Good. hold DY fliwiiuu. HMt uousn Biru in lime. e DR. COE'S SANITARIUM. KANSAS CITY, Ma W. ut. th. X Ray in th. Ex amination Of DiSWtMS. aaMHssMlaMalslaHsasW VaMSw This is the Largest, Oldr3t and Only Responsible Sanitarium In the Country. Call and Consult us, or Write a Description of Your Case, and We will Give Our Opinion and the Probable Cost of a Cure. If Others Have Failed, Don't be Discouraged. We Have Cured Hundreds that Have Been Pronounced Incurable and Given up to Die. Address all Communications to Dr.C. M. Coe, Kansas City, Mo. e have treated nnd cured thousands of cases in the past twelve years, and it is only reasonable to say that our large experience is a sufficient guarantee of success. We make it our business to keep apace with the progress of the age, always adding the lntest inventions to our Sanitarium, there by giving our patients the advantage of the latest improvements as well as our many years of experience. All leading lines of Commercial business have long since adopted the practice of sending out men to represent them, and we find It a source of great convenience to send out from time to time, one of our Physi cians whose duty it is to further examine nnd consult our patients, thereby enabling us to bring about the most speedy nnd satisfactory results. Jin order that our patients in your vicinity may have the advantage of fur ther consultation, one of our Physicians will visit your town with an X-Ray Apparatus, and other instruments necessary for the complete examination of disease. If you are afflicted, or in any way in need of Medical or Surgical aid, call and see the Doctor, who will give you any information you may desire craceraing the manner and method of this Sanitarium. Q D.n't Faraat th. D.t.i.CCom. and Gat an Opinion af Your Caaa. CanauKatlon and Examination Fraa. PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago Itambef Yafd, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. r IT'S A DUTY You owo your eves that of properly cnrlng for them. You cun't bo too careful with nu ture's greatest blessing, nnd tho most doll cnto organs your eyes. Noarly evnry hu man being has Defective - K5r3 - Jlfflxt - ! Our skilled optician examines oyes froo. Como in and let him exam ine your oyes. If you don't roquiro olnBsos ho will toll you so. Only regular doctor of refarction In tho county. JVevvlxoiAie Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. BSTTho very finest Watch, Clock nnd Jewelav Repairing. Satisfac tion guaranteed. srui,aji.iaigajai-7g FAU. TKUSt Opens Sent, 6. Work rr Hoard This enables those short of moans to attend tlio college. EX l'l no v-Ynn can attend tliocollege and .xptisltlon at. tin. same time. CAT.V 01. U l-'ri't in imyoiio; ulso clccunt fipoc'lrnens of Penmanship and Pen Art. 1 1HKKAL OFI'KK Send us CO names of yuiliii! men and women nnd w will miii1 von The Western Eriiw.itnr frPA I for one year. Address KOHKBOUUU 11E0S., Omaha, Neb. : 11 'H a M 1 ft V; WTV,.l Vm yaZygjTCTIiilliriasll I 1