cj lf J lS V- .i i wa. i- ff-JWattawrtSaMS 4 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, .FRIDAY, AUGUST Itf, 1898. .'.wa4wa3R"""',","ww.-. tMnMeuinsKGU&RSU! N Royal mike the food pure, wholesome and dellclout. mi nnwnn Absolutely Pure KOYAl AKIIa POwetN CO., NtW VOW. CITY NEWS. Miss Floronco Cotting is in Omaha. Med Lavnllco of Rivortou was lioro Friday. It. L. Tinker of MeL'ook was here Saturday. County Attornov Uauney was here Wednesday. Miss Gertie Lindlcy has gone to Long Island, Kansas. Grant McFarland of Lincoln was hero the last of tho week. A. Galusha and family have moved to their new residence. Mrs. Wni. Ducker returned Friday night from a trip to Lincoln. Hardworo, tlnwnro.woodenware, and tho best cutlery at V. W. Wright's. W. V. Wrightand wife havo returned from their wedding trip in the west. Quite a crowd from here wont to Su perior yesterday to see the ball game. Notick All person are forbidden to hunt or shoot in my pasture. C. II. Kai.kv. For lire, lightning ami tornado iesur anco on farm and city pioperty eo L. II. Fort. Onifli Doling wa-. here firm Hold regu the first of tho week visiting with . friends. Claik Haipstcr of Sevcrus, Kansas, spent several days in the city tho first of the week. The Misses Estella andiJessio Ducker returned from :i trip to Lincoln and Omaha Monday night. Fred Huntley formerly n resident of this city, brother of M. II. Hcntley was hero tho first of tho week. Special salo.August 15 to 27 on sweat puds collar pads, collar combs, bruh . ami ciiids at if O UutlcrS Hurry Couovi'r has shipped his house, hold goods to McUook and the family will take up a residence there. Jos. Kubick of McCook returned to that place Monday night after a visit of adi.y M i'' with the folks hero. Call ami oviniiiio our stock and get our tune i,cf.irc biiyiiii; shoe.s. IV c can ivi- ou money Hiutii A: Sjuru. C.iUin Ki iimh and wife of llolyoko, Coloi mI.i, hi lived in the city W'dnc la3 iii"iiiing "i a visit to relatives heii). Hov. A. A. Cressinan, president of Uo.ino College, was hero looking after niatters pertaining to I hit institution this week. Miss Maude Rothrock nfter a pleas . ant visit with Mrs. J. W. Moronville, returned to her homo at Roynolds Wednesday. We an- making n display of tho finest line of hut:, ever brought to Red Cloud, Come in and Beo them. The Kaley COWDKK CLOTI1WQ Co. Frank and Hert Person of Baxter Springs, Kansas, after taking iu tho , exposition. at Omaha, made h visit -to John Person and wifo hero this week. V. H. Scrivner, real estate man, will soil your farm for you for a rea sonable por cent, or will trade your farms for Missouri lands. Address, V. H. Scrivner, Red Cloud, ISobr. L. A. Hussong ofllciated at his home in a marriago sorvico on August 12th, 1888, in which Dr. Robort O. Rhodes and Miss Mollio Wood, both of Loba- nou, Kansas, were made mau and wifo. Money to Loan Money to loan in any amount on approved real estate security at lowest rato of interest and most favorable terms of payment. En quire of or address F. E. Goule, at tho office of tho Trader's Lumber Co., Red Jloud,Nob. Married, on' Wednesday night, Au gust 1J, at tho homo of tho brldo's pa rents in Oak Creek township, Murry O.Kilmer to Miss JonnioOlivo Thomas. Tho groom is a resident of Bird City, Kansas, and tho brido is one of Web .Jl, ater county's touchers. Tho Rev. W. H. Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga., while attending to his pas toril duties at Ellenwood, this state, , was attacked by cholera morbus. Ho siys: "Hychanco I happened to got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colin Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was tho means of saving my life. It rcllevod me at once." Forsale by H. E. Urloe. V WTm.-WiatyH?: AROUND TOWN. D. M. Hunter of Cowles was hero Wedccsday. Mary and Margaret Miner aro homo" from Omaha. If you want u cook stovo or rango seo W. W. Wright. Thos. Penmnn and wifo aro visitors at the exposition this week. Will Tulleys came up from Superior and spent Sunday in tho city. Come and look over our assortment of gasoline stoves. W. W. Wright. Jimmy Abol and sister Clara aro vis iting their father at Hamburg, Iowa W. W. Wright will put in your plumbing and work of that kind cheap. A. C. Hosmcr and daughter Kthol were in Lincoln and Omaha tho first of tho wock. Miss Floia Kllgorc of Port Washing ton, Ohio, is hero visiting her sister Mrs. 1). i. Mizer. Mrs. J. A. Hauin loft tho last of tho week for a visit at tho exposition and with friends in Lincoln. Shoes of all kinds, from tho best to tho cheapest, at spocial 'sale prices at Berg & Smith's shoo store. A very orderly danco was given on last Friday ovening in ono of the build ings on south Webster street. Special salo August 16 to 27 on sweat pads, collar pads, collars, combs and brushes and cards at J. O. Butler's Chas. Besse returned Monday night from a sovcral weok's sojourn in Maine, visiting with his father and other rela tives. Married, at tho homo of Rov. G. W. Ilummcll on Tuesday, August 15th, Win. Lane uud Miss Anna Davis both of this city. A pood ninny tire still in arrears on subscription who might just us well pay up now nnd take advantage of our oiler of premiums. iScltoLongiiu andfaniilvhuvcinqvcd into the llaimi property on Webster street and Sam Dyer will move into tho ono thus vacated having purchased it. Mrs. Hnzelton and Mrs. Cliorn and son licorge who Have been visiting with Chas. Haeltou nnd wifo left for their home at Hooucvillc, Missouri, Wednesday. Tho weather the past week has been peculiar in tho extreme. Plenty of wind, plenty of dust, plcntyof thunder, pluulj of lightning, plenty of clouds, but n very aiiv.il! quantity of rain Henry Coiuad Deidcrieh, infant son of Mr. and Mr'-. Henry Deidcrieh, died hist Saturday alter u short illness mid was buried on Sunday morning. The little ono was born on Maich lGth, 1803, and was aged 1 months uud 27 days. Foil Sali:. All of block i), Kaley & lucksi'ii'd addition, for ono hundred and liny dolhu(Sir0.) For particulars inquiiu of Geo O. Vclser, Red Cloud Nebraska, or write to the owner, Chas. F Curso v, M. I)., Ste. Genevieve, Mis souri For National Dental Meeting at Oma ha, Nebraska. August 2, to September a, 1803, the Burlington will sell tickets at one faro plus $2 fur the roil nil trip. Tickets sold August 23 and 24, final re turn limit for September 5, 1893. A. Conovkk, Agent. For tho Old Soldiers and Sottlors re union at Republican, Nobraska, August 29 to September 1, tho Burlington will sell tickets at ono rato and ono third for tho round trip from all points with in 75 miles. Tickets sold August 20th with final return limit September 4th. A. Conovkk, Agent. For the annual reunion of tho old soldiers and Snttlers at Oxford, Neb raska, September 7 to 10, 1898, tho Bur lington will soil tickets nt ono and one third fan1 for tho round trip from all points within 75 miles. Tickets sold September 7, with final limit for return to September 12. A. Conovek, Agent. Poultry car on track overy two wooks regular frcm now on. Watch this space for data and prices. Next enr Monday afternoon, August 20, at B. & M. depot, Red Cloud, Nobr. Prices paid in cash, hens 0c por pound. High est market price for other kinds of poultry, li. FismiACK, Shipper. A carload of marblo, direct from tho Vermont quarries arrived in tho city this week, consigned to Ovoring Bros., & Co. proprietors of tho Rod Cloud Monumental works. Tho marblo is of tho finest quality nnd is first class in overy respect. This lirm employs tho most skilled workmen nnd a visit to their establishment will convince you that an important industry is boing de veloped bore. List of letters remaining uncalled for tit tho postolllco at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Aug. 18th, 1893. Dapke, M. Morgan, Emma Pounds, Mrs. E. Salmer, Mary Wnmock, Warren These lottora will be sent to tho dead lottrr ofllco Sept. 1st, if not called for before. When calling for above pleat ey advertised .T. O. Hacvim.P. M. M.1SKE MENTION. Miss Gortlo Fuller has roturnod from Campbell. Miss Gertio Kaloy is seeing tho expo sition this week. Geo. Hollister and wifo aro homo from a trip to Nelson. For tho best tho Alaska refrigerator call on W. W. Wright. Miss Laura Boyd is clerking at tho Nobraska Mercantile Co. storo. Rev. Darbj and wifo and daughter Graco aro homo from tho exposition. Eddio Piatt and Sherwood Albright aro taking in tho oxposition this wook. Mrs. W. K. Hayes and childron havo roturnod from thoir trip to Prcscott, Iowa. For Ore, llghtniug and tornndo insur ance on farm and city property soo L. H. Fort. Mrs. C. II. Cutter and brother, Mr. Wixem, left Wednesday for Janosvillo, Wisconsin. Rov. Darby will assist in tho dedica tion of tho now M. E. church at Inavalo Sunday ovonlnp. Charley Barber of Almona, Kansas, is hero visiting with C. II. Barber and family west of town. Frank Sraolsor is carrying his hand in a sling, tho causo bolng a sovoro caso of catarrh of tho hand. Mark LawroUon who was transferred to Edison has returned to his old po sition at tho depot horo. A- Borg Si Smith havo tho largest lino of shoes in tho city to select from and their prices aro tho lowest. Special salo August 15 to 27 on sweat pads, collnr pads, collars, comb, biuslic nnd cards at J. O. Butler's. Tho county convention of the Chris tian churches is to convene and be en tertained at Cowles, August 21 to 20. Jacob Rciglo left Monday for a visit to hi former old home in Pennsylvania. He will stop a few days tit tho expo sition. Tlie wind ot Mondav niKht mil con siderable damago to grain in the .stack throughout different portions of the county. Will Hi ewer, formerly of this city hut lately holding down u good po sition in u bank at Kansas City, is hero visiting his parents. H. A. Howard and wifo and daugh ter Mabel nro visiting with Fred How ard and family in Council Hltilis and taking in the exposition at Omaha. Letter received by friends and relatlvf s in this city from the boys who joined tho Third Nebraska icgimcnt indicate that the boys would rather bo in Rod Cloud than where they nro at. The water commissioner should sro In It Hint tho firo plugs aro cleaned out regularly. Tho experience of tho bnyj at the firo last Tuesday evening was u stream of thin mud when tho watei wa turned on. Wo hnvo used Chamberlain's Cough remedy in our home for many yeais und bear chcei ful testimony to its val ue as a medicine which should bo In every family In coughs and colds wo have found it to bn cfllcneious and iu croup and whooping cough in children wo doom it indisponsiblo. II. P. Rit tku, 4127 Fairfax Avo., St. Louis, Mo. For Sale by H. E. Grice. Rev. F. W. Dean started Monday morning on a trip to points in tho east ern part of tho stato. Next Sabbath his pulpit will bo filled by Rov. F. W. Leavitt, a former classmato of his at Doane college, and now connected wlty the Andovcr Theological Semi nary. Mr. Dean will visit his mother nt Creto and tako in tho exposition wliilo away. Perhaps you have made up your mind to take Scott's Emulsion this summer. Then look for this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big fish on his back. , Do not let anyone talk to you of something "just as good." when you want cod liver oil and the hypo phosphites you want the verv bestv You will find them in only one place, Scott s Emulsion. There Is no other emul sion like it: none other does the same work ; and no other has the same record of cures. Alt DruggUU, soc.and $i. Scott ft Bowkk, CbimUti, N. Y. iKzatezzz. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregu. tlonul church will havo an icn crenm nnd cako social in tho court house park on tho ovening of Thursday, August 2ft. J. II, Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of five years at 3 per cent. On schools houses, churches and farm property on tho installment plan. Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob. Tho streot commissioner is this wook having tho broken rock from tho rear of tho marblo works placed at cross walks on Webster street, which vory much improves them and will prevent muddy crosswalks when it rains. Whllo returning from tho depot last Sunday ovening In his top buggy, Len Aullz had tho mlsfortuno to collido with Ed Smith who was going to tho dopot, with tho result of having his buggy slightly smashod, but luckily no ono was hurt. A small boy with a match, who wanted to soo tho "blazos" sot tiro to J. C. Myors' barn last Tuosday even ing, An alarm was turned in nnd tho department rospondod promptly, nnd soon had tho flames under control. Tho barn and nthorloutbulldings, together with their contents, woro practically dostroyod. A vory pleasant wedding occurred nt tho homo of Mr. Honry Kcsslor, tho popular salesman at Minor Bros., tho contracting parties boing a sistor Miss Ella Kcsslor and Mr. James Moora of Mount Morris, Illinois, tho ceremony being pcrformod by Rev. Fltz. Tho happy couplo loft on tho morning train for their homo In Illinois. Thoro Is ono thing which peoplo go jng to lircs with bugglos and wagons should roniombor, and that is not to drlvo over tho hose, as tho sharp tiro of tho wheels will cut tho best of hose. At some recent lire this trick was dono, und as n consequence ono of tho hoso carts will be short fifty feet of hose, it being cut thro.igh nnd thus rendered useless. This hoso costs ono dollar n foot, or fifty dollars u length, uud par ties driving over it nnd destroying it should be made to pay for it. About ono month ago my child which i uttciMi inoiiins oiii, nan nil iuuick oi diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave it such leiiiedies us aro usually given iv such cases, but as nothing gave relief; we sent for a physician nnd it wns under its care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twcnty-tlvo operations of the bowels overy twelve hours, and wo were con vinced that unless it .should soot: ob tain relief it would not live. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended, und I de cided to try it. I soon noticed u change foi tho better; by its continued uso n complete cm u wns brought about and it is now perfectly healthy. C. L. Bouas, Stuiiiptown, Gilmer county, W. Vn. For sale by 11. E. Grico. Parties representing both sides of tho late Guide Rock unpleasantness were in tho city yestei day to attend the us-! sutilt nnd battery case in Porter's conn as a lcsultof the melee. The complaint not having been signed by a proper officer us sworn tobefoiu him was ob jected to by defense nnd objection over ruled by tho justice uud a change of venue was then taken by defenso to Justlco Yeiser's court. Later defend ants wero urrested on u warrant issued out of Judge DulTys court and served by tho sheriff charging them with riot, by "utoring storo of plaintiff and un lawfully using violence ugainst his per son. Tho latter caso coming boforo Judge Duffy was laid over by request of defendant's lawyer for tho reason that thoy were already undor custody of an officer on tho formor charge. Tho hearing on tho last warrant will como up on Monday, August 29. J. S. Gil- ham appears for dofenso and b. U. Overman for plaintiffs. Whllo little is positively known of tho caso hero, sym pathy appears to bo on tho side of tho defense. A special to tho Chicago Tribuno un der dato of August 18th, from Areola, Illinois, suys: "That tho corn crop In central Illinois will fall far short of tho avcrago yield Is now n foregono con clusion. A careful inspection of tho condition of tho crop in a largo portion of Champaign, DouglaB, Coles, Moul trio and Edgar counties shows a most radical decreaso in tho yield. Tho long drought in tho early part of tho soason h mainly accountable for tho shortage, and this, coupled with tho ravages of the chinch bugs, has aided matorially in decreasing tho yioldi Hundreds of acres of Indian corn all over this dis trict is a completo loss from tho fact that there aro no oars on tho stalks. Largo sections of Moultrio county will fall short ot tho land rent from tho grain produced. A largo nmount of tho corn in this section has grown about thirty inches In height, tassled, and with no sign of an oar. It is tho general opinion among farmors as well as other sources of authority that tho yield iu this district this year will bo ono-hnlf short of tho usual crop. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doldorlch wish to thank tho friends and neighbors for tho good services and acts of kindness shown during the sickness and death el their Jaft eoa. " " jSO VX5erKEPIM,,i?Trr" mr am&&iWbmiirw.xmtivz if(rM"," "--.- w - w f 'ii w r VIT we arc to show you tho host H - H H W b. you ever saw. FEDORAS ! AT $1 OO. 1 THEY ARE WE SELL SHOES THAT WEAR AND PIT. It is a pleasure for us to show you goods. Remember the Name. Gouiden-Raley Clothing Go. One Price Clothiers. Wiener's Old'Stand. I Si. The Huston Uloomei bae ball club played a game iigniu.M a pieked-up ulna in tills city lat Friday afternoon. Tho weather which was quite di-cigieo-able, boing dusty nnd windy, had no teirors for the throng ivho wei.ded their way to tho ground1 located in lOiithwaito's pnMtiio, tonco the dainty damsels of the diamond chase the ilcotiug spheroid over the gontlj undu lating prairie. A grand stand and wall eanva-t to enclose tho grounds, which tho bloomer club carries with them, had been elected, and to tell the li nth the grounds presented a very citylied appearance. The bloomer girls how ever wero the center of attraction, uot certainly on account of thoir good looks for thoy woro 'all evidently hid behind tho door when tho good looks woro given out and also shapes. From tho tall slim ono with tho long flowing locks which gathered Nebraska's fertilo soil among them, to tho midget with tho short curly hair who looked like she had boon pushed through a brush heap backwards, tljpy all prosouted pretty much tho sumo appoaranco in thoir red striped bloomor suits, which, when tho wind happoned to catch just rltrlit. would iill up and niako thorn Dresont the appearance of a stuffed toad or an inflated lady at a dime musoum. But thoy showed tho crowd of spectators that they know some thing nbout tho cssontial part of baso ball, and that thoy could kick as hard as tho average man. This was espec ially truo of tho him-catcher who camo with tho bloomers, and from whom tho kicks camo numorous and strong, and to which tho umpire paid very llttlo attention. At tho last half of tho ninth inning tho score stood two to four In favor of tho bloomers, and tho Red Cloud boys nt bat. After two moro scores had been mado, making tho gamo a tie and only ono out, tho him catcher ot tho 8be-malo club proceeded in the usual mode to kick up a row and get mad, and vow nnd declare that ho would not nlav any moro unless ho sot tustlco from tho umpire, but wo guess io was afraid tho boys would mnko an other run and hurt tho reputation of tho bloomers if thoy had auy. In about u minuto matters hud assumed an American-Spanish aspect, and every sho-mnlo In short pants had her favor ito woapon, anything from a hat-pin to n base ball bat, ami was roady for tho fray. Luckily cooler hoads porsuaded them to Bhutup, nnd tho tho bloomers togethor with tho hlui-cntchor, woro Anally loaded Into tho hack and start ed for their special car at tho dopot, all so mad that tho breath was comiug in short pants, llko a dog on a hot day. Tho bloomers went from hero to Su perior whore they played on Saturday, returning Sunday and going to Blue Hill where they yUy4 oa Moadfty. "f'llls - JVSpBmaasi js mm&immjmi . I Keaay and cheapest lino of - T - S aW M W m Hit' i Kft Soo our m m k m I i m 1 50, 175. I BEAUTIES. R'fl ? I it ft a ' . $ '-H .V: W ClIUItCKXOrKS. OUltlSriAN CIllMtUII. Services each Lord Day as follows: .Morning service at 0;!)(). Subject, "Christlikoiic'ss." Illbln cluml, IS in. .Iiiniin Christian Hudeavor a p.ni. yetlorCluisiliiii Endeavor 7:15 p.m. Kvonliig soi vice nt & o'clock. Sub ject, "IVaeeTieatiea." Miss Mizor will sing "A Dream of f'ari'dlso," again in the evening by rcqticit. Excellent iiiiimc each service. Prayer meeting and biblo study on WcdncHlny evenings. Ladies' Aid Society Friday after noons. Our ploasant church home and all sorvicos aro ovor open to tho public. L. A. HU830NO, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning service at 10:80. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Junior t,oaguo at 4 p.m. Sonior Leaguo at 7 p.m. No evening service. Preaching tit Amboy at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially .invited to at tond. Jamks Mask Dxitur, Pastor. BAITIST ClIUllCH. Sorvtces noxt Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. Sunday Sohool nt 11:45. Juniors mooting at 8 p.m. Young Pooplo's Union moots at 7 p.m. Evonlng sorvico at 8 o'clock. General prayer meeting on Wednes day evening at 8 o'olook, All cordially invited. Soats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor, CONQIIKOATIONAL. Regular sorvicos noxt Sunday as fol- lows: ' Morning sorvicos at 10:80. Conduct ed by Rev. F. W. Loavitt, of Andovor, Massachusetts. Sunday School atll;4fi. YoungPooplo's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening sorvico at 8 p. in. Mid-week prayer mooting and con foronco Wednesday ovonlng at 8. All cordially invited to attend those services. Fkawk W. DAr, Paeter i mi I h FN' V I '-, 7 KB