iW1A'.J JTttIi "SXSTIT ltt5SMjrf;tfi iK fxmrvor ---. .. - I i.rA3ti ..f v"""- iitiii 'lUt t THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 18Uo. wmn rtfJfM;Mf I jliHUVj-Mrtlfryyfrt ) i ! 5 hO 1 1 a Running Sor - Llttlo Qlrl Suffers With Impure Blood-Other Troatmont Failed But Hood's Snraaparllla Curod Weakness and Headache 'My darghter, 0 yctr o.d, had a run ning tore below her Tight oar for thrco month,. The doctor advised painting It with lodlno and we did this but it did no good. Then I got a bottlo ot Ilood'a Bar aparllla. Tho first bottle made somo Im provement, and when the third bottle had been taken the aorewai nloely healed. A year hai patted alnoe then and there has been no return of the sore." W. . Maomubbok, Arnold, Nebraska. "I waa troubled with weakness and headache but alnce taking a few bottles of Ilood'a Barsaparllt I have had no trouble ot this kind." Mtta. Mabt Lxwis, Otto, Nebraska. Got only Ilood'a because Sarta-parllla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood l'urinor. Sold by all druKKlt- l;slxfors. Tl T r7n cro ,',vcr I1,i casy MOOd S FillS tUe,easytoopcrftto.io. Hood's THE CHIEF rOBMRMD BT W. L. MCMILLAN. One year 1100 llx months 90 PUBLISHED BVBHY FIUDAT Entered at the pott office at Bed Cloud, Nob. at lecond class mall matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Governor, H. L. HAYWAHD, Of Otoo County. For Lieutenant (lovcrnoi, C1KO, A. MUltl'llV, Of Gsgo County. For Secretary of fltato, 0. DUIIA8, Of Saline County, For Auditor of Public AccgunlB, T. I.. MATTHKW3, Of IIoiIro County. KurTrcasnror, I'KTKII .MOKTKNSKN', Of Valley County. For Superintendent or I'litillo Instruction, .IOHN V. SAYI.Oli, Of I.uucrtHtvr Couiily For Atlor'noy (icncml. N. I. .IACKSON, Of Autclupc County, For Land CommlMloncr, A I' WILLIAMS, Of DutiKliuCminlt COUNTY. Ftir ItcpicFCiitnttve, .1 H WIlirK, t'ut County Attomc). ItANDOLI'lt M0NITT. For CuiniulKhlmicr, .1.1 District, ,i. w. ltiiNcinn, For CoiiiiiilndiMicr, Mh DlMr.t't, ikkomi: VANOL. WASHINGTON NOTES Washington, I) C , August 15. Altliotigb Spain Iiuh nccopteil our terms of pence itnil theio is not likely to bu 1013' more lighting, unless there wliot'lil lio it ilciulloek Im till) peace com mission over the (liaposltion of the Philippine.1!', tilts expenditures of this government ton likuly to bu quito -is hesivy, if not lii'iivlt'f, for hoiiiu tiinu to come its they wetc while the wur vim going on. This nmy sou ml n little queer but it is easily explained. The expenses of the unity will not ho less piiihI until wii lic!'in to inimtci- tln troops out of service, untl tlmt is ti mut ter not even yet thought of, us wo .sliull htivo to garrison Cubit it ml Porto Htco, the former iuit heavily, for nobody knows how long, ami tlto expenses of tho navy will bu increased Insto-ul of lessoned, as orders have boon issued to overhaul all our heavy lighting ships ns quickly us tho work eau be dono. Iu addition to theso expenses the pros ident has decided that it is our duty to feed everybody in Cuba that needs food, including tho Spanish soldiers until such time ns they can feed thorn solves, and governmuut rations aro al ready on tho way. A strict account will bo kopt of all lood furnished Span ish soldiers in Cuba, and Spain will bo made to reimburse us, but tho rations issued to others in Cuba will simply bo charged up to war oxponsos, and from all accounts, It will not bo a small sum that will have to bo expended for that purpose All these things combined will tuako our noaco expenses heavier than our war expenses for n time. Tho military commissions to arrango for tho time and mu'.hod of Spanish ovncuatlon of Cubauud Porto Rico will at ouco bo appointed, but it is likoly to bo months before tho last Spanish troop loaves Cuba. In I'orto Kico there nro fewer of them and they will probably evaouato that island in u few weoks. For reasons entirely sollMi tho health of our troops wo will not hurry them out of Cuba. for years, nitd It would be nn eniy to round tip atuqtitil number of Ameticati hoboes uud mako them udupt u tegiilai occupation ns it would to mnko orderly workmen out of tlto itiburgents. Thore aro many of tho insurgents who will, in my opinion, bocouio brigands, rather than to work for a living, juat as a number of thorn did at tho closo of the las t Cuban insurrection. If they do they will mako no ond of troublo for )ur army of occupation, as themoun tains of Cuba aro difficult of access, ox cept to tho natives, and tho natives who do not Join tho brigands cannot bo dopondod upon to rondor the slight est assistauco to any movement against thorn. It is a groat pity that tho presi dent's word'provonts tho United States nnnoxlng Cuba at onco; thoro isn't tho slightest doubt about its coming to that in tho ond. Moaawbllo thero will bo lots of troublo in Cuba, as wo try to livo up to our promlso, that tho islands shall havo a stablo government. It is my opinion that no stablo government will ever exist in Cuba, except that of tho U.S. and I fcol cortain that nine outofovery ton property hclders on tho island, regardless of their nation ality, hold tho samo opinion." V Thoro is very iittlo probability that an extra session of tho senate will havo to bo called to ratify tho treaty of peaco that is to bo nogotlatod .with Spain, for tho vorygoodroason that tho treaty is not likoly to bo ready before congress assoinblos for tho regular ses sion in Docembor. Tho protocol or temporary peaco agreement of tho two governments provides that tho joint commission, charged with tho duty of negotiating tho treaty, shall moot in Paris not later than October 1st, next. Tho woll known disposition of tho Spanish to postpono, makes it practic ally certain that tho commissioners representing Spain will not bo there a dny earlier than that mentioned ns tho last upon which they can meet our commissioners. As the Philippines will bo the subject of tho most contro versy, it is nniong tho probabilities that tho commission may visit tho islands. If so, that would consume tit least six weeks tiinu. Diplomats, who know something of the inside workings of such commissions, do not expect tho tteaty to bo completed much, if tiny, before the llrst of tho year, ami would not be Mitpiiiid h ti'il it 1 MU'tal week's ufiei i-i.ti btfxte t! e lit .ny was oigilUt. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is tho hcnior psirUcr of the lirm of F. .J. Cheney & Co , doing business In tho tity "f T."'1 di, ei'unlx mil stale afore sniil. mill nut Mini Ibm wi.l tiijtbe Mint of Otto lluniiiul Dolhita for eaeh and every cn-e of catarrh that cannot bo ctited by Hall's Cataith Cine. FitANir J.Ciii:ki:. Sworn to before mo ami subscribed in my piesence, tills lith day of Decem ber, A. D , 1803 A. V. CixasoN, (sr.Ai.) Notary l'ublic. llttll'8 Ciitiinli Ct.to is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous sin faces of tho system. Send for testimonials, fiee. F. .1. Ciilnkv A: Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druguisw, 7.ric. Mood's family mis nie mo nest. I IIih'k U i (iimiiiotn list of the war ships which, accoiiling to the Madrid press, Spain has lost since tho begin ning of tho present war: Cruisers Infanta Maria Teros:i,7000; Viscayn, 7000; Almiranto Oquondo, 7, 000; Cristobal Colon, 0850, Itoinn Cris Una, 3520; Castilln, 3200; Kelna Merce des, 8090; Don Antonio do Ulloa, 11G0; Don Juan do Austria, 1150; Isla do Cuba, 1042; Isla do Luzon, 1045, Jorge Juan, 035. Torpedo-boat dostroyors Furor, 380 tons; IMuton, 380. Gunboats 1 Cano, 500 tons; Oaltcin, 011 tons; Gon. Lezo, D20; Marques del Dttoro, COO; Fornando el Cotollco, 500; Piziirro, 300; Cuba Kspanola, 23.p; Camao,208;Continela, 200; Loyto, 151; Alvarado, 100; Sandoval, 100; Dolgado Parejo, 85; Guardian, 05; Estrella, 48; Golomlrlna, 43; Haracoa, 40; Yumtiri, 10; Guantunumo, 40; Maynri, 85; Do dondlento, 35. In all, tho Spanish lass has boon tbir-ty-livo warships, with tv total tonnago of 48,165. PrJ;ilillJdldiK: : MINER - BROTHERS RED CLOUD, NBB. You may not want a single item quoted in this list but you are sure to want something from the great sea of Bargains in THE BIG STORE. i i' SEWING MACHINES Not the best because WE sell it, but we sell it because it is BEST. That applies to the FIELD sewing machines. Simplicity of construction, strength of parts, aro somo of tho main points of excellence, but the main point is tho price. $20.00 for the high arm oud $25.00 for tho drop head. Guaranteed for 5 years. Outing Flannel. Wo do not claim tho world, but we do claim that havo articles in Ulankots and Outing Flannels that you want. Hot weather thongh, to bo talking about OUTING FLANNELS, but wo havo a full spread yet, al though styck was given a pretty hard shaking up last weok. Tho pretties won't last long. We won't bo ablo to furnich tho dainties later that we offer now, becauso wo had the full spread to select from. Wo givo you tho opportunity now for the FULL SPEEAD. Special attention called to our regular 12 Jc grade, which consequently makes tho best on the mar ket for 10c per yard. Ticking. Everybody knows the quality of A. C. Ticking. Everybody knows the BIG STORE makes the price this week i2c yd. Wo want you to know the Old Dover ticking It sells every when- at 12e. To make you know it we oiler it at 10c per, yd Many bought it List year, more wjll buy tin year. Straw ticking at 8c per yard. Groceries. 6 pnrknsci MCKKL rolled oats for 2Ac Id bum Hnntn Cltuv op 25c 2 packHgeit Fairbanks Gold Duat washing ponr. dcr lot c Package cornstarch So Ifultla Lomon or Vanlla Kxtrnct 4c 10c bottle Sewing Machine Oil 6c Tip Topcataup. bottle.... toe I packoKOs tooth picks rc Van Camp's pork and beans K)c Package coCfeo .... too 17S8 Granulated Htigar. It 00 -torn full weight tub whlto llsU f l 00 Clover Leaf Extracts, baking po-rders and spices guaranteed pure. Money refunded if not as repre sented. Clover I.cnf baking powder cost jou Just V, as much an l'rkc or Kof al. Comforts. Tho approach of cold weather is near ing us overy day. Now is a good timo to got your quilts ready. Wo havo both tho calico and tho cotton bats. Wo havo tho Shormutl bat at 5c. Not as good ns tho Clareuco bat at lUo on ac count of tho weight and quality. Other grades at 12 and 15u. Daak Calic )s at 2o yard. Fancy light Dress Prints, Go kind for 3c. Other grades in light, dark, blues, blacks or reds or fancies at 5c yard. For tho Fancy Comforts use L.-iGas coguo cotton bats and Silketeue or Col ored Cheese Cloth. Clean Sweep Sale. A now broom always sweeps clean. and wo havo taken a new one to thi job, and intend to make a clean sweep ot the shelves to mako room for fall stock. Wo still havo loft a fow of the rem nants of dress goods that wo havo boen telling you about for tho past couple of weeks They nro in 1 to 8 vd. lengths. They go at actually J marked price and every thing marked in plain lignres. Seveial patterns only, left of immense stock of spring goods, fancy novelties and and .ilk and wool mixture. We pic elop ing them at l"e to 85c per yard. SHOES! $3.00 for Mens vici kid, latest ton, Goodyear welt, regular $3.50. $2.75 for Mens box calf, black or tan, Goodyear welt, regular $3.25. Other Grades at $2.00 to $2.50. 25 pair. Mens Shoos special for this sale at $1.10 per pair. Ladles Shoes. John Strootman line. $3.00 for vici kid, vesting top, latest toe, handturn, regular $3,50. $2.75 for regular $3.25 shoe, foxed heel, lace vici kid. $2.00 for regular $3.50 shoes, Bradley Metcalf vici kid. $2.50 for Drew-Solby lace shoo, cloth top, foxed hoel. Wolfo Bros, line of ladies shoes, $1.50 to $1 75. Ono of best lino medium'grade goods manufactured, nowest shapes. Wo havo about 50 pair of shoes mostly accumula tions from fast selling tor tho past year, sizes 31, some 3 and 4, regular $3.00 $3.00 and $4.00 goods. Sale price this weok $1,000. CORSETS. 43c each for regular $1.00 goods, broken lines and sizes. A good summer corset for 29o. Full lino sizes iu O C. C. and Jackson Corsote and Waists in summer goods. For comfort try our C-H Ex. Ex. short waist. Per fect litting. 50c for Favorite and Itelief corsets, would bo good valuo at 00c. ' Shirt Waists. Rapid selling has left broken lines and small sizes, some largo sizes tao, but the Clean Sweep, Now Broom prices havo sent them Hying into the homes In all parts of the county. 33c for all 50 cent waists. 8.V for all S1.25 waists. 81.10 for all $1.50 $1.75 82.00 waists. MINER BROS. RED CLOUD, NEB. I ii:C Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Oatnrrh Is ono of tho most obstinate ported to have replied, "honor and , diseases, and henco tho most dilllcult ' ............. I to L'et rill of. There i3 but ono way to euro it. Tho disease is in tho blood, and nil tho Then is illicit compliment to Amer icans in the icply which the BrltMi consul is said to have made to a Span iih woman of Manila who had gone to him after Dewoi's victory and asked for nroteot on. "Madam" he is re vii tun ate safer in Manila today titan they havo been for 300 years." , i r-tH4tt I Of twm ur o.uiw i. Sampson anil Schley have been made rear-admirals, dipt. Clatk, ot tho On gon, has been advanced inoio numbets than any other captain, and Wain wright goes up higher .him any other oillcer. A U)nnlulu paper prints sayini": "Porto Kico must an attlcle bo ours." Now let tho Potto ltlcan journals ex pand on tho tuouio: "Tho Philippines nro essential to our Yankeo nation." Though fow of tho volunteers will cot a taste of war this timo, tho coun- try knows that tho specimen at Santi ago is what all would do uuiler tno same circumstances. . Tho list of postollices In tho Uulted States now includes Hobson, Va., Sig boe, Ark.; Dewey, N. C; Sampson, Fin., and Manila, Ky. Uncle Sam has ono crop this year tlmt averagos 100, and that is the crop of victories. a a A anH af tr . I It is admitted on all sides that thN government will havo several diftlcult probloms to solvo in Cuba, nut the least of which will bo tho satisfactory dls posal of tho Insurgents. Au ofllcial thoroughly familiar with Cuba, aml with tho Insurgents, says: "It will bo much eastor to issuo a proclamation directing all Cubaus to rosutno tholr ordinary occupations, than it will bo to got tho motly aggregation known as tho insurgent army to eivo up their arms and tuko to peaceful occupations. Soldiering iu their freo and easy way, and taking wbatover thoy wanted wherover they found it, has been tho ordiiary occupatloa of mij of then In tho discussion of terms of peaco a good deal of unnecessary consldeiation was given to tho subject of tho Cuban debt. There is no Cuban debt. Thero aro Spanish bonds quoted on tho bourses as ''Cubans." Tho Spanish government issued thorn, and to givo thorn nioro attractiveness to investors pledged for the payment of tho interest tho revenues derived from custom col lections of Cuban port;. In tho proto col signed Friday there is no reference whatever to tho Cuban debt. Tho question of the assumption of any part of it by this country or by any govern niant that tho United States may sot up in Cuba has no place. Tho president hnt doeided that tho United States shall hold permanently tho bay, port and city of Manila. Ho isptepared to instruct the Ameticau membeis of the peace commission to this effect. Further consideration will develop whether tho United States will tako more. But It is decided that so much as the bay, port and oity shall be retailed. ThU decision is very rocut. For tho Nebraska Sangerfest, Omaha, Nebraska, August 10th, 1809, the Bur lington and Missouri River railroad iu Nebraska, will soil ticket at one faro for tho touud trip for the above oc casion. Tickets sold August 18th nttd 19th, with dual return limit August 23 A. Conoveh, Agent. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent euro of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment in without an ennal. It relieves tho itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It nlso cures itch, barber's itch, Rcnld head, sore ninnies. itchlnK piles, chopped hnnds, chronic soro eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady'fl Condition Powders for horses nre tho best tonlo, blood purifier nnd vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby sprays, washes anu inimitng mixtures in tho world can havo no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cillecuros Catarrh permanently, foritls tho only remedy winch can reucli tho disease nnd forco it from tlto blood. Mr. J$. P. McAllister, of Ilnrrodsburg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. Ilo writes: "I could see no Improvement whatever, Uiougu l was constantly ireniou whii Hiirays ..t-f. anil washes, and dllTor- entlMlialtiiK remedied In fact. I could feci that ench u Inter I waaworso than thu year previous. "Finally it was brought to toy notice that Catarrh waa a blood disease, and after think ing over the matter, I saw It was unreasonable to expect to be cured by remedies which only reached the surface. I then decided to try W tattles were used. I no- Uoed a perceptible Improvement. ContlnulnR the remedy, the disease was forced out ot mjr system, and a complete cure was the result. abandon thelrlooal treatment.whlcu has never done them any Rood, and take 8.8. 8.. a rem edy that can reach tho disease and cure It." To continuo tho wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continuo to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures oostinaio, ueep-scaieu uiseiiHeo, which other remedies havo no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to euro even tho most aggravated cases. ror Rlnnri neiJiuuu Is Purely Vegetable, and is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no langerous minerals. Booka mailed freo by Swift Specific. Company, Atlanta, Georgia. I Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles! Bo liit.'ti lie. u'.eelt, ! feetly and speedily by ono who can do it LATKST GRADUATE Ol'lICiAN. I havo tho Illicit and most complete trial cao for toaiuig tho ey - mi the vullm Am bettor equipped for and do the optical business of thia Kii.nt; . Will lit you butter and cheaper than can bo done eiewneie A Good Alarm Clock for 75c. When you eome to buy this clock you will lint! tlmt I havo them anil will not tiy to sell you something higher priced. You will find all I oiler for sale equally cheap, such as DNK AND RIGHT DAY CLOCKS, WATCHKS.oJEWKLRY, SILVRRWARH, FINKKR RINGS, SPROTACLKS, CHARMS.CHA1NS, ETC. Willi do your complicated watch tii ' . -it.t.ji.mn.ii 5mitv ,1 not work cinapor and better than it can ' j;Jt? It JnA tP a ,rect cf siuht Finger Rl"g Baeast Pins and Brace Z?li.J&tt jets nuide Sidle you wait. Engrav bo Scted at onco. Rycj tested freo. in& done HM. w&ile you wait. Watch examiner for B & M .Jeweler and Graduate Optician. v ywfiffifir jagarcmBiiiy S most ukkum;u S.S.S. eity Dm andi Express tone. ROSS St RIFB. PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowost B. U. OVERMAN, KTTORNBY - RT - L-K5"tf. Ottlce over Pott Ottlce. Does a general law buslnes. Practice, in all eourts. CITY AGENTS FORIADATIS EXPRESSIGO. 1RiVrERS IyXJ3MCBE CO, DEALERS IN Mon UJnt1inrl SCHOOL TEACIIEIIS, Men Wanied, MKl'll.NU,S,tr"AUMKl!S : -Lvm-ii! ! AOKNTb. ttiiiono honest ami willing1 lo liuMle, we will xivKOOd wuireii and Klvo t uilr ciupluyinent. Willi our fBCllltlc mul pe-komil help any msn fulh allvo ami wlllliifl to work can win i jiay lti iM)ltuli with u. Apply quick, HatltiK age. L. L. MAY & CO. 8T. PAUL. MINN. Vitrtrjmen, Sedmtm sod FlurltU. Hal Cavet,nnd Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-; entbutlneo conducted (or Modchatc ftts. oun orncs is opposite u, s. PATtNTorrici and wecaniecuro paentln ' itne 'uo " ...a a f-nM WnatilncT'tnn. "'"". """".":""."!-.-. i.. j-.i. Sena moaei, urwins ur imuiu,, ..... -..,-lion. Wo advUe, 1C patentable or not, tree ot, durze. Our teo not due till patent uaecurea, , TV! ...... How to Obtain Patent," with coit o? TiiSo'ln'tho U. S. snd (oreigu countrie.; tent tree. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. M atTS-rr BTMi-fti-ss1 - --."- - - 1BWwwmlFwwiwvwwwmmwm LUMBER and COAL, J I3iiilclinfi: material, Btc. red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Subscribe for The Chief, $i.oo per year. 0 1. Vy X Tjywfivr ;yVqnit-tH