The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 19, 1898, Image 1

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M- tM-zgZvlv''s'S::stc?-g!3uk "-S5 JlSgytqaTa 9w
EEiHEl --Jkf"" ntsJki SK i!f4BiwHMJaMH l HtttttttfllflilHlHfllMBiKaHNRPsTEflSfl,1
Nebraska Mercantile Co. - Department Store.
SATURDAY MORNING, AUGSST 20th, we commence a Ten Days Special Bargain Sale on New Fall Goods. As surely as the needle points to the pole, that surely will
economy and self interest direct the prudent housewife to this busy big store. Scores of as big bargains as these we mention await your inspection.
No room for extended argument. Figures like these merit your business. COME.
Dress Goods
Nearly 100 new pieces of wool
dress good placed on Mile tit
sbeeial bargain prices, from
i2c to $1.00 per yard.
Dining our Ton Days Advance Salt) wo
slmll put in free linings tit follows with
unfit fll'ficu tmttfil'n fif fiOi llitt' Vfnll nt flVtit'
6 yds. best Cambric,
2 yds 12 Ac Selisia,
2 yds. iaAc Duck.
This is 11 special bargain opportunity Unit
it will pay you to take advantage of.
y WvilM'i
fr 7 if
f I
10 dozen
plaeejl on sale at.
special bargain
prices, fiOc, floe,
75c, 75o and 81.00.
T) Calicoes.
All til" hahiMcc of nut'
Shirt Waists
at ci)4t IucIih" tlii'in out
table linens.
Special values in tabic linens
that have never been equaled be
fore. Colored Tabic Damask at
at ISJe, ire, 18o and 25c.
Bleached Table Damask at i!5e,
!)5c, -Hlc; and 50c.
72-imih two yard wide half
blenched damask at 50c per yard.
Ttc, Gc, 7c, be. and 10c. Spesial
Special viilnes in SHIRTING at
at oo, ie, o add 10c.
TICKING at 12le.
Spncial values in BLANKETS nt
aim per pair anil upwards.
Choeee lino of nt w calicoes !
placetl on al :tt 10 yards for 25c.'
Only oih pattirn -r 1 1 1 toettcli latly
We are agents for and carry in stock a full
line of Butte rick patterns. They aro
tho best and as cheap as any.
Cotton Dress Fabrics.
New -onion's hi Si- per jitid.
Ne .vlln- it. i (I eoodH tit SJc to
Kill per d.
New eint'li- n.s a 5c to 10c per jtl.
.Merlin J mki-v Hed Citiicoes a
5c per Mtii I
ip si iittiek in d white and .cr
givi it mI f y Hi i-s print, nt 5 '.
Mwwwmfii.."'i"Mwiw MIWW.'
-v m New
WuiurliM Yarns
I RTjl I jSffffflrtJr&TX
5j flo is. cr
''3 ri- IW
C& It
Special Buigiiin prices on D1S1I
Special bargains in Muslins.
Yard wido Uml bleached Muslin
at 3c, 4o aud 5c per yard.
Yard wido Bleached Muslin nt
4Jc, 5c, lie, and 7c.
Mori's, Hoys', Ladies', Misses nntl
S H O E !
at money living prices.
Wo have moved our ladies' and
childieu's -noes into the back
part of inn dry goods room wiilch
give us tt belter- place to show
them. We Invite you to see our
now fall stock. It is the lail.esl
ami best slock we have ever had
Ladies' $1.50 dongoli button
shoe, sale pi ice $1.00. Also spec
ial values at $2.25, $1 50, $1 75,
S2 00, $'.'.50.
Men' Shoes at $1.00, $1 125,
$1.50, 8175,8:2.00, $2.50.
Tiy our II. C Godman school
shoes. They will ulvo you satis
faction and you can buy them at
a saving or 'mo to 50c per pair.
In our Grocery De
Wo can sell you Rood tirst clnss
groceries nt tho lowest prices.
Try a sack of our Blue Springs
warranted Hour It is the best
ami as low as any in prieo.
Special ltd Vance Sale on
CUV IfclP JGaA . !
Ytucl wide Hemp carpeting 18c.
Yard wide Ingrain carpet, 22c.
i wool Ingrain carpet at !15o
) wool Ingrain carpel at -10c.
All wool Ingrain carpets at dOc-
Aur best c.vstipcrliuo Ingrain
carpets at uOe.
Taoestry Brussels carpet at 50c
Alex Smith Mofpictto carpeting
al ouu per yam.
Window Shades
on Spring Hollers at 12u, 15c,
ami 25c.
Oil Cloth.
5-0 Table Oil Cloth at 12Jo per
Floor Oil Cloth at 20c per square
Special values in Ladies Kid
Gloves at 60c, 79c, and tl per pr.
osS. .r
It's a Pleasure
to show the clothes you buy from us to your latly or
gentleman friends. They arc so stylish, so just-right.
The style stays because they're made right, of the right cloths,
too. The linings are honest and the prices are fair and fearless.
Sec our windows, step in the store and note our treatment,
our methods; you'll not wonder then at our big success.
The make that guarantee you
"Style, Service, SatliUctloa."
Our now stock of Clothing has arrived. We invito you to conm and sco it.
Special Bargains in
Our Clothing is made by ono of tho best clothing manufacturers in tho United
States and Is as fully guaranteed as any lino that is mado . Wo can save
you monoy on your clothing purchases.
Our store is completely filled with new goods. We especially invite you to come and see them during our Advance Bargain Sale. We can show you the best and largest stock
of merchandise ever brought to Red Cloud. It will pay you to come.
NEBRASKA MRRCANTlIvE CO., Alfred Haclell, JMLetxietev. Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Frank Hyan is working up at Hast
ings. Corn won't bo half a crop in this vi
cinity. Ed Farkcs hn3 put a now roof on his
Frank and Nowt Sibert aro homo
putting up their tiny.
Tho Wornor store and postofllco was
robbed of 810 in money on August 3.
Miss Ada Horsb, who has been sow
ing in Red Cloud, camo home Sunday.
The wind last Friday night tooc tho
tops' off of most all tho grain 6taoks
and some of thorn it toro half down.
Iko Fardun cleaned his chicken coop
one day last weok and lots of the na
tives lost their lives trying to flee from
the wrath of tho coming.
Coph Uoscncrans lost a now neckyoko
a week ago last Monday, somowhen
bbtweon his placo and Will Williams.
Findbr ploaso return same.
Coph Uoscncrans is putting a now
roof on his house. We hope the fever
will bocotuo opidomio until tho rest of
tho sod houses aro iix'etl up in this vi
cinity. While Will Williams and 'wife were
attending tho pionlo on Buffalo crock
'sorao ono boi rowed live bars of soap of
Mrs. Williams an 1 have not returned
thorn yot.
Geo, Hoaton, Mr. Horsh, Ceph Kos
oucrans, Iko Farduu and Win. Points,
with their families a id friends, went
down to the river tisliing on tho Oth.
They caught quite a number of lish and
all had a good time.
Tho picnic at Geo. lleaton's grovo
was quito a success. The Buffalo
crcok school sang somo very nico
pieces. Misses Ada ami Dora Horsh
sang a duet whieh was a credit to them
solves and the school. There were
somo good pieces recited but tho wird
blow so hard fow of them wcro under
stood. Tho opening address was mado
by Mr. Horsh and tho response by Mr.
Ingram of tho Hopo school in Kansas.
After dinner thoro was an address by
Rov. Hussong of Rod Cloud. Everyone
gave good attention as it is not vory
often wo have a chance to hoar such
good speaking in tin so parts, Wo
woro also treated to some special sing
ing by Mrs. Husjong which was great
ly appreciated by all.
. .
Livor Complaints and Norvoubnosa
A torp'd liver always produces (lull
ness, irritability, etc. You are all
clogged up and feel despondent. Per
haps you have treated with physicians
or tried somo otherrecoinmeudetl med
icine without bonelit. All that is no
argument against "Dr. Former's Wood
and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic,"
which wo insist will euro nervousness
and livor complaints. If not satlslied
Dfliiiiiafnf.fiHa lw. I.. ....... .. ....
u,iv uoiuk vu uuiuu juui luuuey will I
borofundod by C. L. Coitiuif.
yT-sMiKjm.J n-' .amf on. -- - -- . T'y'
riir'arZielinimSJr.Zvu ,. ...-
fc &z&vKiiR&x&&mzcx&v
' ' ' " ' . MlMM
Wus Star has a now throshiug maj
Win. Haskins raised 32 bushels of
ryo to tho aero.
Chits. Davis sold his untie team last
Saturday for 8140.
Jas. Gravos and wifo woro visiting in
Durr Oak last Saturday.
Ryan aud Stetllus aro also doing good
threshing in these parts,
Mr. Wilson of Illinois is visiting rel
atives and friends in this part.
Millot is about all out and in tho
staok and somo of it is real good.
Soveral of our neighbors had 10 or
30 bushola of winter wheal to tho aero.
L. N. Fitzgerald baa bought 80 acros
of land near tho uoad of this creek for
R. C. Wilson will build a now houso
soon. Scrivner or Reitl will do tho
Albort Scrivner solti a small team of
horses for $05. K. C. Wilson sold ono
horse for 815.
Ed Cooper will sut out 150 worth of
applo trees next spring. Ho tins a good
orchard already.
Corn is standing tho drouth wonder
fully well during our dry spell nud all
other crops good.
Rov. Fiorco ot Highland held moot
ing at, Mt. Hope last Ftiday. There
was a good crowd out.
F. Graiiam raised 073 bushels of oats
off of ton acres. Sponoo Potter 40 bush
els of oats to tho aero and many others
about tho same.
Ex-Judgo and Rov. James Stono of
Lebanon has moved back on tho old
farm to live with his sou Zol Stono on
tho old homo farm.
Wm. Barrett has beon down south
about a hundred miles and just re
turned. Ho says ho likes our country
much bottor than that.
Wheat, ryo, oats and potatoes aro
all mado and also millot. Now if this
dry woathor cuts the corn crop a littlo
short wo ought not to kick.
School mooting at Mt, Hopo resulted
in tho re-election of tho director and an
olovon mill tax, and seven months
school, a now well and a lady teacher.
Miss Bertha Cameron will carry tho
gad for that school this fall and winter.
Albort J3laby is doing gootl work
with his machlno which has been in
tho sorvico two years. He and Wes
Starr aro our best machinists and
if a man only has iifty'bushels of grain
they thresh it out by the bushel and no
sot job for 84 or $5.
Woathor dry and hot.
Grandma Sodorlind is very sick.
Hay matcing is the order of tho day.
Hostilities have ceased on Stato
"Sheriff Wells was in Lino one day
last wock on ofilcial business.
Rov, James Campbell of Rivorton
preached at Fenny crook Sunday.
Strop Rothrook of Inavalo was in
Lino this wcok tho guest of Tuff Sutton.
Tho School Board of Dist. No. 8 has
engaged Miss Ovoring of Rod Cloud to
Mr. ami Mrs. Dug Davis were In
Line one day last week looking after
tho interests of tho U. B. preacher.
J. M, Stoddard has returned from his
visit In Missouri but ho does not
like tho old mossback Missourians.
Ho thinks thoro Is no placo liko his
Nebraska home.
Wuen you auk out of Boris, fool
tirod, languid and dull you nood Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It will brace you up and
give you strength aud energy, vigor
and vitality. ;
Hood's Pills are tho best family ca
thartic and liver tonic. Gontlo, reli
able, sure.
Proposal For Bids.
Tho undersigned school board of
District No. 0. Inavalo, Nebraska, will
receive sealed bids for tho erection in
Inavalo of a frame school house. Plans
anil specifications may bo scon at L.
Konyon's storo, Inavalo. Bids must be
(Hod with the school district treasurer
by August 81, 1808. The right is re
served to rojoct any or all bids.
Wm. Rbnkel, Director,
Jas. Bkoouvikld, Moderator.
L. Kenvok, Treasurer.
Somo Moro Exouraiou? via tho Bur
lington Routo.
Indianapolis anil roturn 820.C0, Aug
ust 10, 20 and 21, for grand oncam p
mont Knights of Pythias.
Cincinnati and return 820.55, Sop
tombor 3, 8, 4, 5, for national encamp
ment G. A. R.
Hot Springs, South Dakota and ro-'
turn 110, August 20 and Soptombor 10.
Tickots good thirty days.
Custer, S. D., and roturn 825.00, Aug
ust 20 and Soptenbor 10.
gtOmaha aud roturn, extraordinarily
low, ovory day until close of Trans
Mississippi Exposition.
Call and see mo about any of tLo
above ,
A. Conovek, Agent.
Shako Into Your Shoos.
Allen's Foot Ease, a powdor for tho
feet. It cures painful, swolion, smart
ing feet, and instantly takes tho sting
out of corns nnd bunions. It's tho
greatest comfort tliscovory of tho ago.
Allen's Foot Easi makes tight or now
shoes feol easy. It is a certain
euro for sweating, callous and hot
tlretl aching feet. Try it today. Sold
at all druggists and shoo stores. By
mail for 25o in stamps. Trial paokago
froo. Address, Allon S. Olmsted, Lo
Roy, N. Y.
t ,. ,
Tho Union Firolusuranoo Company
Is thb best mutual. Combino risks; In
installments 8 per cent. J. II, Smitit.
Spoelal Agent,
rgr? myifiwMra-NXJMji)u)w iirgmmura V?;maf 'WWiStWir' ' A'S
'iV...V. iv!1
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