The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1898, Image 8

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t5t&itomm$mmmaaemttAt&itoi lfcVjfcw. a
vt-f. H-M,WK!' -" t-rirwTTrTir
i .
erne Thing tlint OUturli th Ilouanhold
Every housaUccpcr knows Hint it In
not the Htcmly routine work which
goes on duy after day, with variations
of Incidental company and Incidental
extra work of various kinds, that
breaks down tho health and temper.
In tho harmonious home, and thoro
ro thounands of such happy homes
throughout tho land, each member of
tho family contributes n share of work
to tho complete whole.
Tho things that exhaust tho patience
and leavo a powerful impress finally,
tlko drops of water on tho hard rock,
wearing out nervous strength and pa
tience, tiro tho unexpected. There
seems to bo certain Individuals no con-
atttutcd that they can not conform to
the routlno ways of any homo. Thoy
invariably tangle up tho work by go
ing on in an individual way of
thoir own, regardless of the con
venience of all other members of the
household. Tho hour for breakfast
May bo settled for all the rest, but not
for them. In all sorts of unexpected
ways they manngo to Intcrfcro with
he routine of things, and actually
Bake double work for overyono else
There aro some housekeepers who
have no Idea of system, who aro hard,
trudging workers, forever cleaning
and grubbing over floors and pantrlos
that ought to bo kept clean. Ilustlo
and noise aro not parts of a good house
keeper's work. Tho wheels of motion
1b a well-kept house movo so nolslcssly
that no one is awaro that there Is a
system in all that goes on, unless it bo
hy tho senso of quiet and peace pre
vailing over everything. It Is
Just this quiet atmosphere whioh
the undisciplined person falls to
appreciate. Yet there can bo no
homo without serious breaks in
comfort where there is no thorough
system, disguised though it may be;
and the ignorant person wonders why
everything seems to bo in perfect order
without any display of extraordinary
.work. Tho reason is thut tho work U
all done at an appointed time, and an
iztra effort is made if thcro Is to be
aztra work.
The housekeeper who is systematic
does not attempt to do more than she
can. She refuses to do unnecessary
work which sho Is suro can not bo ac
complished without hurry and confu
lon, and which will put back ncccs
aary work. It requires cool judgment
,toc3timatc this, and some independ
ence to accomplish it When 'every
other woman In the vlllago has joined
a new society, it seems churlish to re
ifuse to do so, yet the systematic house
(keeper must omctlmcs refuse if it in
terfercs with necessary work at home.
'in general it will bo found that aha
does more for the church and for the
ther objects in the village beeauaa
her time is mo arranged that ahe ha
more to spare.
The family sewing-basket is mot al
lowed to get beyond her needle. The
Id maxim, "A stitch Id time saves
alne," la carefully heeded, and the
(sending is lessened. The systematic
woman keeps an account-book and
(knows to a penny what t he expendi
tures are. and she does not go beyond
them. She is not subjcot to untoward
aocldents, like tho upsetting of lamps,
i the overturning of china, and those va
rious mishaps that try the patience, be
cause she lscaroful. Tho whole seoret of
her system lies in her oare of little
things. And bcaausa of this very can
ahe is saved much of the labor of more
negligent women.
Nothing is so wearisome and so wear-
ling to the nervous system as the irrita
tion arising from want of system and
general haphazard methods of house
keeping. It is truth, not fiction, that
Indolent people always work the
1 hardest. They never find what they
l are in search of. Thoy make all man
ner of work which of necessity they
are compeled to take care of. N. Y.
; Tribune.
Taking a M omantons Stop.
riage license?" asked the loose-jointed
young man in brown jeans.
"Two dollars," replied the county
"Is that the reg'ler price?"
"It Is."
"Can't git it no cheaper in any of the
ther ofllces?"
"Don't keep no second-hand licenses
that was brought back 'cause tho feller
got slipped up on and hadn't no use fur
"Of course not"
"Well," said the young man, pushing
'his hat back on his head, "you kin save
ne fur mo. I'll bo round agin next
Baturduy with the two dollars. I'm
s;oln' back now to hunt up agal."
Chlcugo Tribune.
llruvvry Appreciated.
Waterman Talkln' about bravery,
there goes the bravest mun that walks
,tnls earth.
Summer Visitor That little dudo?
"That's tho one.",
j "Myl Myl Tell me about htm.
1 "lie cun't swim a stroke, und yet ha
sails a cat- boat." Good News.
I Ot No Importance.
t Guest (at a down-town restaurant)
-Gracious, do you know you're wiping
'that knlfo off with your handkerchief,
Mild-Eyed Walter That doesn't slg
mlfy, sir, it's a soiled one." Truth.
Ta I'arlar Military,
She (petulantly) I don't care if yon
are captain, you needn't devote all your
.tuns to drullnff your company.
Hs Hut, my dear, a captain is known
by the oompany he keeps. Detroit Free
English firemen wcro greatly ad
mired at the international congress
held at Antworp. Tho Belgians and
tho foreign dolegates warmly pralt ed
tho smart condition of men, horses and
engines, while the firemen voro most
enthusiabtlcally cheered for tho stead
iness of their inuroh past tho purad.
Till Tmirtilnit l.maon of n Very Clinrl
Inlile l.lfr.
Tho story of Ocorgc Franels Train
sltllng In the park surroiiiuled by birds
unci children Is n fninillnr on'. It Is
not o generally known that North Ht.
Louis was the home of a child and bird
lover who died some years ago, says the
St. 1iiiIh Republic.
It vtas this gentle did man's custom
to leave home every morning directly
after breakfast with his pockets full of
brend crumbs and rock enndy. He
'would go to one of the pnrks nenr his
home and sit down on one of the bench
es there. No matter how cold it was
he never forgot those bread crumbs.
At sight of him the birds would fly
toward him. There were not so many
sparrows then nn now, but sometimes
hundreds of them would flutter about
htm. He has often been seen sitting
thero quietly with the little birds
perched on his hat and shoulders.
When tho birds had collected he
would bring out. his store of bread
crumbs, and then there would be afcast.
The rock candy he kept for children
and poor people. He was always gener
ous with it. Ho would wiy that It was
pure and would help the poor wretches
to keepwnrm.
It is told of him that he once paid a
debt of $150 for nn old friend. The
creditor was told to say to Inquirers
Jliat the bill was paid by "one who loved
him." When they asked the old mnn
about It he smiled, butdld notaeknowl
edge that lie had paid it.. Ho merely
J'Ahl Love has paid many a debt."
Th Old I'nrnirr Found Thnt lie Hail
llren MUtiikcn.
There had been ratherubad runaway
accident In a mountain town. Scleral
persons had been Injured, and the doe
tor was miles away. Hut, ns good' luck
would hove It, a clever young medical
student happened to be on the ground
and did excellent, tcrvlce, says tho
Youth's Companion.
When the doctor oatnc there was
nothing to be done, but hellstened with
great Interest to his young colleague'
exposition of the cni-es. They talked
for a long time on the hoUl plazia. Tho
farmer who had lc-n driving the horses
and wn himself unhurt listened with
eager Interest to explanation! wherein
scapula, humerus and clavicle, ployed
prominent ports.
Finally he took up thorein?sndIy and
drove home to his wife. As soon an he
entered the ynrtl- she threw her npron
over her head nnd hurried forward to
meet him.
"Ephralm says some of the folks was
hurt," she called. "IIow much was It?
Did1 they break their legs or their arma
The farmer drew In his now pacified
Meeds at the post and let. tho Telna
slacken in his grasp
"Well," he said reflectively, leaning
forward, both elbows on his knees: ul
thought one of 'em broke his leg and
another a collar bone, an so on, but I
guess I didn't hit It right. I stood by
while the doctors were talkln' on'tover
nnd 'peored to me as If, artcr all, 'twas
only some of them Lathi parts."
trued for l.lfr flavins- Service Only.
The telcphona lines between the
United States life-saving stations along
the New Jersey coast will no longer be
used for any other than official busi
ness, orders having been issued from
tho department headquarters to that
effect. This will end the rivalry be
tween several promlnentmlnistcrs.who
have from time to time been preaching
to tho crews of the stations by the old
of the 'phone.
LstMt Hobby of Herman;' Emperor. "
The German emperor, who has hob
bles without number and frequently
changes them, has lately taken to civil
engineering. He has splendid work
ing models of a railway, steam, oil and
electric launches, which he works, os
tensibly for the amusement of his chil
dren, in reality for his own pleasure.
In tho palace at Uerlln the entire floor
space of one great room is frequently
the arena for the makc-bclievc maneuv
ers of whole troops of toy soldiers, with
mimic cannon, ammunition wagons,
tents, fortresses and all the pomp and
panoply of modern warfare.
Chain Twenty-Five Miles Long.
A -monster chain forty kilometers
(twcnty.flvo miles) long is being made
for Germany at tho Wattelar works,
Jumet, Belgium, tho total weight being
CSO tons, so that hlxty-elght ten-ton
wagons, or a whole train, will bo re
quired for its carriage.
The Hard Life of an African Ilaby.
I note, at Chlkwa's thnt 'the little
baby strapped to his mother's toek
has u rough nnd tumble time of It but
takes It all good-naturedly, and one
hears very little crying in the village.
The mother goes to the fields with baby
on her back, bobs about for hours In the
hot sun, weeding, hoeing and doing
general gardening; carries huge jars
of water on her head; scrapes him re
peatedly ns she bends nnd enters the
narrow, low doorways of native huts;
Rives htm a thorough shaking as she
vigorously pounds iivn with a long
wooden pestle; takes him by the wrist,
ducks him In the stream until he is
nearly suffocated ami then spreads htm
an. a mat to dry. E. J. Glove, in Cen
tury. " Htralnttl IteUttons.
She What Is the cause of the strained
relations between Westside and Pearl
He She punctured her tire the other
night and the nearest Westside could
oonio to tho air pump was a cork screw.
Buffalo News.
Rhoumatism Curod in a Day.
"MyricOuru," to; rhoumatism and
neuralgia radically euros in 1 to 0 days.
Its action upon tho system is remark
nhlo and mysterious. It removes at
once tho cause nnd tho disease imme
diately disappears. Tho first doso
urently benefits: 75 cents. Sold by II.
h, Oiico, druggist, un Cloud, Nob,
if ill
Itestore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not Irri
tate or Inflame, but lcavo
all the delicate tllneitlve or
ganism In perfect condition. Try them. Vi cent.
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood A Co., Lowoll, Mai.
Weather hot ond dry.
Corn somewhat damaged by tho dry
Small graiu turning out good.
Hay making is tho order of tho day.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lewis wcro tho
guests of L. A. Hosklns Suntlaj .
Mrs. Jchn Marsdon of McCook is
visiting friends iu Lino this week.
II. H.'Hnnkiiis flins returned from
his trip to southeastern Kansas, nnd re
ports tho corn crop afailuro.
Thoro will bo n lemonade stand on
tho grounds at tho picnic August 18.
Miss Lilllo orchard ot Corn, Kansas,
was tho guest of Miss Mary Shanon
The singing rally at L. A. Raskins
Sunday wns woll attended.
Tho picuio at Geo. Hcaton's last
Tucsdayjwas largely attended. Tho
Hope school of Kalians did some good
singing. Other schools did woll. Hov.
Hussoug of Ked Cloud gavo an address
tho subject of which was, "The Chris
tian Should bo Honored and. Loved,"
which was by all.
G A bthonu nation is made up of
strong men and healthy women, und
health and strength are given by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, Amoricn's greatest
medicine Got only HoodV.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to tako
with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy nnd
yet efficient.
Burlington Route California Excur
sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Lcavo
Omaha 4:35 p.m., Lincoln 6:10 p.m. and
Hastings 8:60 p.m. every Thursday in
ckan, modem, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Los
Angeles over tho sconic route through
Denver nnd Salt Lake City. Cars are
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring scats and backs and are provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters and experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make the overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths 15.
For foldor giving full information.
call at nearest Burlington Route ticket
ofllco, or wrlto to J. francis, G. P. A
Omaha, Nob.
Tho Bost Romody for Flux.
Mr. John Mai bias, a woll known
stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says:
"After suffering for over a weoK with
flux, und my physician having failed to
relieve mo, J. was advised to try Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and havo the pleasuro of
stating that one half of a bottle cured
mo." For sale by H. E. Grico.
What docs it coat to got thero? When
and how should you go? What should
ono take? Where are tho mines? How
much havo thoy produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages are paid? Is
living oxponsivo? What aro one's
chances of "making a striko"?
Complete and satisfactory replied to
the above questions will bo found in
the Burlington Route's "Klondike
Foldor," now ready for distribution.
Sixteen pages of practical information
and an up-t-dato map' of Alaska and
tho Klondike. Freo at Burlington
Routo tickot oflicoB, or sent on receipt
of four cents in stamps by J. Francis,
Gon'l Passenger Agent, Umiicgton
Route, Omaha, Nobr.
What Tommy Said.
Undo John Well what do you mean
to bo when you got to bo a mnn?
Littlo Tommy (promptly) A doctor,
like pa.
Undo John (quizically) And which
do you intend to bo an allopath or a
Littlo Tommy I don't know what
them awful big words mean Uncle
John, but that don't mako no difference
'cnuso I ain't goin' to bo either of 'em.
I'm just goin to bo a family doctor an'
givo all my pationts Hood's Sarsap
arilla, 'causo my pa Bays that if ho is a
doctor, bo's 'bilged to own up that
Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho bost family
raodicino ho over saw in his lifo.
It is related of Captain Sigsboe, who
was in command of tho Maine when
blown up in Havana harbor, that upon
ono occasion ho deliberately scuttled
tho ship that ho was commanding. It
was tho Blake, in which ho was on
gaged in deop sea sounding. In n hur
licano and heavy sea sho was drifting
on a reef, dragging her anchors.
Whore sho lay thoro was a soft sandj
bottom. Tho captain ordered her sout
tied aud down she wont. Later sho
was pumped out and raised an expen
sive operation, but far less costly than
u new ship.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdet
World's Pair Hlgbedt Award.
Musio on tho Graphophono.
Few people apprcclato tho marvelous
power of tho Graphophono as an en
tertainer, it is nn instrument which,
though it costs much less than tho
least oxponsivo musical instrument,
will enable its owuor to havo at pleas
uro music of any ,klnd from that of
tho bagpipe to that of tho grand mili
tary baud. It reproduces vocal selec
tions and gives ono command of every
pleasuro that appeals to tho senso of
hearing. No investment pays such
largo returns in pleasure. Besides re
producing tho musical and other rec
ords made for entertainment purposes,
tho Graphophono will record imme
diately aud reproduce at onco and as
often as is desired, your own words or
song, or any sound. By writing to tho
Columbia Phonograph Company, 720
723 Ollvo St., St. Louis, Mo.,youcnn
obtain a catalogue that will givo full
information u.scto prices of Grapho
phono outfits.
Dr. Fonnor'fl Dyspepsia Curo
As tho name implies, is simply for
dyspepsia or indigostiou. This prepa
ration is tho proscription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on medical questions
are accepted as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using ono bottlo your
mo ey will bo refunded by O. L. Cot
ting. For Salo.
Ono hundred nnd sixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of tho northeast quartor, and tho cast
half of tho northwest quartor of section
fifteen in township two north, rango
eleven west. Tho land Is leased at
presont, but subject to dale. Prico
$3,000. For further information apply to
Mrs. James Kihkwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
when the Creator said to woman,
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
children," that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race,
but the joy felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway or the Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized, in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system and as
sists Nature,
that the nee
essary change
takes place
without Nau
sea, Headache,
Nervous or
Gloomy Fore
boding of dan
ger, and the
trying hour, is robbed of its pain
and suffering, as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Mother's Friend" Is tho frresfeit remedy err
put on tba market, and all our customers praise It
blghly.MW. H. Kua A Co., Wnltawrlght, Tex.
Of druggists at 11.00, or sent by express on re
ceipt of price. Write for book containing valua
ble Information for all Mothers, mailed free
The BratteU Begiletor Co., AUaata, fla.
Trad Math
Stamptd In Shink.
It & ,
Purse nor Foot.
$2.50 KS
Made by The Brown Shoe Co
St. Louis that means Style
and Quality.
Berg Ss Smith.
IHIHttt WHUlf All llSt FAILS.
Host Cough Syrup. Tastes Uouu. Use
in unio. ho a dt uruBKiitiH.
jas a a a aMg
exact reproductions of the $10,000 originals by Muvllle, which will be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below.
These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No
manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in
the manner specified. The subjects are:
American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant,
English Quail, English Snipe.
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold.
has been the standard for as years.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's how good it is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch. Accept
no substitute.
Ghieago Lumber Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
State of Nebraska, Webster County, ss.
In tho District court thereof, of the Tenth Ju
dlclal district.
Nebraska Loan Si Trust Company
John McIIale, Ann J.MoIIale.hls
wife. Aaron Conorer, Gale Sul
key Manufacturing Co., Mccor
mick Harvesting Machine Co.,
Madison Manufacturing Co., A.
Koplscb, first full name un
known. State Bank of Blue Hill
and John Doe, real name un
known, Defendants.
notice or SUIT.
Tlio above named defendants John Mcllalo
nnd Ann J Mcllale, and each of thm aro hero
by notified that the aboo named plaintiff has
Hied In the abovo named court Its petition
nRaltiM them nnd the other defendanta named
above; thai the object and prner of said pe
tlton of the plaintiff are to forcclono two mort
gages bearing dnte the l'-itli day of .May. I8V0, ex
ccuicd by the above nxmed defendants John
Mcllalo and Ann .1. Mcllale. his wife, to the
plaintiff; on the following described real es
tate situate In the county of Webster, stato Ne
braska, to wit:
The north-west quarter (U) of section thirty
four, (34 In township four (4) north, of range
eleven (11) west of the 6th P. M.
Tho said defendants are further notified that
thoy, and each of them, are required to appear
and answersald petition of plaintiff, on or be
fore Monday, the 12th day of September, 1898,
or said petition of plaintiff will be taken as true
aud a decree will be rendered against them, the
said defendants and other defendants named
herein, decreeing that the satd mortgages and
each of them, be foreclosed ; that all the above
described real estate shall be appraised, adver
tised and sold at public auction by the sheriff
of said Webster county, to make and raise tho
sum ofK&3.6due to plaintiff on Its said mort
gage, together with Interest on said sum at tho
rate of tea per cent from the 10th day of Sep
tember, 1898, and the costs of this suit and such
salo; and said decree will further", provldo that
you, tho said defendants, and the other defend
ants named herein, and each of you, shall be
forever barred aud foreclosed of all equity of
redemption and other Interest In and to said
real estato and any part thereof,
Nxbiuska Loan aud Tust Comfant,
11 y Jacob Daily, Us attorney.
In the District Court of tho Tenth Judicial
District, In aud for Webster county, rvelratku
rimma .1. Thicker.
Francis Wpbbennlu.
Tho above named defendant Wobbermlil wJll J
tako notlco, that on the first day or Augunt, low.
plaintiff died her petition In the above entitled
court agaluet him. the object and prayer where,
of are thu foreclosure nf a mortgage need i;lven
by said defendant to plaintiff on tho 15th day of
Decomber, 1891, to secure tho mment of u cer
tain promissory nolo for tho principal sum of
1300, with Interest notes attached given by said
defendant to plaintiff on said 15th day or De
cember, 1891, on which thero is now duetMO.
which said mortgage deed was upon the real
property to wit: The norlheaet quarter of sec
lion twenty two In township one, range cloven
west oftheeth P. M In Webster County, Ne
braska, which Is rccorocd In "Hook O" of mort
gages at "page DOs" : plaintiff prays therein that
said defeudant may be forever foreclosed of all
Interest In or title to said real property, that said
'real property may be sold and the proceeds ap
plied to the satisfaction ot said debt.
Said defendant Isjrequlred to answsr said pe
tition on or before the 19th day of September,
1898, or same will bo taken as true and n decreo
passed accordingly.
Emma J. Duckxh, Plaintiff.
Randolph MoNirr, Attorney.
m !
City and country calls promptly nn
swered day or night.
Office ovf.ii Cottinq's Dnuo Stouk.
Okkkeetcr'a Eaalt.Ii Plaaoml llntao.
OrlstnaludOalrUrnoInc ,
arc, trUMH. iadic silt
Inuf tWI sr Ckklu.ttr't Inptuk iu-
Mmj jrrana in iua U4 UU4 ptuuw
tM. kum un mm raws, 'rake
I totu ad imitation. AIDriufiill.ttrM&d4.
la itani4 fcf rarilcolui, uiumMkUlt aoi
" Kaiicr rer M-amc,-1 uiur, uj mum
MalL 10.000 IrMlimnl.U. im hiprr,
lrliMtarCmuulCMl()u..Miullfn 1'lnrn
M teklJ
11 ei" J
A if
l.oia v
tuoAlUTuttlMb. I'lllLAUA.. 1'A.
A Beautiful
FREE for a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To induce you to try this brand of
starch,so that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for Hs superiority and econ
omy are true, the makers have had prepared,
at great expense, a series of
How To Get Them:
All purchasers of throe 10 cent or
six Scent pnekajros of Elastic Starch
(Flat Iron Ilrand), aro entitled to re
cede from tbelr grocer ono of thoso
beautiful Oame Plaqnea free. The
plaques will not bo sont by mall.
Tbey can bo obtained only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not delay. This offer
is for a short time only.
Coal and Cement.
Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Withoal Pitta
And all the latest Improvement la dental mecb.
ClessMt sad Uintiriw th Uit.
Promote. A fmwth.
Never Tall to Uestore Ony
Curw eceJp diMMc. a htlr itUiad,
iOc. end SI (JO at DnigUi w
Men Wanted school tkaciikrs,
anyone nonestand willing to hustle, wo will
K?7.oou wages a,na give sitaay employment.
With our facilities and personal help any man
fully allvo and willing to work can win a pay
ing position with us. Apply quick, stating ago.
L. L. MAY &. CO.
Nurserymen, Seed men and Florists.
What do you
expect to find
In n first class moat market r
The first thing is the class of
moat kept in stock whether it
is nice, tender and juicy, or
tough as a ten-year-old Texas
steer. We should bo pleased
to have yon call and put us to
this test. All our meats will
be found first class and the
best in tho market. Our prico
will atco bo found juft right.
A. R. Reynolds,
East siac Webster Street.
B. St M. B.Y
S'l. JOE
S'l. LOUIS and
all points cast and
and all point
TUaINB lbavb as follows:
No. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday
for Wymore and all point cast 8:00 a.m.
No. IS. Passenger, dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City. Atchison, St.
Louis and all points east and
south 10:20a.ra.
Nn. 141. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday, Hastings. Grand Is
land, Dlack Hills and all
points In the northwest 1:00 p.m.
So. 143. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and
Intermediate stations, via He
publican . 12:03 p.m.
No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and
St. Joe and Intermediate
junction points 18:l0r.m.
63. Frelcht. dallv for Itennhllr.n
uneani,uxiora anaau points
"-- "x : . tt i i: .- .
15, Passenger, dally. Denver, all
polntsln Colorado, Utah and
Bleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars,
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and
baggage checked to any point In the United
States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps or tickets
call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Geueral Passenger
Agent Omaha. Nebraska.
Special attention to Commercial and
i'rouato Litigation.
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