The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1898, Image 4

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A i
i I
A Grateful Mothor Writes this Lottor
Telia all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula 8ores.
' At tho iwo of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on bin right
check. Wo used all tho external ap
plications mot wo couiu minx or near of,
to no avail. Tho soros spread all over ono
eldo of his faco. Wo conHultcd n physi
clan and tried his medicine, ami in a week
tho 8oro was gone. Hilt to my nurprlno ffi
two weeks moro another Hcrofnlous look
ing Horo appeared on baby's arm. If.
grow worse and wrcr,ninl wlicn lion nit
threo months old, 1 Ix-tfnn giving him
Hood's Snrsaparllla. 1 alto took llood'ii
Bnrenpnrilln, and before tho llrst boltlo
was finished, tho sores were well and Imxo
never returned. Ho is now fouryearsold,
but ho hns never had any slim of thoso
scrofulous sores slnco ho was cured by
Hood's Hawipnrllla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to tills grot med
icine" Mii8. B. 8. Wiiotkk, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
7 it r-kiil "' lTOltlpt, ffllclcllt Mill
nOOaS PHIS easy lii effect. !rentt.
runmiiBi) nr
W. L. MoMIIiliAN.
?uo jrosr 1100
Millionth! , &0
Entoreil at tho post offlco at Itcd Cloud, Nob, hi
IccondcUnitnatl mutter.
For (lovcrnor,
M. I.. IIAVWAItl),
Of Otoe County.
For I.lciitcniiiit (lovcrnoi,
or Hiiro County.
For iecietnry of State,
0. DU11AS,
Of Hallno County.
Fur Auditor of I'tiblto Accounts,
Of DodKc Count)'.
For Trcamircr,
Of Valley County.
For tii)orl!iteiiIcnt of Public Instruction,
Of I.nucnhtcr County
For AttornsyUcncral,
Of Antelope County,
fur Lund Comiulmilouer,
(if Druglnx County
For KepreK'iiUtlu',
.1 8 WIlirK,
I'or County Attorney, i
For ComuiUxliiiier, M District,
For Coinmlmiloiiur, Mil Dlntr.ct,
JKItOMi: vanoi:.
Washinhton, 1). C , Augiit 8.
So far as llghiiug is i-oncemed the
war is regarded in Washington un over.
True, thu Spanish government is still
dilly-dallying nliout forwarding its of
lioiul nceopltinoo of our tonus of pence,
but it litis mused President Mcltinloy
to bo informcid Unit it is acting for self
preservation, uiul mil from any desiro
to duliiy tho nmttor; tlml it must sccuio
populnr suppoit tit homo in order io
nvoid ti civil wnr. That tho lulinliu
liation has accepted this information
iu good faith may ho judged from thu
fact that tho transports which carried
tho army of General Miles to Porto
Rico, and which woru to liavo been
used to carry roonforcomonts to Miles,
have been ordered to Santiago to assist
ic bringing llio men in Shatter's army
homo. (ion. Miles is still daily occu
pying now tunltory In Porto Rio ), but
ho is doing no lighting and it is not ex
pected that he will do any, unless tho
diHy-dnlryiug of Spain shall bo pro
longed to such an oxtotit as to provoko
tho president into withdrawing tho
terms of ponce that liavo been offered.
There is also reason for stating that
Qen. Morritt and Admiral Dowoy have
orders not to do any fighting at Manila
unless it is forced upon them. Al
though President McKinloy is natur
ally anxious that Spain should accept
thu terms of peace at once, ho would
bo perfectly willing to stretch tho "im
mediate" evacuation of Cuba, provided
for in tho terms, considerably, as hu
would prefer not having to si ml an
army of occupation to Cuba until well
into September, after the oickly season
is over.
To tho .strictly military mind, tho
protest signed by all uf ttio generals of
Gen. Shatter's army, against keeping
our oion at Santiago, to dio or reach a
stato of debilitated helplessness from
favor, which tho lattor forwarded to
Washington, presented n case of in
subordination that in any woll regulat
ed European" army would bavo result
od lnthejoourt martial of overy signer
of tho "tound robin." But to tho rela
tives and frlouds of tho men who wero
dying by inohosjfrom tho effects of tho
cliraato conditions around Santiago,
whoso removal was unquestionably
hnrriedjby tho publication charged to
Col. Theodore Roosevolt of tho
"round robin" although tho war do
p.irtmoct olllolals persist in denying it,
the protest was a good thing. Tho
pooplo of this country euro moro for
tho wolfaro of tuo men who compose
its nruiy tlun they do mh let military
rule. War department oflleials know
this, that is why thoy started to bring
Shaffer's mon homo so quickly. It is
porhaps, fortunate for tho men whoso
names wero attached to the Santiago
"riMinit robin" Hint, tlio wni' is about
tVl'V Tim til 111 il KM lllllMllll given to
Col. Kuiiauvt'li by bi-i-retary Alger, for
ontlmoir.s expressed in n pilvatolot
tor, is an Indication of wlmt thoy may
oxpect whilo thoy remain in tho ser-vicu.
Tho president of tho Cuban provis
ional government has written President
McKinloy a long letter, expressing
thanks to and conlidonoo in thu United
Stato, hut tho most important paia
trrnpli in tho letter is that which out
lines the Intentions of tho insurgents,
it nays "Our Hist step, with the ap
proval of the United Slates govern
ment, will bo to call a new assembly,
which will ti'picscnt, as farns possible
ovi ry section of territory and condition
of people. Th s assembly will elect n
now piovisiomil government that will
possess more powers than tho piesont
one, which is, of necessity, a govern
ment of tho i evolution. Hut tho result
of tho now nssembly will bo to form a
government which will still be limited
in power and whoso important duty
will bo tho establishment of a perma
nent and complete government, found
ed on tho lines of that of the United
States, and ono which, wo hope, and
have every reason to believe, will bo
satisfactory, both to the United States
and to Cuba." The prevailing impres
sion in Washington is that Cuba will
remain under United States military
government for some timo before the
Cubans aro allowed to mako any ex
periments in the governing line.
That there are good things in a pa
ternal system of govcrniix nt must bo
admitted by overy man who will tako
the trouble to investigate. The United
States consul at Chemnitz, (iorniiiny,
closes a leport to the stato dopailmeut
on the value of thu German working
men's insurance system, which pro
vides not only for death indemnity, but
for the can; of the sick ami their fami
lies for accidents, old age, ami inca
pacity to work from any cause, by say
ing: "Whether a system which makes
so much for pater lalism is one to com
mend, I cannot say. Its otlects here
have bcou an) tiling but bad. Povuity,
in splto of poor wages, is prac
tically unknown." Tho fund from
which this insurance is paid comes
f lorn b'lth Pinploors anil employe,
the furmi r paling niu-thiiil and the
latter IwoHiImU The insurance is
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
county, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is tho senior partner of tho linn of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho
city of Toledo, county and otnto afore
Mid, anil th t said linn wl I pa Dim
aliili of One lluiidiid Doilais for
and overy caso of catarrh thatcatinol
bo cut oil by Hall's Catarrh Curo.
Sworn to before mo ami subscribed
in my presence, this Oth day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1803. A. W. Gi.kason,
(skal) Notary Public.
. Hall's Catarrh is taken inter
nally ami acts directly on tho blood ami
mucous sin faces of the system. Semi
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Toledo, O.
OSnldby druggist-),
Hood's Family Pills aro tho best.
In the Klondike. ,
Tho following letter received by J.
II. Smith, from his son,W. 11. Smith,
who is ut present in Dawson City,
Alaska, will no doubt be interesting to
Hilliu's numerous old friends in this
city who will be pleased to hear of his
jjood fortune:
Dawson City, July 10, 1808.
Dkak Fatiikk Youi lottor just re
ceived ami was very glad to hoar from
you. I nrrived hero all O. K. Thu
hardships on tho trip aro terrible. Just
imagino mo going live hundred miles
in a littlo small boat through White
Horse Hapids, Miles Canyon, and Thir
ty Mile river and seeing boat after boat
wrecked ami lots of puoplo losu their
lives, and so it goes, but I was lucky
t hunk God. Dawson City has about
10,000 people, living in cabins and
touts. IjoUs of business hero. No
nights, daylight all the time. Stores
and business houses run tho twenty
four hours and never closo their doors.
Lots of money ami all huvo got dust,
and if I keep my health will get somo
of it. Wo liavo a contract of $52,000
to get out 9,000 logs for tho Alaska
Lumber Company. Waces hero nro
from $10 to 810 pur da. Somo of tho
prices horo hie, meals 83.50, tlmvo $1,
bath $2.50, cigar COo, drink GOc, hair cut
82.50, washing shirt 81.00, 'and overy
thing else In proportion. I shall mako
you a long visit if 1 over got out of this
country with plenty of money. Best
respects to all.
W. II. Smith.
Kidnoy and Bladdor Troublos.
If you suffer from kidnoy, bladdor or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or seautj uritie, Dr. Fennors Kidney
and Backache Curo is what you want,
Hed-weltlng by children is generally
cured by one bottle of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
many people doubting tho hoiicMy in
sincerity of them, we '.hcrefoio avoid
giving any here, but will furnish tin-in
on application to dealer whoso name U
given below. If not satisfied after us
ing one bottle your moiioy will bo re
funded by C. L. Cotting,
State Crop Conditions.
The wnut'ier has beuii cool ami tho
iiiiiifiill tho past week has been goueial
over tho state, although this stctlon
has received but little. In tbo western
part of tho stato from one-balf to one
inch, in tho central from ono to two
inches, in tho eastern from two to
threo Inches, and is somo localities
moro than threo tnchosis recorded.
Tho avorago dally temperature do
liciuncy was about four degrees.Tho
daily maximum temperature generally
exceeded III) degree on only one day,
.mil the avorago maximum of the week
was hut slightly above 80 degrees.
Tho past week Iris been unfavorable
for stacking, threshing, ami haymak
ing, but very favorable for tho growth
of corn, potatoes and other urop.s.
Coi ii has sulTorcd considerable perma
nent injury from the July drouth in
tin1 central and southern counties,
while in tiio northern counties little if
any dar.uigo has resulted to corn, Tho
greatest ilam-igo amounting to from 10
to 70 per cent of tho crop, has occurred
in Fillmore, Saline, .lulTerson, Thayer
ami adjoining counties.
Tho rains of tho week have placed
the ground in excellent condition for
plowing and thu preparation of ground
for fall wheat has generally com
menced. Spond AugUBt in tho Hlnck Hills.
Go lint to Hot Springs. There you
can bathe, rido bicycle, climb moun
tains, d.-iuuo ami play tennis to your
heart's content. If your limbs are
stiff, your kidneys out of order or if
you are troubled with eczoma or any
other form of skin disease, a month at
Hot Springs will make a now man of
Sylvan lako and Spearhsh .iro within
a comparatively short distance of Hot
Springs and everyone who visits tho
Hot Springs should see them. Sylvan
Lako is the prettiest and coolest sum
mer resort In the west. Spearlish is
reached after a railroad ride that ranks
among the experiences of a lifetime.
There is nothing like it anywhere olso
on tho globe.
During August tho Burlington will
run two low rato excursions to Hotf
Springs, one on the UUi, the other on
IhoSG i it Unt m uith. Pekets will
be i'd a one f ire for Hie ruin ! trip
half r .tics ami will bo "o..d t ie urn
1 any time wi.hin thirty dny.
' O'guui.i n P'irty. AiT-im.') a'-"iit
your iioti-i accommodation-, at Hot
Spring. (Jet your tickei-. from tho
Hiu!ii2loti agent and tns thu most
delightful mouth in too year in thu
mo ft delightful si'.mmerland on the
Tho Union l-'ii-u Insurance Companj
ii tlie iic-.t mutual lommuo ri-K-i; in
i'lMiillmoutH 1) per cent. J. 11. .Smith. I
Special Auunt
Oh, the Pain of
IUioumatism often causes tho most in-
fnnuft utifTftt-Imr Mnnv linrc. frit v-nitm unm.lif wnllnf fv.ti il.ta .1 !.!, 1.1 Inf.
diseaso, and aro to-day worse off than
over. Rheumatism is u blood disenso,
and Swift's Specific is tho only euro, be
cause it is tho only remedy which can
reach such deep-seated diseases.
A few years bko I wns taken with inflamma
tory Illieumntlgm, which brcamo go intense
that I was for weeks unable to walk. 1 tried
several prominent physi
cians and took their treat
ment faithfully, but was
unable to get the Blight
est relict. In fact, my con.
dltlon seemed to grow
worse, the dlseasu spread
over my entire body, and
from November to Maroh
I suffered agony. I tried
many patent medicines,
but none relieved me.
Upon tlie ad v lev of .
friend I decided to try
Before allowing mo to take it. how
ever, my guardian, wno was a copiuiii, ana
lyzed the remedy, and pronounced It free of
oiasn or mercury, i ien ua muca wucr aucr
aklnir two botllei. that I continued the rem-
rdy.aud In two months I was cured completely.
The oure was permanent, for I have never sines
had a touch of Rheumatism though many
times exposed to damp and cold weather
871 1 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia.
Don't suffer longer with Kheuniatisni.
Throw asido your oils and liniments, as
they can not reach your trouble. Don't
experiment with doctors their potash
and mercury will add to your disabil
ity and completely destroy your diges
tion. HUH.
for Rlnnil
will euro perfectly and permanently.
It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and
jontains no potasn, -mercury, or other
mineral. Books mailed free by Swift
3peclllo Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Ottlce ovtr Post Olltce.
Does a general law business.
Practices in all courts.
Caveat, and Trade-Markt obtained and all Tat-
ent DuincMcomiuctea lor Moocnatc Fttt.
oun Orricc is Oppoiitk U. Q. PATtNTOrrici
and vro can Kcure patent in lest time tuaa louse
remote from WathlnKlon,
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. Yi'o udvise. if patentalle or nut. lico of
charcA. Our fea not duo lilt natent Is secured.
' A PAUPHLtT, " How to Obtain 1'atcnts," vrltb
cost o( same In the U, S. and foreign countries
sent uco. Auurcn,
I Orp. patcnt Orrici. Wa.minotom, o. C.
a. s. h
Railroad Engineer
TattlfU to Dancfltt Received From
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
TIIHItr. Is no tnoro responsible position
on earth than tlmtofnrallrondcngtn
ecr. On his Ntcnily nerves, clear brain,
bright oyo and perfect self command, de
pend tho safety of 'tho train and tho lives
of Its passetiKcrs. Dr. Miles' Nervlno mid
other remedies aro especially adapted to
keeping tho norves steady, tho brain clear
and tho mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer V. W, McCoy, formerly of 1333
Broadway, Council Hinds, but nov residing
at3llt Humboldt St., Denver, vrritcs thatho
"suffered for years from const Ipatlon, caus
ing dick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles'
Nerve & Liver l'llls. I heartily recommend
Dr. Miles' Uomcdles."
Dr. Miles' ItcmedlM
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first boltlo
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
Klkhart, Ind.
tin (
n relics-
tra., vocull-ts or lnlrti,
lnciitnlfnlolf. lliin-U
nothing llko It for an cxetilng's entertainment.
Oilier m-c.illel talklni; inueliliK-4 reirlucu
( nly reeonls uf cut-iunHlrli-il Milijieti,veliilly
prewired In a laboratory, biittliuUniplmplinne
Is not limited to such performnnie. On thu
(implinplionoyoucan enslly makeiitul lntnntly
rii(xliico reconla of tho olce, or any soiind.
llais It coiKtantly uwuketis new Intvrwt mid
It-t eli-inn Is ever fresh. Iho ltjiroduttlous aro
iK-uriind brilliant.
rapliophones are sold lor $10
Mnnufm-tiiml midor tlio rilpnt of lloll.Tnliilfr,
IMlnnii nuil Mnriloiinlil. Our puinliltnlimi nt Is In-nil.
i,imrll-n orilut world for Tnlklntf .MnililntauiKl
lulktiiK Maililno Supp Irs. Wrttu (ur catalutiuo.
721 Ti! 01le St., hT 1.0 CIS MO.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
Splendid 160 acre
farm, near Blue Hill
and Bladen.
Northwest quarter
13-4-12, now
occupied by
Washington Reed.
Will sell on small
cash payment,
balance on long time.
Apply or write to,
Leonard Everett
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
OaJifornia rar.dies.
Bp- Rootore .
mj,. HoQlthjS
rE !
W i LW C 'J
L'BFLj JF V1- ate It i
itII a sfiM lnliftc
ii w m .bk. m nuiii mt t will in i
W vm th X Rays In th Ex
amination f PlataaM.
This is the Largest, Oldest and Only Responsible Sanitarium
In the Country. Call and Consult us, or Write a Description of
Your Case, and We will Give Our Opinion and the Probable Cost
of a Cure. If Others Have Failed. Don't bo Discouraged. We
Have Cured Hundreds that Have Been Pronounced Incurable
and Given uptoDle. AddressallCommunlcatlonsto Dr.C. M. Coe,
Kansas City, Mo,- we hae treated and cured thorsauds of cases in the
past twelve years, and it is only reasonable to say lint our large experience is a
sufficient guarantee of success. We make it our 1 incss to keep npaco with the
progress of the ajje, always adding the latest inve: i s to our Sanitarium, there
by giving our patients the advantage of the latest m j wements as well ns our
many years of experience. All leading lines of loii ..k icial business have long
since adopted the practice of sending out men to represent them, and we find it a
source of jjreat convenience to send out from time to time, one of our Phvsi-
CiailR WllOSC duty it IS to further
cians whose duty it is to further examine and consult our patii
enabling us to bring about the most speedy and satisfactory results.
fciln order that our patients in your vicinity may have the ndvai
ther consultation, one of our Physicians will visit your town wit
Apparatus, and other instruments nt -
disease. If vou are nfllictctl, or in any way in need of Medical or Surgical aid,
call and see tie Doctor, who will give you any information you may desire
concerning the manner and method of this Sanitarium. 4."
Don't Forget the Dates. Come and Get an Opinion of Your Case.
Consultation and Examination Free.
man being has
Our skilled optician examines oyes free. Como in and lot him exam
ino your eyes. If you don't require glasses ho will tell you so.
Only regular doctor of refarction in the county.
Newhouse Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians.
UrTho vny limst Wateh, Clock and Jewclay Repairing. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
wwwwvwwwyw w
; Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles!
Ho lilted acciii-.itul.v, perfectly and speedily by ono who can do it
LATEST GRADUATE Ol IMCI AN I Imvi. . I... linct and most coinpl.'te
trial cao for testing tho cyea in the valloj. Am bettor equipped for ami
do the optical business of this coiiutj. Will lit you better and eheunm-
than can bo done elsewhere.
If tf U rll fVltttl VM.HH VlWK i. .! taitMtwnit
vlLcfe ui.J U ufnIW WAA ilMMi. t1 Btntr LI IW -.
Hint riiiiKcs nervous
bo corrected at ouco. I .yea I eatod free.
Watch examiner for li. Ac M.
eity Dhv and
If Iho lines in this diamond figurr lo net .wor.K cucapor ami better than it can
nppear iqually black in all tho dom- uisowliere. WItlE Initial
meridians it indicates u i.'l.."t d s:i:ht Hngcrlini-r Haeast Pins and Braco-
In .i. ..v.iirt n( 10U1J "--I- lllllllf w 'MO VOU wiilf. K
Goods Delivered to any part
Building; material. Bto.
red Cloud, - - Nebraska..
Subrcrihe for The Chief,
$ j.oo per year.
ev. - mnnc mid rnnn1t nnr nnlinnlo ifmrnf,.
Kintage of fur-
vnnp (mun mmM, ni, Y-T?ni.
rcsnrv fnr tlie prxnitintn ...,,;,,ainn ni
ou owo your oves-tlmt of ptoperly timing
for them. on can't be too careful with na
ture's greatest blessing, and tho most deli
eate organs your eyes. N.iaiU uu-rv hu
v wirw www w
A Good Alarm Clock for 75o.
When oti conic to buy thN clock
you will li ud that I huvo them and
wil not try to sell you something
higher priced. You will iiud all I
ollei lor sale equally cheap, such as
Willi do your complicated watch
ng done itlsn whiloyou wait.
Je.volor and Graduate Optician.
Express Mne.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest I
and COAL.
KUlUMMsMITistOtstflMMt t
7jrrvy7r t.'