The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1898, Image 8

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    rHJfi RED CLOUI) CHIEF, JbKiDAX, JULY 15. 1W98.
rimnr.UTC :
rn co en i uni iuuuumu.
J hv o. oko-Vknou dawk.
(Ooiijwrltfhto.1 l'j linvu- A Tnbor )
lltlSf IIS till' Ktli'lliltll lf
ii bloi'k of
Ki'iintti Ih derived fxun ilic alums Unit
composes it iiol In tliti form of loco
lioslvu dust, hut In the form where each
nluin hoars pact of tho litmlon and
clings with liriiincNs lo Ha tiulRhhor
Mom; mi national durability consists In
dlstilbutlnp;thuhiinl'nof tlio govern
ment upon ns ninny shoulder's in po
rilhlu nnil In tho muusuro that those
shouldcis nro nhlolo hear; to tlio end
tlmt thi-ic shall hn nono either groat or
Slllllll WllO oSOIiptl tllO feeling Of HI-
BpoiiHlliilliy townrde tho nation ns n
whole. Measured by such n Mnndiird
nonoof the grout natloiiM of tho earth
iipptouch it inoro nearly than Gioat
Itiitnln and tho Unltod States.
If it bi trim that moral power in fur
ther reaehiiiR anil more enduring than
physical, nnil tlmt history shows ninny
instances where the iniluoneo of a
man's great thoiiRbt will go on through
tho centuries, while his physical,
stroiiRth perishes at death or, if exert
ed during lifo, extends as far ns his
arm can reaeli and no farther; then it
will not bo unfair to insist that tho na
tions most likely to exert pr'csont In
fluence and to live on and on nro those
that have tlio best comprehension of
moral duty towards tho individuals
within or townrds other nations out
side. Again measuring up tho great
modern nations, wo aro forced to tho
conclusion that notwithstanding many
human mistakes and many individual
and national lapses, Gront Uritaln and
tho United Stales comes the nearest to
tliisl standard. As pointed nut last
wcok, thoy allow tho individual most
rights. They compel from him no
special form of .belief, and enforce up
on him the fewest forms of silence.
Both of thojo nations also havo been
sldo by Bide in Bending out to others
tho Rroatest civilizing, educational,
medical and spiritual influences. Both
nations have gotton of good nod theu
in truest altruistic spirit have endeav
ored with enthusiasm (sometimes mis
taken) to pass it along.
On the score of both political nnd
moral enlightenment these two nations
nro placed in tlio van of the neverceas
ing generations of men. Though con
stitutional monarchy is on one side aud
democracy on the oilier, these two nro
ono in impulse, one in thought, ono in
racial destiny from which neither can
wrench free. Henceforth, since the
American Colossus has learned to
stride from island to island half way
round the woild, both aro to meet ono
problem tlio pet formnueo of duty to
ward alien, uncivilized, down-trodden
people Again (he genius of tho lace
will force the declaration that not by
physical power shall it bo done, hut by
the exereiso of justice and meicy. "Ly
tho giaco of (iod, defender of lh'
faith." ii oritM'nvfd on l'nulish coin ;
"lty the grace of (iod, defender of Jul
man rights," must be now engraved on
the hidden tablets of the AugTo-Ameil-can
Such a destiny tin ills tho imagin
ation. It excludes all boasting; for
the oppoi Utility to hold high tho light
of leadeiHhip carries with it apprehen
sion of a falling shoit of duty. As
pointed out a few weeks ago, the ever
recurring temptation will 110 to l ely on
physical force. It has already present
ed itMilf in tliu pioposed offensive a d
defensive alliance with 'Great JSritain.
Surely that would bo retrogression in
deed after painful centuries that have
declared the moral in national life to
bo more enduring Until the physical.
If co-operation is to exist, it must bo
on lines, lest we sot back the
Sirogress of others by arousing in them
ealous aud forceful designs upon us.
It is our united opportunity to placo
upon tho brow of humanity tho choic
est crown of a lasting civilization.
With peculiar grace but particularly
from tho United States fresh-flushed
and physical victories both havo it in
their powor to declaro that thoro Ih
something mightier than war, some
thing stronger than rending explosives,
braver than hoarse thrcnts, nnd that is
peace. Then let us in the midst of
this sudden levival of racial feeling,
peripit our eontilbiillon to the new
century that already dawns, to bo tho
establishment of an international tri
bunal of peace. In the midst of the
force needed to strangle fifteenth cen
tury bloodlhlrstiiiesx, will our thoughts
thus be set luwnids a higher pl-uie of
power for both limn we now occupy.
Thus will the htoken liairiein of Spain
not become open gaiewavs for lohbory
and oxtnition, but, broad highways of
pingrcst wherein dwo'leih righteous
ness, which after all is tlio only thing
tlmt exalletli a mil ion,
From the snow line of Canada to the
Everglades of Floiidn, from Texas to
Newfoundland lei tho clamor arise re-
alstlessly for a new arbitration treaty
between our two halves of one race.
Somewhat over a year ago such a
treaty whn thrown out by our senate
on the chief ground of "hereditary en
mity," whatever that may mean. Yet
It lias never been fully realized by our
pcoplo how strong even then was tho
feeling in its favor. Forty three son
Mors voted for it. only twonty.six
ugnlnst it and these largely from tho
loss populated int rlor states. Thren
more votes In favor of it would havo
filaced it upon tlio record books of eu
ightetiment. Much litis happened
since then to bring us very closo to
each other. If tho fruits Blinll bo per-
potual pcaco, our moral leadership in
this great uneasy world will bo assured
for long.
At present wo nn u sourco of unensi
noss to European nations, who dread
the effect upon us of tho recent knowl
edge of our own strength. They nro
least ltkoly to attempt interference
with our now suzerainty over romoto
Or. Price's Cream Baking PowOet
WrU'iFlr Highest AWdaliad DWwi.
possessions when they understand that
this nation, capable on short notice of
ticnicnilous fighting capacity, is ready
to deelaie Against shot and shell, lint
if thoy can Mm) be matlo to understand
that both England and Anietlca, both
enormously stiong, aro willing to mako
war as remote as possible, tho effect of
our action will bo great. The tense
and anxious faces of ilieso nations nl
teady ovei -burdened to desliuolbn
with win aiinainents Hint come from
reliance on force, will relax. Tax pay
ors whoso money not alone Is taken
but whoso family groups nro biokoti
will llvo in hopes of n dawn of univers
al sense .vlien the wiotig shall bo un
derstood of hulling youths away from
productivity to a life of coinpuUoiy
arm bearing that makes of tho soldier
nieioparisitoi and automatons.
Llvor Complaints and Norvovsnosa
A torp'd llvor always ptodueo dull
nr s, ir Itii.illi y, etc. You aro all
clogged uj) aud feel despondent, I'm
hap1) you havo t eated with physicia r
or tried somo o erreconimonded ined
icino without bene. t. All Hint Is no
argument against "Dr. Fenner'B Wood
and Liver ltemedy and Nerve Tonic,"
which wo insist will euro nervousness
nnd liver complaints. If no satlsiled
after using ono bottlg your inonoy will
bo rofunded by C. L. Cotthig.
ilarvr-ting is on in full blast.
Clins. Frisbio wii" in St. Joo one day
last week.
Mr. Docker's molhor from near Ne
braska City is lieio visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Warner of near
Guide Hock called hero on tneir way to
Red Cloud.
Miss FloroncoIIarwoodof lied Cloud
was visiting at Mrs A. It. Saladen's
Tho ladies union society will meet
with Mrs. Miller Wednesday.
Ilev. Smith will preach hero Sunday
afternoon at J o'clock.
Don't forget choir practice at the
school house Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hasscr'a daughter
from Milwaukee is hero visiting.
Kind friends of Web-tor county. You
nro invited to nttend an ico crcim nnd
enko soclnl at this placo Thursday
evening, July 31st. 1'lo.tso remember
that Lester is tho famous old Am boy,
tho placo noted for its wonderful pic
nics, not stylish but onjnynblo picnics.
This social is 10 he on tlio school hou.e
lawn. Asido from tlio refreshment
several mnusemonts will bo furnished,
and e.icli one will have 1111 opportunity
to visit and dig for gold in tho wonder
ful mines of Klondike. Come ono and
all and bring your wlfo and children or
best girl, ami liavo the best lime of tlio
season. Come, is the wisli of your
friends, tlio Ladies Union Society of
Sam Miller is tlio owner of a nice
now buggy.
Mis. I'M. Russet's daughter and niece
of Milwaukee aio visiting relatives
Finnk Frisbio returned from Kansas
lr'lltiil (Mum -ir.'lciiln fwiiu Ql T.1.1
WII.) HUH '"!-'. IH-IUIU I.F,,1 UU l".-,
T it. ..1. 1. ...... 1.1. .1.1 .1., .. ulml I
IICS4 tlip.
The men y.go-round has quite an at
traction for our pcoplo.
The smiling countenance of Geoif.o
GiilToth is (juilo often seen in our. v'
cinity. Tim Tophamirf helping J. W. Sala
den lmivot his giain.
Lmisa Mulick spent a
week in Cosvles.
few days last
CLrcuco Cox is on thu sick list this
Mis. O. II. Frishio spout Thursday in
Gulilo Hock visiting hor sistur Mrs.
Holiiud of Toxiis.
Dr. Morrilt expects to start for Colo
rado soon.
Corn plowing will soon bo a thing of
tho piist.
Harvest hands dumund 91.00 por day
and nro sctirco at Hint.
Huv. J. J. Uaskins is back Irom his
now homo in southeastern Kansas. Ho
ciimo hack to nttond tho funornl of his
wlfo who diod nt their now homo on
July 0 and wns brought back to Guido
Hock for burial in Munlo Urovo ccmo-
tory. Hov. D. II. Dillon of North
lirtuit'h proaulii'd tho funeral sermon. Myrtlo Andcison was homo on with friends thiswrul:.
Oliarlcs Hesse and wifu woio tlio
Ktiostd of Charles Isom one day this
llirain Uaskins lias ouu on a busi
ness trip to suutheaslern KtiLsas.
E. W. Audortion was thu guest of
Win. Vtuidjko on Sunday List.
There will ho an ice cream Focial at
lite lVnny oreuk school house, Disjltiet
No. 8, 011 July 'i'l at 8 p.m. for thu bun
ellt of Hov. Con Hewitt.
Hiloy Luwls nf Smith County has fin
ished gaihuiinu. his 01 op of ohciiics.
Mauled, 011 ,Iulo !i, 1803, Mr Chas.
liovnolds uiul Miss Lola llousulioldut',
at Adolpli JetiiiiKs, Kev, Con Hewitt
Thoro was quite 11 suipiisn on Rev.
Con Ilowilton July Vi. Guests to tlio
number ol thiity-niiioennioiii on lilui
with Iheir huskelN well illled. T iu
tnble was spread mid all had supner
nnil then a good waim prayer meetlcg
Miss Cora Lewis from Dunver, Is
homo on a shoit visit.
Hurvoy Morrill htta
in tiouthuru Kiinsas.
roiio for a visit
Nancy J. Uaskins, wifo of Hov. .1. J.
Haskins, diod at Uaruutt, Kansas, July
(Uli. 1898, nt 0 p. in., aged 04 years and
ID dnvs, Shu moved witli hor husband
nnd ilvo children to Webster county,
four miles south of Guido Hock, in
1871. She was convorted at tho ago of
uvolvo, and Joluod tho United lirotliroti
church, lived a christian lifo 53 years
aud has gono homo tn reap her reward.
Tako Laxative llromo Qulnlno Tub
eta. All druggists refund tho money
if t falls to curu, 25c,
Ouro nil liver Mi, lul.ous- gu m m a
ncss, lir-mlncltr', sour stum- BZB uj W a
ncli, Indigestion, conitlp.v m 1 1 W 5
Hon. Tlioy net emlly, ltli. B H 0 &
out pain or Krtpo. Hold tr nil drii(tjrlt. y, cents.
The only Villi to tako with JlmM'a riariinparllU.
Services each Lord's Dnv as follows:
lorning f'y v'ee at 10..J0. Subject,
"Aiitl-Clnist Heligioii." (Second ser
mon.) llliilo school, 11! in.
Junior Christian Endeavor!) p.m.
Hctior Clitistiau ICmleavor 7:15 p in.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Christian Tmditlon."
Extellent music eaeli service.
Sei'iiioii at Cow !- 3 at U p.m.
l'rayer meeting and bible study on
Wednesday evenings.
Ladies' Aid Society Friday ate
Our pleasant church home nnd all
Lorvices aro over open to tlio public.
L. A. Hussong, rastor.
Services next Sunday 11s follows:
Morning service at 10:30.
Quarterly meeting service held
Kev. A. Sleor Ii of Superior.
Sunday School at 11 :H() a.m.
Junior League at 1 p.m.
Senior League nt 7 p.m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Con
dueled by Kev. A. Sleeth.
There is to be given under tho au
spices of tlio Epwottli League a grand
miisicalo on Thursday evening July
Prayer meeting on Wednesday oven
ing at 7:110.
ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon.
All aro most cordially invited to nt
tend. Jamks Makk Dahuv, I'listoi .
HAITIST ciiuitcn.
Services noxt Sunday as follows.
Morning services at 10:150. Subject,
"A Heathen's Confession."
Sunday School at 11:40,
Juniors meeting tit 3 p.m.
Young People's Union moots at 7
Evoninirservico nt 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Post Mortem Servico."
General prayer meeting wouncsuny
evening at 8 o'clock.
All cordially invited. Scats free.
Isaao W. Kdson, Pastor.
Hegulnr services next Sunday ns
Morning services at 10:30. Subject,
"A Divine Command, Not a Prophecy."
Sunday School ntll:4i.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor nt T p. 111.
Evening service at 8 p. m.
Preaching at Indian Creek in Dist.
J4, at 3 p.m.
Mid-week prayer meeting and con
ference Wednesday evening at 8.
All cordially invited to attend these
FitANK W. 1)i:an, Pastor.
Doafnoss Cauuot Bo Curod
hy local appli.-alions 111 tliey cannot
1 eacli the dijeased portion of thu our
Theie is only cno way to cure deafness
and Mint is by constitutional leuiedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of thu mucous lining of the
Eustachian tulio. When the tubo is
iulhimcd you have a rumbling sound
or ininorfeot hearing and when it is
entirely closed deafness is tlio result,
and unless the inllaiiiiimt'.on can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition; hearing will bo de
stroyed forever; 111110 cases out of ten
nro caused hy catarrh, which is nothing
hut an iuilamed condition of thu
mucous surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars
for nnv enso of doafuess. caused by
catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
catarrh cure. Send for circulars; freo,
F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills nro tho host.
Corn is being laid by and harvesting
Alta Hollingsworth is still quite ill.
Charley Burgess spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clino, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner woro pleasant
cullers -U Mr. 'Poland's Sunday.
Tlio Not Ihbi anchors who atlended
normal mid look the examinations aio
all happy over their returns.
Miss Dortt Tnlaud is spending the
week at Mr. Crcgorj's.
Mi.Airanls puicluiM'd a new har
vester and has It tit work. Ho was cut
ting for Mr. Duller on Monday.
Mis. .1. J. Hiiskitis was burled tit
Maple (irovb churchyard last FiMay.
Hor detith was veiy sudden.
Champion shot of tho World.
Miss Annio Otikloy wntos- "Mysolf
anil many of thn lSiill'iilo Bill Wild
West Co. havo !von Alluu's Foot Enso
tho powdcir to liuku into tlio shoos, 11
most thorough trial, nnil it ilous nil if
not inoro tliuti you uliiitu." It instant
ly tnkes tlio sting out of corns nnil
bunions. Allen's foot curu is 11 curtain
euro for hot, aching, nervous or sweat
ing feet. Sold hy all druggists and
shoa stores, Sflo. Sainjilo milt frou
Address Allen S. Oltnstead, Lolloy,
Now York.
, Hhoumatism Curod in a Day.
"Myf ,lo Cure," for rhuunmtisni and
neuralgia, radically cures in 1 toll days.
Its notion upon thu system is remark
ahlo and mysterious. It removes iu
once tho causo and tho disease imme
diately disappears. Tlio first doso
greatly honelits; 75 t nts. Sold hy II.
E, Grfco, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob.
' 1
Dr. Fonnor's Dyopopsia Curo
As thu name Implies, is simply, for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration In tho prescription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings nn medical questions
aro accepted as authority, If not sal
Isfaotory after using ono bottlo your
mo-oy will bo,refuiidud by O, L. Cottlng.
Music on tho Grnphophono.
Fow pcoplo appreciate tlio marvelous
power of tho Grnphophono as an en
terminer. It Is an instrument which,
though it costs much leis than the
least expensive musical Instrument,
will enable its owner to have at pleas
ure niusio of any kind from that of
tlio bagpipe to that of tho ginnd mill
tary baud. It reproduces vocal .selec
tions and gives one cunuuanu of every
pleasure that appeals to tho sense of
biuting. No Investment pays such
large 1 eturns in pleasure. IUsdes re
; o.iticing tho tuiHicai and other tee
olds made for eiiteitnitimeny purposes,
ho Grnphophono will record Imme
diately and reproduce atoncoandns
often as is desued, your own words or
song, or anj sound. Hy writing to the
Columbia Phonograph Company, 7'JO
Vii Olivu St., St. Louis, Mo.,jotioan
obtain a catalogue that will gKv full
infoiiL'aiion aseto prices of Grnpho
phono OlltlltS,
Kidnoy and Bladclor Troubles.
If you sutler from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scanty urine, Dr. Fonners Kidney
and Hnckaclie Cure is what 3011 want,
lied-wotting by children is generally
cured by ono bottle of this powerful
1 einedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
.ii.niy people doubling tho honesty or
ti'nccrity of them, wo '.hcrcforo avoid
giving any here, but will furnish them
on application to denier whoso nnmo is
given bolow. If not satisfied after us
ing one bottle your money will bo re
funded by C. L. Cottlng.
For Salo.
Ono hundred aud sixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
Ked Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of tho northeast quarter, and the east
half of tho northwest quarter of section
fifteen in township two north, range
eleven west. The laud is leased at
present, but stibjoct to salo. Price
$2,000. For further information apply to
Mns. James Kikkwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her 'bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that, the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way ol
Nausea, Heartache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of "Mother's Friend," and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lady, tho mother of thrc
children, who suiiered greatly in the.
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
MnMiAi-'a fiYlnni!' nf mo before her'
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
laUUl VttO SUUI HI uuu Itoa ...w....
Joun O. Polhill, Macon, Ga.
Sl.OOFERBOTTLE at all Drugstores,
or oent by express on receipt of prioe.
HflflKS Containing Inyaluatilo Information of
IVA" Interest to all women, will be sent to
FREE any adttreM upon application, b;
The bradficl requlatorco., Atlanta, Oa.
WOMEN used
VYlo think "fe
male diseases "
could only be
Ireated after "lo
cal examina
tions" by physi
cians. Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modest women
client about their
suffering. The In
troduction of
Wine of Cardul has now demon
strated that nine-tenths of all tho
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention
at all. The simple, pure
FVh - .m
taken in the privacy of a woman's
own homo Insures quick relief and
speedy cure. Women need not
hesitate now. Wlno of Cardul re
quires no humiliating examina
tions for its adoption. It cures any
disease that comes under the head
of "female troubles" disordered
menses, falling of tho womb,
"whites," change of life. It makes
women beautiful by making them
well. It keeps them yeung by
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at
tho drug store.
For adTlea In esses requtrinr special
directions, address, giving symptoms,
tha ''Ladles' Advisory Depsrtmer.t."
The Chatttnooea Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Term.
W. I. ADD1S0M, M.D., Carj, MUi.,uy:
I tits Wins or Cardul eitenilvsly In
priparaUon far fenula troubles."
Hiuincno rmcrcu
si --miY'Kr 12. KK&
i.-ii.r--. j. . -"-iMt-tj-J
i:jm txtuw kid am : smM w.
Kmririt1 "(irn .
SCTitc rouxo or th' mH win. to
Al rffH Ka IUV.W hj nAh,
.C.tTllBlNGCn HK0?CO
..d.flllfta AUU
1 VW.-MP-I
0 1 ORiftb
9 was
exact reproductions of the $10,000 originals by Muvillc, which will be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below.
These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, arc free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No
manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers. They arc not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in
the manner specified. The subjects arc:
' American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant,
English Quail, English Snipe.
The birds arc handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold.
has been the standard for 35 years.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's how good it is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch. Accept
no substitute.
J3ilclin.g: material, JBto.
Red Cloud,
Ghieago Itambep Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
Ordinauco;Nb. 00.
An Ordinance to minimi Section :M of 1111 onll
iiiinci) know 11 ns N'iinilcr 74 or the cuuillel or
illniiiilcHor ilii'cllj nf I.'cil Cloud.
llo It ordnlncd liy ilie miijor ntid city uonncll
of tlio city of Hfif ( 1'inrl, Ncbriiskfl, tlmt fcec
lion -t of nu ordlnniilc kion und docrllioil n
NuiulierTI. of Hie comiillLd ordinance of tho
clly of Ited Cloud, Xvuriifeka, bo umeiidcd to
reiiil nfullpuB:
section -1. it f-tinll be unlflwful fornnyper
son ulililn mid clly to sprinkle, elect or throw
water from pi Unto or puhllo uprlnklcr, wnnhcr
or hjdrunt upon Hiiy public street, limo or
nllcy, or liny yard. Knrdeii or cncloburc, or per
mltorcftUBO tliexmne to bo done, nor upon or
iiL'nlust nny bulldhiK upon mich Ktiect, lane or
alley, extept for tho extliiKUinlimeiit of fires
and ordinary houno clcanlni; except between
tho bourn of G and 7 o'clock a.m. and 0 and 8
o'clock p.m. of each day. It shrill 11U0 be un
lawful for any person having a sprinkler, raih
oror tndrant lu or In front of his premises to
sprinkle, eject or throw water in front of the
premises of any other person, or permit or cause
till) biunu to bo douu except for tho extinguish.
incut of fire, und nay other person vlolatlUK
any of tho provisions of this secliou shall upon
conviction thereof be fined In any sum not ex
cecdlnK Ten Dollars and stand committed until
such tluoand cons aro paid.
That said original section be and tho same Ib
hereby repealed.
This ordinance shall tako effect acd l-o In full
forvo from und after Us publication mioidiUK
to law.
I.. II. Ukok, Mayor.
Attrn-Ii. K. Tait, City Cltrk.
OrdinrmcoINo. 08.
Auordliiuii(UHpiiroprlatlliKriioiie)Koiitof tho
H'U'rnl mud of the clly of HcU (Jmid, Ni,
brnsLu, to thelites of therliy.
Hull iirdnlucd by the major mid coiinpil of
lied Cloud, Nubrntka, that ihu loilou iir
iiuioiiiits bo and tho t-umt' nro hereby u .
prlntrd out of tho sevcrul fin ds herein desl);
iinted for tho spcelllo imrpon's herein men
mien for the (in'ul tear 1MM. to wilt Out of
tho liunerul fund, for olllrlal tnlnrlch Wn for
stiict mid writer voMimlhsloucrniul liollco (IH,
fur hall rent SllO, for Incidental exenK.h'.'V);
cull of urner bind fund, for Ititt-rtot 011 wnlcr
tinnl liuui; out or mhIit levy fund, for wnicr
enk'nuer HSKO; out nf otcupatlon fund, fur
ii'piilrs 011 trct'td MOM, for Incldtnlnl ex
lenict NAl,UUi out of water fuud. for coal
iiuuio, for' repairs tn water s)tcm Sixxion.
This ordliiauro shall tnl.o clfcct and be lu
force on und utter Its publication necoidlUKto
law .
I.. II. ISkch, Mayor.
Attest : I.. K. Tit, Clerk.
JOrdinanco No. 07.
An ordlnanco for1 tho le1 of taxes upon all
tho taxnblo property of the City of Hid (loud,
Nebraska, for tho fiscal ;cnr comineuc Ing on
tho first TiUMln) lu Slay, ItBH
llo II ordained by tho major mid council of
the city of lied Umul, Nelniislii, that the fol
lonlui; taxes be, and the mine arc hereby lcled
on all tho tnxnhlu property of tho city of lied
Cloud. Nebraska, as per tho assessed valuation
thereof for tlio tiseni year conimeuriiit; on tnu
first Tuesday In May. ih'JS. to wit: For penorul
revenue purposes lu mills on the dollar, for ine
payment of interest on water bonds 13 mills
on the dollar, for tlio priiueut of Interest on
electric Unlit bonds s mills on the dollar, for
matiitcuauco of water works 6 mills on tho
This' ordlnanco shall bo In full forco and ef
fect from and after its publication rb provided
by ftW L. II. Deck, Major,
Attest :-L. K. Tait, Clerk.
RANDOLl'll MoNlTr,
Special attention to Cominorcinl aud
Probate Litigation.
A Beautiful
FREE for a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To Induce you to try thi9 brand of that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority and econ
omy arc true, the makers have had prepared,
at great expense, a scries ol
How To Get Them:
All pnrclmpors of throo 10 cent or
six 5 cemt pneknfrcs of Elastic Htnrch
(Flat Iron llrntul), aro entitled tn ro
colvofrom tlielrRroccr ono of tlicso
boautlful (lame Plaques free. Tlio
plaquo9 will not bo font by mall.
Thoy can bo obtained only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not delay. Tills odor
ie for a short timo only.
Goal and Cement.
J. S. EMIG-H, !
Crown g Bridge Work or Teelh WiHoot Plates.
And all tho latest Improvement lu dental moch
City and country calls promptly
Bwored day or night.
Offick ovr.n CoTTiNa'8 Dnuo Stoiie
CMrnctter'a Enctlah Plsmon.t Ilranct.
Orlsfnnl ftnd Onl.R.n..1n.
?"' '-w,i rubl. " ic uk ,
moitJ flran.1 In Km sol 0-tl itmllla
I'Kt.italal wlin ul; rlLtajo. TbLo '
oiu and (nitfUioni. a i iirojjun, or rail 4c
u.ii7'VJ'" J'i'i!'- KMUlosUU uJ
.."."."I " roillws"(n(.Kfr, trrrlura
viT. r-.. ..'..r-'...:.;v..".."-J.-'"",."."v'r.
mtufUcsiuTuacju, l'lllLAIlA . i.
Cleinir slid lrnutil tho hilr.
1 Prnulh
IJcvLr Palls to Ilrstoro Qray
Curu tcilp ii..aiM ii In fr filmic!
k;,nJtl'-a Unir?Ij
Men Wanted &V11.001' thapiieiis,
mou naincu, MHuiiAMca..FAUMHK?l
anyonu honest ntid hIIHiik to hustle, we will
purirood wakcn and k'lvo stfiidy cmplojmcnt.
ftli our fuellltles ami personal help any man
fully allvo and wllllnu lo work run win a pay
liiK position with us. Apply quick, statliiR ago.
L. L. MAY &. CO.
Nursorymen, Secdmon and Florists.
What do you
expect to find
In it first class moat, innrknt. y
l i
fWH?Bf M
Tho first thiiiR is tho class of
moat kept in stock whether it
is nico, tondor und juicy, or
tough as a ti n-ycar-old Toxas
steor. Wo should ho pleusedici
to Imvo you call and jmt us to-T
this test. All our nienls will
ho found Urst olaas and tho
host in tho market. Our prico
will alto ho found Juft rlKht.
A. . Reynolds,
East sine Webster Street.
Ur. Price's Cream Baking fowdet
A Pure QriD Crtan tt Tarter Po wAw.